View Full Version : Dragon God - IC

2012-11-21, 09:20 AM
Uesiar-Thikor'auck, the celestial dragonlord, gazes accross his nation, his eyesight reaching the farthest corners of the universe. Izeldias has visitors... he may want to see me. Closing his eyes he vanishes, not in a flashy way, mearly he no longer is there and now is somewhere else. He sends a telepathic message to his followers <I'll be meeting with Izeldias, call me if something comes up.> He appears outside Izeldias's palace, taking the form of a young boy, one of his favored forms.

"Is Izeldias busy?" he askesa dragon nearby. [My name in draconic is Ilzickulk, I have a great many names that I'm known by, my sheet has some of the main ones].

Before I leave, I use Alter Reality to create 24 similacrums of myself, to possibly send as embassaries to other nations and permenantly Telepathically bond them to me, eachother and my Cohorts.

2012-11-21, 12:26 PM
A Serpintine Dragon replies:

"Of Course Izeldais is busy, Arendragrost is not so much, But Scytheress Wishes to speak with you"

2012-11-21, 12:55 PM
"Very well."

Who is Scytheress, I have a bonus in the millions for all knowledge skills, and probably would know about him IG, though you haven't (to my knowledge) mentioned him out of game.

Also, what is Izeldias normally like? Does he really do anything? Does he normally see dragons like me?

2012-11-21, 01:39 PM
"Very well."

Who is Scytheress, I have a bonus in the millions for all knowledge skills, and probably would know about him IG, though you haven't (to my knowledge) mentioned him out of game.
Of Course I have not, She is a Highest of High ranking NPC in the Hirearcy of Izeldias, One of the Wyrms of Power. (Contains one of Each of the True Dragons, Which is 401 Dragons (Wanna know Any Other Dragons you might want?)

Also, what is Izeldias normally like? Does he really do anything? Does he normally see dragons like me?
The Actual Izeldias, Never, In the Past Billion years, Has never, EVER Left his Plane of Dragons, And only Him, And Tiamat Are allowed in.

The Serpentine Dragon Leads you To a Large Chamber where Preist's Are preforming their Daily Rituals to gain spells.
Sitting at the Top of the Altar is a Chole Dragon (http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/1089/littlecholedragon.jpg), Tentcles Waving in tune to the Music that plays.

"Hello Ilzickulk, I have been meaning to speak to you. The Recent arrivals of the Biovore, And the Abomnation god have been Slightly un-known, As such is their power. I am Here to ask you to send a Legion (About 1,000) Base troops, To the Mountian in the lower west, to confront a Gnoll That thinks he can stand. Thank you Ilzickulk"
All said in a language that even other gods cannot understand, Taught only to Dragons of Izeldias

2012-11-21, 01:53 PM
"My troops or the Godwyrm's?" Uesiar-Thikor'auck replies in the same language.

OoC: Is this an important dragon. Also what do my senses show in the area he wants the troops sent to?

2012-11-21, 03:36 PM
"Some of yours, As we have yet to actually Test your Troops."

OOC: Quite Importent, And Yes, Directly West of Green's Nation
I suppose I should Explain some stuff, Look at the pad once I finish with it.

2012-11-21, 05:13 PM
"What amount of collateral damage is permitted, and what is the expected strength of those there?"

What do my senses show in the area mentioned?

2012-11-21, 07:50 PM
"Collataral Damage is Allowed, But Please Attempt to not Harm the Ones Fighting the Gnolls. Minimize Casulties on the ones fighting the Furred ones."

Senses: 10,001 Beings fighting Gnolls in a Camp, It appears the Gnolls were Suprised, Based on the Amount of dieing.

2012-11-21, 09:05 PM
"It appears others are there, I don't think a full thousand would be required, though the others would complicate things, we couldn't just purge them with dragon breath, though I will send them as you requested." Closing his eyes he signals 1000 of his countless followers to go, under Superior Invisibility and Greater Holy Transformation, Stormrage, Energy Immunity (All five types), Displacement, Ironguard, Death Ward, and Ruin Delver's Fortune (all save boosting types) to the place, each of them will appear 1000 ft. above the battleground. Should this be taken to a different thread?

2012-11-21, 09:15 PM
Take it tah...
This thread, (Minor note, The Fight has not actually started

2012-11-22, 08:47 PM
Uesiar-Thikor'auck turns to Scytheress "Is this a suitable display of my legions might?" he asks, still in the form of a young boy.

"Yes, Perfect, You may recall your Troops. I Sense that They might Harbor Ill feelings towards us, Have your Simaculrim Be on guard"

2012-11-22, 09:35 PM
"They already have withdrawn, I don't particularly value that simulacrum, it was made as a messenger, nothing more, the defense won't hold, though they'll at least think that I tried to defend it, if it dies so be it. For the ill will, I think that is to be expected seeing as your people has shown nothing but contempt for them. I will try to work around it." he pauses for a moment, and then creates 74 messengers, ready to dispatch if need be.

2012-11-22, 09:40 PM
"I am not sure, However, Where they are coming from. We have not Destoryed any of their settlements.."
The Dragon Sits quietly for a bit.
"You are Dismissed, Feel free to do anything."

(Not exactly sure where the Dragon-Hate thing came about...Oh well, Happy Turkey day!)

2012-11-22, 09:47 PM
"It is how people interpret dragons attitude to others, they hate us, and we do nothing to change that. The whole image we project is the problem, even if we didn't do anything to hurt them (yet)."

(The dragons you play act like "We're better than you!/If you slight us we will destroy you!/state your business or die!" That makes it rather hard for me to make dealings with others, considering a negative reputation proceeds me. That kind of annoys my character, considering his goal.)

(Jolly Thanksgiving!)

2012-11-22, 09:55 PM
:smallsigh: I never intentonally had them like that...Izeldias is..That way because He Knows what he can do, And likes it.

2012-11-22, 09:59 PM
I guess it is from only Izeldias, Tiamat, and Arendragrost, though considering those are some of the only dragons I've seen you RP, I guess I jumped to conclusions. Sorry.

2012-11-22, 10:08 PM
Dont be sorry about that..he was a Total Jerk in the drack Nations as well.. Probobally would have got into a few Fights/actual wars....:smallsmile:
Most of them are nice..Espically The Metallic ones. (Which are now No LG/CG..TN is the new one..)

2012-11-23, 06:18 PM
A storm giant teleports to your throne room, place of rest, meeting hall, ect. Greetings Uesiar-Thikor'auck I am an assistant of the Bivore just dropping by to meet new gods, how are you today?

2012-11-23, 09:31 PM
[SPOILER]Several questions:
1) How do you know my character's name?
2) How do you know where my throne room, resting place, meeting hall, etc. is?
3) How do you get past its defenses against people dropping in like this?
4) Where exactly do you teleport, giving a general thing like that doesn't work, and there would be a different reaction depending on where your giant appears.

Also, even if you did all that, I'm not in any of those places so you wouldn't find me anyways. We can assume that we manage to redirect you to me (assuming you know of me, and do not seem hostile).

