View Full Version : Oriental Kingmaker (IC)

2012-11-17, 02:09 AM
OOC: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=261713

Ah, Leazus. A grand country, and united by one of the greatest bushi who ever existed, the royal Leila. Plated in gold gloryborn armour, and wielding her powerful Katana. She truly was one to focus on her goals and work on helping the country.

The other major power? A 10 year old girl, Himiko. Empress of the country, despite not having an official power, her influence and grace makes the country bend to her will (having over 10 levels in Courtier doesn't hurt). So when she ordered the expansion to the new world, many jumped on board.

The lords couldn't leave, and many of them were too focused on keeping the country in check. The end of the war meant many of their power bases were weakening. Add in the fact that many of the lords are not made for engineering or sailing, but combat means many would be useless.

So it's up to you.

Picked by Leila, your group of low-level adventurers was sent into the wild sunset to attempt to find new land, and ship back resources that could be used to rebuild Leazus.

"I see Land!" A woman sailor yells from the mast. Taking out his spy glass, the captain scans the land.

"It looks decent...lots of trees...and we're near a mountain, that would be easy to quarry and would make it hard to invade. What do you think?" he turns to the leaders who are on deck looking over the ship's logs and resources. You don't have a ton of food left. You could look for another land, but you would risk starvation, and you don't have enough left to go back to Leazus and survive.

2012-11-17, 07:19 AM
Ikiruhe Dajan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=470136)

Dajan looks up from where he had been sitting curled up in the prow of the vessel going over supply reports, his emerald eyes narrowing as he takes in the distant shoreline. Due to the majority of his belongings being stored down below, he is dressed simply in his dark blue Kimono bearing his family crest on the shoulders, with his Daishō tucked through the obi which he shifts with one hand as he stands and moves towards the ships master and his companions.

"I believe our supply situation will force our hand in this instance. Even if we decide not to use this area to found our new community, we need to go ashore to re-provision the fleet and learn something of this area. We could take some of our experts and see what they think. I say we land."

2012-11-17, 07:29 AM
The Captain nods, and gives the order to land. You make a soft successful landing and dismount.

If anyone has survival, perception, nature, or geography skills, feel free to use them.

2012-11-17, 07:40 AM
Ikiruhe Dajan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=470136)

Once the decision to land is made, Dajan moves below and exchanges his silk robe for an undershirt and dons his armour, a simple set of breastplate, bracers, greaves, and helm all lacquered in dark greens and black. Checking his quiver and bow, he finishes with his swords restored around his waist. After a brief moment considering his pack, he leaves it where it is and moves back on deck waiting to go ashore.

Once on dry land again, he moves slightly away from the bustle of the landing party, bow in hand, and squats down near a small bush, taking in his surroundings.

Survival (add another +2 for favoured terrain if he is looking at a forest): [roll0]

Perception (add another +2 for Forrest and/or +2 if there are humans out their for fav. enemy): [roll1]

Knowledge nature: [roll2]

2012-11-17, 08:37 AM
The forest terrain is similar to that at home. This wood is useable for construction.

The bush is a plant you don't recognize, but from what you can tell from the scent it's got alchemical properties. It smells sweetly.

The trees in the area are all of similar types, implying either one type of tree which took over the area overtime by taking all the resources, or someone planted these on purpose. From what you can tell, the trees aren't planted in any order and seem to be growing naturally.

The ocean water is not safe to drink. However the trees here don't grow on salt water implying fresh water is available.

2012-11-17, 11:49 AM

The young riverfolk loved being on the water and almost frowned when the captain cried that they were going to make land fall. She stepped to the prow of the ship and pulled the strands of her long black hair from her face as the salty wind tossed it to and fro.

Once on land she looked at the forrest and the rest of her surroundings.

[roll0] nature
[roll1] geography

2012-11-17, 12:13 PM

The only thing you note above what Ruik noticed was that this climate is fairly warm. It's likely if you do get winter here it will be either very harsh, or so mild it'll seem like a long fall. However judging from the plants it's early spring, so you have a good 6-8 months of time to prepare.

2012-11-17, 01:07 PM
Kazimasu Kenjiro

Kenjiro was more excited than his expression would demonstrate, but his tail is undeniably wagging.
As soon as he steps on the land, he firmly plants his sandals and his staff in the ground, glad to be off the ship. Sailing is fine, but not for such a long time.

Kenjiro breathes out deeply, getting his concentration back together, and says:
"We should locate a source of fresh water. A river is to be preferred. "
He takes another deep breath, and observes the area.

Knowledge (Geography): [roll0]

2012-11-17, 01:34 PM
Your knowledge tells you to head towards the mountain, as water likely would flow off it.

2012-11-17, 02:29 PM

"Yes, water would be good," she says looking at the mountains. "But first shelter. For the time being I can make us enough water."

2012-11-17, 03:02 PM

"Yes, water would be good," she says looking at the mountains. "But first shelter. For the time being I can make us enough water."

"We await your orders!" The buildmaster says with a bow. "Just tell us what to build and where to build it. There's enough room on this beach for a good port town."

(Either debate here in character, what to build, or go to OOC)

The rest of the forces start to unload the ships and do minor repairs to the ships.

