View Full Version : Midnight Campagain Defender Optimization

2012-11-22, 08:13 PM
Hello If any of you are familiar with the Campaign Setting Midnight 2nd Edition I'm playing in that setting and I am afraid I may have dug myself into a hole.

I am playing a 1st level Defender Elfling with the Quickened Heroic Path. My stats are Str 11 Dex 19 Con 11 Int 14 Wis 11 Cha 10. I have the feat Weapon Finesse. I'm trying to optimize the character as much as I can cause currently he isn't doing much.

The midnight campaign has its full SRD posted here http://darknessfalls.leaderdesslok.com/index.htm

I was originally thinking quickjack prestige class but after thinking it over I realize that might not be the best idea. I'm open to any and all suggestions. I can only used feats/items from that site.

The DM did give me an immature Wargen that I will eventually be able to ride or command.

2012-11-23, 02:09 PM
It's been a long time since I've done anything with Midnight and I'm having trouble looking up the specifics of its casting mechanics on that sight, but from what I recall, there's not a character in the game that wouldn't benefit from its spellcasting feats.

But in this case, blowing a couple feats for Transmutation access for abilities like Alter Self would be a solid investment for a natural weapon user.

2012-11-23, 07:03 PM
Okay. Any thoughts on a build? I mean I could always just do a 2-level dip into defender for the extra move action then go into something else. I just have no idea what.

2012-11-25, 04:42 PM
Hmm Idea and question. If I dip 2 levels into defender and grab the extra move action ability then pick up Improved Feint. Would I be able to feint then use a full attack getting a sneak attack on every attack?

2012-11-25, 05:28 PM
Feint only applies to the first attack after the feint unless something like Surprising Riposte is thrown into the mix (not on the valid sources list).

Finesse is hard to do, but with those stats and that setup, I'd think a level progression aiming for Warrior Arcanist with a feat progression including Magecraft: Hermetic and Spellcasting: Transmutation as quickly as possible, followed by advancement into Combat Reflexes/Improved Trip.

2012-11-25, 09:57 PM
Something like this maybe

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AkyvMTzQfMuhdGw3WHl0aWtpOWd3SWg3SlF3RGg5Q Wc&output=html

2012-11-27, 10:31 PM
If anyone could give me a thumbs up or down for at least the next level which I will probably obtain tomorrow would be a big help.