View Full Version : Sometimes, I just wanna watch giant robots hit each other (Mecha animes)

2012-11-19, 05:06 PM
After playing way too many games involving mecha recently (Metal Gear, Zone of Enders, Super Robot Wars, Sakura Wars and Armoured Core in the last few months) I want to watch some mecha based anime.

So far I've liked the look of and considered watching: Big O, Patlabor, GunBuster, Dai-Guard, the Super Robot Wars OVAs and Gundam (but I'm a little wary of this due to it's length). Something not over the top in Super Robot form, yet not too grounded in Real Robot that awesome stuff can't happen.

Are any of these worth watching or avoiding? Any others you'd recommend?

2012-11-19, 05:36 PM
YOu have missed the ULTIMATE Super Robot anime, Gurren Laggan.

Big O is good, if very confusing


2012-11-19, 06:17 PM
Define awesome stuff.
A lot of Gundam is possibly out of the picture since it's the franchise that started the Real Robot distinction after all. Although G Gundam is Gundam as Super Robots.

2012-11-19, 06:18 PM
YOu have missed the ULTIMATE Super Robot anime, Gurren Laggan.


While it technically is ridiculously over the top...I don't find that it matters. Because it all makes sense. And it's surprisingly deep and good.

2012-11-19, 06:28 PM
There might be a frightening amount of Gundam, but it's not all a single continuity, it's only really linked thematically, and you can basically just pick a series at random and watch it.

The really old stuff can be hard to watch given how primitive it is though. (Even more so than old Macross, and that's pretty primitive).

Speaking of which, you want Macross Frontier.

2012-11-19, 06:35 PM
Unless you ended up picking a Gundam series from the Universal Century timeline, then you might run into some continuity lockout issues.

Macross doesn't feel like a franchise to be watched for the robots aspect. They're in plane form for like half the time at least. And it's basically about love triangles set with space war backdrops. And awesome piloting. Personally though, I much favour original Macross and Macross Plus over Frontier. Great franchise, but I'm not entirely sure what exactly aspect(s) is the thread creator looking for.

Edit: Oh, and yea, music. Macross is 2/5 love triangle, 2/5 music, 1/5 mecha/space war backdrop.

2012-11-19, 06:39 PM
I would recommend the first few series of Gundam, like Mobile Suit Gundam or Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam.

2012-11-19, 07:05 PM
Don't watch the SRW OVAs, they're not very good. I have no opinion on Dai-Guard or Patlabor, not having watched them, but I suspect they're good. Big O is fun and I recommend it, but it's more about being Batman than the actual mecha fights. Gunbuster doesn't even have the titular robot in it until the 4th episode (out of 6), but when it does, things get pretty epic.

From Gundam, I'd recommend watching the original Mobile Suit Gundam compilation movies (better animation than the series and cuts off filler) to get the context for all further UC stuff, and then the 08th MS Team OVA. And if you want manga, then you really need to read Crossbone Gundam, which is freakin' amazing.

If you want to watch a show that's mostly awesome mecha fights and not much else, I suggest Getter Robo Armageddon. Very good hand-drawn nineties animation, gritty and violent battles, and an amazing soundtrack. But you need to know some things about Getter or else be confused, because it doesn't like to explain anything.

If you'd like something that's more on the real robot side, Full Metal Panic is a very good combination of mecha and slice of life romance/comedy. It has one episode that's almost entirely made of Gundam references, but other than that it's pretty self-contained. It has two sequels - Fumoffu focuses entirely on the high school shenanigans, while The Second Raid is darker and more about the mecha action. Both of them are even better at what they do than the first show.

YOu have missed the ULTIMATE Super Robot anime, Gurren Laggan.

Probably because it's too far into the super robot side. But yes, it's really good. My favorite super robot show.

2012-11-19, 07:30 PM
I watched Gurren Laggan and loved it, but it's a little too deep into the Super Robot side for me right now. But yes it is awesome. The only thing I've seen which was more over the top than that was Star Driver, which wound up un-watchable for me because it went TOO over the top and campy.

