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2012-11-17, 08:15 PM
The vault was deep, deep under White Gold Tower and the Imperial Palace. By ancient decree, absolute silence was to reign here, but now, an excited shout echoed through it.
There was a man sobbing. There were exicted whispers. There was running. There were prayers.


"Are you sure? Can't this be a mistake?"
Talianus was pacing. The other Senators in the chamber were used to that by now. Talianus loved his pacing.
Gaudeamus shook his head, and drank a few more sips of wine. A rather bad vintage. Too sweet, too dark, too heavy, for his tastes.
"Have a look yourself. Thirty moth priests sobbing and praying. All struck blind at the same time. We'll have to get more carriages to move them all. And appoint new oracle priests."
Talianus stopped at the window and looked outside, over the Elven Gardens and the lake, to the mountains of Skyrim in the distance.
"A new Elder Scroll. Fallen from the sky. What is this world coming to."


The Black Horse Courier
Ad eundum quo nemo ante iit


Senatorial Heralds and Praetorians on Talos Plaza, the Great Forum and at several large intersections today announced that the coming first of First Seed will be declared the first day of the Fourth Era of the Imperial Calender, officially marking these as the last day of the third Era of our great Empire. Our reporter Lucius Gloriosus spoke with the famous historian and astromancer Kyrasheva today about what this means for the Empire and the coming years...


Informants tell us that the sixth legion has re-taken the Redoran outpost of Maar Gan from Ashlander warriors who have occupied it earlier this week. Captured Ashlanders, amongst them their leader identifying himself as Shamenharrakelviendra, proclaimed that the "righteous rebels" would soon sweep away the "Imperial Filth" in the name of the cult leader identifying himself as Dawnstar, who claims to have taken over the command duties of the Hero Nerevarine who has not been heard from in years, now. Seven ashlander rebels were executed by crucifixion.
Ebony prices continue to rise as the East Empire Trading Company has lost another two shipments to pirates on the Inner Sea. More on the back page.


Knight-Lieutenant Findulain of the Knights of the Nine has today accused the Pearl Mirror, an artistic group in the Arboretum's Arbour Ward that our readers may fondly remember from last year's highly popular play The Senator and the Slave of being daedric cultists inclined, so his words "to the most vile of corruptions and deepest excesses of depravity". He is calling for a purge of the entire arbour district in the name of the Nine.


The Undertaker's Guild is warning that recently, several graves were observed as being dug up, apparently from the inside. The coffins were found empty. This, coupled with three bodies recently found in the sewers beneath the district of the Market district drained of all blood has convinced their spokesman Morkhjar Doomshovel to officially proclaim a plague of vampirism in the city. He urges citizens not to wander the streets alone at night, and not to spend any time alone with strangers.


After Imperial investigations linked three deaths to a Durzog (a dog sized salamander-like creature with foot-long teeth) that had recently escaped from the Pens of the Arena district into the sewers, officials are now worried about the safety of the Pens, and if it should be allowed to house such dangerous creatures inside the city walls. We have asked several members of the Hunter's Guild what they think of the incident...

Grimsage Matt
2012-11-17, 08:23 PM
The Madcrag Trolls

"We'll hide out in da ruins here fer now boyz. We'll head over ta the city of Ysmir,"


"In da morning, with the flags out. We don't want no touble here, remeber."

2012-11-17, 08:40 PM

"Does that island look good?"

"The one with that ruined fort? Yes."

"Right, then. We'll set up our base camp there. Check for tunnels. If there are any, see where they lead."

"I'll get the spider digging, then. Someone send a message back to let them know that we've arrived. There's supposed to be a senate of some kind governing this area. Ansed, get us a representative. Telere, we need information on the different factions in the area."

"I suppose that we establish our base camp, then wait to see who notices?"


2012-11-17, 08:56 PM
It was dark, only the half light of florescent liquids provided any illumination at all. The figure seated on air was most comfortably viewed in such lighting, for it allowed the eye to pretend that it had simply mistaken a gleam of sweat for the shine of gold.

"My father and mother-father have passed away.
Purity was the pyre wood which you supplied.
For the sake of my love, I have become Grey.

All that is required is to know this:
Between the Ancient Sea and the Star,
Between the the candle and the flame,
Between Change and Stasis,
Falls the Shadow."

So saying he rose and they beheld splendid wings. Taking of a stone sickle which he had left there in the Fifth Era he cut them from his back and they wept.

With the golden flesh soaked in fragrant ichor he fashioned points and placed them over his ears so that he took on the appearance of an elf.

"Now is a time of grand theater.
I hide my royalty with a golden cloak.
Let fools think they behold a new god.
Has it not enough truth for poetry?"

2012-11-17, 10:58 PM
Maglerion let out a chuckle, watching a small band of his enslaved goblins run straight into the ambush set for them by a small party of adventurers who had set out to explore the ward after the flames of Akatosh had torched the entire area. the adventurers let loose a yell as they leapt out of hiding, swords swinging and arrows hitting their marks. that would have been the end of his poor minions had it not been for Maglerions quick intervention. he muttered a simple teleportation spell and appeared right in the middle of the fray, slinging destructive spells of all sorts, not caring who he hit. by the end of that short little brawl, not one person, aside from Maglerion himself, was alive. he didnt mourn the loss of his slaves, they were expendable after all, and he had only participated in the fight in order to amuse himself.

You always get satisfaction out of the silliest things... a womans voice said from behind him. turning around, he saw a young imperial woman. though she appeared quite young, barely a woman, Maglerion knew she was quite a bit older than that, simply due to the magical power he had seen her dish out at times.

yes, and posing as the brainless young daughter of a merchant is so much more entertaining now isnt it Caina?

The girl flashed him a wicked smile and said I suppose it does have its advantages. in more ways than one... then turning serious, and tossing him a copy of the latest Black Horse Courier...

to Distant Thunder
greetings mighty storm lord. i would like to propose an alliance between our two mighty groups. we are both looked down upon by the empire and they will not hesitate to put us down if we do not unite.

to the various Seperatist factions in the city
i would like to propose an alliance between all of us. we are outnumbered by the pro-imperial factions in the city and in order to survive we must band together.

2012-11-17, 11:11 PM
Order of the Sainted Blades
Morale 7

The Grand Masters, and the three Masters below him had concluded their meeting. Pella Almar and Gabrius Vardant went their separate ways. The Chaplain and Seneschal respectively going to their own tasks. However, Corwin Revis, the chosen speaker for the Blades, and Grand Master Damascian Urn stayed behind.

"You seem troubled Damascian."

Damascian looked upon the veteran Master. "Should I be at ease when the battles we fought were just so vultures could descend upon the nation we fought so hard to help endure?"

"It is natural. Can you truly picture the powerful both old and new to sit together determine who the most righteous and capable are? Should long established noble families give up their lands to peasants who just happened to fight off a few demons? Is each faction to objectively weigh its own faults compared to others and stand down if need be?"

Damascian let a wry smile break through his grim demeanor. "We all have our dreams."

"You are already living a dream, boy. You have a beautiful young wife with child. You are leading one of the most respected orders in the Empire, and you have food on your plate. Don't get lost in vain hopes that better men and women rule the world, else you will not be able to look them in the eye with the respect they will demand from you. Accept that our role now is to do what we can for the city. If there are indeed vampires, we will route them out early, and remind the city who we are, and what we offer them."

"In truth I hope there are. I've been neglecting my training. I should probably raise another to the level of Master and unburden some of my responsibilities."

"When one proves themself, you will."

Undertaker's Guild
The Order of the Sainted Blades would like to send some of its men to investigate the threat of vampirism in the city, and would speak to anyone within the guild with information about this new infestation.

Imperial Bureacracy
Ther Order of the Sainted Blades intends to investigate the murders beneath the market district. We wished to inform you of our actions and to ask for your assistance in pointing out who may know more about the murders to help start our inquiries. Thank you.

Senate: Public
Corwin Revis, the representative of the Sainted Blades offers an idea of how to deal with the poverty and discontent in the Weye. He suggests that the Senate and other benefactors put their resources towards rebuilding the Scorch, and allowing refugees in. He suggests to start with building a commercial center and allow refugees with trade skills to set up shop, and then to create a residential area for the larger numbers of refugees.

2012-11-18, 12:14 AM
D.ESP: 6

Inside the arcane university there is an office located in an out of the way location. Most had forgotten that it existed, which made it perfect for Elenwen's purposes. Quickly checking to make sure she was not followed she entered the office and closed the door.

Looking around at the other people present she knew that what was decided here would have a great effect on the future of her people. Looking around the world she saw Medora, her second in command, and an incredible wizard, if not quite her own power level. Additionally there was Sanyon, the commander of the military forces they had been able to discreetly get into the city, and Valmir who had the ear of several senators.

Seeing that everyone important was here Elenwen began speaking.

With the recent changes we have a large decision before us. While we may continue operating in the shadows as before, we are in a better position than we have ever been. If we are ever to start operating openly it would be now. Everyone, give reports on our readiness.

Sanyon spoke first, saying With the chaos in the imperial city, I think the time to hide in the shadows has passed. With the emperor dead, the empire is at its weakest point, and with the oblivion crisis ended we have enough resources freed up . Now is the time to openly peruse our goals. The legions have taken too many losses to simply shut us down, and with the squabbling in the senate they are in no position to oppose us.

Valmir spoke up following this, saying Indeed, what he says of the senate is true. The senate had been fractured enough that a few senators have even agreed to support our cause. We may not be the most influential faction around, but I should be capable of making sure that they don't focus on us too much. Most of the elven population supports us, so we can expect that to help our position.

Medora spoke last, saying A large portion of the mages have allied with our faction. Elves make up a large portion of the mages, and they support us for obvious reasons. The rest of our supporters rightly think that if we separated we would impose fewer restrictions on magic than the empire. We already have almost complete control over the Perspicuum. However someone else already controls the Arcanum. We are unsure who they are, but that area seems out of our reach, at least for the moment. Despite this we are in a better position magically then we are ever likely to be. I recommend we go public.

Elenwen looked around, and seeing agreement in all of her advisors' eyes she knew she was choosing the correct course. It is agreed then. We will reveal ourselves, and actively campaign for our independence. May we succeed.

To Exthalion's Faction (whoever they are)

We have noticed that whoever you represent you are in control of the Arcanum region of the University, and surely you have noticed our presence as well. We wish to know what faction lies next to us. Who are you led by? What are your goals, and are they compatible with ours? We wish to deal with any trouble that may arise now, while it is likely easy to do so.

To the Cabal

We are the Thalmor, and represent a group of Altmer and Bosmer who wish for independence from the empire. We are willing to work with you towards this goal.

2012-11-18, 02:41 AM
The door to the Arcanum opened slowly. It was impossible to see inside as the light pouring out was so great that only a humanoid silhouette. As the doors closed behind it and people's eyes adjusted it resolved into a male mer of some sort.

Its robes were of rich purple satin. The characteristic sheen of magic lent them a faint color as though unseen crimson flames surrounded the figure to reflect upon the garments. Even so it was armored, hands and shoulders were armored and the glint of metal could be seen at the collar and feet. A mask stylized to resemble a long dead chimer hero covered its face. All its armor was of of the most spectacular golden color and in its right hand was a spear or glaive of the same metal who's edge shown pale blue when it moved.

Then he spoke, and gave everyone present a shock. The obviously metal mask moved in perfect sync as though it were a face. (In fact it was not a mask at all, but it would take a few moments for that to sink in.)

"As you have requested, so my Lord caused my lord to send me forth to treat with you. I am Telvanni Kiliban, formerly of the High Ordinators and now a Hand of the Second Tribunal. State what business you have with the lord of lords."

2012-11-18, 03:37 AM
The Grey Fox sat at waters edge, reading the Black Horse Courier. As he finishes, he chuckles slightly to himself. Beginning of a new age, and a new elder scroll falls from the sky... This is sure to throw the guards into chaos. I think it's time to expand my control a bit... He folds the newspaper under his arm, and strolls back to his headquarters, where he spends a short time writing several notes, which are taken out by trusted personnel.

Knights of the Abyss

Greetings. We understand that you are a group of scoundrels gone off the dodgy path. As you may know (some of your members may have even once served me), the thieves guild has strict rules against harming innocents, though not against non-violent crimes. We would like to know ahead of time whether this will offend your new morals enough that you will oppose us, or if we can work together based off our shared background?

-Grey Fox

Dark Brotherhood

Greetings. Though we walk different sides of the dodgy path, we are both criminals, and I would like to suggest we work together against the authorities of the city - the Legion and city guards, for instance, who will likely be hounding the both of us.

-Grey Fox

Illiac Bay Corsairs

Greating, my fellow thieves. You may have missed the notice, but I run the thieving and illegal activities in the Waterfront. Now, I would love to make you all a branch office of the Guild, put you in charge of your section of the dock, and all I ask is you send us a small amount of your profit (in exchange, we keep the guards off of you). You scratch our back, we'll scratch yours, basically.

-Grey Fox

Bailargeon Shipping

A few large men show up at the headquarters of the Shipping company. "Hey, These here storerooms and shops, they're at real risk. There's nasty brigands about in a city like those, no telling when they may tribe to rob such a prosperous business, ya know? Now, me and my friends here, we'd just hate to see that happen to you. If you'd be willing to make a few small payments, say a small percent of your profits, we'd be glad to make sure nothing happens. Turn us down, and..." he shakes his head in false sadness, "there's no telling what might happen, ya know?"

Fisher's Guild

Greetings. The Grey Fox has pledge to look after the poor of the city, which includes nearly everyone in your guild. We would like to offer you the opportunity to come fully into the fold of our organization. We would be able to offer you good help, keep the guards (or anyone else) from disturbing you, etc.

-Grey Fox

Heartland Smugglers

Maybe you missed it, but I control the smuggling business in this city. Since this might be your first time hearing this, I won't get to angry, and will instead offer to simply incorporate you into my business. you retain most of your own independence, you just send me a small amount of your pay, and help me out when I ask, and I keep the guards off you.

-Grey Fox

2012-11-18, 06:29 AM
Lost Legion
The vampires had arrived, after months of forced march they had finally made it to the capitol. It was much bigger than they had imagined it would be and the tiny little village in front of it wasn't so tiny anymore.

The sun is rising, many of us won't make it to the capitol before burning.

Damn! Well, better rest ourselves in this little village, what was it called? Weye or something?

Yes sir!

The inhabitants of Weye watched in fear as the legion moved in. They watched the legion march to town squared and begin addressing the town.

Inhabitants of Weye. Our legions hereby lay claim to your village. We shall provide you with protection, you shall provide us with blood and shelter. To decline us is to insult our generosity, and we shall not be insulted!

And what if we don't want you here! Why would we want to help a mob of vampires? We can't fight you but the empire has soldiers, they could kill you off! You best g-

The man quickly stopped talking as the vampire leader approached him.

We are the imperial legion! We have a right to secure shelter from imperial citizens. Denying us is not only insulting but it is treason, and you can be executed for it. After finishing speaking the vampire leader drew his sword and beheaded the man who he was talking to.

The Lost Legion was given what they demanded. The citizens of Weye were shocked by there restraint. The vampires didn't steal anything or attack anyone.

Imperial Psycho
2012-11-18, 06:57 AM
House Hlaalu

Ralen Uvayn, head of Hlaalu operations in Cyrodiil, relaxed in his private apartment. Below him, distantly, could be heard the sounds of a brothel in operation. A very profitable business, for that matter. And men had a tendency to spill their secrets to those they courted.

The city, however, was a mess. Some mysterious presence in the Arcane University, rumours of a rogue legion killing men as nearby as Weye. Ashlanders attacking Imperial outposts, claiming to be harbingers of the Nerevarine. Fools. The Nerevarine was an outlander, that everyone agreed. That was surely a message from Azura, that the Dunmer should accept those not their own, for who knows what could walk among them.

Still, Chaos brought opportunity. But Order and Stability must follow, for wealth to flow.

To the Morag Tong
Greetings, Honoured Morag Tong.

We were surprised to see your organisation expanding outside Morrowind once more. However, we do not wish to provoke any hostility between our organisations, either here, or in the Homeland.

I hope we can pursue a mutually profitable relationship. I would be interested to hear your prices for the removal of men. I also would ask one courtesy. If ever an organisation is to take out a contract on a Hlaalu man, I ask that I be informed, so that I may offer you a better price.

To the Phoenix Mercenaries
Greetings. House Hlaalu has long had use for men such as yourselves.

I would be interested to know the prices your organisation asks for the use of your men. Know that Hlaalu pays well, and always pays in full.

Ralen Uvayn

To the East Empire Company
As I am certain you are aware, the Great House Hlaalu is expanding operations into Cyrodiil. We hope to represent Dunmer mercantile interests in the Empire. I hope our relationship in Cyrodiil can be as mutually profitable and co-operative as it is has been in Morrowind.

Ralen Uvayn
House Cousin of Great House Hlaalu

2012-11-18, 07:01 AM
Distant Thunder to the Arcane Cabal [3]

The veil is burning again and the clouds are separated from the wind by flames. Little broken souls dance blindly from era to era yet the cloud of et'Ada reflects in the mirror outside and the mirror in the depths. In infinite mutation, we find infinite reflection. The sword can not slay the clouds that arise before the storm.

And yet, there is curiosity. What are the limits of a mortal mind? Can they reach what lies out of reach?"

Undertaker's Guild to the Order of the Sainted Blades [4]

"Not much to say, really. There's probably a few books you could read, but what we can tell you is this: we have empty coffins and dug-up graves, so someone is not quite as dead as they appear to be. We have corpses drained of blood. Experienced vampires don't do that, it is too obvious. They could only drain a little. It is new infestation.
Look for anyone who's just a bit sick for two or three days, then suddenly dies with no apparent symptoms. If they later return and say they never died in the first place, you have your vampire. Cyrodiilic vampires are complicated. They can look completely normal, if they want to. If you meet one, hope you have plenty of fire. Or silver, that works too."

Illiac Bay Corsairs to the Fox [5]

"A docking fee, is it? We might just as well deal with the Bureaucracy, then!

In all seriousness, though: our business is rarely here, in the city. Too many galleys of the Imperial navy, too little cover. We'll stay down in the bay. Between the jungles of Elsweyr and the marshes of Argonia, they will never find us. This is an outpost, and we're not moving any goods here any time soon.
But certainly, we can give you a cut of what we earn up here, that's only fair.

Baillargeon Shipping to the Thieves' Guild [2]

"What a nice attempt at Blackmail. I don't think you have a good idea on how economy works. We ship grain. There's little profit in that, and most of that, we use for fees and taces. If we have to pay to you as well, we'll simply pull out our barges, empty the silos here in the city, and let the city starve. Starting with the poorest districts.

Have a nice day
Marcellus Baillargeon

Fisher's Guild to the Thieves' Guild [1]

"No offence to the Fox, but we keep out of politics. Chosing sides between the Guard and the Thieves can not possibly end up well for us.

Heartland Smugglers to the Thieves' Guild [5]

"Times change, your Foxship. It's a new era, now. Who might say what could happen to the guild."

2012-11-18, 09:29 AM
The Phoenix Mercenaries

A Fourth Era they say...another attempt of the senate to keep up hopes and to anchor their position in this world?
Hargath did not care much. Although his younger brother was behind him in the room, the question was not for him and Morgath knew that.

Lets get to business instead of wandering what those wine-sippers want. House Hlaalu has contacted us. They want our service.

House Hlaalu? Interesting, I expected the Senate to be the first on our doorstep with the announcement of a new Era.

Morgath just shrugged. The house is rich and may pay us well.

A new Era has dawned and from the ashes of the Third Era, The Phoenix Mercenaries arise! Rat problem? Cultists in the backyard? Demons wandering about? We have the men you need to root out these evils.

To House Hlaalu
We are eager to accept you representative at our guild house to discuss business. I, Hargath, will receive you or your representative in person.

2012-11-18, 10:46 AM
The 13th Legion

"What!" General Gaius Aricanus bolted up from his desk so quickly that his chair flew backwards. The messenger jumped a little bit. He hadn't been expecting that kind of reaction from the general, not with his advanced age. "How did an entire host of armed men managed to approach the city with us none the wiser, much less actually occupying Weye?

The General turns to the Argonian leaning against a wall a few feet away. "Legate, rouse the Legions. And then take a small host to Weye. Find out exactly what is going on!" The Argonian salutes the general, his fist thumping against his breastplate. "It will be done, general." As the Argonian turns and leaves the room, the General has righted his chair, and sat down heavily. "We haven't even started the 4th era yet, and already we have invaders practically at the gates of the Imperial City. How much longer will the empire stand, I wonder? The general looks back to the messenger, standing there somewhat uncomfortably. "A rhetorical question, of course. Thank you Legionnaire, you are dismissed." The man leaves, and the General pulls out a map of the Isle and the surrounding area. He would need to think about this.

The Lost Legion (Morale: 6, but really this is something happening in public so anyone can really see it.)

Across the Talos Bridge, a group of mounted men approach Weye. They fly the banner of the Empire, as well as bearing the Imperial Drake of the 13th Legion. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aquila_%28Roman%29) The horsemen stop as they get near Weye, and one of them moves forward. It's an Argonian wearing simple Legion armor, but bearing an ornate sword and spear. He speaks loudly, "I am Legate Meerkalem of the Empire's 13th Legion. This host of men has illegally approached the Imperial City and illegally occupies the town of Weye. I will speak to your commanding officer, NOW."

The Bridge Guard (Morale: 6)

OOC: Are these guys basically the city guard, or is there another group for that? If they're not, then I might redact this message.

As you've probably heard, a great host has arrived in the town of Weye. We know not their intentions, so is probably a good idea to prepare your men for the possibility that they are hostile, and attempt to cross the Talos Bridge and attack the city.

General Gaius Aricanus

2012-11-18, 11:01 AM
OOC for everyone:
The Bridge Guard are responsible for opening and closing the gates on Talos Bridge and collecting bridge fees and gate tolls. It has become a more or less ceremonial position since an earlier emperor made the use of the bridge free. The actual city guard is rather low in numbers and the duties are shared between the Senatorial Praetorians and the prison wardens.

The bridge has three small citadels/watchtowers on it, each with a gate, and they can all be defended, if necessary.

The Bridge Guard to the 13th legion: [2]
We are prepared to close and defend the gates, if necessary, though we lack the men for an extended siege.

2012-11-18, 11:42 AM
The EETC to House Hlaalu [4]

"Why, certainly. We see no reason why our partnership can not extend to all provinces, and especially to the city, now that it so rife with the promises. To a new era of profit and cooperation!

