View Full Version : Has it ever been explained why..

2012-11-27, 06:43 PM
All the Officer Jenny's and Nurse Joy's are all identical looking in the pokemon cartoons? LOL. Was just sitting on the couch watching an old episode of Diamond and Pearl, and there were two officer jenny's in the same episode(Team rocket was stealing a huge diamond from a museum), and it made me wonder "Has there ever been an explanation as to why they are all identical looking? I Mean, are all they all sisters from one huge family? Cloned? what?

2012-11-27, 07:13 PM
All the Officer Jenny's and Nurse Joy's are all identical looking in the pokemon cartoons? LOL. Was just sitting on the couch watching an old episode of Diamond and Pearl, and there were two officer jenny's in the same episode(Team rocket was stealing a huge diamond from a museum), and it made me wonder "Has there ever been an explanation as to why they are all identical looking? I Mean, are all they all sisters from one huge family? Cloned? what?

I'm pretty sure they're all related.

2012-11-27, 07:51 PM
In before Ash's Coma (http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/Ash's_Coma).

But yeah, I think the canon explanation is that they're pairs of identical twin sisters who have similar personalities and career goals. Either that or Kanto has a really bizarrely specific caste system. Definitely one of those two.

2012-11-27, 07:59 PM
Also, a parody of how generic NPCs are reused in the games.

2012-11-27, 08:02 PM
All the Officer Jenny's and Nurse Joy's are all identical looking in the pokemon cartoons?

Ash is really in a coma resulting from a horrible accident. The Officer Jenny was the one who found him, and Nurse Joy treated him before he slipped into his coma.

2012-11-27, 08:32 PM
Fan theories aside, I am pretty sure they sometimes mention their cousins and sisters and whatnot in other cities. In other words, they are all disturbingly identical to each other. It may have been played as a joke early on, then they got stuck with it about 10 seasons after it stopped being funny and cute and started being creepy as hell. I mean, what kind of inbreeding must it require to have identical mothers, daughters, aunts, cousins, sisters, etc?

2012-11-27, 08:42 PM
Fan theories aside, I am pretty sure they sometimes mention their cousins and sisters and whatnot in other cities. In other words, they are all disturbingly identical to each other. It may have been played as a joke early on, then they got stuck with it about 10 seasons after it stopped being funny and cute and started being creepy as hell. I mean, what kind of inbreeding must it require to have identical mothers, daughters, aunts, cousins, sisters, etc?
Going with the theory that Pokemon takes place shortly after a devastating war that killed most of the adult population, I'm going to say that they decided to fill vital roles (Doctors and Police officers) with Cloning. It's kind of an open secret. They only send one to each town so as not to unnerve people, and all the clones refer to their "Sisters" and "Cousins", so that the few people who brave the dangerous routes between towns can rest easy at night saying "Oh, it's just a coincidence. It's not like they ALL look like that"

But they do all look like that, because they are clones. Rapidly aged and given identical training and upbringings.

2012-11-27, 08:59 PM
I know the canon reason for all the Nurse Joys looking the same is that they are all directly related to each other. The explanation is from 1 of the Orange Islands episodes.

2012-11-27, 10:39 PM
It's in episode 2 or 3 of the anime. When Ash meets his second Jenny, he asks her about the resemblance, and she shows him a family picture filled with identical Jennies.

...Or at least, that's the official story. The truth actually goes back to when the two were still in college. They were close friends, both studying at Viridian University, and, one year, they decided it would be fun to spend their Spring Break together. They flew over to Cinnabar Island to relax for a bit, and everything was going well... until they took that fateful ferry to the Seafoam Islands. They were sitting together on the sixth row, and the boat had just disembarked--It hadn't even really left the coastline yet--when the world suddenly 0n1E84/BM3.c7fM^W,.:f)p!

2012-11-28, 12:29 AM
It's in episode 2 or 3 of the anime. When Ash meets his second Jenny, he asks her about the resemblance, and she shows him a family picture filled with identical Jennies.

...Or at least, that's the official story. The truth actually goes back to when the two were still in college. They were close friends, both studying at Viridian University, and, one year, they decided it would be fun to spend their Spring Break together. They flew over to Cinnabar Island to relax for a bit, and everything was going well... until they took that fateful ferry to the Seafoam Islands. They were sitting together on the sixth row, and the boat had just disembarked--It hadn't even really left the coastline yet--when the world suddenly 0n1E84/BM3.c7fM^W,.:f)p!

