View Full Version : [Star Wars; Saga] Dark Discoveries

2012-11-25, 01:20 PM
Pilots, officers, and various crew members of space ships mingled freely with merchants both local and alien among the many tables that occupied the main portion of the Shady Cove. Quite a few locals lingered in the shadows of the perimeter, spending their time off soaking up cheap booze in the local tavern. A band belted out a popular local favorite on the main stage along the left wall. A long bar stretched along the back wall opposite the main door. There were few open seats anywhere, limited to a few among the various tables and several at the bar.

Many heads, and a few eyestalks, turned to gaze, albeit most briefly, at the dark robed figure standing suddenly in the main doorway. None recalled the door opening, though few ever paid much attention to that, unless they were hiding from someone specific. Thin white fingers slid slowly from the sleeves of the outer black robe, rising slowly along the hem to the voluminous hood, then curled slowly around the edge and slipped back the black silk cowl. A thin albino face was revealed, framed by long, loose, thin hair so white it seemed to glow. The piercing, dark red eyes slid slowly around the room as his hands dropped to his sides, to slip nearly all the way back into the sleeves.

Wordlessly scanning the place, the pale, frail human shrugged off the outer robe, which slid off slender shoulders silently to be snatched from behind by a quick android arm. Folded and stored swiftly, the small droid hidden behind him activated the door and went back outside with a beep. A small black and silver probe flew in and up to the smoke obscured ceiling just before the door closed.

The albino was rare enough to be memorable, and the dark clothing under the robe indicated upper class. Most notable among his possessions were a comlink worn on the right wrist, a dark red ring on the left hand attached to a thin bracelet by a small chain on the left wrist, and the dark handle of what one could only guess was some weapon (light saber for those who would know, or roll knowledge) on his belt.

Clasping his hands together in front of him, casually resting his forearms on the weapons belted at each hip, the dark clad albino human casually walked directly toward the main bar. He focused his oddly potent and intimidating gaze at a table along the right wall where a group of well known mercenaries were gathered. Even after he passed and turned to look at the bar, those at the table felt as if he was somehow still watching them.

Turning his head ever so slightly as he approached the bar, the albino leaned forward and spoke softly to the rotund bar manager, who had hustled over to meet him. Raising one hand to his chin, the albino smiled slightly and nodded once to the manager as the large man replied with a hearty chuckle. Serving the pale stranger a clear drink, the fat manager then squeezed through a tight door behind the bar and vanished. Picking up the small glass, the albino held it without a taste as turned his back to the bar and scanned the room again visually. Settling his disturbing gaze on the table he had previous singled out, he slowly sipped the clear and potent liquor.

Each of those at that table heard a clear soft voice in their mind, somehow certain it came from this albino, “If you have no fear of the Force and those who use it, you are foolish. If you can work well without letting it interfere in the performance of assigned duties and tasks, I have a profitable proposal.”

Draining the drink in one gulp, he sat the glass on the bar and slowly approached the table...

2012-11-25, 03:58 PM
Alynkar's ears perked right up as words started appearing in his head, and he looked around, trying to find the source. Then he checked his commlink for messages, before recognizing telepathy at work.

Looking down on the approaching albino, he said, "I fear nothing within arm's reach. What's your proposal?"

2012-11-25, 06:49 PM
The albino smiled slightly and stopped as he neared (10' away) the table he had focused on for some time. In a strangely lilting tone, his voice was barely above a hoarse whisper in a slightly high pitched, “I need a crew who are willing to undertake an extended mission on my interstellar ship, an alien prototype. Any who wish to discuss the specific business proposal and conditions, meet me in room 7A within the hour. Until then, drinks, food, and any other entertainments this place offers is on me.”

As he turned to walk toward the stairs, a very attractive, dark haired young human waitress seemed to appear out of nowhere, as if in response. The truth was that she simply slipped stealthily into view near the table to meekly offer her services with a submissive smile.

