View Full Version : Absurd things your DM has let you get away with

2012-11-26, 04:19 PM
Fluff, RP, mechanics, or otherwise. Hilarious ideas, actions, gambits that your DM has let you get away with. Whether it be from the sheer awesomeness or that it is completely legit to even those times when the DM is too busy gasping for breath after laughing so hard that he can't stop you.

My personal one involves a certain Gnome wizard who was quite mad convincing a bunch of kobolds that the chicken wizards they were looking for were in another country. While my bluff was absolute crap he let me use diplomacy for the rolls because my character believed everything that was being said.

2012-11-26, 04:54 PM
From a Star Wars Saga Edition game:

We had recently escaped from an Imperial prison facility, and in the process, stolen a Lambda class shuttle, our next objective involved retrieving an item being held aboard an Imperial station, so I figured "Hey, we've got an Imperial shuttle, why not just go in through the front door, as it were?". After a couple of shaky, but ultimately successful deception rolls, I convince the station that we were a prisoner transport heading to the facility we'd just busted out of, and we landed safely in the station's hangar.

Then the station got a little too helpful, and wanted to send stormtroopers to help us guard the prisoners as we took on supplies. I tried to refuse them, but didn't want to sound suspicious, so grudgingly accepted, thinking hard as to how we could disguise the entirely alien party as Imperials. Then it hit me.

"Now that you mention it, it would probably be best if we took advantage of the extra guards to let the prisoners stretch their legs a bit. Have them form up in front of the shuttle to receive them."

The look the GM gave me as I rolled my deception was priceless. He rolled the hangar boss's perception, and just sighed and said "They do it"

Naturally, we opened up with the shuttle's weaponry, and took out the majority of the hangar's military presence in two rounds, before calmly collecting what we came for, and flying away, casual-like.

2012-11-26, 05:08 PM
With a 7th-level Wizard and a Bag of Holding full of oil, I dropped a whole mountain on a red dragon that tried to push me around.

2012-11-26, 06:35 PM
That I got to play a Divine Metamagic Peristent Spell cleric at the original +4 level cost when the game started before it became +6. I knew it was a powerful effect at the time, but how powerful, woah!

2012-11-26, 07:12 PM
Our 6 member, 3rd level party (a human barbarian, a dwarf fighter, a human monk\cleric\fighter, a halfling bard\rogue, a gnome sorcerer, and a gnome druid) with very little optimization other than the sorcerer (my brother) and the druid (me), was looking at facing 12 visible orcs, an unknown number of orcs in tents, possibly some other enemies in a Leomund's Tiny Hut, and a troll. After thinking a bit we remembered that our bard\rogue had suggestion as a spell-like ability once a day from a previous adventure and half of our party spoke giant. Our DM let the bard read from a piece of paper the words "have fun" in Giant, that one of our other members had written. The troll proceeded to kill 8-9 of the orcs and scared off two more. It was priceless. :smallbiggrin:

2012-11-26, 07:55 PM
Me and a friend of mine were bored one day, so we made a campaign where we were bothe demigods trying to make Io the only deity in the dragon panthion (yes, part of the plan was to kill Bahumat:smallamused:) and to make the elve's true neutral god (of who's name elludes me) the only deity in the elven panthion.
So later on in the campaign we had to travel by boat to a city far, far away. After learning this my charecter boarded the boat and layed down flat facing the stern of the ship and used his stanered actions for the entire journey to spew fire. Jet powered boats :smallamused:!

2012-11-26, 07:56 PM
Look at this.
Modern, post apocalyptic setting. The great psychic old sage is threatening my pc "Now, if you don't want me to kill you when you sleep, you have to find and kill the HUGE, HUGE impossible-to-kill monster, kill it and give me back the HUGE, HUGE head. To do so, you have to go across the desert, fight the ancient tribe of"
Me: "I shot him in the face"
DM: "Why in the earth you should shot him in the face. If you explain me that, I'll let you"
Me: "What would you like to kill: a HUGE, HUGE impossible-to-kill monster or a ugly old man?"
DM ...
Lols over lols

2012-11-26, 08:02 PM
I was playing a Warlock with the invocation that lets you pop your hand off for independent movement. Since the ability says something to the effect of 'otherwise treated as if still connected to your body', I was using it to make AoOs if I could see the square it was in, and out party's Monk would take it on scouting missions - every round, I would ready an Eldritch Blast, so the scout could use it to blast (he'd aim my hand, and I'd activate my Blast through my hand when he squeezed), with the argument that, if my hand is treated as connected to me, the square it was in counted as a square I occupied.

Just to Browse
2012-11-26, 09:07 PM
I was once able to make a character with Vow of Poverty that used Embrace the Dark Chaos / Shun the Dark Chaos to change my feats into anything I wanted, providing I paid for the services of an NPC spellcaster (which was fine since I couldn't spend my wealth on anything else at chargen).

