View Full Version : A Dream Plane

2012-11-22, 10:54 PM
Hi! For my upcoming campaign I kinda need to design or adapt a Dream plane of sorts.

Now, I've already looked at the Manual of the Planes and Heroes of Horror for ideas on how to make it work, but I realized that I needed it to fit some very specific criteria.

See, due to the nature of the campaign (a 'weird' campaign if you must know, but I'll elaborate if you want me to), I sort of see this Dream-plane as a mix between what is described in Manual of the Planes (Several individual 'dreamscapes'), the Dreaming from The Sandman (some parts are not individually dreamt up so much as are a part of the collective unconscious of sentient beings, and they are constantly inconsistent) and H.P. Lovecraft's Dreamlands (which is basically another dimension (filled with aberrations, natch) that is accessed by sleep, and I am a bit ashamed to say I don't know much more about it).

All three are somewhat similar, but I need to apply rules to this.
Manual of the Planes is fine and all, but it's from 3.0 and some of the rules involved really cant work well (an 8th level spell to travel across the plane in a better way? Lucid Dreaming?), and Heroes of Horror, despite being very good about atmosphere and offering a line of Oneiromancy spells, only gives out options and ideas, no solid "this is how it works".

It must be neither easy or hard to access. The Oneiromancy line of feats is rather intensive to invest in, so perhaps I could just do away with the pre-reqs for Improved Oneiromancy and simply call it Oneiromancy.

At any rate, I could really use some help in building this.

2012-11-22, 11:03 PM
I admittedly cannot help you at all, but I would absolutely love to see the final result. I would greatly appreciate it if when you have this Dream Plane created you would post it in the homebrew/world making section of the forum.

I think posting this is obligatory at some point:


Apparently posting videos here is different then posting them on other forums I hang out on.

Edit: Actually, I can. I did some reading on the movie, and apparently the movie Inception did a very good job of simulating how our brain actually processes dreams. And in addition to advising you to watch the movie (and of course read some of Lovecraft's Dreamscape Cycle), there are two things from Inception I'd suggest are relevant: Dreams who think don't think that they are awake when they are, and Dreamers who don't want to be awake.