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2012-11-19, 05:16 AM
Rizban and DM only. Intruders will be sent on horrid beaver hunting duty.

The city reminds you of a bustling ant hill that has just been kicked into disarray. A multitude of people of diffrent creed and race all rushing here and there, bumping against each other, shouting at one another and generally living without any sense of order and calm.

The central square is quite busy at this early time and you have made your way here through the central gate of the city. Jumping over it would have been easier perhaps but the armed guards on the wall and at the gate itself seem quite at edge.

Wont post the usual 1000 time mentioned central plaza description as you know it by heart.

One question though, do you appear as you are or are you disguising your form in any way?

2012-11-19, 05:43 AM
I see him very much dressed like this: http://www.tylerwalpole.com/images/Blog%20resources/FRPGD_FINAL2_72.jpg

Underneath his robes: http://www.jordanbeauty.com/images/bedouin06.jpg

Ral'Tik enters the city, his robes flowing around his form. At nearly two meters tall, he made no effort to hide his face or his form. It was clear he was no mere human. Still, he made his best effort not to frighten the people he encountered, smiling broadly at them as the merchant caravans to his homelands had taught him. Unfortunately, on his face, it looked more like poising his mandibles to take a bite out of someone than a smile.

Entering the Plaza, he looks around, seeking the shop to which he was directed, his first contact in the city. Rinthac Dortmiar was well known in Ral'Tik's home land as being a good craftsman and notorious trickster. It seemed as though here, however, he went by the name of "Hagan." Ral'Tik would try to remember that.

Spotting the shop at last, he went in, spoke to Clearwater, and left his armor in the shop for minor repairs and to add the Mobility quality. Rizban, however, does not wish to engage in roleplay with himself, and therefore won't be describing the encounter in more detail. He will return for the armor tomorrow. That handled, Ral'Tik heads out of the shop and towards the Temple District.Standard 15% discount for people he knows.
3,000gp - 15% = 2,550gp

2012-11-19, 06:00 AM
As it is written, so it is done.

Folk around him part as he moves effortlesly through the crowd. Kids stare and their parents quickly tag their hands to make them move faster... more so when he smiles at them.

The city is complex and little architectural planning has gone into it given how quickly it expanded beyond its old wall and how people from surrounding territories have flocked here looking for a chance at a better future.

Asking he learns how and where he can find the Temple District and before long he arrives there.

He is greeted by a fairly interesting sight and almost unique in Aldhaven. All shorts of temples, shrines and prayer halls are lined along the main avenue and the side streets. Most impressive of all is the temple of Pelor which as magnificent as it is imposing.

2012-11-19, 06:06 AM
He sneers at the temple of Pelor. This time, however, it looks like a smile. Had he noticed this, he would have laughed at himself.

Unsure where to proceed next, he begins to wander down the streets looking for the familiar setting sun crest of his deity.
This is the description of Temple that I've been using. Not suggesting anything other than that I like it. :smallbiggrin:
Entering the Temple District, he finds himself outside the temple of Pelor (http://images.yuku.com/image/pjpeg/37716d3423a654bdbbb1b92b223a9cedc158e54c.pjpg), which is surrounded by the thick, circular outer wall. A sense of power seems to linger in the air. The large front door to the temple stands open, and can be seen from the gate in the outer wall, revealing a large statue of Pelor sitting cross legged with open arms, welcoming his children into the temple. A gold sun the size of a troll tops the temple.

Barely a block away stands the opposite of the grand temple of Pelor. The modest temple of Bahamut is simple and avoids the baroque and heavy ornamentations of many of the other temples. It seems to be made of rather plain stone, though the inside of front door is inlaid with Bahamut's holy symbol wrought in platinum, the only ornamentation visible on the temple.

The twin temples to Solaron and Minrhet are two blocks west and one north of Pelor. The one on the right features a bronze lantern-shaped building that seems to glow internally. The one on the left has a draconic theme, showing chromatic and metallic dragons working together. The buildings are connected by a spiral tower that mixes the two themes. Four small shrines are located, one each, at the four external corners of the buildings.

Not far away, a great library stands in the district, the main doors watched over by priestesses in dark emerald green robes.

Hundreds of small temples, shrines, and small statues line every street as far as the eye can see dedicated to all manner of gods, goddesses, and pantheons.

2012-11-19, 06:34 AM
Ah good to have thank you!

You pass by quite a few temples dedicated to the traditional human pantheon but also a fair amount of more peculiar and obscure ones as well.

You have been walking around for quite some time when you find a weird edifice a short distance from the temple of Kelemvor. The edifice is made from a grey white stone that bears the mark of Klik'chak and is conical in shape. Beyond it lies... the temple.

Well you know the tradition. First to go to the deities place gets to describe it.

2012-11-19, 07:31 AM
The temple (http://www.dayalphotography.com/Architecture/Khajuraho-photos-kamasutra-a-b/i-82PnsL5/0/L/Khajuraho%20%2810%29-L.jpg) is built primarily from imported sandstone and marble. The top rose in a elongated stepped domes, reminiscent of the Great Pyramid of Amensi. One door opened on each side, facing the four cardinal directions. Each gate was crafted of a different color stone.

Ral'Tik seeks the eastern door decorated in lapis and electrum, the gate of Law. Suddenly, the structure in the front catches his eye. He has not seen such a structure before. He stops to examine it more closely.

2012-11-19, 07:52 AM
The edifice looks something like this:


It is made from a mix of mirrorsand and feel it generating heat as you approach it. Indeed while the weather in the surrounding area is relatively cold, here its very pleasant and warm.

As soon as you have gotten next to it a humanoid shape detaches from it. It slowly takes shape in front of your eyes and you realise you are staring at a fire genasi dressed in sand coloured clothing that match the edifice. Its very skin also seems to be trying to immitate its environment.

2012-11-19, 07:58 AM
Ral'Tik tilts his head to the side in typical Kreen fashion when encountering something new, looking at it from different angles through multifaceted eyes.

"Hello, then. Who might you be?"

2012-11-19, 08:04 AM
Taking a step forward the genasi, looks at you up and down as if judging you.

"I am Foteini..." she says "...Guardian and Enforcer of the Temple of Klik'chak. And who are you?"

2012-11-19, 08:06 AM
He begins to speek in Kreen, assuming that a servant of Klik'chak would speak the Holy Tongue.

"I am Ral'Tik, child of the Faithful. I have newly arrived in this city on mission for the faith. I seek audience with the elders that I might present myself to serve."

2012-11-19, 08:13 AM
She responds in Kreen and you realise that though she is fluent her accent is beyond terrible.

"Oh... a pilgrimage or is it an adulthood quest?" She says seemingly known quite a bit about your culture.

2012-11-19, 08:15 AM
"It is both. I desire to serve the faith, and so sought pilgrimage to the most distant temple to serve there as I work to complete the Rites."

2012-11-19, 08:25 AM
"Interesting" she says with an unreadable tone.

"Well then, go right in ahead. Ask for Callidon. He speaks for the High Priest and should be able to help you." she says and slowly leans back towards the stone. She seems to fade before your very eyes...

2012-11-19, 08:51 AM
'Curious,' Ral'Tik thinks. 'I wonder how that stone works...'

He heads for the eastern gate. Once inside, he asks the nearest priest to direct him to Callidon.Klik'chak is served primarily by Kreen and Dwarves; however, the dwarves that usually serve him are of a subrace that is completely hairless and have whorls of stone lines on their skin that looks like fingerprints, said to be the fingerprints left behind by their god as he was creating them. Old article on the dwarves (http://locitp.mornproductions.com/Dwarves), not up to date.

2012-11-19, 08:56 AM
An attendant asks you to wait for a few minutes and then brings you to a spacious room that is completely devoid of furniture. At the middle of the room sitting at a stone pedestal you see an old hairless dwarf meditating. He is wearing simple sand colored robes and carries no weapons. The only ornamentation he wears are two plain platinum rings, one on each pinky.

He stands up, on the pedestal, as you are brought before him and he gives you a short bow.

"Welcome traveller. I am being told you are seeking me and that you are on your quest for adulthood but also service to the temple." he says flatly in Kreen.

2012-11-19, 09:07 AM
Sorry, not trying to dictate the game to you. Klik'chak is just a deity that I've spent a lot of time setting up and wanted to get "right" in the game. Other than what I've already said, anything else is pretty much open to whatever you want to do with it."Yes, sir. I present myself to serve the temple to the best of my ability and hope to enter into the clergy at some point in the future when I am able to serve adequately. I still need to complete my Rites, and I also hope to accomplish this while I am here in this city."

2012-11-19, 09:16 AM
No worries. You are more familiar with that god hence dictating the details is perfectly fine... same way I was describing the Kelemvorites to Plans etc.

"Ah it is good to see the traditions are kept and it is even better to see a Kreen here. Believe it or not in Aldhaven there are only 3 of your kind. One a warrior whom I have not seen in a long long time and the other two are in this temple. The High Priest, Jarr'Stig'Grish, and his aide Urtha'Qali." he responds.

"What are your talents then my friend? In what way can the temple use your services so that you complete your Rites?"

2012-11-19, 04:09 PM
On another note, I would like to take this class (http://locitp.mornproductions.com/KaChatak). So, if it's possible, can one of the two kreen be this class (http://locitp.mornproductions.com/TaChatTho) of at least 4th level so that I can get into my PrC?"I am a hunter. Though I am far from skilled in tracking, I am good at communication and interaction with non-kreen, a rather unique talent among my kind. I have traveled across several different planes of existence with my clutch, as we are nomads and wanderers led by a powerful wizard. I have much experience but have not yet completed my Rites, wishing to do so only in the service of the faith."

2012-11-19, 05:11 PM
Sounds good to me!

The dwarf nods.

"Very good. I am glad to hear of your willingness to support the Faith and grow with us. I am sure the Hight Priest and his aide will both be excited to meet you. Currently they are in a meditative trance... I dont know the exact details but it involves unlocking the potential of the race as they told me." he explains.

"But, given what you have said about your ability to be diplomatic with others I have just the thing for you. There is a local temple here dedicated to a god they call the Judge, or Kelemvor. His doctrine requires that the dead receive proper judgement for their lives and do not... avoid such judgement. As such we share one thing with them... the hatred for the undead. Recently we started some discussions about working together but they have... well... stalled. Do you think you would be able to work on that?"

