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View Full Version : Yes, it's another monk fix!

2012-11-19, 08:27 PM
Well, here it is, my 8 page monk fix. I'm happy with everything except for the power list. It needs more debuffing.

Skills: same as default
Hit dice: 1d10
{table=head]Level|BAB|Fort|Ref|Will|Special|Ki Points/Day|Powers Known|Maximum Power Level Known

1st|+0|+2|+2|+2|Flurry of Blows, Unarmed Strike, Dodge, Fast Movement|--|--|--

2nd|+1|+3|+3|+3|Mobility, Evasion|--|--|--

3rd|+2|+3|+3|+3|Bonus Feats|--|--|--

4th|+3|+4|+4|+4|Still Mind, Slow Fall, Ki Points, Enhanced Blows|2|3|1

5th|+3|+4|+4|+4|Faster Than the Eye, Purity of Body|6|5|1

6th|+4|+5|+5|+5|Wholeness of Body|11|7|1

7th|+5|+5|+5|+5|Epic Leap|17|9|2


9th|+6/+1|+6|+6|+6|Abundant Step|35|13|3

10th|+7/+2|+7|+7|+7|Cosmic Blows|46|15|3

11th|+8/+3|+7|+7|+7|Diamond Body|58|17|4

12th|+9/+4|+8|+8|+8|True Seeing|72|19|4

13th|+9/+4|+8|+8|+8|Morph Soul, Diamond Soul|88|21|5

14th|+10/+5|+9|+9|+9|Quivering Palm|106|22|5

15th|+11/+6/+1|+9|+9|+9|Adamantine Fists|126|24|6

16th|+12/+7/+2|+10|+10|+10|Empty Body|147|25|6

17th|+12/+7/+2|+10|+10|+10|Toung of the Sun and Moon, Timeless Body|170|27|7

18th|+13/+8/+3|+11|+11|+11|Remove Soul|195|28|7

19th|+14/+9/+4|+11|+11|+11|Split Self|221|30|8

20th|+15/+10/+5|+12|+12|+12|Perfect Self|250|31|8


Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Monks are proficient with club, crossbow (light or heavy), dagger, handaxe, javelin, kama, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sai, shuriken, siangham, and sling. Monks are not proficient with any armor or shields; however, a monks robes can be enchanted as if it was leather armor.
When wearing armor, using a shield, or carrying a medium or heavy load, a monk loses her AC bonus, as well as her fast movement and flurry of blows abilities.

AC Bonus (Ex): When unarmored and unencumbered, the monk adds her Wisdom bonus (if any) to her AC. In addition, a monk gains a +1 bonus to AC at 1st level. This bonus increases by 1 for every five monk levels thereafter (+2 at 5th, +3 at 10th, +4 at 15th, and +5 at 20th level).
These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks or when the monk is flat-footed. She loses these bonuses she wears any armor, when she carries a shield, or when she carries a medium or heavy load.

Flurry of Blows (Ex): When unarmored and using an unarmed strike or a quarterstaff, a monk may strike with a flurry of blows. Instead of using the full attack action, the monk makes attacks at the attack bonuses listed in the following table:
[/spoiler]{table=head]Level|Flurry of blows Attack Bonus
Note: My houserules always include Full Attack as a standard action, so the class operates under the understanding that a monk can use FoB as a standard action.
Unarmed Strike: At 1st level, a monk gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. A monk’s attacks may be with either fist interchangeably or even from elbows, knees, and feet. This means that a monk may even make unarmed strikes with her hands full. There is no such thing as an off-hand attack for a monk striking unarmed. A monk may thus apply her full Strength bonus on damage rolls for all her unarmed strikes.
Usually a monk’s unarmed strikes deal lethal damage, but she can choose to deal nonlethal damage instead with no penalty on her attack roll. She has the same choice to deal lethal or nonlethal damage while grappling.
A monk’s unarmed strike is treated both as a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons. When creating a magical item, the creator may infuse the monk’s unarmed strike instead of a weapon at the end of crafting. The enhancement applies to all attacks a monk makes, regardless of whether the attack in unarmed or not. Monks are, obviously, proficient with all unarmed strikes they make under any circumstances. Monks may use Wisdom instead of Strength for unarmed attack rolls.
The monk does additional damage with his unarmed strike as illustrated below in the table.
{table=head]Level|Unarmed Strike Damage
Dodge: The monk gains Dodge as a bonus feat.
Unarmored Speed Bonus: As long as the monk is unarmored, he gains a bonus to speed as illustrated by the following table:
{table=head]Level|Speed Bonus
Mobility: The monk gains mobility as a bonus feat at 2nd level.
Evasion (Ex): At 2nd level or higher if a monk makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if a monk is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless monk does not gain the benefit of evasion.
Bonus Feats: At 3rd level, the monk gains Improved Grapple, Stunning Fist, Combat Reflexes, and Deflect Arrows. At 6th level, the monk gains Improved Disarm and Improved Trip.
Ki Points: A monk of 4th level gains a number of Ki points and powers known as if he was a psion of three levels lower than his monk level. These Ki points are similar to the power points of psionic classes. He begins knowing three monk powers of your choice. Each time he achieves a new level, he unlocks the knowledge of new powers as shown in the table. His manifester level equals his monk level-3.

