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View Full Version : Solo game based on a pc game?

2012-11-28, 05:45 PM
Okay, this is going to be a multipart question...I wasnt sure whether to post it here or the 3.5 section, since it will probably be played in that but undecided yet.

I've wanted to try my hand at DMing for a while, and some months ago I had the idea for a Baldur's Gate game..which I forgot about until I just saw another thread about a BG roleplay. The other half usually DMs, and I'd like to give him a chance to be a player at some point. I tried to get him into Baldur's Gate (my favourite game) ages ago but he didnt like the old edition rules, so all he really knows of it is what I've told him and who some of the more popular characters are ie. Minsc

So, 1. Following loosely the plot of the PC games, could it make a good tabletop for 1 player? I don't have enough experience to make up my own campaign entirely, and I absolutely loved Forgotten Realms.

2. What are some general tips for DMing for a single player, in particular this world? We're likely to play pathfinder with 3.5 content converted

3. What changes would probably be needed, storywise or other? I loved having the other characters in my party, but 5 npcs following him around isnt particularly wanted, but it's so centric to the bhaalspawn a full group of players wouldnt work either. Also, I believe all he really knows about the plot is the main character was the child of a god, though Im not sure I'd want to follow the plot precisely.

Edit: 4. If I recall correctly, in the PC games, the first game ended around lvl 7, the 2nd I think made it to 14ish (or did it start at 14? I always played a multiclass and forget how it worked) and throne of bhaal made it up to 20. That worked there, but considering we always played with usually 1 level being awarded after a full session rather than tracking individual xp, it wouldn't last the whole saga. I've never touched epic lvls in a tabletop and not sure I want to..not sure how to handle this since its a lot to pack in if I stuck to the system we always used.

2012-11-28, 06:34 PM
One of the big things is to figure out what kind of support he's going to need. Let him pick a character, and then figure out who he needs around him (not necessarily on his adventures, but in his stable of contacts) to help him out.

He's playing a fighter? He's going to need a cleric on tap for healing spells and the like (at least until he gets his Bhaalspawn abilities). If he picks a rogue with UMD, make sure to drop UMDable items into the treasure... not just because he's got it, but because it allows him to be mostly self-sufficient.

Establish NPCs, but limit their availability. No, the priest CAN'T walk away from his congregation to help you adventure... but he'll heal you if you drag yourself back to him, and sell you some cheap potions.

Start low. Lowball him every single encounter until you start to figure out his strength. Strength looks VERY different as a DM than as a player, and in single player games, multiple monsters are a big deal. He'll probably have an easier time with one ogre than with four orcs... while the ogre does more damage each hit, and has a better AC, the orcs will hit more often (more dice to throw, and can flank to make up some of to-hit difference).

Remember that not all encounters have to be combat. Also, pare down the subquests... most of the sidequests in CRPGs are padding to fill out the XP counts, and not really necessary to the story.

2012-11-28, 07:12 PM
I know he tends to go for classes that can do a bit of everything and focus on social skills, ones he's told me about are things like bard, hexblade, factotum etc I also consider gestalt for a solo game...though I'm a little hazy on the rules for that (no advancing two prestige classes the same lvl I think?)

2012-11-28, 08:16 PM
I know he tends to go for classes that can do a bit of everything and focus on social skills, ones he's told me about are things like bard, hexblade, factotum etc I also consider gestalt for a solo game...though I'm a little hazy on the rules for that (no advancing two prestige classes the same lvl I think?)

Bard really is an excellent class for things like this. They're flexible, can keep up with social monkeys, and since the level of challenge is tied to a single player, instead of a party, you have less issues with someone not carrying their weight.

With bards, remember that Charm effects are likely, meaning you can sometimes toss a few more henchmen at him... not too many, but if he can charm one, a rough 3:1 fight becomes an easy 2:2.

Instead of Gestalt, I would suggest a really high point buy and/or a free template. Something that evokes his heritage, but I would also suggest it be one that doesn't change the appearance too much. Gives much the same effect, but without having to insert gestalt rules.

2012-11-28, 08:27 PM
High point buy is a good idea. We've always talked of using gestalt characters at some point but never got around to it...I suppose it wouldn't be a good idea on my first time