2012-11-23, 11:48 PM
rweird1) I could have read your mind, but instead to be nice I used an ability to see into the past, to the last time you said your name out loud.
2) As above, and I looked where you spent the most time.
3) I assumed you allowed guests especially to a place like a meeting hall.
4) I used a means other than teleport that would likely solve this

If you are elsewhere I will simply meet you there because I know all the key locations of most of the planes

2012-11-24, 10:33 AM
1) How did you know I existed in the first place?
2) In that case you wouldn't have found me if you went to where I spent the most time. Also, is the character looking through time for me a deity?
3) Yes, I wouldn't heavily ward a meeting hall, though I would do so for a throne room, and I don't spend much time in a meeting hall unless I am meeting someone (which I currently am not).
4) Where did you appear exactly? You didn't answer the question.

You could meet me if you knew of me, though I'm not sure how you have achieved that.

2012-11-24, 06:57 PM
rweird1) Traveled around hearing all the resent activities of each plane.
2) I could find you where ever you happen to be as I am currently looking at every spot in most planes.
3) Well sense you aren't there I am going to wherever you happen to be I was just making assumptions sense I did do not know where you are and my character does.
4) In a presentable location.

2012-11-24, 07:33 PM
Okay, wherever you appear, a young child appears in front of you. "Just who is 'the Biovore'?" he asks in a voice older and stronger than the world.

2012-11-25, 01:20 AM
Well the Bivore is the embodiment of physical power in all creation, I am here to ask his question as well as answer yours.

2012-11-25, 12:05 PM
"I am rather well today, though somewhat busy from all these new nations arriving, that is until someone without introducing themselves or who they represent decides that they are important enough to arrange an impromptu meeting with me, disregarding any current activities I might have been performing." the child says rather irritably, walking away from you as he speaks "Though now that your here, ask 'the Biovore's' question, and make it quick, if your hasty, I may have time to answer it, if I deem that it is worth my time."

2012-11-25, 01:57 PM
Would you be interested in bodyguarding someone for a reward worth far greater than the trouble?

2012-11-25, 02:18 PM
"I need details. Who is it I'm guarding, is it me myself or my people, what is the reward, what is expected to be the threat? Why are you asking me this?"

2012-11-25, 03:28 PM
Another demiurge of weaker power, you have a choice of several people you may chose to guard, the reward is additional power to both guard with as well as accomplish your own goals, There are no immediate threats, but losing them could change the world as we know it.

2012-11-25, 03:35 PM
I said I need details, explain everything and be specific. What is the demiurge's name, what is the demiurge like, other information about the demiurge in question. How long will this be for? Exactly what is the 'additional power'? You said 'losing them could change the world as we know it', does this mean I need to guard multiple things, and how will it change the world if they are lost? Also, seeing as they are demiurges, I think they can look after themselves unless there actually is a major threat to them. The child looks at you like you are really stupid, and are standing on a very thin line that you may have already crossed.

2012-11-25, 06:03 PM
A Flutter of wings.
A Pesduodragon flaps in, Fekiw, And Lands over on the nearest perch.
"Calm down Uesiar-Thikor'auck! Dont scare the Giant!"

2012-11-25, 08:08 PM
"Then would someone please actually explain in detail what you want to see me for? Though I must say that a giant just interrupting me is quite rude, though the idiot isn't big on manners."

Wouldn't Fekiw (I think that is the dragon's name, [is it?]) call me Ilzickulk?

2012-11-25, 09:20 PM
Yeah, That is his name..It means (In litral Draconic) "Greed"
He Would Call you your Nomral, More used Name.

"Well, Of Course, He is a Giant, Never so good on the *Ahem* Brains Department..."

2012-11-26, 12:37 AM
You have the option to pick from several demiurges they all can reincarnate, they are weak, and they can die when their reincarnation is prevented. They represent a state of being and you may name one off if you wish to protect it. They are to be protected as long as you are capable of it. The power you get will very depending on the subject you guard. The effect of their death will very depending on the subject you guard. Finally They can't properly defend themselves due to a drastic social, mental, physical, or emotional problem each one has.

And I pardon your insults, but I am nearly in giant form as it pleases my master, and as well I am explaining things adequitly from my perspective and you are simply asking more questions than necessary because you did not hear me say, you could chose from several people to guard the first time I said it.

2012-11-26, 06:40 AM
"Can you explain what part of in detail means in general. You will have to answer all of the questions if I accepted it, and I want to know all the answers before I do. If you feel that you explained it, then give me a list of the demiurges, there power, there problems, the reward, etc, and do it soon I'm beginning to think this is all a waste of time, arranged by oafs with the power of gods."

Doctor O: Are you asking me to choose a demiurge and make it up, or do you have a list that you just haven't shared yet.

2012-11-26, 10:52 AM
OoCIt's would be too huge a list if I were to make it so I am asking you to pick one.

2012-11-26, 03:08 PM
Off a list that I don't have? Or do I make up the demiurge, and make up what the reward is? Or something else. Is this something where you guys are lazy so you want me to make up the premise for this adventure? Also, why is the Biovore involved in this? IC, should I assume you finally actually gave a list?

2012-11-26, 03:54 PM
OoCYou can pick almost anything and I will think of a reward with Shady. You just need to pick a conceptual thing and then I am able to give more details.

2012-11-26, 04:03 PM
Okay, though depending on what you come up with, i still might not accept this, though I don't see why a "bumbling idiot" would send a messenger asking me to do this, from what I can tell, he'd be like "If they are physically weak, they should be smashed, biovore jump on demiurges."

My top concepts (in order of preference):
1) Caution
2) Acceptance
3) Super Smart Biovores (yes, plural :smalltongue:)
4) Contentment
5) Free Will

2012-11-26, 04:30 PM
OoCI have PMed the details.

2012-11-26, 04:32 PM
(moving embassy stuff here)

Alikrataleon's office

"Wonderful, so there should be no problems with the meal. Do you think it is likely your master will attend?" She asks with a warm smile.


Yes. Don't change your opinion my character though, I used that class for it's powerful mechanics not for any fluff reasons.

2012-11-26, 05:19 PM
Alikrataleon's office

"Yes, we shall attend, if something arises so we can't make it ourselves, we plan on sending an avatar, though we think we can make it." she says, smiling as well. "Would you rather that the dragons attend in a smaller form to save space, in our true forms, we really can crowd a building, unless it is help in your demiplane, if the demiplane it big."

It doesn't, though I think it fits perfectly for any demiurge, being somewhat beyond understanding and all that, it (in my view) fits the universe perfectly.

Doctor O:
You still haven't explained why the Biovore is involved.

2012-11-26, 05:48 PM
OoCHe is not because he is to stupid to understand, but my cohort is affiliated with other groups.

2012-11-26, 07:46 PM
Dr. O:
Okay, was he purposely this rude though?

2012-11-26, 08:00 PM
rweirdNo just uncultured.

2012-11-26, 08:40 PM
Doctor O:
I suppose that could just be uncultured, and arrogant.

2012-11-26, 10:57 PM
reweirdFair enough, but he has his right to be arrogant.Thanks here is your charge. A god is warped in as I leave and it quickly forms a barrier and begins to blather on about how its not safe outside the bubble and how nobody has ever broken it before. Then it asks your name and how safe he is on this plane.