2012-11-19, 08:10 PM
"Um... Perhaps. Negotiation is not my strong suit... merely communication. Does that make sense? Still, if that is what is asked of me, I will readily comply."

2012-11-20, 01:01 AM
He ponders this for a moment.

"Well, I wont force it on you if you are not comfortable but our Church has a very strong focus and as such being represented outside by a Kreen would be a good sign of that... and believe me nor the High Priest nor Urtha'Qali are good at negotiating OR interacting with non-Kreen..."

2012-11-20, 01:12 AM
Bump for appearing purposes.

2012-11-20, 03:05 AM
"Then I will do my best. When must this be accomplished?"

2012-11-20, 03:10 AM
He seems very pleased from your eagerness and he smiles.

"Hehe, dont worry it doesnt have to be today. From what I understand you just arrived and I dont want to run you into the ground with work. From what I know, though Kreen dont sleep they still need to rest from time to time so I would suggest you take the day if not two days to familiarise yourself with the city a bit." he tells you.

"We can offer you a room here if you wish so you can store your gear and have it as a base but it will be relatively small and spartan. I can give you a reference for the nicer inns in the city and if you need some coin can provide it as a downpayment for your services.

Then after you are settled in we can arrange the meeting with the High Priest or with Urtha'Qali so you are introduced to them. You and I can have some time to discuss what our aim is from this alliance with the Judges people before you head over there."

2012-11-20, 03:14 AM
"I have only my weapon and my armor, neither of which I would like to leave behind. Actually, I have only my weapon at the moment... My first stop was to meet with an old merchant acquaintance of mine, Ri... Hagan Erbauer. He has my armor at present doing repairs. It should be ready tomorrow, allowing me to proceed whenever you think it best."

2012-11-20, 03:29 AM
"Ah I see... following the doctrine that you shouldnt be weighted down by anything you can carry with you at a moments notice eh?" he comments.

"Well very well then. Take the rest of the day and return to me when your armor and you are ready."

2012-11-20, 03:30 AM
He nods. "Very well."

Standing up, he leaves the temple, pausing again at the obelisk near the entrance. He waits to see if the fire genasi appears.

2012-11-20, 03:50 AM
Not right away but after you continue staring you more feel than see some movement from the spire.

"Yes? Can I help you?" the genasi asks without breaking her camouflage this time.

2012-11-20, 03:54 AM
"I'm curious how a fire genasi came to serve Klik'chak and how you came to be bound to that edifice."

2012-11-20, 04:08 AM
She laughs a shrill annoying laugh that makes your mandibles tremble.

"Bound he says! What a fool!" she chuckles.

"I am not bound young Kreen. I am staying here protecting the temple. The stone is nice and warm and comfortable and provides the perfect cover. Few look at it a second time as it hurts their eyes and the warmth makes them uncomfortable while I do not mind it one bit..." she says with pride.

"As for how I come to serve Klik'chak... well thats a long story. I am actually here for Urtha'Qali as I ower her my life so its her that I am doing this for..."

2012-11-20, 04:43 AM
"You must be quite mighty to be tasked with such an important job. I am very impressed, especially since I have never seen your kind before, though I have seen both air and water genasi in the past. They were quite pitiful compared to your radiance.

What makes the stone so warm? I admit that it is indeed quite pleasant."

2012-11-20, 05:02 AM
She smiles at your flattery.

"Well... air genasi are foolish and water genasi just tiresome." she says calmly.

"The stone is made from Mirrorsand from the homeland desert of the High Priest. Its a special kind of sand that intensifies and maintains the heat from the sun. In a desert made of it only the truly toughest can survive... your kind and mine plus some native creatures. It becomes incredibly hot and also blinds those that look at it. Off course here its only a small fraction and its winter so it can only make it as hot as a warm spring day... during the summer... its a sight to behold... or rather not to!"

2012-11-20, 05:06 AM
"Then, truly, come summer, I hope to stand before it with you and behold the glorious sand of an even more glorious desert. Yet, still, I suspect the light will pale in comparison to what you would usually experience. I suddenly find myself quite jealous."

2012-11-20, 05:12 AM
It seems that the assesment of the dwarf was correct as she begins to... warm up to you.

"Interesting." she says simply and grins.

"I would like that" she adds after some consideration.

2012-11-20, 05:18 AM
He bobs his head forward in a typical Kreen salute/bow.

"Well, I would like to stay in such warm company, but I think that I should go. I have been given a task by the temple and should see what I can do to further that goal. Farewell, radiant one."

After she responds, he takes his leave.

Unsure of how to proceed from here until once again armored, he wanders cautiously through the district, looking at the various temples and shrines, trying to get a feel for the deities that are worshiped in this area. He stays away from any deities of the desert and deities of life and death. His loyalties are resolute to the point that he does not even want to converse with followers of another deity who tries to claim Klik'chak's domain. He also avoids any deities of the sun, knowing that such deities are always capricious and usually evil.

2012-11-20, 05:35 AM
The woman salutes you and the leans back against the stone becoming almost one with it once more.

After a few hours of walking around you realise that there is something pretty peculiar about Aldhaven. Temples of deities dedicated to evil and suffering can be found next to traditionally benign Gods and seem to have the freedom to preach and operate openly.

Interesting locations include the area occupied by the temple of Bahamut, Tiamat and the twin dragon brothers (Solaron and Minhret). This many dragon based deities seem to compete for the same followers more or less but somehow all four manage to have beautiful temples set up.

Furtherdown you find the library like building of the temple of Boccob and further down still you see the amphitheatrical arena that is Kords temple and battleground. At a more sinister district you see a temple to the Tyrant God Hextor and next to it, give that Aldhaven has its own port, a temple to Umberlee.

Fairly strange and impressive is also the temple to Olidammara and the temple of Saint Cuthbert.

Overall you see dozens of shrines as well, dedicated to Tymora, Istus and Kossuth as well as a small corner full of offerings to Sardakul, God of Travellers.

2012-11-20, 05:37 AM
Finding none that pique his curiosity, he asks one of the people he passes where the temple of Kelemvor can be found.

2012-11-20, 05:40 AM
A kind elderly passerby gives you the location. You realise that the temple of Kelemvor is located two blocks from where the temple of Klik'chak and is actually on the main Temple District road.

2012-11-20, 05:42 AM
Would you be willing to DM one more character if we do a team up?Ral'Tik thanks the person and walks slowly down the street so that he has time to examine the temple without noticeably slowing in front of it. He continues past the temple on his way out of the district, heading back to the Plaza.

2012-11-20, 05:54 AM
Sure! Been meaning to tell you that if they are okay with my usual posting standard (i.e. mostly on weekdays during EU morning time and much less during the weekend and also out for 15 or so days at Xmas and Summer) then I can even help you with 1-2 more players.

As you pass by you see a medium sized temple made of white marble and dark obsidian in equal measures. Though Kelemvor was not a God that wanted to cause fear in his believers most of his temples once belonged to Myrkul and that was a much darker deity hence the more sombre appearance.

The temple itself is not as inviting as others but there is a steady trickle of people as it is generally considered a privilege to have funerary rites performed by the priests of Kelemvor who take great pride in the safe-keeping of the bodies and souls of the dead.

Flanking the door you see two human warriors in dark plate armor carrying scythes from an utterly black metal.

Continuing on your way you arrive back at the central plaza.

2012-11-20, 06:08 AM
{Interesting... Such a dark little godling. I definitely prefer Amensi to whatever Kelemvor offers,} thinks Ral'Tik to himself.

Wandering back into the Plaza, Ral'Tik wonders what to do with his time. Hearing the crier mention beavers puts him in better spirits.

{A bit of sport seems like just the thing. Perhaps slaying a beaver or two, whatever those might be, will pass the time.}

That said, he asks for directions and heads toward the Fortress in search of Sergeant Smithers.
A colony of magically altered beavers has infested the river threatening to shut down all trade to the city by water! A bounty has been placed on beaver pelts. Inquire of Sergeant Smithers at the Fortress.I don't know if you have done anything with the beavers or not.

I used the Badger stats and modified them into beavers by dropping burrow and rage and giving them swim and bonus damage against wood and plant creatures. If you want, I can send you their stats. If you don't want to deal with this, I can find something else to do for "today".

2012-11-20, 06:43 AM
Their stats are actually on the AvB website so I have those.

I recall some characters were involved with killing the beavers but noone ever found out why there are so many.

With Plans we were thinking that it could be also prisoner duty to kill small beavers and break the dams. Given that the needle mines closed now, hard labour can be done on the river :D

You cross the city heading towads the river passing by the Mage's Quarter and finally arrive at a large gatehouse in the city's outer wall. It stands open.

On the other side, you can see the great river rushing by with a stone causeway built into it just inches above water level, the river flowing through channels under and through the stone. The Fortress is built on a large island in the middle of the causeway.

2012-11-20, 06:45 AM
Ah, yes, I forgot I actually got those uploaded. :smallbiggrin:

Sounds reasonable.Shuddering briefly at the water, Ral'Tik begins to wonder if this is such a good idea after all...

Still, he proceeds across the causeway to the Fortress, in search of Sergeant Smithers.

2012-11-20, 07:30 AM
As you cross the causeway you see that there is another one on the other side of the Fortress. That one leads towards the docks, judging by the piers, and further on the area of the slums.

You arrive before the massive gate of the Fortress when a couple of guardsmen step forward.

"Hail. What is your business at the Fortress?"

2012-11-20, 07:32 AM
Finally resorting to common, Ral'Tik addresses the guard.

"I come to speak to Sergeant Smithers. About beavers."

He holds his large weapon up and points at it for clarification of his intent.

2012-11-20, 07:37 AM
Your kind not the most common encountered in the city means that the guards on top of the pallisade are aiming at you as you speak and more so when you point at your weapon.

Thankfully noone is trigget happy or untrained it seems.

"Ah yes. Well carry on then, the sergeant is at the ground level overseeing the latest catch." he says and motions for the portculis to be opened so you can go in.

2012-11-20, 07:38 AM
Ral'Tik lowers the weapon and bows to them before entering the Fortress and going wherever he is directed.

2012-11-20, 07:44 AM
Beyond the gate is an open courtyard where men are training or generally going about their business.

A series of buildings are scattered around the place and this includes one that appears to be the guard boathouse. You are directed there and hear loud arguing as you are approaching.