Ha! I KNEW MissingNo. was an evil reality warper! They called me mad!

2012-11-28, 07:50 AM
So there's 999 of them? That explains everything!

2012-11-28, 08:19 AM
... Sorry but someone really made thread to ask this? :smallconfused:

I like the clone theory. Or the fact that genetics in Pokemon work totally different than for normal humans.
OR Jennys and Joys are just a very special kind of Pokemon able to speak human language.
OR they are related to Ditto somehow.

Pick your poison.

2012-11-28, 09:21 AM
I really like the clone theory. Think I'll add it to the ol' headcanon.

Scowling Dragon
2012-11-28, 09:27 AM
I just got it! They are pokemon hiding in PLAIN SIGHT.

Joymons and Policachus are some of the only pokemon that can talk.

Beacon of Chaos
2012-11-28, 04:35 PM
Once upon a time there were two little Dittos. These two Dittos were fascinated with humans and wanted to be more like them. Together they practiced their transformations until they could look like the humans they so idolised. Though they could only become one form of human, that of a beautiful young woman, they were happy with this. So they went out into the world. It was difficult at first. They had trouble with human speech and found human customs strange and confusing, but eventually they were able to settle into human society. The first little Ditto got a job at the Pokémon Center, because she enjoyed helping other people and pokémon. Everyone was amazed at how well she got on with the pokémon. She called herself Joy because that was what she liked to see on the faces of the people around her. The other little Ditto became a police officer. She wanted to help keep people safe. She called herself Jenny because... well because she just liked that name.

Eventually, Jenny and Joy found love, got married and had children. Due to the mix of pokemon and human DNA the children looked exactly like their mothers, though they were unable to transform to Ditto form. Deciding that it would be better for their children to not know their pokémon heritage, Jenny and Joy raised them as humans, and named them after themselves.

And now you know the story of how the Jennys and Joys came to be.

Scowling Dragon
2012-11-28, 04:56 PM
Dittoes are the failed clones of Mew. Look it up.

2012-11-28, 05:11 PM
I assume the theory that they tried to make a joke from the original Gameboy system which just reused the same sprites for everything is just patently absurd, right?

2012-11-28, 05:46 PM
... Sorry but someone really made thread to ask this? :smallconfused:

I like the clone theory. Or the fact that genetics in Pokemon work totally different than for normal humans.
OR Jennys and Joys are just a very special kind of Pokemon able to speak human language.
OR they are related to Ditto somehow.

Pick your poison.

I'm sticking with the coma theory.

Aotrs Commander
2012-11-29, 04:58 AM
Alternative theory:

They do it just to mess with Brock.

Biiiig problem with the coma theory, by the by: Ash getting hit by the lightning, the bike incident, all that; that was at the end of the first episode. That's kind of a huge thing to overlook on the part of the author. That's before he even met Team Rocket. So their decay would have nothing whatsoever to do with anything; in fact, everyone apart from Pikachu himself, his mother, Gary and Prof Oak and that one brief cameo of Misty, would be a fabrication. Including officer Jenny and Nurse Joy.

It might have been an interesting theory if the author had a) not made the most basic of errors in research and b) I hadn't known about at least three times in which the general idea has been used in other things (some children's TV show called Oddessy, Buffy and Life on Mars) that I can think of off the top of my head.

2012-11-29, 05:04 AM
Alternative theory:

They do it just to mess with Brock.

ehm... no, because Brock can actually see the differences between each Joy and Jenny (I don't know where, but he mentions that in an episode somewhere)

Aotrs Commander
2012-11-29, 05:13 AM
ehm... no, because Brock can actually see the differences between each Joy and Jenny (I don't know where, but he mentions that in an episode somewhere)

Pssh. He just thinks he can...!

Besides, you're not even addressing the obvious elephant in my theory... why would two adult women follow a teenager around to be repeatedly hit on by him?

(I think the implications there are way creepier than the whole Ash's coma thing...!)

Kris Strife
2012-11-29, 05:52 AM
I think one of the Joys was actually just an In-Law of the others. One character started to ask how that made sense but was either interrupted or just never got an answer.

2012-11-29, 12:26 PM
Biiiig problem with the coma theory, by the by: Ash getting hit by the lightning, the bike incident, all that; that was at the end of the first episode. That's kind of a huge thing to overlook on the part of the author. That's before he even met Team Rocket. So their decay would have nothing whatsoever to do with anything; in fact, everyone apart from Pikachu himself, his mother, Gary and Prof Oak and that one brief cameo of Misty, would be a fabrication. Including officer Jenny and Nurse Joy.