2012-11-27, 01:05 AM
Alikrataleon's office

"For the sake of practicality a smaller form would probably be more suitable. If I may speak frankly I might say that although it is preferable for your people to take the form of a human taking the form of a human child may cause some offense, certain guest would find it rather distasteful for an adult with an adults mind and desires to take upon the guize of a prepubescent child." She says with a laugh that only a creature of exceptional social prowess would detect the hint of disgust in.

2012-11-27, 06:01 PM
Doctor O:
Not that arrogant, at least in my view, considering that he has barged in on the ruler of a nation hundreds of times the size of earth, especially considering he is only a Sidereal. I don't really see how he has a right.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know how safe you are here, please, this way. Considering you are in not immediate danger, I think this may suffice, for the time being, though going to a demiplane of your creation, with our added defenses will almost certainly be more secure."

Alikrataleon's office

"Very well." she smiles as well, though it doesn't reach her eyes, and you can tell that the disgust was noted, and will be remembered. "I suppose I should have thought of that, after all, you don't know the minds of dragons, or at least not my people." then, she changes, for a moment, a dragon seems to appear, so great that its wings touch the horizons, cramped impossibly into this small room, then, it vanishes, and Alikrataleon appears to be an angel, so small it could stand on the palm of her hand, her skin appears to be made of gold, with silver patterns constantly tracing themselves across it. <Would this form be more suitable?> she asks, this time speaking directly into Paavia's mind, as she lands on the table.

2012-11-27, 06:37 PM
rweirdIf only his lack of status is what makes him insulting, where a demiurge 2 would have power over you, then maybe you should reassess his status.

It is going a bit hysteric about not being in his comfort zone. I can't get back to my home plane... it's out of reach I still don't know who you are or where I am. This is likely a trap, I don't know what to do! then he sits down in his bubble thinking.

2012-11-27, 07:13 PM
Doctor O:
What I find incredibly rude is him barging in on me, making no appointment, or introducing himself. It is kind of like being the ruler of some other country and having your helicoptor fly to the Whitehouse, and land right next to the president's motorcade and you demand to speak with him, blatantly disregarding the precautions taken. Also, considering he is the Biovore's cohort, then he can only be a Sidereal, unless he manged to kill a bunch of demiurges after the game began, and got the Biovore to do the same (still not sure if that works), or he is a DMPC. It is kind of like it being a messenger from another nation doing this with a Sidereal, V.S. the leader of a greater nation sending their leader in the other, one is insulting and asking for trouble, the other, while insulting, can be gotten away with due to greater power.

" I am Uesiar-Thikor'auck, you are on the seven mounting heavens of celestia. Please tell me the Biovores messenger actually told you something of this and didn't just dump this all on me without even explaining anything to you, though he gave precious little to me. Who are you?"

Could you give a physical description of this Demiurge, or any information about him?

Also, where is the Talky Man (I think that is his name, he never even bothered to introduce himself) now?

2012-11-27, 10:45 PM
A Dragon, Which you regonize as Soulmaw, From his Gait, stops outside the door, Knocks respectfully, before waiting for you to call him in.

2012-11-28, 12:07 AM
rweirdThat just how he is, ya its rude, but he spends almost all his time with the Bivore who knows no consequences.

The anthro-tortoise god pokes his head out of his shell and says. Well it does look like a heaven, and heavens are mostly safe. However, I don't know the Bivore or his messenger, but I asked some telepathic minds why they were taking me away and they said I needed better protection, I needed to be supervised and everything else is classified.

You may call my cohort Talky Man, but that's not his name, and he did not tell you where he is going so you don't know about that.

2012-11-28, 06:35 AM
A few moments behind Soulmaw, a humanoid appears. It's entire body black, and the area around seems void of light, blurring the edges. The only other features you can make out are it's purple eyes. It stands at the door, looking in at all of you.

rweirdpolitely awaiting permission to enter

2012-11-28, 07:04 AM
Alikrataleon's office

"I'm sorry if I caused offense, but I would have assumed the purpose of taking human form when around humans was to make them feel more at ease, I was merely pointing out that turning into a human child would be counterproductive to this aim" She says with a smile.

2012-11-28, 05:24 PM
Doctor O:
You where able to find where I was, my name, and stuff without me doing anything to stop it, and not fully letting me know what precautions I took activated to stop that, you can presume that I have ways to trace "the Talky Man", though I do not feel like fully explaining them, though my divine senses and the like cover pretty much everywhere, like yours, as well as trace teleportation, and various other things you did that allow me to figure out where you are now.

I'm sending several sendings to "the Talky Man", I can cast them fast enough that length is not an issue. Okay, so you just decide to dump this demiurge on me without explaining anything? You know the stakes in this! (Or at least you should, but seeing as how your acting, I'm beginning to doubt that you either A) Know, or B) Care, possibly both). You sent this Demiurge without explaining anything to him, and he is talking about things being classified from me. I don't know what you're playing at, but I want you to stop it, and actually get serious. You didn't even tell him about yourself! Please actually explain what is happening to both him and me and make sure we are on the same page, or send someone else to do this, because you are doing a horrible job of it.

Another question: Is it somehow "The Talky Man" that has the power to give the reward or is it something else, if someone else, who?

"Well I suppose I'm supposed to be your protector, not that this has been very well explained to me. Why is your Demiplane out of reach and what should I call you?"
I'm sending a sending to him asking what his business is here, and if he knows anything about the Biovores assistant or his association, because he just dumped a problem on my hands and ran, as well as if he knows anything about the other waiting to see me.
PowerGamer (and Shady, though you'd read it anyways seeing as your the DM):
Several things, one, the door would be closed. Also, how do you know of me, my city, where I am, etc? Also, would you have broken through various protections to do this if they where in place? Assuming you know of me, and where I am (roughly), you receive a sending: Who are you?

If you decided to break through my protections, instead of waiting somewhere else or contacting someone else, unless Soulmaw seems to portray that you are with him, a dozen Force Cages (No openings) is also formed around you and the sending continues Why do you decide that you think you are important enough to make an impromptu meeting with me and that you can disregard various protections to stop such from taking place? In addition, a dozen hound archons appear around you, each seeming ready to act if you appear to be hostile, in addition, the area around you is dimensionally locked, the ethereal plane is disconnected, the area is affected by a forbiddence, none of this allows for saves, or SR (I know this won't really keep you held for long, though that would be kind of like being a completely unknown individual, quite possibly armed, caught right outside the oval office without permission, after there has already been intruders a few minutes ago).

Alikrataleon's office

<I understand, it just is that we don't age like humans, we don't have anything like puberty, we learn as we age, though there is no sudden change, and even at a very young age, we have near the same cognitive capacity as we would several years later. In a way we are always children, in a way, never accepting that the way of the world is the way it is and it can't change. I took this form for multiple reasons, one, it being a form humans would be familiar with, though another is because humans are interesting, though they live so fast compared to us, and I like human form, though the older forms sometimes are found less comfortable and less familiar to us, especially for me and other older dragons, that is rather strange if you think about it, though it is true. In a way it is our celestial blood, that makes us like a child's innocence. Still, I understand, and we will take adult or some other creature.> She smiles apologetically.

