View Full Version : Vampire god.

2012-11-19, 10:55 PM
Alexander Wakes up to find himself in a Small forest Clearing, His armor and Weapons are with him, But beyond that, Nothing.

2012-11-19, 11:15 PM
The 6'4" onyx haired red eyed god woke up in this place, and he instantly rubbed his eyes as he quickly got to his feet with a quick flip. Alex would shake himself off, letting the grass fall to the ground that was on his cloak as he closed his eyes for a moment and then said simply This is not my world...

Alexander would then look around for a moment, as if searching for the thing that would be powerful enough to break his Akashic Record, something he only theorized was possible but it looks like it was proven now but he had no idea what was so powerful that he could bring him here. Alex had only really one choice in this matter, he had to go to a place where he knew best, The Lower Planes. Once he got there he would land in the one of the many fields of Death and Decay due to the Blood Wars, and as he was there he would notice the fighting there would stop as the opponents saw Alexander standing there.

They most likely had no idea who he was, but if they knew who he was they would be worried but he could never be sure anymore, not with the complete re-writing of the Akashic Record. Take me to your leaders if you would please. Alex had no idea if they could feel his divine power, due to the fact that he actively suppresses it most of the time so he can walk in the human world without bringing people to their knees in praise or something.

2012-11-19, 11:26 PM
The Demonic and Infernal (Devil) Hordes part, And a Oysluth and Glabzaru Step forward, And inquire if you wish to speak to Demogorgon, Or Asmodeus.

2012-11-19, 11:32 PM
Do you think they could be civil enough for you to bring them both to me, so we may talk together. If not I completely understand, and I will go see them separately. Though I would prefer if they would meet me here, so no one is offended. The last thing I want to do is offend anyone. Alexander was use to the two leading faction leaders to getting along when he came along, due to the fact the more or less owned the lower planes back in his world but here he was the new guy on the block.

2012-11-19, 11:40 PM
They can meet, But on a Demiplane Is the reply after a bit, From both.

The Demiplane (Assuming you are crazy enough) Is a fairly Nice, from what you would expect from Demogorgon.
Mostly a Grasslands, surrounded by a cove of mountians.

"This Is Pazunia, The first layer, and a Netural Plane, as Pazuzu is a Ally, Pazuzu is quite nice about these things, Pazuzu is also quite nice about parties here as a matter of fact..."

Demogorgon tells you, Asmodeus just stands their and looks at ya.

2012-11-19, 11:46 PM
Alexander would bow his head to both of them, showing them as much respect as he figured they deserve due to the fact that even now he could tell that they were on equal if not better ground then him. Alex would then say simply One of these days I will have to join those parties, but until then lets get to know each other first. I am Alexander, and I think someone was messing with the Akashic Records and sent me here from my home. I am wondering if you could tell me if there is anyone on this planet that is capable of doing that and for what reason they would have to send little old me here.

Alexander all the while was looking though the other planes, the ones that were not hidden by Asmodeous or Demogorgon as he looked at the sheer number of demons and devils in this place.

2012-11-20, 12:02 AM
"Their are quite a few beings here that can tamper with it, But not many that can directly Tear you away from it"
-Asmodeus replies, Absently Toying with his Ruby Rod

2012-11-20, 12:05 AM
Alexander would look at both of them, and he could not help but sigh alittle bit as he said simply What is it going to take for you to give me the information I want. Lets skip all of this political bull**** and just get down to the brass tax. I want simply want to know why the hell I am here, and who did it so I can go back home that is all I want.

2012-11-20, 12:07 AM
"Why you are here is a good question, Perhaps one too good to have a reply, I do not Know."
"Nor Do I"

"And Appearntly You are not meant to, Good Day"
-Both, And Dissapear

2012-11-20, 12:09 AM
Alexander would sigh for a moment as he waited for Pazuzu to show up, due to the fact that his name was spoken three times and he should show up. If he did not Alexander would simply wait for answers to come to him, because at the moment, even now he was collecting the souls of the dead as they all came flying to him.

2012-11-20, 12:11 AM
Pazuzu would arrive, And ask him where he would like to traval, "Perhaps to a Relaxing Upper planes vacation?"

2012-11-20, 12:13 AM
Alexander would shrug as he would nod his head. Alexander's mind was so shattered into pieces that any alignment detection spell, even by gods would simply fail and it would appear as if Alexander had no alignment. This was due to all the contacts of demons and devils when he grew up as a young boy and it shattered his mind in half.