Choose the powers known from the monk power list. A monk can manifest any power that has a ki point cost equal to or lower than his manifester level.

The number of times a monk can manifest powers in a day is limited only by his daily ki points.

A monk simply knows his powers; they are ingrained in his mind. He does not need to prepare them (in the way that some spellcasters prepare their spells), though he must get a good night’s sleep each day to regain all his spent power points.

The Difficulty Class for saving throws against monk powers is 10 + the power’s level + the monk’s Wisdom modifier.
Maximum Power Level Known: A monk of fourth level has the ability to learn 1st-level powers. As he attains higher levels, a monk may gain the ability to master more complex powers as shown in the table.

To learn or manifest a power, a monk must have a Wisdom score of at least 10 + the power’s level.

A monk must hit with a melee attack to deliver offensive powers. He may deliver one power per hit. His only non-offensive powers are granted by his class. A monk gains a special monk-related power in addition to any other powers known at every level. They can use each of these abilities once per day without expending power points unless noted otherwise.

Still Mind: At 4th level, the monk may spend a single Ki point as a free action to gain a +6 bonus to one saving throw. This may be used a maximum of 5x/day

Slow Fall At 4th level, the monk can spend a single Ki point as a free action to use Feather Fall with a caster level equal to his manifester level.

Enchanted Blows: The monk’s unarmed attack is considered to be a magic weapon for the purpose of overcoming Damage Reduction. In addition, the monk gains a +1 enhancement equivalent to his unarmed strikes. This may be changed daily. For example, a monk could one day choose to gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage as if he had a +1 magic weapon. However, the next day, he may know that the party will be facing demons. He changes the enchantment in his fists to Bane (evil outsiders). This stacks with other enchantments of the monk’s fist. For example, if the monk has +3 flaming fists, he may add this on to have the equivalent of +4 flaming fists, or +3 flaming dragonbane fists.

Faster than the Eye: At 5th level, the monk may expend a single Ki point as a swift action to move his speed. He may not move any farther during the round. He may use this during a Flurry of Blows attack and use the remainder of his attacks on a different enemy now in reach. If he does so, no AoO is provoked. For example, if a monk is standing next to a dragon and has 4 FoB attacks, he may make two of them against the dragon, use the power to move his speed, and use the rest of them on a different enemy, perhaps a kobold minion.

Purity of Body: The monk gains immunity at 5th level to all diseases and poisons, including poison damage.

Wholeness of Body: At 6th level, the monk may use Cure Light Wounds at the cost of two Ki points. His manifester level equals his caster level.

Epic Leap: At 7th level, the monk may expend two Ki points to jump a total of 50ft. He may expend additional Ki points when using Epic Leap, adding 25ft to the jump distance for each one. It takes a full round (you may perform other actions) to travel 1000ft. The daily free use of this gives you 50ft extra distance. (Fun Fact: at 19th level, the monk can jump over a mile by expending most of his Ki points for that day)

Reserved for 8th level:

Abundant Step: At 9th level, the monk may expend 3 Ki points to use Dimension Door using his manifester level as his caster level.

Cosmic Blows: At 10th level, the monk’s unarmed strike counts as any alignment for the purpose of bypassing Damage Resistance. In addition, a monk may expend 5 power points to use Divine Power using his manifester level as his caster level.