It was for a primarily-monk character, so the results weren't world-breaking, but it was a fun exploit of the rules.

2012-11-26, 09:19 PM
My Wizard was forced against his will to help some rebels (I was just going to teleport out anyway once they turned their backs). So they expected me to help them with a wall of debris. I didn't have anything specially prepared, so I cheekily cast Acid Splash at it. The DM forgot what Acid Splash did, and is also stubborn, so I wound up blowing a 3' wide hole straight through the wall. Even after reminding him it does 1d3 damage.

2012-11-26, 10:03 PM
In one of my campaigns I played a DMM Cleric that persisted Consumptive field. I basically did the old gag where I killed chickens to buff up and falcon punch everything with my bajillion strength. I was basically the Chicken Warrior of Doom.

2012-11-26, 10:08 PM
Planar Shepherd

In a completely un-optimized game

2012-11-26, 10:31 PM
Well, we were on the shore of a lake, and facing a Glastig, who had just tried to charm my character. He made the save, and said that if she cast another spell at him, he would kill her. So, she casts another spell at him, and he activates his ring of blink, and moves behind her. At this point, the DM tries to have her leave, so he has her jump into the lake, presumably to swim away. I take my AAO, and then cast alter self, turning into a localoth, and proceed to chase her. Eventually, I catch her, so the DM has her cast teleport to get away. I argue that my character, who has no AAO, touches her, and goes along with the ride, since the teleport spell has no option anywhere that says that the accompanying creatures must be brought along by the will of the caster. Cue battle, where my level 12 character does about 357 damage to the obviously sorc based Glastig, before she manages to get a dominate monster through my blink spell.

2012-11-26, 10:49 PM
Planar Shepherd

In a completely un-optimized game

Mine's similar. Used various equipment to buff my wild shaping up a lot, and could transform into a solar at lvl 14.

2012-11-26, 11:08 PM
DM is letting me play a PF Half Elf or Elf (havent decided yet) Domain Wizard, just gave me the thumbs up today...I bet i could convince him to let me take elven generalist too....

2012-11-26, 11:48 PM
A corrupt bank we were trying to rob had a Barbazu guarding it, and as we fought it, the devil really started to hurt (second level characters with some incredible rolling) as the thing started to teleport away, the DM had us roll initiative checks to see if we could get in one last strike . I made it, and decided to grapple in an attempt to prevent an escape. Incredibly, I rolled an eighteen and managed to initiate a grapple by a single point. The round ended, and after a brief, but still rather frightening foray into the grappling rules, it turned out that the devil was still able to teleport. I asked if I could make an opposed initiative check to stab it in mid teleport, and the DM said I could try. I proceeded to roll a nat twenty versus the Barbazu's nat one. As I stabbed the devil, I rolled a 19, and critted, killing the fiend. It took the DM a half hour and six rulebooks to figure out what the heck happened to my character. :smallbiggrin:

The Glyphstone
2012-11-26, 11:53 PM
Group was hired by a merchant to sabotage his rival's ship, and were sneaking into the docks when a sentry happened on us. The Rogue, Sorcerer, and Fighter all bombed their Hide checks - single-digit totals for all, and I (a Half-Giant Swordsage) got a raw 17 with a +0. This was explained away as me grabbing the nearest shipping crate, punching out the bottom, and pulling a Solid Snake.

2012-11-26, 11:54 PM
I was at one point in time allowed to use stone shape (Or shape stone, whichever it is) to murder a sleeping black dragon of at least three times my HD.

2012-11-26, 11:59 PM
I got to play a bear.

Not just any bear. An astral bear.

I was not one of the starting members of the campaign. I was just there that week because I'd been at the previous session and had made a reasonable impression. My friend who invited me along the previous week wasn't there, so I took his character sheet and tried my best to play it for him.

While we were setting up, I told them the story of this guy (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=240649), who I'd put together based largely on the question of how many times I could fit bears into it. Everyone thought this was hilarious.

Combining those two, it was agreed upon that I wasn't actually my friend's druid and was, in fact, a bear from the Astral Plane who was just sort of futzing around with the whole adventuring thing. I even got my own custom race out of the deal.

EDIT: Also once rules-lawyered my way into dealing 150 damage with a fireball to one enemy once.

Different DM, different campaign. He was trying to accomplish way too much at once. Made his own setting and his own classes. He was encouraging us to break the system, so I don't feel super bad about it.

He had us fighting a centipede earth god or some such at level 5 or 6. He mentioned, at some point, that each individual segment counted as a different enemy. I confirmed this before I cast the spell, then asked him if it was okay afterwards. For some reason, he was cool with it.

I got away with a lot of really weird things in that campaign. I made a golem out of the bones of a god (not the centipede, a different one), had a book that let me read anyone's thoughts and, in the end, ended up dooming society.

