View Full Version : Silent image: static or moving illusions

2012-11-29, 01:00 AM
I am going to play an illusionist, and the description of "silent image" and subsequent spells is rather upsetting to me. I tried to do this in the Q&A section here but it might not be the right problem for a short question.

In any high fantasy RPG I know there is a spell that gives you the opportunity to create illusions. All these RPGs explicitly say whether it is a illusion that is in itself static (like a jpg), or whether it can be animated (like a gif). The only thing silent image says that you can move it around (you can take your jpg and gif and move it around on your desktop).

I found many threads on the internet, but I found no official ruling. There is a 4 page FAQ on wizards that doesn't answer this.

So I want to know:
* What exactly can you do with the spell?
* Can you create a "gif", as described above? Can you create a person that moves realistically?

Re: A 107
If you move your head a bit left or right and you don't get a different viewpoint, you'll reasonably suspect that it's a figment.

To me that viewpoints suggests: playing an illusionist is countered by NPCs moving their head slightly to the side. Which sounds ridiculous. There are insanely OP spells, and they don't allow you to create proper realistic illusions? That interpretation sounds silly to me. What do you guys think?

Official wizards FAQ:

Creatures encountering an illusion usually do not receive saving throws to recognize it as illusory until they study it carefully
How would that sentence make sense if one could only project static images? Everybody would instantly see it's nonsense (unless it's a wall).

Can you fight with your illusion? Does it have AC or attack values? Can it flank? If an enemy believes that he is fighting 2 guys, he should be flanked - it doesn't matter if one is an illusion or not. The whole idea about flanking is making him have on two sides.


2012-11-29, 02:15 AM
Unless the description says otherwise, figments are like gif's being displayed by a holographic projector. They're as realistic and believable as you choose to make them within the parameters of the spell.

You could choose to create anything between a static 2 dimensional portrait (which will be determined to be illusory pretty much on the spot) to a perfect 3 dimensional replica of the statue of David that dances a jig on his pedestal (which will likely draw suspicion for being utterly silent) with the silent image spell.

Something of note: how npc's react to an illusion will vary wildly from one DM to another as will the precise definition of "interact" when it comes to whether or not a save is allowed.

2012-11-29, 04:24 AM
1st level illusions: silent image.

2nd level: silent image upgrades to minor image (adds sound)

3rd level: major image (adds sound, smell, thermal)

4th level: illusory wall (basically a permanent silent image that doesnt change)

5th level: persistent image...

Here, we have followed the logical progression of basically the same spell as it upgrades in power. The text for persistent image is:

"This spell functions like silent image, except that the figment includes visual, auditory, olfactory, and thermal components, and the figment follows a script determined by you. The figment follows the script without your having to concentrate on it. The illusion can include intelligible speech if you wish. For instance, you could create the illusion of several orcs playing cards and arguing, culminating in a fistfight."

Now, this suggests to me that you can create moving images (gifs, not just jpgs being dragged around) with a silent image - you just have to concentrate on the spell for it to happen (and keep happening).

As for whether or not it can flank...I don't know. I personally would rule that, yes, you can flank with a silent image, but that it would be considered "interacting" with it and the person flanked would get a saving throw on their first turn after the appearance of the illusion, and if they ever tried to attack/move through/or otherwise touch it, it would fail.

2012-11-29, 05:49 AM
Illusions are DM dependant I'm afraid, this is because different people interpret the rules about them in different ways.

In principle they are like 3D holograms.
You can make them move, within the AoE, so long as you concentrate.

The progression actually goes

1st level Silent Image
2nd level: Minor Image
3rd level: Major Image
4th level: Shadow Conjuration, Hallucinatory Terrain
5th level: Shadow Evocation, Mirage Arcana

At least in terms of usefulness; though I don't usually bother with Minor Image or Hallucinatory Terrain — YMMV.