View Full Version : Building Loki

2012-11-17, 05:13 PM
I have gotten a wild hair and want to play a Loki style character. I figured a good way to achieve this would be a use of the standard rogue1/wiz5/unseen seer10/ full caster 4. I am trying to pick feats and spells for him. Also trying to debate whether to be a specialist wizard, and if so where to specialize.

Loki is a god of chaos and trickery through and through. Technically his race would be a half celestial primordial half giant, but well...that is simply too much LA to even attempt to work with. So any medium sized humanoid race will work I suppose.

I am just drawing massive blanks on how to build him. I know how to build unseen seers and sneaks, but trying to get him functional and in theme is driving me batty.

2012-11-17, 05:29 PM
I have gotten a wild hair and want to play a Loki style character. I figured a good way to achieve this would be a use of the standard rogue1/wiz5/unseen seer10/ full caster 4. I am trying to pick feats and spells for him. Also trying to debate whether to be a specialist wizard, and if so where to specialize.

Loki is a god of chaos and trickery through and through. Technically his race would be a half celestial primordial half giant, but well...that is simply too much LA to even attempt to work with. So any medium sized humanoid race will work I suppose.

I am just drawing massive blanks on how to build him. I know how to build unseen seers and sneaks, but trying to get him functional and in theme is driving me batty.

Loki is a god, thus he basically has any powers he wants. Are you trying to make a character that can do all of the mechanical things Loki does? I think it's a better idea to just make a character that acts like Loki, and uses the same basic tactics of illusions, trickery, and deception.

Not to make your job harder, but Loki is a very functional combatant. Because of that, IMO he needs some kind of a gish build, and not just a pure caster.

If I had to take a stab at Loki's mechanics, I would say his primary traits are spell casting and shapeshifting. For a +0 race I would go changling, though using spells to change form is just as good. For builds he could be all over the place; arguments for sorcerer, battle sorcerer, beguiler, or bard could all be made. My personal choice would be some combination of factotum and chameleon.

2012-11-17, 08:06 PM
I was intending a Loki styled character. Believe me, it would be hard to recreate Loki entirely.

He can hide from heimdal's all seeing eye 24/7.

The only two asgyardians who can go toe to toe with him in 1vs1 combat and win are Odin and maybe Thor.

He is a master of the magics of both the azyr and frost giants.

He is a silver tongued man capable of deceiving anyone.

He managed to trick Hoad into killing Baulder.

He found out Baulder's one weakness.

He set in motion the events of Ragnarok.

His spear is one of only two weapons that withstand a blow from Thor's hammer.

Yeah...all of that and more would be a royal pain to recreate. I am just looking to try and build a similar themed character. I am focusing more on his stealth, magic, and decption abilities. I am hoping to accomplish it with an Unseen Seer build of some sorts.

2012-11-17, 08:09 PM
What are your thoughts on Beguiler?

2012-11-17, 08:51 PM
I would personally be tempted to set Loki up as a Druid or Wildshape Ranger going into Master of Many Forms, due to the fact that if I am recalling my myths right, Loki had the ability to take the shape of essentially anything. Of course, MoMF does reduce spellcasting ability, so take that as you will. Unseen Seer would also work fairly well, especially with liberal use of Polymorph and related spells.

2012-11-17, 11:29 PM
I am not a fan of MoMF. I can cover the shape changing with polymorph, and am not going to use its more cheesy combos.

One of my main concerns is if I specialize should I go abjurer for abrupt jaunt or illusionist for momentary figment. Both seem like Loki style moves, but I am not sure which fits him better. I also know abrupt jaunt is more powerful, but again, I am looking for flavor not raw power.

2012-11-17, 11:31 PM
I'd replace wizard with bard.

2012-11-17, 11:55 PM
I'd replace wizard with bard.

Bequiler might fit better.

2012-11-17, 11:56 PM
Bequiler might fit better.

Just so long as he can seduce, enchant, and illusion.

2012-11-18, 04:43 AM
Joker Bard, perhaps?

