View Full Version : A perpetual level 1 bard - Pathfinder

2012-11-21, 08:06 AM
I'm going to be playing a level one half-elf bard, in a campaign setting that's stuck at level one (for an ingame reason)

While I love this idea and relish the notion of a low level game, I'm finding myself very torn between the various feats.

I'll be using the racial skill focus for my main performance skill (duh), probably singing.

My other feat will be my only feat for the majority of my career.

This is core only.

I'm thinking a dagger-thrower would be fun, but at level 1, I can't take quick draw. This leaves Weapon Finesse, for when I want to use them in melee, weapon focus Daggers, point blank shot or something else entirely.

I'd want feats like Spell Focus Enchantment/Illusion, lingering performance, etc. but they're just not high priority enough when you only get a single feat.

Spell suggestions would also be welcome.

I'm thinking Sleep and Charm person for level 1 spells.

But since the overall theme of the game is how dangerous encounters with monsters or wild animals would be, to the point where the GM doesn't expect us to engage in fights other than those we absolutely must, perhaps something like expeditious retreat would be a better idea.

2012-11-21, 08:13 AM
I would say weapon finesse would be a good feat of choice, and as for spells, I like your selection, but if you are going to be roleplaying a bit (like sneaking around) i think that magic mouth would be a fun spell to have.

2012-11-21, 08:37 AM
I'm also considering giving strength some priority (maybe getting both strength and dex to 14 if I can...which is doubtful as it'll be a low-point buy)

In that case, I could skip Finesse and go straight to point blank shot.

2012-11-21, 03:09 PM
Improved Initiative is pretty useful too, especially if you're going to want to avoid conflict as much as possible. Going first and casting Sleep or Charm Person can end a fight quickly.

2012-11-21, 03:15 PM
You can't get Weapon Finesse at Level 1 as a Bard, unless Pathfinder changed something with that?

2012-11-21, 03:37 PM
You can't get Weapon Finesse at Level 1 as a Bard, unless Pathfinder changed something with that?

They did. Weapon Finesse no longer has a BAB requirement in PF, which makes it available to rogues, bards, monks, and magi right away (among others, but those are the biggies).

2012-11-21, 03:37 PM
You can't get Weapon Finesse at Level 1 as a Bard, unless Pathfinder changed something with that?

Yeah, Finesse has no prereqs in PF. Makes low-level Rogues a lot easier to pull off.

To suggest an entirely different (and hilarious) direction, Summon Instrument is a level 0 bard spell. The trait Rough and Ready allows you to use any tool that you are proficient with (i.e. have at least one rank in the related skill) as an improvised weapon with no penalty and a +1 to hit.

If you're not allowed traits by default, then take the Extra Traits feat, pick up that and Maestro of the Society for an extra 3 rounds of Performance. When you're not singing, you can KABONG people with your lute, then snap your fingers and get a fresh one! :smallbiggrin:

2012-11-21, 04:59 PM
just an FYI, sleep was changed to a 1 round casting time in PF. still a beast of a spell at level 1, but not nearly as brutal, since the enemy can now try to interrupt you.

2012-11-21, 08:41 PM
In a 10 point buy, how crazy is this setup for a bard?

STR: 14 DEX: 14 CON: 7 INT: 13 WIS: 7 CHA: 16

It's kindof a crazy move to sacrifice con for strength, I know. But for a thrower it makes a modicum of sense.