Diamond Body: At 11th level, a monk gains immunity to sickness of any kind and Damage Reduction as a barbarian of his level-5. In addition, he may expend 5 Ki points to gain an invincible body for one round as a standard action. While in this state, a monk adds 300 to any Damage Reduction he has, +10 to his AC, gains a +20 bonus on all saves, cannot take standard, free, swift, or full-round actions, cannot move more than 10ft per round in any way, is blind, deaf, and mute, and cannot expend Ki. However, his outward appearance does not change.

True Seeing: At 12th level, the monk may expend 4 power points to use True Seeing using his manifester level as his caster level.

Morph Soul: At 13th level, the monk may expend 5 power points to change his abilities as if he was using the polymorph spell using his manifester level has his caster level.. However, his outward appearance does not change (he still gains size bonuses, special movement modes, etc).
Note: Polymorph is dangerous. Please use the GiantITP variant found HERE.

Diamond Soul: At 13th level, a monk gains spell resistance equal to her current monk level + 10. In order to affect the monk with a spell, an enemy spellcaster must get a result on a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) that equals or exceeds the monk’s spell resistance. All harmless spells bypass this SR (including spells that are harmful to certain creature types, like undead, but not the monk).

Quivering Palm: At 14th level, for 10 Ki points, a monk may set up vibrations within the body of another creature that can thereafter be fatal if the monk so desires. She must announce her intent before making her attack roll. If the monk strikes successfully and the target takes damage from the blow, the quivering palm attack succeeds. Thereafter the monk can try to slay the victim at any later time, as long as the attempt is made within a number of days equal to her monk level. To make such an attempt, the monk merely wills the target to die (a free action), and unless the target makes a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + ½ the monk’s level + the monk’s Wis modifier), it dies. If the saving throw is successful, the target is no longer in danger from that particular quivering palm attack, but it may still be affected by another one at a later time.

Adamantine Fists: At 15th level, the monk’s unarmed attacks are treated as adamantine weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction and bypassing hardness. In addition, the monk may expend 6 Ki points to

Empty Body: At 16th level, a monk gains the ability to assume an ethereal state for 1 round per monk level by expending 7 Ki points, as though using the spell etherealness using his monk level as his caster level.

Tongue of Sun and Moon: At 17th level, a monk may communicate with any creature, independent of the language you speak. The monk also gains limited truenaming abilities. He may choose up to 12 levels of utterances. For example, he could choose Ether Reforged and Greater Word of Nurturing, both 6th level (6+6=12), or Caster Lens, Temporal Twist, Incarnation of Angels, 4th, 2nd, 3rd, and 3rd (4+2+3+3=12) level utterances respectively. The cost to cast such powers is their level.

Timeless Body: At 17th level, the monk ceases to age, and may take on the aspects of any age by resting.

Remove Soul: At 18th level, a monk may expend 7 Ki points to allow his soul to exit his body for 1 round/level. He may not travel farther than his speed from his body. In this state, he has a 90% miss chance but gains no bonus to AC from magical armor. He may not use Flurry of Blows, and none of his attacks deal damage. However, they must only hit an enemy’s touch AC, and he may deliver the effects of powers through these attacks. He is visible, but takes on a ghostly form. He may move through other creatures’ spaces. His body is considered helpless, but the monk’s Damage Resistance doubles and he cannot be affected by spells that require a Will save. He can end this effect immediately and regain his normal defenses whenever he is attacked (even in-between alliterative attacks).

Split Self: At 19th level a monk may expend 10 Ki points to split himself into two parts, as described in the Remove Soul power. However, he may also control the physical half of his self. He must split his total movement between the two forms. The physical half is no longer considered helpless, but does lose the monk’s AC bonus. The physical half may not deliver powers, but may use Flurry of Blows and attack independently from the soul half (this means that the physical half may use FoB while the soul half uses a power on the same turn).

Perfect Self: At 20th level, the monk is treated as an outsider native to the material plane (or plane of birth, for those not born in the world) when it would be beneficial to him. He also becomes a Half-Celestial or Half-Fiend. The monk also gains the ability to unleash a Ki blast for 20 Ki points.