Basically, something like Code Geass, if only it focused less on the magic powers and more on the robot fights.

As for what constitutes an awesome moment for me:

Parts like in SRW OG when Sanger showed up and schooled the entire squad. He then proceeded to try and cut their ship in half in one move, only for Tasuku to steal the Giganscudo and throw it in the attacks way, blocking it and cracking Sagner's blade. Or when Ryusei gets his robot for the first time, and wills it to work so he can shoot down a missile coming right for them.

Or in Zone of Enders when you beat Viola and throw her out into space. The last thing the kid does is consider saving her, when she radios him and tells him she's not worth saving and will despise him and come after him again if she does, all the while she's slowly burning up as sad music plays. It's not action packed, but damn if it wasn't an awesome moment. Was a satisfying ending to a great boss.

So far, looks like Gunbuster, Mobile Suit Gundam and Big O are on the watch list. Not too sure about Macross. While having a good back drop to the action is cool, the music aspect might turn me off. I'll look into it. I tried watching Full Metal, but got turned off early on due to the school side of things and the comedy, which took me away from the plot. I'll try re-watching it, see if I can get further.

I'm not looking for mecha anime only for the sake of the fights. Things like Code Geass and Z.O.E were good because of the characters and story. But we all gotta admit, giant robots punching each other does make things cooler.

2012-11-19, 07:41 PM
Mmm, Gundam is strongly recommended then if you're interested in some war stories, then.

I personally really like Universal Century, so I'm biased here, but I do also recommend the original Gundam, followed by Zeta. Zeta is usually considered to be the best, or among the best, of UC Gundam, although I think that Victory is up there.

And if you end up liking the setting, I strongly recommend War in the Pocket next. But uh, only if you're the sort of person who likes how Zeta winds up.

Otherwise, 08th MS Team, which is also awesome and is perfect if you want to see more localized ground warfare.

2012-11-19, 07:46 PM
Zeta is highly overrated.

And watching the original Mobile Suit Gundam is pretty much mandatory to know the background info for other UC Gundam, which is why you should do it first. The compilation movies would be better than the show, because they compress it to just the important parts.

After you watch Gunbuster, you could consider watching Diebuster, which I found even better. It's even more on the super robot side than TTGL, though.

2012-11-19, 08:10 PM
While it doesn't quite fit your criteria, no one has mentioned Zoids yet. Chaotic Century/Guardian Force are the two good series of the franchise. The later series, even though they did have some good battles, were considerably lesser in character and overall quality.

I don't really know how well Zoids holds up to the other series mentioned, as I'm not familiar with most of them, but I enjoyed it.

2012-11-19, 08:25 PM
Out of what you listed, Parts of Gundam, Parts of Patlabor, Gunbuster, and all of BIG O. Especially all of Big O. Haven'[t seen Dai guard so can't recommend, same with SWROVAS

Someone already mentioned Gurren and Zoids, so I won't judge on them.

Others I'd tell you to watch are Giant Robo, which is classic and holds up well. And Shin-Mazinger Z. Hmmm...what else *goes to check DVD Cabinet*

2012-11-19, 10:28 PM
Someone mentioned Macross Frontier.

Don't start with Frontier. The thing about Macross is that all shows are in the same continuity - so you should watch them all in production order. SDF Macross, Macross Plus, Macross Seven, Macross Frontier. Maybe Macross Zero between Seven and Frontier. Do You Remember Love has really good 80s animation but do NOT treat it as a compilation movie to the original show - it's totally different.

All Macross shows are good, even if the first series has some pretty terrible animation quality at times and Macross Seven enters lulzy "so bad it's good" territory at times. It's true that they are focused on music as much as on mecha fights, especially Macross Seven. But it's not obstructive, and meshes together pretty well actually.

Oh yeah, there's a reason I didn't mention Macross II until now. It's not as terrible as franchise fans make you want to believe, but it's still pretty bad.