2012-11-27, 12:04 AM
After integrating my character's backstory into the very history of my DM's homebrew campaign world, I managed to get away with having a genesis demiplane that had a stock of rediculous psionic items and even psionic artifacts.
My backstory also meant my character (despite having been dropped to level 1 as part of his backstory) had access to every psionic power ever, including the specialty ones.

I was playing a vow of poverty/vow of nonviolents/vow of peace character though, so none of it really came into play.... Until i hit level 8 and broke all my vows. The game ended shortly afterwards (due to story finishing, not me breaking the game)

2012-11-27, 12:41 AM
As an Uldra Druid the party and I were tasked with defending... something (we failed our knowledge checks)
When the waves of enemies came they were supported with archers and one small sized mage. With a windwall I brought combat to a halt and pinned the mage to the ceiling, and then used stone shape to make a giant bowling ball and meld with stone to join with the ball to get across my own windwall. DM let me crush a few archers on the way.

2012-11-27, 12:49 AM
Our level 2 or 3 party was dungeon delving and found a lever-activated trapdoor trap with a bunch of kobolds at the bottom waiting to ambush us (they had the lever). We piled rocks on top of the door and our Sorcerer rolled a natural 20 on his bluff check, convincing them to pull the lever. Rocks fell, the kobolds all died. Everyone in the party learned how to say "Stupid Kobold" in draconic and we turned their bodies into backpacks with leather-working checks.

2012-11-27, 02:01 AM
Bit of a long one here.

Custom world (airship, Sky's of Arcadia esque world). Evil-ish party hired by Evil King wannabe Evil Emperor to be strike team in the global war he wants to start. My character, through background, is the secret prince to one of the countries (though he doesn't know it at first). Adventure for a while, and his ancestry comes to light. I should note I didn't make the backstory that way, I made an orphan, the DM chose his parents.

Complete shock, yadda yadda. Then I come up with a devious plan. The party and a delegate from the Evil King (currently at war with my countries two neighbors) go meet my mom/dad and aunt (all of whom are part of the Council of 13, who advise the King and are the candidates when the King dies). Defeat my Aunt (she was annoying) in solo combat, become part of the council. Then, the party snuck into the King's bed chambers, killed him, disintegrated the body, collected the dust and left.

Huge uproar, the council has to decide who will be the next king/queen. A few natural 15+ Diplomacies later, I'm crowned King. Then, I forfeit my crown to my sister (who has been brainwashed to follow Evil King's orders), and continue adventuring.

I successfully conquered an entire country, the second strongest on the continent the Evil King had to conquer. Without a single blood dropped (ok, my Aunt and the previous King). And then turned the tide of the current war with the other two countries by making it a two-front war.

2012-11-27, 02:37 AM
In original 3.0, the Magic of Faerun splatbook has the Master Alchemist PRC. It's only real abilities are advancing casting and allowing you to brew potions of spells of a higher level than 3rd. The way we exploited this (serious character optimization wasn't really a thing yet) was with potions of Tenser's Transformation. In addition to temp HP and stat buffs intended to give the wizard the ability to fight in an emergency, it increases his base attack bonus by 1 for every two caster levels.

Now, on a wizard this basically just gives the equivalent of a fighter's base attack bonus. A full BAB class, however, can now also benefit from the effect. At the earliest this can be done, level 11, it will take a fighter from +11 BAB to +16, gaining a 4th attack earlier than usual. This also allowed for power attacking beyond the normal maximum limits. By 16th level, the fighter can get a +24 BAB, and a fifth attack if you ignore the epic level rules for iterative attacks that hadn't been published at the time we were playing.

Upon capping at 20th level, full BAB classes had an attack routine of +30/25/20/15/10/5. I also had a character who was a weapon master (this was when increases to critical threat range stacked) with improved critical and a keen mercurial greatsword stacking with the weapon master's improved critical ability to grant a critical threat range of 16-20/x4.

A year into 3rd edition's life cycle, this was an inhuman damage potential, but our frustrated GM nevertheless allowed us to do it for a while.

Edit: I also seem to recall the rather vague wording in the DMG custom magic item rules allowing us to have items that could repeatedly cast True Strike at least twice in a round, if not more. I feel like the wording of "use activated" made it seem reasonable to put it on a weapon that cast True Strike whenever the sword was swung, thus making it reasonable to power attack for +30 on every attack.

2012-11-27, 03:54 AM
I've been diligently building my cleric in our campaign. He has DMM Quicken, so that's already powerful at low lvl. Now I found a great feat to fit his background: vow of poverty. Nono, wait for it.... I can still use the holy symbol and I'll grab 3 exalted feats to eventually get the Saint template. A very nice gift of the DM, as a reward for my rolepalying efforts (and mutual love for clerics).

2012-11-27, 03:59 AM
One time we were playing a geslalt game, and the DM let me get the manipulate form ability.

Yeah...Pun-pun's power.