2012-11-20, 12:28 AM
Your Portal transportation malfunctions, And for a breif moment, You know what it feels like to be mortal again, Viewing what horrible, Powerful, Unspeakable things lie in the void...
Then you are shunted, (Forcefully Take 10^5 Damage) And Land in a throne room, Massive, obviusly built for beings much, MUCH bigger then you.

"You, Mortal, Are not meant to Be questioning Things about Akashic records, Please, Refrian from Talking, And Speaking about such matters, And leave it to the beings above you"
"Brother, No, Do not Kill him yet"

"Now, I can tell you how to adapt your record to the new world, but I know not how you got here, But only that you are not meant to leave"

2012-11-20, 12:35 AM
As Alexander feels the feeling of being mortal once again, he would instantly shutter but he always knew there was bigger and badder things in the universe then him, but he was so passive he was never a threat to any of them. Alexander then felt himself get shunted, and he would feel a slight hurt, and a small drip of blood would run down his arm for a moment. The blood would then shot back up his arm and back into his body, as if time was reversed, and he would look at this massive throne room in front of him and he could not help but smile. So.. You are God... Pleasure to meet you. Sorry if I am stepping out of my place, but I assume you being ripped from your home is not something you enjoy. So I guess I now know that you were the one who did it, the only question I have is why do you want a Soul Dealer.

2012-11-20, 12:45 AM
" I am not the one who Tore you from your reality, but apparently Fate has a Sense of Humor, For our god of souls has recently died and we need a new one, I presume you can handle the task?"

2012-11-20, 12:48 AM
Of Course... I am always up for the task.... I already began my duties as the God of Souls the moment I entered this world. The last guy needs to do a better job, considering there are run away souls everywhere on the prime Material plane. Alexander would then close his eyes for a moment as his mind started to sort though his souls and trying to figure out where they should go and any information they might know.

2012-11-20, 12:59 AM
"Well then, I suppose you are done here, You are free to leave here, And establish your Base and such, Feel free to take a parting gift from Izeldais, The Godwyrm"

The Floor Shifts You to infront a vault, And inside is anything (Artifcats and such) You could think of.

"If you do not want any, we are fine with that as well"

2012-11-20, 01:09 AM
Alexander would nod as he looked into the massive vault with the artifacts in it, and while he could make them himself easily he would see something that would catch his eye. It was a very small vial and it was empty and he would pick it up for a moment and then nod his head, signaling that he will take this and then he would close his eyes again and vanish. He just plane-shifted out of this world as he went to the mortal world for a moment and would instantly make his new castle home, where he would spend his time as he collected the souls of the dead and sent them to the places they need to go.( After extracting every ounce of information out of them he could, without harming the souls themselves)

Alexander would then look at the vial next to him as he closed his eyes for a moment and it instantly started to fill up with a green liquid and Alexander would keep his eyes closed as he did this, as he didn't need his eyes to see.

2012-11-20, 01:18 AM
Nothing would happen for days, except for the Arrival of what seems to be a being of his Power level..

2012-11-20, 01:37 AM
Alexander would open his eyes, as he would look out to see who had visited him and surprisingly enough the vial that he had was completely full and yet he was still pour more of the green liquid into it. Alex would flick his hand and the doors to his home would open as he looked out and said simply Welcome to my home... is there something I can do for you my friend?

2012-11-20, 02:23 AM
Briareos turns in midair as he hears himself being addressed from far away. He could discuss from here, but for the sake of being quieter, one of his heads morphs and puuuuulls free of his body, forming another 'him' and instantly being replaced.

The avatar appears outside of Alexander's castle, all fifty heads with one eyebrow raised. "That depends. Do you want to tell me who you are and why you have summoned me so immediately?"

2012-11-20, 02:26 AM
Alexander would raise his eyebrow What are you talking about? I did not summon you here, you seemly came here on your own free will... I have not summoned someone in years. I am Alexander by the way, God of Souls. So if one of your men die and you want him back, you will have to come talk to me. Alexander would lean against this wall as he looked at the man, and it was very clear that Alexander was not the normal vampire and had a bunch of other weird things about him that showed he was a freak of nature in some ways.

2012-11-24, 11:16 PM
"You certainly called to me," the avatar says with booming amusement. This joviality evaporates as Alexander introduces himself as a god. He leans down to look the other in the eye with his lower heads, considering Alexander solemnly.

"I speak for Briareos the Liberator, the First of the Brothers that Began our kind in ages past; who lead our Collective from the grip of unjust gods to this new land. You would greet one such as him with predictions of separating us brothers from each other and him?