2012-11-18, 05:40 AM
The Unseen Seer loses Caster Levels in schools that are important for a "Loki-themed" character. The Non-detection class feature is nice, ofcourse, but losing caster levels is nasty.

The traditional shape-changing abilities suggest a Druid, the ability to fly with magic shoes suggest a Wizard (or some fun equipment), and his charm suggest a Bard.

Tricky indeed. Maybe a Chameleon? :smallamused:

EDIT: Traditionally, he doesn't require all that much melee skill, he's a charmer and a rogue, not a fighter like Oden, Thor or Tyr.

2012-11-18, 06:02 AM
Practiced spellcaster feat fixes the CL loss. It is just enough to cover the 1 lost for the rogue level and the 3 lost to Unseen Seer.

2012-11-18, 06:15 AM
Question: Is this mythology Loki or Marvel Loki?

2012-11-18, 06:58 AM
Practiced spellcaster feat fixes the CL loss. It is just enough to cover the 1 lost for the rogue level and the 3 lost to Unseen Seer.
True, but I'm guessing a Loki-build might be Feat-starved enough as it is.

Question: Is this mythology Loki or Marvel Loki?
I assumed "mythology Loki", but I'm from Sweden, maybe that changes my perspective. :)

2012-11-18, 08:44 AM
It seems a Chameleon to me...

Changeling Factotum 8/Swordsage 2/Chameleon 10 (not necessarily in this order!)

Wear a Twilight Mithral Chain Shirt, and with three feats you get a decent spellcasting: Planar Touchstone [Catalog of Enlightenment] (level 12), Extra Slot (level 15), Extra Slot (level 18).

So at the end, you got this spells: 4 4 4 4 4 3 1 1 1, but the table applies separately for Divine and Arcane spells and you can pick spells from ALL arcane and divine classes.
And with your daily bonus feat you can have any spell you want (Extra Spell) or another 8th level slot (Extra Slot). And do not forget that you probably have an skyrocket Intelligence and Wisdom (always good for the character concept too) because you get a +6 bonus to both from the Chameleon class that stacks with everything. Your Intelligence helps many skill checks (and Initiative!) for Brains over brawn and your Wisdom is to AC too (Swordsage) and the armor does not disturb spellcasting.

Also, your Planar Touchstone gives the power of one Domain. Popular choices are Time for Improved Initiative or Kobold for Trapfinding, but you get the latter from the factotum levels.
Consider that it will be your only true level 9th spell, so Time is a good choice as it has Time Stop.

Wear a Third eye conceal (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/universalItems.htm#conceal) item to keep you outside the heimdal's all seeing eye effects and other nasties. Diplomacy and Intimidate (all skill are in-class for you!) for the silver tongue.
I would say it pretty much cover everything, Divine power and friends make you dangerous in combat and do not forget Iaijutsu Focus for your first strike, Intelligence and Wisdom are your main stats and you are master of both magics...

Edit: I also was thinking to mythological Loki and the description of Azoth (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=14241150&postcount=3), not the complete retard we got from a certain recent movie.

Edit(2): thinking about this... Chameleon are fairly good theurges!

Otherwise... The trancer (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19872838/Little_Red_Raiding_Hood:_A_Tale_of_38;_Guide_to_th e_3.5_Dragoon) is always a good idea.

2012-11-18, 09:45 AM
Preferably mythology. If thatbis too hard to accomplish then I will settle for marvel.

2012-11-18, 10:00 AM
So? What do you think of the Chameleon idea I described in the previous post of mine?

Piggy Knowles
2012-11-18, 11:01 AM
Definitely look at the Vecna-blooded template from MMV. Complete immunity to divinations, even from gods, plus the ability to make others forget you even exist.

Beguiler in general is a good fit. Wanderer's Diplomacy is another feat you may want to look into (combine with glibness to literally talk your way out of anything). And the various changeling feats in Races of Eberron are cool enough to make me suggest changeling as a base race.

Alternatively, a spellthief going into ultimate magus could be fun. Look up the feat Godsblood Spelltheft for a nice flavorful addition to that for Loki.