It might have been an interesting theory if the author had a) not made the most basic of errors in research and b) I hadn't known about at least three times in which the general idea has been used in other things (some children's TV show called Oddessy, Buffy and Life on Mars) that I can think of off the top of my head.

My big problem with the coma theory is that, frankly, it's not that creative. I mean, you can make up something like that for just about anything. Professor Kirke is abusive, and the Pevensie children hide from his wrath in the wardrobe and escape to a fantasy world! Simon and Kamina are still trapped in that cave-in, going delusional with hunger and imagining a world where they have a giga-drill that can drill through EVERYTHING! Bruce Wayne is a paranoid schizophrenic who is extremely codependent towards his manipulative butler, and Alfred keeps him from getting treatment by feeding into his delusions and claiming that the state's premiere treatment facility is an evil asylum filled with evil people! It's like the first thing you learn on the first day of Philosophy 101.

Scowling Dragon
2012-11-29, 12:35 PM
I agree. Its like a person can't accept the idea of fiction, so it HAS to be a delusion.

2012-11-29, 12:59 PM
Alternatively, the show is on a shoe string budget.

But where's the fun in that?

I'm guessing aliens disguised as humans because their home world got blown up and they have to take refuge on... whatever the Pokemon world is called.

Aotrs Commander
2012-11-29, 03:17 PM
My big problem with the coma theory is that, frankly, it's not that creative. I mean, you can make up something like that for just about anything. Professor Kirke is abusive, and the Pevensie children hide from his wrath in the wardrobe and escape to a fantasy world! Simon and Kamina are still trapped in that cave-in, going delusional with hunger and imagining a world where they have a giga-drill that can drill through EVERYTHING! Bruce Wayne is a paranoid schizophrenic who is extremely codependent towards his manipulative butler, and Alfred keeps him from getting treatment by feeding into his delusions and claiming that the state's premiere treatment facility is an evil asylum filled with evil people! It's like the first thing you learn on the first day of Philosophy 101.

Well, yeah, that too, obviously. I was being generous...!

Actually, I totally want someone one day to do one of those things where they have this sort of thing, where some (socially awkward) person in a very difficult social position has delusions where he/she gets super powers and has to fight a secret war against aliens from another dimension that only he/she can see. All played out like a sort of tragedy. Until a climax where some nutter with a gun has that character plus one extra at gunpoint or something and the delusional guy/girl stands up to him, saying he's bullet-proof because of his super-powers, and if the nutter doesn't stand down, he/she will (regretfully) have to take him down, hard. The nutter, incensed, then shoots him/her and you have a sequence whereby the person dies, having been shot, and it's all a big tragedy as the cops arrive to haul the nutter away - until the person shows up leaning over the nutter's shoulder and says "it's amazing what delusions near death hallucinations can bring, isn't it?" and then, like that one time in Buffy, we see that whole sequence was the nutter's delusion to attempt to deal with the fact that he's just been mortally wounded when the guy/girl went all super-powered on his pathetic mortal arse. Que extra character standing there going "but... but it's all real...!" and the guy/girl going "yeah, I did tell you, like loads of times, dude..."

And then the aliens/demons/metaplanar entities invade properly, and it all goes into crazy-awesome-explosiony action-sequencey fighting against the invading menace.

Or something. It's not like I've spent many hours whiling away thinking about this sort of thing. Really.

Morph Bark
2012-11-29, 04:24 PM
In before Ash's Coma (http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/Ash's_Coma).

How about this (http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/Nurse_Joy) instead?

Aotrs Commander
2012-11-29, 04:34 PM
How about this (http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/Nurse_Joy) instead?

So it's like the Pokemon version of Cupcakes, only almost impossibly, slightly more stupid...

2012-11-29, 07:28 PM
... Sorry but someone really made thread to ask this? :smallconfused:

I like the clone theory. Or the fact that genetics in Pokemon work totally different than for normal humans.
OR Jennys and Joys are just a very special kind of Pokemon able to speak human language.
OR they are related to Ditto somehow.

Pick your poison.

This is the media discussion forum, right? And Pokemon cartoons is a form of media, right? And it is an interesting subject(at least to me, and apparently several others, as they replied), so uhh..why the rudeness? If you don't like the subject matter, no need to respond, especially if you're going to open your post with negativity. I mean, you don't see me coming into your pony thread and saying "Really, someone made a thread about ponies", do you?

