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View Full Version : Can't find a feat

Heilmut Von L.
2012-11-23, 03:15 PM
Months ago, I've read a feat (maybe a class ability) that let you move a tripped opponent in a certain area. I can't find it anymore, can someone help me?

2012-11-23, 03:21 PM
Great throw? (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ask/20060413a)

Heilmut Von L.
2012-11-23, 03:29 PM
Maybe it was this but I don't remember that it involved only unarmed strikes.

Anyway, thank you!

2012-11-23, 03:56 PM
Shock Trooper lets you aim a bull rushed foe, but you do get a trip attempt if you knock them into another enemy. Maybe that's it?

2012-11-23, 04:08 PM
Shock Trooper - Domino Rush — does this the other way around ?

Heilmut Von L.
2012-11-23, 04:11 PM
Uhm, Shock Trooper sounds good now that I've discovered it XD Unfortunately it's not the thing that I'm looking for, I remember that this feat/ability let you move an already tripped opponent.

Maybe my memory is fooling me but let's keep this topic up!

UPDATE: I've found it! It's not a feat, it's a Setting Sun manoveur named Mighty Throw:

As part of this maneuver, you must succeed on a melee touch attack against your foe. Resolve the throw as a trip attempt (PH 158), but you do not provoke attacks of opportunity, and your opponent cannot try to trip you if you lose the opposed check. You can use your Dexterity or Strength modifier, whichever is higher. You gain a +4 bonus on the ability check.
If you succeed in tripping your foe, you throw it up to 10 feet away from you. The target falls prone in the destination space. You choose where it lands. You must place the target in an empty space. If you lack the distance to throw your target into a clear space, it falls prone in its current space.
An enemy you throw with this maneuver does not provoke attacks of opportunity for passing through enemies’ threatened areas as part of the throw, and you can throw an enemy through occupied squares.

Thanks to all!