View Full Version : Where can I find a new Nintendo DS battery?

2012-11-23, 02:58 AM
Hi I need a new DS battery because it burned out. I went to GameStop and they don't have it there. He said I probably do need a new battery. Any ideas where I can get one? Don't give me mean or crappy answers,or you will be reported. Please Help!!!


ds battery (http://www.vdealbox.com/ds-accessories/ds-battery-charger.html) ds adaptor (http://www.vdealbox.com/ds-accessories/ds-cable-adapter.html) dsi adaptor (http://www.vdealbox.com/dsi-accessories/dsi-cable-adapter.html)

Brother Oni
2012-11-23, 05:51 AM
30 seconds on google indicates you can get them off Amazon or from the Nintendo online store.