View Full Version : Warforged Waste Walker

2012-11-26, 10:32 PM
So I've got a Warforged Cleric 5/Walker in the Wastes 9. Now I'm going to take on the Dry Lich template after we next level up. So what does an Undead Warforged look like? With other creatures you kind of fade away to just your skeletal system, but a Warforged kinda is its own skeletal system.

The only online description of a dry lich I could find describes it like this: "Its flesh is parchment-dry and clings tightly to its bones, and a thick encrustation of glittering white salt covers its body. A weird green light lights its hollow eye sockets."

So am I just A salty Warforged who glitters in the sunlight? Anyone played a Warforged Lich/Dry Lich before or have any input as to what that might be aesthetically?

Mithril Leaf
2012-11-26, 10:57 PM
Warforged have other components, such as wood used in their construction. I think the wood would become white and dry, while your metal chassis maybe gets a coating of salt or rust?

2012-11-27, 12:59 AM
salty Warforged who glitters in the sunlight?

you are edward cullen.

you raise a number of interesting questions. as a "living" creature due to your living construct type, you are indeed eligible for the template.

you may merely appear inert, like this cute robot (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_EXgDI8DeN_E/SU2IQHDOFJI/AAAAAAAADC8/R8b5Sa4e7YI/s400/laputa2.jpg) with an exterior that makes it clear that you have been around for many hundreds (thousands?) of years depending on your backstory.

you could have runes of some sort on your body that are in a now-dead language. you could wear clothing that is no longer in fashion if you are that kind of warforged.

you could be made of a rare metal that no longer exists

you could be made out metal in a way that is no longer contemporary (being made out of pig iron instead of stainless steel)

you could be carved in the likeness of a race of people who are now extinct

you could be the devotee of a god (or vestige) that no longer exists.

you could be made out of stone or minerals instead of metal, predating the discovery of metallurgy by your settings' intelligent species

2012-11-27, 03:06 AM
Hollow inside, possibly, or with machinery but no organic parts left.

2012-11-27, 09:31 AM
There are actually "undead warforged" mentioned in Forge of War - the "
"Woeforged." They are described as "rusted and broken." So I would imagine a Warforged Lich would look similar.

you are edward cullen.

Maenads (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/monsters/maenad.htm) also do the Twilight-sparkly thing.

2012-11-27, 12:09 PM
I see dryrotted wood with rusing armor, seeing as warforged already have glowing eyes, I think you should go with a unique color or even a creepy dim light. Maybe you've picked up termites :elan: