View Full Version : Fire Emblem - The Immortal Spirit (IC)

2012-11-30, 02:35 AM
The dark forest of Swyn is the last unexplored frontier of the continent of Kothia. Despite the imposing unknown of the wilderness, the wood of the ancient trees, prized for its use in the making of magical staves, draws loggers in from the outside world to seek their fortune. In so doing, they incur interactions, peaceful or otherwise, with the tribal societies which inhabit the region.

Five figures trek into the dense woodland. Princess Stella, the youngest child of Empress Ajae, the ruler of the mighty Forden Empire and travels toward a mission at the heart of the forest, intending to convert the natives from their worship of the Old Gods to the religion of her nation, the Church of the True Gods. Accompanying Stella is a cadre of retainers and hired mercenaries to ensure her safety on her journey.

As the group reaches the end of the well trodden path that leads out from the Fordic city of Arborgard and the beginning of the forest proper, they come across a lone figure. Tori, a member of Swyn's Fallen Firmament tribe awaits the group's arrival. He is to be their guide on their journey through the wilds.

(RP amongst yourselves for a bit. The first map will be up sometime on Saturday, probably between 2:00AM and 2:00PM EST.)

2012-11-30, 02:47 AM

Are you the one known as Tori? Lucy said mimicing a grand knight's posture.

Because if not, you better not be here to Tore me up. She said with a laugh.

2012-11-30, 03:02 AM
The thatching of ancient boughs in the canopy above cast fleeting shadows over Ludvig's tremendous berth. The mage-knight's mossy green armor creaks at the hinges and clamors like a cabinet of pans carried along by cart.

In contrast, the traveler's movements display an affected obeisance to the forest ground. In his dress of steel, the Bierland knight takes each step with a careful tread, careful to not disturb the undergrowth lucky enough to be spared by the march before him.

Rising Phoenix
2012-11-30, 03:58 AM
((Note that the below is of my creation. I have no idea what WhamBasSan is planning... Actually WhamBamSam please alter this as you see fit XD))

He had waited under the tree since daybreak. That was the time the taeshi (foreigners/ not from this land) said they would be here. He found this odd, his people were never late, though many things were odd about the foreigners and they were getting close to his home... and they had sharp axes and hungry fires. They also had sleeping swords, those tribes cut down by them forever forbidden to return to the Mother. This was not good.

The tribes knew that they could not stop them. So a council was held that lasted for three days. Three things were decided. First was they would talk, too many had been cursed away from the Mother for another assault. Some taeshi seemed to want to talk as well and many a village elder said that many a times violence is due to misunderstandings. He's grandmother recommended Tori to be the guide of the taeshi.

"He has seen Huoun and woken and upon his ears all our lore I have bestowed. He's a proper Son of Kaerna Swyn, one to show the taeshi the misunderstanding of their ways"

And so it was decided, he would first lead the group to a meeting clearing. No tribe lived there and it was far from the settlements. As safe a place as could be for negotiations.

The second thing was that every tribe was to prepare for war. Even his grandmother agreed to this. The taeshi were getting to far into the woods. They were disturbing too many things...

And the last point brought the third decision. The Womb Keepers, a tribe whose skin is as green and mottled as the forest and who dwell the deepest of all within it, had seen Gods within the woods. They also claimed that Buou had put three of theirs to sleep-they had a huge white feather to prove it! (something which terrified Tori)- and through their fever dreams it was clear that something wasn't right. They need to converse with the Spirits and so it was decided that a group of shamans were to head to the deepest part of the forest for this.

Tori never learned if anyone from his tribe was going. It was to be kept a secret. His brother he thought was safe, he had not magical ability, but perhaps one of his cousins would? Whatever the case it didn't matter now. He had his own task and he was getting bored despite his anxiousness. In the trees above birds sang. He picked up a blade of grass and pressed it against his lips. The whistle was answered again and gain, but suddenly everything fell silent. Something was moving clumsier than a giant tortoise through the forest. The taeshi were finally here. He observed from hiding for a bit, but they didn't seem hostile. He emerged.


Are you the one known as Tori? Lucy said mimicing a grand knight's posture.

Because if not, you better not be here to Tore me up. She said with a laugh.


The tribesman blinked confused. He didn't understand the order of words of everything the blue haired woman was saying [she smelt strange he thought too, in a nice way though] , but it would perhaps be impolite comment on this misunderstanding. So with a smile he answered completely ignoring the pun.

"Yes, I am the one called Tori. I am the one to guide you to the place of meeting. You are welcomed by the people of Kaernas Swyn to this land our home, taeshi..

The last sentence was a lie. Nobody wanted them here and the land most certainly did not welcome their activities, but courtesy was to be followed, even if they were an enemy. But his jaw fell when he saw the huge metal clad man.

The thatching of ancient boughs in the canopy above cast fleeting shadows over the Ludvig's tremendous berth. The mage-knight's mossy green armor creaks at the hinges and clamors like a cabinet of pans carried along by cart.