2012-11-25, 08:43 PM
Varikas makes a UTF check to avoid being sensed by the obvious Sith:


2012-11-25, 11:28 PM
At the sounds of the voice in his head, Kir looks up. Listening to the proposal Kir is immediately interested. Watching the pretty serving girl walk into view, he decides that he may like his new patron. After the albino leaves, Kir will motion for the girl to come and sit on his lap, giving her bottom a slap once she gets close.

UtF to block sensing:

2012-11-26, 01:52 AM
OOC:Just to move things along... and show sample of quick combat. You can post as you will up this point.

The winsome wench gleefully cooperates, whispering others were available too if desired...

Meanwhile, a heavily armored Trandoshan stood from a table at the foot of the stairs and stepped right in the path of the albino (15' away) as he drew a blaster pistol in one hand and a light saber in the other. Aiming the blaster at the albino and igniting the bright red light saber, he spoke through a translator in its helmet, through which the voice had a hollow sound, “So we meet again, Kelric the Cursed, though I’ve grown much stronger in the Force than in our last encounter. I have trusted allies nearby, there is no escape this time, so come along quietly.”

Rd 1
While the reptilian humanoid spoke, the albino human nimbly whipped his thin, pale right hand up to launch a Force Attack to disarm the foolish antagonist, drawing and igniting his own maroon light saber in his left hand.

A short verbal snarl exploded in a booming rage of instant anger in reply as he stepped forward (5'), “We shall see, Floikun the Fool, certainly no escape for you this time!”

UTF (Full Rd +Force Pt to Force Disarm(1) on lt saber) 40 vs rebuke(1) 27 = destroyed!
Quick draw lightsaber...

As the light saber flew from the Trandoshan ‘s hand, crushed into useless pieces in midair by the dark power of the albino, a pair of dark robed humans fired blaster pistols at the albino from the top of the stairs. Ignited light saber in hand, he stood ready to deflect and redirect if either hit, but both shots were ill aimed and missed entirely.

23, 21 both miss refl def

The Trandoshan initially gasped in surprised fear at losing his primary weapon so easily, glancing at the blaster briefly. But even so, his words were not entirely empty, since he held other threats at hand, beyond the obvious pistol which he clearly distrusted. He stepped back toward the stairs (5') and immediately launched dark lightning at the albino, who seemed to absorb it with his light saber and a maniacal laugh.

UTF (Force Lightning1) 25 vs Rebuke(1) 43

Rd 2
With a quick glance toward those at the table, clearly indicating they should not get involved, he turned and nearly spat a vitriolic reply, “Now you will all pay for your foolish insolence!” The albino violently flung the Force up the stairs, basing the slam attack on Floikun and including both humans.

UTF 49 (Force Slam1) 14 dmg + all prone

The humans scrambled to their feet and scuttled back in opposite directions in the hall to try getting out of range and flee.

Stand and withdraw action

The Trandoshan nimbly jumped to his feet and desperately tried to grab the albino by the throat with the Force. Cackling with glee, the hissing reptilian seemed to prevail in that contest, only to be overcome by the hand of destiny!

Acrobatics 25 DC 15 stand as swift action
UTF (Force Grip) 30 vs Rebuke(2) 28 BUT Use Destiny Point to avoid attack!

Rd 3
Kelric crackled with power as he laughed, launching dark lightning at Floikun, “You have made your last mistake fool... now you die!”

Force Lightning 42 vs Refl def 21 = 21Damage

A quick use of force grip brutally crushed the throat of his foe. The albino then stepped lightly around the corpse and walked steadily up the stairs.

UTF 43 (crit) 55 dmg = DEAD

Lightsaber still ignited and in hand for defense, he spoke calmly to the humans, “There is no place to hide, run though you may. Face me now, and I shall reasonably consider continuing your pitiful existence.”

(2) Mind Trick UTF take 10 +23 = success

Ha 14
Hb 14

2012-11-26, 10:11 AM
As the fight breaks out, Kir tosses the girl off his lap and stands, preparing to pull a weapon out, should his potential new patron require assistence. At the signal to back down, Kir will ease slightly, but still be prepared to get involved should it look beneficial.