2012-11-17, 09:09 PM
Saito Atsuo had his own reservations about leaving the ship, though such petty, selfish fears were easily swallowed. Before they'd set sail, he'd worried about the voyage, for he'd heard often that sailors were a superstitious lot, and a man whose features bore the unmistakable taint of an evil spirit's touch would hardly be taken for a good omen, he imagined. If the sailors had been apprehensive about his presence, none had shown it, and he'd been more welcome amongst the sailors than he found himself to be in most company. After all, many of them were outcasts and misfits, much like him, just cast out in different directions and for different reasons than he'd been.

The sight of the land comforted him, though; in the new world as the old, the mountains judged no man for his face. In the longer life afforded to children tainted by oni, he had seen enough battle to hope, if only for the others' sake, that the mountain never had to serve as a bulwark against invasion. After the bloody years in which he spent most of his youth had finally come to an end Leazus, it would be a shame to see the same tragedies and horrors repeated an ocean away. Again, though, such fears were to be swallowed. To allow fear to make one forsake one's duty was to open the floodgates for all temptation. Armed and armored, as it was his habit to be, Atsuo shouldered his pack and made his way ashore.

After a suitable pause opened in the conversation to be certain he was not interrupting, Atsuo interjected "I, too, can provide us with water." Giving a quick bow of his head to Su-Lin and the build master, he asked, "For how long will our provisions sustain us before we must find another source of food?"

2012-11-18, 01:22 AM
Struggling a bit under the weight of her own possessions bundled in a large pack, Mingmei waddles off the ship amidst the hustle and bustle of the sailors-become-laborers. Her load was certainly lighter than theirs, but so was she, and her arms were certainly skinnier. Plopping down the bag on a patch of grass, she surveyed her new home. "This should do quite nicely. I believe shelter on solid ground for everyone should be the first order of business." She nods along to the other mystically-gifted members of the expedition mentioning the water would not be an issue for now - indeed, it seemed to be among the earliest lessons of mystics to purify, or even conjure, fresh water. "Who knows how to search for edible plants? And I hope one of you knows how to hunt with the many bows brought along?"

2012-11-18, 04:30 AM

The buildmaster turns to you. "Long enough. We can always fish for extra food. That's why I say we turn the pier grassland into a city, build a house for the people, build the pier, and then after that is done, start expanding into surrounding lands to make farms."

You have claimed your first (and only) hex for this month, and made your first (and only) city for this month, you cannot build farmland due to having no free hexes, likewise with roads, you can place 1 house and 1 other building during this month, remember that the first house does not count towards buildings built during the build phrase.

The buildmaster recommends the house and pier, but will go with your orders.

2012-11-18, 06:10 AM
Ikiruhe Dajan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=470136)

Dajan breaths deep of the crisp forest air before standing and moving back to join the slowly assembling group. He listens intently as the plans are discussed before turning to the master builder.

"It seems that we are in agreement then. Shelter for our people, and then begin establishing the pier."

He turns back Su-Lin and addresses her, turning so that he includes the rest of the group in the discussion.

"I have some skill at hunting. With some assistance, I should be able to find food for us, especially if we can supplement it with fishing. As for fresh water, and indeed an understanding of our new home, I suggest we send out a scouting party. The forest here is much like what I know from Leazus, and I would be happy to accompany it."

2012-11-18, 10:26 AM

She nods at Dajan and then turns to the build master, "Yes, houses first then a pier."

Back the the Feytouched ranger, "You should lead the scouting party since you have experience in this, I'll come with you. Who else wants to come?"

2012-11-18, 10:28 AM
Please go to the OOC thread, and pick the location for the two buildings.

2012-11-18, 08:42 PM
"Your reasoning is sound," Atsuo nods to the buildmaster, "Fishing, hunting, and foraging ought to provide us enough food to last until we've established a degree of infrastructure. If we find anything unfamiliar, plant or animal, I should be able to discern if it'll be toxic."

Directing his full attention to Su-Lin and the rest of his compatriots, "I spent my youth among mountains. Perhaps I, too, would be of use?"

2012-11-19, 04:33 PM
Abe Hiroki

Abe finishes the bit of calligraphy he was practicing on-board the ship, and holds it up to the sun to see it better.

Rubbish. The shaking and swaying of the boat made it impossible for him to practice properly. Annoyed, Abe crumples up the paper and tosses it overboard before donning his ashigaru and lifting his iron-banded kanabo. He steps onto the shore and looks about, examining the land.

Knowledge (Local) [roll0]
Knowledge (Nature) [roll1]
Gather Information (to represent chatting up others on the ship) [roll2]


"Many apologies for my lateness, friends, but I required practice. It seems my hands are not as steady as I would like with a pen and brush."

He looks up at the mountain and points to the peak.
"Do we know what spirits call that mountain theirs? Surely they would be mighty allies if pleased."

2012-11-19, 05:04 PM

"We can ask the spirits if we see any. WIll you join us exploring this place."

2012-11-19, 05:21 PM
Abe Hiroki

"How many of us are going? Will there be enough left to defend our new home while you are gone, or should this one stay behind and assist the workers?" Abe asks.

2012-11-19, 05:41 PM
Kazimasu Kenjiro

"I will stay and oversee the activities. I doubt our new home needs defending, for now at least. If there are hostile creatures in these lands, it is more likely that your scouting party will encounter them. "

2012-11-19, 05:47 PM
Ikiruhe Dajan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=470136)

Dajan motions to their companions in turn as he speaks "So far we have agreed on Su-Lin-sama, Saito-san and myself to go and explore the local area. I believe that our master builder can coordinate the construction efforts here, under the supervision of Kazimasu-san. Katsuie-san and his warriors are also capable enough to protect the remainder of the group here at the shore-line while we explore."