2012-11-18, 11:45 AM
Krut's Pit Fighters

To the 13th Legion and the Senate (DESP 3)

With the problems in the city mounting, we are willing to take over the holding of criminals. We will use them in the Arena and if they survive the sentence they will be freed. This should save the city a good deal of money, and if this host of men do attack the city holding prisoners may get difficult.

To Hunters Guild (DESP 3)

We trust you are going to get this escaped creature problem under control. Its proximity to the Arena is startling, and if you are not able to contain your own problems we will come in and solve it our way.

To The Madcrag Trolls (DESP 3)

Your group is new to the area, and I'm sure many will not like your presence. One of the best ways to gain a positive light in the city is through the Arena. If you allow a few of your number to come fight in the Arena, we will take the strongest under our wing, which should eventually give a positive light on your group. Does this seem like a acceptable plan?

2012-11-18, 11:50 AM
Senate to the Pit Fighters [3]

"We have brought it to the attention of the Arena Director. The Wardens assure us that they have more than enough space for criminals currently, but that may of course change, volatile as the situation is.

Criminals were used in the arena before, but the practise was outlawed by back in the time of Pelagius the first. Would you like to make an official appeal to the Senate to change this law?

Hunter's Guild to the Pit Fighters [3]

Hunting is our job. Your's is killing things with a lot of theatrics. Keep doing that, we will keep doing our job, and everyone is happy.

2012-11-18, 11:59 AM
ESP-D: 5

"I've found a few contacts in the city. A letter was intercepted identifying a grain shipping company, and there are a group of mercenaries is advertising their services. Our net is growing, slowly."

"Very good, contact them."

To: Phoenix Mercenaries [5?]

Good day, sir. I am Norgrun, representing a small band of researchers out in Vvardenfell. We would be interested in hiring mercenaries to help clear out some of the ruins there.

If you're interested, then I suppose that the only question is one of compensation. I've got three chests full of coins. How many mercenaries would that buy?

To: Baillargeon Shipping [2]

Good day, sir. I am Ansed, representing a small band of researchers out in Vvardenfell. We would be interested in purchasing some grain, if that is possible here.

If that is not possible here, would you have a recommendation as to where we could purchase large supplies of grain, or other foodstuffs?

2012-11-18, 12:07 PM
To 13th legion [not secret at all]
After a few minutes a grumpy looking vampire approaches you, you can tell that he doesn't like being out in the sun. He wears a really out-dated legion uniform. This is Commander Skarik the Great from the 2nd legion. I am an imperial soldier and so are my men.We have arrived at our glorious capitol after centuries of captivity! Now some other legion comes to tells us that we are not welcome here?

2012-11-18, 12:09 PM
Baillargeon to the Newcomers [2]

"Shipping grain is what we do. Be warned, though: We mostly sell by the ten-ton barge. Our prices, however, are the lowest in the Empire."

2012-11-18, 12:18 PM
ESP-D: 5

To: Baillargeon Shipping [2]

"I'm unsure if we can afford an entire barge, but we would like to purchase as much as is possible."

Ansed pulls out a small rod with an inset crystal, and points it at the floor. A steam scarab crawls in, staggering under the weight of an iron-bound chest filled with golden coins.

"How much grain would this suffice to purchase?"

2012-11-18, 01:19 PM
The Morag Tong

Orius walked silently down the alleyway, listening for the sounds of familiar voices ahead. The alley turned a bend, extending only a few more metres before ending abruptly at a stone wall. Three cloaked figures stood in the dead-end watching the alleyway with hidden expressions on their face. Orius approaches the figures; one addressing him softly

"Were you followed?"

"No, where is Ecerin?" Orius responded flatly

A shadowy figures appeared beside the four, a plume of darkness, quickly dissipating to take the form of another cloaked figure.


"Good, then we are all here. Let's get down to business."

One of the figures spoke, her voice feminine;

"Are you sure about this plan? It puts us in a very dangerous position."

"There is time to reconsider most of it, but the first move must be this one. We can't allow the lawful forces in the city to think they are alone."

To House Hlaalu [4]
"Greetings House Hlaalu,

"Thank you for your words. I hope these chaotic times do nothing to disrupt the relationship we have."

"I will extend you that courtesy, as a gift. I may have to revoke it at a later date, but I will tell you if I do so. Prices for the removal of men depend very much on the man. Generally though, we will will work for the base rate. None can beat our prices, less they are losing money in the process."

To the Thieves Guild [4]
"My organisation exclusively deals in death, yours exclusively deals in other things. Perhaps we can form a friendship of sorts."

The Guiding Hand [4]
"We are neighbours, but our areas of work are entirely unrelated to each other. I hope this means we will not come into conflict"

To the Sainted Blades [PM 1]
"Greetings Damascian Urn, I am Danunrar, Exalted Master of the Morag Tong."

"I have come to you today to request your assistance in removing a significant threat to the city. the Dark Brotherhood has established itself beneath the Imperial Prison, and would work to undermine the integrity of the city least they are stopped."

"Will you aid us?"

To the Thirteenth Legion [PM 2]
"Greetings General Gaius Aricanus, I am Danunrar, Exalted Master of the Morag Tong"

"You must know by now that you have some rather horrifying neighbours. The Dark Brotherhood have established themselves only one neighbourhood away form yourself, hiding in the ruins beneath the Imperial Prison".

"They are a direct threat to the city, and cannot be allowed to continue operating. We request your aid in destroying them."

To the Knights of the Nine [PM 3]
"Knights of the Nine, I do not worship your gods, but if you would stand against evil, then we would stand with you."

"The dark brotherhood infests the city, occupying the area beneath the Imperial Prison. They must be stopped, and we intend to muster the forces to do so. Will you join us?"

To the Wardens: [PM 4]
"Commander, congratulations on your work. Your organisation has over the years done a great service to the empire."

"But now we are in one of our darkest hour, and the forces of chaos muster to destroy our work. The Dark Brotherhood has established itself below the the Imperial Prison. Surely their first target will be you."

"We would stand against them, and request your aid in doing so."

To Marcus Celsus Valentinus [PM 5]
"Commander Marcus Celsus of the Praetorians, I am Danunrar, Exalted Master of the Morag Tong.

"I have come to you today to discuss a corruption that plagues the Imperial City. It is no secret the Dark Brotherhood have established themselves beneath the Imperial prison district. They can't be allowed to operate in peace, less their works undermine the integrity of the city."

"I will be moving to destroy them, and request your aid in doing so"

Imperial Psycho
2012-11-18, 01:43 PM
House Hlaalu Morale: 4

To Phoenix Mercenaries
My apologies, but I am absorbed by my work at present, and would have some difficulty arranging a meeting in person.

I have no specific work for you at this moment, regardless. I merely was inquiring for a quote of your prices.

To the East Empire Trading Company [4]
Indeed. For now, we should pool what influence we have in the Senate. Until a new Emperor is coronated, as one surely must be, we have an opportunity to influence trade law, to promote growth.

2012-11-18, 01:55 PM
Thieves Guild (D ESP 5)

Morag Tong

I have no quarrel with you, so long as you do not target my men, and among fellow walkers of the dodgy path, we are always looking for allies. Should you need something from us, send a message. I'm sure we can work something out.

2012-11-18, 06:32 PM
The Morag Tong

To the Dark Brotherhood: [4]
"Our organisations are more similar than they might appear. Together we could be a powerful force in the city. Would you consider allying with me?"

- Danunrar, Exalted Master of the Morag Tong

To the Thalmor: [4]
"I can see you're going to be a key player in cities affairs over the coming months. I am writing this letter simply to remind you that my order is present in the city and available if you require our services."

- Danunrar, Exalted Master of the Morag Tong

Grimsage Matt
2012-11-18, 06:59 PM
The Village of Weye

Along the road is a intresting sight. Carrying a large white flag, it seems a troop of ten heavily armored Trolls is approching the bridge. Seeing the two legions, they do a complete stop. Their leader, the biggest one with armor that you swaer moves slightly, approches.... along with a human wearing robes marked with the symbol of Talos.

The Large Troll speaks, his voice rough and his language.... could use work.

"Hail! I'm da Cheif er the Mad Crag Trolls, we come here cuse this where we join der empire? And apply fer town ch.. chart.. charter?"

2012-11-18, 09:31 PM
Order of the Sainted Blade
Espionage Defense 7

Morag Tong-PM
Danunrar, Exalted Master of the Morag Tong,

I admit I had been expecting such a request, only I thought it would have been the Legionnaires to suggest such action. I find myself wondering how fully I can trust you knowing that someday soon a contract may be put on me or a comrade and friend.

The Order of the Sainted Blades has already committed a number of its knights to rooting out and destroying the new vampiric infestation. However, we can contribute at least a couple dozen men, led by one of the order's most talented. I will await you final confirmation to enact this plan, along with all participating forces, and your strategy in eliminating the Dark Brotherhood.


Grand Master Damascian Urn

[I can promise + military and one hero. Potentially ++ military, maybe.]

Thi'kit Caravan
Preceptor Addrim Bors, a zealous member of the Order of the Sainted Blades is running an investigation into deaths around the Market District. He goes to the Thi'kit Caravan first. He describes the possible clues given by the Gravediggers Guild. Potentially uspects are those reported dead mistakenly, and anyone who caught a terrible disease only to swiftly recover. Addrim is hoping to secure at least + espionage from all the market faction to be used in this investigation. If successful, Addrim will root out and destroy the vampires himself.

Addrim is a younger man in his early twenties. Blonde hair that suggests he may have Skyrim blood in him. He is also tattooed from neck to heel in small glyphs. He is not much for small banter, and seems fanatical to his order.

Guild of Goldsmiths and Money Lenders
Led by Preceptor Addrim Bors, a number of the Blades enter the market district. Using the advice of the Gravediggers, Addrim and his men ask the local factions if they know of anyone who was rumored to have passed away, if anyone had become sickly with no cause, etc. He is also hoping to secure at least + espionage from each faction to use in uncovering the vampires for the EoT. If uncovered, Addrim will personally lead the attack to destroy them.

The Paper Guild Union
Same as Guild of Goldsmiths and Money Lenders. Trying to find clues, and trying to cconvince them to use + esp or more this EoT.

The Black Horse Courier
Same. The Blades are also happy to admit that yes, they will be rooting out and destroying the infestation fate willing. Good press and all that.

The Guild of Alchemists
Same. Take note that I intentionally did not include the Daedric Cultists.

Guild of Armorers and Weaponsmiths
Master Gabrius Vardant and his retinue speak with this guild. Although they too inquire about vampirism, he has a slightly different objective. The Sainted Blades, for obvious reasons, are hoping to gain a mutual partnership with this guild. After all, the market district needs warriors to protect it, and who better than the Sainted Blades? What better place to work from than the Armorers' Street? [This will be in my EoT]

2012-11-18, 09:36 PM
The 13th Legion


Legate Meerkalem snarls at the vampire, showing some quite large teeth of his own. "An army of vampires claiming to be a Legion? Very well, I'll play. You have invaded and occupied an Imperial Township. You have threatened and murdered it's people. To answer your question; no. You are not welcome, despite what you are or what you claim to be. You have two choices: You will lay down your arms and surrender to Imperial justice, or you will withdraw your men from the Province of Cyrodil. If you do not do one of these things within one (turn*), then the 13th Legion will remove you from Weye by whatever means necessary. Am I clear?

It's about that moment a gravely voice rings out. Meerkalem turns his head to see... "Are those trolls?"

Morag Tong (PM)

I appreciate your warning. It seems we have a lot on our plate here, what with an assassin's guild under our feet, a potential hostile army at our doorstep, and separatists around every corner. It seems we may need whatever allies we can get. Even if they're a guild of assassins that are technically illegal in Cyrodiil. At least your reputation paints you as somewhat more...stable, than the Dark Brotherhood.

As long as you refrain somewhat from your normal work, I think we may be able to help each other. I believe that the Legion is, in fact, authorized to deputize civilians if need be.

General Gaius Aricanus

Krut's Pit Fighters (Morale: 6)

As it may have been pointed out already, the Wardens are actually the agency that is in charge of the Prisons. You would probably want to speak with Commander Feet-On-Shore-And-Water, though he has given me no reason to believe that they're having trouble housing prisoners of late.

General Gaius Aricanus

Senate, Imperial Bureaucracy (Morale 6)

(A message sent quickly by riders.)

Umm...we seem to have a group of trolls that wish to petition to formally be recognized as Imperial Citizens and a town charter. What should we do here?

Legate Meerkalem of the 13th Legion

*Inset the length of a turn here. I believe it was a week?

2012-11-18, 10:22 PM
Thieve's Guild (D ESP 5)

Mad Crag Trolls

Welcome to the city. Like most of us, I'm sure your about to experience first-hand the distaste the city has for those who aren't rich, powerful, or beautiful. We happen to be an organization that promotes that exact oppressed majority. Should you find yourself needing a group that can promise acceptance based only on your abilities (which you have plenty of), please feel free to contact us.

2012-11-18, 11:03 PM

To Morag Tong

Thank you for notifying us of your presence. We have no jobs for you at the moment.

2012-11-19, 06:52 AM
The Phoenix Mercenaries
Morale: 5

To house Hlaalu
The prices depend on the task, the harder the task the more or stronger men we need to send to ensure completion of the contract.

On avarage one [mil +] will go for [wealth +] gold pieces.
Prices can be bargained but thats our guideline for tasks with a moderate amount of risk.

To Newcomers

A task appropriate for our members. May we ask who you are and why you want those ruins cleared? With the rumors of vampires in the city, one can only suspect these beasts live either in the sewers or in those ruins. Our price is [wealth +] gold pieces for [mil+] men.

2012-11-19, 06:55 AM
The Morag Tong

To the Order of the Sainted Blade (PM 6)
Grand Master Damascian Urn,

We are unsure whether there is anyone else in the city that needs to be removed. This is not our usual occupation, impartiality is what got us where we are in Morrowind. We may ask your help again, dealing with other threats to the city, but beyond that we will pursue our profession as normal. If you fear for yourself, I recommend you be the one to hire us first.

I hope it's clear why we would be rid of the Dark Brotherhood. Ancient rivalries, the monopoly on assassination. Their blood-lust and sadism is something we can not tolerate in this profession. They are not assassins, but psychopaths.

We would hit the dark brotherhood this week. Our assassins will cripple their defenders, then our own military will move in, seize their territory, and kill their leadership. We hope to be rid of them utterly by this time next week.

I will be deploying significant forces of my own for this task. I hope to get the Legions support, and aid from the Wardens, Knights of the Nine, and the Senate.


Exalted Master Danunrar

[+++++ military, and all my espionage and heroes]

To the Thirteenth Legion (PM 7)
You have given the Vampiric legion one week to leave the city, and I very much doubt the separatists will move against you in such time.

I am confident the Dark Brotherhood can be destroyed this week, if we move now. The plan is simple. Our assassins will eliminate their defensive forces, then our military will march in, seize their territory, and kill their leadership.

The Order of the Sainted Blade has promised a measure of support. How many of your men can you spare?

Exalted Master Danunrar

2012-11-19, 06:57 AM
Skarik seems offended. You denounce the legitimacy of my legion. You call us murderers for administering imperial justice. You demand us leave the city we loved and have not sen in hundreds of years. These are grave insults, unless you back down immediately they will not go unpunished. Also I believe that the senate will recognize the legitimacy of our legion. Skarik turns to the trolls but doesn't think of anything to say.

2012-11-19, 07:51 AM
Official Responses:

The Senate on the Troll Issue:

Imperial Precedent exists merely for "Man and Elf born from blood of Ehlnofey, and the beasts born of the trees of Hist." Trolls, as you may notice, are not mentioned. There was once a precedent for making the vampire snakes of Akavir into a higher class of citizens, but that ended with their Potentate. Without an Emperor in power, the Senate can not legally overthrow or change Imperial Precedent. We can, however, make a temporary ruling in case of emergency. If the Trolls were willing to send a representative to appear before the Senate and make an appeal, we could arrange for a session on the issue.

The Imperial Bureaucracy on the Lost Legion:

Vampires are not and can not ever be Imperial Citizens. That much is clear by precedent both religious and legal. However, the status of Auxillary could be given to the Lost Legion, as that position is not limited to Imperial citizens. While the employment of new auxillary troops is usually to be handled by individual legion commanders, there is a limit on the strength of auxillaries, to prevent any one legion from gaining overwhelming numbers. Therefore, the Bureaucracy cites precedent from the rule of Uriel the third, which allows the Senate to employ Auxillaries of up to and exceeding full legion strength in case of emergency.
Note that this is not a statement on the legality of vampires, only basic groundwork for the re-acceptance of a lost legion. It would still have to be decided if the Lost Legion should legally be treated as sentients or monsters.

Grimsage Matt
2012-11-19, 08:50 AM
To der Senate

The Troll Cheif Felblade Madcrag and the Nord Priest of Talos Aggnar Redaxe request a aduience with the agust and noble members of the Senate.

2012-11-19, 10:46 AM
Kruts Pit Fighters

To the Senate (DESP 3)

We would like you to look into changing the law. It would allow the Arena to have more fights that would make the citizens happier.

To the Thieves Guild (DESP 3)

We may have a job for you guys. You wouldn't be making any money on the job itself, but we would be willing to compensate you. If you would like to disscuss this further, please send a representive to Hero's Retreat for a private talk.

2012-11-19, 12:33 PM
ESP-D: 5

To: Phoenix Mercenaries [PM]

Norgrun closes his eyes seeming to focus on something. Soon, the room begins to resonate with a sound beyond description.

"For the reason of limiting this information's spread, I have sealed the room against eavesdropping.

"I am representing the Dwemer Archeology Project, presently occupying Mzanchend. We are running short on research materials, and wish to open another ruin for research.

"That brings me to operational details. We have selected Arkngthand for the next research expedition. We estimate that it is currently the home of +++ in bandits, and an unknown quantity of dwemer animunculi. Our forces will join you near the ruins, hopefully achieving a 2:1 force ratio over the bandits.

"The dwemer animunculi are not to be engaged, unless necessary. They should remain passive unless we intrude too far into the ruin. Any non-dwemer artifacts may be looted, as you will.

"I believe that this covers the details of the operation. Do you have any questions?"

The room stops resonating as the elf finishes speaking. An odd mechanical spider struggles into the building, bearing three large, iron-bound chests of gold.

Forum Explorer
2012-11-19, 01:33 PM
Thi'kit Caravan Def ESP: 4

To Trolls
It's a shame that such a new young race will have to suffer the indignities of the Senate debating if you are mere beasts or not. If you are willing to work along us we'd be willing to speak up for you in the Senate.

To Lost Legion
In this time of turmoil the Empire cannot afford to turn away such powerful allies let alone alienate them by declaring them monsters. If you promise to protect us from whoever would do us harm we will speak for you in the Senate.

To Thief's Guild and Dark Brotherhood
We have a profitable job for the two of you and we are willing to pay on top of that. It should be relatively risk free for people of your skills. Are you interested?

To Sainted Blade
A kajhit merchant meets with Bors and after some discussion offers a small deal. "We will provide + ESP freely as requested. However any additional + of ESP will need to be compensated by - of Econ per turn you require it. We suggest asking the Senate for help in finding additional funds or ESP to aid your investigation as well.

Grimsage Matt
2012-11-19, 04:44 PM
Madcrag Trolls (ESP-D 7)

To Kruts Pit Fighters
Some er the boyz might want ter fight, we'll talk it over.

To Thi'kit Caravan
Sure, what yer need?

2012-11-19, 05:02 PM
Knights of the Nine to the Morag Tong [PM]

"You hide in the shadows. You murder for money. You would sell out those who are no better than you. To stand against the darkness, one does not ally with the darkness."

The Wardens to the Morag Tong [PM]

"We do our best to seal the exit to the deeper caverns where they hide, and apprehend every agent of the Brotherhood we can find, but they are like rats, always finding a new way. Any help would be appreciated against them.

The Praetorians to the Morag Tong [PM]

"As lawful servants of the Empire, it would be our duty to help you. But we serve a higher duty, that of protecting the Senate. If you wish to have us move out, you should send a petition to the Senate.

EETC to House Hlaalu [4]

"Always a good start. Together, we have a decent amount of influence, but not enough to swing any votes. Do you know of any likely candidates to join our agenda?"

Guild of Goldsmiths and Moneylenders to the Order of the Sainted Blades [2]

"Currently, we are concentrating our efforts on cleaning up and protecting our own district, but we will get back to you if we have resources to spare.

Paper Guild to the Sainted Blades/Black Horse Courier/Alchemist's Guild [3]

"We will certainly help, though investigation is not our strongest suit. We will ask around, though. We also propose printing informative leaflets, if some funding for that could be arranged."

"The Black Horse Courier is working on a series of further articles on teh subject. We have our best investigative journalists on the case, and we are happy to share the results with you."

"The Alchemist's Guild is currently working on producing large amounts of curative potions specifically for countering the effects of Hemophilia, which leads to vampirism. We will start distributing them at reduced prices soon. We will also petition the Senate for founding for this.

Outstanding Senate Votes:

Citizenship for Trolls
Should we pass emergency legislation giving the Madcrag trolls citizenship and full rights as sentients, until a point at which an Emperor can make a decision on the issue?

Funding for Anti-Vampire measures
The Alchemist's guild proposes starting a campaign inocculating the population with potions to cure Porphyric Haemophilia, which can cause Vampirism if it lasts for three or more days. The potions are not expensive, but producing them in large enough quantities will not be cheap [5 wealth of senate money].

Imperial Psycho
2012-11-19, 05:35 PM
House Hlaalu

To East Empire Trading Company [4]
Other merchants may be willing to support our motions, if we include profit for them in the deal. Otherwise, I suggest we ingratiate ourselves with other factions in the city. In exchange for our friendship, they may be willing to swing votes in our favour.

For now, I will work on expanding the influence of Hlaalu.

2012-11-19, 05:53 PM
Thieve's Guild (D ESP 5)

Krut's Pit Fighters

Come by the waterfront slums if you need to hire us - We don't make house calls. We'll be sure to provide you safe passage to a meeting point. (just send a PM with the details, I'll let you know if I can do it this week)

Thi'kit Caravan

We're always interested in paying jobs. Send someone around the waterfront slums, and ask for the Fox. We'll have people waiting to guide you in (just send a PM with the details, I'll let you know if I can do it this week)

Grimsage Matt
2012-11-19, 05:57 PM
Madcrag Trolls to the theives guild
Yer said yer want ter talk to us? What fer?