2012-11-26, 01:00 PM
Varikas continues to sit and enjoy his drink as the fight goes on around him. After all, this "employer" is supposedly a Sith... If he can't deal with such obvious amateurs on his own, then he's not worth wasting any time on.

2012-11-26, 02:24 PM
OOC Though only a couple of posts so far, all can post anything they like. I edited the end of the last post, the pair of human vanish mysteriously...

I may not have computer access for a few days after today, so this will set up the next part, and allow for character interaction and questions...

An hour later in room 7A, the albino human began amicably, “My name is Kelric, as some of you may know. The incident below occurred at an unfortunate time. If inevitable, fate often times such things in a fickle way. Perhaps it served another purpose, perhaps not, regardless we shall proceed.”

Activating his wrist com link, a small holographic image of a strange looking ship appeared above his arm as he continued in a serious tone, “The ship contains sufficient supplies for months, minimum. Our destination lies well beyond the outer rim, in a system thought to have been extinguished in a nova thousands of years ago. The ship was built there, in a civilization devoted to ancient and alien tribal traditions of the Force, known in their lore as The Flow or simply magic. The remains of the largest moon still exists, essentially a small planet. It mysteriously defies location by all scans and probes, its ‘magic’ somehow sustaining and suspending it in time with The Flow. My Master has made it possible for me to find it, with certain assistance.”

Turning off the holograph he added arrogantly, “Our goal, or destiny if you will, is to travel there to discover what secrets we can divulge, and gain what powers and other resources we can exploit. What we find in terms of traditional wealth you can do with as you wish. My only interest is unique artifacts, knowledge, and alien resources. Those we will divide equitably among us. We leave no living witnesses to any part of our mission along the way.

The android is programmed with navigational instructions, only enacted with the proper security codes while correctly connected aboard the ship. In some of these I will instruct a few of you, each in part of course. We need a primary pilot, with a proficient replacement if needed, a computer expert, security, scout, and weapons expert. Others drawn here will find some part in which to participate. I will give each of you 10,000 credits before we leave, which will be in 12 hours, and at least 10,000 more to each who survives.”

2012-11-26, 03:28 PM
Kir Smiles, I accept the mission, but wonder what you brought the others for. I can asure you that none in this room can rival my ability to pilot a ship, navigate a computer system, or bypass security systems. I also highly doubt many here can surpass my ability to move unseen amongst our adversaries. Perhaps the rest of you are all gunman? Kir's severly condescending tone lets those in attendence know of his confidence in his feelings of superiority.

2012-11-26, 04:00 PM
((OOC: Acrobatics lets you stand as a Swift action, not Free. It is going Prone that can made into a Free action.))

The Cantina

Signals or no, Alynkar was not about to miss a perfectly good scrap. Unfortunately, by the time had disengaged himself from the table and stood up, he had. Muttering an oath of disappointment, he said, "I'll be right back." He went to where the trog lay and knelt down, looking for his commlink and datapad as well as any loose creds or anything else of monetary value.

((Take 20 to search=25))

Room 7A

"So you can push buttons and hide like a mewing cub," Alynkar summarized, voice dripping sarcasm. "That's real kriffin' useful.

"Guess it's a good thing I don't need guns. I prefer the hands-on approach," he said, clenching and unclenching a gauntleted fist a few times for emphasis.

Turing back to Kelic, he asked "Do you know if any of the original aliens are left alive?"

2012-11-26, 05:38 PM
((OOC: Acrobatics lets you stand as a Swift action, not Free. It is going Prone that can made into a Free action.))

OOC Right you are, and edited it to correct.

The Cantina

Signals or no, Alynkar was not about to miss a perfectly good scrap. Unfortunately, by the time had disengaged himself from the table and stood up, he had. Muttering an oath of disappointment, he said, "I'll be right back." He went to where the trog lay and knelt down, looking for his commlink and datapad as well as any loose creds or anything else of monetary value.

