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View Full Version : Troubles with DM and character concept

2012-11-21, 03:30 PM
Hallo Playground!
There has occurred a problem with my current soon - to be DM.
Details: A level 5 game set in Faerun, no gear initially (but soon to be given back)
My character concept at first: An illumnian shadowcaster. When asked about his history, I said about 2-3 sentences (basically a freelance agent, however capable of working with teams) and he replied that he will complete my story and shape it into his campaign. Still I wasn't satisfied with the concept yet.

Troubles began when I asked about making my character more necromancy oriented (my whole concept is the use of dark energies but without straying from the neutral alignment (or even using them for good), fluff was a curse brought by a demon when she was a child, she now battles the influence, very, very short summary, may detail it if needed). Note that she is still a freelance agent and she can hide those traits easily if needed.
(For those interested in mechanical effects they are the Ritual of Dark flames, a supernatural effect that deals negative energy damage with a ranged touch. Also that DM okayed Necrotic cyst working with shadowcasters, which I was planning to take at level 9)

Impiltur sounded nice for me (it has troubles with demons all the time) and my shadowcaster suddenly was a human from there changing her race. My character concept felt complete. The first session is due to start at 3 days at the time of writing.

Problem is, my DM had vastly different plans for me. Add that I write very detailed stories with goals and relations to the world and I am sure it conflicted 100% with what he had at store.
Second problem is that he never said anything and I do not know anything what he planned. The illumnian race was new to him, the shadowcaster class also and he had some ideas for those 2 things vastly different than mine.
3rd and most important, he based half of the campaign into those 3 sentences I wrote him. While I feel as a long time DM that this is wrong for a group of 5-6 players (and surely I am not a player that enjoys getting all the spotlight myself), I cannot discount the amount of time he spent into reading a new class + other stuff for me.
Also 4th problem I speculate to exist (but I am not sure): He feels intimidated because I am playing 3rd edition for a good 11 years. Thing is a shadowcaster (for those who do not know the class) is a caster with very few abilities per day, and while the ritual of dark flames gives him something interesting to do, I must sink 2 feats (Bonus essentia and shape soulmeld) to make it effective. I won't overshadow anyone, especially the sorcerer and the druid.

Situation is now that he feels that I spit on his work. I am perfectly willing to ditch the whole necromancy theme and revert back to illumnian, but still he doesn't listen and plans to boot me from the group, or even stopping the adventure altogether because he based half of it on my character.

This is a situation I have never encountered (Mostly because I DM almost always) so I would like some opinions on that matter. Thanks for reading!

2012-11-21, 06:08 PM
Sounds like your DM wants to write your character for you, which could very well be a sign of things to come if you go through with this campaign.

Is the problem just that you didn't let him know you planned to do most of the work yourself, thereby letting him write something completely divergent from you, or does he want control of the process for its own sake? If the former, then you it might be possible to take the backstory you wrote and simply excise enough of the details that the DM has room to fit in his plot hooks. Of the latter, you need to decide whether you're okay with playing a pregenerated character.

2012-11-21, 06:20 PM
I was going to write a paragraph, but my advice boils down to this: talk to your DM. He'll probably get it.