God of Souls... And what, pray tell, do you do with this dominion you claim?"

Checks to identify Alexander's exact nature are REALLY REALLY high. Probably around 10^40 for Knowledge checks at least. Need me to roll still?

2012-11-25, 09:55 PM
Alexander looked at him for a moment and said very simply I am simply the book keeper of the universe, making sure the souls need to go where they need to go and make sure everything is in order. This is my job and I do it well and I love doing it.

Just ask me outside of the game and I will tell you Alex's nature

2012-11-25, 10:12 PM
Sho’vathar slowly opens an eye, what has woken him? Something above has become a bother. He slowly starts to make his way through miles of earth, accelerating quickly.

The ground beneath your feet begins to quake, the ground around the main square of your castle starts to crumble, with a mighty roar 5 giant dragon heads break through the stones. They are the color of darkness yet shimmer like a mirror. Slowly the rest of the beast slides into view as it continues to climb higher into the sky. Around it you see blue whisps. You recognize these whisps as souls. WHO HAS AWOKEN SHO'VATHAR AND WHY?

2012-11-25, 11:18 PM
Alexander would feel the shaking under his feet and he would feel the souls of the people that surrounded whatever was coming up to the surface. Alexander would quickly step away, moving faster then the speed of light, as he moved out of the way and watched as a massive dragon appeared out of his castle and destroying it. Alexander was slightly annoyed by this, something that is not easy to to with him but he quickly got more annoyed as he looked up to see the souls surrounding that man.

Alexander would reach up into the sky and hold his hand out to see if the souls would come to him, like they should, and if they did not he would growl slightly as he would then snap his fingers and a massive barrier would appear around the dragon and several things would happen. First, that barrier would be completely indestructible by strength alone, this included the Bivore and the second thing is the fact inside is a Plane of Dead Magic, preventing the man from using magic or supernatural abilities to get out. Alexander would look at this man for a moment and said simply What the names of the Nine Hells are you doing!!! You destroyed my house!!!

2012-11-25, 11:56 PM
The avatar regards Alexander throughout his answer, listening intently. "So you believe in keeping order and what is supposed to be. Very well. Were you absconding with the souls and using them for your own gain, that would be different. What is it we must do to ensure the souls of our brothers return to where they belong: with us?"

And then a massive dragon crashes out of the ground. Briareos jumps out of the way and his flesh spits out a long spear with crushed stones along the edges and runes all along the shaft. The ground warps and crawls over the massive dragon, locking it into place as if the very earth is against him. "What is this?! You attack us?"

2012-11-26, 05:46 AM
The beast stops for a moment, then breaks through the barrier and shrugs off the attempt to hold it with earth. It leviatates, 100 ft off the ground, twisting it's body into a loop and looks down at the two humanoids engaging it. "WHICH OF YOU IS IN CHARGE OF THESE BOTHERS? YOU HAVE WOKEN ME FROM MY SLUMBER!!" Slowly, and only a few at a time, some of the souls start to make their way down to you (Alexander). "I CAN SEE YOU ARE NO NORMAL HUMANS. YOU POSSESS MUCH MORE POWER THAN THEY. WHO ARE YOU AND WHY HAVE YOU WOKEN ME?!"

2012-11-26, 06:47 PM
Alexander watched with horror as this dragon broke though his barrier, and even as the souls of the dead came running to him it was not nearly as fast as they should be. They should already be with him, but they are only coming at a slow pace, and that showed that this guy had the ability to hold souls to him and more importantly none of these souls were accounted for anywhere. Alex was now started to get pissed, so much so that the grass around his feet started to instantly die as he looked at this massive dragon and suddenly everything around them, from artifacts to the most minor magic item turned off due to the Dead Zone that was now around them. The only two people that were not effected was Alexander and the Avatar of the King of Abominations.

The earth around them was dying extremely quickly, as if Alexander was pulling the life force out of the very soul of the earth to power himself as he looked at this massive beast and said calmly, but everyone on this plant could feel as if someone had just pissed off Death himself. The real question is, why are you assuming that we woke you up... the facts are you just threw yourself out of my home, my divine realm and destroyed it. As for who I am, I am Alexander the God of Souls, and the fact you had the stupidity to come up on someone's divine house, when you are the Dragon you are can tell where a divine house is! You came up right where my house is and destroyed it! Alexander had all of his books in there, with all of the souls names and everything and it was now going to take him acouple hours to find them again and put them back together, all because of this big dumb lizard!