2012-11-20, 07:46 AM
Ral'Tik approaches where he is directed. While he does not sneak, he also does not try to call attention to himself. He does not want to be involved in this argument and also wants to see if he can hear what it's about.

2012-11-20, 07:58 AM
While maintaining some distance you can see that two men are arguing while two more are simply watching.

The first of the two is a grizzled veteran guardsman with sergeant's stripes. The other is a tall gaunt man dressed in a leather apron and black overalls.

Before them there is a heap of dead beavers, a furry animal with a flar big tail. The arguement has to do about the price the gaunt man is willing to buy the fur for and also arrange that the animals are taken away from the Fortress.

2012-11-20, 08:00 AM
Ral'Tik throws his robes open to reveal his form and approaches the group, stretching up to his full height to make sure he is seen. Still, he says nothing unless addressed.

2012-11-20, 08:04 AM
The merchant is completely thrown off by your appearance and stature.

He takes a step back and trips over the dead beavers, causing the two other guardsmen to laugh, and points.

"What the heck is that!" he calls out.

The sergeant turns to look at you and then at the man and decides he no longer needs to bother with the fallen man.

"Hello there big fella. How can I help you?"

2012-11-20, 08:06 AM
Ral'Tik tilts his head suddenly to the side then says, "I am here to kill those, I think."
He points to the beavers as he speaks.

2012-11-20, 08:15 AM
"Ah responding to the ad then. Good, good to have you with us my friend. I am Sergeant Smithers and these are the men I have been given to... facilitate the cleansing of the river, Private Edison and Private Peters." he says waving towards his men.

"And this here..." he says to the merchant that is slowly getting up and keeping his distance from you "... is Mister Victor, the tanner that I am supposed to work with for getting rid of the bodies of the beavers and also provide some remuneration to those working for us on this..."

2012-11-20, 08:16 AM
"I am Ral'Tik, hunter."

2012-11-20, 08:25 AM
"Ah! A hunter! Well then sir..." says the merchant regaining some of his courage.

"You will be able to explain to them why I cannot accept and work with what they have brough me. Most of these animals are slashed and bludgeoned to death. How can I work with ruined material!" he explains.

"Well Victor we are guardsmen... not bloody game keepers. We kill the beavers and we bring them to you. THAT WAS THE AGREEMENT!" the sergeant yells, threatening to once more plunge them into the same arguement.

2012-11-20, 08:26 AM
Ral'Tik walks over to the beavers and looks at them, prodding the nearest one with his foot.

"It could be worse. Right, sir merchant?"

2012-11-20, 08:32 AM
"Well... yes it COULD be worse... if they were butchers and had it also chopped to pieces!" he tells you.

The creature you poke with you foot is definetly dead and quite gruesomely killed at that. Judging by what you see indeed most of the animals would be useless for a tanner though the meat could still be eaten. The problems is that the soldiers appear to be using their swords, spiked clubs and hooks to kill the animal that completely ruin the fur. If some care was taken the fur would be salvagable even if those weapons were used...

2012-11-20, 08:33 AM
Ral'Tik nods as he stares at the corpses unblinking.

"Yes, yes, I understand completely. They could also simply be offered to another merchant."

2012-11-20, 08:44 AM
"Another merchant? Well these ones for sure. But I have made an agreement with the Captain that the fur goes to me! In return I pay 5 gold per beaver AND get rid of the body..."

2012-11-20, 08:47 AM
He squats down and pokes the beaver with his finger, examining the wounds.

"An agreement? That is like contract, yes? In my land, the law is harsh when someone breaks contract. Is usually hard labor or death. A man should not lie or make oaths in bad faith."

2012-11-20, 09:08 AM
The sergeant smiles at you encouragingly.

The merchant seems uncertain if he should take your words as a threat or merely an observation.

"Well... maybe, yes... but in your lands is a merchant to take a loss because the other party was not careful? Maybe... maybe it would be best not to force the merchant to go out of business so he can continue... well... continuing operating!"

2012-11-20, 09:11 AM
Finally, he looks over to the merchant.

"This I do not know. We do not often become merchants, though some do visit us or come to live in our cities.

However, it seems to me that if I made an contract that turned out badly for me, my good name would be worth more than coin. I would learn from my mistake and be more careful in the future rather than complain about it and break my oath."

2012-11-20, 09:18 AM
The merchant is left a bit speechless.

Eventually he just lowers his head and nods to the sergeant.

"Whatever. I cant waste all day here. Have your men load them in my cart and I will take them with me. Please do try to be a bit more careful in the future..." he says softly before striding away.

The sergeant looks at you fairly impressed.

"Well that was impressive! Good job!"

2012-11-20, 09:20 AM
Were his eyes capable of blinking, Ral'Tik would do so now in confusion.

"Job? I do not understand. I have not fought yet."

2012-11-20, 10:16 AM
The sergeant chuckles.

"You fought on an intellectual level!" he says and smiles.

"So my hunter friend. The job is simple. Me and my men scour the river hunting the damn beavers. There are other groups out there, mostly convicts, that focus on destroying the dams though they also get attacked from time to time so we try to intervene." he tells you.

"Rules are simple... you get paid 5 gold per beaver for the small ones and 50 for the bigger speciments. The bodies are kept by the guard and we sell them to the tanner for the same amount..."

2012-11-20, 10:24 AM
"I did not fight. Was just talking. Thought was I being friendly."

He is quite confused, as he has never encountered this kind of "fight" before. Indeed, the whole concept is alien to the Kreen's mind.

He nods in understanding and agreement as the sergeant explains about the beaver. He at least had that human custom learned. He stops nodding at the mention of "convicts," trying to puzzle out what this word means. When the sergeant begins talking about dams, Ral'tik becomes completely lost.

"Okay. I kill. You show where?"

2012-11-20, 10:50 AM
"Yep. Not just show but take you there. We have this boat here..." he says and points at a small fishing boat, "... Betsy is her name and she is sea worthy! I navigate, Peters drives and you and Edison kill the damn things." he says and motions to you to follow.


"Ah, just to get the typical stuff out of the way I need to inform you that this mission does entail danger and possibility for personal harm. The Guard is NOT liable should you perish doing the duty but we will take the expense to notify next of kin about your demise.

Oh and I assume you know how to swim right?"

2012-11-20, 10:51 AM
"What is 'swim'?"

2012-11-20, 10:55 AM
The sergeant rubs his eyes in desperation.

"Er its when you fall in the water and you dont drown but rather use your arm and feet to paddle out of it."

2012-11-20, 04:13 PM
"Oh, I understand. Do not know this word before.

When start?"

2012-11-20, 04:59 PM
"Now if you have time. We came back cause the two pikes broke. Just get on and let us be off..." he says.

2012-11-20, 05:01 PM
He bobs his head to agree and literally jumps on board.

2012-11-20, 05:16 PM
The guardsmen are once more impressed by this feat and stare for a while before the sergeant calls to them to cast off.

Indeed they proceed to do so and before long the boat is out on the blue-grey waters of the river. The progress is slow given you are moving against the current and the sergeant asks everyone to help paddle.

"At this point the currents are quite strong... a bit further up and there are areas where its stagnant or at least calmer... that where we usually hunt."

2012-11-20, 06:04 PM
Can you spoiler large pictures in the future? It makes it hard to check on my phone.Ral'Tik grabs an oar and rows.

2012-11-21, 02:11 AM

2012-11-21, 02:42 AM
After almost an hour the three of you have managed to get the boat out of the strongest current and further up river. The city walls can still be seen in the distance but you are a good way away now.

On occassion you see other boats, smaller mostly, being anchored next to large amounts of heavy branches and trying to break those formations apart. On those boats you notice that often there are 2 guardsmen and the rest of the crew, ranging from 3 to 6, are wearing the exact same uniform of pale grey overalls.

2012-11-21, 02:57 AM
Ral'Tik ignores the other boats, keeping his eyes wandering in search of the creatures he saw earlier.

2012-11-21, 03:18 AM
You have just bypassed two fairly big such concentrations that have not been touched by the work groups yet when you need to make a spot check.

2012-11-21, 03:21 AM
Spot [roll0]

2012-11-21, 03:56 AM

You notice, thanks to your multi-faceted eyes, a ripple on the water. Focusing towards it you see three large shapes moving under water quickly towards the boat. Turning your head you also see another 2 beavers entering the water from the riverbank.

You seem to be the only one that has noticed them.

2012-11-21, 03:59 AM
He points one of his empty hands at the ripples.

"Our targets are at hand. Two more also come from the land."

He draws a Chatkcha from within his robes and readies an action to attack when a beaver breaks the surface of the water.

2012-11-21, 04:03 AM
For when it's necessary:

Edit: Forum error double posted. Deleted the second post.

2012-11-21, 06:28 AM
The guards, alerted by your warning drop the oars and grab longspears heading towards the sides that you have indicated.

The sergeant gives a nod at your direction and calls out.

"Steady on men. It seems they have figured out that we mean them harm! Brace and dont let them get to the wood!" he says just as the first beaver breaks the surface of the water which is what you are waiting for.

You go first, then the guardsmen and then the beavers.

2012-11-21, 06:29 AM
Is it within melee range?

Also, do you have a chat program? I haven't seen you online in over a year on the name I used to have for you.

2012-11-21, 06:35 AM
Yes, its within melee range. It breaks surface to try and gnaw at the wood of the boat.

Also, yea I rarely if ever use MSN anymore... I am on occasion on skype but only when home (and most of my posting happens while at work between emails and projects...).

If you have skype let me know and I can add you today.

2012-11-21, 06:51 AM
Having no need of the chatkcha, he drops it in the boat and swings his gythka with all four arms.

[roll0] - [roll1]

He then full attacks the beaver, sending any attacks after it drops against the next beaver, if within reach.

[roll2] - [roll3]
[roll4] - [roll5]
[roll6] - [roll7]
[roll8] - [roll9]
[roll10] - [roll11]

2012-11-21, 07:47 AM
Your prepared blow slashes the first beaver from end to end leaving him in two neat pieces.

As the others approach your rapid blows cause significant devastation at their numbers. One more dies from the blow of your Gythka though the blows are not as hard and the last one manages to remain conscious though bleeding but you finish it with your claw.

From the other side of the boat the two larger shapes are almost upon you and the two guardsmen rush to push them back still fairly surprised by the ferocity and competence of your blows.

