View Full Version : Awesomenauts

2012-11-23, 06:08 AM
So, a while back a couple of people in my mumble group picked up Awesomenauts, which is basically a moba game along the lines of League of Legends crossed with Brawl (so it's 2D). We've been enjoying it quite a bit and I feel they really made the formula work and the load out system allows for a lot of variety in playstyle for every character. The graphic's style is pretty neat as well and I'm quite fond of the overall flavour of the game.

Any other gitp'ers that have given it a try?

The Succubus
2012-11-23, 06:32 AM
Ooo. I'd be happy to play with you. =) Behave. You know exactly what I meant. =p

I'm in the UK but as several folks can attest, I'm something of a night owl. I've only unlocked as far as the spore-puppy thing and I bought the sniper unlock.

2012-11-23, 06:36 AM
Neat! I'm about level 60ish right now? I have all the characters unlocked that the very least.

How're you liking Raelynn? I've been really enjoying her focusing on trap damage and mostly using her snipe for the solar boost and the easy to apply blind. Still doesn't beat Derpl for my favourite character though.

I'm a huge night-owl myself. ;p

2012-11-23, 02:30 PM
I love this game. I've played more than 300 hours of it :smallbiggrin:

Sheriff Lonestar is my main, and he got me to league 1. I've begun practicing with Gnaw, Derpl, and Voltar, however. If I tried using them in a ranked match I'd quickly drop about a thousand places though.

2012-11-24, 04:32 AM
Just started, still practice matches, level 9.

I once thought that Clunk was good. And Voltar.

Then I unlocked Gnaw and love absolutely everything about him.

His theme song just sounds so happy, too.

2012-11-24, 04:44 PM
With Gnaw I've found that the temptation to get weedlings early is high, because that's his trademark move, but it's actually better to concentrate on his spit and basic attack first. The weedlings can get really powerful with upgrades, but you'll never be able to place any if you can't survive melee long enough to get a few bites in.

2012-11-24, 04:58 PM
With Gnaw I've found that the temptation to get weedlings early is high, because that's his trademark move, but it's actually better to concentrate on his spit and basic attack first. The weedlings can get really powerful with upgrades, but you'll never be able to place any if you can't survive melee long enough to get a few bites in.

Yeah I tend to go super spitbiteman and forget about weedlings.

I've adapted this to put weedlings in the jungle area, so they farm the critters there and I randomly get health pickups in mid-battle on a regular basis.

Also his theme is magnificent.

Still trying to figure out Leon. Raelynn is beyond me. Derpl Zork is, uh...

Wow. I do not get that guy.

2012-11-24, 05:34 PM
Derpl is awesome, but then again I run him very turret focused and do drop onto enemies ambushes. :smalltongue:

More seriously though, spamming traps at key locations as area denial is a really strong thing to do, which is why I pick up increased trap duration. Combine that with stun, range and damage in turret mode and you are really hard to dislodge. You are vulnerable to strong ranged characters like Raelynn and Lonestar, so you have to be careful around those. He's a bit unforgiving though because the cooldown on turret mode means you need to make good calls on when to deploy.

Nothing's as fun as hiding in one of the hidey places on one of the maps or dropping down in turret mode from the top of AI core though. :smalltongue:

2012-11-24, 05:38 PM
Derpl is awesome, but then again I run him very turret focused and do drop onto enemies ambushes. :smalltongue:

More seriously though, spamming traps at key locations as area denial is a really strong thing to do, which is why I pick up increased trap duration. Combine that with stun, range and damage in turret mode and you are really hard to dislodge. You are vulnerable to strong ranged characters like Raelynn and Lonestar, so you have to be careful around those. He's a bit unforgiving though because the cooldown on turret mode means you need to make good calls on when to deploy.

Nothing's as fun as hiding in one of the hidey places on one of the maps or dropping down in turret mode from the top of AI core though. :smalltongue:

Good to know. I don't think he's for me, though.

Also stuff like trap use/area denial is a bit tricky to work with when my entire team is bots. So in those cases, the "trap" skill becomes "yeah, nukes are pretty good".

2012-11-24, 05:45 PM
Have pretty much mained every character at some point, and usually come back to gnaw a lot. Usually sit around league 1 or 2 with him.

2012-11-24, 05:55 PM
I've adapted this to put weedlings in the jungle area, so they farm the critters there and I randomly get health pickups in mid-battle on a regular basis.

Also his theme is magnificent.