Use common sense when altering these powers to the monk. Illusory effects affect only the target. No concentration is required to sustain these illusory effects.
Power List: (Number of Ki points if not already given) (Ki points=Power points)
1st: Bane (1), Cause Fear (1), Doom (1), Touch of Fatigue (1), Chill Touch (1), Ray of Enfeeblement (1), Blindnes/Deafness (2), Attraction, Psionic Daze, Demoralize, Disable, Entangling Ectoplasm, Stomp, Silent Image (1)
2nd: Ghoul Touch (3), Death Kneel (3), Cloud Mind, Hold Person (3), Touch of Idiocy (3), Hideous Laughter (3), Daze Monster (3), Ego Whip, Id Insinuation, Inflict Pain, Mental Disruption, Major Image (3).
3rd: Bestow Curse (5), Suggestion (5), Ray of Exhaustion (5), Vampiric Touch (5), Time Hop, Phantasmal Killer (7), Illusory Wall (5), Hallucinatory Terrain (5) (need more at this level, and above).
4th: Dismissal (7), Poison (7), Contagion (7), Innervation (7), Fear (7), Death Urge, Mirage Arcana (7), Seeming (5), Lesser Geas (7), Mind Wipe, Personality Parasite.
5th: Mark of Justice (9), Slay Living (9), Dominate Person (9), Hold Monster (9), Dominate Person (9), Magic Jar (9), Wave of Fatigue (9), Baleful Polymorph (9), Psychic Crush, Mislead (5), Permanent Image (9), Programmed Image (9).
6th: Psionic Disintegrate, Fuse Flesh, Geas/Quest (11), Eyebite (11), Flesh to Stone (11), (need more)
7th: Decerebrate, Insanity (13), Destruction (13), Sequester, Psionic, Forecage (13), Finger of Death (13), (Need more).
8th: Recall Death, Microcosm (20), Assimilate (20), Energy Drain (17), Dominate Monster (17), Imprisonment (20), Temporal Stasis (17), (need more)

What I need help with:
Ki point costs: Too low? Too high?
Numerical values for everything in the tables. How are the numbers for Flurry of Blows.
A built-in Ki power for 8th level.
Ki powers for all levels. The list I gave needs trimming and expanding. Feel free to create new powers, or use invoctions or soulmelds or manuvers or whatever. Needs more debuffs.
Balance: going for about tier 2 here.
What the Ki blast should be at 20th level.
Anything else you might find.

It is highly suggested you use a dice-rolling app with this fix, like https://itunes.apple.com/mo/app/parvum-draco-your-little-rpg/id389377607?mt=8 (this one). Seriously, you’ll roll a lot of dice. Presets are really nice.

2012-11-19, 08:33 PM
No! Let it die! We don't need a Monk with Ninth Level spells! Why won't it die?

EDIT: These power choices are atrociously bad. Why would they have Mind Affecting and Illusions? Seriously? You should rename the class Jedi.

2012-11-19, 08:44 PM
No! Let it die! We don't need a Monk with Ninth Level spells! Why won't it die?

EDIT: These power choices are atrociously bad. Why would they have Mind Affecting and Illusions? Seriously? You should rename the class Jedi.

It's completely supernatural. He channels Ki into the body of the enemy to really screw him up. And yes, a monk with 9th level spells was what I was going for. Tier two is my favorite.

2012-11-19, 08:45 PM
1. Power choices should be limited to powers. Not spells and powers, just powers.
2. Don't call them Ki Points. Just call them Power Points and let the class features run off of PP. (don't mod the costs either, please)
3. For the love of , give it full BAB!
4. Don't call it Epic Leap. Maybe Great Leap, or Power Leap or something, but "Epic" tends to be reserved for things >Lv20.
5. What's with the random insertion of truenaming? That doesn't even make sense...
6. Lv 20 class feature should specify that half-celestial/fiend is based on alignment, for logic purposes. Also, what is a Ki Blast? This should be specified somewhere in the post.
7. This entire thread should probably be in the homebrew section. A mod will probably be along shortly to move it. :smallwink:

@Snow: *hits admonishingly with a harisen* [I]Snow... What have I told you about playing nice with others, hmm...?

