View Full Version : Forums as no new posts?

2006-10-28, 12:35 AM
In the old boards I liked this feature alot but for some reason it's not working here. Is there a personal reason or a board wide thing?

And if it's board wide will it be fixed?

And will Bookman ever get free of the giant saws?

Oh wait........that last question may not be answerable

Basically it keeps saying that the forum has "new posts" when it clearly doesn't.....:connfused:

In case I dind't make it clearer before I got random. :P

2006-10-28, 12:41 AM
In the old boards I liked this feature alot but for some reason it's not working here. Is there a personal reason or a board wide thing?

And if it's board wide will it be fixed?

And will Bookman ever get free of the giant saws?

Oh wait........that last question may not be answerable

Basically it keeps saying that the forum has "new posts" when it clearly doesn't.....:connfused:

In case I dind't make it clearer before I got random. :P

But it does have new posts, to you.
Until you visit all the threads, or until they become un-new to you after a certain time, then the "new posts" image will stop giving you a false reading.

Not sure if this board software has a "mark all as read" feature or not, but if it does, that would also be a way to get them to work for you.

2006-10-28, 12:48 AM
I've been visiting Friendly Banter and made sure to mark all of them read within the thread so shouldn't they be un-new?

And for some reason when I dropped by the PbP and it had the subforum directory and all the ones listed I hit "Mark as read" and all the PbP forums. And briefly it showed "no new posts" and even though there have been no more posts it popped as "More new" again.

*sigh* I'm so confused by these new boards

And it appears you can't mark a whole board as read.

O.o Some of this stuff is like great (Quick reply:Forums::Quick reply:g-mail) but the other things not so much *whack whack whack*

2006-10-28, 05:12 AM
To mark a whole forum as read, double click the icon that indicates it is unread. You can also click the link at the bottom to mark all forums as read.

This kind of thing will be incorporated in the new issues thread, so its locked.