I will also suggest Martian Successor Nadesico. It's kinda-sorta a mecha show parody that ridicules many of the franchise tropes, but on the other hand it is also a genuine and relatively realistic mecha show, with serious warfare and drama. The characters are really likeable and the plot is interesting and puts a rarely encountered spin on things - especially if you're already somewhat familiar with giant robot anime. Just don't let the giant, staring mid-90s eyes scare you.

2012-11-19, 10:46 PM
Ignore everyone else for right now. Go watch Mobile Suit Gundam 0080.

it's six episodes, requires minimal understanding of Gundam (Earth and the colonies are at war, some colonies are neutral, and Gundams are the Earth's most advanced mecha) and is quite easily the single best entry in the franchise, and is easily one of the top five mandatory series for the entire giant robot genre.

2012-11-20, 05:56 AM
Giant robots?

Giant robots. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megas_XLR)
Best mecha show outside of the traditional Gundam/Macross/TTGL. And it's American made to boot.

Lesser known, but entertaining all the same. Only lasts two seasons, so it's not all that long either.
Vandread (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vandread)
Warning, features quite substantial amount of fanservice.

2012-11-20, 06:13 AM
Giant robots?

Giant robots. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megas_XLR)
Best mecha show outside of the traditional Gundam/Macross/TTGL. And it's American made to boot.

Lesser known, but entertaining all the same. Only lasts two seasons, so it's not all that long either.
Vandread (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vandread)
Warning, features quite substantial amount of fanservice.

Our studies show that chicks dig the first show presented due to the gigantic humanoid automatons presented within.

2012-11-20, 11:00 AM
As you can see from my sig, I'm a macross fan, and I disagree with Tensai Oni. Yes, All macross are in the same universe and continuity, but none of them are direct sequels, and you can watch all of them independently. It's not like it's mass effect. Sure, you might lose some reference, but you can still enjoy Macross Frontier as an independent series related to the franchise. If you're interested in high speed aerial fighting with j-pop background music but have no time to watch half dozen separate series, go watch Macross Frontier.

I'm a huge fan of Patlabor the animation. It's one of the few series where filler makes it better, compared to the manga. It's less a mecha series than a police procedural/comedy though. Think of it as Chips but with giant robot instead of motorcycles.

2012-11-20, 04:49 PM
I gotta third (or 4th or whatever) BIg O. Sometimes Big O only comes out for the final few minutes, but the series is freakin great. (though if you watch the dub...all I gotta say is I cringe every time they pronounce Megadeus 'Mega-Duce :smalltongue:)

also, I'm gonna chime in and say that Gundam Wing is freakin badassed. Its bsically Real Robot politics/drama, with Super Robot craziness with the main Mecha.

Space Battleship Nadesico is great from what I've seen (the first part of it:P)

And finally, I'll shout out to Gunbuster. very different, and probably the most true sci-fi of any Mecha show I've seen

P.S. if all you want is giant robot battles, I would not recommend the Giant Robo OVA--its as much about crazy super powered agents than Robo and the handful of enemy robots it fights. (Though if you are just looking for Awesome, then I cannot recommend Giant Robo enough!

2012-11-21, 10:18 AM
also, I'm gonna chime in and say that Gundam Wing is freakin badassed. Its bsically Real Robot politics/drama, with Super Robot craziness with the main Mecha.The nostalgia part of my brain agrees with you. The part of my brain that watched it when I was older says "What the heck is going on? Where did that faction come from!? Gah!"

2012-11-21, 04:18 PM
I'm going to break with the crowd a bit and recommend G Gundam out of anything in the franchise. It's definitely Super Robot, but not too Super Robot.


2012-11-21, 04:53 PM
G Gundam is 35% bad filler, 45% enjoyably cheesy filler, and 20% genuinely awesome stuff. It's good but I wouldn't recommend it to someone who was wary of watching 40-50 episode shows due to their length.

2012-11-21, 07:23 PM
I actually stumbled upon this old tv show on youtube called BattleTech (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqzEssjkMeU), it's like MechWarrior on TV, with a mixture of 2D and 3D animation.