2012-11-19, 06:43 PM
Thieve's Guild (D ESP 5)

Mad Crag Trolls

Do trolls have the concept of a guild? It is a group of people, bound together by common jobs, needs, and goals. Now, while our organization may be named after one particularly large group of our members, thieves are not all we allow in our ranks. Really, we could be seen more as a "poor-person's guild". We take in the downtrodden, the oppressed, and those generally down on their luck, and provide them with ways to get back up on their feet. We would like to offer you an alliance, seeing as how you fit our membership criteria, and we are always looking for allies who's abilities complement our own. We are, at heart, a peaceful order, and few of our members are even able to defend ourselves. However, nearly everyone is able to blend into the shadows, and lift a coin pouch. Trolls, from my observations anyway, typically have the opposite trait. We could work well together.

-Grey Fox

Illiac Bay Corsairs (PM)

I am pleased to know that you are respectful of the guild. So many younger people these days don't understand what strength tradition has.

I have a proposition for you. The Bailargeon Shipping company, who's stocks are located in the foreign trade docks, have been... unwilling to be respectful. Now, they provided needed grain to the city - I cannot simply destroy them. But what could happen is a replacement. If a company I trusted - they would of course need to be fully part of the guild, as well - were to take over the shipments, then I could put the disrespectful Bailargeon Company out of business, giving this new company a lot of profit. If you have the ships large enough to carry large amounts of grain, I would be willing to ensure that the docks are always open to your more illicit affairs if you would be willing to branch out into slightly more legal ones, and fully come into the fold of the guild.

-Grey Fox

2012-11-19, 06:59 PM
Black Vista(D-Esp 3)

Your mastery of hydraulic animation is as obvious as it is intriguing. Should you wish you as welcome to reside in Alchemists Street until the ruins you plan to dwell in are cleared to your satisfaction.

2012-11-19, 07:09 PM
The Morag Tong

To the Thi'Kit Caravan [4]
We would hear this job you are offering.

To the Wardens: [PM 8]
"We will be moving against them in full force this week. The Sainted Blades have offered support, we expect aid from the legion, and we ourselves will be using the entirety of our forces."

"Let us be rid of them once and for all."

2012-11-19, 07:48 PM
To Thi'kit Caravan ESP-D:4

We accept your offer. It would be an atrocity for us to deny a plea for help from one of the few who accepts us.

To Everybody ESP-D: It's to you, you don't need to spy on it!
Our legion will stand with the Thi'kit. If you seek to murder them you will have to murder us. We have given our word to protect them and we shall keep it.

To the senate: [public]
We are an imperial legion. If you have revoked our citizenship so be it. We still serve the empire and we would like to request the status of Auxillaries. We have the strength of a legion and more disipline than most legions. We are honorable so we will stay aligned with the senate if they accept us.

2012-11-19, 08:10 PM
Order of the Sainted Blades
Espionage Defense 7

The Lost Legion (Public)
The Order of the Sainted Blades would know how the vampires of this Lost Legion define honor. Rumors persist that a brave man who spoke out against what he saw as an army of vampires that have not set foot near the city in generations was decapitated. How the vampires justify their actions will determine how we advise the Senate.

Thi'Kit Caravan
We appreciate your assistance. With the espionage promised within the market district as well as our own, we should be uncover where and who the vampires are.

Goldsmiths and Moneylenders
Please keep us informed. We offer luck to your efforts.

[Paper Guild/Black Horse Courier/Alchemists Guild
We thank you for your contributions. The Sainted Blades do not have the disposable wealth to fund these current projects but we will petition the Senate for assistance.

2012-11-19, 08:28 PM
ESP-D: 5

To: Black Vista [3]

An elf comes to Alchemist's Street, inquiring about a letter. The same which was sent to the Newcomers on the Eastern Isle.

"We have received your letter. Your offer intrigues us in two ways.

"Firstly, your offer is of some interest to us. I'm a hobbyist in alchemy, personally, and learning more of the art should be interesting.

"I'm afraid, however, that you have us at an advantage. Your statement regarding our intent to clear out some ruins suggests that you overheard our recent conversation with the Phoenix Mercenaries, and that you witnessed the offer which was recently discussed with Baillargeon Shipping. We, on the other hand, know comparatively little of your organization.

"If you would care to enlighten me, then I believe that we can begin our dialogue in good faith."

2012-11-19, 09:11 PM
Black Vista

To: Newcomers (3)
We are the Black Vista, an organization dedicated to magical research beyond current magical theory. Current Wizards focus their schools on training and exploring magic along them lines of their current understanding and have a vested interest in that understanding be inviolable and easily grasped. We consider this short sighted and fundamentally incorrect and we take a very practical approach to proving it. Our resources are finite and the unknown cannot simply be summoned so we have extensive information gathering systems to catch facts and phenomena towards our interests. Facts like your unique abilities and phenomena like your desired headquarters being otherwise occupied at the moment.

2012-11-19, 09:36 PM
ESP-D: 5

To: Black Vista[3]

"You are honest, then. I feel that we can find mutual benefit in working together. You mentioned that your resources were finite. Perhaps we can start there?"

The elf seems to be pondering something heavy, though what it is remains unclear.

2012-11-19, 09:54 PM
Black Vista

To: Newcomers (3)
Perhaps better to say the things that interest us are not finite. But yes, we must tread a balance between exploring and vetting promising subjects and actually researching those subjects. For that matter we would be intrigued to gain your perspective on some of our current research topics.

2012-11-20, 02:18 AM
The 13th Legion


Meerkalem snaps his attention back to the vampire. "It doesn't matter if you're insulted, or what you believe. You will either surrender or leave within in the week. If you do not, you will be removed." With a signal from the Legate, the group of horsemen wheel their horses around and ride back across the bridge.

Bridge Guard (Morale: 6)

As long as you do not object, I intend to send several Cohorts of Legionaries to assist in holding the bridge. I do not know what this army of vampires intends, but I do not wish us to be caught unaware.

General Aricanus

Morag Tong [PM]

Until I am more sure of the situation, I hesitate to give a solid number. But if we can, we will give some support.

Order of the Sainted Blade [PM]

It seems that through the Morag Tong, we may be working toward a similar end. I personally don't fully trust an organization like theirs, so I would also like to discuss this with you as well. Though I will say that I agree what they suggest: the destruction of the Dark Brotherhood.

General Aricanus of the 13th Legion

2012-11-20, 08:15 AM
The Phoenix Mercenaries

Morale: 5

To the Newcomers [PM]
We agree on these terms, my brother Morgath might lead the force we send, he is a skilled warrior.

To the Senate [PM, Voting sending my senator hero]
Argath One-Eye visits in person.
The Phoenix Mercenaries are against citizenship of the trolls. How many times have travelers been attacked by these beasts. The fighters guild and now the Phoenix Mercenaries must have slain atleast a dozen of them. Let them prove they are civil and understand the rights and duties of a citizen of the Empire.

The Vampire issue is a simple one, kill it if you think it is going to be a threat. Why spend thousands of goldpieces on a cure, while you can spend less on force to eradicate them?

2012-11-20, 09:38 AM
Krut's Pit Fighters

To the Thieves Guild (PM)

A short Breton woman in mage robes approaches the guild hall and introduces herself as Ismai from Krut's Pit Fighters.
Krut currently is in the busniess of running gladiators in the Arena. We are looking to expand into running the monsters the Arena uses as well, but currently the Hunters Guild and the Red Spear. If they were to have a serious setback, like their pens opened and the monsters let loose, Krut would be able step in and clean up their mess, and take over the work.

2012-11-20, 10:06 AM
Xepher:My lord, we searched the whole district.... It is not here

Artorias:That is unfortunate Xepher, we have to find it... This is the key to bring order in the upcoming chaos. Where is Vloz'ress, summon her to my chamber?

Xepher:right away my lord

Artorias: :smallsigh: We must find it or the city... no, The whole world will fall into chaos

2012-11-20, 10:32 AM
Kruts Pit Fighters

To Dark Brotherhood (PM)

A short female Breton is searching for the dark brotherhood so they can complete a task for her.

OOC: I figure I wouldn't know where to meet you, so I'll let you contact her

2012-11-20, 10:44 AM
PM:To Order of The Sainted Blades


Forum Explorer
2012-11-20, 10:58 AM
Thi'kit Def Esp: 4

To Mad Crag Trolls
Just the promise of protection if someone or something was to attack us.

To Morag Tong
No offense but rumors have it that you are not very subtle about your work, and for what we have in mind subtly is key. If this isn't a problem then by all means we'll contact you with more details.

To Thief's Guild
We may have some additional partners to contact first. We'd like to meet with all of you at once in order to save time (and save PMs)

To Senate (Votes will repost in EoT)
We will vote that the Mad Crag Trolls be allowed to become citizens. Furthermore we strongly suggest that the Lost Legions be accepted as auxiluries for now and be given a guarantee against vampire hunters. Finally considering the potential for conflict between the Lost Legion and the 13th Legion we suggest that the two armies be kept apart.

2012-11-20, 01:39 PM
The Morag Tong

To the Thi'kit Caravan [4]
"We are more subtle with some works than others. We would hear more of this job"

Imperial Psycho
2012-11-20, 02:08 PM
House Hlaalu

To the Guiding Hand [3]
My contacts tell me of your organisation, that guides the politics of the Senate. I think we may have mutual interests. I seek the preservation of the Empire, and prosperity.

Do you also desire these ends?

Ralen Uvayn.

2012-11-20, 02:33 PM
The Morag Tong

Senate Vote: [PM]
Against Citizenship for Trolls

In favour of anti-vampire measures

Propose a vote for the senate to take action against the hostile invasion of Weye.

2012-11-20, 06:37 PM
To Order of the Sainted Blade
Honor is based on the concept of order and disipline. We keap our word because without truth there cannot be stability. Accept all challanges made against us because if we back down on occaision then we are not dependable, and if noone is dependable then there cannot be an effective ordered society. We fight without treachery or sabotage because by being derect in life and death situtation we teach directness in the other parts of life. If people are not direct then understanding is impossible.

The person who was "murdered" was actually exicuted for disobeying imperial law. At that time we were unaware that we were techniquely not a legion and thusly could not techniquly exicute him. His death also fell under the accept all challages part of our creed, if people can go around insulting and resisting the government (which at that time we beleived we were acting under the authority of) then their will be no stability.

2012-11-20, 07:10 PM
The Morag Tong

To the Lost Legion, and Order of the Sainted Blade [4]
"You must be aware that Imperial Law requires all legions to immediately execute any of their number than become vampires. That you are still alive, means you ignored this law."

2012-11-20, 07:32 PM
Black Vista (3)

To: Arcane Cabal
Consider how crowded the area's neighborhood has become perhaps we should place our plan on hold and gain a broad coalition before going forward (unless you think we can get one in time) lest we find ourselves unable to hold what we grasp. Were we to do so we should probably try a joint research project. I thought the vampire outbreak would give a good opportunity to look into disease-based transformations, would that be agreeable?
To: Hunters Guild
We hear your track down hard to find specimens. We look for hard to find specimens. Perhaps we can have a long-term relationship.
To: the Red Spear(PM 1) Greetings skin brothers, shall we explore the ways of pursuit together?

2012-11-20, 08:06 PM
Arcane Cabal

Black Vista
my thoughts exactly...I already have secured a potential alliance with the Thalmor, one of the factions in the area. who the other players are, i have no idea...

i will see what can be spared to assist you in this research. i already have a couple plans in motion within my district.

2012-11-20, 10:07 PM
Thieve's Guild (D ESP 5)

Krut's Pit Fighters

What would we be receiving for this job? Our services don't come free, especially on a job where there is no direct benefit to us.

Forum Explorer
2012-11-21, 01:44 AM
Thi'kit Def Esp 4

To Morag Tong
Very well. Meet our representative at the docks along with the representative from the thief's guild.

To Thief's Guild and Morag Tong PM
The job is ultimately very simple. There is a powerful group of people who control the Senate through the shadows and by bribing and blackmailing senators. However this power is easily undermined through simply revealing them and their activities to the public. They've also amassed a great amount of wealth for us to steal. Their power structure depends on a few central people so a quiet assassination or two would be crippling for them.

I propose that we destroy this faction and take their wealth, their status, and their secrets. In addition to an equal share of the loot we will also pay 2 econ each per turn while you are working for us.

Any questions?

2012-11-21, 01:51 AM
Thieve's Guild (D ESP 5)

Thi'kit/Morag Tong (PM 2)

Who is this secret group, and what can you tell us of them other than that they are powerful, rich, and stay in the shadows? That description could fit many groups in the city, What exactly would you have need of my people for? Stealing their money, obviously, and infiltrating where ever their headquarters are, but is there anything else? Do you have a plan, other than "destroy them"? Someone with that amount of money and power is rarely as easy to destroy as you make out, either. That being said, we may be willing to help, after you answer those questions.

2012-11-21, 02:43 AM
Order of the Sainted Blades
Espionage Defense 7

Lost Legion (Public)
Since you have been honest with us, we shall do the same for you. Our recommendation to the Senate will be to have you prove yourselves to the city and populace before you become official auxillaries. We won't presume to dictate how you do this, only that it will take deeds over words. If you are truthful in your intent to serve the city, then it should be of little consequence.

13th Legion PM
General Aricanus,
We seem to both be in agreement then. The Morag Tong will be the first to admit, that for the right price, an assassin's blade will be aimed for either of our backs. However, this is an opportunity we cannot afford to miss. I had feared that the numerous shadow factions would allign and become near unstoppable, but fortunately with the two factions of assassins, this does not seem to be the case.

Would you believe it to know that two of three of the Master under me have less than reputable origins? Though they have both proven themselves time and time again, their counsel of late has been invaluable due to their past experience. Above all else, we have to work to prevent too many corrupting forces from finding common cause, and as such we will help see this happen.

I am not aware of what the Morag Tong has told you. They have told us they are planning an all out attack which includes all of their top assassins, +++++ military, and an undisclosed amount of espionage. For our part, we will contribute + military which I will lead myself. Most of our military is already dedicated to stopping the new infestation of vampirism, and I am loathe to overcommit my forces when there is still a chance of betrayal, and when it is vital to make clear that it is the Morag Tong behind this attack should any Dark Brothers survive the assault and seek vengeance in their death throws.


Grand Master Damascian Urn of the Order of the Sainted Blade

Knights of the Abyss PM
In such times every ally we can find is important, and we hold no enmity towards your group. Is there anything you are seeking from the Sainted Blades, or is this a courtesy to promote good relations in the weeks ahead?

Senate PM

The Sainted Blades vote against admitting the Lost Legion as an auxillary until they can prove themselves through the destruction of one of the city's fell powers or an equally noble deed.

The Sainted Blades vote against allowing the trolls citizenship or access to the city on any condition. The ability of intelligent speech does not make a monster anything but a speaking monster.

The Sainted Blades vote in favor of the Alchemists' cure for vampirism in its early stages, as although we are personally committed to destroying the infestation early, we still welcome any aid to make it happen.

2012-11-21, 07:35 AM
The Morag Tong
The vampire which you are talking to grows very angry. That's what we did! When it was me and my squad walking through the jungle with vampires about and all kinds of dispicable creatures. Suddenly vampire dropped on us above my best friend was bitten, at then I stabbed him imperial law you know! Then we were overwhelmed, captured and turned by those damn vampires! Brought down into the caves to be there prisoners for hundreds of years, tortured. It was horrible, occasional one would escape and impale themselves on something, to end it you know. Eventually our glorious leader Skarik managed a mass escape, since there were a lot of us we thought we had a decent chance of making it back to the surface. We killed off our captors, and Skarik kill those who were not loyal. After freeing your self from centuries of imprisonment, suicide doesn't seem like a good option. So you can just shut-up, go back to Morrowind, and harrass non-suicidal people there! Leave us alone!

Order of Sainted Blades
Regrettebly 13th legion, is planning to attack the city of Weye, since that is our home we will need to be defending it. We would love to aid our city but unless someone convinces the Imperial Vampirphobes to leave us alone and apologize we will have to spend our resources fighting them off.

2012-11-21, 07:37 AM
To the Order of the Sainted Blades PM

We only want to create a strong alliance so that we will help you and you will help us when the time arises

2012-11-21, 08:00 AM
Order of the Sainted Blades
Espionage Defense 7

Knights of the Abyss
That seems to be acceptable. We will see what the future brings.

The Lost Legion
The 13th Legion will likely not attack if the Senate rules otherwise. I would caution you not to expect an apology from them though. There are more pressing enemies to the peace, than vampirphobes as you so aptly called them.

2012-11-21, 08:00 AM
The Morag Tong

To the Thi'Kit Caravan [4]
When do you propose we begin this action?

To the Lost Legion [4]
It is not my job to tell you to obey Imperial Law, but I do know what it is, and you did disobey it. Whether that action was justified, does not change that you effectively disavowed yourself of your legion status. You have no right to claim to be a legion, You must have known this when you murdered the citizen of Weye who disobeyed you.

Imperial Psycho
2012-11-21, 08:02 AM
House Hlaalu [4]

To the Lost Legion [4]
I have heard of your claimed loyalty to the Empire. I also have heard of your murder of a man in Weye. Whatever you might think you know, Imperial Law does not permit summary execution. Lawbreakers may pay a fine, or serve a prison sentence. Either way, due process is done.

If you are truly loyal to the Empire, lay down your arms. The only army at our gates is yours. The 13th will not kill unarmed men, I am certain, and if you fight them, you will be traitors, and kinslayers. Reviled by all. Surrender yourself to the mercy of the Senate. You will not restore yourself with Brute force.

The Mer of the Empire have a long memory.
Ralen Uvayn
House Cousin of Great House Hlaalu

2012-11-21, 09:13 AM
Order of the Sainted Blades [PM]
I have determined a way for us to "prove ourselves". There is an organization called "The Dark Brotherhood", they are an order of spies and assassins that have existed since our time. They are dispicable and are a threat to the empire. We could eliminate them. Unfortunately it would require 13th legion's cooperation, we would need to use 13th legion's land as a base from which we can attack The Dark Brotherhood.

House Hlaalu [4]
Surrender violates our entire creed. We would rather die fighting 13th legion then surrender to them.

Morag Tong [4]
The vampire you're talking to snarls at you and walks away.

Imperial Psycho
2012-11-21, 09:19 AM
House Hlaalu [4]

To The Lost Legion [4]
You claim to be loyal to the Empire. Submission is not surrender. If you do not submit to those above you, you serve no-one, and there is no saving you. Lay down your arms and submit to the judgement of the Senate. I have no doubt that if you cease your defiance, you will quickly be allowed to take up your swords once more.

I do not want to see Imperial blades clashing, but if you resist the lawful rule of the Empire, then you are nothing more than traitors, and you will be treated as such. I am sure you are familiar with that aspect of Imperial Law.

Consider my words, if you truly want what is best for the Empire.

Ralen Uvayn

Grimsage Matt
2012-11-21, 09:34 AM
Madcrag Trolls to the Theives Guild
Sure can canz help if yer boyz need guardin. But, wez tryin ter be.... respectable? Dat da word, right?

Madcrag Trolls to the Thi'kit Caravan
Sure, we can guard yer boyz.

Also, we waz thinkin, traderz in Ysmirs city won't want Trade wit us. We buy farm stuff from yers?
OOC; I only have 1 WEL atm, but hoping to fluff buying my stuff from the city through you.

Madcrag Trolls to Krut's Pit Fighters
One o out boyz, he's intresting in fighting a bit, but he no want gold. He want books. Dat okay?

Madcrag Trolls To The Order of the Sainted Blades
From; Shaman Oldvoice of the Madcrag.

Greetings, in the name of Ysmir, warriors of the sainted blades. we hear, even out here, that you seek to hunt down the vampires. We wish to help. As you are aware, we have only recently gained our minds, and are trying to move away from our past, but something in our past might prove useful.

Durning my travels to High Hrothgar and my breif study there, I also talked with a organization known as the Dawnguard. As you know, they make use of armored Trolls to help them hunt down vampires. While I did not learn much, I learned some things that may be helpful.

And if you do not wish for our assistence, we understand. However, if you want your mages to learn some of the spells I picked up from the dawnguard, I would be pleased to teach them.

2012-11-21, 11:09 AM
Krut's Pit Fighters

To Thieves Guild (PM)

we would be willing to pay 3 t.wealth if it could happen this turn. If you are unable to get it done in that time frame we can revisit the proposition.

To Madcrag Trolls

We do not have much in the ways of books, but you could spend any winnings on books.

2012-11-21, 02:58 PM
Illiac Bay Corsairs to the Thieves' Giuld [PM]

Grain shipping could become very profitable if, say, something happened to the planned Grain supplies, far, far away on Illiac Bay. Of course, we'd have to set up a dummy corporation first, to sell thegrain, otherwise, this would be too obvious.

Wardens to the Morag Tong [PM]

We're looking forward to it.

Bridge Guard to the 13th Legion [2]

"It is against precedent, and maybe even against the law, strictly speaking, but these are irregular times. We would welcome it.

Hunter's Guild to the Black Vista [3]

For hte right price, we can find anything. What do you need?

Red Spear to the Vista [PM]

There is always only so much prey, and there is rarely space for more than one pack.

Forum Explorer
2012-11-21, 03:41 PM
Thi'Kit Def Esp 4

To Morag Tong and Thief's Guild PM
We refer to the group known as the Guiding Hand. I can tell you that they've made their power around bribing Senators and collecting blackmail as well as they depend on those secrets being kept. Besides what you've already suggested we need you're help in getting a hold of whatever proof they are holding over other people's heads.

Our plan is admittedly basic. First we infiltrate and eliminate their spies (target their ESP first), then break their hold over the Senate (Target Influence next), the now free senators would almost certainly be vengeful and will help us finish them off as we target their leadership and steal everything they own.

Yes it will be difficult and this isn't something that is without risk or will be particularly quick to do. That is why we are willing to pay for your help in the first place. We'd like to start as soon as possible in order to minimize how long this job will take.

To Madcrag Trolls
We're always glad to have new customers.

2012-11-21, 03:53 PM
Black Vista (3)

Hunters Guild
We were considering some research in transformation magic and diseases such as vampirism. We will soon have some of the more common examples such as the latter, but perhaps you know of some more obscure variations and samples that would help us in our work. We are perfectly willing to pay you for anything useful you bring us.
Red Spear (PM 2)
Then let us settle this discretely between ourselves

2012-11-21, 04:09 PM
Thieve's Guild (D ESP 5)

Krut's Pit Fighters

You have a deal. We'll get on it this turn.