2012-11-19, 09:36 PM
Abe Hiroki

"Very well. This one will accompany you on your journey. It would not do for this one's friends to be hurt by marauding beasts and goblins," Abe hefts his kanabo up to his shoulder and tips his ashigaru's conical helmet up a bit, "Do we have what we require for such a trip?"

2012-11-19, 09:44 PM

"Well that's four of us. Let's go," she says brightly.

"Mingmei, do you want to come or stay here?"

2012-11-19, 09:52 PM
"I have no strong preference. Do you believe my talents would be of use?"

2012-11-19, 09:56 PM

"It's more a question of desire than ability. After being confined to a boat for so long I thought you might want to stretch your legs."

2012-11-19, 09:57 PM

"Well that's four of us. Let's go," she says brightly.

"Mingmei, do you want to come or stay here?"

Make survival and perception checks.

2012-11-19, 10:59 PM
Survival [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

In case you wanted them from the rest of us as well.

2012-11-20, 12:00 AM
Ikiruhe Dajan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=470136)

Dajan turns to Su-Lin as she suggests an immediate departure. "I have left my belongings on board our vessel. We can leave immediately, however I suggest that we go for no more than a day. Alternatively we have have the crew bring my possessions in the next wave and I will do a quick check of the area to ensure there is nothing dangerous in the immediate vicinity while they bring them ashore."

Of course we could also just assume that all our stuff is in the process of being unloaded, as it was mentioned that "The rest of the forces start to unload the ships".

Also, in case that request for checks was aimed at everyone:

Survival (add another +2 for favoured terrain if he is looking at a forest): [roll0]

Perception (add another +2 for Forrest and/or +2 if there are humans out their for fav. enemy): [roll1]

2012-11-20, 12:32 AM
The request want sent at everyone. Also you seem to be rolling d10's.

2012-11-20, 12:51 AM
Survival (add another +2 for favoured terrain if he is looking at a forest): [roll0]

Perception (add another +2 for Forrest and/or +2 if there are humans out their for fav. enemy): [roll1]

2012-11-20, 12:57 AM
Survival (add another +2 for favoured terrain if he is looking at a forest): [roll0]

Perception (add another +2 for Forrest and/or +2 if there are humans out their for fav. enemy): [roll1]

You pick up some basic rations on the way. As you walk through, you see a pair of eyes starting at you. At first you think it's a fox, but the instant you look at it, flees, with what are clearly footsteps. A kitsune. This continent is not empty, and now someone knows you're here.

2012-11-20, 01:51 AM
Ikiruhe Dajan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=470136)

As soon as he sees what he believed to be a fox run, Dajan drops to a knee and nocks an arrow, but does not draw as there is no apparent danger. After a moment he goes moves cautiously forward to see if he can pick up the trail of the retreating kitsune.

So a quick track check, survival + 1 for track ability:


2012-11-20, 03:12 AM
Ikiruhe Dajan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=470136)

As soon as he sees what he believed to be a fox run, Dajan drops to a knee and nocks an arrow, but does not draw as there is no apparent danger. After a moment he goes moves cautiously forward to see if he can pick up the trail of the retreating kitsune.

So a quick track check, survival + 1 for track ability:


She's blitzing through the forest leaving a clear path. Either she's very bad at stealth, or she doesn't care if she's followed. You follow the trail and find a colony of Kitsune, a small village. But then you notice something very odd as you analyze the people. You spot the Kitsune covered in mud at her feet clearly being the one that ran. She's covered in what looks like expensive magical items....and what looks like a slave colllar around her neck. A collar that none of the other kitsune are wearing.

2012-11-20, 05:38 AM
Ikiruhe Dajan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=470136)

Dajan stops as far short of the village as he can. After noticing the difference between their surprise encounter and the remainder of the kitsune, he turns his attention to the village. Once he is satisfied, he tries to quietly make his way back to the remainder of the group to tell them what he saw.

Made an assumption that he would either go forward alone or with someone who was stealthy enough to keep up with them, and then go back to report in.

Perception (add another +2 for Forrest and/or +2 if there are humans out their for fav. enemy): [roll0]

Stealth: [roll1]

2012-11-20, 09:28 AM
Abe Hiroki

Abe would have followed Dajan, staying close behind in his hybrid form (the form he prefers to stay in).

Hybrid form raises dexterity to 17, and gives +4 on climb checks
Survival [roll0]
Perception [roll1]
Knowledge (Nature) [roll2]
Stealth [roll3]
If we're using PF skillsets, I need to edit my skills later, and get approval on my changes.

When Dajan and Abe (Forgot to specify, Hiroki is his last name, and I understand he should be listed as Hiroki, Abe, but it's easier for me to not eff up if I list him as Abe Hiroki) near the clearing, Abe will stay back for a moment, whispering to Dajan, "This one will take his form and keep watch."

Abe takes one full round action to shift into his monkey form, and scurries up a nearby tree to watch over the clearing.
The book says his items shift into his body or something like that, but it doesn't say how his stats change or if it acts as a polymorph like effect or if it's magical, and I know 3.0 polymorph and shapechange rules are different. I do know that in the lore, though, that the full monkey form is his 'true' form.