Agreed on second point, but I actually find it pretty annoying when a Gnaw on my team hogs the jungle. Other people need health too! I think the best thing would be to keep a weedling on the enemy's jungle on Sorona, but they'll just keep killing it anyway.

Personally I save weedlings to the end of the match, then upgrade them fully (more damage, double shot, extra weedlings) and use them to wipe out whatever turrets are left, then the base. Five weedlings grouped together kills anyone who gets within range.

2012-11-24, 06:10 PM
Yeah, Awesomenauts is a great game. I mainly play Coco and Raelynn these days, but Lonestar is a really solid character too. LoneStarNorth helped me out a great deal teching me the game; I'm not a fraction as good as him, but I get by. I hover around league 7-5.

Still trying to figure out Leon. Raelynn is beyond me. Derpl Zork is, uh...

Wow. I do not get that guy.Can't comment about the others, but Raelynn is a sniper, primarily. I find she plays best as a long-range back up character. Get the range upgrades for your Snipe and you can pick people off while they're off-screen (using the mini-map is great for this) or at least give your team mates a welcome extra damage boost from a safe distance. I also find her boots essential; some characters get by without boots, she definitely doesn't.

If anyone wants to add me on Steam, feel free to shoot me a PM for my name. :smallsmile:

2012-11-24, 11:09 PM
I think Derpl is the only character that doesn't need the speed upgrade. He spends half the game stationary anyway, unless you're using a catgun build.

2012-11-24, 11:17 PM
I haven't played any other competetive video game since I bought Awesomenauts a few months ago... :D

I think Derpl is the only character that doesn't need the speed upgrade. He spends half the game stationary anyway, unless you're using a catgun build.
I'm doing quite well with boots-less Yuri. Although it has been quite some time since I have actually tried his speed upgrade - maybe I just do not know what I am missing out on.

2012-11-25, 05:58 AM
I don't use the boots on Coco, either. Her Silver Coating upgrade is quite sufficient and more useful for the burst, anyway.

2012-11-25, 06:27 AM
I rarely ever use boots on most characters to be honest. My standard pick up is Piggy Bank, one of the two health upgrades and the regen upgrade.

2012-11-25, 07:50 AM
It depends a bit on character, but the default setting is both Piggy Bank and Solar Tree, together with the big pills. I find the regen upgrade to be toothless. You want to go back to the base regularly anyway to spend Solar.

2012-11-25, 12:25 PM
It depends a bit on character, but the default setting is both Piggy Bank and Solar Tree, together with the big pills. I find the regen upgrade to be toothless. You want to go back to the base regularly anyway to spend Solar.

Regeneration is great for melee characters who are frequently trading hits. I really like to get early bash+regen on Skolldir (if my team has no healers, or course).

2012-11-25, 04:45 PM
So, I bought Awesomenauts while it was on sale. These types of game tend to make me a little nervous about dragging the team down (even TF2 will give me that feeling on occasion in a 24 man server), but I saw there was a league system to try and keep people of a similar skill level together. It was cheap, so I though I'd give it a try.

After installing and going through the tutorial, I went straight to practice mode to learn. After 3 matches as Lonestar (going 2-1 against max level bots), I felt that would be ok in a pub match. So I go to join a game and proceed to have fun blowing things up with dynamite, pushing the lanes, and going on to win.

Now, at the results screen I get told that I was moved up from league 9 to league 6. In one game. My first ranked game. Worry about me dragging the team down takes hold again and its back to the practice room. I play around with other heroes to learn what they can and can't do. Not all of them are unlocked, but every bit of knowledge helps. Back to another pub match to see what happens.

Again playing as Lonestar, again having fun blowing stuff up. Manage to win again losing 1 tower. Get to results screen, and according to their system I am now in league 4 with only 2 ranked games played. So now I'm wondering how much the league system matters. When I look at the leaderboards for other league 4 people, nearly all of them have a few hundred games played.

So now people I will be playing against will probably have everything unlocked and know the game much better than I will for a long time.

So I suppose the point to this is, does the league system do its job, or is it pointless? And if it does work properly, how did this happen?

2012-11-25, 05:11 PM
So I suppose the point to this is, does the league system do its job, or is it pointless? And if it does work properly, how did this happen?

This is the joy of the Elo system in any team game. It takes a while for you to find your ""true elo" at which point your rating will stop fluctuating so wildly and will probably only vary by a few points after each game. Right now the computer is trying to judge your relative skill and it only have two points of reference both wins with people who might not be at their true elo either. Expect to win and lose by large margins while the systems gets kinks worked out.