Thi'Kit/Tong (PM 3)

Give us a turn to prepare, and we will be willing to start helping. We have a few things that need doing this turn that unfortunately cannot be put off.

Iliac Bay Corsairs (PM 4)

What would you be needing to set up this dummy business, and to start bringing in grain? We have some resources we could lend you.

2012-11-21, 05:42 PM
The Morag Tong

To the Thi'Kit [4]
We are busy this week. Next week is better.

2012-11-21, 07:56 PM
House Hlaalu [4]
Submission is cowardice. We are not cowards. Cowardice weakens everyone but the enemy. It is of greater value to annoy some bureaucrats then to forgo our principles. It is that simple. Do not make things complicated by calling us traitors and promising that the senate will reward cowardice.

Imperial Psycho
2012-11-21, 08:29 PM
House Hlaalu

The Lost Legion
What spawned you? We are not barbarian warlords, but civilised men and mer. And civilised people submit. To laws, to justice, and to their superiors.

It is clear that if you ever knew of Imperial civilisation, you have long forgotten it. And you clearly intend to have no part in it.

2012-11-22, 12:47 AM
Order of the Sainted Blades

Espionage Defense 7

Lost Legion
Indeed the Dark Brotherhood is a threat, however as you said the Thirteenth Legion are there neighbors currently and your relationship with your mortal compartments is not well. We have heard rumors of a false god coming from the southeast, near the Arcanum. That may be one alternative target.

Mad Crag Trolls
At this point we cannot trust you on your word. Our interactions with your kind have all been hostile to date. We feel confident with the assistance of the good people in the market district, we will uncover the vampire infestation and put an end to them quickly.

If you wish to prove yourself, perhaps you would consider dealing with a threat outside the city. Perhaps the alleged rumors of the god around the Arcanum? It is only a suggestion, but we cannot support having trolls in the city at this point, and this thing in the southeast seems one of the few chances to prove oneself outside the walls.

Black Vista
The Order of the Sainted Blades in conducting an investigation to root out and destory the new vampire infestation. They are requesting + espioange fro mall factions in the market district, and have promised to destroy the vampire when they are found.

Forum Explorer
2012-11-22, 02:17 AM

To Senate (public)
Instead of having the Senate waste money on a vampire cure that does nothing to address the actual problem we instead propose that the Senate spend money on hiring additional Esp from factions in the area in order to aid the Sainted Blades in their investigation.

2012-11-22, 04:49 AM
The Morag Tong

To Mysterious Daedric Cult in the Market District [PM 9]
I am Danunrar, Exalted Master of the Morag Tong, followers of Mephala.

Which prince do you pledge your allegiance to?

2012-11-22, 07:07 AM
The Lost Legion ESP-D 6

13th Legion [PM]
The Order of the Sainted Blades has told us that in order to be loyal to the empire we will have to prove it. Some other factions have echoed these statements. Unfortunately The Order of Sainted Blades was the only one who thought we could prove it by killing imperial enemies. There is a shadowy, dishonorable orginazation that likes to kill people, it is called The Dark Brotherhood. We would like to prove our loyalty by slaying them. We request that you let us use a small part of your land to launch the attack from and that you do not attack us. If you assist us we could build comradeship and grow to trust each other, we do not ask for assistance, though help would be helpful.

Order of Sainted Blades
Attacking a university based on rumors doesn't sound very wise. Still, if we have more evidence it wouldn't be interperated as a unprovoked attack on a university.

House Hlaalu
We were vampired by an infestation in black marsh. Please refrain from accusing us of barbarism.

Imperial Psycho
2012-11-22, 07:39 AM
House Hlaalu

To Lost Legion
Then cease acting like barbarians.

2012-11-22, 11:41 AM
Black Vista (3)

Sainted Blades
We will aid your search, on the condition that the vampires be captured and brought to us. We believe they will be useful for research.

2012-11-22, 01:58 PM
D.ESP: 6

To Enantiomorph

Foremost we seek knowledge. The arrival of someone such as yourselves, and your recently demonstrated ability to take control of half of the arcane university you are clearly to become a powerful player in the city. We would know your objectives, and should they align with our own we might be interested in an alliance with your faction. Together we control all but the archmage's tower in the university, allowing us to control a significant portion of the city's magic. Should our goals align we would be much stronger together than apart. We might even be able to put one of our own in the archmage's position given time to arrange things.

What do you say to this?

2012-11-22, 02:07 PM
To the Morag Tong: [PM]

The Mysterious Cult no longer exists, see the OOC. Your PM is unspent, of course.

Illiac Bay Corsairs to House Hlaalu [PM]

A grinning, ash-blonde Khajiit shows up at one of the back doors to the Hlaalu compound, demanding to see "The high-ups".
He introduced himself with a bow, and begins to speak:
"Salutations, guv. This herre is Khajatarr Aurrelius. The gold does not just rreferr to this one's furr. There iss business to prropose. This one knows of a commodity which may soon become much more rrare and expensive, and where to get larrge quantities of said commodity."

Red Spear to the Black Vista [PM]

Alpha against alpha. Claw on claw and tooth on tooth, to the blood. That is the way to solve territory disputes.
Are we on?

Illiac Bay Corsairs to the Thieves' Guild [PM]

"We have found a business willing to operate as fence and front. What we need is someone helping us deal with Baillargeon's holdings in the city, and to make our grain shippments appear legal. Do you have forgers on payroll, for passports, shippment manifestoes and so on?

2012-11-22, 02:39 PM
The Morag Tong

To the Pearl Mirror: [PM 9]
Do you pay respect to Sanguine, the prince of indulgence?

You know we will stand by you if you do. These threats by the Knights of the Nine are most worrying.

2012-11-22, 03:49 PM
Illiac Bay Corsairs (PM 5)

We have plenty of forgers, and once you are prepared to take over the shipping, we can take out the shipping comp. Would you be willing to set up the company this week, and take over the market next week?

As we mentioned earlier, our assistance in this task would require you to fully join the guild, of course. We are more than willing to help our own, but not those who may turn on us at any time. I'm sure you understand. You are prepared to be absorbed into the guild, yes?

2012-11-22, 04:00 PM
Illiac Bay Corsairs to the Thieves' Guild [PM]

Absorption is out of the question. Our operations are mostly hundreds of miles away, in Illiac Bay. We are not just giving you control over our entire fleet. See it as a cooperation with a foreign power that is profitable for both sides. We will begin setting up this week.

2012-11-22, 04:08 PM
Thieve's Guild (D ESP 5)

Illiac Bay Corsairs (PM 6)

Whatever you wish to call it, all we care is that when you are in the city, you are willing to answer to the guild. When you leave, we could care less - it's not our territory, so feel free to keep your people out of the city, or have them come in working on your new front company, and we will have no problem with them. But we cannot have criminal organizations operating in the city outside of our authority. It makes us look bad, I'm sure you understand.

2012-11-23, 07:30 AM
The Morag Tong

To the Lost Legion [PM 10]
I'm going to destroy the Dark Brotherhood this week. You in?

2012-11-23, 09:23 AM
The Morag Tong [PM]
Certainly we'll help. They are a menace that has existed since our times. You must offer an apology for your words earlier though, and you must convince The 13th Legion not to attack me. I have tried to get 13th legion to let me (and now you) use their land to fight our enemy, they have not responded.

2012-11-23, 10:52 AM
The Morag Tong

To the Lost Legion: [4]
I would like to apologise for the words I spoke earlier this week. I said what I believed to be true, but it was not my place to do so, it was rude, and I caused offence I had not intended.

I can not hope to understand the suffering you have been through, and have no desire to make things worse for you. I hope the factions of the city can learn to accept you, and you can reclaim the lives you once had.

Grimsage Matt
2012-11-23, 12:04 PM
Madcrag Trolls to the Black Horse Carrier (Part of the Paper makers guild. And you guys can read if you want)
Hi. Wez was wonderin, could we subscribe ter the paper? And buz some books ter help our Voc...Vocabularz?

To the Order of the Sainted Blades
K, wez look into dat.

To Enantiomorph
From Shaman Oldvoice
Greetings. I have heard rumors about you, and am greatly intruiged. Would it be possible to meet with you at some date?

2012-11-23, 12:19 PM
The Morag Tong
We're are glad of your apology.

2012-11-23, 12:57 PM
Black Vista

The Red Spear (PM 3)We are

Lizard Lord
2012-11-23, 03:13 PM
Dark Brotherhood

To Grey Fox:

Very well. What will you have from us and what do you offer?

To Morog Tong:
Very well. What will you have from us and what do you offer?

To Kruit's Pit Fighters (PM): Those who know of the Dark Brotherhood know that the best way to contact them is the Black Sacrament.

With the ritual alter set up the women recites the women recites the Black Sacrament. "Sweet Mother, sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear."

A Dark elf in red and black leather armor and mask arrives after some time. "Greetings little bird. You called upon the Black Brotherhood, I assume you know what that means. Who would you have us kill and what do you offer us?"

To Thi'kit Caravan: Very well. Perform the Black Sacrament and we will send an agent.

2012-11-23, 03:33 PM
Thieve's Guild (D ESP 5)

Dark Brotherhood:

for now, nothing. We simply wanted to inform you of our support, and make sure that the feeling is mutual. Imagine if we had come to you as friends when we needed something badly, and only found out then you were unwilling to help. It is always much better to test the ground before you need to walk upon it.

2012-11-23, 04:40 PM
The Morag Tong

To the Dark Brotherhood: [PM 11]
I was just thinking of a friendship. We'll help you when you need it, you help us when we need it.

But if you want to do something more proactive, we can discuss that. I see you're talking with the Thi'Kit Caravan. They wanted to hire the both of us, and the Thieves Guild, to take down an organisation called The Guiding Hand.

We agreed, though the thieves guild asked for a week to prepare for the operation. We don't mind the wait, but that leaves us with no contracts for the week.

If you're amiable, you could assist with the elimination of a mutual enemy. The Knights of the Nine are very vocal against corruption, though their actual strength is disproportionately low. A single large strike should eliminate them.

I've gathered a couple supporters; criminal elements and cultists who want to see this threat removed. We're going to disguise ourselves as the Red Spear; a very dangerous daedra cult, attack the Knights of the Nine and destroy them.

Any support you can offer would be appreciated, as it is a mutual enemy. The spoils of combat would be split evenly between us. We are rather lacking military forces, so I'll pay well for any of those you can provide.

2012-11-23, 04:51 PM
The Guiding Hand

To the Morag Tong (3)

Of course not. Of course not! We have no interest at all in conflict, my dear, dear friend, and certainly not with such good neighbors as you.

To House Hlaalu (3)

Of course! Who would not? Prosperity and Empire must always be foremost among the ideals that good men strive for. And as for you, you have something you desire in the Senate, yes? An opening of trade, perhaps?

To Shade Alley Boys (3?)

Children! Why do you squabble so? There is so much more you could be doing, so many greater things! Let us walk together.

To Paper Guild Union (3)

I must wonder, though I read your delightful paper with much interest, where the stories in it come from? Can anyone submit them, or are your reporters carefully chosen for strength of character and elegant penmanship? Assuage a simple man's curiosity, I beseech you!

Imperial Psycho
2012-11-23, 06:12 PM
House Hlaalu [4]

To Guiding Hand [3]
Indeed. The East Empire Trading Company and House Hlaalu have had some difficulties lately, what with the unrest in Morrowind. Surely, in thess difficult times, business must be allowed to grow. I would soon put motions towards the Senate that shall better allow trade to flow, but I must gather support first.

I am certain the Guiding Hand would find a valuable ally in House Hlaalu, were it to lend its weight to this small matter.

2012-11-24, 12:11 AM
Sainted Blades
Espionage Defense 7

Black Vista
That is something we are not willing to do. We will not risk our knights in trying to capture a monster when it is easier and far more humane to put it down. We will not ask what sort of experiment you'd create with vampires, but it's something we will not be a part of.

We will destroy the new infestation of vampires, but understand if you are not willing to participate.

2012-11-24, 12:40 AM
Black Vista (3)

Sainted BladesThat is a pity, our resources would have complemented each other well. If the two of us shall be working separately then I suppose my faction can also use more direct methods.

2012-11-24, 01:10 PM
Krut's Pit Fighters

To Dark Brotherhood (PM)

We do not want an assassination, so we will not be upset if you do not want the contract. Next turn, we want you to orchestrate a mass prison break. We are willing to pay 3 t.WEL if you succeed.

2012-11-24, 01:23 PM
Illiac Bay corsairs to the Thieves' Guild [PM]

Surely there is room for cooperation? Total absorption can not be the only solution.

Paper Guild to the Trolls

The Courier is not expensive. We can have some copies delivered to you. Books aren't cheap, however.

Red Spear to the Dark Vista [PM]
Masser* is full tonight. Our champions will find each other in the streets, as hunters do.
*OOC: the larger moon

Shade Alley Boys to the Guiding Hand [4]
"What you want, then, guv? No one comes here unless they want something."

Paper Guild Union to the Guiding Hand [4]

"We select amongst members of the Paper Guild, those with the greatest talents in writing. Of course we can not just let everyone write."

2012-11-24, 04:36 PM
Thieve's Guild (D ESP 5)

Illiac Bay Corsairs (PM 7)

This wouldn't be a full merger. Simply your acknowledgement that we control the smuggling and thieving in the Imperial City, just as we will acknowledge that you control the piracy of this area and the areas around the Illiac Bay. You help us keep our control in the city, by not acting against us and helping us if someone tries to horn in, and we'll do the same for you in the water. You would be allowed to be fully independent in actuality, and your leaders and the Fox would be in contact so that any problems can be resolved to mutual benefit, but it would need to appear as though you were at least under us in the city. You cannot run a guild and allow a completely independent company to work the same job in the same city, let alone next door. Appearances are important - You need to be scary looking when your coming up on a merchant ship so that they'll give up without a fight, right? Keeps your people safe and your overhead down. Same thing in the city. If the guild appears strong, then others won't force us to prove it.

To sweeten the deal, we would even offer your sailors the full benefits of guild membership, despite not actually being members. You can get discounts from our fences, we'll help them with legal difficulties, etc.

So to put it simply, if you agree to act as though you are guild members while in the city, and if there is a problem to simply relay it through your leaders rather than make a stink in town, we will have no problem with you remaining fully independent in other areas, and will give you the benefits of full membership.

Forum Explorer
2012-11-24, 06:44 PM

To Dark Brotherhood (4)
I'm afraid that the Morag Tong contacted us first and quite bluntly, we cannot afford to hire both of you for the same job.

2012-11-26, 07:23 PM
Year 1E4, First Seed

The Black Horse Courier
Ad eundum quo nemo ante iit

For days, reports reached us of troops marching up in the Barracks and the Imperial Prison. In a concerted strike, forces of the 13th Legion, the Lost Vampire Legion, the Morag Tong and of course the Prison Wardens have ventured deep into the sewers and ruins under the Prison District.
The battle, as the victorious Legionaires describe it, was drawn out for three days of vicious, bloody tunnel-fighting. Official statements says that the Brotherhood is all but extinct in the Imperial city now, with only a single sanctum to their perverse gods remaining, held by a few of the Brotherhood's assassins. The Legion expects to clear out this last hideout within the week. The Temple of the Nine already has expressed an interest in sending priests to purify the lair of evil and the temples to dark gods therein.
Read on for interviews with the victorious heroes on the backside.

Hannibal made his first public appearance for months before the Imperial Senate last week. The Archmage, who was not much of a public figure even before his alleged battle with the Worm God Mannimarco appeared clad in a fully closed suit of Mithril armour that one Senator claimed was "wreathed in blue flames that gave off no heat" and did not allow a single glance at the Archmage within.
Traven held a stirring speech about the importance of stability in these uncertain times. Furthermore, he implored the Senate to support the university with more funds, as, he says, it is being undercut and undermined from all sides. Many wizards, so his words, have already betrayed the University and their vows and vanished, to join other groups. The Archmage blames remnant Necromancers for the deeds and wishes for an Investigation and a renewal on the ban on all necromantic practises and harder sanctions.


Findulain, Knight-sergeant and commander of the Knights of the Nine, was found dead this morning by his squires. It appears that an assassin has shot him with three poisoned crossbow bolts while he was enjoying a hot bath in his rooftop study.


The arena might just have a new potential champion.
Visitors this weekend were amazed to see a fully armoured troll fight in the arena. The troll, by the name of Fellblade, is said to be the leader of the Mad Crag trolls which have taken possession of the small island north of the Isle.
While the visitors were at first skeptical, Fellblade soon won their respect by winning fight against three men at once in the qualification rounds. He went on to win their hearts as well when he defeated blue team Gladiator Shohana Ebonshaft, one of hte greatest archers in the Arena these days, after chasing her around the stadium three times and then slamming her body against a wall, leaving her with several fractures.
The Director himself stepped out on the sands to present the troll with his reward.


Native Bretons in the High Rock towns of Arras, Lexoviorum, Cathogad and Vindobriga have clashed with soldiers of the sixth Legion over what they claimed was unfair taxation and oppression. Demagogues openly called for independence from the Empire and the election of a new king of Vindobriga.


Rumours about scandalous hygiene and worse things which will not be repeated in a respectable broadsheet like the Black Horse Courier have surfaced about the shady establishment known as the White Guar. It seems that patrons no longer want to associate with the business and some even speculate that the owners may soon offer it for sale.


Baillargeon shipping, the Imperial City's largest supplier of grain has made an official statement saying that they will no longer supply the city, as piracy in Illiac Bay has made their business too dangerous to maintain. The same day, a fire consumed the main offices and warehouses of Baillargeon in the city. The watch is investigating, but doubts that much will come to light regarding the cause.
Despite fears of famine in the city, the Dunmer of House Hlaalu haveannounced that they will be able to step in and cover the shortage of grain with shipments of their own. Already, several fully loaded grain barges are anchoring in the harbour under the Hlaalu flag.


The heroic order of the Sainted Blades has found the source of the Vampire infestation under the market district and, according to reports, slain well over a dozen of the bloodthirsty monsters, avoiding any losses amongst their own.
Together with emergency measures taken by the Temple of the Nine and the Alchemist's Guild, we can be sure that a further epidemic of vampirism can be averted.


A major outbreak of dangerous animals occured at night three days ago in the pens. Amongst the escaped creatures were two ogres, several bears, an exceedingly rare Chupacabra from the deserts of Elsweyr and even a lethal Manticore from High Rock.
Though the losses amongst members of the hunter's guild were enormous, brave volunteers from Kruk's Pit Fighters were able to move in and slay or subdue most of the animals in a valiant battle, though some terrified eye witness report that several argonian crocodiles escaped into the sewers.
The Director issued a statement that the death of the monsters was a grave loss for the Arena, and that for the next weeks, there would be no creatures to fight for the gladiators.


And in final news, several inhabitants of the Pens reported mysterious fighting noises from their rooftops two days ago. One eye witness described seeing a monster that was, as he said, half-man, half-dragon fighting a man armed only with a leather shield and mace.

Grimsage Matt
2012-11-26, 07:43 PM
Madcrag to the Sainted Blades
From Shaman OldVoice [ESP-D 7]
As you requested, we looked into this "god" creature near the Arcanum. The findings are enclosed within, but I feel as if I must say this. While I have acess to few books, we do wonder. After all, all pervious incarnations of the divine on the mortal sphere are either Deadric in nature, or draw from a gods remains.

The Enantiomorph is mysterious even to his followers. Strangely intoxicated-seeming mages describe pictures that seem to lie between fever dream and religious vision. They can not even seem to agree on the race of the Enantiomorph, whether he has the golden skin of an Altmer, the blue-grey of a Dunmer or whether he looks human or totally alien.
But a picture emerges, over time: the Enantiomorph was, it seems, a magical experiment first. An attempt by a wizard to become a god, to channel the power of a divine principle that had manifested itself many times, previously, as Vivec of the Tribunal, as the Nerevarine, and in many other forms.
The mages do not agree whether the experiment failed or succeeded. They don't know if anything is left of the original wizard who tried it, or if the divine principle completely took over his mind. They don't even remember what the mage's name was.
What they agree on is this: the Enantiomorph is a being of awesome power. They are not sure if the entire mages' guild united could take him down. They say his personal power is greater than that of the archmage.
And, worringly, he seems to be building an army of fanatics.

To Kruk's Pit Fighters And the Hunters Guild
Wez heard whatz happen at the Arena. Our Boyz, well, we can do some more fightz, and we can get some beastz from da area.

Also, We sorry bout hurting blue champ so bad.

2012-11-26, 08:20 PM
Kruts Pit Fighters

To Madcraig Trolls

We will need a turn or to two find something of your caliber to fight. Unfortunately, due to the creature outbreak, we cannot set up fights with any creatures as of this moment. We'll get back to you when we find something for you to fight.

To the Senate

The Pens is currently in a bad situation. The Hunters guild has been derelict in their duty to protect the city from the creatures in the arena, and with the damage the guild has sustained the area is now unsafe. The pit fighters have a lot of skill and experience fighting these monsters, and request that we are allowed to take over the Hunters Guild territory, and if the Senate can spare 3 WEL to help rebuild and retrofit and repair the area.

2012-11-26, 08:23 PM
The Morag Tong

To the Thi'Kit Caravan: [4]
You made the correct choice picking us over the Dark Brotherhood, as I think you can now see. Let's begin discussions on what you proposed last week.

To the 13th Legion, Lost Legion, and Wardens: [4]
I assume you're all going to be continuing with the attack. The Dark Brotherhood have been crushed. All that remains is to finish them off.

Grimsage Matt
2012-11-26, 08:24 PM
Madcrag Trolls to Kruts Pit Fighters
Wez offerin to catch some beasts fer ya's, and be the fightz fer yer boyz. We heal fast, an can do more den just Troll fightz. Some our boyz, they can do some good summons.

2012-11-26, 08:51 PM
The Morag Tong

To the Pearl Mirror, and the Painted Mirror [PM 1]
I would like to propose an alliance, for mutual security, and the improvement of popular opinion towards Daedric worship.

The latter would have two parts;

Firstly I will be attempting to forcibly eliminate the evil Daedra in our city, namely the cult known as the Red Spear, and the creature known as Distant Thunder. These entities are a threat to the city, and a threat to our reputation. I will hopefully have the necessary support from the Legions and Sainted Blade to deal with these without your assistance, though a token force would be good as a gesture of approval.

The second part would be to mellow the opinions of radical factions who oppose the Daedra. I am referring here to the Knights of the Nine. I would like to pursue a secret operation to inter-splice our own goals with theirs. I would like to remodel them as an organisation that fights for good, without believing that all daedra are evil. I am again, willing to pursue this on my own, though support would be appreciated.

