View Full Version : 2 Mage Builds for a WoW themed campaign

2012-11-29, 10:07 AM
My friend and I are using The World of Warcraft planet of Azeroth as a campaign setting. We have recently played up to level 11 (3.5/pf) with our cleric & druid team. We ar building a new 2 man adventuring party he will be playing a barbarian and I will be playing one of two Mage types.

I am wanting a fire/shadow flavored Mage who has a permanent demon(or anything scary/evil) pet. Basically he needs a pet who can toss little fireballs or something or a pet who can take some hits. Any way to do this with the wizard classes familiar? Also. Looking to build a frost Mage with a water elemental pet who shoots icy blasts. Temporary pets from summoning would be ok I suppose but I'd like to keep this focused towards ranged death dealing for the most part.

What about taking the fiery burst feat and somehow sharing that with a pet? This would be ideal I think as the pet would just auto attack for (highest spell level) x d6 fire damage without ever needing spell slots.

TL:DR can I build wizards who have a permanent ranged blasty damage pet?

2012-11-29, 10:13 AM
My friend and I are using The World of Warcraft planet of Azeroth as a campaign setting. We have recently played up to level 11 (3.5/pf) with our cleric & druid team. We ar building a new 2 man adventuring party he will be playing a barbarian and I will be playing one of two Mage types.

I am wanting a fire/shadow flavored Mage who has a permanent demon(or anything scary/evil) pet. Basically he needs a pet who can toss little fireballs or something or a pet who can take some hits. Any way to do this with the wizard classes familiar? Also. Looking to build a frost Mage with a water elemental pet who shoots icy blasts. Temporary pets from summoning would be ok I suppose but I'd like to keep this focused towards ranged death dealing for the most part.

What about taking the fiery burst feat and somehow sharing that with a pet? This would be ideal I think as the pet would just auto attack for (highest spell level) x d6 fire damage without ever needing spell slots.

TL:DR can I build wizards who have a permanent ranged blasty damage pet?

Yes. It is called a familiar.

If you go with an Imp or Quasit (needs the Improved Familiar feat) you can hand it a wand of fireballs for the blastyness.

Also, that is not a mage. That is a stinking warlock.

Uncle Pine
2012-11-29, 10:34 AM
Also, a Warlock usually has better hitpoints than a Wizard does, thus even if he has to take Obtain Familiar to get one, his familiar'll be thougher.

2012-11-29, 11:15 AM
There is a World of Warcraft pen and paper RPG, based on the 3.5 rules. The mage gets to temporarily summon an elemental, and the warlock gets demon pets.

2012-11-29, 12:36 PM
Yep, that's a pretty good book. It's out of print, though, and hard to find.

One other option might be to yank the "summoner" class from Pathfinder. It gets a summoned pet (called an "eidolon"), and you should be able to reflavor that pet to look like a demon or water elemental.

You can find the summoner online in the Pathfinder PRD (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advanced/baseClasses/summoner.html).

2012-11-29, 02:07 PM
Awesome stuff everybody. I think these are all good ideas. Thanks for the help. I think a familiar and maybe one temporary summon will be good fun using wizard as a base and focusing my spell selection on necromancy debuffs and conj/evoc blasts. Maybe I can polymorph my imp into a larger demon?

Temporary water elemental via summon monster Should be sufficient for my frost Mage (also a wizard base).

Thanks everyone!

Uncle Pine
2012-11-29, 04:07 PM
Temporary water elemental via summon monster Should be sufficient for my frost Mage (also a wizard base).

Actually there's a more flexible option than that. Check the Summon Elemental feat (p 47, Complete Mage): it's a reserve feat that lets you summon a Small elemental at will as long as you have a summoning spell of 4th+ level. The elemental scales with your slots, so as long as you keep a summoning spell of 6th+/8th+ level you'll get a Medium/Large elemental.

EDIT: Online source of the feat. (http://www.realmshelps.net/cgi-bin/featbox.pl?feat=Summon_Elemental)
EDIT_2: Notice that the elemental act as if summoned by a summon monster spell. There's a optional rule in either the DMG or the PHB (I can't remember which one) that lets you choose to summon always the same creatures when casting summon monster spells and allows you to equip such creatures (but you have to travel to their home planes to give them the equipment).
I'd rule that you can do the same thing with your fellow elemental. Try to talk with your DM about it.

2012-11-29, 04:17 PM
Using Planar Binding/Planar Ally, you can get pretty much anything evil themed you want. There's a really great summoning list somewhere. It exhaustively describes all evil outsiders and the levels you get access to them, their sources, and their value. Try teh googles.

2012-11-29, 08:19 PM
Water elemental is also an option for the Improved Familiar feat.

The Complete Arcane warlock also fits pretty well just because he can use abilities all day, which fits more with WoW characters than Vancian casting. If you want additional input.