She was human, but she also was submissive and was basically a ninja maid, so she couldn't use her power without his permission. So occasionally we'd be in real trouble, and the other PC would go. "Can you fix this?"

And she'd wish it away or something.

Eventually she rose to godhood, and became "the demi-god of maids and servants".

2012-11-27, 07:25 AM
By arguing that the curst's suppression of fast healing only meant the fast healing from the curst template, and that dukar hand coral doubled fast healing (fast healing=natural healing, dukar doubles natural healing), I made a character that would frequently stand back up mid-battle after being torn to peices (fairly in-keeping with curst, actually). Got funny once I started stacking Evolved, frequently standing back up a few round after getting one-shotted (I swear, the DM used my character as a punching bag because he knew it would keep coming back).

2012-11-27, 09:07 AM
My namesake character was given a sword of absolute Vampiric Touch: He hit you, you died and gave him all your HP, permanently, with no cap.

That was . . . interesting.

2012-11-27, 12:40 PM
Decanter of Endless Water + Sovereign Glue + an item of Continuos Bless Water (in this case a silver funnel) = Holy Super Soaker.

2012-11-27, 12:57 PM
Opened the door to the final room of a dungeon where we were following rumors of the location of the BBEG. Inside was some evil sorceress (not the BBEG) with a bunch of death hulks she was controlling with a big, gaudy magic ring. I had just taken ranged disarm. I asked the DM if it was possible to shoot the ring off her finger. He said I could try but it would be a nearly impossible shot.

I rolled a 20 followed by a 20 for confirm (not really needed but wanted to see if it would be good enough).

The ring went flying off, the blood hulks turned towards her (she was closer than we were) and we closed and barred the door since she wasn't the person we had come seeking.

Ran into her later and she wasn't really happy to see me.:smallamused:

2012-11-27, 01:36 PM
Half-Dragon Kobold with no LA...

I played straight fighter to balance it out. Quite unlike the lycanthropic bard or Half-Fiend Omox Demon.

2012-11-27, 01:41 PM
She was human, but she also was submissive and was basically a ninja maid, so she couldn't use her power without his permission. So occasionally we'd be in real trouble, and the other PC would go. "Can you fix this?"

"Excuse me, master? May I grant myself the Alter Reality SDA?"

2012-11-27, 01:51 PM
Well I quite enjoyed when during an Adventure campaign I used time travel hijinks to basically 'have always been' one of the big campaign villains, then basically said 'Okay, that was enough villainy. I'm done now.' Essentially using weird logic to defeat a midboss. I should say though, the DM set up hints that this method could work ahead of time so it wasn't exactly 'getting away with' something...

Then there was that whole bit in the 7th Sea campaign where I discovered lost sorceries including a homebrew one the DM and I cooked up that created solid illusions, but you had to write little rhymes, poems, or songs to describe what you wanted to produce. Lets just say that every single use of that sorcery had the explosive potential of a literally interpreted Wish. I ended up destroying an underground facility accidentally by summoning a million pounds of feathers to break a fall. A million pounds of feathers has quite a lot of volume.

In another campaign based on Slayers, I evidently time-paradoxed away an entire timeline of the campaign merely by proposing a magic experiment involving Magic Mouth, Precognition, and Contingency that would result in a paradox, then deciding not to do it (it was implied that I had decided to do it in the other, now non-existant, timeline). This is the same campaign where (some time later) I was set the task of unsealing a volcano the size of the Earth that had been stopped up by some monstrously large persisting magical effect. I did it by Energy Transformation Fielding the whole thing into Polymorph Any Object spells, and got myself a pair of free mutually contradictory templates as a result (since I sort of targeted myself with the PaOs).

2012-11-28, 10:29 PM
I've actually got two. First game I ever played in, I was a fighter in a rather low-op group. It was a fun game until the DM gave me a sword that did 2d8+7 damage at 4th level. Which was completely non-magical. He took it away soon after, but it was fun while it lasted.

The funnier one was a rogue I once played who had ties to a church. He had a bunch of tricks and gadgets on him at all times to screw with enemies. One of which was a Bag of Holding filled with Holy Water. We ended up in a fight against about 70 zombies, 4 skeletons and a vampire or two. I won initiative, and proceeded to open and dump the contents onto the heads of all of the undead in a tsunami of holy water. All of them were instantly obliterated.

2012-11-28, 11:44 PM
SW Saga Edition game, my GM let me roll up a Combat Droid with a shoulder-mounted heavy blaster rifle and another wielded in his other two hands, using the Dual Weapon Mastery feats. I one-shotted a Rancor at like level 6 with that droid. Good times.

2012-11-28, 11:52 PM
D&D 3.5, playing a wizard, in a long list of crazy

DM allowed me to:
Built a space station
Drop iron rods from orbit
Take out an epic level monster through judicious application of necklace of fireball (at lvl 13)
Sun Gate Cannon the mountain of celestia

2012-11-29, 12:38 AM
"Excuse me, master? May I grant myself the Alter Reality SDA?"