Climb, taking ten, add four for eighteen strength, two for ranks in climb, and eight for monkey racial skill bonus for a total of 24.

Even when Dajan leaves, Abe will stay on the top of 'his' tree and observe from hiding.

Stealth [roll4] (Monkeys have +10, but Abe has two more dexterity than the average monkey, so...*shrugs*)
Perception [roll5] He's actually better at focusing on looking for something when he's a monkey. D:

EDIT: But, of course, monkey form or not, the forum roller hates me.

2012-11-20, 10:30 AM

Su-Lin followed the chase. She wasn't particularly stealthy but it was a sure thing that the Kitsune had already seen them.

Reaching the village she is marveled at the sight. She had never seen a colony of Kitsune. Su-Lin stepped forward and presented herself. "Hello, I am Su-Lin."

2012-11-20, 07:43 PM
Ikiruhe Dajan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=470136)

Nodding his head in agreement, Dajan is barely past Abe when he notices Su-Lin moving out into the clearing. Cursing softly under his breath as she calls out to villagers, he attempts to move into a position from which he can cover her.

Ready action to shoot anyone near Su-Lin who threatens or tries to harm her...

2012-11-20, 08:31 PM

Su-Lin followed the chase. She wasn't particularly stealthy but it was a sure thing that the Kitsune had already seen them.

Reaching the village she is marveled at the sight. She had never seen a colony of Kitsune. Su-Lin stepped forward and presented herself. "Hello, I am Su-Lin."

The Kitsune with the slave collar on turns to you, looking up and down your body. You notice that this Kitsune is, by human standards of beauty at least, the most beautiful in the village. "I am Kohakuren. The ruler of this village."

2012-11-20, 08:35 PM
Abe Hiroki

Abe slaps his face in resignation and sighs.
Su-Lin-sama of all people should know better!

Of course, he's secretly hoping she'll figure out what's up. His curiosity almost has the best of him, and the beautiful Kohakuren has his full attention.

2012-11-20, 08:51 PM

Su-Lin greets the kitsune with a smile and looks at the other kitsune for their reaction when she states she is their ruler.

Giving a gentle bow of respect, "It is a pleasure to meet you Kohakuren. My people are explores and we have come to your land to make friends and learn what this world has to offer."

Sense Motive Check and Diplomacy Check if required. I'll take 10 for both if possible (giving her a 20 for both). If not please roll for me. Using Versatile Performer Su-Lin has +10 to both.

2012-11-21, 11:25 AM

Su-Lin greets the kitsune with a smile and looks at the other kitsune for their reaction when she states she is their ruler.

Giving a gentle bow of respect, "It is a pleasure to meet you Kohakuren. My people are explores and we have come to your land to make friends and learn what this world has to offer."

Sense Motive Check and Diplomacy Check if required. I'll take 10 for both if possible (giving her a 20 for both). If not please roll for me. Using Versatile Performer Su-Lin has +10 to both.

She bows back. "I am sure you will find that most of the inhabitants of this country are quite friendly." She scans you again. She seems to be ignoring the men you are with and is analysing you. "Do you wish to ask me anything about this world? I can tell you a few things."

2012-11-21, 01:07 PM

"We are in another country?" she says surprised. "What country is this? Who rules this country and where is the capital? You know actually a map of this land would be a really good start... no wait where are my manners. "

Su-Lin reaches in her bag a pulls out some dried fish. "In my land new friendship is usually start by a shared meal. It's not much but let this simple act be a start of a strong friendship." She breaks the piece of dried fish in half and hands it to Kohakuren.

Again a sense motive check would be nice here, is Kohakuren being deceptive or anything? I'll take 10 if I can or you can roll for me.

2012-11-21, 01:42 PM

"We are in another country?" she says surprised. "What country is this? Who rules this country and where is the capital? You know actually a map of this land would be a really good start... no wait where are my manners. "

Su-Lin reaches in her bag a pulls out some dried fish. "In my land new friendship is usually start by a shared meal. It's not much but let this simple act be a start of a strong friendship." She breaks the piece of dried fish in half and hands it to Kohakuren.

Again a sense motive check would be nice here, is Kohakuren being deceptive or anything? I'll take 10 if I can or you can roll for me.

"You are in the country of Zeth. It is ruled by Lord Taichi." She snaps her fingers. "Ready a map." One of the Kitsune runs off. She's not lying to you, but there's just something off about her. She acts too nice. Not suspicious at all, which is suspicious, she seems almost endlessly happy. She takes the fish and gleefully thanks you and eats it.

2012-11-21, 02:14 PM

"What can you tell me about Lord Taichi?" she asks.

2012-11-21, 03:21 PM
Abe Hiroki

Abe makes his way across branches to another tree to get a better view.

Taking ten on climb of course.

He looks around, to see if any of the other kitsune villagers are doing anything suspicious or interesting, and to look over the tops of the village's buildings.

Perception [roll0] (I fixed my skills to fit Pathfinder, but I still have the same attention span as a human as I do as a monkey. D:)

2012-11-21, 03:35 PM
Ikiruhe Dajan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=470136)

Seeing no immediate threat from the village, Dajan relaxes slightly and lowers his bow. As Abe starts to move through the trees, he shadows his movement on the ground keeping an eye out, content to Abe watch the village.