2012-11-19, 08:53 PM
1. Power choices should be limited to powers. Not spells and powers, just powers.
2. Don't call them Ki Points. Just call them Power Points and let the class features run off of PP. (don't mod the costs either, please)
3. For the love of , give it full BAB!
4. Don't call it Epic Leap. Maybe Great Leap, or Power Leap or something, but "Epic" tends to be reserved for things >Lv20.
5. What's with the random insertion of truenaming? That doesn't even make sense...
6. Lv 20 class feature should specify that half-celestial/fiend is based on alignment, for logic purposes. Also, what is a Ki Blast? This should be specified somewhere in the post.
7. This entire thread should probably be in the homebrew section. A mod will probably be along shortly to move it. :smallwink:

@Snow: *hits admonishingly with a harisen* [I]Snow... What have I told you about playing nice with others, hmm...?

Using Morcleon's template here.

1. Spells. These are spells/powers. Calling them (Su) doesn't change the fact these are spells.
2. This makes sense.
3. NO! 9th level spells means your BaB can suck.
4. Why is this even a thing.
5. See number 4.
6. Agreed. If Neutral we should put in the Axiomatic creature template instead?
7. Not to play mod, but he's right.

Honestly if you want a T2 monk, just give the Monk class features/monk-esque features to the Psion with 3/4 BaB and call it a day. It would accomplish everything you did here.

T2 is a bad mark to try and meet, most since it involves making a complete, wizard-level list to choose from. Also, what you have here is more likely T3.

@Morcleon b-but he's trying to make a monk homebrew. Monks always treat me poorly! :smallfrown:

2012-11-19, 08:56 PM
1.Powers are very limited but yes, I wish I could homebrew some more appropriate powers.
2.They will be Ki points, and you will like it.:smallbiggrin:
3. KK. Sounds good.
4. Impossible leap? Astounding leap?
5. Seemed to fix ToSaM. It works fine without it, but I'm going to keep it. I like truenaming.
6. Meh. The templates have requirements anyway, so I assume that one can make the leap. But I'm actually fine with evil half-celestial. I asked for help on the Ki blast in the "what I need help with" section. Any ideas?
7. Dammit. That was an accident.

T2 is a bad mark to try and meet, most since it involves making a complete, wizard-level list to choose from. Also, what you have here is more likely T3. So I've been told. If it's tier 3, fine.

2012-11-19, 09:09 PM
Using Morcleon's template here.

1. Spells. These are spells/powers. Calling them (Su) doesn't change the fact these are spells.
2. This makes sense.
3. NO! 9th level spells means your BaB can suck.
4. Why is this even a thing.
5. See number 4.
6. Agreed. If Neutral we should put in the Axiomatic creature template instead?
7. Not to play mod, but he's right.

Honestly if you want a T2 monk, just give the Monk class features/monk-esque features to the Psion with 3/4 BaB and call it a day. It would accomplish everything you did here.

T2 is a bad mark to try and meet, most since it involves making a complete, wizard-level list to choose from. Also, what you have here is more likely T3.

@Morcleon b-but he's trying to make a monk homebrew. Monks always treat me poorly! :smallfrown:

1. Also, making them (Su) opens up a whole field of abuses, with Expanded Knowledge/psychic chirurgery for reality revision... :smalleek:
3. ...point. :smalltongue:
6. Nah, the Axiomatic template is sort of really bad... Generally, neutrals get to pick between the good and evil options.

A T2 monk would require a fully fleshed out power list. Not a DN/warmage/beguiler style preset list. This (as it stands) is actually T1 due to the (Su) abuse that can be done. Remove that, and it falls to T3.

@Snow: *pats on head* It's okay Snow... when monks treat you poorly, don't yell at them. Build an abjurant champion gish and curbstomp their ineffectuality, 'kay? Nipah~!

1.Powers are very limited but yes, I wish I could homebrew some more appropriate powers.
2.They will be Ki points, and you will like it.:smallbiggrin:
3. KK. Sounds good.
4. Impossible leap? Astounding leap?
5. Seemed to fix ToSaM. It works fine without it, but I'm going to keep it. I like truenaming.
6. Meh. The templates have requirements anyway, so I assume that one can make the leap. But I'm actually fine with evil half-celestial. I asked for help on the Ki blast in the "what I need help with" section. Any ideas?
7. Dammit. That was an accident.

So I've been told. If it's tier 3, fine.