What are your thoughts on the matter?

- Danunrar, Exalted Master of the Morag Tong

2012-11-26, 08:58 PM
Thieve's Guild (D ESP 4)

Heartland Smugglers

We wish to offer you the chance to join us once again. You are good at your job, and we could accomplish much together. We do not want bloodshed. Join us, and we are prepared to offer you full guild membership, and to forget your past transgressions. Let us put the past behind us and work towards a better future for all of us. This will be the last time we make you this offer, however. Refuse again, and we will see you run out of the city.

-The Fox

Fisherman's Guild

The grey fox is a merciful man, and offers you again the chance to join our guild. In return for the knowledge gained by the gossip every fisherman overhears, as well as an incredibly small dues payment, you are offered the full protection of the guild, and help in times of trouble.

Illiac Bay Corsairs

We have a new idea to suggest to you, on the subject of our want to find a stronger merger between our groups. As pirates, there's really no need for you to have permanent property on land - everything you need is on your ship. Cede to us your holdings in the docks, and we will pledge to provide free food and lodgings, discount wares, 0 import taxes on your goods, and fences for any booty, as well as insuring that you are the only pirates allowed access to the docks of the Imperial City. It would be as if you still owned the area, or even better, but I can still claim to be the only game in town, which is a necessity.

-The Fox

Thi'Kit Caravan

Are you still willing?

-The Fox

2012-11-26, 09:41 PM
Black Vista (3)

There is no need for the senate to approve funding in order for the Pens to be repaired and made secure, we are more than willing to undertake such an endeavor ourselves to stop these incidents from occurring in our backyard.

2012-11-26, 11:10 PM
Order of the Sainted Blades

Grand Master Damascian Urn cleaned the blood off his sword. The Oblivion War had steeled his resolve. He did not fear the shadows. However, this was a much different kind of battle, and now he saw what Gabrius and Corwin had been saying. This was not merely a battle for survival. He and his men were but a token force in comparison to the resources that the other four in this alliance had brought. If anything, their presence was one of goodwill than an essential part.

Sitting down briefly, he held the corner of his cloak in his hand, admiring the embroidery. That was another difference about this time. He had little to lose in the war. Now, his mind was distracted by his wife back in the Triumph. It would be good to see the sun again with this bloody affair was over with.


Brielle Smithy sipped on a glass of cheap wine and a familiar face approached her. It was Addrim Bors, returned from his successful cleansing of the vampire infestation. “I hear you were successful in-“

Her voice cut short when Addrim fell into his chair, every bit of his reeking with frustration. He sat there for a few seconds before speaking. “It was too easy.”

Brielle frowned at his tone. “Would you have preferred it half our order had died against them?”

Addrim looked at her briefly, then away. “They were mindless, the few there were practically threw themselves onto our swords. Anyone with any sense of how to use a sword could have dispatched them.”

“I’m sure you’ll get the chance to bloody your hands on a more worthy foe soon enough.”

Addrim nodded in agreement, and finally looked at her, truly paid attention for the first time since entering. “You… look terrible Brielle.”

“I hope you know you’ll never marry.”

Mad Crag Trolls Esp Def 7
Thank you... the information you've brought us is most troubling. We'll see what we can do with it.

Senate (Public)
Corwin Revis of the Order of the Sainted Blades pushes for a public vote for the city's funds to go towards rebuilding the Scorch with the intent to use the new housing and commercial center to help accomodate and offer jobs to refugees in the Weye.

Senate PM
Corwin Revis meets with the top officials outside the public's view, to present a differnet concern.

The Enantiomorph is mysterious even to his followers. Strangely intoxicated-seeming mages describe pictures that seem to lie between fever dream and religious vision. They can not even seem to agree on the race of the Enantiomorph, whether he has the golden skin of an Altmer, the blue-grey of a Dunmer or whether he looks human or totally alien.
But a picture emerges, over time: the Enantiomorph was, it seems, a magical experiment first. An attempt by a wizard to become a god, to channel the power of a divine principle that had manifested itself many times, previously, as Vivec of the Tribunal, as the Nerevarine, and in many other forms.
The mages do not agree whether the experiment failed or succeeded. They don't know if anything is left of the original wizard who tried it, or if the divine principle completely took over his mind. They don't even remember what the mage's name was.
What they agree on is this: the Enantiomorph is a being of awesome power. They are not sure if the entire mages' guild united could take him down. They say his personal power is greater than that of the archmage.
And, worringly, he seems to be building an army of fanatics.
He suggests a full investigation on this being be conducted, and to be ready to order the Legions to destroy it if it proves to be a threat to the city. This may be the source, or one of the sources of the Archmage's concerns.

2012-11-26, 11:44 PM
Black Vista

GM (PM0)In the basement of one of the Vista headquarters, Vareal met with the captured vampire. Apart from the heavy metal door at the top of the stairwell, she was unconfined. Vareal was inoculated against contracting vampirism and had places enough wards on his person to consider her unthreatening. "You were captured because, as the subject of an infectious transformation, you are of scientific interest. What that entails may well be unpleasant for you, but please speak up if you have any want or request, if it will not interfere I will try to resolve it. That is not, however the only reason I am here. I like to know what's going on in my city, and some of the details around this outbreak are of interest to me. Why don't you tell me about yourself?"

Grimsage Matt
2012-11-27, 12:19 AM
Madcrag Trolls to Order of the Sainted Blades
No prob. Anythin else you wantz us ter look inter?

Forum Explorer
2012-11-27, 12:55 AM
Thi'kit Def Esp 4

To Morag Tong
Indeed. What occurred was quite impressive and gives us high hopes for working alongside you. Now our offer and target remain the same from last turn. Do you have an additional questions or concerns?

To Thieves Guild
Of course.

2012-11-27, 01:21 AM
Arcane Cabal

Things are grim pretty much all over the city, Caina, dressed in an expensive looking lavender gown was saying to the leader of the Cabal, what with the war with the Brotherhood, escaped slaves in the Arena, the mysterious half-dragon "Rooftop" monster, and the troubles in the provinces. Theres only so much I can do at the moment...

The overall leader of the Cabal, the archmage Maglerion, frowned thoughtfully and said My work this last week has not been progressing much, either. I believe it is time we worked on expanding our influence and contacts further, more aid from the Senate could be helpful...I know how much you enjoy living the good life, be it posing as a merchants daughter or a student at the University, he flashed her a knowing grin at that last statement, eliciting a slow blush but its time to get messy i'm afraid. I would like you to personally lead out a team and investigate this "Rooftop" monster. It has piqued my curiousity...

She nodded and let out a sigh, but she owed the archmage everything after all, so she would do this without complaint. She turned to leave the room and make the necessary arrangements when Maglerion spoke yet again, Oh, before I forget, how is Krull coming along with that training.?

They have been drilling with their new arms all week but he reports its coming along very slowly. I dont know if you've noticed, Goblins are not the most reliable troops in Tamriel, useful only in large numbers...

2012-11-27, 01:41 AM
Black Vista
Arcane Cabal (PM 1)The rooftop fight was a friendly sparing match,the red spear's way of saying hello more or less. We can tell you anything you want to know about it so don't bother spending your espionage on it.

2012-11-27, 01:49 AM
Order of the Sainted Blades

Mad Crag Trolls Esp Def 7
Nothing right now. If it turns out this magical experiment is an enemy, it may be the opportunity for your kind to change many, including our Order's, mind about troll citizenship.

Archmage PM
Archmage Hannibal,
The Order of the Sainted Blades is concerned with many of the dark factions within and around the city. Your concerns over renegade magic is ours as well. We are inclined to assist you in stopping some of these malevolent forces, but at the moment we have little defense against the destructive magics such enemies can call upon, and we cannot send our warriors to die so needlessly. If you can offer us some form of protection, consider us as your sword and another voice in the Senate against these factions.

-Master Corwin Revis
[Mechanically: The deal is if the Archmage can research and offer the Sainted Blades a trait that offers their military a boosted defense against magic, the Sainted Blades will help deal with the more magically potent enemies in the city.]

2012-11-27, 01:57 AM
Thieve's Guild (D ESP 4)

Mad Crag Trolls

I would like to apologize on behalf of those who control the senate. The rich and powerful of our city tend to look down on anyone that isn't like them - human and rich. We tried to convince the senate to grant you citizenship, but there was too much opposition.

2012-11-27, 02:41 AM
ESP-D: 5

An elf, unrecognized and refusing to give her name, strides into the Phoenix Mercenary headquarters. She carries with her a small tome, perhaps a hundred pages thick. It takes but one glance to become aware of her attitude.

She is absolutely furious. It is only by a feat of willpower that she is not presently dismantling the building stone by stone.

To: Phoenix Mercenaries [5]

"I'll be blunt. I'm about to snap and start strangling everyone I can see. I'll make this message quick so we can avoid that.

"This book contains a short biography for those who died because of your betrayal."

She opens the book to its fifty-second leaf.

"Here is Norgrun. He was my son, and he was the one who negotiated the contract.

"The rule of three has been invoked. Repay us the agreed upon compensation, and twice the commitment of the contract, and the grudge we hold will be forgiven. Officially.

"Fail to do so, and your betrayal shall be sealed into the Book of Grudges."

As finishes the last line of her message, she smiles slightly, as though she was hoping that the terms would not be met.

The unknown woman storms out of the building, leaving the remnants of the door in the street.

2012-11-27, 03:05 AM
Black Vista (3)
NewcomersOur investigative branches were busy halting a vampire epidemic last week, we did notice that none of you decided to stay with us, but presumably you found temporary lodging elsewhere. Were your ruin clearing efforts unsuccessful?

2012-11-27, 03:47 AM
The Phoenix Mercenaries
Morale 5

To the Newcomers
How dare you send one of you into MY guildhouse, raging and full of ignorance! You rush into the Ruins without any of us present. I told you we needed time to prepare, to enter those ruins unprepared is suïcide as your actions have proven. We do not pay for ignorance. Have your gold back and begone, the Phoenix Mercenaries do not deal with idiots that rush into danger blindly.

OOC: I was busy and missed the EoT...oohw well.

2012-11-27, 04:07 AM
OOC: Knew I forgot something...

This week in the Senate

"Hear ye, hear ye! The most auguste Senate, the council of the wise, our elder leaders, has made the following decisions!

The Trolls calling themselves the Madcrag will not be given citizenship of the Empire! However, the Senate has decided that, as they clearly show intelligence and reason, they are to be treated as foreign visitors, and not as monsters!

In order to stop the vile infestation of vampires, the Senate has decided and implemented both a regiment of curative potions for all its citizens, and the hiring of specialized vampire hunters!

The Vampires calling themselves the Lost Legion are not to be granted the status of Legion! They are not to be hired as Auxillaries! Their control of the village of Weye is not legal, and not authorized by the Senate!"

2012-11-27, 05:37 AM
The Morag Tong

The Senate:

The Morag Tong calls for a re-vote with regard to the lost legion, in light of their recent action against the Dark Brotherhood.

To the Thi'Kit and Thieves Guild [4]
We should of course co-operate on this matter. I assume everyone has all their resources free?

2012-11-27, 06:50 AM
To Morag Tong and 13th Legion
We will continue the attack! We will not back down halfway through destroying the enemy! Also since you think us unfit to dwell in Weye would you mind us moving into the prison instead?
To Thi'kit Caravan
Is everything okay, was there anything we failed to protect you from? We take our oath to protect you very seriously.
The Senate: We will respect your decision to forbid us from Weye, we will occupy the imperial prison instead (after the Dark Brotherhood is removed from it). We do support the revote on the issue of our legion status.

2012-11-27, 08:21 AM
The Morag Tong

To House Hlaalu: [PM 2]

"I noticed last month that you were talking with the Guiding Hand. The Thi'Kit caravan have been attempting to hire me to assassinate them. Is this a problem for you?"

Imperial Psycho
2012-11-27, 10:18 AM
House Hlaalu

To Morag Tong [PM 1]
Yes. The Guiding Hand are one of the few forces pushing for stability and Empire in this city. If I may, I would suggest we do what we can to disrupt these operations.

To White Guar Gentlemen's Entertainment [4]
We are sorry to see fellow Dunmer coming into hard times. We at House Hlaalu would like to make you an offer. We will offer you a fair price, in exchange for your business.

Grimsage Matt
2012-11-27, 10:37 AM
Madcrag Trolls to the Theives Guild
Nah, itz not so bad. Wez know it waz gonna take some time. Nowz we just gotta keep workin at it.

Madcrag Trolls to the Senate (Public)
From Shaman Oldvoice
To the Noble and August Senate,
Would it be possible for a review of our case, following a period of a month? Also, reguarding our Occupation of the ruins to the north, would it be premissible to establish a farm around them. As it is Empire land, we feel that we must ask first.

2012-11-27, 11:23 AM
Thieve's Guild (D ESP 4)

Mad Crag Trolls

If there is anything we can do to help, please let us know. As we mentioned earlier, protecting the downtrodden is what we do best.


All of our resources are available, though we would prefer to not throw them all at a single problem unless absolutely necessary. That being said, what should our first move be?

2012-11-27, 11:29 AM
Kruts Pit Fighters (DESP 4)

To 13th Legion

General Gaius Aricanus

We do not want to impose, but are your men marching somewhere this next turn? If the empire calls on them elsewhere, we do not mean to get in the way, but if we may have a use of some of them in the pens. Currently we have the the arena monsters under control, but we believe that the creatures were released by worshipers of Hircine, the Red Spear. If your men have nowhere to fight this turn, we would welcome help in removing them from the area. We would only need 5 MIL, and are willing to compensate you if wish.

- Krut
dictated by Ismai

Forum Explorer
2012-11-27, 11:45 AM
[B]Thi'kit/B] Def Esp 4

To Lost Legion
Our apologies on our failure to convince the Senate of your rightful status. We are taking steps to convince the Senate to listen to us but it will be a while.

(I don't think anyone attacked me but I still haven't got my EoT back so I don't actually know)

To Morag Tong and Thief's Guild
We have all our resources free. We would suggest targeting their agents first.

To Mad Crag Trolls
Sorry for not convincing the Senate that you deserve citizenship. We'll try and convince various senators to our point of view before trying again.

2012-11-27, 11:59 AM
Black Vista (3)
PublicWe congratulate the Senate on mobilizing at great expense military and medical forces to stop and epidemic that has already passed, simultainiously revoking the active status of an existing force trained for decades to hunt down just such a threat if it did still exist and in perhapse the only helpful move they have taken unintentionally setting precident for being that live in and have always lived in the bounds of the empire being 'foreigners'. I am sure this last action will not come back to bite them in any way or form.

NewcomersNevermind, the issue has clarified itself. In fact it seems the ruins have become the home of another group entirely. Well, our offer still stands. Actually, if it would mean your turning away from a vendetta towards more productive pursuits, our faction will settle your requested price. The Phoenix have returned your compensation, and we have provided you a place to stay, if we were to delve the ruins and provide to you any secrets or artifacts they may have held, would that count for you as an obligation secondly paid?

Mad Crag TrollsThey mostly revolve around matters in which you have no probable interest, but the Vista library has a sizable number of books we would be happy to loan you. May we deliver them and take a tour of your home?

Grimsage Matt
2012-11-27, 12:02 PM
Madcrag Trolls to the Thi'kit
Wez got one step dun, just need ter work a bit more. Wez askin 'em to vote agian ina month, give us time ter persuades 'em.

To whoever posts the Bounties
Is there any Bounties avilable nows?


To Black Vista
So, yose wants to see what we gotz in the place? Sure. Wez found some stuf, not really sure what is it, going be looking inter dat. You wantz, you can helpz us look at demz.

2012-11-27, 12:21 PM
D.ESP: 8

To Black Vista [3]

Indeed, the senate seems to have been rather ineffective at this time. We of the Thalmor have long thought that the Imperial system was failing, and this only shows us to be justified. Would you be interested in working together? If so we should continue this conversation in private.

To Trolls [7]

You seek acceptance in the Empire, but as the Vista pointed out the empire has been crumbling since the death of the last Emperor. We at the Thalmor think that it is time to reform the system for the benefit of all. Would you be willing to work with us towards mutual goals?

For instance, the city is likely to become more dangerous over the next few weeks as various factions make power plays. As a starting point we could easily agree to come to the aid of each other should it become nessesary. From there we could work to synchronize our goals.

What do you say to our offer?

2012-11-27, 12:38 PM
The Morag Tong

To the Trolls: [4]
We advise neutrality on the issue the Thalmor have brought to you. It is not safe to get involved in the larger political games.

To the Knights of the Nine: [4]
You have seen us move against the Dark Brotherhood. Are you now willing to work with us against threats to the city?

To the Knights of the Abyss [4]
I understand you are a force for order in the city. Might I request your aid with a task that will benefit the city?

To Krut's Pit Fighters [4]
I would like to personally thank you for averting the disaster in the Pens. Your actions demonstrate genuine compassion. Might I request your aid with another task, for the good of the city?

To the Phoenix Mercenaries: [4]
Are you available for a contract this week, and what is the maximum number of mercenaries we could hire?

To the Heartland Smugglers [PM 3]
We're going to destroy the Thieves Guild. They've been harassing you the past two weeks. Will you help us be rid of them?"

"Either way, we recommend pretending to accept their demands"

2012-11-27, 01:41 PM
To The Morag Tong

I will help in any way i can if that will help restore order in the Empire

2012-11-27, 01:44 PM
Black Vista (3)

Madcrag TrollsWe are always eager to study unknown artifacts. We will take you up on that offer.

ThalmorWorking together is such a broad category. By context we surmise you have a political agenda. We, frankly, do not. The imperial government is costly and useless, but devoting our resources to changing it seems equally expensive and useless. If our conjecture on your proposal is in error, then by all means, we are interested.

Morag TongWhen professional killers seek to benefit the city, people do not ask how so much as who. When as recently various factions decide to benefit their rivals out of the city it is not our business. Evidence suggests you plan something else. Something that may very well be our business.

Grimsage Matt
2012-11-27, 01:53 PM
Madcrag Trolls to the Thalmor [7]
Itz Ysmirs Empire, and Lord Ysmir is War God. Wez gonna try to join da Empire again ina month. It's not datz we don't wanta workz with youz, but we don't know some whatz you talking bout.

Whats 'reform' an 'synchronize' mean?

Trolls On What Black Vista Said (Public)
From Shaman Oldvoice
As we have not be sentient long, we can understand the ruling. Nonethless, we will attempt to appeal the descision in a month, after attempting to show that we are more... enlightened then other Trolls.

Blessings of Ysmir apon ye.

To Black Vista
K, cuz we knowz that them boyz been talkin ter yer bout them, and wez keeping them stones, but wez admits we not know much as we likes.

2012-11-27, 02:12 PM
Kruts Pit Fighters

To Morag Tong

We may be able to help, but the situation in the Pens hasn't completely finished. We believe there are some daedra cults to Hircine in the area responsibile for the recent animal release. What are you needing?

To the Arcane Cabal

The pit fighters are trying to aquire a powerful sword to use as a symbol of power in the guild and to help in the arena fights. Would you be willing to lend us some magical aid in creating the sword?

2012-11-27, 03:06 PM
The Morag Tong:

To the Knights of the Abyss: [PM #4]
Marvellous. We're assembling forces to destroy the criminal organisation known as the 'Thieves Guild'. We're hoping for military forces to assist with the direct assault, spies to sabotage their defences, and money with which to hire mercenaries.

To Black Vista [3]
"I wish no ill will towards your organisation. If anything I might hope someday we could be allies."

To Krut's Fighters: [4]
Ah yes, the crocodiles that escaped into the sewers. I understand you have to put some resources towards that. I'm hoping for military and espionage support. Perhaps economy as well, to hire mercenaries.

2012-11-27, 03:31 PM
To The Morag Tong

I have some of my army available and my shadowdancers are are able to assist you in your task

2012-11-27, 06:20 PM
Thieve's Guild

Morag Tong:

We have a job offer. Interested?

2012-11-27, 06:53 PM
The Guiding Hand
ESP-D: 9

To House Hlaalu (4)

Should there be any matter that you and our dear friends in the East Empire Company feel should be brought to the attention of the Senate, you need only ask. I am sure a suitable individual might be found to propose anything you desire.

To the Mag Crag Trolls (7)

I am terribly, deeply sorry about the results of the latest vote in the Senate. You have clearly, to any reasonable man, demonstrated the capacity for intelligence, and to have such surety ignored in favor of political expediency by the august body of which I am a part must be a hideous blow.

Nevertheless, we must perservere, and I must say I admire your reaction to the Senate's decision. Pressing on is, in my mind, the best and most measured response, and I am glad that you see it that way as well.

Should you require any assistance in the future, whether in the Senate or otherwise, please do let me know.

Your humble servant,

Senator Ciceron Sol Atticus

To The Lost Legion (PM 1)

I feel I must deeply apologize about the results of the latest vote in the Senate. Men who have suffered such as you have should not be consigned to the pits of the earth like some rabid creature or barbarian from uncivilized lands. Nevertheless, what is, is, and while we shall always strive to change it we must accept the way things are for the moment.

That is not wholly what I desired to speak of with you today, however. It was with great pleasure that I saw, a month ago, you pledge to defend the Thi'kit from any who might menace them. This, I--as many in the city so did, I believe--saw as a way to prevent ignorant prejudice against our kahjiit friends from driving away the trade and other good things they bring to Tamriel in general and this city in particular. And, while you are vampires, you are also good and honorable men, and it is well known that you will hold to your oaths.

However, I fear I must ask if you were entirely aware of what it is you were pledging to defend. The kahjiit bring wonders, it is true, but the Thi'kit, I am terribly sad to say, have deceived you--and myself as well, for I thought them simple traders. Unfortunately, I must confess this is not the case. They have, to the best of my knowledge (which is very good indeed), been planning to assassinate several individuals of my acquaintance, including possibly myself, and take our wealth for themselves. To do so they had entered into negotiations with the Dark Brotherhood, who you so recently and righteously destroyed--for that, I am deeply grateful. However, I am sure they can find other assassins willing to kill for the treasures of my closest friends, among the Thieves Guild and other rabble. I myself am not a wealthy man, and I doubt laying claim to my meager earnings would put a smile on the face of the Thi'kit, but I am friends with others who are more fortunately endowed--among them Senator Atticus, who, despite the Senate's unfortunate choice, I hasten to assure you is nothing but a friend to your cause.