2012-11-28, 06:05 PM
I'm sending a sending to him asking what his business is here, and if he knows anything about the Biovores assistant or his association, because he just dumped a problem on my hands and ran, as well as if he knows anything about the other waiting to see me.
PowerGamer (and Shady, though you'd read it anyways seeing as your the DM):
Several things, one, the door would be closed. Also, how do you know of me, my city, where I am, etc? Also, would you have broken through various protections to do this if they where in place? Assuming you know of me, and where I am (roughly), you receive a sending: Who are you?

If you decided to break through my protections, instead of waiting somewhere else or contacting someone else, unless Soulmaw seems to portray that you are with him, a dozen Force Cages (No openings) is also formed around you and the sending continues Why do you decide that you think you are important enough to make an impromptu meeting with me and that you can disregard various protections to stop such from taking place? In addition, a dozen hound archons appear around you, each seeming ready to act if you appear to be hostile, in addition, the area around you is dimensionally locked, the ethereal plane is disconnected, the area is affected by a forbiddence, none of this allows for saves, or SR (I know this won't really keep you held for long, though that would be kind of like being a completely unknown individual, quite possibly armed, caught right outside the oval office without permission, after there has already been intruders a few minutes ago).

rweird ( I dont have anyone else to aderess do I? :smallbiggrin:)
Sending back:
"Of Course I know about the Biovore, You always forget such things Wyrmling. Remember how annoying he was when he was that mockery of a Dragon? Kartah,(Translates as: Sheesh!) you younglings....So concerned with the present and not on the past...Anyhow, Yes, This Dragon, Sho’vathar, Is fine, He was sleeping, You know, You used to lounge around a lot...Now, The Talking man, I know not much, But I am quite sure Fekiw will be able (Sends Fekiw off to learn about him) To find out more, Now, The Demiurge, He is a little...On the odd side, is afraid of Everything, And Is barely worshipped as a god of protection. That is all I know."

2012-11-28, 06:18 PM
Shady (not directly, excepts for PowerGamer, yet):
If this is common knowledge from this universe (Or even extremely rare, I'd know it, though I presumed the Biovore was from some other universe to to the immense lack of information about him).

Thank you, what did you want to see me about, and what do you know of the one that is with you?

2012-11-28, 06:28 PM
Shady (not directly, excepts for PowerGamer, yet):
If this is common knowledge from this universe (Or even extremely rare, I'd know it, though I presumed the Biovore was from some other universe to to the immense lack of information about him).

Thank you, what did you want to see me about, and what do you know of the one that is with you?

"I Wanted to speak to you about the party, And so does the...Other one. He is a based-Time Dragon, with some..Necromatic Focus. That is the only info that really matters."

2012-11-28, 06:39 PM
rweirdYou saw me walk out the door and trace teleport, telelocation, and the like show that I have not left your plane, yet I am not existing on your plane either those are the technical terms at least, and I am not cloaking my position that is the truth of the matter as I assume you would try to dispel any misdirecting effects. As for my response Well the fact of the matter is that is classified information, I can't trust the demiuge of caution period, and I have not had a reason to trust you. You can bring it up with the charter if you want intel, if you can find the charter that is, but details on them are also classified at the moment until you do some bodyguarding.

2012-11-28, 07:23 PM
Listen, I want to know what this is about. All of it, I know you want me to guard this demiurge, though unless I know the whole deal, I won't. Its that simple, I don't like working for people that keep secrets from me, especially considering it would be rather important to know who I am working for. To tell you the truth, I also have very little reason to trust you, so unless we both take a risk and tell each other everything, I don't think this will get anywhere.

Let us 'talk' like this, I have to deal with the Talky Man not telling me anything and his 'charter'. They say I'll need to work for them to learn about them. What about the party did you want to know. Lastly, is the Necro-Time dragon a friend, or on business with you?

Knowledge (all): +higher than it needs to be, to learn anything I can about the Talky Man, Biovore, the group the Talky Man is from.

2012-11-28, 07:50 PM
rweirdI would exchange exchange information with you, but I don't happen to need any of your information. All information regarding your job that I have not told you or your dragon associates is still classified, so find the charter or maybe they will call you. I will take back the demiurge and your reward if you wish, but I must find another willing bodyguard applicant first.

2012-11-28, 07:51 PM
Rweirdvia sendingNow, is this the way one invites in guest now adays? I am Sho'vathar, the devouror. I was informed of a party and decided it was best to attend. See, I haven't been to a party in quite some time, and I love all the formalities that come with it. He pauses for a moment before continueing. As for being important, I am very, very important. Why you may ask? Well, that is not for me to disclose to you. The figure crosses it arms, taps a foot and looks around it. I have answered your questions boy. I ask you, drop these walls and banish your hounds. I did not come here for this.

2012-11-28, 08:14 PM
PGIn your mind you see a 5 headed draconic shape similar to you and completely black silhouette with a white border it is suspended upside-down with it's heads hanging down at the level of your head only a half foot away from you. It says Kiiillllll, thhhee inncaarrrnaatioonss. Thhhee Bivore, Ha-Reggie, aaannd Franklin.

2012-11-28, 08:16 PM
The archons vanish and dispel what they had. Apparently, you do not know as much about this party as you think you do, even the fact that I am holding the party is wrong, an ambassador is holding the party, and I did not invite you, though the ambassador may have. Seeing as I did not know that you where mistaken about that party and decided that the party was important enough to speak with me directly about such shows that you act far to quickly on things you know far to little about. If this is all you came for, then our business is concluded, and if you asked a few simple questions of someone else, you could have learned this much quicker, and not cause such a security breach. Leave now, unless you have other business.

OoC: My character is really fed up with Dr.O right now, and everyone just tramping in like this and whatnot, without introducing themselves, and talking about some party I am not putting on.

Also, if you are a member of Izeldias's nation, unless you joined really recently, I would have known of you, though you not making any mention of such makes me presume that you are very, very new.

Doctor O:
No, this is much to important to leave in your such incompetent hands, if you don't tell me what this is, then I believe our business is concluded, you leave me and never speak with me again, if you do not give me the information, or get me in contact with someone else that knows it, then you may go and mess with someone else.

What do my massive knowledge skills and such tell me of the charter, the organization or the like, and other demiurges. Also, do my divine senses show me where the leader is?

2012-11-28, 08:27 PM
rweirdThen I will find another to replace your position. Knowledge of the charter is not in any book, so gather information would be better, but assuming you roll a 10^10^10 then tell me.

2012-11-28, 08:51 PM
Doc O:Blinks casually, and mentally wipes away the pest. Don't bother me. I'm at a party.
rweird:I apologize for the misunderstanding. I am not here for anyone. Merely to observe. If you'll excuse me then. The man walkes into the room.

If you choose to keep an eye on him:He wander round, listening. Then leans against the wall just watchingChoose to ignore him:You look him in the crowd, not caring enough to watch for him any more

OOC:As for being a part of Izeldias's nation, you have no idea. I may be new, or I may have been kept in the shadows for a very, very,very long time (that's one more very :smalltongue:).

2012-11-28, 08:56 PM
Gather information would be about as high, if you've ever learned of the Charter, I'd know about that. Also, could you give the knowledge of the Biovore and the Talky Man or whatever his name is? I'm pretty sure there is record of them, though you have been very slow to give the information to anyone really. You still haven't answered some of the questions about the defenses I had that could block you ever knowing of me using temporal stuff. I think it would be fair that I'd get to be able to ignore the defenses that may be in place for your secret "charter".

