View Full Version : Empire City: Mutants & Masterminds Campaign Idea

2012-11-15, 04:52 PM
Has Empire City been used anywhere else?

Can't help wondering where I heard it before given my luck!

Anyway thinking of setting a PL5 campaign using the Silver Storm for inspiration so that the players start off as either perfectly normal until the event that changes them into heroes or trained or tech based which requires a bit more thought.

Actually got my players to generate using the gm toolkit about a year ago and looked at a variation of this since I feel PL10 is a little over the top at the present.

The characters they created include a Speedster, a Power Mimic and a Sand Elemental although the fourth player declined the recent podcast from Punching for Justice has got me interested in seeing if this could work.

I'm looking at a Golden age style but set in the modern era with the backdrop being that superbeings are relatively rare and most present are the result of family lines stretching back into history but never in large enough numbers for them to be remotely common.

One of the reasons for this is a subplot inspired by Image Comics where an agency hunted down those with special abilities and kidnapped and surgically transplanted the suspected source of their abilities into their operatives in my setting this was far from ideal leading to research into how to create new supers but given the world population I figured the best chance was using a multi-cultural mix large enough to provide the best test sample ergo they set off the Silver Storm and created the heroes who are otherwise normal people who have fledgling abilities and enemies who were either also empowered in the same event or seek to manipulate them for their own goals and thats just the ones that aren't out to turn them into guinea pigs or surgical experiments...

Going a bit too far for now wanted the PL lower so I can keep the opposition on a similar scale if i can get this off the ground it could develop to as much as PL10 or higher but I'd like to see what they'd like to do in that situation.

What do you think?

2012-11-15, 05:03 PM
I clicked on this hoping to see it was about C.O.P.S (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C.O.P.S.) :)

2012-11-15, 05:05 PM
I clicked on this hoping to see it was about C.O.P.S (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C.O.P.S.) :)

Oh wow I remember that series it didn't click the name of the city mind you, but a fine resource!

Much obliged for the link!