2012-11-21, 08:20 PM
Don't start with Frontier. The thing about Macross is that all shows are in the same continuity - so you should watch them all in production order. SDF Macross, Macross Plus, Macross Seven, Macross Frontier. Maybe Macross Zero between Seven and Frontier. Do You Remember Love has really good 80s animation but do NOT treat it as a compilation movie to the original show - it's totally different.

Whilst it's true that they're in the same continuity, you don't really need to watch the older series to understand the newer ones, because each series is a self contained story of it's own with it's own themes and character relationships.

Also, you should only watch Macross 7 if you really decide you love transforming robot pop star action, because it's the worst of the longer series (mostly due to pacing issues, nothing happens for about 15 episodes, but also many characters simply don't get developed. Ten points if anyone can tell me what Viffidas' backstory is*, because the series isn't going to. And if you don't want to punch Basara then you're broken inside.)

* Yeah, she actually has one, and explaining it takes longer than, well, all the lines she has in the entire show, which is about three.

2012-11-21, 09:22 PM
Roughly 33% of Frontier's plot is continuity in-jokes, references or deconstructions, so if you're unfamiliar with the other Macross shows you miss out on a lot.

And hey, it's obvious that Gamlin is the REAL main character of Macross 7.

2012-11-21, 09:49 PM
Roughly 33% of Frontier's plot is continuity in-jokes, references or deconstructions, so if you're unfamiliar with the other Macross shows you miss out on a lot.

And hey, it's obvious that Gamlin is the REAL main character of Macross 7.

I watched Macross Frontier first and enjoyed it just fine. *shrug*

2012-11-21, 10:01 PM
Godannar is fairly short at 26 episodes. It’s a super robot so it tends to be wacky and funny. There are quite a bit fan service scenes in it though. Also +1 for the Nadesico recommendation.

2012-11-22, 01:13 AM
I actually stumbled upon this old tv show on youtube called BattleTech (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqzEssjkMeU), it's like MechWarrior on TV, with a mixture of 2D and 3D animation.

That would be beacuse it is mechwarrior on TV.:smallbiggrin: Battletech is the P&P robot battle game that spawned the Mechwarrior franchise[Mechwarrior being the name of the RPG add-on, and the name they went with for most of the video game adaptations.]

ON Gundam Wing. I first saw it out of high school, and have watched it sicne then, and I have no trouble keeping track of the factions. BUt hey, to each his own. You want a series thats really tough to follow sometimes, try Gasaraki. Not that there are too many factions or anything, but its easy to miss little hints etc that are dropped. I got most ofthe way through it, was unable to watch it for a while, and now I have to start over so I can remember what is happening overall. Really great Real Robot Series, though. One of the best military robot implementations, if not the best

And finally, how is Do You remember Love not just a condensed version of Macross? I mean, I know the in-universe conceit is that its a movie about hte war that actually exists, but its still basically the events scrunched up, right? (of course I've never seen all of macross--shame on me:smallsigh:)

2012-11-22, 07:00 AM
And finally, how is Do You remember Love not just a condensed version of Macross? I mean, I know the in-universe conceit is that its a movie about hte war that actually exists, but its still basically the events scrunched up, right? (of course I've never seen all of macross--shame on me:smallsigh:)

Characterisation of some people is different (I understood the hard position of TV Minmei, DYRL Minmei was hateful and self-centered for example), some very important and key events are not in, some things were ADDED (Protoculture ruins), the conflict resolution is much different.

Also Do You Remember Love does not make justice to cool secondary or side characters that really make the show. I'm talking Max and Millia, and especially the trio of Zentradi spies. It's still a very good movie, but complementary to the main TV series - not meant as a replacement.

Man on Fire
2012-11-22, 09:30 AM
After playing way too many games involving mecha recently (Metal Gear, Zone of Enders, Super Robot Wars, Sakura Wars and Armoured Core in the last few months) I want to watch some mecha based anime.

So far I've liked the look of and considered watching: Big O, Patlabor, GunBuster, Dai-Guard, the Super Robot Wars OVAs and Gundam (but I'm a little wary of this due to it's length). Something not over the top in Super Robot form, yet not too grounded in Real Robot that awesome stuff can't happen.