Alex would then hold out his hand again, and use one of his many divine abilities to Aborgate the ability he used to break though the barrier (aka the Copy Ability) and then five barriers would appear around each of the dragons heads and with a growl and a snap of his fingers all five of the barriers would implode on the Dragon's skull, causing 5x10^50,000 untyped damage to each of the dragon's skulls. All of this happened in the blink of an eye, less then a millionth of a second as every move Alexander just did was a as easy and quick for him as thought.

2012-11-26, 10:07 PM
Only one head seems to be damaged by the attack. With a swipe of it's claw it is removed and falls to the ground, crushing more of the castle. All the remaining souls rush towards you in a giant beam of blue. "NOW YOU HAVE UPSET ME!!!!!! FIRST YOU AND YOUR SPIRITS PRESENCE AWAKEND ME FROM MY SLUMBER!!!! AND NOW YOU ARE GIVING ME A HEADACHE!!!! THIS WAS YOUR LAST MISTAKE!!!!

Sho'vathar's remaining 4 heads seem to shift at an alarming rate. First there's four, then 8, then 16, then too many to count. From above 3 large flames, one of white, one of blue and one of purple come down from 3 of the heads towards you. After the burning inferno subsides, the beast is now much much closer. A multitude of mouths reach out to bite you. And before they bite, you see a man, you recognize him. HE IS YOU!! He raises his hand and snaps, barriers appear around your head.

Sin and Moon:
Reflex and Will saves please. Shady knows the DC of the checks
Shady Only:
Need some help with some info off of Sins sheets. Using Breath Weapons, Paradox and then attack using best barrier options, Unknowing, Aborgate (your choice :)) And 23 Grapple attempts to swallow them... I need some calculations oh also some Mind Warp

2012-11-26, 10:18 PM
OOC: Okay, clearly time to roll initiative. 10x10^11220 +20 is mine. Would I be able to go before you, Powergamer, or after? Nevermind.

The avatar raises his spear when the dragon rises up, but the dragon acts first. Inches from its jaws, time seems to skip a beat and the avatar is gone - appearing again a mile into the air and behind the dragon before his action finishes.

"A headache? You interrupt a peaceful meeting and bring war. Fate will punish you for the transgression, fool."

The air warps and his skin warps and then the Hecantocheires is far bigger, each hand ripping a small mountain from his own skin and sending them down in a barrage that slams into the dragon and sends debris flying for miles around.

Sin and Powergamer
Powergamer, make a Reflex save and take 5x10^20,000 bludgeoning damage, being knocked prone if you fail the save. Also, take 30x10^13226 Antidivine (goes through immunities as divine damage) Permanent Damage.

Shady only

Greater Celerity (with Daze immunity), Superior Reciprocal Effect (hitting him with two versions of his most powerful attack that will affect him, leaving the judgement of what's his most powerful up to you ;)), taking max size, Boulder Storm augmented with Talismanic Effect to strike also with electric/divine and antidivine damage.

2012-11-26, 10:27 PM
OOC: Okay, clearly time to roll initiative. 10x10^11220 +20 is mine. Would I be able to go before you, Powergamer, or after?

OOC: LOL After for sure

2012-11-26, 10:36 PM

A Pesduodragon appears.
"Why are you ATTACKING One of Izeldias' Dragons? I shall excuse you, Abomnation, But Not you, Alexander. You Know Better then to do so."
All Actions are halted, And The Abomnation god Is forced to teleport Back to wherever he came from, Save Will, DC 900^100
Init: Auto Win.

2012-11-26, 11:36 PM
The Abomination god is not teleported away, but is frozen and glares at the Pseudodragon. "What is this? He attacked us."

2012-11-27, 12:08 AM
Alexander looks at the pseudo-dragon that just appeared, and even the dragon should be scared at this point because Alexander's red eyes now glowed with a amount of hatred that rivaled in the Red Dragons. Alexander would then spit on the ground as he said simply One of his Dragons came and destroyed my home.. How would he feel if someone came into his Palace and destroyed it... So you tell Izeldias to shut his trap and stay the hell out of this! If he truely believes that the Scaled Beasts are the strongest then this guy should have no problem beating me now should he?

Alex would then seemly vanish, moving at 4 times the speed of light and appearing right in front of the massive dragon then several things. The Skin on Alexander would glow, so much so even though his robes, as he threw back his fists and sent a massive flurry of punches.

