View Full Version : Tebaski/Chocobos/Bird Mounts

2012-11-30, 02:09 AM
Do these exist anywhere? I've grown fond of the Takeda Tebaski in one videogame I play, and I'm not really all that fond of horses...don't know why.

I'm also kinda against using dinosaur mounts. I dunno, a dinosaur mount always struck me as something that should be unique rather than something you would mass-equip an army with.

For reference.

These are the Tebaski


These are the Chocobo


So anything good? Or should I just refluff the warhorse or something?

Jeff the Green
2012-11-30, 02:18 AM
Chocobos are (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theropoda) dinosaurs.

There are terror birds in Fiend Folio, which are basically the same thing as chocobos but real.

Edit: Blegh. Link fixed; thanks The-Mage-King.

2012-11-30, 02:37 AM
There are Axebeaks in Arms and Equipment Guide. Those should work.

Also, Jeff, your link is broken.

2012-11-30, 06:25 AM
Dragon #323 had stats for "Riding Birds" (AKA Chocobos).

2012-11-30, 10:00 AM
Yeah, Dragon 323 is where you wanna go. They are actually specifically stats for Chocobos, there, including Black Chocobos.

Uncle Pine
2012-11-30, 11:47 AM
What are exactly those "Tebaski"? They seem a mix of bunnies, chickens and megaraptors to me, but I can't find anything on the Net about them.

2012-11-30, 12:52 PM
What are exactly those "Tebaski"? They seem a mix of bunnies, chickens and megaraptors to me, but I can't find anything on the Net about them.

They're the bird mounts used by the Takeda family in..um...a videogame, whose name I can't say for forum reasons.

Then again given the amount of times I've used the map from the game in a campaign, I think I might be safe, but no risking it.

Uncle Pine
2012-11-30, 01:21 PM
They're the bird mounts used by the Takeda family in..um...a videogame, whose name I can't say for forum reasons.

Um.. I finally got it. Nevermind the game then. Do Tebaski have special abilities? Are they good at jumping? Do they fly? Do they have a powerful shriek that makes enemies cower in fear? This kind of description'd be helpful. Otherwise you can just refluff another biped mount and say that it's a Tebaski.