View Full Version : Need help set up an encounter.

2012-11-23, 10:01 PM
Ok.. the PC group..

will be of 4 ppl...
1 rogue
1 barbarian
1 arcane caster
and 1 ranged char (no class or build decided yet)

they will be lvl1..
they will create chars with 50points system, they will get approx. 2ce starting skill points,
1 extra feat each (maybe 2) and 10k gold each to spend on gear before the
campaign starts.
The point of the above is to test the group... i told em..
"you get OP with abilities,skills and money... i expect you successfully deal with
anything i throw on you (reasonable encounters.. not a flight of Reds)"

1). What CR is this group??
2). For their 1st fight i thought a group of mercenaries with the following tactics:
1 Wiz, 2 X(i need your help here) and 1 Y(need your help here too)
The 2 X will be some kind of master trippers & dissarmers (or 1 of each) that will
run around the battlefield tripping and dissarming
The wiz will have 2 wands.. 1 haste and 1 slow... he will 1st haste all his group & then slow the PC group...
after that either he will follow with grease(double the area & that feat he changes
the shape of the effect) either with 1 or 2 offensive spells...
now the Y...
what should he be? a divine caster to heal the Xs ? a 2nd arcane caster with
offensive spells? a ranger perhaps?

So.. i need a build for the X1 (tripper) and X2 (dissarmer)
Suggestion for the Y..

the Xs wil not do any dmg to PCs... their job will be just to trip and dissarm..
if 1 or both Xs left as last opponent(s) he will flee...
Wizard : He only do what i described above... if he is the last alive he will give
a brief speach and attempt to suicide (PCs need to capture him for intel)
Y: well as i see it he has to be the dmg dealer or dmg/cure dealer...
he fights till death.

So far i only thought of these..
maybe some Tanglefoot bags to deal with Xs until Y is dealt with...
and some ranged attacks at wiz's wands to before all PCs got slowed...

The encounter will most likely take place in the wilderness , maybe a clearing
in the woods, where the npcs had their camp for the night...

uh.. smthing more.. the npcs must be of the following races: humans or elves
they will be created on a 28 points system, with double their normal feats & starting skill
points and each with gear cost no more than 200g (except wiz's wands ofc)

Wizard has to be the higher lvl among them...

so... can you help with those builds plz?? :)

Edit: it;s a 3,5E .. all sources allowed ,no homebrew or magazines..
Remember.. they should be able to deal with them and not die in their 1st session :P

2012-11-25, 03:51 AM
Really? not one?