2012-11-21, 03:37 PM

"What can you tell me about Lord Taichi?" she asks.

"He united this country. There were 8 cities all of one race, but he showed us the path. He is our lord and master." She says the last line in a tone that is too happy. Making it seem like Taichi and her's relationship is more than just Lord and handler.

2012-11-21, 03:43 PM
Abe Hiroki

Abe makes his way across branches to another tree to get a better view.

Taking ten on climb of course.

He looks around, to see if any of the other kitsune villagers are doing anything suspicious or interesting, and to look over the tops of the village's buildings.

Perception [roll0] (I fixed my skills to fit Pathfinder, but I still have the same attention span as a human as I do as a monkey. D:)

The Kitsune villagers aren't doing anything really. Just normal business. They don't even seem to be shocked that a new country showed up.

2012-11-21, 03:45 PM

"Is that eight races and eight cities or one race and eight? Did he give you that necklace?"

2012-11-21, 03:59 PM
Abe Hiroki

Abe will make his way onto the roof of one of the village houses to get closer to Kohakuren, getting behind her if he can, and doing his best to appear to be just a normal monkey.

Taking ten on any climb and balance, because monkeys can do that.
If I have to jump, I'll run along one of the taller, longer branches and jump down onto the roof.
Acrobatics [roll0]
Disguise (To seem like a normal monkey, Hengeyokai get +10 +any bonuses to disguise themselves as a normal animal) [roll1]

He'll hang around on top of the roof, and keep an eye on Kohakuren and Su-Lin, watching the two carefully.

2012-11-21, 04:09 PM

"Is that eight races and eight cities or one race and eight? Did he give you that necklace?"

"I mean a human city, a kitsune city, one city of each elemental creature, on spiritfolk city, and one capital city, the master's hometown."

She reaches to the necklace. "This is the symbol of the 7 councilpeople of the master's domain. One in each uniform city, spreading his will."

2012-11-21, 04:32 PM
Slowed down somewhat by his heavy his armor and wanting to make certain the creature Ikiruhe-san followed was not the bait in a trap, Atsuo kept, as was so often his habit, to the rear of the group, eyes still open for threats. After Su-Lin-sama made her way into the village, Atsuo reluctantly made his way closer, thanking the fortunes his armor came with a helm. His manners were developed enough that his ogrish, demonic appearance rarely impacted negotiations negatively, but that wasn't to say it would've have created an awkward situation to which he'd rather not expose his leader or, if he were wholly honest, himself. "I have often found symbols have much power," Atsuo interjects, deferentially, Does Lord Taichi, himself, not wear such a necklace, to show the unity of all eight cities? Forgive me if my question is ignorant, I spent much of my life in the mountains, the ways of great men and women are still foreign to me, at times. I hope only to learn all I can, to best aid those I have the honor to serve."

Initial Survival: [roll0]
Initial Perception: [roll1]
Sense Motive (unless you'd rather roll for me): [roll2] Well, here's hoping you'd rather roll for me.

2012-11-21, 05:12 PM
Does Lord Taichi, himself, not wear such a necklace, to show the unity of all eight cities?]

She looks sickened when you ask that question. "Of course not. Lord Taichi serves no one. He is the man we dedicate our lives to."

Everyone who hasn't made a sense motive check, make one. DC 25.

2012-11-21, 05:28 PM

"That is very pretty may I get a closer look?" and begins to weave a very simple spell.

detect magic on the necklace
[roll0] sense motive

2012-11-21, 05:31 PM
Oh yeah Spellcraft and knowledge arcana for the detect magic
[roll]1d20+8[/roll[] spellcraft
[roll0] arcana

2012-11-21, 05:36 PM
The necklace is not magical. Her mind has clearly had something done to it though. Either this man is as magnificent as she says he is, to the point where she will wear a slave collar, or something is going on with this Taichi guy. It might be a good idea to check out the other villages.

2012-11-21, 06:11 PM
Abe Hiroki

Apparently monkeys are also better judges of people than Abe's human or hybrid form.
Sense motive [roll0]

Screw you forum roller. That wasn't even the right number to roll.

Actually, with the right number I wouldn't have made it anyways without a nat 20, so...

Whether or not the check passes, Abe is very suspicious now. Either the beautiful Kitsune is this man 'Taichi's slave, or she has been brainwashed, or something else sinister is afoot, and the whole thing smells like a trap.

"Call this one a monkey's uncle, but never a fool!" the hengeyokai thinks to himself, and he scurries on down just a bit closer to Kohakuren, sitting on some outdoor furniture or decoration that lies around if there is one, or hanging from a rooftop if there isn't.

2012-11-21, 06:17 PM
When he'd been very young, Atsuo had been told that most men became fools by fearing to look like fools, and the lesson had stuck. Generally, as long as one only asked questions, and framed them with one's own ignorance, one could manage to learn a great deal while causing little stir or offense; people love to believe and show themselves to be superior to others, so informing a poor, ignorant rube typically brought out their most grandiloquent, informative side. The kitsune seemed somewhat more closed-lipped, but Atsuo still felt he ought to apologize, and ask an obviously laudatory question, in the hopes of learning what he could.