Are any of these worth watching or avoiding? Any others you'd recommend?

Which gundam you want to watch?

All these you mentioned are quite good, I would just replace SRW OVAs with SRW OG: The Inspector. Let me see what can I add...
Armored Trooper VOTOMS
Tengen Toppa Gurren lagann (through it IS over the top incarnate)
New Getter Robo (then read the mangas, they're awesome)
Sokou no Strain
Giant Robo: The Day The Earth Stood Still
Tekkaman Blade
Argento Soma
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Bokurano (or rather read the manga, it's better)
Code Geass
Voices fom a distant star
Guyver: The Bio-boosted Armor
Shin Mazinger
Mazinkaiser vs Great General of Darkness
Mazinkaiser SKL
Infinite Ryvious
Star Driver
Tiger & Bunny
Towa no Quon

Yes, that should keep you busy for some time.

2012-11-22, 02:24 PM
While it doesn't quite fit your criteria, no one has mentioned Zoids yet. Chaotic Century/Guardian Force are the two good series of the franchise. The later series, even though they did have some good battles, were considerably lesser in character and overall quality.

I don't really know how well Zoids holds up to the other series mentioned, as I'm not familiar with most of them, but I enjoyed it.

I perfer new century zero honestly. It's all about Mecha combat. Think blood sport arena fighting, in giant animal inspired robots.

2012-11-22, 04:10 PM
Godannar is fairly short at 26 episodes. It’s a super robot so it tends to be wacky and funny. There are quite a bit fan service scenes in it though. Also +1 for the Nadesico recommendation.

Godannar has so much fanservice, and it's so distracting, that the overall quality of the show suffers because of it. And since the series itself wasn't anything that special to begin with... Can't say I recommend it.

Man on Fire
2012-11-22, 05:58 PM
Godannar has so much fanservice, and it's so distracting, that the overall quality of the show suffers because of it. And since the series itself wasn't anything that special to begin with... Can't say I recommend it.

I would. Godannar's biggest accomplishment is that it manages to suck you in and relate to the characters despite the fanservice.

2012-11-22, 11:11 PM
Characterisation of some people is different (I understood the hard position of TV Minmei, DYRL Minmei was hateful and self-centered for example), some very important and key events are not in, some things were ADDED (Protoculture ruins), the conflict resolution is much different.

sh! I was wondering about the Protoculture Ruins. Felt odd and didn't seem to match up. Seems to be a different route to the Hikaru-whatever-his-last-name-is-effect[any one spending time isolated with Hikaru will fall for him:smallyuk:], than the original, then

2012-11-22, 11:17 PM
Landing here in Jersey, fighting villains from afar, you got to find first gear on your giant robot car! So yeah, go watch Megas ZLR!

Kitten Champion
2012-11-23, 12:23 AM
I've always thought Overman King Gainer went under-appreciated.

It's somewhere between Gundam and Gunbuster. It's got this odd charm about it stemming from a mix of comedy with weird characters, mecha-action, drama, and the usual Tomino-angst.

I also say go for Eureka 7, because it's an experience you don't readily forget.

2012-11-24, 02:04 PM
I also say go for Eureka 7, because it's an experience you don't readily forget.

this. E7 does have some of the best large mecha battles, especially the ones between theEND and the Type Zero . I found the characters completely unforgettable. the sequel is more about the battles, but not as much about the character development (we'll see what happens in the 2nd season).

2012-11-24, 02:28 PM
I didn't like Eureka Seven.

The best description of its cast is: "See that pretty cool girl and that bunch of terrible, unlikeable people? They get a little bit better. She gets a LOT worse". Okay, some characters are actually sympathetic, but they are either minor, suffer terrible fates, or both. That's another thing - how unfairly mean-spirited the setting was towards everyone EXCEPT Eureka and Renton, who get their sugar-coated happy ending because... romance?