Also, you never said where he is now. If you walked out the door, you'd be in my city, and my divine senses would cover there to, where did you go after that?

2012-11-28, 09:13 PM
Let us 'talk' like this, I have to deal with the Talky Man not telling me anything and his 'charter'. They say I'll need to work for them to learn about them. What about the party did you want to know. Lastly, is the Necro-Time dragon a friend, or on business with you?

"A Friend, And for other reasons, Has been kept...Under wraps, For a choice of words, Shall I take care of the Annoying Giant for you?
The Party: Yes, I would like to know when this 'Party' is taking place."

2012-11-29, 12:26 AM
PGA paarrrtyy!? Wwhhaaat aarree yoou a mmooorrtaaall? Ffuufffiilll yoourrr deessstiiny!

rweirdYou know the charter is an old conspiracy. That has no solid evidence recorded be anyone in history. Asking about the Bivore you learn he represents strength at the cost of all else, and he has had several incarnations in the past including dragon and animal versions. You find no information on talky man except that it's the common name of the butler of the Bivore.
Sense you say your defense involves temporal stuff, I should say I am immune to mental stuff. In your attempts to find me ignoring my defenses I gave you the truth. I walked out your door then without teleporting, planeshifting, or anything similar I ceased to exist. Trying to find the charter any attempt to uncover them will be aborgated.

2012-11-29, 06:24 AM
Doc OAgain swats away the pest. Can't it see I'm busy? casts a few spells to block out the creature fro my mind.

2012-11-29, 06:51 AM
Doctor O:
So you think that saying that you walk out a door is equivalent to me letting you through ALL my defenses? (some having rather nasty results) If the Charter tries to aborgate me, they will find that the aborater (is that the word?) is aborgated instead of me. Also, I have things besides that to find where he is, and you saying you aren't hiding your location means my divine senses are very likely to cover that.

If you ever learned about the Charter, or anyone else for that matter, I'd have knowledge of this.

He claims to be a member of "the Charter", some conspiracy thing. The party is at the Syang'baddan Embassy at 7:00 PM.

One of my abilities lets me remember every event something was learned, I believe I would know of him unless he is new.

PowerGamer (Sorry for not responding earlier, I finished my reply after you submitted yours but after I started mine [it took a while because I accidentally deleted a good deal of it, sorry]):
So you just wander into my office now? Assuming that is so, you find a wall of force and a wall of stone in the doorway. Observe what exactly? I am busy, and am conducting some confidential business. The party is at the Syang'baddan Embassy at 7:00 PM.

I have been around since the start of Izeldias's nation, and have various sense that let me know of anything being learned. If you haven't just came into this universe (or multiverse or whatever), then I would know something of you.

2012-11-29, 10:29 AM
PGIt stares at you with regret and anger, and after you cast your defense spell it says Ffiiinnee, I wiiill beee baack.

rweirdI let you past all my defenses free of charge, I doubt I need you to lower your defenses to visit you. And you did not see me when I left because that was just a bad time to ask me to lower my defenses cause it did almost nothing. The charter can re-abrogate you with another abrogate if their first is disrupted. Divine senses will not help you detect me because still I do not exist anymore.
When you try to read my mind on the charter you have nothing to target because I don't exsist.

2012-11-29, 03:14 PM
"Alright then, Thank you"
Soulmaw leaves

2012-11-29, 03:33 PM
rweird: sorry I'm geting things a little confused lolAgain politely stops. I have been with Izeldias shortly after the start of his nation. I was the Slumberer. Placed deep underground and left until a later day when I was to be called upon. I have awoken, thus that time is near. Now, I am the Devouror. And I swear the party was here. Well then, toddle oh. I hope to see you later then. With that, I leave.

Doc O:Is ready to talk now.
OOC: where do you want to continue this? IC and thread wise

2012-11-29, 03:58 PM
PGWell the shadowy upsidedown look alike returns. Ffiind thheee deemmmiiuurrgeee iiinncaarrnnnaatiooonssss guuaaarrrdeed byyy thhhee oothhheerrr deeemmiiuurrrgeesss. We could just stay here.

2012-11-29, 04:17 PM
Doc O:Slightly upset about the missunderstanding of a party, I reply And who are you to demand such things from me?

2012-11-29, 04:29 PM
PGIii aammm nnooot yyooouurrr boosss Iii aamm yyoouuurrr guuiiid.

2012-11-29, 04:43 PM
PG & Dr.O: Could you move that conversation in spoilers somewhere else (maybe the doctors thread), I realize you both left, or if you didn't, I'd probably know that.

Doctor O:
You can abrogate me all the times you want, you'll just get abrogated by it, I'm also rather sure that you quite literally could not have done what you did to find me if I did not lower my defenses. The thing isn't reading your mind, it just is that I would know that to, and it could be any mind in the universe that ever knew it, regardless of current state of existence or lack thereof. Also, you appear to be in the Biovores IC thread while you do not exist.

I don't really want to give you the specifics because you are another player (and you seem to be opposing what I do), as well as other player being able to read this. Also, could I have the demiurge's stats or some information about it?

What about my knowledge check on the charter and other stuff, Dr. O seems very reluctant to tell me anything of it.

I hope we can meet again under less strained circumstances. Also, how did you learn of the party?

OoC: Was this you not understanding what happened IC or someone told you a party was here IC (I'd know how you learned of it IC with one of my abilities as well). Also, is your character very proud as well and thinks that privacy and being busy is for lesser people?

2012-11-29, 05:01 PM
Doc O:OOC: Let's change threads
rweird:Heard of the party from a friend.OOC: I learned of a party IC and was told to come here. And my character has many personalities so try to keep track (I was told do be polite and thus was)

2012-11-29, 05:12 PM
Another dragon?

OoC: Okay, though the whole breaking in like that isn't very polite. It is kind of like breaking into a government office and then waiting politely to be seen by someone.

2012-11-29, 05:16 PM
rweirdWhy yes of course by another dragon.
OOC: again I apologize, there was some confusion on my part

2012-11-29, 05:43 PM
rweirdIf thats your defense the charter has other ways around reflected aborgates such as many immunities and improved aborgates which can't be targeted, resisted, or reflected (not something I made up, a player got this approved as homebrew, and I added it to the charter pre-game). We may have to disagree on whether I could have got on to your plane. You win on the mind reading thing because thier are other weaker minds that cannot resist such abilities that know about the charter, but they don't know much. You learn that the charter help keep one of the possible causes of the Apocalypse from happening. However, the giant talking in my thread is not the same person (multiple of my followers are referred to as Talky Man) and has not traveled from the material plane at all as of yet.

As for the demiurge his stats will remain unknown and will be played as an NPC by Shady or I.

2012-11-29, 05:54 PM
Doctor O:
I still think I could reflect those, or at least be unaffected by them, though I'm pretty sure the charter would have to be somewhere nearby to be able abrogate me. Still, if ANYONE knows about the charter, I do, as if I where there when they learned it, so unless not even the charter knows what it is doing, I would know, so, what is this cause of the apocalypse they try to prevent? Some ancient creature Izeldias defeated most likely, or something before his time.

As for stats, he is a freaking Demiurge, I'm sure that there is some legend about him or some general knowledge of some of his abilities. do I know anything else about him.

