View Full Version : Creating a race for a campaign world, looking for opinions

2012-11-24, 12:40 AM
I'm fairly new to D&D, as I only started playing about 8 months ago (3.5e), and my group doesn't play too often. That being the case, I have done a ton of reading on things, but I just don't have a lot of practical experience with the game as it progresses to higher levels (we've been playing the Shackled City adventure path, and between the infrequent play schedule and us wasting way too much time in the dungeon on the first quest, we've only gotten our characters up to level 4).

Because I do want to play more, I've considered running a game myself with some other friends, most of which would be new to the game. I wanted to create my own campaign world, and as part of this, I wanted to create a race unique to my world, as well as one that's fairly unique to the D&D world (at least as far as I've seen).

I've created a race, but because of my limited experience, I don't know how balanced this race is. Is it too strong? Too weak? I figured I'd ask around here, and see what the feedback is. I haven't written up much in the way of fluff for the race yet, since I'm more worried about the mechanics at this point, which are as follows:


Physical Description: Atelidae are similar to a large spider monkey in appearance, but with the stature of a standard humanoid. Atelidae range between 3' to 3.5' tall, and weigh about 40-45 lbs. They reach adulthood around 15 years old, and live to around 60 years, though some can live to around 80 years.

Alignment: Atelidae are commonly chaotic. Though some are neutral, they are rarely lawful. There is no specific tendency towards good or evil.

Racial Traits:

-2 STR, +2 DEX

Small (+1 AC, +1 bonus on attack rolls, +4 bonus on hide checks. 3/4ths carrying capacity of a medium character)

Base land speed: 20'

+4 racial bonus on hide and move silently checks

Prehensile Tail: Atelidae have a prehensile tail, which is capable of supporting itself while hanging from a surface that it can wrap the tail around, such as a tree branch, and is also capable of grasping or carrying any object you could normally carry in one hand. They can transfer an item to or from their tails, as long as either the tail or the hand they are transferring the item to is otherwise free. If an Atelidae is carrying an object with its tail and a hand and wishes to swap objects between the two, the action is treated as though you were drawing a weapon.

When the tail is not carrying an item, you gain a +2 competence bonus on climb, escape artist, and grapple checks. Additional uses of the tail can be gained through the feat Prehensile Tail Dexterity, which can be taken up to three times, each time granting more options to the use of the tail.

Disguising as a creature without a tail is an automatic failure if the tail is seen {Spot DC: 0, though there are situations that may give a modifier to this, such concealing the tail within trousers (+25 to DC), or within a garment that is concealed from rear view by robes (removes the opportunity to Spot)}.

Even if this spot check is failed by an observer, there is a -2 to disguise checks made as a creature without a tail if the area where the tail is concealed can be seen.

Stability: Atelidae are exceptionally stable on their feet in combination with the use of their tails. Atelidae gain a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when climbing on a surface that it can grip with its tail, or standing on the ground (but not when flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground). This ability is negated if it is holding an object with its tail, as it needs its tail to brace itself in such situations. It can choose to release the item as an immediate action to retain the benefit of stability.

Favored class: Rogue

Prehensile Tail Dexterity (feat): This feat can be taken up to three times. If taken once, an Atelidae can use its tail to stow or retrieve an item, including a weapon, just as you would be able to do with a hand, and is able to use its tail to activate rods and wands. Additionally, it can use its tail to drink from an unstopped potion or glass, or swap an item held in its hand with an item held with your tail once per round as a free action, enabling you to, for example, switch the weapon in your hand with a potion held in your tail, so that you can unplug and drink the potion as a standard action.

When taken a second time, an Atelidae also gains the ability to hold a buckler or light shield, freeing its normal hand while still providing a bonus to AC. It still incurs any armor check penalty or other drawbacks of holding the shield, and is subject to normal penalties if it is not proficient with the shield. Additionally, when this feat is taken, the character becomes proficient with shields (except tower) if it has 3 rogue levels, or upon taking its 3rd level in the rogue class.

When taken a third time, an Atelidae also gains the ability to wield a light weapon as though it were wielding it in its off hand. If you wield a weapon with your tail in addition to wielding two other weapons, you take an additional -2 to your attack roll with the tail.

I was also considering changing around certain aspects not relating to the tail to provide different bonuses, such as +2 to listen checks, low light vision, and/or 30 foot land speed (such as a Whisper Gnome gets despite being a small creature) if the balance should be deemed in need of adjustment in a way that would favor those changes. Any thoughts on how I can improve upon this race or general feedback as to your opinion would be appreciated. Thank you.