Also the "we must learn to understand each other!" moral falls flat with the aliens being murderous and almost impossible to communicate with. I found myself agreeing with the supposed "bad guys" more often than I should have. Especially when the antagonists were just a police equivalent, trying to stop a group of dangerous eco-terrorists/Gekkostate.

But the music was really good, at least.

I liked Overman King Gainer. It has pacing problems in the middle - too much Enemy Overman of the Week. But the setting is interesting and original, the characters are pretty fun and the show is light and enjoyable. If you like Happy Tomino, you will like this show.

2012-11-25, 04:37 PM
Also the "we must learn to understand each other!" moral falls flat with the aliens being murderous and almost impossible to communicate with. I found myself agreeing with the supposed "bad guys" more often than I should have. Especially when the antagonists were just a police equivalent, trying to stop a group of dangerous eco-terrorists/Gekkostate.

But the music was really good, at least.

The aliens were only murderous out of self defence. (at least in the original TV series, non-canon retellings and the sequel change this or so I've heard)

I don't see how 'aliens are evil, look how many people they murder when I drop bombs on them' ranks very high on the 'badguy has a point' scale.

My main problem with Eureka 7 is that the plot is based around overly complicated made up metaphysics that in the end just don't make any sense. Even if you sympathise with the incredibly flawed protagonists you kind of just have to smile and nod at the plot.

2012-11-25, 06:16 PM
Our Eureka Seven discussion is entering spoiler territory.

The aliens were only murderous out of self defence. (at least in the original TV series, non-canon retellings and the sequel change this or so I've heard)

I don't see how 'aliens are evil, look how many people they murder when I drop bombs on them' ranks very high on the 'badguy has a point' scale.

Yeah, that's my problem actually. As far as self-defense goes, Antibodies are the equivalent of having a pack of rabid dogs in your house and letting them off into the streets at the slightest provocation. Sure they will stop the thief/trespasser, but they will also be a threat to everyone else, and people will call the cops to shoot them.

And they will be right. If that's the best defense system Corellians can have, even if it's due to no fault of their own design but rather their own physiology - I have every right to wipe them out of existence. I'm the one acting in self-defense here.

And yes, good observation there. Eureka Seven AO proved that Dewey, as insane and extreme as he was, was RIGHT.

2012-11-25, 06:45 PM
As far as self-defense goes, Antibodies are the equivalent of having a pack of rabid dogs in your house and letting them off into the streets at the slightest provocation.

Specially designed bombs that create massive holes in the earth is not 'the slightest provocation'.

No antibodies appear when the scub is mined, or has piles driven into it to stop it moving naturally and causing earthquakes. Or by the the regular bombs dropped by the military in its various unspecified wars.


And yes, good observation there. Eureka Seven AO proved that Dewey, as insane and extreme as he was, was RIGHT.

and in doing so, completely fails as a sequel to make sense in regard to the original and fails to make up for that by actually having a message or a theme or even a plot.

2012-11-25, 07:55 PM
Yeah, one point we can agree on.

Whatever your opinion of Eureka Seven, AO is an inferior sequel.

2012-11-27, 12:25 AM
Godannar has so much fanservice, and it's so distracting, that the overall quality of the show suffers because of it. And since the series itself wasn't anything that special to begin with... Can't say I recommend it.

I agree that it is very over the top with fan service but I already warned that there was a lot of it. I am not saying it would be very high on any of my favorite anime lists. It doesn’t have the best fights or the best mechs. But for what it is a funny show that doesn’t take itself to serious I liked it. The preview of the next episode that said the fate of the world rested in the size of a characters butt had me dieing from laughter if only because chanunganug? sp? struck me as a funny word. Then there is the opening which is catchy. Having a good opening counts for a lot in my book. A good portion of why I liked Neon Genesis Evangelion so much was the epic opening music.

It might not be one of the best robot anime out there but it’s not horrible and it’s not as well known. Rather than throw out the big names that always get mentioned I figured I’d bring this one out.

2012-11-28, 02:21 AM
I liked Gundam Seed and Seed Destiny myself. It's long, and there's some definite filler but the 'Seed' moments definitely sound like something you'd enjoy. Badass BSoD's basically.