1. Look off the psionic warrior list/some ardent mantles. That should help.
2. Problem is, it gets confused with ki power from the ninja class...
4. Extreme Leap. :smallsmile:
5. Not really. TOSAM really is just a constant tongues effect. It's pretty nice as stands, but should be moved down about 10 levels. Truenaming doesn't really fit in with the monk flavor.
6. Ki Blast should be STARLIGHT BREAKER!!! :smallbiggrin::smalltongue:

2012-11-19, 09:10 PM
1. Power choices should be limited to powers. Not spells and powers, just powers.
2. Don't call them Ki Points. Just call them Power Points and let the class features run off of PP. (don't mod the costs either, please)
3. For the love of [insert suitably important aspect(s) here], give it full BAB!
4. Don't call it Epic Leap. Maybe Great Leap, or Power Leap or something, but "Epic" tends to be reserved for things >Lv20.
5. What's with the random insertion of truenaming? That doesn't even make sense...
6. Lv 20 class feature should specify that half-celestial/fiend is based on alignment, for logic purposes. Also, what is a Ki Blast? This should be specified somewhere in the post.
7. This entire thread should probably be in the homebrew section. A mod will probably be along shortly to move it. :smallwink:

1. Spells. These are spells/powers. Calling them (Su) doesn't change the fact these are spells.
2. This makes sense.
3. NO! 9th level spells means your BaB can suck.
4. Why is this even a thing.
5. See number 4.
6. Agreed. If Neutral we should put in the Axiomatic creature template instead?
7. Not to play mod, but he's right.

1. Agree that it should be (Sp), and spells should be fine with appropriate pp costs. Level*2-1
2. Agree. Just like calling them (Su) doesn't hide the fact they're spells, calling them ki points doesn't change the fact they're power points
3. I agree with Snowbluff on this one. We really don't want to give the world 9th level spells and full BAB together
4. I don't know... It does feel epic (>20) By my calculations *pulls out a slide rule* a mile-long jump would have a DC of 5280. 10560 without a running start. This seems broken. Very broken
5. I hardly even know what truenaming is (I don't have any splatbooks) and I know this is wrong.
6. Or just shift it all to axiomatic.
7. Thirded.

And on a side note, spoiler tags open with [spoiler] Yours are broken around the flurry table


2012-11-19, 09:20 PM
@Snow: *pats on head* It's okay Snow... when monks treat you poorly, don't yell at them. Build an abjurant champion gish and curbstomp their ineffectuality, 'kay? Nipah~!

1. Look off the psionic warrior list/some ardent mantles. That should help.
2. Problem is, it gets confused with ki power from the ninja class...
4. Extreme Leap. :smallsmile:
5. Not really. TOSAM really is just a constant tongues effect. It's pretty nice as stands, but should be moved down about 10 levels. Truenaming doesn't really fit in with the monk flavor.
6. Ki Blast should be STARLIGHT BREAKER!!! :smallbiggrin::smalltongue:

Aye aye... not that they have many spells for me to dispel. :smalltongue:

6. I always thought of it more as a Kamehameha.

And on a side note, spoiler tags open with [spoiler] Yours are broken around the flurry table


Come to think of it, there should be no table. It becomes wrong the moment you change you BaB, as it does with the PhB monk. Just type out the bonuses in the ability description.

2012-11-19, 09:26 PM
Aye aye... not that they have many spells for me to dispel. :smalltongue:

6. I always thought of it more as a Kamehameha.

Come to think of it, there should be no table. It becomes wrong the moment you change you BaB, as it does with the PhB monk. Just type out the bonuses in the ability description.

Abjuration has other offensive capabilities... *cough*mawofchaos*cough* :smallamused:

6. When you look at the effect (giant beam of light), is there really much of a difference? :smalltongue:

Yeah, the table assumes single-classed monks. What about dips? PrCs? Give them a -x penalty at level 1, which is reduced to a -y penalty at a higher level, which is removed at completely at an even higher level (no more than 10, I would say).

2012-11-19, 09:27 PM
1. Agree that it should be (Sp), and spells should be fine with appropriate pp costs. Level*2-1
2. Agree. Just like calling them (Su) doesn't hide the fact they're spells, calling them ki points doesn't change the fact they're power points
3. I agree with Snowbluff on this one. We really don't want to give the world 9th level spells and full BAB together
4. I don't know... It does feel epic (>20) By my calculations *pulls out a slide rule* a mile-long jump would have a DC of 5280. 10560 without a running start. This seems broken. Very broken
5. I hardly even know what truenaming is (I don't have any splatbooks) and I know this is wrong.
6. Or just shift it all to axiomatic.
7. Thirded.