The beavers prove to be much larger as they bump against the boat. The first is pushed off from the two pikes but the third one latches on the boat and starts munching through the wood.

Your turn.

2012-11-21, 08:02 AM
A note, as long as they are in the water, I should have 20 AC. It would be higher if I was wearing my armor. :smallfrown:

Also, I'm not flat-footed if a balance check becomes required, which seems really likely in this situation...He hops over to that side, striking the beaver biting into the boat with his full strength.

[roll0] - [roll1]

2012-11-21, 08:47 AM
Your blow connects and manages to penetrate the thick fur of the dire beaver but just barely. You give him a good gash and it growls in pain.

The two guardsmen continue poking the other with their pikes and drive it back causing small piercing wounds but not killing it.

The sergeant tries to push and maneuver the boat away from them to give you precious time to kill them.

The beaver you had targetted does not give up and ignores your attack, continuing instead to gnaw on the wood in an effort to break it. Indeed you hear a small crack as he has already managed to create a hole just above the water surface and threatens to make it bigger!

2012-11-21, 08:49 AM
Ral'Tik full attacks it.

[roll0] - [roll1]
[roll2] - [roll3]
[roll4] - [roll5]
[roll6] - [roll7]
[roll8] - [roll9]

2012-11-21, 09:09 AM
You manage to kill it with the first of your claw attacks and its large mass collapses in the river.

You have precious few moments to savour the kill as the remaining one breaks Edisons pike with a bite and then dives under the water.

"Where the hell did it go? Do you see it?" Peters asks worried.

2012-11-21, 04:42 PM
He quickly looks around. [roll0]

2012-11-21, 04:45 PM
You dont actually see that particular beaver but your hunter insticts tell you that few creatures would back off from protecting their territory without good cause and you look around quickly.

It takes a few seconds to register but you realise the boat is heading for a large floating mound... or... was that mound there a second ago? And it actually moving towards you!!!

2012-11-21, 04:54 PM
"N'jhol! Is that another one?"

He directs attention to the large thing in the water.

2012-11-21, 05:00 PM
"For the love of Pelor! Its one of them!!!" the sergeant calls out his voice tinged with fear.

"To the oars! We have to leave now! Turn the boat around and pray the current speeds as along!" he says urgently and you see the guardsmen go yellow in fear as the horrid beaver breaks the surface of the water and stares menacingly towards the boat.

He is currently 155 feet away and closing in fast...

2012-11-21, 05:34 PM
Ral'Tik grabs and oar and begins rowing with the others, despite not understanding the rush to escape. It seems to him that the larger the prey the greater the glory...

2012-11-21, 05:38 PM
Be epic! Jump on his back and kill it! Its large so you can try and ride it :D

The beast swims using its massive tail to propel it forward just as the boat is starting to turn. To your experienced eyes you can easily tell that it will fall upon you just as you are finishing your turn which might even make things worse for you and capsize the vessel you are on.

2012-11-21, 05:43 PM
That was my first thought, but my character would go along with the ones he sees as being in charge.

Also, I finally uploaded the biggest, baddest beaver I've put together onto the wiki for you. Enjoy. :smallamused:
Releasing the oar, Ral'Tik throws his chatkcha at the beaver, hoping to his its eye.

[roll0] - [roll1]
18-20 crit range, in case of crit:
[roll2] - [roll3]

2012-11-22, 03:11 AM
Oh wow... that thing is a true beast! It could just... eat Aldhaven :D

Maybe it can be the final big guy for this plothook!

You didnt update the dice rolling part on the page though.

The weapon hits the creature and buries deep. Unfortunately though the sudden movement of the boat causes you to miss the eye and hit the shoulder.

The others seem to gain some sense of courage from your attack and they also drop the oars, picking up the remaining longspears all three join you at the side of the boat.

Your efforts have managed to turn the boat just enough to avoid a blow to the side and also allow the current to slowly pull you. This proves very wise just as the large monster reaches the boat and bangs with all its might against it.

Balance check (DC 14) and then your action.

2012-11-22, 04:44 AM

Moving as the boat tries to roll, Ral'Tik slashes at the beasts face with all his might.

[roll1] - [roll2]
[roll3] - [roll4]
[roll5] - [roll6]
[roll7] - [roll8]
[roll9] - [roll10]

2012-11-22, 06:07 AM
Balancing on the slightly tilting boat is like second nature to you despite the angle and the slippery floor.

You unleash your torrent of attacks against the horrid beaver and although all of them hit the beast, its tough skin and thick fur protect it from most of them. Still the backstroke with the Gythka and one of your claws hurt it.

By the way, doesnt your bite also have poison? Thats what I remember from Kreen but maybe that was on Dark Sun only...

Also for me: [roll0]

From the blow against the ship, Edison is actually thrown off into the waters of the river while the sergeant and Peters manage to cause additional wounds to the beaver.

The creture stops attacking the boat, now that something in particular is harming it. It focuses its gaze at you and lashes out and tries to bite you first and smash you asside with its massive tail.

[roll2] + [roll3]

Tail Slap

2012-11-22, 01:10 PM
Poison is 1/day.

He takes crushing damage from the bite and flails at the beast.

[roll0] - [roll1]
[roll2] - [roll3]
[roll4] - [roll5]
[roll6] - [roll7]
[roll8] - [roll9]

2012-11-22, 04:39 PM
The second gythka attack and the second claw attack manage to penetrate the tough skin and elicit an anguished roar from the beast.

Your companions join in hitting with the longspears once more. The sergeant seems rattled though and as he manages a decent blow his fears are realised.

The creature pushes forward trying to get closer to all of you ((provoking AoO from all three)) and then swipes at him with its tail. With a loud cry of fear the sergeant is thrown overboard to join Edison and leave only you and Peters on board.

2012-11-22, 09:24 PM
Being a hunter first and foremost, he attacks the beast.

[roll0] - [roll1]
[roll2] - [roll3]
[roll4] - [roll5]
[roll6] - [roll7]
[roll8] - [roll9]

2012-11-22, 09:27 PM
Rolling to confirm critical.

[roll0] - [roll1]

2012-11-23, 05:45 AM
You also get an AoO as it moves through the occupied space to get ON the boat last turn.

The large beaver leaves an anguished howl as you hit it multiple times. One of the blows actually shatters the bones on its front claw and the wound starts bleeding badly.

Next to you the only remaining guardsman seems torn between trying to provide help to the two men overboard or attacking the menace before him. He decides to prioritise the threat to his own well being and charges foward grasping the longspear and putting it deep on the beavers shoulder.

This unfortunately brings him closer to the monsters mouth and it bites at him, its jaws dripping acid. The man screams but manages to pull away as the creature mangles his leg.

[roll1] + [roll2]

It doesnt forget you though and as you have hurt it as well and pretty badly it slaps you away with its tail trying to send you in the water.

Tail Slap

2012-11-23, 11:12 AM
Was posting from my phone and somehow missed seeing the aoo part...Ral'Tik rams his gythka into the beast, hoping to d rive it back as it tries to board the boat.

[roll0] - [roll1]

Nimbly hopping over the beaver's tail as it swings, Ral'Tik avoids the attack, taking the opportunity to flail at the beast in all his might once more.

[roll2] - [roll3]
[roll4] - [roll5]
[roll6] - [roll7]
[roll8] - [roll9]
[roll10] - [roll11]

2012-11-26, 03:13 AM
You killed it without even having to confirm that crit :D

Unbalanced by the tail swipe and the distracting screams of the guardsman in front of its snout the beaver has little time to react to your renewed attacks and ferocity.

You claw at it revealing wounded pox marked skin under the fur and with a well aimed blow you finally drive your Gythka past the hard bone of it skull.

The creature gives an anguished shudder and then collapses on all four.

Celebration of your hard earned victory have to wait though as you hear the calls of the Sergeant and private that have been thrown in the cold river water.

Small beavers 225
Big Beavers: 450
Horrid: 600
Total: 1275 XP

2012-11-26, 03:21 AM
With the beast dead, Ral'Tik glances around for another target. [roll0]

Should he see nothing immediately, he'll grab one of the dropped pole arms and use it to reach toward the sergeant and private to help them back aboard.

2012-11-26, 03:37 AM
He perceives no additional threats in the surrounding territory and after a few failed attempts the sergeant manages to grab on the pole you give him.

Similarly Peters follows your lead and providers help to Edison who has gone white from the cold.

Once on board the sergeant, trembling, indicates where towels and blankets can be found and Peters shares them among the two men.

"Oh boy... that... that was a good catch RalTik! And the darn thing is even served on board!" says the sergeant slowly regaining his color.

2012-11-26, 04:20 AM
Ral'Tik nods silently, keeping his eyes moving across the surface of the water.

2012-11-26, 06:14 AM
Some time goes by until the sergeant can stand back on his feet and take charge of the wheel.

"Well boys that is it for today! A good catch and I think one near death experience and one legendary beaver is good enough!" he says and his men nod affirmatively.

"And for you RalTik! I will commend you to the Lieutenant! Would you be interested in getting a job with the guard? We need men...er... I assume you are male anyway, like you with us!"

2012-11-26, 06:21 AM
"Thank you, but I am still a child. I aspire to work at the temple of my faith when I am fully grown."

He continues watching the water, weapon at the ready, just in case...

2012-11-26, 06:31 AM
Your vigilance, commendable though it is, proves unnecessary.

You return back to base without further incidents at dusk. Before long the watchers on the wall spread the news, the carcass of the beaver visible from afar, and a small crowd of guardsmen gathers at the boat station.

Exclamations of surprise and approval come from the collected guardsmen as the sergeant helps the badly wounded Peters of the boat.

"Yep. We caught one of them! Now do you believe me when I had told you I had once seen such a beast in the water?" the sergeant says in good spirits towards two old guardsmen.

"Off course the boat took a beating but not as good a beating as RalTik gave to the darn thing!" he says motioning to you to join him.

2012-11-26, 06:34 AM
Ral'Tik heads over to where he is directed but says nothing. He simply waits for someone to speak to him, otherwise standing silently, watching the humans.

2012-11-26, 08:27 AM
The guardsmen continue to discuss the success of the day. Someone mentions that one of the prisoner boats apparently had a mini rebellion go on when one of the prisoners tried to escape.

Meanwhile as the guardsmen return to their duties the sergeant turns to you.

