View Full Version : Sorcerer/Dragon Disciple Build Help

2012-11-27, 03:44 PM
Hello all,

In a coming campaign I will be playing a sorcerer by the name of Ezreal Bloodbane. Ezreal has been given to task to protect the copper dragon egg. This will be his major focus from level 1-10 when the dragon age hatches. There will an overall arch involving the new wyrmling and ezreal. At this point I will then start taking the next ten levels in Dragon Disciple. I know all this because I will be the DM. I usually play a character to help prod my players along and it's fun interacting with them as well. But anyway. I myself have never played a mage character outside of an enemy NPC. Ezreal will be focusing a lot on Evocation in particular, and I will be taking as many fire spells as possible. That all being said some friendly build advice would be much appreciated.

Thank you,

Zven Darkbrood

2012-11-27, 03:51 PM
So it sounds like you are playing a very low power, low optimization game.

Is this correct?

Or do you want, you know... Effective options (for a higher power level game) to do what you want, rather than what you listed?

What sources do you have access to?

Why do you need to build this character like a player character?

Do you want to make up the power level by adding more levels to the character, as you are allowed to do that as a GM?

It sounds like you are playing a GMPC. Why do you think this is a good idea? It takes, generally, a superlative GM to make a GMPC not, you know... terrible for the game.

I think you should take a step back, and rethink basically every choice you have made regarding this entire post...

2012-11-27, 03:55 PM
Here's what I would do instead.

*Make a support character, who always defers to the player characters, generally fades into the background, doesn't come up with any ideas, never actually attacks things, and is there to be the schmuck who heals the player characters, answers questions they have about the setting (never offering information if they don't ask), and sometimes does some minor minor buffs in combat. He should be a coward, and a sidekick. And carry all their stuff and take care of their things (armor, gear, mounts) and maybe take a watch. He is not a player character, though he might be built like one. He should look up to the player characters. If the player characters are roleplaying, he should probably be quiet. Assign him specifically as a cohort of one of the player characters.

*If you want to give him a dragon theme, do it in such a way that doesn't make him a badass. Dragon Shaman might work, for example. Don't give him really powerful stuff, but healing auras and some minor 'always on' buff auras that the players dont have to think about would be nice. Maybe a bit of Dragonfire Adept or something.

Here are the handbooks:




Note that those include lots of powerful 'PC/Spotlight' options, and suggest these. You do not want this in a DMPC! The movie is not about him! Instead, you should choose SUPPORT options...

2012-11-27, 04:39 PM
Gavin thank you for constructive criticism. And a lot I am inclined to agree with you. But at the same time, the group of my friends that I play with encourage me to take a proactive part of the campaign. I generally split my campaigns 50/50 in terms of roleplay and combat. Even in the current campaign I am running and soon coming to a close. I suggested before that I leave myself out of the campaign completely but like I said before my players wanted me in the campaign. As for the story being about me that is my fault for not being clear on the story. But I run my campaign where it is everyones personal story. I have them right their back stories and through them I make plots involving it, ghosts from that pasts back to haunt them, choices made effect the future. Going down the list to the best of my abilities from what you asked

1. low power, low optimization. No as long as it is in the 3.5 handbooks anything goes. If you find a wombo combo to make a super character by all means I let my characters do so. If it's official I'll allow it.
2. I want to know my options for making a mage, my sorcerer and effective blaster. I know there is the heightened, extend, quickened meta magic feats and such but maybe there is others I don't know about.
3. Sources I have all 3.5 books/pdf's available.
4.Because he is a player like anyone else in my campaign. I run combat of situations and don't favor on character over another. My character in the campaign I've run has been down and damn near killed in the past.
5. Generally my campaigns go 20 weeks per week. A level per session. Ending with a massive conflict of some sort so extra levels I'm thinking not.
And for the last one I'm not sure how to answer.
In terms of solving puzzles, sneaking, and anything that can shift the outcome of the campaign that's when my characters usu all shut their mouths and let the players speak. If they are in dire need I'll give them a small clue but that's about it. As for being more of a minor support it's probably for the best. But at the same time I'd love to enjoy combat as well.

2012-11-27, 05:06 PM
If you want to make an effective blaster, there is quite a lot you have to do...

This is the upper range of how to make an effective blaster in D&D:


Of course you won't do that for a low optimization game -- that's a high optimization set of options.

Here's an example of a level 5 proto-mailman that I made, from a defunct game (should be public, I think)..


Anyway, good ways for making a fire themed character are that metamagic that lets you deal half damage to fire-immune foes with fire spells... and you WILL want lots of metamagic cost mitigation... good luck!

Fable Wright
2012-11-27, 05:07 PM
First off, I advise you using the Dragon Familiar feat to represent Ezreal's bond, rather than just adding a dragon to the party. Second off, Dragonheart Mage would be a much better prestige class than Dragon Disciple; Dragon Disciple doesn't progress casting at all, and Dragonheart Mage gives you more draconic features and a breath weapon effect.

2012-11-27, 10:20 PM
Dragon disciple is not for mages, and the DMG even recommends against it. It is for heavy melee who take only 1 or 2 levels of sorcerer. You can still include plenty of dragon fluff in a sorcerer 20, because there are rumors that sorcerer magic comes from dragon blood. Or better yet another dragon themed prestige class someone suggests and perhaps some of the dragon themed sorcerer spells.