2012-11-29, 06:17 PM
rweirdI will let you know that nobody at all in this multiverse knows any information about the charter that you don't unless they have a far better defense then you can brake, but due to your continued efforts you hear in a stern tone I would not search any further without doing the job you were given mon ami, lest you die in our nearly active defense grid.

2012-11-29, 06:54 PM
Doctor O:
Clearly you do not understand the ability I have, it requires no action, it is not something that would have happened just know, I would have known this since it was learned, it just is that you didn't tell me anything about this until the start of the game, making the questions I'm asking retroactive. I can't really think of a defense to this either. This is NOT mind reading, this is NOT divination, this is NOT a power that even affects other creatures (as in targets them, though the knowledge can affect them), and unless they have a like ability (which from your lack of understanding of mine i don't think this is the case) they wouldn't even know this is happening.

Also, you didn't answer my question about my charge (the demiurge).

2012-11-29, 07:34 PM
Calm down rweird, Doc is slightly annoying like that, He is actually Attempting to be annoying.
Here Is what I have so far, On him:
Tuauts, Demiurge of Caution, And Protection.
He is here because someone put him here (Father/Mother/Someone) for his own good, And as a Harmless Giant with the mind of a Child, They thought the Biovore would be best. However, "Talky man" Did not want him, So You, Being the nicest thing around, Was given him to guard, For some type of reward, Thought up by you.

2012-11-29, 07:45 PM
Alikrataleon's office

"I must beg my leave Alikrataleon, the preperations for the evenening must be finalized" Paavia says with a bow as she moves to leave.

Syang'baddan Embassy

Twenty eight of the thirty members of the Raaj arrive at the embassy along with various celebrities and powerful people from the land of Syang'baddan. They step out of the demiplane that makes the heart of the cube shaped building carting all manner of foods and magnificent artworks. They begin to wander around it's interior performing various tasks to help with the preparations.

The Raaj move into an upper room and close the doors to discuss something in these few hours before the party begins.

The thirty members of the Raaj;

1- Gunin Rajan, Prophet of Finglthyil
2- ???, unknown as s/he does not attend public events.
3- Lady of Trees, Rajdulari, Cheiftan of Venlhan. Leader of an Elf Culture.
4- The great Ascetic Harzita, A great spiritualist and teacher.
5- Grand Viser Marblehill, Cheif Wizard of Syang'baddan
6- Low King Undrustus, Lord of Dwarves. Leader of a Dwarf Culture
7- Paavia Bhattacharya, Shakti of Finglythil. Masterful musician and bard.
8- Yagna. Lich and master of necromancy
9- Ekachakra. Self proclaimed 'Greatest Archer in the western Hemisphere'
10- Widush, First of the Circle. A druid of great power.
11- Queen Sandrose Whitgarden. Leader of a Halfgiant culture.
12- High Admiral Barindra of the Holy Navy. 1st in command of the Navy
13- General Salarjung of the Holy Army. 1st in command of the Army
14- Air Marshal Zhufu of the Holy Airforce. 1st in command of the Airforce
15- Daiwik, Zealot-lord of the Himayata. 1st in command of the Himayata holy warriors.
16- Gyunk the Third, Goliath King. Leader of a Goliath culture
17- Prime Minister Ekanath the wise. Leader of a Gnome culture
18- President Sourabh . Leader of a Halfling culture
19- Hilyada, Prime Architect and Chief city planner. Master craftsman and Architect
20- Yuvaraj, Champion of Finglythil. Paladin of incredible faith and power.
21- Judge Dayakar, Lord Justice. Head of the Legal system.
22- Cheif Engineer Kulduun. Dwarf Master miner and seige engineer.
23- Jeeteshi the Oracle. Master of Divniation.
24- Ordan the Clockmaker. A genius blacksmith and craftsman.
25- Zhublyana the Lady of Wasps. A shadowy figure with odd powers.
26- Dhalina the White Witch. A powerful spellcaster from an Icy land.
27- Duke Jinuin . Leader of the Stone Soldiers and said to be indestructible.
28- Loremaster Vehck. Said to know everything that can be known.
29- Warsaint Manun. 1st among the Holy Bhodisimha Gaurd
30- Tresurer Kalutat. Treasurer of Syang'baddan

2012-11-29, 08:28 PM
Alikrataleon's office

<Very well, I understand.> She says opening another portal back to the lobby. <A pleasure to meet you. May we meet again soon.>

Yes, who is giving the reward exactly? That has never been answered. There appears to be a group called "The Charter" which this is all involved with, and Doctor O. seems to ignore all questions related to them claiming they have some sort of defenses, and often dropping points, and saying I am using some form of mind reading to learn stuff, and they seem to be able to negate whatever I do to try to find out.

Would you please give me the information I'd have gained from my abilities? (I quite literally know everything anything has learned so I would know a great deal about everything, unfortunately, this being a game, me knowing everything is problematic because I would know much stuff IG that I don't know of OoG [like who all the characters are].) Because he is another player, I don't want to tell Doctor O, even though he is a Co-DM, especially because in this we seem opposed, and he would probably know about as little about me as he has told me about his group, or that I have shared publicly.

2012-11-29, 08:40 PM
Alikrataleon's office

Paavia pauses for a moment as you assume she receives some sort of magical communication and then her beautiful face wrinkles up in anger, she turns to Alikrataleon and spits out; "What is this! you send an assassin to kill my Goddess!?" You feel some sort of force surround you to prevent any aggressive action towards Paavia.

2012-11-29, 08:57 PM
Alikrataleon's office

Alikrataleon seems to pause, and realize what was coming just before it does. <Child, we are not the only dragons, or even a majority of dragons. Just because a draconic assassin attacks, does not mean that we are responsible. Do you have any knowledge this is one of our dragons? Or just a dragon? Or was it something else? Also, do you know if your Goddess was injured in this?> if you have a moderate spellcraft check (~30), you can tell she is casting a great deal of sendings via quickened miracles.

2012-11-29, 09:08 PM
Alikrataleon's office

"You've made no secrets of your allegiance to the crown of Izeldius, your soldiers were sent like loyal dogs to our border on his whim! We knew it was too good to be true... dragons that could be trusted!" She's beginning to cry, is it a ruse or is she genuinely upset? "And now, just as our Raaj moves here to prepare for a ****** party a ***** dragon **** attacks!? That's one too many co-incidence for my liking." The woman is getting hysterical.

2012-11-29, 11:46 PM
rweirdAh you also misunderstand me as well. I should tell you that the charters ability preventing you from gathering information is not an immunity to mind affecting effects or magic, it is part of an feature called the Spesiffied immunity where instead of being immune to common effects in D&D they have "Immunity: Abilities and effects that allow people to discover or automatically know the location or information about the charter or their activities" and "Immunity: Abilities and effects that bypass immunity". The charter also has abilities to bestow this immunity on others as well as retroactively take back things they have said to people directly. I really should not have told you this much both IC and OoC, but their are always things that can beat even your strongest ability especially, DM and Co-DM NPC's .

For the question about the demiurge Shady has sent an NPC to talk and gave me more of a reason to trust him so he is actually allowed more classified info then you, but will also probably transfer that same info to you.

ShadyAh thanks for filling the blanks with false information.

