View Full Version : Centaurs and Equipment

2012-11-24, 02:17 PM
So, got another character killed (I seem to be getting better at this...)
I decided the replacement would be a Centaur Knight
In "Races of the Wild" it lists Centaurs (with all of their RHD) as Large. No if's. No but's. No explanation.
Does this mean the character will wield Large weapons (as indicated by a Centaur's size) or Medium weapons (because "everyone knows it's a human proportion torso on the front")
I know the character's barding will be large. Not arguing that one. But for the weapons I can see both sides (and as a player, I want 'Large' lol)

2012-11-24, 02:20 PM
Large weapons. Unless their entry (either in Monster Manual 1 or Races of the Wild) says they can only wield Medium weapons, they are intended to wield weapons of their own size (that pretty much goes for everything, with the exception of creatures with the Powerful Build and Slight Build abilities).

Yuki Akuma
2012-11-24, 02:24 PM
Considering the Cenutar in the Monster Manual owns a longsword that deals 2d6 damage, yes, they wield Large weapons.

2012-11-24, 02:29 PM
Thanks for the quick response :)
~little snoopy dance~

2012-11-24, 02:31 PM
If you feel the need to justify it, one point to make is that one of the major limits on a weapon's size comes from balance considerations. A Large creature has a more solid footing and has the leverage to use larger weapons.

2012-11-24, 05:15 PM
On a side-note, centaurs in PF have the "undersized weapons" property (so they use medium).
Our party's centaur monk was very unhappy about this, but we let his hooves deal large-sized damage.

2012-11-26, 08:29 AM
On a side note (but still on topic..)

Costs for making armour for Centaurs.
I have decided on Adamantine Full-Plate Barding.
PHB says Full Plate for a non-humanoid costs 4x to make, and weighs 2x.
DMG says Heavy Armour from Adamantine costs +15k

I discussed this with my GM yesterday, and we decided that +15k was letting me off lightly, but charging +60k was extortionate, so the armour ended up costing 36,600gp (x4 to production cost, x2 to material cost)

I just wondered what the playground thought on the matter.

2012-11-26, 08:44 AM
The multiplication happens after you decide on the material. Especially for a large creature, you're using more material than with a regular suit. It sucks, but them's the breaks. It's a very human(oid)-centric game.

2012-11-26, 08:53 AM
I understand the size multiplier. That's why we came to 37k instead of 21k.
it's the 'non-human' additional multiplier (considering solely the amount of material used) that I object to.

"Oh, I have a tail instead of two legs, so my breastplate costs twice as much" being the silliest example I can think of.

2012-11-26, 08:59 AM
"Oh, I have a tail instead of two legs, so my breastplate costs twice as much" being the silliest example I can think of.Blame the lack of called shots, that breastplate protects your neck, elbows and toes just as well as it protects your breast.

2012-11-26, 09:20 AM
Blame the lack of called shots, that breastplate protects your neck, elbows and toes just as well as it protects your breast.

Pretty much. That breastplate is still protecting that tail and your ankles as well.