Once upon a time there were two little Dittos. These two Dittos were fascinated with humans and wanted to be more like them. Together they practiced their transformations until they could look like the humans they so idolised. Though they could only become one form of human, that of a beautiful young woman, they were happy with this. So they went out into the world. It was difficult at first. They had trouble with human speech and found human customs strange and confusing, but eventually they were able to settle into human society. The first little Ditto got a job at the Pokémon Center, because she enjoyed helping other people and pokémon. Everyone was amazed at how well she got on with the pokémon. She called herself Joy because that was what she liked to see on the faces of the people around her. The other little Ditto became a police officer. She wanted to help keep people safe. She called herself Jenny because... well because she just liked that name.

Eventually, Jenny and Joy found love, got married and had children. Due to the mix of pokemon and human DNA the children looked exactly like their mothers, though they were unable to transform to Ditto form. Deciding that it would be better for their children to not know their pokémon heritage, Jenny and Joy raised them as humans, and named them after themselves.

And now you know the story of how the Jennys and Joys came to be.

I absolutely love this explanation, it's perfect! I think I'm going to use it as my personal belief for now one, both with-in game and when I'm watching the cartoon ^^

2012-11-29, 08:57 PM
Simon and Kamina are still trapped in that cave-in, going delusional with hunger and imagining a world where they have a giga-drill that can drill through EVERYTHING!

Of course, in this particular case their delusion would quickly become reality anyways, because Spiral Power. "No, it wouldn't work like that, because the whole concept of Spiral Power is just part of the delu–" SPIRAL. POWER.

2012-11-29, 10:34 PM
Maybe Ash and company just keep wandering into the same town and the citizens quickly rearrange all the building and geography as a massive conspiracy to fool our protagonists. Only the one nurse and one cop wish for the cycle of deception to end and so they never alter their appearance in an attempt to make them see the light.

Tiki Snakes
2012-11-29, 10:40 PM
Maybe Ash and company just keep wandering into the same town and the citizens quickly rearrange all the building and geography as a massive conspiracy to fool our protagonists. Only the one nurse and one cop wish for the cycle of deception to end and so they never alter their appearance in an attempt to make them see the light.

It's a Truman show type setup. Joy and Jenny are a famous pop act in the outside world and frequently appear in the show as thinly veiled versions of themselves as cameos. Their repeated identical appearences and Ash's complete failure to realise it really is just the same two people over and over again are one of the show's most loved running gags.

2012-11-29, 11:07 PM
Maybe Ash and company just keep wandering into the same town and the citizens quickly rearrange all the building and geography as a massive conspiracy to fool our protagonists. Only the one nurse and one cop wish for the cycle of deception to end and so they never alter their appearance in an attempt to make them see the light.

Considering how often Ash & company get lost and stumble upon places... I like this theory. :P

Morph Bark
2012-11-30, 06:33 AM
Of course, in this particular case their delusion would quickly become reality anyways, because Spiral Power. "No, it wouldn't work like that, because the whole concept of Spiral Power is just part of the delu–" SPIRAL. POWER.


Beacon of Chaos
2012-11-30, 01:47 PM
I absolutely love this explanation, it's perfect! I think I'm going to use it as my personal belief for now one, both with-in game and when I'm watching the cartoon ^^
I'm glad you like it! Writing it helped pass a few boring minutes during a slow work day. :smallwink:

2012-11-30, 06:46 PM


2012-11-30, 07:52 PM
Bruce Wayne is a paranoid schizophrenic who is extremely codependent towards his manipulative butler, and Alfred keeps him from getting treatment by feeding into his delusions and claiming that the state's premiere treatment facility is an evil asylum filled with evil people!

That is F-ing awesome!

I htink fan theories like the Coma thing are great, as long as you don't try to act like its the one true theory! like people saying that everything in Evangelion is Shinji's dream (spoilering to be on the super safe side).

Fan theories are fun, but you really need to avoid the Ol Epileptic trees ;P

2012-11-30, 11:39 PM


2012-12-02, 06:35 PM
How about I throw you something else to grow epileptic trees with: Lt. Surge's backstory

Lt. Surge is known as The Lightning American. Apparently, he is or was an American soldier who fought in at least one war, during which Electric-type Pokémon saved his life. As a member of the army, Surge was a strict CO, and was rather cautious. He was a pilot as well, and used Electric-type Pokémon to power his planes, a practice that in at least one occasion saved his life. Also, Surge saved the life of one of the Trainers in his Gym who was in the army at the same time.