From you, now, I must ask two things. First, please, do not allow that you have been made aware of the Thi'kit's deceit, or at least do not speak of where you gained the knowledge. You may walk in light and see no need for such lies or omissions, but I am very much afraid that in this instance I must insist, as my life may well depend upon their assassins not knowing that we anticipate them. My second request is far simpler. I ask you to reexamine your oaths to the Thi'kit. Should you feel that even though you have been shown to be defending assassins and thieves, you must keep your word, I will accept that; indeed, I could expect nothing more. I merely wish for you to know that if they request your assistance in striking against me or mine, that you will be assisting in a lie and an assassination. I bring this warning not for my own sake, but for yours, so that your honor remains untarnished by such willful deceit.

Stay strong, live with honor and keep to your oaths, my friend. And who knows--next month the vote in the Senate might go the other way.

Your humble servant,

Kaeso Clodian

To the Phoenix Mercenaries (5)

My dear friend, might I inquire as to the price of your services?

To The 13th Legion (PM 2)

To: General Aricanus, 13th Legion


It is with great regret that I must inform you that I have become aware of a plot to assassinate myself and several other individuals of my acquaintance. According to some usually-reliable sources, certain thieves from the less reputable parts of the city have decided that the best way to acquire my wealth and influence is to be rid of me first, a mercenary motive that I cannot in any way condone. I would, as such, like to request an increased defensive presence by your men around the Imperial Palace for the next month as the matter is looked into by Imperial investigators. If there is nothing too it, all we will have wasted is time; and if there is, then it is best to be prepared.

Your humble servant,

Senator Ciceron Sol Atticus

Senate (Public)

The destruction of the vampire menace in the Market District has brought several things to light that are worthy of the attention of this august body. First and foremost is the bravery and initiative demonstrated by the Order of the Sainted Blades, courage that has been applauded and praised by every man and woman who realizes what their actions mean. The city, my friends and colleagues, is protected; the Empire will stand, so long as men such as the Blades stand with it. Such service to the Empire must be rewarded, and my first proposal is to formally recognize the Sainted Blades as defenders of the Empire.

My second proposal is more grave, I fear. The fact that a vampire plague was allowed to occur in the Market District--the fact that it happened at all--is a grave indictment of our ability to keep our own house in order. All know that the district plays host to smugglers, fraudsters and other criminal enterprise, but this has gone too far. I propose we order a cleansing of the Market District. Now that the Legions have reclaimed our prison from the Dark Brotherhood, we have a place for those who prey on their fellow citizens other than the streets of the Market.

-Senator Ciceron Sol Atticus

2012-11-27, 07:18 PM
Arcane Cabal

Krut Pit-fighters
Hmm...I suppose that could be arranged...In exchange could we ask a small contigent of your men to train our own forces in the ways of the pit-fighters? As goblins they dont have the discipline or intelligence to fight using typical legion tactics, but they might actually be able to learn something in the arts of your scrappy style of warfare.

Lost Legion
I am sorry you were not recognized as an official region. I had voted in your favor but I dont have the influence to swing any votes.

2012-11-27, 08:48 PM
D.ESP: 8

To Trolls [7]

What we mean by reform is to change the current situation. Basically we feel that with the emperor dead the senate is not a good way of ruling things. However if anyone tried to put an emperor on the throne they would just start a massive civil war. We wish to leave the empire and found our own nation. It is basically the reverse of what you want.

We understand your reluctance to try something different yet, however if your vote is shut down a second time despite the clear evidence you are civilized (and dare I say more civilized than several of the factions in this city) would you be willing to consider trying to change the current situation?

2012-11-28, 02:25 AM
Black Vista (3)
Krut Pit Fighters (PM 2)As we mentioned, the Pens neighbor us and we intend to ensure that the incidents around it are stopped. We have already began an investigation into them, which you complicate. Your efforts to concentrate military force and remove existing factions from the area is likely to be effective at stopping the beasts escape, but the chaos and plethora of new forces are likely to foil any investigation into why they were released in the first place. Secondly, there are your motivations. You have devoted laudable efforts to capturing monsters, but the focus of your exchanges is squarely on taking the district for yourself. You have made no real efforts to work with the hunters guild you seek to discredit and have presented no evidence beyond its existence why the daedric cult in the area is behind the releases. As such, we are forced to consider you a major suspect. If you held off your calls for major military action in the district until we have a clear idea whats happening we would be grateful for a chance to bring individuals with a reckless disregard for human life to justice as well as clear all innocent parties of the many accusations that have been prematurely flung back and forth.

Hunters Guild (PM 3)You cannot be blind that public sentiment will soon deem you incompetent and that your sanctioned hold on the Pens is quickly becoming precarious. We have mentioned before that we consider your skills useful and we would be sorry to see your guild thrown into disrepair. Also, as neighbors to the Pens we have a high stake in seeing these incidents of escaped creatures stopped. We would like to fund a thorough repair of the animal holding facilities as well as investigate for signs of foul play behind this trend. We would appreciate your help and cooperation in both endeavors.

Red Spear (PM 4)The recent creature outbreaks will soon risk placing the Pens under armed occupation. If you are behind these outbreaks halt them, your put the prey on edge and risk us all. If you are not behind these incidents aid us in finding out who is, we will not stand for some unknown group causing havoc in our territory, you shouldn't either.

2012-11-28, 02:57 AM
The Phoenix Mercenarie
Morale: 5

To the Morag Tong
We have no contracts in this period. The more gold you pay the more men you get, you surely understand we do not reveal the strength of our full force to anyone. We got more than enough to complete most contracts.

To the Guiding Hand
Our current price is one chest of gold for one team of mercenaries.
(wealth + for Mil +).

2012-11-28, 06:32 AM
Arcane Cabal
We are glad to know that we had some support.

2012-11-28, 08:03 AM
Krut's Pit Fighters (DESP 4)

To Black Vista

Unfortunetly the only leads we got were from the dying members of the Hunters guild, which has been destroyed. We are arena fighters, and need the pens to be secure and running for us to continue our livelyhood in the arena, hence out action in the district. All current information points to worshipers of Hircine in the area. We cannot secure the pens as long as they exist, and as long as the pens are not secure our livelyhood is in jepordy. Therefore, we cannot wait for the red tape to be cleared before hunting down these people.

- Krut
dictated by Ismai

To Arcane Cabal

I and some of my men will come this turn and help train your men.

- Krut
dictated by Ismai

To the Sainted Blades

Damascian Urn,

We do not want to impose, but are your men marching somewhere this next turn? If the empire calls on them elsewhere, we do not mean to get in the way, but if we may have a use of some of them in the pens. Currently we have the the arena monsters under control, but we believe that the creatures were released by worshipers of Hircine, the Red Spear. If your men have nowhere to fight this turn, we would welcome help in removing them from the area. We would only need 5 MIL, and are willing to compensate you if wish.

- Krut
dictated by Ismai

To The Morag Tong

We can spare 2 ESP, but we need to know what they will be doing before we can commit.

- Krut
dictated by Ismai

2012-11-28, 08:22 AM
The Morag Tong

To Krut's Pit Fighters: [PM #5]
I see you are going after the Red Spear with the bulk of your strength. I would normally applaud such action, but I do not think it is the best use of your resources at this time.

We do not know the Red Spear's strength, and many of the cities honourable fighters are already engaged in combat with the Dark Brotherhood. The rest I am trying to organise to fight The Thieves Guild.

I do not think the city has enough men to combat the Thieves guild, Dark Brotherhood and Red Spear at the same time. I'm sure we will have no problem getting together a coalition to fight the Red Spear in the coming weeks; The dark-brotherhood should be gone by this time next week, but attempting to fight all three now seems like a bad idea.

Grimsage Matt
2012-11-28, 10:38 AM
Madcrag Trolls to the Thalmor [7]
Wez gonna get into da empire. Soonor er lata, wez gonna get in.

Madcrag Trolls To the Guiding Hand [7]
From Shaman Oldvoice
Thank you for your words. We might have rushed it at first, but with patience we hope to join in time.

Madcrag Trolls to Krut's Pit Fighters [4]
We hearz you havin problems with boyz called Red Spear. Want us ta help ya smash dem?

2012-11-28, 04:18 PM
Senate to the Pit Fighters [4]

The Senate does not have the authority to make such decisions without a public vote. We suggest you bring this matter to public attention.

The Pearl Mirror to the Morag Tong [PM]

You must be mistaken about us, Sera. We are but humble artists. But if you require hymns, or statues, or paintings, we are your men

The Painted Mirror to the Morag Tong [PM]

"Who can know the will of the Wayward Star? If you would speak to Lady Meridia, sacrifice to her, and you may make your request."

Heartland Smugglers to the Thieves' Guild [4]

"Give up? You mangy beast, we have you by the balls. Another week or two of this, and we will accept your surrender."

Fisherman's Guild to the Thieves' Guild [2]

"We are not thieves, and your guild is not ours. We are our own. We would certainly have you as allies, and are grateful for it, but why should we call our selves thieves? What we do is legal.

Illiac Bay corsairs to the Thieves' Guild PM

"These holdings have been ours for generations. My father would rotate in his grave if he heard that I was even contemplating giving them away. My great-great-grandfather had to sink a hundred ships, with only a rusty saber and a leaky dhow with no rowers, to be able to aford this warehouse. I have seven daughters, and they all will mock their father if they hear that I would give away this proud seat of family history! What price in gold could be worth this?

Nichael al-alik'r

Black Vista [PM]

The vampire woman seems half-mad, changing between sobbing and throwing herself against the walls and snarling.
"Please! I don't know what's going on here. Let me go home, OR I WILL RIP OUT YOUR THROAT AND TEAR YOUR LIMBS AND... please... my mother ATE HER AND I WILL KILL YOU TOO! ... he didn't tell me anything. Please, sir, I'm just a maid, I don't know anything about these things...

The Archmage to the Sainted Blades [PM]

From the desk of Hannibal Traven, his serene Brilliance, Imperial Councillor of the Arcane.

I would love to send you all my support in this endeavour, but my hands are tied. I am not yet myself back to my full powers after my battle with the King of Worms, and it seems as if every faction in this city with even an ounce of magic is mistaking the University for a recruiting fair. If this goes on like this, in two weeks there won't be any mages left that are loyal to the unversity, safe myself.

White Guar to House Hlaalu [4]

"This establishment is amongst the oldest in the city. It is highly exclusive, and we still have many faithful customers. Even in the current state, we could not let it go for anything less than [10 wealth].

Knights of the Nine to the Morag Tong [3]

Our numbers are small, very small. there can only ever be a handful of Knights of the Nine, and the death of any of us hits us hard. Findulain was the greatest knight of this age, and we only seek to avenge his dishonourable death.

Heartland Smugglers to Morag Tong [4]

You don't seem to understand how this game is played, Ashskin. Giving in to demands like that is a weakness. Out in the streets, the weakest dog is eaten alive.

Red Spear to the Black vista [PM]

We did not do this. Though no predator should ever be in a cave, so far, the Hunter's Guild has held us in check. But now? The hunter's guild is destroyed, and the Gladiators are occupying this district.

Grimsage Matt
2012-11-28, 04:49 PM
To the Newcomers
Hi! Wez hear ya like old stuffz. We found some stuff in our ruin, you want help us check out?

2012-11-28, 06:02 PM
The Morag Tong

To the Knights of the Nine: [3]
"Can you investigate the culprit behind this attack?"

To the Heartland Smugglers: [PM #6]
I can respect that. See you on the field of battle.

2012-11-28, 06:08 PM
Pit Fighters

To Senate

We would, although we will assume control until the vote is held. We would like the senate to vote on the finances to rebuild the area after the mass breakout.

To Madcrag Trolls

If you would like to help smash them we would not turn away the assistance. We could pay you a couple of WEL for the help as well.

2012-11-28, 10:30 PM
Black Vista
publicOur faction is well known for its independence and disinterest in the feuds and actions of outsiders. The crimes and competitions that mark the day to day affairs of imperial life are dull to us next to or intellectual pursuits. However we are curious and certain acts are suspicious and distasteful enough to bring us to action. The outbreak in the Pens last week is, to be frank, plainly indicative of either sabotage of serious systematic failure and either put the lives of this cities inhabitants in jeopardy in such a way that we cannot allow the incident to pass without a full and thorough investigation to prevent it happening again and punish any who are proved to have brought it about. Occupying the area in force and attempting to reconstruct it without the source of this problem being tracked down is just asking for fresh damages and casualties. We informed the parties we thought likely to be involved days ago, but invents increasingly bring to our attention that we simply may not have the resources to bring this incident to full light in the short time we have to do so, therefore we request any factions who share our desire for clarity in this matter to commit resources alongside ours to obtain it.

2012-11-30, 03:31 AM
The Phoenix Mercenaries
Morale 5

To the Senate
The Phoenix Mercenaries would like to notify the Senate that we are available to help solve the situation involving the Lost Legion and their illegal claim. We have always supported the Empire and want to help. Normally we ask a certain price but this time we will do with less.
Should you need us, just ask.

To the 13th Legion
We have seen watched your efforts in the problem that is the Lost Legion. We would have notified the Senate that we will support them in this matter for much less than we usually ask for contracts. I extand to you the same offer. Should you choose to act against these blooddrinkers, we will support you.

2012-11-30, 03:50 AM
The 13th Legion
Morale: 6

Morag Tong, Wardens, Lost Legion (Morale: 4)

We will, of course, see this to it's end. I do wish, however, that we had been better informed as to who would be participating in this. Would have made the planning easier.

Legate Meerkalem

Lost Legion (Morale: 6)

Honestly, our main issue with your "Legion" is it's occupation of Weye and the danger that poses it's citizens. If the Wardens don't mind you moving into the sewers after the Dark Brotherhood have been completely evicted, then by all means. As long as we aren't finding any citizens with bite marks, I think we can coexist.

Legate Meerkalem

Kruts Pit Fighters (Morale: 5)

Unfortunately, what the Legion can and cannot do within the city walls is incredibly limited. That is to say, we're not allowed to operate at all within the walls unless the Senate gives us leave.

General Gaius Aricanus

The Guiding Hand (PM: 1)

Senator Atticus,

Unfortunately, the Legion has no authority or ability to act within the walls of the city, except by explicit order of the Senate. Unless it was an official order from the Senate, it would be highly illegal for my men to operate in the Imperial City.

If you still fear for your safety and are worried that the Praetorian Guard and Watch are not sufficient, then you are welcome to stay here in the Legion Barracks with us for a time.

General Gaius Aricanus

Phoenix Mercenaries (Morale: 5)

Honestly, we're not sure that we're going to take the vampires on head on. At least not yet. They have shown some worth by assisting us in the destruction of the Dark Brotherhood. Should it become truly necessary to eliminate them, we will remember your offer.

General Gaius Aricanus

Senate (Public)

Senate Paeus Manus, a former Praetor of the 11th Legion and well known friend of the 13th Leigion's General Aricanus, makes a proposal before the Senate.

"The Oblivion Crisis has left the Empire in a very vulnerable position. Enemies both without and within will threaten our stability. In time like this, we would normally turn to the brave men in women of the Legions to maintain order and protect us in these dark times. But the Legions have simply been worn down by the constant combat and minor crisis that they have been acting against over the past few months. What is needed is a temporary increase in the funding of the Legions, to facilitate their recruitment and rearming. If we do not, the Legions will be ground down to nothing and we will be overrun."

2012-11-30, 06:02 AM
The Morag Tong

To the Thieves Guild: [4]
Yes. Let's talk about it in private.

2012-11-30, 06:40 AM
13th Legion Moral:6
Okay, we shall leave Weye assuming the wardens permit us. Also we did try to make a plan with you, you did not respond.

We request the use of the land formerly occupied by The Dark Brotherhood. We believe it better than Weye because there is less sun and people telling us to leave.

2012-11-30, 10:26 AM
Thieve's Guild (D ESP 4)

Morag Tong (PM 1)

You understand what it is to have a guild monopoly, correct? The Tong have one on your sanguine job when in Morrowind, and with the destruction of the dark brotherhood, while in the Imperial City as well. Our monopoly has recently been threatened by a group of smugglers operating out of the lakeside docks. I know you have been passing messages to them, what about I do not care. You should know that they are currently only a shadow of their former selves, and will not be useful to you as allies, however, if that is what your cultivating.

We would be useful allies, however. And it all starts with a job. I need the top command of the heartland smuggler's taken out, so that I can finish with them easily while still working on that job that we were hired to by the Thi'Kit. What would you charge for this?

Grimsage Matt
2012-11-30, 11:17 AM
Madcrag Troll to the Kruts Pit Fighters
We don't needz be paid. Dem Red spearz shut da Arena down. We smash 'em.

Madcrag Trolls to Black Vista
We hunting down da boyz dat did it. Heard it da Red Spear from the pit boyz. Wez smashin 'em Red boyz.

2012-11-30, 11:32 AM
The Morag Tong

To the Thieves Guild [PM #7]
An organisation of common criminals. Their leader probably isn't particularly remarkable. They have no real allies. The senate isn't going to disapprove. Seems like a very good contract. Six chests of gold should suffice.

When will you be moving against them? An unexpected battle would rather confuse any assassination plans.

2012-11-30, 02:52 PM
Thieve's Guild

Morag Tong (PM 2)

My forces will be prepared to move in as soon as we have word of the deaths, but not before. Assuming your men do the job and leave, your men should be gone before mine arrive. You will receive your gold when you deliver the proof of the jobs completion (it'd still be this turn, but obviously if they dont die, you don't get paid)

2012-11-30, 04:05 PM
The Morag Tong

To the Thieves Guild [4]
That should be fine. We'll start this evening.

2012-11-30, 05:02 PM
Black Vista (3)
Madcrag TrollsIt's a common misconception, but in a proper investigation your supposed to confirm who's guilty before you go on a killing rampage.

Grimsage Matt
2012-11-30, 05:07 PM
To Black Vista
K, we'll tel our boyz only ter smash if it lookz like dey did it. But da boyz will be askin some wit a serious end er a club.

To the Pit Fighters
Vista sayz we gottza ask round first. So, wez gonna ask dems, and looks round, and if they didz it, we smash 'em.

To the Red Spear
A Very Large Troll walks up to where the red spear normal stays. "Did yer let the arenaz beasters out? People been sayn we gottaz ask before we smash."
It is the chief

Imperial Psycho
2012-11-30, 05:40 PM
House Hlaalu

To White Guar [4]
As an mere outpost of the Great House Hlaalu in a foreign land, and given the current political turmoil of the times we live in, I can perhaps offer you [6 t.wealth]

2012-11-30, 05:53 PM
Thieve's Guild:
Thi'Kit/Morag Tong (PM 3)

My men will find the names, habits, and descriptions of espionage agents of this Guiding Hand and give them to Morag Tong agents to dispose of - My men aren't killers or fighters, but are capable of finding anything. That is, assuming the Tong are still planning on taking the job as well.

2012-11-30, 06:00 PM
The Morag Tong

To Thi'Kit and Thieves Guild [4]
We will co-operate with this task.

2012-11-30, 06:28 PM
Pit Fighters

To MadCraig Trolls

They are going to deny involvement because they are scared of getting smashed. If you do not want to help do not feel obligated, but as long as the red spear is around we cannot have arena fights with monsters.

Our proof of their involvement were from the dying guards. Unfortunately they died from their injuries and are unable to talk with us now. The Black Vista wish for an investigation, but the Pit Fighters rely on these pens working for our income and we cannot wait for their months long investigation to act.

Grimsage Matt
2012-11-30, 06:31 PM
Madcrag Trolls to the pit fighters
We knowz. But, we gotta ask first, dats da civillized ting ta do.

Forum Explorer
2012-12-01, 03:03 AM

To Morag Tong and Thief's Guild (Def 4)
We will do our best to support both of you.

To Senate (Public)
We suggest that the Senate spend it's money in repairing roads for easier transportation in order to ease trade both inside and outside the Empire.

2012-12-04, 01:09 AM
Order of the Sainted Blades

Krut's Pit Fighters Esp Def 3
OOC: Sorry, didn't have much internet time the end of last week, so just sent a quick EoT in. Didn't see your post.

IC: Currently we've been trying to build our own forces. There seems to be several threats in the city, not only the Red Spear. It's difficult to determine which foes are the most pressing to deal with. If you can show us how the Red Spear offers a greater threat than other factions of ill repute, we will do what we can to help.

2012-12-04, 02:00 AM
Thieve's Guild (D ESP 2)

TO: Morag Tong (Public)

Know that it is now my sworn duty to destroy you for your treachery. We will not rest until every last one of you long eared bastards are dead in the streets.
-Grey Fox

TO: Thi'Kit Caravan

We are withdrawing from our deal with you from this point forward, until you find better allies. We expect our payment for services rendered, however.
-Grey Fox

TO: 13th Legion, Lost Legion, Order of the Sainted Blades, Knights of the Abyss

The same message arrives to each of the named orders:
Greetings. I know it is strange for you to be receiving mail from one such as myself. Know that I feel equally as strange writing this. You are the forces of justice in this city, and have shown such in your actions against the band of horrific murderers known as the Dark Brotherhood. There still exists another band of assassins in the city however, one just as strong, and just as deranged. The Morag Tong. How can you call yourselves the keepers of justice, and allow this den of murderers to stay in our great city? We request your assistance in removing this blight. We know that we are criminals, but we are criminals with a code, criminals who take nothing that cannot be earned again. The Tong take life. That is something you cannot recover, something that even if the culprit is caught, the victim cannot have returned. The city needs this blight removed, and I feel we should put aside petty differences in order to do so.

-The Grey Fox

Madcrag Trolls:

How'd you like to smash something? It might even get you in good with the senate.

-Grey Fox

Krut's Pit Fighters

We did you a favor in the past. Would you be willing to do us one now?

-Grey Fox

Illiac Bay Corsairs/Fisherman's Guild (PM 1)

We have been attacked, by a ruthless gang of murderers. The Grey Fox is attempting to gather aid from the city, but if it is not forthcoming, we may require your aid. Should it come to it, we would ask the coursairs to blockade the cities port, preventing the shipment of goods into the city, while the fisherman's guild (who would be allowed out, being a part of our alliance) supplies food to our men in the waterfront, separated as we are from the rest of the city. It would not take long for them to realize that they must have our assistance in the city, and render us aid.

-Grey Fox


We would like to call a vote to have the Morag Tong official declared outlaws in the Empire for the crime of murder, and either set up a reward for their agents, or in some other way work to remove this blight from the city.

- A Concerned Citizen

Forum Explorer
2012-12-04, 02:32 AM
Thi'Kit Def Esp 5

To Thief's Guild
We did pay you....didn't you receive the money?

