View Full Version : Quetion about Illumians

2012-11-19, 03:42 PM
So Illumian get on Sigil at character creation and one everytime they take a second level in a class.

Once you have 2 Sigil they form a word.

I am currently an Illumian with Archivist2/Wizard1/Mystic Theurge 1 getting in early through Improved Krau with the Sigils Naen and Krau.

Now when I take my 2nd level of Theurge do I get a third sigil and if i do do i get the effect of all 3 words i can now create Naenkrau XKrau and NaenX or do i get he effect of the sigil but not a new word until i get a forth sigil and have two words?

2012-11-19, 03:49 PM
It's a bit 'poorly worded' but essentially, when it comes to class levels ( period ). When you get your first hit die from class level ( in general, not each basis ) you get your first sigil. When you get second hit die from class level ( in general, not each basis ), you get a second sigil. No more after that. A level 1 wizard / 1 sorceror would have 2 sigils. A level 2 wizard / 1 sorceror would have 2 sigils.

Unfortunately, someone of the wording from races, feats, etc. didn't get edited as it should have from the 'test version' of the race which had a LA 1 and up to 6 sigils gained by lv 20 and bunch of other things. Would have use to the wayback machine or something to get the 'pre-edited' version of the race before the article was changed on wizards. They even had more symbols to choose from. Can't remember which article it was exactly.