I'm also on the fence about buying the game. On one hand it's still on sale and I like MOBA games, on the other hand it's still money and LoL is free and currently monopolizing all my time. Thoughts? 4.99 isn't really a lot of money to spend on a game that will be fun for awhile.


2012-11-25, 05:32 PM
@Rothkal: You have to play a couple of dozen online games before your place on the leaderboard stabilizes, but once that happens it tends to put you in the right spot. However, if you play during hours when not a lot of people are online, the matchmaker will end up putting you in games with other players whose skill varies wildly.

@u-gotNOgame: It's pretty good value even at full price. The characters all play very differently, so you can have fun just experimenting and finding out which one suits you best. The dev team adds a new character every forty to fifty days. There's a new map forthcoming as well. And there's a very wide range of skill levels among the player base, so you'll usually be able to find a good, challenging match (provided other people are playing when you are).

2012-11-25, 06:03 PM
Regeneration is great for melee characters who are frequently trading hits. I really like to get early bash+regen on Skolldir (if my team has no healers, or course).This is true. I tend to play long-range characters like Coco and Raelynn so I didn't consider the melee situation. My bad.

So, I bought Awesomenauts while it was on sale. These types of game tend to make me a little nervous about dragging the team down (even TF2 will give me that feeling on occasion in a 24 man server), but I saw there was a league system to try and keep people of a similar skill level together. It was cheap, so I though I'd give it a try.

After installing and going through the tutorial, I went straight to practice mode to learn. After 3 matches as Lonestar (going 2-1 against max level bots), I felt that would be ok in a pub match. So I go to join a game and proceed to have fun blowing things up with dynamite, pushing the lanes, and going on to win.

Now, at the results screen I get told that I was moved up from league 9 to league 6. In one game. My first ranked game. Worry about me dragging the team down takes hold again and its back to the practice room. I play around with other heroes to learn what they can and can't do. Not all of them are unlocked, but every bit of knowledge helps. Back to another pub match to see what happens.

Again playing as Lonestar, again having fun blowing stuff up. Manage to win again losing 1 tower. Get to results screen, and according to their system I am now in league 4 with only 2 ranked games played. So now I'm wondering how much the league system matters. When I look at the leaderboards for other league 4 people, nearly all of them have a few hundred games played.

So now people I will be playing against will probably have everything unlocked and know the game much better than I will for a long time.

So I suppose the point to this is, does the league system do its job, or is it pointless? And if it does work properly, how did this happen?As others have said, it will even out after a while. Losing is part of learning, and people tend to be pretty decent chaps about it. If you tell them your new you will get a bigger margin of error and maybe even tips on tactics or builds. :smallsmile:

2012-11-26, 02:32 AM
So I played my first few practice games and holy everything does so much damage. As in, minions can kill you and stuff. Also, skill shots everywhere. It definitely has a learning curve, but it could be fun after I get the hang of it. I think I'm doing the best with Melee type's (of course best is a loose term since I'm still going negative K:D against bots) but I'm intrigued to say the least.


2012-11-26, 06:36 AM
Yeah, the big droids deal 40 damage with their rockets, so you definitely want to watch out for those. The small ones deal 8 damage, I believe, which is significant enough that you don't want to tank them for too long for risk of some other player coming in and nabbing you.

I'd advice you to get at least one health upgrade, and to invest in it fairly early on. I personally never go without the strong pills, and I usually have bought 3/3 by level 17.

2012-11-26, 01:21 PM
What I think is great about Awesomenauts is that while it has a quite noticable skill curve and ceiling it does not task new players with getting to know 100 heroes/champions. The is a only about a dozen Nauts (with 2 skills each instead of 4-5!) and the effects of their skills are simple and recognizable after one use.
There are also hardly and abilities that punish you for not knowing about them (some big nukes excluded) like -for example- DotA's Rupture that damages you when you move under its effects.

2012-11-26, 01:29 PM
It's easy to grasp and challenging to master, indeed. The abilities quickly become iconic, too, and since there's only two, you get good at using them.

I do wish there were more maps, though. I know one is coming soon, but there could stand to be yet a couple.

Also, that feeling when you beat a premade team on voice chat with two bots in your own team? Yeah. That feeling. :smallredface:

2012-11-27, 12:01 AM
Since my current favorite game has been described as LoL+TF2, I am intrigued by a game described as LoL+Smash Brothers. Since it's currently so cheap, I just might get it, but first, I really want to know some of the basics. Any of the things you wish you'd known from the start would be good to hear.

