View Full Version : DM Help Needed: Running a Beholder in PF

2012-11-21, 11:31 PM
So I've been running a campaign for a while, and I know that there are certain enemies that can be...difficult and confusing to run due to crazy rules, abilities, and general wacky-ness. I know that eventually my party will come across a beholder. Due to it being WotC property, there aren't any rules for it in Pathfinder bestiaries, so I'm using the 3.5 versions. And while Pathfinder is generally easy to swap things back and forth, the beholder has a lot going on with it. I know it has its anti-magic eye (oh, the glorious wails of anguish will be so sweet) and all the eye-stalks with their own brand of pain. But while I can point and click with the eye-stalks, and the anti-magic eye will be used as well, I'm not looking to get tripped up on the details of certain interactions between them. So I'm looking for advice from anyone who's either run one or played against one. Tricks, tips, and hints to keep it fun and (relatively) easy for me and the players.

2012-11-22, 12:25 AM
Depending on how mean or nice you want to be there are several directions you could go. If you want to see how well your group can work against one, you could easily have it battle-worn and missing eyes to reduce the challenge. If you know the party can handle it easily, give the Beholder some class levels in the good ole beholder mage. (Easily transferable to PF from 3.x)

Beholder mages of course can be fun because they have all the beholder shenanigans on top of extra magical shenanigans from a super powerful class.

Your options all hinge on what the capabilities of the party are though. The more eyes missing, the easier the challenge will obviously be.

2012-11-22, 01:26 AM
Beholders are actually a fairly easy port. Everything the eyes do have spell names in their descriptors. Check the PF version of the spells and use sticky-notes where applicable to remind you of things like "Petrification offers a save every round" etc.

CMD is easy to calculate. It's BAB+STR+DEX+10. It's also Large, so gets another 2 or 4, double check that part.
You have all of those things right there on it's page. CMB won't be an issue unless you REALLY want the beholder to overrun them...or something. Why would it be doing that?

Anyhow, I don't know what, exactly, porting this encounter over will cause for problems. Most 3.5 Monsters are actually LESS powerful than Pathfinder counterparts, with only a few notable exceptions (Nightmares, Succubi...)