View Full Version : Divination-related prestige classes?

2012-11-21, 11:02 AM
Okay, so I'm playing a psion(seer) in a 3.5e campaign, with all WotC 3.5e books available.

Brief backstory: Ben Jackson was exiled from his hometown when it was discovered that he had been scrying on the women's bath house. One of his major goals is to become such a powerful seer that he can scry on other planes, so that he can watch angels bathe.

So for character reasons, I'm focusing primarily on clairsentience/scrying powers (albeit with a few damage or utility powers each power level, especially where there aren't any good clairsentience powers available.)

My problem is this: I'd kind of like to enter a prestige class at some point, but I haven't found any I like.

There seem to only be a handful of manifesting PrCs that are any good, and of those, none have much synergy with this concept.

I think my DM may allow me to convert a spellcasting PrC into a manifesting PrC, but I'd like to have a specific class in mind before I bring the request to him.

So: what in the way of decent divination-focused PrCs are there which would be easy to adapt to this purpose?

2012-11-21, 11:06 AM
I just started playing in a campaign where the cleric is taking levels in divine oracle (complete divine). We've only had a few short sessions, so I javent gotten to see any of the divination yet, so I can't give an option on how good it is. It's for spell casters, but you may be able to alter it for psions.

2012-11-21, 11:55 AM
Divine Oracle is an obvious choice but would require some tweaking by your DM. Say, instead of the whole Oracle domain, simply get a +2 manifester level on all Clairsentience powers. Most of the other abilities are fine though and super-evasion is potent + flavorful.

Alternatively - dip Rogue/Shadowmind, then go for Psionic Unseen Seer with Practiced Manifester.