2012-11-30, 07:00 AM
Doctor O:
What type of ability is that (Sp, Su, etc) and is it some sort of divine ability? I have a way to overcome that if certain things are the case with that. Also, I think that I have a way not qualify as something that would be blocked.

If this is DM fiat, please tell me and I can stop wasting me time, though if this actually has rules, then I think I can beat it, and will all of this campaign be so DM fait-tastic (if this is DM fiat) so I can know if I actually want to continue playing?

Alikrataleon's office

<Tell me what exactly happened.> the 'voice' is firm but calm. <Just because a dragon attacks doesn't it is our dragon, Izeldias's nation is vast, we are just one part, many dragons besides us may have done this. Lastly, is there anything she did to possibly provoke some dragon?>

2012-11-30, 08:02 AM
Alikrataleon's office

She laughs "My master was minding her own business sitting in her temple within Syang'baddan city. A dragon burst in, bypassing all of our defenses by some unknown method, and then made verbal threats and commands followed by a motion to attack. The sheer presumption, to enter a gods divine realm without invitation and dare give commands and make threats! You make allegiance with Izeldus, you're his lapdog, his servant and by association his fatal transgression is also yours" she shakes her head, wiping away tears of anger.
"And to think, it was all going so well. For but a moment it seemed like there were dragons not completely over bloated with self-importance and arrogance but then your master has to throw it all away in either a stupidly ignorant or blatantly hostile act"

2012-11-30, 01:19 PM
rweirdAnother ability prevents abilities of the charter from being prevented, so it is near futile. This is not DM fiat it is superior powergaming along with higher level and divine rank NPC's that have special homebrew, Shady happens to use a lot of DM fiat, but not me as much. It is still not likely you will succeed.

2012-11-30, 03:40 PM
Alikrataleon's office

<If you will refuse to accept anything we do, even though this was not our fault, then I believe that our business is concluded. I hope one day you will make sense of the situation and realize we are not to blame, but until then, I do not know if an Embassy would be the best, though we are willing to let you keep yours if you wish, though you saying making motion to attack implies that the attack was prevented, if it ever occurred, and that your people may have made the first strike.>

Doctor O:
IG my character would know of pretty much every ability (to the letter with my knowledge checks [Unless the things are Mortiverse level]), whether or not you keep it secret OoG, considering your explanation of your ability did not include anything that lets me know if I have a defense against it, I don't know if I have a defense against it, though the second ability is also something that I'd like the same knowledge for. As long as you remain this way, we are at a standstill because I do not know the result of my actions, and without that I can not proceed.

2012-11-30, 04:51 PM
rewierdI know many mortiverse level abilities and a signal member of the charter makes me look mortal in comparison. I would like your character PMed to me so I can finalize this impass unless shady gets online and can send it for you.

2012-11-30, 05:21 PM
Alikrataleon's office

"We know you didn't do it, but what is the point of making an alliance with you if Izeldius will just ignore it and attack us? We thought you had some influence over him. It is clear that a friendship with you means nothing to him and that it wont even prevent him taking hostile action against us, meanwhile you serve at his heels doing his bidding. When our goddess first spoke to you she asked for proof that you were not just one of Izuldeus lapdogs with ideas above his station. Looks like you are after all"


the fight with the dragon is not yet resolved, it's either dead or about to get DM fiated

2012-11-30, 05:49 PM
Doctor O:
You said you wouldn't see the sheets yourself, just Shady would do that, though if I'm up against something so big, I am pretty sure I'll quit pretty soon, or at least ignore all the things you do. I thought that this game isn't supposed to have everyone be effectively Pun-Pun.

I think we'd need to see shady about this, or we both show each other the relevant stuff (via PM).

Alikrataleon's office

<Please child, do not speak of what you do not know. This is a nation, Izeldias hasn't asked us anything, though his actions, or the actions of another like us, or a dragon going rogue, is not something we are responsible for, he has given us no orders in regards to you, to us at least. I highly doubt that Izeldias would have done this, he is a supernal, if he wanted your goddess dead, he would have sent someone that would kill her, I would think that it was a rogue dragon or another nation that did this. Though we are in Izeldias's nation, the dragon populations are usually rather independent from one another. This is an issue with some other nation most likely, or some dragon that hates humans. Not all dragons are like us, and we aren't exactly friendly with some groups. Still, mortals make there own choices, choose as you will.> Her face is unreadable as she "speaks".

It is the time dragon, I thought you said it just wrote something down and it didn't attack, though you did cast some spell (I wouldn't think it would, and from my IG understanding it isn't a crime [from Shady, though Doctor O says everything that manipulates time is a crime, just they don't often act on the small things]).

2012-11-30, 06:22 PM
Alikrataleon's office

"When first you made contact with us just outside our border you said you had been commanded by one of Izeldius dogs to intervene, now you claim to have no connection to him?
Now you claim to be a separate nation? Why then does that bastard claim dominion over you, why do you do his bidding?"

yeah, it's the time dragon, it turned up and made threats and told Finglythil what to do. IC she told all her minions it attacked her.

2012-11-30, 07:21 PM
Alikrataleon's office

<We were not commanded to do anything, we where asked, and we obliged. We act as a separate nation unless Izeldias brings us together. We have connections with him, but we had no knowledge of this attack, or direct connection to the attack. You are upset, and I would recommend that we delay this conversation until you can control yourself. We are trying to figure out what happened, though this takes time.>

Okay, I'm not sure why you did that, though I don't know what happened exactly, so it might make sense.

Sendings to other dragons, trying to figure out why the Goddess was attacked and what happened.

2012-11-30, 07:22 PM
To be correct, He said he would write her up..Is that a really evil threat now?

2012-11-30, 07:53 PM
And she told all her followers that a dragon attacked her, and now this ambassador is yelling at us for being dragons. :smallbiggrin:

2012-11-30, 07:55 PM
To tell you the truth, She has been whaleing on him, And he is just Asking her to please stop, Or He will Have to give a Verbal warning....:smallbiggrin:

2012-11-30, 08:16 PM
Am I informed of this by the dragons I contact IC?

2012-11-30, 08:23 PM
Ahyup, And I am on the pad...

2012-12-04, 07:09 AM
Doctor O:
This actually would be secret and unknown to you so you shouldn't read itYou really shouldn't do thatI suppose this just is a waste of timeFine, meta-gameReplying to PM in the thread:

Is pre-existant just a normal divine/cosmic/transcendial/omnific ability?

For protections, I am creating four clones of myself (not from the clone spell but something else) to guard the demiurge, each uses irresistible Divert Teleport on themselves at a high enough CL to cover 1,000,000,000 miles, and cast the following on the demiurge: energy immunity to all possible types on the Demiurge, as well as Maximized, Empowered x20, Repeating x9, Ocular, Extended x1000000 Absorption, Spell Resistance (gives SR 1,000,000,000,012), Redopsi, and, Maximized, Repeating x9, Empowered x20, Persisted, extended x10000, Holy Star. How does he react?

I'm creating another clone of myself, and twenty-four of my normal follower, and sending them to the prime in search of interesting stuff. (just flying around, but twelve times superluminal speed)

2012-12-04, 11:37 AM
rwierdI think excessive amounts of spoilers is unnecessary, so if rweird gives me evidence you have meta gamed (and don't assume you can with a spying ability your character has) then you will suffer a penalty.