"So RalTik! Thank you for your help today and for saving us in a sense! You killed 3 small ones and 1 big so that 65 gold... as for the huge bastard... well we dont have a set tariff for those but I am sure we can get a decent amount of gold plus my commanding officer will be super pleased... perhaps this beast was their momma or something. So I will give you 300 for it... how does that sound 365 gold! Not bad for a short day's work!"

2012-11-26, 08:58 AM
Ral'Tik nods, thanks him, and accepts the gold, asking if there is a night shift of hunting that he can join.

2012-11-26, 09:20 AM
"Unfortunately not. Its too dangerous to go out at night not only cause we might end up stuck and then attacked by the beavers but also because other things can be found in the surrounding area that make venturing out at night not a good idea..." he explains.

"You can return tomorrow though... or maybe the day after as we need to make the repairs to the boat. There is one more that we use but its smaller and not as safe..."

2012-11-26, 09:27 AM
He thanks him and leaves, wandering about Old Town and wondering what to do for the rest of the night.

2012-11-26, 09:44 AM
You arrive at Old Town. This part of the city has the oldest buildings and is part of the original Aldhaven settlement before the expanding of the city walls.

Despite the evening hour there is still movement around you as people are returning home from their work or just going for a warm drink before returning to their wives and children.

2012-11-26, 09:57 AM
Knowing nothing of human cities and customs, he looks for something or some place interesting...

2012-11-26, 10:35 AM
Considering that perhaps were many people go there might be something interesting you end up at a series of small streets that house very small, crowded taverns.

Hot wine with herbs and tea with rum along with small sausages is what these taverns specialise in. The clientele mostly sits outside holding the clay mugs to warm their hands as night falls, bringing the cold with it.

As you are walking through that area you notice a glittering light in one of the side alleys. It flickers every few seconds and then stops. Then again it flickers for a few more seconds and stops.

2012-11-26, 11:05 AM
Ral'Tik jumps up atop a nearby buildng, hops over towards the alley, and peers down into it, trying to stay hidden. His darkvision prevents the shadows from hiding the alley.

2012-11-26, 12:32 PM
Was posting from my phone earlier. Here are the rolls for the last action, if needed.


2012-11-27, 04:52 AM
From that angle you see the trap set out to snare any curious passerby.

Two men in grey clothing and hoods are kneeling behind crates to the left and the right of the flickering light. Every now and then one of them raises a small steel mirror and has a look around the corner to see if anyone is approaching.

2012-11-27, 08:50 AM
[roll0] - DC 15 to jump down 20 feet with no damage. 20 feet instead of 10 feet due to my Roofwalker feat.

[roll1] - DC 15 to fall an additional 10 feet with no damage.Assuming he's not more than 39 ft up, Ral'Tik circles around on the building to drop down just behind the two.

Very earnestly and with great curiosity, Ral'Tik speaks "Greetings, gentlemen. What is it we're trying to catch today? I'm a hunter and trapper myself."

He readies an action to attack anyone who tries to attack him with either weapons or magic.

2012-11-27, 10:20 AM
Can your ready be so broad?

Meaning I have seen a 'ready vs attack' or 'ready vs spell' but not 'ready vs attack, spell and anything they might do really'.

Not challenging you by the way. Asking so I know how to handle it for my players as well!

The men practically jump. The one to the left even lets a cry of fear escape his lips before he clumps his hand over them.

They turn to face you and their eyes go wide as they see your form. Surprise mixed with fear paralyses them and the remain there staring for a good 15 seconds.

2012-11-27, 10:34 AM
Yes, that was a bit too broad. I meant just against attack, but that would be anything that involved an attack roll, including a spell. That's what I was trying to specify.

Can I get descriptions of the two? Appearance, how armed/armored, what the trap looks like, size of the alley, etc.?

2012-11-27, 10:57 AM
The one to the left is in his early twenties as far as you can tell from these humanoids. He is short, thin and with slightly elongated ears and is holding a small club in his left hand. He is wearing a heavy grey cloak that covers most of his body and his head so you are unsure if he is armored.

The other one is older, but not by much, and is wielding a wicked looking spiked mace. He is wearing studded leather armor under his cloak and looks stronger and bigger but also has an air of litheness about him. They share common characteristics so you could guess they are related.

The alley is 60 feet long until it reaches the main street and 15 feet across. Its fairly dark, only illuminated by whatever little light comes from the stars above as it is a new moon tonight.

The trap itself is not that complex. You see what appears to be flickering and dancing lights a couple of feet in front of them and a small pile of coins that are actually copper.

2012-11-27, 11:07 AM
Ral'Tik strikes at the older man's mace, attempting to disarm him and provoking an AoO (assuming he isn't flat-footed).


2012-11-27, 11:32 AM
The weapon clatters on the ground as you strike it off his hand.

"PLEASE DONT KILL US MASTER INSECT!" he screams and falls on his knees!

The young man takes a few steps back, now his back is against the wall, and holds the weapon defensively.

"Go away you huge co-ck-roach! This is our hunting ground!" he says.

2012-11-27, 11:35 AM
Ral'Tik picks up the fallen mace.

"Please answer my question. What is it we're trying to catch today?"

He readies an action to attack anyone who tries to attack him.

2012-11-27, 11:37 AM
The older man seems confused at all this. He begins to say something when he is interrupted by the younger one.

"Ravens. Large ravens native to the city... they love shinny things!"

sense motive.

2012-11-27, 11:38 AM
Ral'Tik peers at the young man, trying to determine the veracity of his words.

[roll0]Something tells me that he's probably lying. :smallwink:

2012-11-27, 11:47 AM
You can tell from the small twitch on his face that he is not being honest with you. They are definetly hunting... and they are definetly using the coins to attract something... attracted by coins.

Whether its the fact that giant ravens are not in fact native in Aldhaven or that their prey is something entirely different though is not 100% clear.

2012-11-27, 11:50 AM
[roll0] to see what he knows about the mentioned animal.

"For such a supposedly common animal, I have not seen any nearby. You, tell me something."

He gestures to the older man, indicating that he is to answer. He ignores whatever further lies the younger man provides.

2012-11-27, 11:55 AM
You have actually seen ravens around the city but not any particularly large ones that would fit the description given by the young man or worth the time and energy to hunt them.

The older man clears his throat and looks first at the young man and back to you.

"Well... ravens... ravens is a term we use round here for greedy people. They chase other birds, little birds and take away their lifes work... so the little birds, thats us, try to get back at the greedy ones..." he says being fairly honest albeit confusing.

2012-11-27, 11:57 AM
Ral'Tik nods understanding in a rather disconcerting manner. In fact, it looks much more like a predator assessing prey than it looks like agreement.


2012-11-27, 12:18 PM
Big beads of sweat appear on his forehead and he slowly wipes it away not wanting to provoke any attack from your side.

"Well... rich people in this city... they oppress the poor. We... well... we oppress them back by trapping them and taking some of their wealth... we then release them..."

2012-11-27, 12:21 PM
Ral'Tik clacks his mandibles once to indicate confusion. The purpose of the action is likely misinterpreted by both...

"Why? That sounds wrong."

2012-11-28, 12:55 AM
The younger man gives a disgusted grunt at your lack of belief in redistribution. The older tries to be more diplomatic.

"So its not wrong for them to take everything from us and its wrong for us to take it back? Why is that?"

2012-11-28, 01:26 AM
"How they take? Rob you in alley?

Why not hunt, work? Earn living?"

2012-11-28, 02:32 AM
Does the pink color indicate something?

The man seems surprised at the barrage of questions and before he answers the young man jumps forward.

"No! They take with the interest rates they give to poor businessmen. And when business suffers the 'sharks' come to collect. They take with taxes and more taxes and more interests! And they suffocate you and force you to use their own methods against them!

So yea, we work and hunt right now in order to earn a living!" he says pointing at the dancing lights and the pile of copper coins under them.

2012-11-28, 03:54 AM
No, I just clicked the color wrong without realizing it.

When the young man jumps forward and gets upset, Ral'Tik swings his weapon at the younger man's hands, attempting to knock away his weapon.


"This is steal, not earn.

Tell me what happen. Why you do this."

2012-11-28, 07:47 AM
His club goes flying as you easily strike it out of his hands and he goes back to the wall.

"The Union and Traders bank in OldTown has sucked us dry! We got a loan 1 year ago to open up my brothers store. But it takes time and work is slow with all this crisis due to the illness of the King. People dont want to buy our furniture though they will stop and marvel or comment on how good they are!" he says fretting.

"But then the bank sent collectors as we couldnt pay in time. Once, twice we borrowed from friends and collected the money. But after three months we failed to pay and the collectors came again. We explained we needed time but they threatened us and forced us to sell at half price to get the revenue. Then they kept pushing and pushing and pushing. We had to take another loan to be able to repay that one but this time, two days after we had managed to breath from the weights our store burned down... mysteriously. And then when the month passed we had no shop, no collateral and nothing to repay not 1 but 2 loans... they took our house and our money and we have been forced to live in the street. So if they can steal why cant we?"

2012-11-28, 07:51 AM
"Because it is wrong. Where did you get second loan? Maybe we can talk to them."

2012-11-28, 10:22 AM
The young man seems frustrated by your laconical responses.

"But why is it wrong? You ask us about hunting and we hunt rich folk... why is it wrong? We hunt those whose greed causes suffering!" he insists.

"As for who gave the loan... it was Johan Mardher, he is the representative of a major farmers union but is also known as someone that deals in mercenaries..."

2012-11-28, 10:24 AM
"Why did you get loan there?"

2012-11-28, 10:27 AM
"He had heard we had troubles and he offered to help. He had lower rates than most banks though he did say he expected timely payments and huge collateral..."

2012-11-28, 10:31 AM
Ral'Tik nods.

"I see. So, two days after you get a loan, you lose everything? That is not normal. Maybe someone does this to you? Why would they?"

2012-11-28, 03:27 PM
The young man seems pleased by your reasoning.

"Because our house was worth more than our stock and rented store space. Because the paracites that you are protecting right now are richer and more brutal than us!" he says with passion.

"Plus, well... there has been a series of arsons lately in the city. Warehouses, houses and stores have been burned... dont know if that was done with the express purpose of driving people to... to... hunting or a byproduct of all the upheaval."

All those buildings the PCs burned last AvB season HAD to belong to someone...