Ironically when she became a legit deity that was the power she took. It became a legend that she could "Clean a city with a mere thought".

2012-11-29, 01:23 AM
This is a pretty long one, it has a lot of set up.

A party of lvl17 adventurers entered a large port city controlled by a powerful pirate fleet. Apon arriving we met our party scouts estranged brother (the whole point we started the game at lvl 1), and he immediately accused us of working for the pirates that he, and his captian, where of the few who stand against them, so we set out to prove our lack of loyalty to the pirate fleets commandant. We scout the port and find 12 ships, one of the the equivilant to a Spanish Man-o-war and begin to devise a plan.

In the city, we track down some black powder and the supplies to make bombs (the cheesy ACME ones) and set out making them. While the party does this i visit the local cemetery and begin the process of raising as many deathless soldiers as I can.

Well into the night we approach the docks, with the deathless approaching by sea. Our Dragon Shaman and rogue swim under the ships, breaking holes small enough for the Halfling to fit through so she can sneak aboard and plant the bombs in the ships power rooms. While this begins on the southern dock, at the north end the barbarian, scout, and sorcerer being assaulting the ships. suddenly BOOM! the first of the southern ships erupts in a ball of flame and wooden shrapnel. Distracted by an attack from the north and the destruction in the south, me and my 24 or so deathless minions march on the flagship, ending villainous lives making our way to the captain.

By the time we fight our way through the ships ranks, the rest of the party has caught up and we chalenged the Commendant to battle, the fight lasted 6 turns, she never got to act.

At the end of the night, we did the math, if every round is 6 seconds and with the 10 round, we captured the flagship and a frigate and destroyed the other 11 ships, in one minute.

I love it when a plan comes together

2012-11-29, 03:54 AM
Once upon a time, I was playing a CG Gnome Bard with ridiculous Charisma named Gweesh. I had a tendency make Gweesh make references to the real world to inject a little humour into some of the seriousness of the campaign or to liven things up.
So, we were travelling down this dirt road and we were demanded to pay a tax by bandits. Two hundred gold pieces was nothing to my "famous" little bard, so we went through the checkpoint without problems, until the LE Warforged monk decided to break the bandit's... everything. So a scuffle ensues and the bandits are decimated. When the bandits had been stripped of their valuables, my gnome stroked his tiny little beard, plunged his dagger into the nearest bandit's chest, sawing--

"Iiii don't know that I can let you do that... what's your alignment again? Chaotic Good?"
"Just trust me? Ok?"

-- through the bandit's ribcage, ripping out his heart, offering the removed organ to his warforged companion:

"Here's a heart for you Tinman!"

The look on my fellow players' faces were priceless as my Gnome skipped away happily.

2012-11-29, 05:22 AM
A party of lvl17 adventurers entered a large port city controlled by a powerful pirate fleet.

Cool story, but ... isn't this just par for the course at 17? I'm not seeing the "absurd" part.

2012-11-29, 05:23 AM
Once, a DM let me take the Spell Rehearsal feat (+2 to hit the same enemy with the same ray every round; +2 to spellcaster level to overcome the spell resistance of the same enemy with the same spell every round; or +1 to the save dc of the same spell against the same enemy every round. Each effect is cumulative) as a warlock, and apply it to both invocations and eldritch blast.
More recently, I'm running an ogre fighter with a goliath warhammer (large size- 3d6, x4), and a focus on Str.
At level 5, I managed to double crit a minion with about 30 HP for over 200 damage. The DM ran with it and said that I hit him so hard that the top half of his body went flying and broke the door into the other room, granting me a free intimidate check with a +10 circumstance bonus.

2012-11-30, 12:22 PM
i was playing a rather unoptomized half elf sorcerer whos spells all looked like birds or rats, well the DM "rewarded" me for not being a complete moron, like the rest of my party,(i say "rewarded" because it was more to piss of the other players than to actually reward me) with a Bag of Infinite Rats. When it was opened i could reach inside and pull out a little rat made of force and it acted just like a trained rat until it died.

well the rest of the party thought it was the dumbest thing ever until they got us locked in jail and i had my raven familiar go and get the bag. well i told him to go get it and he picked it up upside down and the drawstring came undone, dumping out a massive swarm of rats that ate the guards and chewed through our door, all my sorcerer said when he saw a sea of rats 2 feet deep in the hallway was "Oh my......... ARENT THEY PRECIOUS?!?!" from then on the sorcerer got some freaking respect. lol

2012-11-30, 12:26 PM
This wasn't me, but one of my players when i was dming. They used iaijutsu focus with a net and killed a dwarf. The skill never specifies that the melee weapon has to be able to do damage on its own...

2012-11-30, 02:02 PM
I have just got into DnD, and after making a monknthat kept failing her Reflex saves to traps in one shot adventures and dying, the DM said something along the lines of "the trap being light enough of a trigger that even a stone landing on it".