((Take 20 to search=25))

Nobody seemed interested in interfering with the dangerous looking Togorian's search of the corpse, though a few watched with some interest. Other than the lightning scorched battle armor and heavy blaster pistol, the Trandoshan appeared to have little else. The finely crafted pistol had several exotic modifications and seemed more valuable than others of its kind. A careful search by Alynkar revealed an encoded credit chip, a small jeweled brooch, seven packets of exotic spice, and three dark red finely cut gems.

2012-11-26, 06:34 PM
The Cantina

A bit disappointed, h collected the stuff he had found, and made a detour to stop by the bar on the way back to the table. There, he picked up a bottle of expensive Correllian Brandy and ordered a nerf steak, rare ,to be delivered by a server of the feline persuasion.

Returning to the table, he said, "No datapad on him. Pity."

2012-11-26, 07:29 PM

Turing back to Kelic, he asked "Do you know if any of the original aliens are left alive?"

The albino shrugged slightly and looked directly at Alynkar as he responded with the hint of a smile, "Uncertain and unconfirmed, but the reasonable theoretical inference is yes, suspended somehow."

2012-11-26, 11:21 PM
"So you can push buttons and hide like a mewing cub," Alynkar summarized, voice dripping sarcasm. "That's real kriffin' useful.

"Indeed." Varikas drawls from his seat in a shadowy corner of the room. He turns to Kir, one eyebrow raised. "Have more care with what you say, small one. There are those who would not take such... criticisms... well."

Confident he has made his point, Varikas turns his attention to the albino.

"Let's get to the meat of it, shall we? What you've described so far is a job for archaeologists and historians, not mercenaries. You expect trouble, and of a scale and scope you aren't confident you can handle alone. I dislike unknown threats. You'll need to be more forthcoming with details before I'll throw my lot in with these", indicating the rest of the group with a curt shake of his head.

2012-11-27, 12:04 AM
Kir looks at alynkar and grins, Well I guess we will see how useful our skills are. I hope you aren't stuck in a situation where hitting something with a big stick isn't the solution, I fear you might find yourself in a struggle beyond what your skills can handle.. "Skills" is said in a very condescending tone.

At Verikas, I don't make comments I'm not comfortable with, so I suggest you take care with the threats you levy, some people might stab you in the eye for threatening them. Something for you to consider next time you open your mouth.

2012-11-27, 12:43 AM
To Kir: Varikas grins, a feral sort of smile, before responding: "Anytime you feel up to it, shorty. You'd probably find the experience educational. Might wanna bring a friend or two though."

2012-11-27, 06:54 PM
"Keep talking like that, and I think you your skills may be found wanting," Alynkar said.

Then he was really quiet, expectantly eying the albino. Promising as it was, the offer just seemed so...boring. This angle could make it all worth the trip, though...

2012-11-29, 02:53 AM
The young attractive man in the corner who hadn't spoken up until there, but had merely been polishing a set of very expensive looking knives finally sighed, "Part of the mission was getting along and working together. If you guys can't help but hate each other, that's already a violation of the contract. Let's try and calm down, quit flexing our *****, and look at the credit value." He says his voice calm and diplomatic. The man's clothing, while efficient and not normally eye-catching, did seem to be very high craftsmanship.

2012-12-01, 04:04 PM
"Hey, don't look at me. You have been listening to this guy, right?"

2012-12-05, 02:14 PM
Kelric watched the growing threats and potential conflict between Varikas and Alynkar with a sinister smile, knowing such flexing was inevitable among such mercenaries. In fact, he seemed almost pleased at the confrontation. But he nodded solemnly at the words of Mi'kel, "If there is a driving need to establish a pecking order, we can arrange time for that. I'd prefer we settle such nonsense before setting off."

Confident he has made his point, Varikas turns his attention to the albino.

"Let's get to the meat of it, shall we? What you've described so far is a job for archaeologists and historians, not mercenaries. You expect trouble, and of a scale and scope you aren't confident you can handle alone. I dislike unknown threats. You'll need to be more forthcoming with details before I'll throw my lot in with these", indicating the rest of the group with a curt shake of his head.