2012-11-28, 11:21 PM
"So, attack what attacks you, not innocents that did not attack.

Stop this nonsense and show me where this man is. I will talk to him for you."

2012-11-29, 12:58 AM
They seem to question the validity of this idea.

"Does the... I dont know... deer hurt you when you hunt it down just cause its easy prey? Is it better to hunt the lion who is as dangerous as you or the deer that is in the same situation as you?" asks the older man realising the allegories he should use to show you their perspective.

2012-11-29, 01:08 AM
"The lion, of course. The greater the challenge, the greater the reward. Personally, I prefer elf."

2012-11-29, 03:02 AM
The young man almost moves to strike you with his fists but the other one intervenes.

"Thats quite rude thing to say... our mother was an elf sir..." he says in low tones.

2012-11-29, 03:04 AM
"I did wonder why you smelled so good...

If you want me to talk to him, tell me where to go. Otherwise, I should hunt some other place."

2012-11-29, 03:17 AM
They both shudder at your comment and the older man nods.

"He frequents the Senile Elf... a small tavern for farmers and other labourers in Guildsman district. Its near the northern city gate."

2012-11-29, 03:52 AM
"He there now? We should go see soon. Yes?"

2012-11-29, 05:24 AM
"I guess so. He tends to spend a few hours there every night, checking in with his workers and farmers and socialising... but he is overall a nice guy... dont see why he would do such a thing!"

2012-11-29, 05:26 AM
"If he didn't do it and is such a nice guy, then you should have no problem going with me to talk to him. It's never good to wait. Lead the way."

2012-11-29, 05:40 AM
The half elf brothers pick up their weapons and sheath them, if you allow them to do so, and then lead you to the Guildsman district.

It takes roughly 30 minutes from where you are until you get there as they seem very agitated and jittery, stopping every now and then.

You arrive at the tavern and can easily recognise the sign as it shows an old bearded elf with a walking stick and eye patch.

"Thats the place!"

2012-11-29, 05:43 AM
Ral'Tik looks at the place for a moment.

"I do not know him. You all look alike to me. Please lead the way."

2012-11-29, 05:52 AM
Hehe... a racist mantis warrior!

The two half elves push the door and enter.

The Senile Elf is a very nice and colorful tavern inside.

An elderly halfling is playing a relaxed, calm tune with a harp in one corner while the heat from a large fireplace also helps make the atmosphere warm.

A dozen tables, each with 6 chairs are spread around giving some privacy to the patrons. Currently all but two are full but despite that the smell of warm well cooked food in large quantities comes from a side door to the left leading probably to the kitchen.

Sitting on a table made from a barrels you see what seems to be the owner, judging by the clothes he wears, a very old half-elf with a long white beard and grey hair.

Although you dont know him, and have to wait for your new... friends to confirm, you can tell who this Johan must be. A young broad shouldered human wearing farmers clothes but somehow standing out from the crowd. He is chatting with two other farmers with the ease of an orator while well an older armed and armored man that seems to be keeping an eye around the tavern is flanking him. The armed mans eyes fall on you but his expression stays neutral.

2012-11-29, 06:00 AM
I thought Elf being his favorite food would have given that away. :smalltongue:Taking in the situation, it seems like this is not the best place to have to fight. He promises himself to be on his best behavior.

"Good. Let us go ask him now."

He prods the older one towards the man. Suddenly, he pauses and turns to the younger man.

"It's probably best if you wait outside to provide backup. Go."

2012-11-29, 06:18 AM
He seems annoyed at your direction but the older elf also agrees and he leaves to wait outside.

Your presence causes a few heads to turn but other than that they either do not care or pretend not to.

As you approach Johan's table his gaze falls to you and he smiles getting up.

"Oh! If it isnt Easy Charlie and a new friend. Brought him to join the Union did you my friend?" he asks addressing the half-elf. Thanks to your years of training you can tell that the armored man tenses in preparation of any danger though to the casual observer this detail would have been lost.

The half-elf looks to you for support before he talks.

2012-11-29, 06:20 AM
Ral'Tik bobs his head in support, though he is still confused as to what this "union" thing is. He's only ever heard the term in relation to the Faith.

2012-11-29, 06:24 AM
"Well... Mr Mardher sir... as you know ever since out place burned down we have lost everything my brother and me... and... well... this gentleman here... er... I... I realise I dont actually know his name." he says stumbling with his words and looking back at you.

2012-11-29, 06:32 AM
"They say you are a kind man and will help. That you give loan when they need, then in two days, they lose all things. They say many fires burn, and that many lose all. Sounds like too many to be normal, I think. I suggest they come ask kind man for understanding.

My name is Ral'Tik."

2012-11-29, 06:49 AM
"Well Raltik... first off all I would say this is very unorthodox. I deal cleanly and openly with all... and this bringing in someone to point fingers and raise suspisions is not something I appreciate. Especially when that someone is an outsider." he says looking not at you but at the half-elf.

"And in any case, what is it to you? If Charlie here thinks someone burned his place down all he has to do is go to the Guard and ask for their findings. I am sure the proper authorities can help him and I am sure they are on it. I dont understand what exactly you are asking from me..."

2012-11-29, 06:53 AM
Ral'Tik, never one to lie, answers honestly.

"I encounter them in another part of the city trying desperately to get money. I ask why. They tell me about many fires in city. They say you are nice man that help them. So, I tell them, ask nice man to help. They seem to worry. I come for to help with worry. I think, also get to meet nice man and need friends in city. Nice man makes good friends for them, maybe make good friends for me too. As I say to them, 'It's never good to wait.' So, we come now."

2012-11-29, 07:26 AM
He taps his finger on his lips as if thinking and he then motions to the rest of the table to clear out, with the exception of the armored man.

"Well... I did help them. I gave them a loan and they knew the collateral. I keep interest rates so as not to stiffle those I lend to. The banks are loan sharks in this city. I care for the little man but in order to continue caring I must not lose a single investment. Those that come to me know the terms... timely payments." he says calmly.

"They come to me and tell me my investment wont pay out. A fire burned their store and the bank demands money. I explain to them what they owe me and I claim it. It is that simple!" he says and leans back.

"Now... if you want a friend... I also want a friend so we can be friends Raltik!" he says with a smile.

2012-11-29, 07:29 AM
Ral'Tik has difficulty discerning intent in the human voice. Something about not exuding the correct pheromones when they speak to indicate like the Kreen do always left him feeling like he only heard part of the conversation.


Then again, sometimes he has sudden flashes of insight... I guess that's why they tell him he's so good with other races.

2012-11-29, 08:17 AM
He seems to be honest and not trying to trick you.

Concerning his words about the other matter, the loan, he seems very... clear and not uncaring but cold. If he is hiding something about his involvement you cannot tell despite your grasp of his demeanour.

2012-11-29, 08:47 AM
Ral'Tik looks to the half-elf for confirmation but doesn't actually say anything yet.

2012-11-29, 09:27 AM
The half-elfs shoulders shag as once more desperation sets in.

"I dont know what to do then... no money, no home, no future..." he laments as he turns to leave.

2012-11-29, 10:45 AM
"I'm confused. Is this kind or raven?"

2012-11-29, 04:12 PM
"Raven?" asks Johan confused. He shakes his head though not really interested.

"In any case, I can actually make one proposal. I can help you and your brother by offering you a job, food and board. I will also help repay your debt to the bank. The condition is off course indenture... indentured servants and farmers or soldiers... your choice. As a farmer you are looking anywhere between 2 and 5 years depending on how well the crops go and as a servant a standrd 36 month contract is the norm. As a soldier its a standard 18 month contract..." he says and smiles.

"If Mr Raltik here wants to join and either get a pretty penny for himself or to lower the burden from your shoulders, that can also be arranged."

2012-11-29, 04:22 PM
Ral'Tik was talking to the half-elf, using the term "raven" to mean the rich thief person like they were using it earlier.Ral'Tik nods as the man speaks, awaiting further input from the half-elf.

2012-11-30, 02:05 AM
That doesnt stop the other guy from commenting...

The half elf manages to whisper back "neither I guess... hawk more like it" between Johans words.

2012-11-30, 02:17 AM
That was one too many bird euphemisms for Ral'Tik.

"No, it is not my requirement to do that kind of work for either reason. There is other Law I must do."

He turns to the half-elf and speaks.

"You must pay debts. Very important. Will work out tomorrow. Go now."

Turning back to the human loan shark, he says, "Good to meet. Maybe friends later? Must go now, do things for the Faith. Enjoy your night."

Unless otherwise stopped, Ral'Tik leaves, expecting the half-elf to follow.

2012-11-30, 02:28 AM
Johan nods and smiles.

"Very well. It has been a pleasure to meet you Raltik and I do indeed hope we have the opportunity to chat again in the future!" he says as you and the half elf depart.

2012-11-30, 02:34 AM
Once outside, Ral'Tik walks back with them to where they met up initially. A few block in, he whispers for them to take a side road. As soon as they make the turn, he attempts to leap up on top of the building and scans the area to see if they are being followed.


2012-11-30, 02:35 AM
Once outside, Ral'Tik walks back with them to where they met up initially. A few block in, he whispers for them to take a side road. As soon as they make the turn, he attempts to leap up on top of the building and scans the area to see if they are being followed.


Bah! It keeps doing that when it gets slow...

2012-11-30, 02:49 AM
Dude! You are rocking the 20s!

Also remember I did tell you Johan seemed honest...

The buildings of Aldhaven are no match for you. You easily reach one of them and can now scan the area.

The two half elves are waiting patiently but with uncertainty where you left them.

There is little traffic at this hour but you do see a couple of passerbys moving that way, not necessarily following you but still going this way.

2012-11-30, 03:27 AM
It's not that he thinks the man was lying. He will just occasionally watch for anything following him. It's part of the hunting the hunter aspect of his culture. Whenever you feel that knot in the pit of your thorax, scout your surroundings. :smalltongue:He waits about a minute, watching the streets and scanning the rooftops.

However many I can make in a minute...

2012-11-30, 04:14 AM
The two passerbys... pass by without any strange or suspicious movements.

The minute goes by and you cannot see anyone following you.

2012-11-30, 04:24 AM
He rejoins the half-elves.

"Tell me full story now? How much you owe? What happen exactly?"

