View Full Version : I'd like to share something potentially brilliant with you

2012-11-20, 07:08 AM
Right, this is something fairly close to me personally (the guy who is attempting to create this is someone who I've been watching the content of for about 6 or 7 years now, and not once has he ever A) Disappointed me, or B) been something into which he has not put 100% of his effort into.").

So, without further ado, I introduce to you: Unforgotten Quest (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/urealms/unforgotten-quest), by Robert Moran (creator of Unforgotten Realms, Jimmy: The World of Warcraft Story, Time Gnomes and the Minecraft game-mode "Dwarves Vs Zombies") .
As it currently stands, the project is a 2D side scroller beat-em-up at its core, and is nearly 30% of the way to getting the funding it needs. If the game reaches its goal, it's estimated that the game will be finished by November 2014 (but honestly, I'm so hyped for this that I could wait a decade).
If you're pressed for time, watch the trailer on the Kickstarter page. If you have a bit more time to spare and are interested in finding out more, I suggest going to the Kickstarter Release video (http://www.twitch.tv/rurikar22/b/341199572) he did on TwitchTV a few days ago.

This is a game I would deeply like to see made, and while this post is mainly just to gather support for Mr. Moran (making video games has been stated by him as his dream job, and I'd like to see that dream made a reality), I'd also like to be able to share this game with the community here (particularly since so many of you are such nice people and the game has Co-Op).

Thank you for your time.

2012-11-25, 12:50 AM
This sounds awesome! I'm going to check out his previous work.