And on a side note, spoiler tags open with [spoiler] Yours are broken around the flurry table


1. Nothing to say here.
2. Ki points is more thematic, but I can change it. Might as well.
3. Full BAB vetoed in that case.
4. When was the last time jumping broke the game? Using all your PP for a day to jump a mile isn't that great, especially at 19th level.
5. It fits just as much as ToSaM.
6. Naaa... A choice is better. I like the templates, plus I can't find that one in the SRD immediately.
7. To late, I already did that.

Yeah, the table assumes single-classed monks. What about dips? PrCs? Don't see how this is any different then regular monk

2012-11-19, 09:28 PM
6. I always thought of it more as a Kamehameha

HADOKEN! (http://www.nuklearpower.com/2001/03/20/episode-007-kamehameha-or-something/)

That is all.

2012-11-19, 09:31 PM
HADOKEN! (http://www.nuklearpower.com/2001/03/20/episode-007-kamehameha-or-something/)

That is all.

Kamehameha was what I was thinking.

2012-11-19, 09:32 PM
Abjuration has other offensive capabilities... *cough*mawofchaos*cough* :smallamused:

6. When you look at the effect (giant beam of light), is there really much of a difference? :smalltongue:

Yes. Because Maw of Chaos is entirely representative of the Abjuration school.

6. The difference is whether or not you want a person with Martial Arts training doing it.

HADOKEN! (http://www.nuklearpower.com/2001/03/20/episode-007-kamehameha-or-something/)

That is all.

See?! Wait... that's Black Mage! That cheater! :smallmad:

2012-11-19, 09:35 PM
Yes. Because Maw of Chaos is entirely representative of the Abjuration school.

6. The difference is whether or not you want a person with Martial Arts training doing it.

Of course it is! You can't put up magical shields without a giant mouth of random teeth at your beck and call. :smalltongue:

6. Ah, touche. :smallwink::smallbiggrin:

1. Nothing to say here.
2. Ki points is more thematic, but I can change it. Might as well.
3. Full BAB vetoed in that case.
4. When was the last time jumping broke the game? Using all your PP for a day to jump a mile isn't that great, especially at 19th level.
5. It fits just as much as ToSaM.
6. Naaa... A choice is better. I like the templates, plus I can't find that one in the SRD immediately.
7. To late, I already did that.

Don't see how this is any different then regular monk

4. Yeah, but then you can persistent temporal acceleration, rest, and do it again. Every. Single. Round.
5. Yes, but it also forces PCs and DM to look at the ToM, which they may or may not have, and forces them to learn a whole new system, and you didn't put any details as to which stat is used, or any of the normal things that would be used.

As for the flurry of blows thing, the regular monk tells you the penalties. This does not. What if you dip monk, then go into a class with different BAB?

2012-11-19, 09:38 PM
4. Yeah, but then you can persistent temporal acceleration, rest, and do it again. Every. Single. Round.
5. Yes, but it also forces PCs and DM to look at the ToM, which they may or may not have, and forces them to learn a whole new system, and you didn't put any details as to which stat is used, or any of the normal things that would be used.

As for the flurry of blows thing, the regular monk tells you the penalties. This does not. What if you dip monk, then go into a class with different BAB?
Shoot. How can I fix that?
Ahh. I see. Truenaming is out then. I still love you, truenaming. Sorry.

2012-11-19, 09:41 PM
Shoot. How can I fix that?
Ahh. I see. Truenaming is out then. I still love you, truenaming. Sorry.

Cap the total PP able to be spent on this ability at the character's manifester level. "That's how Dad did it, that's how America did it. ...and it's worked out pretty well so far." :smallbiggrin::smalltongue:

2012-11-19, 11:52 PM
See?! Wait... that's Black Mage! That cheater! :smallmad:

It's BM's signature spell! Just don't ask what powers it. Love <3

4. When was the last time jumping broke the game? Using all your PP for a day to jump a mile isn't that great, especially at 19th level.