"Forgive me, I meant to imply nothing of the kind," Atsuo says, bowing his masked helm low. "It is a sign of your deference to him, then? Pardon my misunderstanding, and please tell me more of your lord, he sounds like the type of man from whom I could learn a great deal. Of course, I'm certain a mountain peasant such as myself could never be his equal, but it cannot hurt to strive for greatness."

2012-11-21, 06:52 PM
"Forgive me, I meant to imply nothing of the kind," Atsuo says, bowing his masked helm low. "It is a sign of your deference to him, then? Pardon my misunderstanding, and please tell me more of your lord, he sounds like the type of man from whom I could learn a great deal. Of course, I'm certain a mountain peasant such as myself could never be his equal, but it cannot hurt to strive for greatness."

"He is a great man. He wears a full suit of armour that hides his face and body normally, but if you see him without it he is handsome beyond all belief. He has an air of charisma and power, and a magnificent weapon. He took control of the small village of the humans and proceeds to conquest the other villages with a combination of diplomacy and power, eventually he turned on the dark empire, a corrupt society where those outcast and dishonourable fled to, and took control of it too, uniting the 8 cities, and all of this side of the country." She smiles as if remembering a powerful and happy memory. "It was the end of conflict, now we all serve him, he has given peace to our realm." She eyes your ruler and scans down her body again, as if planning something, but she does not move.

2012-11-21, 06:57 PM

"Well Once we have a map we will go and pay tribute to your great ruler."

2012-11-21, 07:18 PM
Atsuo nods along to her good news, but the face hidden behind his masked kabuto helm is scowling. As he knew all too well, a horrible face could be hidden behind armor until the time was right to reveal it; if he wanted, Atsuo could perhaps have convinced people he, too, were a handsome man behind the lacquer of his armor. Of course, a face said little about a man's character, or so Atsuo liked to think, but he didn't care for the way the kitsune inspected Su-Lin-sama, either. "Does anything remain of the Dark Empire?" he asks, taking note that she had mentioned Taichi uniting "this side" of the country. "Regardless, it is a great man who brings peace to a realm, and a greater one, still, who can keep that realm at peace, or so my masters always taught me. Your village is a credit to Lord Taichi's just and honorable leadership." With the last, he bows, but never takes his eyes too far from Su-Lin-sama or the kitsune, ready to cast a spell and draw out his naginata at any moment.

2012-11-21, 08:37 PM

"Well Once we have a map we will go and pay tribute to your great ruler."

They give you the map. You notice that the 7 smaller village make an arrow like design that point towards the coast, while the larger capital is on the other side of the mountain surrounded on all sides by terrain that would make it hard to take. This leader knows what he's doing.

"The Dark Empire was incorporated, into the capital. It is a grand city that is impossible to Conquest. Or should I said, is impossible to conquest except for the Master." She nods while saying this like it's basic knowledge and fact, she might as be saying "Falling in water will get you wet" as far as she cares.

2012-11-21, 08:49 PM
Abe Hiroki

Abe's curiosity gets the best of him and he wonders aloud, "Why would one need to point it out? Is Master Taichi-Heika worried that anyone would oppose him?"

Abe realizes what he just did and claps his hands over his mouth for a moment before speaking again.

"This one apologizes, it is Su-Lin-sama's place to speak here, not his own. Though this one wonders if perhaps we are treading on Master Taichi-Heika's lands by landing here, and should leave?"

2012-11-21, 08:52 PM

She looks at the map, "Thanks you. Which village are we on this map?"

2012-11-21, 09:12 PM
She points to the village at the bottom of the arrow.

"You are not intruding here. The master's populations are stable, and all the villages are not in expansive state. However you probably should avoid building anything near any of the villages for the time being."

"The village to the east of us is the Undine village, the village to the west that of the spiritfolk. Each is about a 3 day walk."

You notice all the villages are about the same distance apart from each other. The capital is about 6 days from the Kitsune village, but will likely take longer due to the brutal terrain.

2012-11-21, 09:16 PM

"Are there no roads connection the villages to the capital?"

Since I used an Undine to be the equivalent of a River Spiritfolk, what is the difference between Spiritfolk and Undine?

2012-11-21, 09:18 PM

"Are there no roads connection the villages to the capital?"

Since I used an Undine to be the equivalent of a River Spiritfolk, what is the difference between Spiritfolk and Undine?

(The five elements of the pentagram, water, fire, wind, earth, spirit, the Spiritfolk she are refering to are the spirit spirits.)

"The capital is connected by no roads. The capital is impossible to breach."

2012-11-21, 09:23 PM
Ikiruhe Dajan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=470136)

Deciding that there should be enough people within the village to deal with any trouble, as soon as Abe makes his move into the village proper, Dajan begins a slow circle of the perimeter and surrounding areas of the village, remaining hidden where possible.

2012-11-21, 09:24 PM
Abe Hiroki

Abe wonders how one can trade between their cities or travel with no roads, but for the time being, he stays quiet and sits on the rooftop, picking at his fur.

2012-11-21, 10:00 PM

"So how do you communicate with the capital?"

2012-11-21, 10:03 PM

"So how do you communicate with the capital?"

"Magic....duh." She says sarcastically.

2012-11-21, 10:07 PM

"I really meant how? Do you have a device or a particular person has the power to communicate. Also how do they collect taxes?"

