View Full Version : The crown wars (forgotten realms)

2012-11-22, 01:22 PM
I know the title is a little vague, but...hello
i am currently running a drow game out of menzoberanzan in forgotten realms 1 a week and I have come to a point where my players must succeed their blooding ritual (a ritual that consists of going to the surface and slaughtering surface elves) In the process i want them to learn about the elven history, they arent very far from the "sorrowood" ( a copse of oak trees that give intense visions of the past as if you were living them) To do this i Thought that it would be a good idea to have them play people who actually existed back then and participate in actual world changing past events.
I will do this in 2 parts. 1st the crown wars (the part i need help with) and the 2nd will be cormanthyr and myth drannor ( i have most of what i need for that, they will be josidiah starym and his group as they battle the forces below the twisted tower to try and find the warblade) I have scoured the net and the NPC of the realms forum by worlocko and green giant but i have found absolutly nothing about the big players of the crown wars. I want my players to actually PLAY these olden elves but i cant find a write up anywhere. I would like you guys's (ok so im not an english major, shoot me) expertise to help me by either giving me a website where i could find what i am looking for or share their knowledge of the crown wars to help me write these npc's on my own.
thanks alot guys
(if there is a page about this or something similar on the giantip forums i have not found it so please be lenient) :smallsigh:

2012-11-22, 07:46 PM
I would suggest looking on the Candlekeep forums. But I think you will probably have to make up these folks yourselves. If you do find any source material it will probably be from the Myth Drannor old box set or Grand History of the Realms. There will not be stat blobs just a little general info if that.

2012-11-23, 05:50 AM
Or consider Lost Empires of Faerun. It has some decent stuff about the Crown Wars.

2012-11-23, 11:59 AM
+1 to that