10780 Attacks: Damage: 25x10^100,000d10 + 5x10^50,000 per attack. Also using Obliterating attack (Page 100 IHB) and due to the fact that every attack I make is a Crit, which bypasses immunity, the DC save is Infinite as per what the Co-DM says. Unless he has something that could stop this, he is in Alexander's and the Abomination's Aura he is not allowed to use any Divine or Cosmic Abilities. If he is killed by this, Alexander would rip his soul or souls out of his body as per his custom Omni Ability. This also prevents resurrection or even Divine Magic from stealing it from Alexander. The only person that can bypass this is the Godwyrm himself.

2012-11-27, 12:14 PM
Alex's Naga buddy is all like Dude that's how its done! He would attack if this dragon did not die from the obliterating strike, he will try and attack the psudodragon when his initiative comes around (he is last).

2012-11-27, 12:42 PM

"A NAGA? What are you doing still alive?"

Alexander is now at -10 HP, Which bypasses Anything, and also Takes away anything that would keep him alive at this point.

2012-11-27, 02:01 PM
We've been hiding in the cracks you fat dragons make whenever you walk man, were gonna rise again and again till we get the point across that you can't backstab us.

2012-11-27, 04:35 PM

"A NAGA? What are you doing still alive?"

Alexander is now at -10 HP, Which bypasses Anything, and also Takes away anything that would keep him alive at this point.

Alexander would die at this moment, and in that very same moment one of his souls would go into his body and bring him back. As Alexander's soul was never shattered, none of his Divine Power would slip out and he would not lose any of his Divine Rank due to the contingency he placed on himself in just such a case. Alexander would then look at the dragon, seeing if the other Dragon had died due to his massive flurry of strikes and then look back at the little dragon. His eyes still glowed with the same amount of hatred as before, as he walked over to the little dragon. Here are the facts little Dragon... You are in my Divine Realm, and I want you out.... so either you can get out or I can make you leave..This is not disrespectful or anything, but at this moment I have replace my castle and then re-make all my books of records. I have a lot of work to do, so if you have a problem with this Naga, you can wait to take care of it until I have built my castle. If it makes you feel any better I will make sure this Naga doesn't go anywhere until I am done with my castle again ok?

2012-11-27, 07:13 PM
"Fine, Keep him here. I shall return, After a most excellent par-tay."

Teleport effect.

2012-11-27, 07:46 PM
(dragons love a great party don'tcha know).

The beast, full of holes, starts to become whole once a again. It's lost head now fully regrown. It turns it's middle head so that one of it's giant purple eyes is eye to face with Alex.
My headache has subsided now, and you seem have learnt your lesson. I hope our future relations will be much more... Humble. I beleive that is the word you use now adays languages change so fast now I don't know how they keep track. One head turns to the Naga and yet another to the avatar. I have been awoken and hope not to be disturbed by either of you anytime soon. TA-TA *teleport*

Doc, Moon, Sin:Just an entrance, I hope we meet again on better terms. Beware the multipolarity of Sho'vathar's personality
Shady:Multi teleports to avoid tracking and then going to the par-tay

2012-11-28, 12:14 AM
I am going to ring those dragons throats, they don't throw parties like naga parties and that little winged rat is being racial you don't call a naga a naga unless your a naga you call us a mystic snake. Teleports after Shadys psododragon.

2012-11-28, 02:32 AM
Alexander would watch as the Naga vanished, and his ability granted by one of the War Marks on his body allowed him to follow him. Once he did so, he would grab his little body in one hand and then teleport out, and this happened so quickly it was as if it never even happened in the first place. Alexander would then teleport to his new Divine Realm, where he would snap his fingers and summon up a new castle for it.

Alex would put the Naga down as he said simply Now listen to me... You better behave, or guess what? You will never be able to party again.... do you understand... Never ever again... So if you will do me a favor and get your pals together and undo that the copied abilities that the dragon just stole from me, that would piss off the Dragons. I can only imagine how upset they would be at this, there new Copy Dragon was robbed on several powerful abilities.

2012-11-28, 10:47 AM
He pouts. I'll see what I can do. casts omnific dispel divine effect.

2012-11-29, 11:50 PM
The avatar turns to Alexander. "So. Do you normally attack your guests, or is it just a dragon thing? I should know this, if our negotiations are to go further."

2012-12-06, 11:40 PM
Alexander would look at the man, still alittle annoyed from what happened eariler and he would say simply " Normally No I do not. But he destroyed my castle and that rather upset me"