The ability is post-omnific and can be typless to avoid counting as such.

Tuauts spazes out and fires off dispels which bounce off the inside of his bubble then hit him with no effect. Oh, wait there beneficial spells, thank you.

2012-12-04, 03:18 PM
Doctor O:
So did I, I just wanted to make a point of it this time, I did not plan on repeating the spoiler chain, it started from me accidentally putting a bunch of spoilers up.

The ability is God Incarnate? Okay, from what Shady said, I only knew of two of them, and those where the only ones that existed, is there a list or something?

"Your welcome." I say, "The others here will protect you, tell them if there are any problems." I leave to deal with other things, while my four clones proceed to buff themselves the same way I am, and cast several more spells on the demiurge of caution.

Spells Cast:
Persisted, Extended x1000, Star mantle
Persisted, Extended x1000, Starmantle
Persisted, Extended x1000, Great Mirror Image (10000 images, I can break CL caps)
Persisted, Extended x1000, Blink, Superior
Persisted, Extended x1000, Displacement
Persisted, Repeating x9, Extended x1000, Guidance of the Avatar [x10]
Persisted, Extended x1000, True Seeing
Extended x1000, Mind Blank
Persisted, Extended x1000, Stormrage
Persisted, Extended x1000, Ray Deflection
Persisted, Extended x1000, Friendly Fire
Persisted, Extended x1000, Maximized, Empowered x20, Searing, Concentrated Fires of Purity (60000 searing fire damage, 60000 divine damage, catch on fire for 10d6 damage for 10d4 rounds)
Persisted, Extended x1000, Widened x10000, Blindsight Greater (600000 ft. Blindsight)
Persisted, Extended x1000, Quickshift
Persisted, Extended x1000, Barkskin (+60000 enhancement to natural armor)
Persisted, Extended x1000, Shield of Faith (+30000 deflection bonus to AC)
Persisted, Extended x1000, Ruin Delvers fortune x3 (+ Cha to saves, a few other things that are unimportant and/or redundant)
Persisted, Extended x1000, Conviction (+30000 moral to saves)
Persisted, Repeating x9, Extended x1000, Dullard

We ask if we should try to make him invisible, though it will prevent him from speaking (and thus casting unless he has silent spell). We also ask if he wishes to go to a demiplane instead of staying here.

2012-12-04, 06:25 PM
He sits and thinks about it much longer than necessary weighing all his options then says: Hmmm... I would be OK with invisibility if I could remove it when I need to. And
it would be best to stay here if I am in danger, well if my hunch is right.

2012-12-04, 06:37 PM
Doctor O:
Okay, you can dismiss this at will.

Using wish to craft a contingent Persisted, Extended x1000 Ghostform and Persisted, Extended, Superior Invisibility, triggered by the target being alive. This means that he can only be detected by blindsight if ruled to detect ethereal creatures, considering it is like he casts the spell, he can dismiss it. We still can detect him via divine abilities allowing us to overcome immunities and stuff like that. Also, we're permanently telepathically bonding him to his four guards.

2012-12-04, 11:52 PM
rweirdOoC: This is fine for now, it may be a while till something attacks if anything attacks (if anything attacks). You may ask your charge about matters involving caution with your telepathy if you wish, though send it in a PM in case I stop watching this thread cause it is primarily managed by Shady.

2012-12-05, 06:44 AM
Doctor O:
Understood, I think I'll give it some time before I talk with him.

Does my scouting party find anything?

2012-12-05, 08:14 PM
Sorry, Been busy.

Scouting partaaaaay

They find various Beings of Power, Ranging from the Biovore, To a Mage of Immense power, To the mother of Men.

2012-12-05, 08:37 PM
Any NPC nations or whatnot? They will target holes in their divine senses that aren't in Izeldias's nation (it would get all the plane and then some).

2012-12-05, 10:44 PM
Alright, a few.
One over a Large Jungle, One over a large mountian, and one (LARGE) over the ocean

2012-12-06, 06:54 AM
I guess we'll pay a visit to the kraken lord (flying to the edge of the ocean. We aren't hiding ourselves, so he'd see twenty-five giant dragons suspended from mid-air, wings outstretched though not moving as if invisible strings are holding them in place.

2012-12-06, 10:37 PM
A Group of Sahugin come to the edge of the Water and Stick their heads out.
"What do you want?"

2012-12-07, 06:44 AM
To speak with your leader about the arrival of other nations, if he has time. they reply, landing and shrinking to medium size (casting the reverse of giantsize at a low CL).

2012-12-08, 01:45 PM
"Of course he has time, he has naught but time."
The Shaugin take you down, underneath the water (Hope you can breathe)
They stop at a large Crack in the bottom of the ocean.
(The sun is now so far away, that it is pitch black Hope you can withstand immense pressure, and immense cold, The Depths of the ocean also block any sort of Non natural light)

Some light now bubbles from the Crack, And You can see immense tentcles reaching from the depths.


2012-12-08, 02:02 PM
All of us are immune to natural hazards such as drowning, lava, outer space, the depths of the ocean, etc. We can see just as well in darkness as in light, and either are immune to cold or healed by it, probably the later.

"I wish to speak with you about the new arrivals in this world. Have you met any of them? Do you know how they got here, or what they intend? I have not been able to learn this, though you may succeed where I have failed."

2012-12-10, 01:59 PM
reweirdIn your head you hear another member of the charter, Hello again I'm contacting you for your check in and to bestow another power. You gain the ability to steal the quintessence from kills made by other people inside your divine aura.

2012-12-10, 02:58 PM
Doctor O:
Thank you. I reply with a sending.

Also, it is rweird, not reweird.

For the power, could I have the exact wording of it, or at least more details on it, and does it allow a save or anything?

2012-12-10, 03:17 PM
rweirdTo see what the ability is like go to the IHB bestiary look at the last monster and he has the power to do the same thing as this ability, but with XP instead of quintessence.

2012-12-10, 03:28 PM
Doctor O:
Okay, I see, thanks (though unless it affects another demiurge, I won't be able to advance, right?).

2012-12-10, 04:25 PM
rweirdYou gain quintesence from divine kills in general, you can farm kills on sidreals, but it will take a while.

2012-12-10, 05:02 PM
Doctor O:
Shady said you need to kill Demiurge 1 or higher to advance, I know that the CR needs to be at least 492 because beyond that is add hoc, excepts this would work for lower levels. Tough that wouldn't work for demiurges, if there wasn't this limit, I would be whatever level of High Lord I want due. At least, you need to do such to get over 500 HD.

2012-12-10, 05:32 PM
rweirdAh, I never went and checked in the OoC, but I think thats right.

2012-12-10, 05:38 PM
Alikrataleon's office

Paavia begins to calm down a little. "You claim not to be directly allied with Izeldius, doing his bidding when it suits you but tell me; If Izeldius went to war, would you follow?"

2012-12-10, 05:39 PM
Doctor O:
So this ability means that if I can get another demiurge to fail a save, when they kill another demiurge, only I gain quintessence, though I don't gain it if a non-demiurge is killed (though the don't either)?

2012-12-10, 05:53 PM
rweirdYa basically.