This genre is intimidating, I have 800 games played of my preferred MOBA, and I still go negative most matches...

2012-11-27, 12:24 AM
Play practice mode until you've unlocked and tried all the characters. Then play a couple more practice matches with your favourite/best character. Private matches with friends are a fine alternative to practice mode.

After that, there's nothing else to do but dive in. Most of what you need to learn about this game to be good at it is learned through playing. Muscle memory type stuff.

Learn to dodge. You can't be killed if you can't be hit. This is why the speed upgrade is so important, because everyone else takes it and most of the player killing characters are the fastest ones anyway. Most of your time will be spent jumping if enemy players are around. Jump down through the clear platforms to escape enemies quickly.

Let your droids take hits for you, especially from turrets.

Don't neglect to kill enemy droids. They're worth five solar each and they enter the lanes in pairs.

Learn to kill the solar boss creep on Ribbit IV. Keep jumping over his head and he'll have a hard time hitting you. He's worth lots of money and heals you by a bunch when you kill him. If an enemy is fighting him, try to steal the last hit.

Teamwork wins games. Stick close to your allies. Take hits for them if they're badly hurt and you're at full. Save your high-damage special attacks so you can use them right after your allies use theirs. Some characters can play just fine solo in certain situations, but as a general rule you want to have backup whenever possible.

Finally, if you think something is broken, it's probably not. You just have to learn how to counter whatever that thing is. For instance, Derpl's stun bullets throw a lot of inexperinced players off. The trick is to hit him from outside his range Lonestar can dynamite him from above with impunity. Coco and Raelynn can hit him from farther away than he can even see. Any two characters working together can come from opposite sides and tear him apart. Everything has a counter.

2012-11-28, 12:01 AM
Man, this is proving to be surprisingly difficult to get the hang of. I like Skolldir, but it's immensely hard to combo-hit people effectively since everyone bounces around like superballs all the time. Lonestar is pretty solid and hard to mess up, but I just don't seem to have quite as much fun with him. Voltar is... unique, and kinda fun, but I don't think I quite understand him.

Been practicing with Derpl lately. He's also fun, but very odd. I really wish his Nuke and Snare didn't share loadout slots, and I'm not sure which ones to pick there. I'm also not sure if I should focus the catgun or the turret first, since catgun is actually surprisingly decent once maxed and allows for kiting with the snares.

2012-11-28, 12:15 AM
Man, this is proving to be surprisingly difficult to get the hang of. I like Skolldir, but it's immensely hard to combo-hit people effectively since everyone bounces around like superballs all the time. Lonestar is pretty solid and hard to mess up, but I just don't seem to have quite as much fun with him. Voltar is... unique, and kinda fun, but I don't think I quite understand him.

Been practicing with Derpl lately. He's also fun, but very odd. I really wish his Nuke and Snare didn't share loadout slots, and I'm not sure which ones to pick there. I'm also not sure if I should focus the catgun or the turret first, since catgun is actually surprisingly decent once maxed and allows for kiting with the snares.

I prefer turret Derpl myself. My current loadout is
+ Increased life time for traps, extra nuke damage and size.
+ Range, stun and damage for turret.
+ Range, damage and attack speed for catshot.
+ Power pills, Regen and Piggy Bank.

He revolves around good timing of your turret mode. When in turret mode with stun bullets you can 1v1 everyone in a straight fight, getting outmaneuvered is what you need to watch out for. Setting up traps in one of the hidden areas and luring people into it and then deploying is a pretty easy way to get kills. You are pretty vulnerable to characters like Lonestar and Raelynn though, so watch out for those.

2012-11-28, 02:36 AM
Voltar is... unique, and kinda fun, but I don't think I quite understand him.

If you're playing him in practice mode, you're not really getting the full picture. Voltar works best when paired with Derpl, Clunk, Skolldir, or Gnaw. The first three have lots of hp but are big targets, so healing helps them keep on tanking. Gnaw provides you with weedlings to heal. He can have five weedlings at once, and if he clusters them all together you can heal them all at the same time (earning lots of money) and keeping them alive to shoot at whatever needs shooting.

A simple Voltar strategy is to keep dropping his healbot on the front lines as often as possible. If you upgrade its healing power and back it up with your heal ray, you can heal people or droids faster than a turret can damage them.