2012-11-21, 10:26 PM

"I really meant how? Do you have a device or a particular person has the power to communicate. Also how do they collect taxes?"

She smiles. "Those are the secrets of our empire, we don't come to you asking for the secrets of your world do you?" She seems to be more trickster now. She's enjoying teasing you.

2012-11-21, 10:29 PM

"Well I don't know what are imperial secrets," she says with a cheerful smile. "Well thank you, we will be on our way."

2012-11-21, 11:16 PM

"Well I don't know what are imperial secrets," she says with a cheerful smile. "Well thank you, we will be on our way."

She nods and happily sends you on your way. "I look forward to meeting you again."

2012-11-21, 11:21 PM

She bows and heads back the way she came. Before getting too far she cast another spell and looks back at the village trying to scan the buildings or inhabitants of any magic.

Casting detect magic again.
I'll take 20 as she is taking her time.

2012-11-21, 11:29 PM

She bows and heads back the way she came. Before getting too far she cast another spell and looks back at the village trying to scan the buildings or inhabitants of any magic.

Casting detect magic again.
I'll take 20 as she is taking her time.

There is magic about....but nothing that didn't happen in Leazus.

2012-11-21, 11:57 PM

Turning around she walks away and when she if far enough away she asks her companions, "Are we being followed? We need to cover our tracks. I don't want to them back to our camp."

[roll0] perception

There is magic about....but nothing that didn't happen in Leazus.

Not really sure what you mean. Do you mean that the same magic used in Leazus is here? Does this mean that the same buildings are magical? How does Leazus communicate magically?

2012-11-22, 01:00 AM

Turning around she walks away and when she if far enough away she asks her companions, "Are we being followed? We need to cover our tracks. I don't want to them back to our camp."

[roll0] perception

Not really sure what you mean. Do you mean that the same magic used in Leazus is here? Does this mean that the same buildings are magical? How does Leazus communicate magically?

As far as you can tell you're not being followed. Certain buildings were magic, like the well having a purify water spell on it. Leazus used portals and spells like "message" of course the teleport spell exists too.

2012-11-22, 01:01 AM
Ikiruhe Dajan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=470136)

Dajan moves to rejoin the group as they start to gather and head back to the ships. "If you like, I can remain behind somewhat to see if anyone tries to follow us, and to cover up our trail. I also suggest you do not take a direct route back to the colony."

So in favoured terrain, Dajan does not leave a trail and cannot be tracked. I'm making a survival check to try and disrupt the trail of the rest of the group as they make their way back. Can also make a separate one later to try and destroy the trail we made initially before we encountered our new friend(?).

Survival (add another +2 for favoured terrain if he is looking at a forest): [roll0]

Perception (add another +2 for Forrest and/or +2 if there are humans out their for fav. enemy): [roll1]

2012-11-22, 01:04 AM
Additional sneaky check if he is making his way back alone, to try and mitigate the fact that he is alone... Dice gods be kind...

Stealth: 1d20+9

2012-11-22, 01:08 AM
Apologies for triple post!

Stealth: [roll0]

2012-11-22, 01:10 AM

"Yes, that's a good idea," she says with a nod. "When you are back there try get a head count or at least and estimate of their numbers, also how many buildings they have in the village. Keep an eye out for that one with the necklace, make a note of anyone she talks to. I am concerned that she knew we where build a city... all I told her was we were explores not settlers..."

2012-11-22, 01:26 AM

"Yes, that's a good idea," she says with a nod. "When you are back there try get a head count or at least and estimate of their numbers, also how many buildings they have in the village. Keep an eye out for that one with the necklace, make a note of anyone she talks to. I am concerned that she knew we where build a city... all I told her was we were explores not settlers..."

You find no trace of trackers. You make it back without problem. The numbers appear to be around 3000.

2012-11-22, 10:29 AM

Once she is back she call everyone together to tell them what they found, "We found a nearby Kitsune village. They are part of an empire ruled by Lord Taichi. There is something strange about the way Kohakuren, the leader of the Kitsune acted. I believe that they have been brain washed them to obedience

"The capital is on the far side of the mountains with no road connecting it to the seven villages that Lord Taichi has put into submission. There are two other villages within 3 days from here, a Spiritfolk and a Waterfolk.

I would like suggestions on how to proceed."

2012-11-22, 01:27 PM
Abe Hiroki

Abe follows the group back, climbing from tree to tree until the settlement is reached, and then shifting back into his hybrid form.

"This one believes that perhaps we should not consider every word Kohakuren-sama spoke to be the truth. But that is not this one's place to speak, so he shall silence his concerns."

2012-11-22, 02:09 PM
Kazimasu Kenjiro

"A village consisting solely of my kinsfolk? " says Kenjiro, raising his brow in slight surprise. "I wonder how many people ever get to see this... emporer. "
For a moment, his gaze looks distant, staring at the apparantly inhabited lands beyond.
"Perhaps I should visit this village, see if we can learn more about this land, its history, its people."

2012-11-22, 04:23 PM
"Did you ascertain whether or not they might dispute our claim to this shore?" Mingmei asks, intent on finding out whether there would be open warfare in the immediate future.

2012-11-23, 04:35 PM
ABe Hiroki

"They did not seem upset at our arrival. They were very hushed, yes. Only Kohakuren-sama spoke to us, and she acted oddly," Abe perches on top of a nearby stack of supplies and scratches his ears.