So I took him at his word, and chose a monk again, but didn't enhance his Dex much to the DM's and groups surprise; instead I took Improved Sunder. I punched the wall, breaking off a Boulder of rock. I then proceeded to throw the rock down the hallway triggering every single trap and giving us easy access to the End boss.

Next adventure the DM was a bit wiser and used an Alarm trap to summon a load of goblins nearly killing us, until I had spider climb cast on me and I started breaking off stalactites and launching them at the goblins.

2012-11-30, 02:26 PM
The skill never specifies that the melee weapon has to be able to do damage on its own...
Actually, it does: the skill only allows you to do "extra damage". Without any base damage, there's nothing to add the extra to.

2012-11-30, 02:31 PM
Actually, it does: the skill only allows you to do "extra damage". Without any base damage, there's nothing to add the extra to.

So take Weapon Specialization: Net. :smallamused:

2012-11-30, 03:16 PM
So take Weapon Specialization: Net. :smallamused:
Not quite:

You gain a +2 bonus on all damage rolls you make using the selected weapon.
There's still no damage roll to modify.

2012-11-30, 03:29 PM
Not quite:

There's still no damage roll to modify.Two things:

1) Note the amused smiley, indicative of a joke.

2) Where, in D&D math, do they explicitly indicate that 0 + 2 = 0?

2012-11-30, 03:49 PM
That smiley reads more as 'sly look' to me; 'I'm joking' would be the one above it. On the other hand, if it was a joke, I'm not sure why you defend it...

Where, in D&D math, do they explicitly indicate that 0 + 2 = 0?
...Like so. But I haven't asserted that they do treat math that way. There isn't a damage roll of 0; there's no damage roll at all. For a similar case, consider Constitution 0 and Constitution -, or LA 0 and LA -. A net isn't damage 0, it's damage -.

2012-11-30, 04:17 PM
Regardless of outcome, I'm done with this particular round of Arguing on the Internet. Enjoy.

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-11-30, 05:09 PM
I don't get to play much (I usually DM, and often allow crazy shenanigans), but as I've mentioned here before, in the last campaign I played with my college group I was allowed to build a character that (ab)used plenty of mechanics to be able to run at Mach 11 while flying, insta-kill all enemies within about 200 feet of him each round, slip through walls of force without rolling, and be practically impossible to detect by magical or mundane means, among other things, and all of that by level 12 without any magic items. The other characters were similarly crazy--we had a planar shepherd, and he wasn't the most powerful caster in the party.

By arguing that the curst's suppression of fast healing only meant the fast healing from the curst template, and that dukar hand coral doubled fast healing (fast healing=natural healing, dukar doubles natural healing), I made a character that would frequently stand back up mid-battle after being torn to peices (fairly in-keeping with curst, actually). Got funny once I started stacking Evolved, frequently standing back up a few round after getting one-shotted (I swear, the DM used my character as a punching bag because he knew it would keep coming back).

I did something like that once as a DM, making an army of level 1 warlock curst that popped back up every round, since their max HP was so low that the fast healing always healed them back to full. By the fourth time the party failed to kill them (and took several dozen 1d6 eldritch blasts to the face) they started to get annoyed and had to retreat. :smallamused:

2012-11-30, 06:01 PM
Not my own story, I'm the DM. This is my player's story told for him.

So being tested by a Centaur Druid god, in some demiplane forest thing, in the training grounds. The fight is unwinnable, it's there to show both players they need to grow stronger than they are already as they don't stand a chance against what this god and his allies struggled to defeat. As they are.

Druid is Wild Shaped into Tarrasque, which is the creature they're hunting (well the one they're after is modified), with all of the Tarrasque's base abilities. It cast Control Winds earlier in the fight to nullify the Ranger and allow itself to assert dominance over the entire battlefield. Ranger fires an arrow at it and I rule Natural 20 to hit/damage at this point due to the many actors against the players. Ranger misses and arrow is now debris in the wind, gaining momentum.
Bard, who spent most of the campaign whining about the result of his rolls and decisions, asked if he could use Mage Hand on the arrow, Natural 20 to hit is ruled once again, only this time real world physics are in play on the arrow and/or whatever bit of debris is affected.

Bard rolls Natural 20 and wins unwinnable fight.

Druid congratulates them on their ingenuity and says they're still not ready yet, but could definitely defeat the Tarrasque on their own, and maybe even a Demilich.
They got to level 7 before they went to fight the Demilich. (their decision, I kept trying to steer them away)

Ranger became a Wizard, Bard became a Druid and so far, the Wizard has killed an Ancient Red Dragon while level 3, by killing a few hundred Homonculi.

Druid later decided to dump a Scrag into the sea after they beat it to 0HP. He complained when it came back for more, they were both level 4.