2012-11-28, 06:38 AM
I made a steam gitp group for Awesomenauts, so everyone interested just send me a pm with their steam name. :smallsmile:

2012-11-28, 07:06 PM
Bluh. Turned up the difficulty, and I can't even win against bots now. I'm starting to suspect this is just beyond me. :smallfrown:

2012-11-28, 08:45 PM
Bluh. Turned up the difficulty, and I can't even win against bots now. I'm starting to suspect this is just beyond me. :smallfrown:

Bots are actually better than most novice players because they're a lot more efficient at gaining solar. I'd recommend just playing with people instead of bots.

2012-11-28, 08:56 PM
Bots have extra hp and near superhuman reflexes at high levels. They cheat in order to make up for the fact that AI is never as effective as a human at these kinds of games.

2012-11-28, 09:58 PM
They also have vastly shorter ability cooldowns and can buy 4 upgrades per slot.

2012-11-28, 10:35 PM
Huh. That would explain some things. I'll try practicing more on PvP, then, I suppose.

2012-11-29, 06:27 PM
So, I just got the last characters unlocked. Found out I really like Skolldir and Yuri, but I also... totally suck at using them.

Then I tried out Derpl.

I went 18/0 my first game with him.


2012-12-01, 06:33 AM
So, I just got the last characters unlocked. Found out I really like Skolldir and Yuri, but I also... totally suck at using them.

Then I tried out Derpl.

I went 18/0 my first game with him.


Heh, whoah, 18 kills? Never seen that much before.

2012-12-02, 11:58 AM
I played against a Clunk once that just slaughtered us. I don't remember exactly, but I think he had like 22/2 at the end.

I've tried playing Derpl, but I couldn't get into it. The immobility stresses me out. I like sniping my opponents from off-screen and then running the hell away, thank you very much. :smalltongue:

2012-12-02, 06:15 PM
Ah, I'd been wondering if there was thread here for this game. Been playing this a bunch the past few months, and it's become one of my favorite games. Started playing just after Gnaw was released, really loving the new 'nauts.

My two mains would have to be Clunk and Lonestar. Clunk is simply a beast, and I tend to run a build more focused on bite. A lot of clunks swear by Explode, and it's certainly flashy, but I've learned that a good bite is a lot more reliable and powerful than explode, which is very difficult to land against anyone who knows what they're doing.

Lonestar I've always played as a pure dynamite build, then gun, and only picking up bull last, but as I've gotten to higher ranks I've come to respect the pushing power of the bull, especially with explode. It's pretty useless against 'nauts except occasionally, of course, but you can knock down their turrets and kill their droids so quickly that you end up putting a ton of pressure on them, forcing them to fight on your terms, rather than theirs, which is very useful.

Anyways, I'm still muddling around in League 2. Was in League 1 back when it was larger, but now it's only the top 300 or something, so I got a ways to go before I'm good enough for that though. Still, winning more matches than I lose, or at least it seems like it, and having a ton of fun regardless. Still trying out the other characters some, hoping to get a third main. I've had a bit of success with Leon and Coco, but still not sure. Maybe the new 'naut will be it, who knows.

Anyways, my steam name is Agent_Paper, if anyone ever wants to team up, just let me know. Don't worry about league, I'm happy playing with anyone, and if you're new, I can probably give you some pointers to help you along.

Also, to those saying they were worried about dragging people down: Don't be. The best thing you can do in this game is to just pick a 'naut, get in there, and have fun. If you're bad, you'll be at a low rank, but chances are if you're thoughtful enough to worry about such things, then you're thoughtful enough to do well anyways. Have confidence in yourself and just try it out. The only way to get better is to play the game against humans.

The only thing I'd suggest using practice mode for is just to learn what a 'naut's abilities do when you're first using them. You only really need to play two, maybe three matches against low-level bots before you're ready to play in real games.

2012-12-08, 08:53 PM
So, even with the characters I was horribly bad at, I tried a bunch of different builds and learned that most of them were actually crazy good. The only ones I've stayed bad with are Coco and Lonestar, despite how good they are.

Now, if it wasn't just for my main weakness in this genre: The other team always using teamwork.

Also, one little thing that's driving me crazy: I can't get my All chat to work. My chat window will only come up Team, and I don't see a way to switch it.

2012-12-08, 08:58 PM
All chat is Shift+Enter.

For Lonestar, I'd suggest going for a primarily dynamite build. The important parts are piggy bank, boots, trinamite, and one of the two power pills. Other than that, the build is fairly open. Just buy the above stuff ASAP, and fill out the rest as you see fit.

2012-12-08, 09:54 PM
So so so, I bought the Coco skin and have been playing a ton of her and having great fun! :D

Also not taking your ball or blaze on Coco is a surprisingly effective build. Her melee attack is so powerful.

