View Full Version : MPD Character

2012-11-19, 12:58 AM
So i have been pondering making a multiple personality disorder (DID for the psychology people) character, or template for a really ambitious person to play.

Given the excellent nerd analytical things here i wanted to get other ideas from the playground.

Obviously the character would have the normal base choices in classes and all that, but a trigger(damage or something else depending on backstory) would elicit a new personality, and also new ways to use the skills or new abilities in general.

Example could be a wizard that for some reason has a high STR, when they are triggered they become a barbarian and can rage. OR a thief, that will become a bard when triggered and write songs about feelings or something...

That is my basic desire, just wanting people to help me flesh it out with some rules and logic. Thanks.

Edit: should this be under homebrew? and 3.5 rules please.

2012-11-19, 01:17 AM
This might be useful to you:


2012-11-19, 02:43 AM
If pathfinder stuff is on the table i'd go with a vivisectionist alchemist. When he's normal he's a quiet studious surgeon but when he drinks his mysterious Elixir (his mutagen) he wanders the streets as a massive hideous monster.

2012-11-19, 03:27 AM
If pathfinder stuff is on the table i'd go with a vivisectionist alchemist. When he's normal he's a quiet studious surgeon but when he drinks his mysterious Elixir (his mutagen) he wanders the streets as a massive hideous monster.

Totally not a reference to Dr Jekyll and MR Hyde.

2012-11-19, 03:46 AM
Again the point is to add a psychological trigger. One that can be defined and used in DnD. One that is dormant, that remains unknow, like two seperate characters residing in the same body. A far cry from a potion.

2012-11-19, 03:52 AM
Again the point is to add a psychological trigger. One that can be defined and used in DnD. One that is dormant, that remains unknow, like two seperate characters residing in the same body. A far cry from a potion.

One way to do this, though I'm not sure your dm would allow this, is have 2 different sets of mental stats, and make a mystic theurge character. Then do your backstory trigger and what ever, and switch between Wiz and Cleric casting.

There are no real rules that cover this, so it would be up to your imagination.

2012-11-19, 03:54 AM
Right. That is why i was thinking of TWO requirement sets, like Int for wizard AND Str for fighter, or something that seem opposite that can offset each other. To run it as 2 seperate and unrelated characters is a little out there, the physical attributes and such of a MPD person remains the same.