2012-11-30, 04:39 AM
"The initial loan from the bank was 18000 for the store and we paid for all our inventory. The interest rate was 12.5% and the installments set at 476 gold a month... but as I said we kept being behind the payments so we reached out to Johan for an additional 4760 gold loan that would help us spend 10 months without having to worry about paying the installments and get the business of the ground. He gave us an interest of 4% but our house as collateral due to the fact we were already in debt..."

2012-11-30, 05:12 AM
The number go over Ral'Tik's head. He'd never been one for numbers...

"He take your house?"

2012-11-30, 05:34 AM
"He did. We did agree to it though and it was not done very forcefully. He gave us 3 weeks to clear out everything and even gave us 30 gold to rent a room at a small hostel in North Market..."

2012-11-30, 06:45 AM
"Is work for him bad?"

2012-11-30, 06:58 AM
They look at each other.

"Er... not sure what you mean there."

2012-11-30, 07:00 AM
"That man offers you work. Is that bad? Why rob when you have work to do?"

2012-11-30, 07:05 AM
"Its not really work. Its slavery, indenture means we have no freedom whatsoever..."

2012-11-30, 07:07 AM
Ral'Tik sees no problems with slavery, but it is obvious his new "friends" are distressed by the idea. He does try to be open-minded to other cultures though...

"If pay loan, you get house back?"

2012-11-30, 07:12 AM
"Yes. The bankers are bastards but I think Johan will give the house back if we come back with the money. Problem is I dont think we have any way to get them other than catching a rich fat cat or two and rob them or ransom them..." he responds and clutches his head with his hands at the sound of his own words.

2012-11-30, 07:14 AM
"Then you go to jail, get roof over head and food to eat. All works out in end, yes?"

2012-11-30, 07:42 AM
"Yes. Or we can try and forge a new life like many of those bankers once did. In any case, you gave it a shot and it didnt work... can we go now?"

2012-11-30, 02:55 PM
"Okay. If you need more help, ask at temple of Klik'chak. They can help."

2012-11-30, 03:37 PM
Roll me a diplomacy for good measure.

They dont seem entirely convinced but they nod their heads and thank you before leaving.

2012-11-30, 03:43 PM
Ral'Tik, while having some weird understanding of other cultures isn't always the best at communicating with them.


2012-11-30, 03:48 PM
Ral'Tik, while having some weird understanding of other cultures isn't always the best at communicating with them.


2012-11-30, 03:53 PM
The two half elves do seem to take your words into account but whether or not they will go back to being thugs is not clear...

2012-11-30, 03:56 PM
Ral'Tik decides that it doesn't concern him, unless he finds them actually hurting someone. He's done his good deed for the night, and he no longer feel lawfully compelled to get them to comply. At this point. Their actions will result in their own consequences, which each man must face in his own time.

Moving off away from the two, he wonders just how long it will be before the sun rises. He never did understand why the dra wasted half their lives laying around in a stupor just because the sun went down.

2012-11-30, 05:03 PM
Despite your wonderment at the time wasting humans the sun does not come up on command.

In addition to that, the wounds you have received are starting to hurt...

2012-11-30, 05:08 PM
Ral'Tik looks at the single bite wound he received against the beavers, having adroitly dodged all other attack. While it would make a lovely scar, he decides to follow the prompting and return to the temple.

2012-11-30, 05:46 PM
I have a question...

I have been considering how to improve/optimise on Ishmael a bit... I still want to keep the basic rogue/assassin concept though...

Do you think doing a psychic reformation and switching the rogue levels for psionic rogue (along with the thug level and the thayan slaver levels) and the assassin for psionic assassin would be a good step forward?

I would lose some skills points but the ability to cast spells and use psionic stuff easily plus the powers available could make a good upgrade...

What do you think?

You return at the temple just as the moon is rising.

It illuminates the pillar at the front of the temple and you see that the genasi is just now leaving her post.

2012-11-30, 06:44 PM
If that's the way you want to go, and you have Secrets of Sarlona, I would suggest just psychic reforming your assassin levels to be Psionic Assassin and leave Rogue as is. Also, psychic reformation does not allow you to change your classes, just your class features. You're pretty much stuck with Thug and Thayan Slaver unless you get level drained. Personally though, I'd want to keep the Thayan Slaver for the Ruthless Beating ability and the true strike and ray of enfeeblement spells.

Dump spells, get Int based psionics.

1st—adrenaline boost (Complete Psionic), burst, catfall,
chameleon, control light, dimensional pocket (Complete Psionic),
mighty spring (Complete Psionic), offensive prescience, sensory gloom
(Complete Psionic)
2nd—animal affinity, clairvoyant sense, cloud mind, concealing
amorpha, constrictor's touch†, dream lock†, psionic knock, psionic levitate,
thought shield
3rd—danger sense, greater concealing amorpha, escape detection,
evade burst, psionic darkvision, touchsight
4th—aura sight, psionic dimension door, psionic freedom of move*
ment, psionic modify memory, steadfast perception, trace teleport

{table=head]Level | PowerPoints/Day | PowersKnown | Maximum PowerLevel Known
1st | 0* | 1 | 1st
2nd | 1 | 2 | 1st
3rd | 3 | 3 | 1st
4th | 5 | 4 | 2nd
5th | 7 | 5 | 2nd
6th | 11 | 6 | 2nd
7th | 15 | 7 | 3rd
8th | 19 | 8 | 3rd
9th | 23 | 9 | 4th
10th | 27 | 10 | 4th[/table]
I'd personally also allow you to choose powers from the psychic rogue's power list.

1I'd also reform Thug to pick up the Hit-and-Run-Tactics Fighter ACF from Drow of the Underdark. It makes you sacrifice heavy armor and tower shields for +2 initiative and + Dex to damage vs flat-footed foes.Ral'Tik approaches the temple and speaks to her.


2012-12-01, 08:04 AM
I was referring to this class actually:


I did not realise you cant change classes... is there a spell that does allow that? Otherwise, even if I do psychic reformation I still cant change assassin for the one from Sarlona...

She seems startled for a second and does a soft backwards jump increasing the distance between you. Recognising you though she looks back and smiles.

2012-12-01, 08:07 AM
I'm familiar with that class. The one you linked is technically a different class. The one from Sarlona is specifically an ACF for the DMG Assassin and is therefore valid by default.

The Sarlona one also doesn't have any of its class features nerfed or delayed, gets faster, stronger power progression than the psychic rogue + psychic assassin you linked would give you, and is valid for psychic reformation."It is good to see you again. I came back to get this bite wound healed. Good timing is the blessing of Klik'chak."

2012-12-01, 10:39 AM
Okay, thanks for the info... I guess if I cant switch to psychic rogue, psychic assassin is not available anyway due to it needing manifester levels already...

So you think using this ACF instead of core Assassin is worth it?

She nods.

"That is written. Make sure you also ask them to treat the wound for infection first! It seems like an animal bite and you would hate for it to get infected even after the wound is closed.

Have you had a good first day then? My shift is over and soon another will take my place."

2012-12-02, 08:44 PM
If you include Spell Compendium and a few splat books, Assassin has more spell options than Psionic Assassin has power options. The versatility of powers is slightly higher than spells; however, assassin spells are spontaneous, and assassin reaches higher spell levels faster than psionic assassin reaches higher power levels.

Really, it just comes down to which one you prefer. They're pretty much equivalent.

Why did you want to go psychic rogue anyway? It doesn't seem like the most beneficial option based on what I know about your character.Ral'Tik nods at her wisdom about infection.

"Are you? What have you planned for the night? I am finding it difficult to keep myself occupied while the dra lie about comatose. I had considered speaking with the elders, but it would be inappropriate to approach them without an introduction... So, I guess that waits until the morrow at the earliest."

2012-12-03, 07:07 AM
I was trying to think ways to be a bit more... magic heavy as it is the one thing that constantly foils me with Ishmael. I also read an Iron Chef optimisation challenge for Assassin and one of the contestants (the winner actually) had used a psionic rogue - psionic assassin progression that allowed him to make sneak attacks from... far without being seen!

This was achieved via Burrowing Power + Clairvoyant Sense. It seemed like an amazing idea that I could employ with Ishmael.

In general... I was really wondering if maybe getting some stronger magic ability or rather psionic might be a good way forward seeing as things are becoming tougher and more dangerous...

Alternatively going back to remove my last feat (venomous strike which I ended up almost never using) and get leadership instead in order to have a more sidelined caster as my spymaster might be a better idea... Its just that I really am not an optimiser and hence have no idea how to weight options...

"Well... I too require some sleep and rest...albeit much less. Still if you would like we can venture in the temple together and perhaps the High Priest and his aide will have finished their meditation and I will be able to introduce you!" she says calmly.

Meanwhile you see a short, stocky, beardless dwarf in sand colored armor and a shaven head, marked with tatoos, stepping out of the temple and heading towards the pillar.

"That is Wulfred. He takes the night shift usually as he cant stand being next to the stone during the day!" she explains.

2012-12-03, 07:20 AM
Well Psionic Assassin from Sarlona gives you FAR faster power progression than the psychic rogue + psychic assassin from that web article will, and you don't lose out on your sneak attack dice or other class features. If that's what you want to do, then that's the way you should go.

If you just want to convert everything to the psychic versions just to have started sooner and be a little bit ahead on psionics, you can probably do that too. I wouldn't recommend that personally, because you lose out on other things.

Whatever you do though, you must take Hit-and-Run-Tactics from Drow of the Underdark on your Fighter/Thug level. +2 Initiative and +Dex mod to damage is too good not to take.Ral'Rik nods agreement and asks her to lead the way.

2012-12-03, 05:08 PM
Ok. Thank you for the advise... need to consider it a bit more before deciding...

The woman leads you back inside but goes a different way than were you had met with the dwarf cleric.

You head down through a rough stone staircase at the back of the temple. At the bottom of the stairs you are surprised to find sand on the ground.

A few monk like cells line the walls and you hear a quiet droning from one of them.

"Ah the High Priest is still in meditation... lets see if she also is busy..." she says heading for the bigger of cells. The door is indeed open but the genasi knocks and a native 'kreen voices invites you in.

2012-12-03, 05:12 PM
Ral'Tik remains silent and deferential until addressed.

2012-12-03, 05:24 PM
As you enter the genasi bows low in deferrence.

She bows to an elderly female Thri-kreen that is covered in moving tattoos of the scripture but is otherwise naked. Her chitin is a strange red bronze colour. Her head turns slowly towards you and the genasi but does not focus on either of you.