2012-12-08, 11:11 PM
My Lonestar build is as follows.

Dynamite: An Extra Stick, Mister TNT, Incendiary Bomb
Bull: Super Breed 2.0, Bull Charger, Mature Ribbit Snail Slime
Gun: Eagle Bullets, Cheetah Bullets, Crystal Eagle Bullets
Misc: Rocket Boots, Piggy Bank, Power Pills

If you do well on the droppod minigame and snag the solar out of your base, you can afford to have dynamite, bull, and bull charger right off the bat. This makes it easy to push turrets early on. Keep your distance, spam bull, use dynamite on droids (preferably when they're right at the edge of the turret).

Buy boots ASAP, then an extra stick, then all other dynamite upgrades. This makes you a danger to enemy nauts while also allowing you to one-shot groups of droids.

If you're getting killed a lot, buy snail slime to knock away enemies. If you're not having a problem with deaths, you can probably ignore this upgrade. Get the super breed when you have the spare cash for tanking turrets.

Once the base is exposed, max out your gun. Fully upgraded gun can take out the base in a matter of seconds with this build. The bull will gets defenders out of the way for you, but if you're really having trouble you can just use dynamite on the top of the drill and still do damage to it.

2012-12-12, 05:23 PM
So how about that new plankton-and-fish mobster combo, myees? Voiced by TotalBiscuit, it seems. I think he did a good job, in that it sounds completely overwrought. It's in theme for the game.

Can't wait to play them, but I think some of their tricks may be a bit overpowered from what I've seen of the beta gameplay.

So so so, I bought the Coco skin and have been playing a ton of her and having great fun! :D

Also not taking your ball or blaze on Coco is a surprisingly effective build. Her melee attack is so powerful.Coco's melee is often underrated, but she can currently achieve the highest melee dps in the game. For me, all the skills are required, but the most important thing about the Blaze skill is the Silver Coating upgrade. I can NOT play Coco without that. Impossible. For damage, I focus on Ball and melee.

2012-12-12, 05:37 PM
Am I the only one around her who doesn't play anything the 'right' way? I play Gnaw as murder-Gnaw and Raelynn as pushy Raelynn and Derpl as attack Derpl.

2012-12-12, 05:52 PM
Am I the only one around her who doesn't play anything the 'right' way? I play Gnaw as murder-Gnaw and Raelynn as pushy Raelynn and Derpl as attack Derpl.

Nope, lots of people play that way. In fact, you have to play the defensive characters aggressively in order to get to the upper leagues with them. Playing defensively does nothing but draw the game out. You have no means to repair your turrets or base, so a defensive game is just a very drawn out loss.

Also, gnaw and derpl can both solo turrets pretty quickly and easily with the right upgrades. Derpl can stay out of range of return fire while protected with regen, damage resistance, and deadly stun bullets. Gnaw can spend some time chewing on creeps, then plant three weedlings in front of a turret all at once and back them up with his bite for huge amounts of damage.

2012-12-13, 04:59 PM
Talking about Gnaw, one thing that has sorta bugged me about him is how easy it is to shut down pushes with Spit. Like, I really love his turrets but Spit often ends up being very frustrating to play against. Split Spit being triggered by droids doesn't really help to alleviate that.

2012-12-13, 06:33 PM
It was worse on the day they patched in lingering spit, when split spit didn't erase the original two. You'd end up with about a dozen patches of death covering every surface.

You just have to practice jumping over and avoiding the spit though, same with Yuri's mines. The characters with double jump/hovering and long range attacks have a much easier time doing so, though. I can see how Leon or Froggy would be made miserable by it.

2012-12-14, 08:14 AM
It's not really spit via 'nauts that bugs me but more the effect it has on Droid waves; at least Yuri's mines are gone when they deal their damage.

2012-12-17, 02:14 PM
Talking about Gnaw, one thing that has sorta bugged me about him is how easy it is to shut down pushes with Spit. Like, I really love his turrets but Spit often ends up being very frustrating to play against. Split Spit being triggered by droids doesn't really help to alleviate that.

In the next patch, split spit no longer splits on droids.

It can still kill the droids, but that's not much different than all the other ways to kill droids easily and quickly, and it's not even the best. I'd argue that either Snipe or Dynamite is the best for that.

The Succubus
2012-12-17, 02:20 PM
I really like Froggy G's stun. If you time it right, a high damage team mate can then charge in and own face.