OCC: Yes I did send the 2 temp wealth. And to the Morag Tong as well.

To Morag Tong
We see now what sort of skills you bring to the table. Base Treachery. Well be assured that we will not be offering you a contract in the future and we would like the money we spent returned.

OCC: That's merchant speak for we're angry at you but not now devoted to your destruction. But if you ever want to work with us again you'll have to offer something major up front to make up for it.

To Lost Legion
We had hired the Morag Tong to help us deal with a corrupt group in the city but they betrayed us instead. We are in a bit of difficulty and would request your protection (nothing more!) in the next couple months as we rebuild from the conflict.

To Mad Crag Trolls
We need a favor. We've suffered some losses and would like your boys to provide some security while we rebuild.

2012-12-04, 02:41 AM
The Guiding Hand

Senate (Public)

The proposal by a concerned citizen is indeed a good one, but I believe it does not go far enough. To have organizations openly devoted to murder, theft and the circumvention of the law is not something that can be tolerated. To this end, I would like to suggest that the proposed reward for members of the Morag Tong be expanded to include the aptly named Thieves Guild, as well as the various smuggling and small-time crime operations that support both groups.

To Thi'Kit Caravan (5)

Dear Sir,

Please do not trespass in my circles of interest again. You have already cost me my dearest friend, and caused yourself nothing but pain. Let it lie, or lie still forever; the choice, as always, is your own.

Your humble servant,


To Lost Legion (PM1)

It is as I said to you when we last spoke. The Thi'kit, who you are sworn to protect, moved to assassinate upstanding citizens of this fine city in the dark of night, and as a result my oldest friend lies dead in the streets of Spires. I beg of you, think on your oaths, for I would not see my friend's innocent blood on your hands.

Your humble servant,


Lizard Lord
2012-12-04, 02:42 AM
Dark Brotherhood

To Thi'Kit Caravan and Thieves Guild:

Both factions receive the same message: You should have hired the true professionals. I hope you keep that in mind in the future.

In fact, we are currently looking for investors. This is a once in a life time opportunity as we are giving investors immunity to future contracts.

Imperial Psycho
2012-12-04, 02:43 AM
House Hlaalu

Great House Hlaalu would like to acknowledge their part in a successful operation, which thwarted a Thieves Guild attempt to assassinate key figures associated with the Imperial bureaucracy and Senate. Hlaalu calls on all law-abiding citizens of the Imperial City to deny these Thieves assistance, and for the authorities to bring down the hammer on the 'Grey Fox' who appears to be trying to fill the vacuum left by the fall of the Dark Brotherhood.

We also acknowledge rumours that the Thi'kit Caravan was involved in the assassination. We neither confirm or deny these rumours, but note that House Hlaalu has never been accused of involvement of undermining Imperial authority. Buy Imperial. Buy Hlaalu goods.

Grimsage Matt
2012-12-04, 03:08 AM
Madcrag Trolls to the Theives Guild
We gonna wait and sees what da senante sayz. Nuttin personal, but most of yer boyz will get is some jail time. They'll set us on fire. Sometime, better ter hide den smash da boyz dat jumped ya.

To the Thi'Kit Caravan
We might be able ter spare a few o the boyz, we planed on hittin som of da ruins close by dis week.

2012-12-04, 06:41 AM
The Guiding Hand
These are some accusations you make. Do you have any evidence about the crime. Who was your friend anyways? What is the reason for theis alleged murder?

Thi'Kit Caravan
We want a more complete story. The Guiding Hand says that you made an unprovoked attack on them. Were they the corrupt group? We can protect you, but you must tell us the truth. You were betrayed by The Morag Tong?

Thieves Guild
The Horrific Murderers helped us against the dark brotherhood. What horrific thing did they do to you?

2012-12-04, 10:58 AM
Thieves Guild (D ESP 2)
House Hlaalu:
Those are brave accusations, and I would dare you to prove any of them. My men are not and have never been murderers. We have never accepted an assassination contract, and it is a rule of our organization that it is only ok to kill in self defense. Anything else and you pay a blood price to the dead's family for the first offense, and expulsion from the guild (and most likely being turned over to the guard) for a second. I will say this one more time, so that the whole city may know. WE ARE NOT KILLERS. That is the Tong and the Dark Brotherhood.


Sorry - with all the other stuff that was going on in my EoT, I missed that. However, the job is still over.

Lost Legion:

Those murderer's renegaded on a contract, murdered my people, and assisted a smuggling operation. How many laws must they break before the guards come down upon them! As to the friend of the Guiding Hand, he was killed by agents of the Morag Tong. Where the Tong received their information and orders from are something else, however. Another reason for them to be destroyed.

Keep in mind that if the Tong turned on one ally, they could just as easily do so on another. Even if you don't help us, mind your back.

Senate, public:

Apparently one citizen of our city has failed to realize that the Thieve's guild already IS wanted by the guards, or have you missed the "Wanted: Grey Fox" posters throughout the city? How a band of simple thieves can have that much publicity and animosity, but a den of murderers is allow to operate freely is completely beyond me, however. We demand that a vote be held to declare the Tong outlaw, and ask that if they are, those tasked with upholding the laws (namely, the legions) due everything possible to remove this scourge.

-A concerned citizen

Dark Brotherhood (PM 1)

The Tong screwed you over as well, didn't they? What would you need to take take them out? We have some resources we can spare.

Eldan/Rafinius: (DM PM)

Would I be correct in assuming that the 6 WEL I had assigned to be paid to the tong AFTER they completed their task wasn't actually paid to them, since they never killed anyone but my men? If so, what happened to it?

Imperial Psycho
2012-12-04, 11:08 AM
House Hlaalu

Well, you can trust the wanted criminal, or you can trust House Hlaalu, who fed this city in a time of crisis, and from which from whose ranks such high figures as the Duke of Ebonheart and King of Morrowind are drawn. Just because you haven't killed before doesn't mean you won't when the pay is high enough.

To House Hlaalu (Homeland)
To Crassus Curio
I hope this letter finds you in good health. Per your instructions, the Imperial City branch has began expanding operations in earnest. We have already acquired the establishment known as the White Guar.

Additionally, we have made an opening for expansion as Ballargeon Shipping has become unable to maintain supplies of grain to the city. I send this letter to ask that resources from Morrowind be made avaliable, so that we can expand to fill the cities need.

Ralen Uvayn

2012-12-04, 12:05 PM
The Guiding Hand

Senate (Public)

Indeed, the Grey Fox and his den of thieves are already wanted by the guard. However, so are any murderers in the city, the Tong included. That is to say, that the price on the Tong is already the price for a murderer: I am merely suggesting that the hunt for the Guild be raised to that same level, as they were directly involved in the murder of one Caius Cane, a prominent local businessman and philanthropist in the Spires this past month. They have, it seems to us, abandoned their rules regarding murder and begun taking up assassination for profit, and as such should be treated with the same increased level of pressure as we plan to treat the assassins of the Tong. As our dear concerned friend has said, such things may be legal in Morrowind, but they certainly are not here.

Lost Legion (PM2)

Indeed I do. Caius Cane (a person, I might add, totally unrelated in any way to the Laughing Man) lies dead by the hand of a Thieves Guild assassin, who was able to get through his guards by the work of Thi'kit operatives. Cane (who is, again, not in any way the Laughing Man, as no such person exists) was a successful businessman and philanthropist in Spires, and while I cannot truly know the workings of such deranged minds I can only conclude that the motive for the assassination was profit of some kind. Thanks to the efforts of certain of our friends, they were not able to make off with any of Cane's wealth, the majority of which is going to a number of charities specified in his will, but I believe a lack of success does not diminish the crime of the intent.

To Thieves Guild (2)

Dear Sir,

We have had confirmation as to who it was who killed a certain friend of mine earlier this month. My oldest friend, cut down in the night in Spires by a Thieves Guild assassin. Do not think that such things go unpunished. Know this, murderer: the city is no longer your friend.

Your humble servant,


2012-12-04, 12:07 PM
Black Vista
Public: True to our word we have investigated the events surrounding the mass outbreak in the pens. Fact 1: the pens were opened, this event was not an accident. Fact 2: given the small numbers of Red Spear it is physically impossible that they could have opened that many pens simultaneously. Fact 3: Krutt's Pit Fighters massed in an organized fashion in considerable numbers, armed, and moved towards the Pens shortly before the outbreak, not after. While they themselves did not open the cages, they were obviously forewarned and in collusion whomever did. Based on additional evidence and their being the ones who obviously stood to benefit from the actions of that night, it is safe to say the pit fighters hired unscrupulous agents to cause the death of the hunters guild and made a concerted effort to blame these deaths and the collateral damage and lose of life on the Red Spear in order to gain control of the Pits.
As to there contractors, we has no such solid evidence, but may we say that letting dozens of man eating creatures loose in the middle of a city and pretending your faction never murders is a bit pretentious.

2012-12-04, 12:25 PM
Second Week of Last seed, 4E1

The Black Horse Courier
Stultorum calami carbones moenia chartae


Our very own Rha'vara has been appointed press secretary of the Senate. As such, we will from now on directly report on all votes taken in the Senate.

The Senate will not directly fun the 13th Legion in any way.
The Senate will send Inquisitors to investigate the Arcanum and the presence of the entity known as the Enantiomorph.
The Lost Legion is given the official status of Auxillary, reporting directly to the Senate instead of any given Legion.
The Sainted Blades will not be declared Protector of the Empire.
The University will gain no further funding. By tradition, the University funds itself via the sale of spells and enchantments, and this will remain so.
Necromancy in any form will be punishable by exile, in all Imperial provinces safe Morrowind, where the Tribunal temple will retain the right to judge applications of necromantic energies as sanctioned or abominable.
The Senate will not invest any resources into rebuilding the Pens district or the area known as the Scorch.
The Senate will invest money into renewing the roads. A senator was quoted as saying that "The Roads are the veins and arteries of the Empire. Where the roads fail, Imperial Civilization soon falls."

Join the Legion!
The 13th Legion mounted a major recruitment drive following their battles against the Dark Brotherhood underneath the Imperial Prison. According to reports, they will soon be restored to their original strength or even exceed it.

Investigations into the Pens
Dilligent agents of the Black Vista have begun investigating the release of wild monsters in the area known as the pens, which lead to the dissolution of the Hunter's Guild. Rumours blame the Daedric cult known as the Red Spear for the incident. The cult itself has destroyed by Gladiators of Krut's Pit Fighters, who have taken over temporary police duties in the entire ward after the dissolution of the hunter's guild.

Armourers' Guild sponsors the Sainted Blades
Tullius Tertius, spokesman of the Armourers' and Weaponsmiths' guild in the Market District has released a statement that from now on, they will work closely with the Sainted Blades. In exchange for equipping the Sainted Blades and let them use their Ward as a recruitment and support centre, the Sainted Blades will take over the duties of policing and guarding the district and its inhabitants.

Dark Brotherhood Destroyed Once and For All!
The Hierophant of the Nine personally descended into the depths of the Dark Brotherhood Lair beneath the Temple of the Nine to perform a sealing ceremony that will close off the vile sanctuary of the Primal Chaos, Sithis, for at least an entire age, those preventing a re-emergence of the cult in that location. Military reports indicate that the Dark Brotherhood beneath the Prison was destroyed entirely and though single agents may still be present in other cities, the Brotherhood is believed to be broken and destroyed for good, unable to reform.

13th Legion new guardians of Talos Bridge
According to a spokesman of the Bridge Guard, General Aricanus of the 13th Legion was officially requested to take on the mantle of Pontifex, or official guardian of Talos Bridge"
"In these difficult times, we can not allow that the gates of the city are unguarded. And, woefully, my men are understaffed and ill-equipped for their duties, after so many decades of peace", the Spokesman said.

Portraits of Modern Wizardry: Lady Elenwen
Today, in our series on modern wizards of great renown, Gwenhiwer Cromlech has spoken to Lady Elenwen, one of the University's most high ranking Altmer mages and said by some to be a likely successor to Hannibal Traven. More on the back page.

Meanwhile, in the Senate chambers
"So. We sent out six inquisitors."
"And of those six inquisitors, two never returned."
"Also true. Our report says that one of them threw himself to the ground and began calling out, and I quote "Hail to Mirror-Shard-Dancer! Hail the Soul of King and Rebel born in Golden Flesh!" the others couldn't get him back. And one immediately fell unconscious when he saw the Enantiomorph and could not be revived."
The Speaker sighed.
"And the others?"
"One had to be lead out by the other four. He's still staring blankly at anything you point him towards, but at least he's awake. One's babbling. We haven't yet found out what language it is. The last two are lucent."
"Their reports?"
"Hundreds of worshippers. Most of them students, but many Dunmer from the provinces, and a handful of trained mages. Seven-foot tall, golden-armoured servants walking through the crowd, handing out blessings. Massive-scale magical construction underway in the Arcanum's court, purpose unknown. We have mages looking at sketches currently, but they don't have much of an idea what it is. And Necromancy."
The Speaker raised an eyebrow.
"Yes, Sir. The Inquisitors found animated skeletons guarding entryways they passed, and several cellars were found to be filled with corpses partially dissected and filled with ingredients."
The Speaker stroked his beard and began thinking, dismissing the High Inquisitor with a wave of his hand.

2012-12-04, 12:36 PM
Order of the Sainted Blades

Gabrius Vardant walked down the street along with Corwin Revis. “I’m impressed Gabrius. What exactly did you tell them?”

“Security comes first. In such times who better to defend them than us? I think the current conflict in the city helped them understand my point. Always good when the world agrees with me.”

“Too often it does. To think, the Thieves’ Guild are trying rouse the public against the assassins. Back when I was a pickpocket, they would have been selective of who to talk to, and certainly wouldn’t be publicly shouting out its vendettas. The Morag Tong must have truly wounded the Grey Fox’s pride, or perhaps the assassins really did deliver a serious blow.”

“Hmph. Whatever it is, let’s be thankful these backstabbers have their eyes set on each other. It gives our young Grand Master some breathing room in choosing our battles.”

“With our counsel of course.”

“Heh. Of course.”


Dark red cloaks were passed to the new members of the Order. Pella Almar nodded in approval. “As Master and Chaplain of the Order of the Sainted Blades, it is my duty, my honor, to speak the vows of service with you.”

As one, the voices spoke out.

“I offer my body to the Order, may it be strong and fit,
Let steady hand guide my sword, and strength empower my shield.
I offer my mind to the Order, may it by wise and quick,
May knowledge lead my actions, and learning quicken my thoughts.
I offer my soul to the Order, may it be just and true,
May meditation grant me peace, and loyalty protect the Order.

I hearby swear that before all else comes the Order of the Sainted Blades,
And may we defend all that’s dear in this land.”

13th Legion, Knights of the Abyss, Lost Legion-PM 1
Greeting Distinguished Warriors,
My Order will not become proxies for this war amongst the shadow factions. In fact, I treat this time as a blessing where poisoned daggers will be leveled at each other, and we may pursue justice for the city at our own discreation. I urge each of you to be careful of taking sides in this, but no matter what to make sure we do not end up fighting each other. We cannot afford to spill each other’s blood needlessly as one force attacks assassins and the other thieves.

For our part, we will likely continue to pursue the Dark Brotherhood, committing more resources to see that it meets its end, in spite of the Dark Mother’s blessing upon them, or to find another foe removed from this conflict altogether to ensure we are not pawns to another.

Your ally,

-Grand Master Damascian Urn of the Order of the Sainted Blades

Archmage - PM 2
Greeting Archmage Hannibal,

My name is Damascian Urn of the Order of the Sainted Blades. As you are well aware, there are several troubling factions plaguing the city. You yourself mentioned some but a week ago. I wish to help in stopping these groups, but I cannot send my knights out until they are prepared. As you may be aware the Order of the Sainted Blades can be spotted by our dark crimson cloaks. What I ask is your services to enchant them to make them resistant to magic, to protect the Blades from the dark spells of our mutual enemies. I feel that having an order of knights with a clear tactical advantage over the fell necromancers and renegade wizards that concern you should be worth the time and resources.

-Grand Master Damascian Urn of the Order of the Sainted Blades

Grimsage Matt
2012-12-04, 01:19 PM
Madcrag Trolls to the Senante
If ya's needs help with the thing in da Arcanum, we can help.

To the Archmage
From Shaman Oldvoice
Greetings Archmage Traven. As the magical leader of the Madcrag, and hearing the new bans on Necromancy, I wish to ask if one of our more common spells might be in violation of the ban. It is a simple spell of the conjuration school called the Spectral Arrow.

We would also be intrested if you would be willing for us to assist you in taking care of the Enantiomorph problem you seem to be having.

Madcrag to the Order of the Sainted Blades
You want us ter help with what be in da Arcanum?

2012-12-04, 01:33 PM
The Morag Tong


We were a part of the recent attack that damaged the Thieves guild. The Grey Fox was wounded, but unfortunately not killed. We will continue to pursue him.

To the Senate:

The Thieves Guild are known criminals, a threat to the Empire, and the Senate. We request a vote, for the Imperial Praetorians to be granted the power to join the fight against them.

To the Thi'Kit [4]
I apologise for involving you in this dispute. I bear no ill will towards you, and hope we might one day repair the damage that was been done. Until then, I wish you good fortunes.

To the Lost Legion: [4]
"I wish to make it clear, I had no intentions of damaging the Thi'Kit. The Thieves Guild are my only target, I will concentrating all my efforts on them."

To Krut's Pit Fighters: [4]
"Congratulations. The Red Spear are gone. Truly your men are skilled in the ways of combat. Might I ask your help against another threat to the city?"

Order of the Sainted Blade, Thirteenth Legion [PM #1]
"The Dark brotherhood is dead. I believe you have demonstrated that you can be trusted."

"We have not come to this city with criminal intentions. It is a convenient lie, one that is very easy to accept with our reputation. It allows us to gain the trust of factions like the Thieves Guild. Trust we can use to destroy them."

"We are not fools. We know we can not operate outside the law, accept illegal contracts for our own benefit, and expect to have a permanent place in this city."

"If we are to thrive, we must stand with you. The forces of law, the citizenry, the Imperial Throne. That was why we attacked the Dark Brotherhood two weeks ago. That was why we attacked the Thieves Guild last week. We would prove ourselves loyal and trustworthy, that the throne might grant us status as legitimate agents of the empire."

"We will continue the fight with the Thieves guild. We achieved a minor victory, but our advantage over them is not great. If others join them, they may win. You will lose an ally, and the Thieves guild will continue to operate, damaging the lives of citizens across the city."

2012-12-04, 01:45 PM
Thieve's Guild (D ESP 2)

A note nailed to the door of the Senate:

By all means, let the guards prosecute any member of the thieve's guild for whatever crime they may be convicted of committing. However, since NONE OF MY MEN ARE KILLERS, this will be limited to such things as pick pocketing, theft, or breaking and entering. We already do our time for such things when captured, and certainly anyone who is a known member of the guild could be tried for thievery, as the name of their guild professes them to be such. The Tong, however, are a band of self professed assassins, and any known member of the tong should equally be tried for murder, as their guild professes them to killers.

To this point, we can provide proof that the Morag Tong were recently involved in two plots to assassinate men in the city, including one successful attempt which killed the man commonly called "The Laughing Man", a member of the Guiding Hand. We demand that justice be done for this crime.

-The Grey Fox

House Hlaalu:

Provide your proof of an assassin in our employ, and we would gladly give him over. Our men had strict orders to kill no one, and anyone who was breaking such rules will be handed over to justice immediately.

-The Grey Fox

Guiding Hand:

Give me a name, and he will be delivered to you tomorrow, to do with as you wish. All my men had STRICT orders not to kill during the last week, and I would very much like to know which of my men would so blatantly break such a well known rule. The blood of your friend is on the hand of an agent of the Morag Tong.

-The Grey Fox

OOC: I'd be willing to send you the relevant bits of my EoT if you want. I swear that no one in it was supposed to kill anyone unless attacked.

2012-12-04, 02:05 PM
D.ESP: 6

To Trolls

we feel that the entaniomorph are clearly a large threat to the city, and should be removed before they can gain too much power. Aiding us in removing them would greatly increase your standing with the people of this city, and would greatly increase your chances of getting into the empire. Will you help us get rid of them?

To 13 legion and lost legion

The recent revelations that there is a large group of necromancers in the Arcanum cannot be tolerated. Are you willing to aid me in forcibly evicting them, as with the openness which they display their efforts they will clearly not leave voluntarily.

To Sainted Blades

We of the imperial city have recently been made aware of a nest of necromancers in the Arcanum - the Entaniomorph. Are you willing to aid us in forcibly evicting them?

2012-12-04, 02:12 PM
The Morag Tong

To the Knights of the Abyss [4]
Thank you for your assistance. I assume you will be continuing to help? With the Dark Brotherhood gone, we are ready to commit all our military to the fight. This time the losses will not be so close. They can not expect any support. The five of us, and any more factions who join us, should easily be able to crush one guild of thieves.

Forum Explorer
2012-12-04, 02:19 PM
Thi'Kit Def Esp 5

To Guiding Hand
We are not such fools to fall victim to a sunk-cost fallacy. We'll have to resort to more peaceful means to break your stranglehold over the Senate.

To Lost Legion
Yes we consider the Guiding Hand to be corrupt, using blackmail and other such tactics to influence the Senate. We sought to break their power over the Senate but the Morag Tong betrayed us and led our forces, along with the Thief's Guild, into a trap.

To Phoenix Mercenaries
We find ourselves in need of some troops. Are your forces available for hire?

To Mad Crag Trolls
Any help you can spare would be wonderful. What are you investigating in the ruins? Perhaps we can spare some mages to help you.

To Thief's Guild
Fair enough.

Imperial Psycho
2012-12-04, 02:21 PM
House Hlaalu

Phoenix Mercenaries
How many troops can you supply, on demand? We have up to 9 t.wealth available.

2012-12-04, 02:44 PM
To The Morag Tong [PM]

We shal support you in the fight against those low-lifes in any way we can since assassinations we can tollerate as long as they dont bring chaos and disorder but thievery is smoething we shal not allow.

2012-12-04, 03:27 PM
Pit Fighters

Response to Thieves guild accusations:

We will not try to defend the thieves, they are criminals and make a living taking things from others. What we do have some problems with is the Morag Tong. They are known assassins, yet many seem to be accepting them into our city with open arms. These are strange times indeed.

On another note, the leader of the Red Spear, a werecrocidile, escaped during our attack and is currently somewhere in the city. We will be hunting the creature further and posting a 2 t.WEL bounty for the dead monster.