"Reverend mother this is Ral'Tik, come to serve the temple and the God but also to gain recognition and adulthood." she says turning to you.

The Thr-kreen shifts her weight, body and focus towards you after giving a quick dismissive wave towards the genasi.

"Speak young one." she tells you after the girl leaves.

2012-12-03, 05:27 PM
"I know not what to say to one so versed. I had not expected to meet with you so soon..."

2012-12-04, 01:57 AM
"Lack of confidence does not become us young one!" she says and her front legs show a hint of irritation.

"Speak of your tribe, speak of your deeds, speak of what you expect for the future and why you think you can serve the temple."

2012-12-05, 01:02 AM
Bumping cause you might have not seen it.

2012-12-05, 09:52 AM
"My tribe is naught but what remains of my small clutch. We were Thri, defeated by Tohr, but that all happened prior to my eggday. My clutch travels now with a powerful Walker who leads the clutch across many planes to hunt where no Kreen has hunted before.

After my eggday, I survived where many of my eggbrothers did not. When the clutch returned, I traveled with them, hunting as we went. I have done little noteworthy on my own and seek to be worthy of my noble clutch through deeds that match theirs. The simple rites that most take are too small for me to ever feel I had earned my passage, worthy to walk with them. I wish to become a master at Walking that I might aid in leading my clutch to greater hunts.

I wish also want to become a priest of Klik'chak that I might intercede for my clutch on their behalf, bringing his blessings upon us. We have not had a priest in my lifetime."

2012-12-05, 04:07 PM
"It is a tough calling. Not all raise to it and not all prosper in it. The God deserves utter loyalty and rarely rewards us for doing our duty and this is how it should be!" she tells you harsly.

"Still... perhaps there will be chance for you to prove yourself. I am told you will be taking over the discussions with the Reapers across the road. Psau. Foolish biped hairless monkeys and their Gods. Still in a city like this we need allies. Decadence and 'progress' is everywhere..." she says aggresively.

2012-12-05, 04:11 PM
"A-Are you a follower of the Emissary? Of Doctrine?"

Ral'Tik seems a bit shaken at her hostility.

2012-12-05, 04:53 PM
What is the Emissary? Of Doctrine?

If you refer to Emissary of the Sands I had a look but I thought it was basically like an Avatar/High Priest...

2012-12-05, 05:08 PM
The Emissary of Sand is who I was talking about, yes. He's a minor deity in his own right and the high priest of Klik'chak for a certain faction of mixed races.

Doctrine is his extremist philosophy. It's essentially monotheism based around Klik'chak, stating that no other "gods" are truly divine and are lesser beings sharing in divine power only through Klik'chak's grace. Kreen who take up Doctrine are known for being highly derogatory of non-kreen to the point of either xenophobia or believing they should only function as servants and slaves. They believe that Klik'chak takes the form of a kreen, therefore only kreen are truly people just as only Klik'chak is a true god.

2012-12-06, 02:08 AM
Sweet! I had planned to make 1 head kreen into a pacifist and the other into a bigot! Good to see there is actually the background on that already!

Also its fun cause thats what my nickname means... in the world of 40k the Monodominants are those that believe Humanity should conquer the galaxy and destroy all Xenos... :D

"Doctrine is the only way forward if you wish to become a valued and proper member of this Church, young Ral'Tik! From time to time we tolerate the others, like that fool dwarf you spoke with, as they are useful but if we could strengthen our local numbers this temple would be only ours as the God would have wished it!" she says with passion.

2012-12-06, 09:23 AM
Not wanting to offend her, Ral'Tik simply bobs his head in agreement and releases pheromones to show acquiescence.

Pheromones play a large part in Kreen language. The scent is as much part of conversation as the words themselves. Hence why most kreen have difficulty communicating with other races, they just don't have the right smell to be understood.

Ral'Tik is non-verbally saying, "You're right," and trying to avoid upsetting the priestess.

2012-12-06, 10:02 AM
Her pheromones indicate a sense of dominance, passion and perhaps even interest in a prospective mate.

Interesting though that Kreen dont have 'scent' ability... :D

"Good. Good...!" she says and corks her head.

"Now... I wish you do not judge me for my harsh words and passion. I am very pleased to have our numbers strengthened and I will do my best to ensure your training and experience here prepares you for leading hunts of your own tribe.

Have you had a chance to explore the city? A good hunter knows his hunting ground and though the pastures or the endless deserts are no mystery to a Kreen, the city is its own environment.

2012-12-06, 10:11 AM
They don't. It's not something they consciously smell, but they do know how to consciously use it. It's very subtle, and only races with scent can actually smell anything."I have looked tenuously. I have fought a great beast on the river and overcome with only this one minor bite. I was careless, going unarmored, or I would not have received even this small wound. However minor this one injury, that beast died at my feet."

He shows her the bite marks on his forearm.

2012-12-06, 10:51 AM
"Strange bite!" she says as she looks at the wound caused by the oversized front teeth of the badger.

"Luckily though I see no signs of infection. But was there... acid? What kind of animal of the river has acid on its mouth?" she says surprised and curious at the same time.

2012-12-06, 10:53 AM
"A magically altered beaver the size of an ashworm."

He pauses.

"A, um, beaver is a river animal with a fat tail that apparently eats wood. I suppose the acid helps it to do that?"

2012-12-06, 03:04 PM
"Yes yes, I know what a beaver is. i have lived in the city long enough!" she says and her pheromones once indicate annoyance. It becomes apparent to you that the aide of the high priest is one with a short fuse...

"Still. Acid... that seems a bit... un-natural. Should you investigate it further and discover something on the matter keep us informed!" she tells you.

"Anyway, I suggest you become familiar with every corner of the city. Make it your first errand from me. I know the fool of a dwarf will ask other things of you and so will the High Priest but heed my word and prioritise the learning of the city for it will save your chitin and make you useful. I myself can little stand it these days... the streets are full of filth and the human stink clogs my nostrils..."

2012-12-06, 03:05 PM
He continues to acquiesce in an attempt to leave quickly without causing problems with this irritable woman.

2012-12-07, 02:08 AM
The female Kreen moves fast towards you and lays her 'hand' on your wound. You feel a momentary sting and the wound begins to close.

Once that is done she looks on you once more.

"A fine speciment. You should grow to make your clutch proud." she says and it sounds more like a command than a blessing.

"And now leave me. I need to prepare for the morrow. Remember what I told you. Own the city. But for now do not venture past the north west large wall... this is were the human nobles live and they are scared cattle that do not like to see anyone breach their... gated community!"

2012-12-07, 02:10 AM
"I will heed your words."

He leaves as quickly as possible without being insulting.

Once out, he looks around to figure out just where he is.

2012-12-07, 02:23 AM
Leaving her cell you find yourself in a small circular lobby. Very few furniture are present and the most peculiar feature is the sand on the ground. The ceiling is made of stone, the stone one steps over when entering the temple.

There is a total of 6 doors, all closed currently, around you. One of them you know to be the aides as you have been there already and another you know to be the High Priest's as the genasi had stopped outside the door to listen.

There is also a corridor that ends in the stone staircase that brought you down from the main temple floor.

2012-12-07, 02:25 AM
Ral'Tik pauses a moment, listening. [roll0]

He then heads back to the stairs.

2012-12-07, 02:45 AM
You hear a low but constant droning sound from behind the door indicated as that of the High Priest.

Its very strange, as if someone is repeating a continuous muffled mantra without stopping to take a breath.

You also hear a soft, due to the door blocking it, snore in one of the other doors.

You are now at the top of the stone staircase at the main floor of the temple. There are 2 acolytes chatting at the back, they are obviously on duty but the night is slow.

2012-12-07, 08:26 AM
Not being one to cause others to neglect their duties, he heads out of the temple. Unless he runs into the genasi again, he will spend the rest of the night methodically walking down every street in the Temple District, avoiding the street which passes in front of the temple to Kelemvor.

2012-12-07, 09:19 AM
You meet patrols twice while walking the streets. Each patrol consists of 4 guardsmen and a corporal and it seems excessive compared to what might have been noticed in other Districts. Either that or funding from the Church helps the local precinct prosper!

You also notice a group of two armored men in black cloaks stepping out of the temple of Pelor. Their armor has the holy symbol of the Sun God but they pull their cloaks tight over them hiding it.

2012-12-07, 09:20 AM
He hops up onto the rooftops and attempts to follow them at a distance.

2012-12-07, 09:24 AM
They head towards the Old Town and they finally stop in front of a small, 2 story building.

They knock on the door and few moments later it opens to admit them.

2012-12-07, 09:26 AM
He takes note of the building but keeps his distance, laying down to watch it from afar.

2012-12-07, 09:40 AM
Judging from the light at the windows of the ground floor it seems its occupied. The curtains though are drawn and do not allow you to see anything inside.

The second floor is completely dark.

For how long do you wait?

2012-12-07, 09:42 AM
With nothing better to do, he waits until they leave again or until the sun comes up and the work day begins.

2012-12-08, 06:06 AM
At the exact time of sunrise the door opens and the two men walk outside. They check left and right and then two more men come out.

The second pair is dragging an unconsious man between them.

2012-12-10, 03:42 AM
Bump cause you must have missed this given you are active!

2012-12-10, 03:46 AM
Ral'Tik looks around, checking to see if there is anyone nearby. [roll0]

If there is no one else in sight, he pulls up the hood on his robes, which immediately changes his appearance. Tucking his two lower arms inside his robes out of sight, he now appears to be little more than a bald, gangly human with a slight hunch to his back. He drops down to the ground and quickly approaches the men.

The "hood" is a hat of disguise disguised to look like the hood of his robes.

He now looks human, shrinks about a foot to be more human sized, his robes change color and style to look more human-like, and his gythka now looks like a quarterstaff.

2012-12-10, 04:12 AM
Ah, hats of disguise... number 1 item in Aldhaven :D

Its still early but there are people on the street. Not many but the early workers are already on their way to their shops. The chosen streets the 4 men use are quiter than most but they do cross other slightly busier streets. Regardless you see that noone stops them or challenges them.

The two in the front are basically making way for the two that are carrying the unconsious man.

Your form changes to suit your needs and you quickly catch up to them. They are moving fast but not running, they seem more on a brisk pace than hurrying overall.

Do you approach from the front or from the rear?