View Full Version : Raumathari Battlemage Question

2012-11-28, 11:21 AM
Hey guys, just have a quick question about the PrC Raumathari Battlemage. It's a decent PrC I guess, basically a Duskblade that can have better casting. But one interesting thing they have is an ability called Battle Spell. This ability is a little wonky, allowing you to put metamagics spontaneously on your cast spells without increasing the casting time of a spell like a Sorc would. But it also has a defined list of metamagics that you can put on the Battle Spell.
Questions are:

1. Do you have to have the feats for the metamagics listed? Or does it just allow you to cast it as though you had it?

2. Does the ability function in the way that the metamagic doesn't increase spell level? The wording makes it funky to understand, and this sort of ties to the first question.

For reference (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/iw/20030413c)

2012-11-28, 12:01 PM
I've always used them and have only seen them used exactly like the sudden metamagic feats - one use per day, no change in casting time (otherwise the procedures for using them are completely undefined for prepared casters) and no need to have the basic metamagic feats themselves.

The writers could lay more of that out explicitly, but it would be bizarre to gain the ability to add a specific metamagic to a spell as it's cast, and still not have the ability to add that metamagic to the spell.