I just meant in terms of being able to ace a DC 10560 check. Admittedly a lot of magic can do stuff like that, but it still seems wrong somehow

2012-11-20, 04:24 AM
Flurry of Blows (Ex): When unarmored and using an unarmed strike or a quarterstaff, a monk may strike with a flurry of blows. Instead of using the full attack action, the monk makes attacks at the attack bonuses listed in the following table:{table=head]Level|Flurry of blows Attack Bonus

Table error? :smallconfused:

Darth Stabber
2012-11-20, 05:39 AM
Call 'em ki points if you want, but it looks like powerpoints and quacks like powerpoints. The variance of costs within powerlevels is strange. Might as well just go with full on psionic manifesting. Also you're combining some psion functionality with a melee class, but your powerlist is really bad for gishing, making the class features work at cross purposes. The whole thing is kind of a mess, thematically and mechanically.

I think i'll stick with unarmed swordsage for my monk fix.

2012-11-20, 07:48 PM
Also you're combining some psion functionality with a melee class, but your powerlist is really bad for gishing, making the class features work at cross purposes.

False. A monk may apply the effect of one of their Ki powers to their unarmed strike. That's why I had to limit the power choice: It is more or less every single single-target effect for wizards, clerics, and psions. I want to homebrew some powers up to replace all the ones I have now. I asked for help on that. What about the actual CLASS that I haven't said I'd already fix (like truenaming).

Story Time
2012-11-20, 08:33 PM
5. [...] It works fine without it, but I'm going to keep it. I like truenaming.

...please forgive this interruption. I don't belong in this thread. I shouldn't be thinking about truenamers. And I, most especially, should not be mentioning that I tried to re-work the truenaming concept into a legitimate home-brew.

...but does Zelkon know the formula for truenaming? The Difficulty Class is: [ 15 + [ 2 x CR / HD ] ].

That's the formula right out of the Tome. ...may-be Zelkon knows it, may-be he doesn't. But it makes the truenamer mechanically unplayable at Level Fourteen. So...giving a monk Utterances is an interesting idea...but please specify a mechanism that makes sense in order to use those Utterances.

...I'm sorry to be the person with such bad news. I don't intend to be mean or put-down any-one's home-brew. But...I figured Zelkon would want to know.

2012-11-20, 09:01 PM
...please forgive this interruption. I don't belong in this thread. I shouldn't be thinking about truenamers. And I, most especially, should not be mentioning that I tried to re-work the truenaming concept into a legitimate home-brew.

...but does Zelkon know the formula for truenaming? The Difficulty Class is: [ 15 + [ 2 x CR / HD ] ].

That's the formula right out of the Tome. ...may-be Zelkon knows it, may-be he doesn't. But it makes the truenamer mechanically unplayable at Level Fourteen. So...giving a monk Utterances is an interesting idea...but please specify a mechanism that makes sense in order to use those Utterances.

...I'm sorry to be the person with such bad news. I don't intend to be mean or put-down any-one's home-brew. But...I figured Zelkon would want to know.

I already removed truenaming, and also, it used power points instead of the formula. But seriously, Solo made a great Truenamer handbook. UMD+Truename skill cheeze makes a tier 1 class :smalltongue:

Andion Isurand
2012-11-22, 09:00 PM
Flash Dash (Su): A monk may spend a point of Ki to move his speed as a swift action, also gaining concealment against any attacks of opportunity provoked by this movement.

below are some ideas for more monk ideas that you can plug into a Ki usage system.

Ki Torrent (Su): As an immediate action, a monk may (spend X points of Ki) discharge a spread of discordant Ki energy. All creatures within 20 feet must make a Will save against a DC equal to 10 + 1/2 the monk's class level + the monk's Charisma modifier, or lose the ability to cast spells and spell-like abilities, the ability to use supernatural abilities that require activation, as well as the ability to use any spell completion, spell trigger or activation item for 1 round.

Aura of Truth (Su): As an immediate action, a monk may (spend X points of Ki) to emanate a spread of clarifying Ki energy that reveals all that is hidden within 20 feet of him for up to 3 rounds. This creates an area of effect centered on the monk, in which all things appear as they actually are, as if by means of a true seeing spell. Unlike true seeing however, all creatures in visual range can see what is revealed within the area of this effect. This does not dispel any magical effects—it only temporarily reveals them. Should a creature pass through this emanation during its duration, any hidden elements on it are revealed, though they are again hidden as soon as the creature steps out of it. The monk may dismiss this effect as a free or immediate action.