View Full Version : Superior Two Weapon Fighting

2012-11-28, 04:02 AM
Hello again everyone.

Now I should start this with my players seem obviusly suicidal.

But the reason for the post is Im not clear on how the ettins superior two weapon fighting works it sais they take no penaltys for two weapon fighting but do they still need to invest in the feats to actualy two weapon fight or is it already improved or greater?

Now for anyone interested this is why there nuts

My last session took a twist since a couple players couldnt make it so I took the game in a detour so they didnt miss much story so I had them go to a town where ettins were attacking the wall. So after some shananigans in town they went to investigate they found a fortified mountain area with about 100 ettin lead by a half dragon ettin barbarian 6 and they negotiated that they would find a way to establish corrupt officials in the nearby town for the half dragon but when they got back to town they decided to build an army to attack them instead.

2012-11-28, 05:43 AM
Hello again everyone.

Now I should start this with my players seem obviusly suicidal.

But the reason for the post is Im not clear on how the ettins superior two weapon fighting works it sais they take no penaltys for two weapon fighting but do they still need to invest in the feats to actualy two weapon fight or is it already improved or greater?

Now for anyone interested this is why there nuts

My last session took a twist since a couple players couldnt make it so I took the game in a detour so they didnt miss much story so I had them go to a town where ettins were attacking the wall. So after some shananigans in town they went to investigate they found a fortified mountain area with about 100 ettin lead by a half dragon ettin barbarian 6 and they negotiated that they would find a way to establish corrupt officials in the nearby town for the half dragon but when they got back to town they decided to build an army to attack them instead.

Superior Two-Weapon Fighting (Ex)

An ettin fights with a morningstar or javelin in each hand. Because each of its two heads controls an arm, the ettin does not take a penalty on attack or damage rolls for attacking with two weapons.

Strictly speaking this is a boosted version of TWF, no -2 -2 like usual, it only mentions penalties however so an Ettin would still need Improved and Greater to get more than one attack with the offhand a round.

2012-11-28, 06:36 AM
It does exactly what it says:

Superior Two-Weapon Fighting (Ex)
An ettin fights with a morningstar or javelin in each hand. Because each of its two heads controls an arm, the ettin does not take a penalty on attack or damage rolls for attacking with two weapons.

Which means it strikes with both weapons during a full attack with no penalties, and applying full STR bonus damage to both.

2012-11-28, 06:43 AM
But the reason for the post is Im not clear on how the ettins superior two weapon fighting works it sais they take no penaltys for two weapon fighting but do they still need to invest in the feats to actualy two weapon fight or is it already improved or greater?

You can fight with two weapons (gaining a bonus attack) without the feat anyway, but the penalties are usually prohibitive. The ettin doesn't care, though, so doesn't need the feat. (Nor, for that matter, do they need Oversized TWF.)

As mentioned, though, they do need Improved and Greater to get more attacks. (Vexingly, they don't technically qualify for Improved without first taking the redundant TWF feat. This should probably be houseruled away.)

2012-11-28, 06:46 AM
Would there still be a oppertunity attack for the off hand?

2012-11-28, 06:48 AM
As mentioned, though, they do need Improved and Greater to get more attacks. (Vexingly, they don't technically qualify for Improved without first taking the redundant TWF feat. This should probably be houseruled away.)

Yes, it should. Also, since they can power attack with both weapons the ettin should probably try and squeeze that in. Throw in a casting of Girallon's blessing, and stack levels of warhulk and you'll get yourself a melee monster.

2012-11-28, 06:52 AM
Would there still be a oppertunity attack for the off hand?

What opportunity attack?

2012-11-28, 06:58 AM
I think the question is "do they get a bonus attack of opportunity per round" to which the answer is no. You can make an attack of opportunity with any weapon that threatens (in either hand) but the ettin needs combat reflexes to get more than one AoO per round.

2012-11-28, 07:04 AM
I think the question is "do they get a bonus attack of opportunity per round" to which the answer is no. You can make an attack of opportunity with any weapon that threatens (in either hand) but the ettin needs combat reflexes to get more than one AoO per round.

Ah, yes. The number of weapons held does nothing to the number of AoO's allowed.

2012-11-28, 07:21 AM
Sorry I had a rule mixed up there I thought using a off hand attack cause you to proc a opp attack

2012-11-28, 08:37 PM
Sorry I had a rule mixed up there I thought using a off hand attack cause you to proc a opp attack

Nope. Using a ranged weapon will, but other than that no weapons provoke AoOs that I know of.

Also, there's a feat (Double Strike? I don't recall the name well) that lets you make a TWF attack on any AoO you make. (But only one.)