To Morag Tong (DESP 3)

What are you asking us to do?

To Thieves Guild (DESP 3)

What favor are you wanting?

To House Hlaalu and the other Arboretum factions (DESP 3)

The monster that was leading the Red Spear was last seen fleeing into the Arboretum. Is there a problem sending a hunting party into the area? Also, there is a bounty for the creature.

2012-12-04, 03:31 PM
The Morag Tong

To the Pit Fighters:
I had assumed the Red Spear were done with. Your press release tells me they are not. I do not want to detract resources away from the important task of hunting down this werecrocodile, so I will leave you to it.

Good luck.

2012-12-04, 04:14 PM
Pit Fighters (DESP 3)

To Morag Tong

The creature will meet its end soon. Since the hunt is taking place all over the city, we will be using a more subtle touch to catch the beast. We will have resources to put to other tasks.

To Order of the Sainted Blades

It seems to be a non issue. Just keep an eye out for the werecrocidile, and remember the bounty

To the Arcane Cabal

We sent the trainers, including our leader to help train your men. Is the sword under construction?

OOC: Did you forget to put the sword in your EOT, or did it get lost in processing somewhere?

2012-12-04, 04:19 PM
The Morag Tong

To Krut's Pit Fighters: [4]
Okay, I just wanted your help to fight the Thieves Guild."

2012-12-04, 05:49 PM
Thieve's Guild

Krut's Pit Fighters (PM 3)

What do you think? We need allies against the Tong. Our organization has deep roots in this city, and is quasi-legal already. The Tong are yet another cabal of murderers, and need to be stopped.

To: All those who call theirselves knightly orders or agents of law:

How are you capable of defending murderers as you do! You work with them, accepted them in with open arms! You are hypocrites, one and all. How can the rooting out of a den of thieves be more important than a cabal of murderers!

2012-12-04, 06:02 PM
To The Imperial Senate [public]
We residence in the territories formerly belonging to The Dark Brotherhood. They are shielded from the sun and we will thrive there. We will leave Weye if we are granted the Dark Brotherhood's territory. We believe that this will please many because they seem to object to our residence there.

To Thi'Kit, Morag Tong, Thieves Guild, and Guiding Hand
We find it hard to understand what happened. We have gathered that the The'Kit, Morag Tong and Thieves Guild were working together to attack The Guiding Hand for manipulating senate votes and other crimes. They killed a philanthropist who may or may not be related to The Guiding Hand. The Morag Tong betrayed the alliance and attacked The Thieves Guild. Now the Thi'Kit are asking for protection, The Guiding Hand says that they are completely innocent and it was an unprovoked attack and that we need to break our alliance with the Thi'kit, The Morag Tong say that they just need to kill off the Thieves guild and that the Thi'kit will be spared, Thieves guild says that by not killing people they are somehow better than The Morag Tong and that The Morag Tong should be killed.

Order of Sainted Blades
We understand we shall try to avoid conflict between us.

We hear your suggestion.

2012-12-04, 06:37 PM
The Morag Tong

To the Lost Legion
Two weeks ago, The Thi'Kit hired myself and the Thieves Guild to destroyed the Guiding Hand.

At that point though, I already had a contract to kill the Thieves Guild.

I pretended to accept the Thi'Kit's contract. The Thieves Guild genuinely accepted. The plan was that the Thieves Guild would provide non-lethal support, while I did the actual assassinations.

When the time came for the operation against the Guiding Hand, I instead attacked the Thieves Guild. They defended themselves violently. The Thi'Kit were there, and got caught in the crossfire.

The Guiding Hand, House Hlaalu, Knights of the Abyss and Heartland Smugglers were all on my side of the conflict. The conflict concluded with casualties on all sides.

Since that was not enough to destroy the Theives Guild, we will be continuing the conflict until they are destroyed.

It is true we do kill people for our living. Almost all of those are with official sanction from the five houses of Morrowind. Before our actions of the last two weeks, the last person we killed in Cyrodil was Potentate Versidue-Shaie, roughly 1100 years ago.

The Thieves Guild on the other hand are known criminals, guilty of countless crimes against the empire. They more than willing to assist with an assassination attempt, which really is no different from being who actually does the deed.

Forum Explorer
2012-12-05, 12:14 AM

To Lost Legion (Guiding Hand, Morag Tong, and Thief's Guild may read as well)
To note we are asking for protection merely as a precaution. The Guiding Hand have more or less promised to not attack and the Morag Tong have promised to leave us out of the fighting between them and the Thief's Guild as well. However our major trade rival House Hlaalu was involved as well and may seek to attack us. Or they may not. Like we said, it's just a precaution.

Our contract with the Thief's Guild has ended and while we are sympathetic to their plight we have no desire to get involved beyond what we already have done so.

As for the Guiding Hand being innocent, well simply check their history for proof otherwise.

2012-12-05, 12:46 AM
The Guiding Hand

To Thieves Guild (2)

My apologies for the previous missive. I may have been to hasty in judging the actions of that terrible night. I still believe your Guild to have thrown away any honor it might have posessed for being a part of the coalition that intended to and succeeded in slaying my friend, but what you yourselves may have done is, I regret to say, entirely understandable. With the gods' own luck, we will never speak again.

Your humble servant,


To the Thi'Kit Caravan (5)


I do not entirely understand what you are trying to accuse me of. I am a simple man of no great means; the machinations of the Senate are as far from my door as the moon itself. You speak of a "stranglehold over the Senate" as though such a thing were possible for a man such as me to achieve. I assure you, sir, it is not. I am but a humble grocer who has had his friends unjustly marked for death by what amounts to a foreign power, for reasons beyond my comprehension. Should you wish to purchase fresh fruit, I can easily arrange that, but I am not a man for politics and dark deeds. For that, I fear, you may have to look inward.

Your humble servant,


To the Lost Legion (also, Thi'Kit, Morag Tong, Thieves Guild)(2)

I am not entirely sure what the Tong and the Thi'Kit mean when they refer to "the Guiding Hand." Certainly no such organization exists that I am aware of. What happened, as should be clearly evident, is a simple case of thievery and murder. I myself am a man of humble means, but I have friends of greater estate whose business I manage upon occasion, and it was these individuals who were targeted for death and destitution. The plan was, as I understand it, envisioned and proposed by the Thi'Kit Caravan, who hired the Tong and the Thieves Guild to assist in their proposed murder and burglary. Unfortunately for them, my friends were neither blind nor dumb, and found out the plot. When the assassins came, they were ready. The Tong betrayed their allies and refused to take part in the deaths of innocent men, for which I laud them. In the fighting that followed, however, my dear friend Cane was cut down despite all his bodyguards could do.

I, truly, do not bear any ill will towards the Thieves Guild or the Morag Tong. They have both acted according to their natures in this unfortunate situation. It is the actions of the Caravan that concern me. They have, repeatedly, accused myself and certain of my associates, including the late Casius Cane, of somehow controlling the Senate from behind the scenes, which could of course be dismissed as nothing more than the ravings of a lunatic if it were not for their own disturbing interest in the highest institutions of our city and Empire. I do not claim to know what their true motives are, for either me and my friends or for the Empire in general, but I do know that what they are claiming to do is nothing more than a foreign power attempting to interfere in the workings of the Imperial government. Indeed, I am entirely uncertain as to why they think such a motive would garner trust from Imperial legionnaires and citizens such as yourselves, and would invite them to explain further if I thought their elaboration would be any less obtuse.

As always, your humble servant,

Kaeso Clodian

2012-12-05, 02:58 AM
To The Thieves Guild [PM]

We are not defending them, we might seek order but we will use any means necessary to reach our goal even if we have to use some assassins to get rid of you and all of your kin Gray Fox

2012-12-05, 04:35 AM
Order of the Sainted Blades

Thieves' Guild Public
The Order of the Sainted Blades are not witless pawns that charge blindly at any potential threat ot the city we are shown. The city and the surrounding areas are full of factions who would do harm to the innocents we defend. It is we who will determine who is the most dangerous foe to the city, an answer which unfortunately is likely not you or the Morag Tong.

The Order stands firm in its ways, and we do not accept having our morality questioned by criminals.

Mad Crag Trolls Esp Def 7
Perhaps. There are several troubling factions in the city, the monster around the Arcanum the most distressing. Currently we are seeking wisdom from the Archmage himself. We will let you know if we decide to attack, and with what forces.

Thalmor Esp Def 6
Currently the Entaniomorph seems to be the greatest of evils around the city. We are inclined to help, but we are waiting for response from the Archmage. We're seeking a way to protect our warriors against the dark magics of several of this city's factions of ill repute. If we can gain his assistance in such a matter, we are far more likely to join you in this fight.

Morag Tong PM 3
We are both aware that the Dark Brotherhood was not completely wiped out. Their leaders still lurk within the city. We can hold our celebration for their destruction when the deed is done. We are looking for ways to get our influence into the old Temple District to see if we cannot truly destroy their presence from the city.

I would know two things from the Morag Tong. First, what do you know of the Guiding Hand and of House Hlaalu. The Guiding Hand is a troubling entity, and though we have seen no wrongdoing from them, we question the group that hides its own existence. Both factions are known to be wealthy, and I have concern that they will have sway over where your daggers are pointed at in the future.

The second thing I would know is what damage has been done to all sides? I cannot promise any committment, especially since we are being called upon to fight a truly heinous foe, one that makes others pale in comparison. However, I can say for certain that unless I know exactly what happened, exactly what losses every side incurred, I cannot be involve by men.


Senate PM 4
Corwin Revis visits key members in the Senate. He tells them that the Order of the Sainted Blades is willing to deal with this Enantiomorph if the Archmage Hannibal can provide them with the means to protect themselves magical from this creature and its cult followers.

Mechanically: Basically talking to the Senate to reinforce my request with the Archmage. Trying to utilize Hannibal's call for assistance against necromancy and undermining factions, and the Senate's investigations into the Enantiomorph to get the support to make my anti-magic cloaks without having to invest my own stats. Worth a try.:smallwink:

2012-12-05, 06:42 AM
To Theives Guild
We have no objection to The Morag Tong killing you off.

We will give you protection. Please explain what the Guiding Hand is though.

Morag Tong
You made a deal under false pretenses. We do not approve of it. However killing off a group of thieves isn't justification for us to attack you. If the senate does declare you outlaws though, we shall destroy you as quickly and efficiently as possible.

The Guiding Hand
We wish to discover more about your nonexistent organization before making judgement.

2012-12-05, 10:50 AM
Pit fighters

To thieves guild (desp 3)

We cannot take actions against the morag tong, our members put their life on the line for show very often, and angering the killers could end up destroying us. We do know of a chest with some treasures in it that may end up in your territory soon.

2012-12-05, 11:03 AM
D.ESP: 6

To Lost Legion

We thank you for agreeing to aid us.

To Archmage

The arcane university itself appears to be teeming with necromancy according to the latest investigation. This cannot be allowed to stand. We are organizing a coalition to deal with the, however the official support of the archmage would likely have yet more factions join in the assault. Additionally given your previous defeat of Manimarco it stands to reason that you would be an amazing advisior/warrior against the necromancers. Do you have any advise on how to organize the assault? Do you have any artifacts that would help in the fight against the Entaniomorph?

2012-12-05, 11:15 AM
The Senate

The speaker stands up to make an announcement:
"A proposal for a vote has been handed in annonymously. While unconventional, this is perfectly legal. The question is this: should the Senate demand that the Mage's Guild depose Hannibal Traven and declare him unfit to be archmage, following recent developments?"

Forum Explorer
2012-12-05, 02:12 PM
Thi'Kit Def Esp 5

To Lost Legion
Our thanks.

The Guiding Hand is a group of blackmailers and spies who seek out the dirty secrets of senators and their families in order to gain political power. They are led by a man known as the 'Laughing Man' though we don't know if that's a mere title or not. It's very difficult to get any solid information on this group which is why we hired the Morag Tong and the Thief's Guild in the first place.

To Senate (Public)
In light of what developments?

Also we would like to propose that a temporary curfew be put in place in order to guard the people against the recent conflict between the Thief's Guild and their rivals. If this reduces the fighting as well, so much the better.

2012-12-05, 02:15 PM
D.ESP: 6

To Thi'Kit (Public)

I think the bill probably refers to the results of the investigation finding out that half of the university is under necromancer control.

2012-12-05, 03:07 PM
We made no such promise. We were investigating the war in the shadows to see who is to blame. Until we can find that out we will not know how to allocate our resources.

OOC: I'm really sorry for forgetting to respond to you. I made a long post but the forum ate it. Then I recreated it from memory and apparently forgot about your message.

The people which you believe to be The Guiding Hand told me that someone who certainly was not the laughing man was murdered. Them bringing up "The Laughing Man" is suspicious and I believe that you might not only be right about there actions but that you successfully executed their leader.

2012-12-05, 03:18 PM

To Lost legion

We are sorry for misinterpreting your message.

2012-12-05, 06:01 PM
Thieve's Guild (D ESP 2)

Pit Fighters:

Interesting. Do you have any more info, or is that all?

Illiac Bay Corsairs/Fisherman's Guild

We still have received no word from you on whether you will be assisting us with the plan sent to you. (way back up at the very start of the turn, in my huge post)

Senate/Lawmakers of the city:

How would/can I go about charging someone with a breach of contract?

2012-12-05, 06:47 PM
pit fighters

To madcraig trolls

Would your military like to join in the hunt for this werecrocidile?

To thieves guild

There may be about 3 wel. That is ask the information we have

2012-12-05, 09:19 PM
Order of the Sainted Blades

Senate (Public)
Master Corwin Revis speaks to the Senate in support of Archmage Hannibal.

"Gentleman, ladies, knaves, we see this day that the city is not only threatened by assassins and necromancy, but by politics as well. It's just as well this culprit, and yes I do say culprit, who would demand the Archmage to step down, hid his or her identity for we would know who is a threat to the people of the fair city.

The Archmage is the one who came to us with information of necromancy. He asked for the resources to combat this threat, but was denied. Now someone asks for him to give up his title? For being a herald of bad news? For not having the political clout to get money? To the first I say I am glad someone has the courage to give bad news. To the second I say I am glad we had an Arcanum which is master of only magic, not influence amongst us.

The Order of the Sainted Blades is ready and able to stand with Archmage Hannibal Traven against the plague of foul magic, but only Archmage Hannibal Traven. If he is forced to step down, we will not work alongside his replacement and you will have to find another the fight this dire foe. I also challenge anyone to bring forth a compelling argument to release Hannibal from his duties and I will be more than happy to correct the individual." He smiled jokingly at the last, at least mostly jokingly.

DMs (PM)
Few questions...

First, now that the Order has put in strong support for the Archmage, can I get a response as to whether he'll help with the research project?

Second, as I asked before, what is the general benefit I can expect from the Armourers and Weaponsmiths trait? Just curious so I know what to expect from it. I assume I no longer have any penalties for working in the market district, is there anything else gained?

Third, Lizard Lord asked in the OOC if the Dark Brotherhood were still in the game or not. I'm inclined to believe yes, and some of my actions this turn may be affected by that. Wanted to make sure though.

Last, did Exthalion indeed drop out? Cause it looks like I'll be locking horns with his silly, vaguely written, mirror image god Enantiomorph, and in the past Exthalion has used the OOC to try to get an advantage in the game. Just wanted to make sure if I'm going up against an NPC, or PC who's claiming to be a NPC.:smallwink:

Grimsage Matt
2012-12-06, 10:27 PM
Madcrag Trolls, Vilverin Sel Sancremathi

"K Oldvoice, I knowz ya's not liken it so much, but we gonna have ter hold off on da trip ter Belda fer a week. The Caravan, them needin guards, can't spares much, but then wez also gotta hunt dat crocskin in dem sewers. But most o the boyz gotta hit dat god thing up near der Cheif Shamans tower. So, we send in most of the boyz, and we smash a god!"

"Felblade, lets face it. We could be spending the week doing something productive. Instead, you want to split the tribe to try and curry favor with the fractions in the city. Personaly, I say your a idot. But, it could work. Just hope this doesn't backfire on us."

To the Thi'kit Caravan
We gotta do a lot dis week. We'll send some boyz over, they'll look tough, scare off dem buggers.
OOC; Sending 1 MIL and 1 MOR. Sorry, but got a lot this turn:smallfrown:

To the pit fighters
We'll send some boys ta hunt and smash dat Croc. But can't send as much as we wanna, gotta smash da god thin dis week.
OOC; 2 MIL and 2 ESP and 1 MOR for you. Purely because there is a higher chance of me taking losses, so more MIL is good. Also, capture, not kill?

To the Sainted Blades
We sendin in da boyz. We'l smash dat God bugga up so bad, i's ma no kno who it be!
OOC; 4 MIL, 1 ESP, 5 MAG and 4 MOR, along with both my VIPS. Lets take it down.

To the Senante [Public]
"Why ya wanna dismiss yer chief Shaman? He beat da Necrogod, right? He warnds ya's dat necro's gainin a hold. Now, we help him smash da necros! Probobly dat god thin, wantin no attack gainst it."

2012-12-06, 11:22 PM
Arcane Cabal

[Will write up my typical fluff post tomorrow or this weekend...]

GM: What happened to the sword I was forging for the Pit-fighters?

to Sacred Blade
We would be delighted to send a couple archmages to provide some fire support for the attack against that Tribunal cult in the University. I can also have my spies in before the actual assault, causing chaos within their ranks. Then once my agents report everything is in place, we move in for the kill.

2012-12-07, 03:34 AM
The Morag Tong

To the Order of the Sainted Blade [PM #2]
We are friends with House Hlaalu out of necessity. A conflict with them here means a war with them back in Morrowind. Their goal here is primarily to strengthen themselves, which means strengthening the empire. They would do this by eliminating criminal elements, an idea I'm sure you would agree with, and by opposing separatist movements, which is a less clear-cut move.

What do you think of the separatist factions in the city? They would weaken the empire, indirectly causing many to suffer.

The Guiding Hand are more worrying. They have much power in the senate, and we can not be sure what they will do with it. House Hlaalu assures us they can put that power to good use, direct the guiding hand to strengthen the empire. I am not so confident, but I am willing to wait and see, while the more violent criminal factions in the city are dealt with.

Guiding Hand: 1 espionage, 1 VIP Lvl
House Hlaalu: 1 espionage, 1 military
Morag Tong: 1 espionage, 1 VIP Lvl

Theives Guild: 1 espionage, 2 morale, 1 magic, 1 VIP lvl
Thi'Kit Caravan: 3 espionage, 1 military

2012-12-07, 03:45 AM
Black Vista (3)
Madcrag Trolls
Your actions are your own to take, but would you explain why, after our faction produced proof that the pit fighters framed and then systematically murdered the Red Spear (except the wercrocodile, who managed to flee) you wish to aid them in pursuing the only surviving individual? The forces of the city seem preoccupied in their own interests, however the actions the pit fighters take are illegal and aiding them in doing so is not only illegal, in shows that you support the precedent they set, namely that factions who's individuals have poor reputation can be killed with no consequences if a more powerful and conventional faction wills it. If you have not followed that last point, your actions would allow the murder of your entire faction to be not only unremarked upon, but also justified. Also realize that we have no intentions of allowing this person to be killed for the crimes of his killers; should you show up to aid the pit fighters, we will strike you down.

Red Spear survivorWe will aid and defend you.

2012-12-07, 05:53 AM
Order of the Sainted Blade

Morag Tong PM 5
For now it seems we are of the same mind concerning other factions in the city.

However, for the moment it seems all but certain that our forces will be pulled into fighting this Enantiomorph. On the side we will try to do what we can to corner whatever leaders the Dark Brotherhood escaped with what resources we have left.

OOC: Given the Dark Brotherhood lost a total of 17 stats between the first two turns, I'm inclined to believe they have at least 11, perhaps a couple more, stats still running around.

13th Legion PM 6
General Gaius Aricanus,
For the past two weeks we fought together against the Dark Brotherhood, crippling them, and buying us time. Although the Morag Tong were vital to our success, and though their actions have split apart the shadow factions within the city, I still do not trust them fully, I still cannot condone an order of assassins. Though they have given me reason to pause in actively searching for their removal, I cannot lawfully support them at this time.

Join me in attacking the Enantiomorph. The Trolls are already sending their forces, and unlike before, I will use the full weight of my Order's military power. Let us remove this threat early on before it grows with overwhelming force. From there we can assess what needs to be done to save the city, and the empire, and we will do so from a afar more advantageous position.

To attack either the Thieves Guild or the Morag Tong at this time is nigh synonymous to supporting the other, wile the Enantiomorph is a clear threat to all.

Your ally,

Grand Master Damascian Urn of the Order of the Sainted Blades

Grimsage Matt
2012-12-08, 01:36 PM
To Black Vista and Pit Fighters
We wanta ta track him down ter ask him some questions. Pit fighters killed most er them last we try. So, we'll leave alone.

2012-12-10, 02:23 PM
Open Senate votes:
Should the Praetorians be mobilized against the Thieves' guild?
Should the Morag Tong be outlawed outside of Morrowind?

Archmage Hannibal to the thalmor

"As it currently stands? I am thinking of taking the field myself. My powers have returned sufficiently that I'm confident of being amongst the dozen or so strongest mages currently alive in Tamriel. I will also petition the Temple for help, and maybe even the city's cult of Meridia.

Archmage Hannibal to the Order of the Sainted Blades [PM]

"That could normally be easily arranged, but as it currently stands, the Unversity is under a lot of pressure. If this continues, I will have to go out and battle the Enantiomorph on my own, and I am not sure I can take him, slayer of the worm god or not.

Perhaps an exchange of favours can be arranged, instead.

The Corsairs and Fishermen to the Thieves' Guild [PM]
You have our back. Food can be delivered, but Illiac Bay is far away, it would take a long time for our fleets to make their way around half of Tamriel.

2012-12-12, 07:57 AM
Order of the Sainted Blades

Archmage PM
Then let us show the first gesture of what will hopefully be a partnership in saving the city from the myriad of corrupt and dangerous factions within the city. The Order will be striking out against the Enantiomorph's cult followers, and we believe at the very least the Mad Crag Trolls and Thalmor will do the same. We are investing 2 magic to begin the research into our cloaks defend us agaisnt fell magics. It's our hope that by end of next week, with some of your assistance, we may face the Enantiomorph itself with a degree of protection. We have a particularly gifted mage in our order named Brielle Smithy finishing another project. I believe the two of you would have much to discuss in relation to magic and its usage.

-Grand Master Damascian Urn