2012-11-23, 07:51 PM
ABe Hiroki

"They did not seem upset at our arrival. They were very hushed, yes. Only Kohakuren-sama spoke to us, and she acted oddly," Abe perches on top of a nearby stack of supplies and scratches his ears.

One of your ships has left. The build master tells you it was to send word of arrival back to Leazus, and possibly accept more people and any reinforcements. He is confirming your build orders with you one final time before getting to work over the next month.

2012-11-23, 11:23 PM
Ikiruhe Dajan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=470136)

Once satisfied that he has obscured their trail, Dajan moves back into the rapidly growing camp and makes his way the rest of the group. "I have done my best to prevent the residents of the village from following our trail here, however I suspect that the location of our landing will be known to all here soon enough. It is a fair sized town, with several thousand inhabitants, so if they want to find us they will."

He turns to Su-Lin and continues. "I can escort Kazimasu-san to visit his kinfolk if you wish. Alternatively I can also travel to one of the other nearby villages to see what I can observe. There is little chance of them being able to follow me back to here, short of magical means."

2012-11-25, 10:09 PM
Over the next month the build order is completed. Do anything you wish to do in the next month, remember you must spend 1 week doing your jobs.

2012-11-26, 07:35 PM

After hearing the other's speak she says, "We don't have enough information about what is going on here. I would like to see the Waterfolk village. It is only three days travel. Hopefully we can meet them and find out more about this land."

2012-11-26, 10:07 PM
Abe Hiroki

"This one agrees that learning more about this land is a good idea, but maybe we should worry about local dangers first?"

Abe will spend the next month helping to gather supplies and training any guards or soldiers if nothing else comes up that needs his attention. He will spend the time in his hybrid form, taking advantage of it's strength and agility.

2012-11-29, 11:01 AM

"Okay, so who wants to go with me to the Waterfolk village?"

2012-11-29, 06:41 PM
"I believe such nuances should be dealt with by their respective experts. Any suggestions for increasing the security of our camp from those with experience in these matters?" Mingmei asks, looking at the strongest and woodsiest of her companions.

2012-11-29, 07:24 PM
Abe Hiroki

"This one has always found walls and high points to be useful," Abe offers, "And he recalls a time when a clever bunch of roguish kensai had a shaman enchant the wood they built their walls with to sprout thorny vines that attacked me as I tried to scale the walls."

2012-11-30, 07:15 AM
Ikiruhe Dajan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=470136)

"I will gladly accompany you to the villages, for I wish to explore this new land more thoroughly, and to see more of its people." He looks thoughtfully at the hive of activity at the waterfront before continuing. "A wall to protect the people, especially at night would be both practical and provide peace of mind. However any such simple obstacle will require guards to make it effective."

2012-12-04, 07:13 AM
Kazimasu Kenjiro

"We should start building relations with the native people of this land, for information and future trading agreements. If Su-Lin-sama and myself are to visit one of the nearby villages each, perhaps an envoy should be sent to the third, the spiritfolk village. "
Kejiro looks up at the clouds for a moment, and continues:
"I also suggest we request my kinsfolk in the nearby village to send a message on our behalf to the ruler of these lands. It is.. uncourteous and could be considered an insult if we don't formally greet the emporer ourselves. "

2012-12-04, 10:50 AM

"We'll leave instructions for the captain of the guard to set a perimeter watch," she assures Jiang Mingmei.

"It is too early to consider building walls," she counters Abe's words.

"I gladly accept your company Ikiruhe Dajan. Is there anyone else who would like to come?"

"I am sure an envoy will be sent post haste to us. The emperor already knows we arrived and most likely knows where we are. I would like to know more about this Lord before we make an official greeting."

2012-12-04, 07:09 PM
Abe Hiroki

"This one will go wherever he is needed," Abe says, bowing his head in deference to his fellows.

2012-12-05, 01:24 PM
"Until we know more about this emperor, it would indeed be impossible to know how to properly address him. But I believe we should strive to do this as soon as possible, and leave the other meetings until after we have secured some sort of acceptance or permission from him, lest we be met with reprisals for any perceived attempt to undermine or contradict his authority. It would be best if all of our top figureheads were to do this together, to assure him we mean no disrespect."

2012-12-12, 12:53 PM

"Let's go see this Riverfolk village and get more answers."

2012-12-12, 12:53 PM

"Let's go see this Riverfolk village and get more answers."

Is that an official declaration of an action?

2012-12-12, 01:06 PM
yes it is... she's being queenly

2012-12-12, 01:12 PM
yes it is... she's being queenly

You go through the forest without any real trouble. It takes a few day but you come to a beautiful lake surrounded by houses. You look into the lake and are surprised. You can almost see the bottom! This lake looks like pure water with nothing else in it! You notice in the middle of the lake and see a large device in the middle, it appears to be purifying the water. There are a bunch of Undine young adult women sitting on the side of lake, all wearing the same clothes. You notice all of them are quite beautiful.

"So we're getting sent to the capital. I'm going to miss this place." one comments.

"but it's the CAPITAL this is the chance of a lifetime! Only the best of the best get sent there!"

"But why us? We're untrained youths. Shouldn't they send the ones who actually know what they're doing?"

"Shhh! Don't question the system! You want to get in trouble?"

Then all look at each other and continue their talk about what they think the capital will be like.