Whenever the Druid casts Entangle and it's anything's turn, he wants me to roll Save/Escape checks. I still let him use that Spell, and talk (talking is the biggest problem here). :smallconfused:

2012-11-30, 06:17 PM
DnD 3.5: The time Hope ate the Wurm


A huge-sized frostwurm 2CR higher than us pops out of the ground and insta-CC's our entire party, those who are out of the radius start booking it up the cliff out of their range to attack.

Alright, I'm a little girl, time to be a hero.

I make a bone-armblade with the stalactite enchantment on it with a swift-action, I run in-front of our drow warlock ready to go 1 on 1 with the wurm.

It lunges and tries to bite me, so I jump into it's mouth and start stabbing at it's brain through it's mouth wall, grappling with it.

The frost worm then breathes a torrent of ice (I'm in it's mouth! D:) and between the repeated mashings of it's jaws and the breath weapon I'm getting really low, 6HP, and the weapon has not proc'd. Getting really risky.

What I do next my party will always remember.

I eat the frostwurm.

I flip myself inside-out and swallow it whole from inside it's own mouth, turning into something like the frostworm's shape. That's right, conservative form ozodrin time!

The frostworm is now inside my stomach and I continue stabbing at it with my blade while devouring it to heal myself back, it's attacking my stomach walls dealing low damage to me-- enough for me to ride on the singe digit HP I have.

Lucky proc! The frostwurm turns to stone!

I spit it back out and revert to my worldly guise, the huge frostwurm statue stands tall, frozen in time in that glacial grotto forever.

Ninja PieKing
2012-11-30, 08:06 PM
postapocalyptic world caused by malfunctioning mechas.

My 12 year old character builds a better mecha than the ones that ended the world out of: a tank, a motorcycle, the arms of two party member, a flashlight, and the bat mobile. All of this is done with improvised tools

2012-12-01, 10:39 AM
I once let someone trap a plutonium dragon in a poke'ball. I ruled that the compression would cause a cataclysmic explosion, ala nuclear warhead, but the instigating character simply used a temporary teleport to remove himself from the battle just as it was about to blow.
When he pops back to the battlefield 1 round later, everything in the area had taken hundreds of points of damage. Nothing had survived.
Interestingly, this all happened in a small plane of chaos which was slowly creeping into the real world. The nuclear fallout from this explosion caused an apocalyptic disaster on earth, where the puzzled people staggered around in confusion trying to figure out where all the light and gamma rays were coming from.
We opted to have the next campaign be post-apocalyptic theme, and promoted the lone surviving character to godhood.
(No bottlecaps, though. Why would anyone want bottlecaps? Our post-apocalyptic currency was bullets. And they were valuable.)

2012-12-01, 07:42 PM
I once let someone trap a plutonium dragon in a poke'ball. I ruled that the compression would cause a cataclysmic explosion, ala nuclear warhead, but the instigating character simply used a temporary teleport to remove himself from the battle just as it was about to blow.
When he pops back to the battlefield 1 round later, everything in the area had taken hundreds of points of damage. Nothing had survived.
Interestingly, this all happened in a small plane of chaos which was slowly creeping into the real world. The nuclear fallout from this explosion caused an apocalyptic disaster on earth, where the puzzled people staggered around in confusion trying to figure out where all the light and gamma rays were coming from.
We opted to have the next campaign be post-apocalyptic theme, and promoted the lone surviving character to godhood.
(No bottlecaps, though. Why would anyone want bottlecaps? Our post-apocalyptic currency was bullets. And they were valuable.)

... and the character didn't eventually die from radiation sickness? Man, you're lenient. :smalltongue:

2012-12-01, 09:42 PM
I made a incredibly unoptimized bard/specialist wizard/ultimate magus in 3.5 once. I specialized in Necromancy while forbidding illusion and evocation, and took the feats for Fiendish Grafts. I would Summon Planar Ally, kill it, then harvest it for parts and attach them to my zombies (Which were either gnomes or monkeys from a monkey temple we had destroyed in 'self defense'), so I had a horde of flying zombies I kept in multiple Bags of Holding, letting them out as I ran out for an almost endless minion swarm.

We ran into a cult of demon obsessed clerics/wizards/fighters/blackguards/rogues/ect. I proceeded to diplo-mance my allies out of trouble, and gain command of the cult in exchange for fiendish grafts. I made them do mob-style work gaining the money for all the summoning/grafting, and then took them and my undead/fiendish legion and conquered the local kingdom. from there, I opened the doors to all 'evil' creatures and outcasts that wanted a safe place to live.

In this way, I amassed a hugenormous force of critters/people/farmers (hey, we needed to eat too!) and ended up accidentally conquering the world through fear of invasion.

Best part was, the base idea for the character was this guy (http://repopedia.wiki-site.com/images/6/60/GraveRobberTemplatePic.JPG)

... I should see if I still have that sheet >.>

EDIT: the reasoning for all the minor zombies was my dm was a fan of the Corpse Explosion spell from D2 so he made a dnd version... something like, 7d6 of damage for ever hd of the exploded zombie?