When Varikas addressed him directly about the mission,Kelric nodded once, "Indeed, others are searching for what we seek, the Jedi among them. Doubtless the journey there will attract one or more of these clueless competitors. I also anticipate some resistance once we arrive, whether from the original aliens or other unknown threats indigenous to the area."

2012-12-05, 02:38 PM
Kir, having already decided to accept the mission, waits patiently for the others to ask any questions they have.

2012-12-05, 03:28 PM
"It's cute if people need a peeking order to feel special and strong." Mi'kel said with a shrug, "We're mercenaries not prissy nobles, it's a job and we should be able to work together without playing the who has higher rank. I'm in for the mission and sounds interesting."

2012-12-05, 06:07 PM
"Any time, any place," Alynkar said.

It was looking better-there was just one more thing he needed to ask. "How high are the ceilings on this ship of yours? Not all spacecraft are Togorian-friendly..."

2012-12-25, 10:14 AM
It was looking better-there was just one more thing he needed to ask. "How high are the ceilings on this ship of yours? Not all spacecraft are Togorian-friendly..."

Kelric shrugged and stared at Alynkar with a steady gaze of near complete disinterest, "The primary deck is sufficient to accomodate your size, and several cabins were constructed for abnormally large creatures."

Moving his steady gaze around the room, resting it briefly on each he slowly rose from his seat and added. "If there are no other petty concerns, we can proceed to the vessel. Remember that we leave in 12 hours, so if there are other matters to attend I suggest you not dawdle. The ship is located in the Alpha hub, slip 169."

OOC A-169 is just a point of reference to inquire for location later for any who wish to do something other than follow right now.

The sinister Sith apprentice turned and walked slowly out the door, not waiting or seeming to care if any followed him. Once downstairs he nodded once to the manager on his way out, using a Mind Trick to finalize what he previously initiated, whatever that might be...

2012-12-25, 01:26 PM
Kir will follow the Sith to the ship. He will do so quietly, keeping an eye on the others that follow, attempting to garner a view into their thoughts about the mission.

2012-12-25, 02:04 PM
Mi'kel followed the Sith as he twirled his knives. A job was a job, and one working for those Sith fellows could be quite amusing...or it could be the death of him. But hey, any job could get you killed if you didn't watch out.

2012-12-25, 08:59 PM
Alynkar stood to follow. "When do we get our advance pay? There's some things I'd like to stock up one before leaving."

2012-12-25, 10:38 PM
Alynkar stood to follow. "When do we get our advance pay? There's some things I'd like to stock up one before leaving."

Kelric flashed a sly smile, ever so slight and brief, at Alynkar. Using a simple trick of the force to move them through the small space between them, he issued a credit chip to each person who agreed. With a satisfied tone he commented, "It is such a delight to work with true mercenaries."

2012-12-26, 10:19 AM
Kir will nod as he accepts the credit chip, Much Appreciated. He will then continue to follow, having nothing more to do here.

2012-12-26, 12:40 PM
Varikas silently follows the group to the dock and into the ship.

2012-12-26, 10:19 PM
Catching the chip in a massive fist, Alynkar said, "Well, I'll see you later," and headed off to do his thing.

2012-12-27, 08:32 AM
Mi'kel takes the credit chip and using a datapad checks the amount before heading into the cargo hold. He always carried what he needed and he'd spend the money later.

2013-01-06, 10:16 AM
As the hired crew began to gather at the shipping docks, some noticed an unusually large number of mechanic probes floating around the place. Seemingly random, those who took the time to pay close attention noticed a pattern designed to appear random.

OOC Everyone give me a perception roll please.

Perception [roll0]
UTF Sense Force User [roll1]

2013-01-06, 11:02 AM
Kir attempts to avoid the notice of the probe droids whenever possible.

Perception: [roll0]
Deception: [roll1]

2013-01-06, 01:52 PM
Hung-over as he was, Alynkar barely heeded the excess of droids unless they were underfoot.
