View Full Version : Help me (over)optimize my planned arcane hierophant build

2012-11-26, 04:43 PM
So far I'm building a character for a game I am going to play, planning on being a arcane hierophant when I decided to move from actual play to cheesy optimization. I'm still fairly new to 3.5 and optimization so I'm sure I've made a couple of mistakes somewhere.

Since we start the game so far this is what I have for my cheesey build

Stats: I rolled very well for stats

Race-Grey elf

I took the first level elven generalist racial substitution level


Feats: Farie mysteries initiate, and precarious apprentice (I am using this to qualify early for mystic theurge this is something that has been approved by my dm, so I don't particularly care about the debate if it qualifies you or not by RAW for this case) What I'm asking about this is, would it be worth it for me to take a flaw for another feat if so what feat?

Skills-I think this isn't needed but I will amend my post to include it if someone asks

Languaes(I was unsure if I took the right number)-common, elven, draconic, sylvan,

Spells: I think you take 4 level 1 spells+ int bonus initially with the substitution level, are there better spells to take.
Identify M: Determines properties of magic item.
True Strike: +20 on your next attack roll
Comprehend Languages: You understand all spoken and
written languages.
Detect Secret Doors: Reveals hidden doors within 60 ft.
Mage Armor: Gives subject +4 armor bonus.
feather fall
disguise self
Summon monster 1
Familiar pocket

Domain wizard- I was unsure of what domain was best to take, what do you recommend?

Familiar- Are there any ACFs that are good that replace the familiar? I am not really a fan of the familiar, but if there are no good ones then a +4 to initiative via the hummingbird is still welcome.

Plan, take 3 levels of druid, then take mystic theurge until I qualify for arcane hierophant. After I finish the class I go to mystic theurge until level 20. Are there ways to improve the later levels that I am going to go into as well?

2012-11-26, 04:57 PM
I would go druid5/wiz1/ah10/mt4.

Use versatile spellcaster and partial bab for level 6 entry. This gets you level 19 druid casting and level 15 wizard casting. I would probably go a specialist wizard route, like conjurer, for free rapid summoning and augment summoning. Costs your familiar, which ah gives back, and scribe scroll.

Versatile spellcaster gets you spontaneous access to both your spell lists, which means you can use two 8th level slots to cast time stop, etc.

If you are looking at preserving wildshape but getting even earlier wildshape entry, there's a 3.0 faerun Amulet that gives you wildshape if you don't have it. I
It's relatively cheap. Not sure on the book. Maybe MoF. Divine Minion template gets you WS for la +1, as well. Hengeyoki gets you trackless step (or whatever the prereq is), but technically doesnt qualify due to not being a
Class feature.

I prefer more druid levels, because an intelligent magebred warbeast bull polymorphed into a firbolg or wartroll, given an extra set of arms, and bite of the weretiger is stupendously overkill. Bison/cow is best animal companion in conjunction with natural bond & polymorph because it has the most hitdice.

You can also get a psychic reformation or chaps shuffle on your pet for VoP and MoI feats. Free items without havin to pay for them. Things like mental pinnacle, tenser's transformation, transformation of the nightstker, and stormrage are awesome on a familiar companion.

Unguent of timelessness on bone talismans gets you turn undead which you can use for dmm persist. It's cheaper than nightsticks I think.

Greenbound makes your summoned animals into beastly grapplers, and wall of throns at level 1 is awesome. Ashbound is kind of mandatory if you plan on summoning, and with greenbound, it's just unfair. Rashemi elemental summoning turns your summoned air elementals into god mode blasters. Use storm elementals for best results. I think with versatile spellcaster you can get cl 16 cones of cold out of summon monster 5. 3 cones per 2 4th level slots that cast with their own actions. Combine that with a lightningbolt and thunderclap effect, and you pretty much just summoned a dedicated sorcerer blaster.

All out balls to the wall druid can mimic a fighter, another fighter, a blaster, and a battlefield control wizard, but with each aspect acting on its own action pool.

2012-11-26, 05:00 PM
How do you feel about Dragonwrought Kobold as True Dragon? I'm sure there's some cheese there that would be beneficial to your build.

2012-11-26, 05:08 PM
I certainly considered the dragonwrought kobald, but I personally prefer elves and for more stats the elf could be made venerable for a total of +5 int, +3 wis and con penalties are not a concern with using int instead of con for health per level. The reason why I don't wish to go druid 5 is because, Wiz1/druid3/mt3/AH10/mt3 preserves 9th level spells on both sides while druid 5 costs me my wizard 9th level spells.

2012-11-26, 05:22 PM
For the race, you can also try killoren, in the same book of arcane hierophant. It's good because of the age statics: at old age, you get +3 mental/-3 physical scores, pretty much similar to the venerable kobold trick. You can feel free to dump your str and dex just keep con high, because you are Druid, keeping wildshape all day along!!

2012-11-26, 05:33 PM
Use /--/ and partial bab.

Partial BAB is not something you can "use",it's a variant rule that the DM may or may not use.

2012-11-26, 05:40 PM
Partial BAB is not something you can "use",it's a variant rule that the DM may or may not use.

This is overoptimization. Greenbound and rashemi and ashbound are equally absurd in the same build, not to mention magebred and warbeast on you animal companion.