2012-12-01, 11:23 PM
Basically breaking the campaign.
First, this is E6, so max level is 6.
Second, the DM ruled that versatile caster can get you higher than max level spells.
So, we are in this gigantic ruin, where we managed to go fairly deep into it, and we got to a genie, who gave us a wish, which we promptly managed to get split into 3 smaller wishes, so the beguiler and the DN both wish for a 4th level spell slot, and the swordsage wishes for a book to tell us how to get out of the dungeon.
That is reasonable enough.
(you can probably see where this is going)
So, we wander around the dungeon some more, using the adamantium greatsword the undead warforged follower has(no, I have no idea where he came from, I joined after his appearence.), and generally breaking the campaign up a bit. So, we fight a skeleton horde, and eventually reach the room of the great plot device, where we are shown someone making a deal with a galbrezu for a wish, at which point the galbrezu is set free, and proceeds to start killing all of the dwarves(the ruin was an ancient dwarven city). We, a party of 3 6th level adventureres are now fighting a buffed galbrezu. So, we do. The beguiler has the demon save against all of her spells(got haste and grease). The DN summons some stuff, the sword sage attacks, and misses a lot(ac 27 is a lot). Then the dwarven balistas manage to blind it. So we manage to get it down to negative health, at which point the DN uses false life, and the beguiler uses glibness to extract another wish from him. This gives us a 2nd 4th level spell slot, which gives us access to 5th level spells in an e6 world.
At this point we proceed to point out that we just broke the campaign in half.
So, we decided to do a second game, with our characters from the first game as the bad guys(all neutral, but sort of leaning in the evil direction, except for the sword sage)

So, essentially the DM gave us the awesome version of versatile spellcaster, and then gave us enough 4th level slots to get to 5th level, where he felt that we broke the game.

Yes, not quite at the level of some of the other things here, but still.

I suppose one other thing-> we managed to convince him to let the beguiler get the shadowcraft mage abilities as a capstone feat chain, which was pretty amazing.

On the plus side, the DM was getting sick of the game, so now we get a new one :)

2012-12-01, 11:34 PM
I once let someone trap a plutonium dragon in a poke'ball. I ruled that the compression would cause a cataclysmic explosion, ala nuclear warhead, but the instigating character simply used a temporary teleport to remove himself from the battle just as it was about to blow.
When he pops back to the battlefield 1 round later, everything in the area had taken hundreds of points of damage. Nothing had survived.

I played a human Rogue/Fighter/Cleric/Black Flame Zealot in a long-term game once, post 3 to 3.5 conversion with some holdovers. Most notably being the Glove of Storing suspended effects still, so the Energy Substituted, Maximized and Empowered Delay Blast Fireball inside "Gondelagrim's Glove of Last Resort" would stay at its 1 round timer until used. It was Kossuth's Retribution, or somesuch.

I kept this for a long time, and stories made their way around about the mentally unstable human with a MAD device in his glove which gave a bonus to Intimidate checks when I decided to shut up some annoying NPC's with Spellcraft (making the bead appear and disappear as free actions, thus not reducing the timer on the explosion but letting it be visible). The DM loved it, let it stay, and I had great fun playing around with it.

Then, I slipped. Epic fight against a balor, myself and the ghost remained in the combat as the rest of the party fled. It's looking bad. I knew the energy substitution would get around fire immunity, and my x-bane ability on the kukri had run out. Death Attack failed in the opener, and the ghost wasn't helping much at that point...so I snapped out the bead and hoped my Reflex Save would help out with an Evasion to save the day.

Well..Evasion worked. The ghost was fine (immune to cold via Ghost Touch item), and the Balor was evaporated.

But, I completely forgot about the Death Throes. Oh well. :) PC Dead, Ghost destroyed as he had exactly 50 hit point remaining, and a giant frozen crater blasted into the front door of one of the larger buildings in the City of the Spider Queen. A glorious way to go, using an item the DM probably never should have let me get hands on.

2012-12-03, 12:31 AM
Taking out a sleeping seven-headed hydra with 2 arrows and lots of oil as a level 4 archer (solo).

48 hours later, robbing the mansion of the most influential man in the city and torching it to the ground on the way out.

2012-12-03, 01:58 AM
Pokemaster states that the ball shrinks the pokemon like gloves of storing, but gloves of storing simply makes an item disappear.

Donno what campaign you were using for plutonium, but I suggest using the gramarie rules for sunmetal next time and quantifying the ebbs used to power the pokeball's compression field before they fail, though most pokeballs in the show have failsafe detectors to allow the pokemon exit without causing violent release of energy. Hence the pokemon fighting their way out of the ball, which is an option the pokemaster simply doesn't have with his ruleset.