View Full Version : The Chosen

2012-11-28, 01:48 PM
I was working on a character last night, and realized that a lot of characters in D&D get called 'The Chosen of So-and-so.' Even if they're just a rinky-dink level 5. Why do they do that? They want their character to sound cool.

At the same time, the D&D novels and source books also detail numerous actual Chosen. Some of whom have some unusual powers. So I was thinking, what powers do different official Chosen have?
{table=head]Chosen|God|Source|Templates?|Other changes/notes
Elminster et al|Mystra|FRCS 246|Chosen of mystra|+10Con. Immune to one spell of each level. Bonus spell of each level as SLA. Detect magic in line of sight. Silver fire (not spellfire). Immune to age, disease, disintegration, poison. Never sleep
Sephris Dwendon|Oghma|Erevis Cale trilogy|Free loremaster levels?|Seems to have perfect divinations. A bit of a math savant, can know anything.
Erevis Cale|Mask|Erevis Cale/twilight war trilogies|Shade Template|More uses of special shade abilities. Immune to divination/seeking spells cast by mortals, perhaps even other Chosen.
Drasek Riven|Mask|Erevis Cale/twilight war trilogies|Not a shade.|Second of Mask has different powers from the first. Enhances weapons with shadow, can heal with shadow
Obould Manyarrows|Gruumsh|Hunters blade trilogy|??|Large, permanent boosts to Str, Dex, Con
Kesson Rel|Shar|Twilight war trilogy|Half-fiend. Also Shade|A Theurge, with Divine Rank 0.
Fzoul?|Bane|F&P 213|Chosen of Bane Template|Bonus spells, DR 10/magic, Immune to age, summon undead beholder, shadow is undead, +2 wis, +10 cha
Talatha Vaerovree|Azuth|MoF 186|Magister Template|+10 Spellcraft/Know:Arcana. Prep spells in 10 minutes.Gain XP from teaching magic. Immunity:Enchantment spells/effects/psionics and +2 holy bonus on saves. Magesight. Bonus spells as SLA. Mindblank as 10th level spell. Spell immunities 1/level and all forms of magical writing. Step through magic barriers under level 6. Spell focus all schools. Imbue with spell ability.

Also, what powers would it be appropriate to grant to a character you want to be called Chosen? This is mostly because it always bothers me to see that level 5 cleric going about calling himself a Chosen.
On this subject, I got nothing except maybe:
Earth God granting the Mineral Warrior template to his Chosen.
Bahamat would probably have his non-dragon Chosen be Dragonborn. For his dragon Chosen, I'm not sure.

2012-11-28, 02:54 PM
There is Magister (chosen of dieties of magic to promote it) in Magic of Faerun (p185) and Chosen of Bane (Faiths and Panths p213).

2012-11-28, 03:20 PM
The ELH has several Chosen of Mystra in it. They seem to share a +10 Constitution bonus, a choice of one spell per level to be permanently immune to, somewhere in the neighbourhood of 8 1/day SLAs (varies by person), (Su) permanent Detect Magic on everything in line of sight, and Silver Fire.

2012-11-28, 07:35 PM
There is Magister (chosen of dieties of magic to promote it) in Magic of Faerun (p185) and Chosen of Bane (Faiths and Panths p213).

Added/updated the chart.
Thank you.

2012-11-28, 07:46 PM
Well. Technically. The only requirement for saying you are the chosen, or the chosen one, is being chosen. For anything. One of my characters calls himself the chosen, because he was chosen to wear a hat to present to the king. When someone asks why he is the chosen, he just says "I was chosen"

2012-11-28, 07:59 PM
For the Bane one, you reference DR 10/+1. That's just DR/Magic, now. That changed with 3.0 => 3.5.

2012-11-28, 08:24 PM
For the Bane one, you reference DR 10/+1. That's just DR/Magic, now. That changed with 3.0 => 3.5.

Yeah, couldn't find the 3.5 update file.
Sometimes they change from DR /+X to DR /magic or /material

Well. Technically. The only requirement for saying you are the chosen, or the chosen one, is being chosen. For anything. One of my characters calls himself the chosen, because he was chosen to wear a hat to present to the king. When someone asks why he is the chosen, he just says "I was chosen"

Yeah, technically all clergy are chosen when they're called. But game mechanics offers something for someone who was Chosen with a capital C that's a bit different.
Part of the reason for this thread is to find ideas on what a character might have when they call themselves Chosen. Like I wouldn't call a character the Chosen of Shar or Mask without some sort of shadow/dark themed template or abilities.

2012-11-28, 08:27 PM
While it does onjoy a "special relation" with Mystra, the Magister is the chosen of Azuth only.