In contrast, the traveler's movements display an affected obeisance to the forest ground. In his dress of steel, the Bierland knight takes each step with a careful tread, careful to not disturb the undergrowth lucky enough to be spared by the march before him.

It was a confused surprised. Somehow this man's steel was not sleeping. Could some taeshi know how dangerous the bones of the Sleeping can be?

[OOC: Grassy if the above is not agreeable to you, I'll just say rp it as if Tori was mistaken]

2012-11-30, 04:00 AM

"Oh, I declare! This is simply the pits!"

Complained the cleric of the group, who was also incidentally the Princess Stella, and the ambassador of both the Forden Empire and the missionary of the Church of the True Gods. Not that she was feeling especially glorious at the moment; what in the world had possessed her to decide that she wanted to bring The Word to these forest-dwelling heathens?! Yes, Stella was feeling absolutely miserable at the moment, her feet aching and sore from the long treks she had to endure over weeks after week.

Still, she had to endure the discomfort, for such are the sacrifices that had to be made to bring the heathens from the darkness of the Old Gods to the light of the New. The mission better have some good tea waiting, at the very least.

Hearing one of her mercenaries hail the person waiting for them up ahead, most likely the guide who was going to bring them through the forest, Stella sighed, and then drew herself up to assume a regal posture. Putting her arm out, she pointed her clerical staff at the man.

"Hail there! Would you, by any chance, be our guide through the forest?"


"Yes, I am the one called Tori. I am the one to guide you to the place of meeting. You are welcomed by the people of Kaernas Swyn to this land our home, taeshi..


"Oh, thank the True Gods! Finally, we are close to our destination!"

Stella rejoiced, and pointed her staff at their guide.

"Lead the way, my good man! I, Stella, Princess of Forden, bring the Light of the True Gods to illuminate the darkness of your lands. Come, we must hasten!"

Rising Phoenix
2012-11-30, 04:53 AM

"Oh, thank the True Gods! Finally, we are close to our destination!"

Stella rejoiced, and pointed her staff at their guide.

"Lead the way, my good man! I, Stella, Princess of Forden, bring the Light of the True Gods to illuminate the darkness of your lands. Come, we must hasten!"


Tori nods a friendly smile in greeting before looking at the sky confused. "I am afraid that I do not understand, there is plenty of light to see." he thought about asking if this 'princess' had eyesight problems but decided it would be rude. "And yes, it is near if you are a bird. But on foot with so many people not familiar with walking in the woods it will be sunset by the time we get there. Even for me it would take a while."

2012-11-30, 05:03 AM
The glum senior shifted in his carapace. His fire-enameled epaulets shine with inlaid bronze in the late morning light. As noon approaches and the sun pierces the forest's veil, Ludvig squints over sunken cheeks and an intolerant grimace. He follows the native porter with an insistent glare.


As the train begins to move again, Ludvig keeps pace quietly. From his sure footing, Tori can unmistakeably tell that the elder knight has traveled in the deep. 'Twere the retainer familiar with swylvesti customs, he made no attempt to disillusion his Princess of the guide's glibness.

2012-11-30, 05:30 AM

"I am afraid that I do not understand, there is plenty of light to see."

"And yes, it is near if you are a bird. But on foot with so many people not familiar with walking in the woods it will be sunset by the time we get there. Even for me it would take a while."


"Sunset?! Oh, my word!"

Stella exclaimed, almost fainting at the thought. And she had hoped they would make the mission in good time too; the thought that they still had half the day ahead, and in this thick, forbidding forest what's more, quite deflated what little perkiness the Princess could muster.


Sighed the cleric-princess, but she promptly stood up straight and gestured at Tori with her staff again.

"Then all the more we have no time to lose! Come, my good man, guide us true to our goal this day! That little flicker of the Light, shining fearless in the heart of the darkness!"

Rising Phoenix
2012-11-30, 06:38 AM

Tori smiled once more to hide his mild confusion. Why is she talking about light all the time? She really must be blind. "Hmmm... we could get there a bit faster if we follow the nearby river... This way." he wondered of into the forest.

Large moss covered boulders flanked the game trail that led to the waterway, but little could be heard apart from the grunts and idle chatter of the company. The birds, the frogs even in the insects went silent as the procession arduously made its way through the green atmosphere. They are watching thought Tori All the forest will know. But suddenly amidst the clutter of sleeping metal a few sharp whistles could be heard from the branches above. A nightingale thought the tribesman and quickly pulled out a small wooden flute (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8UYs3NmJMo) from his belt.

An answer for an answer and soon the bird was coaxed singing its deep, resonating song. Soon there were others too, the sharp 'pips' of woodpeckers, the cascading calls of warblers, the deep booming voices of forest doves, the teetering chirps of chickadees and the melancholic whistles of thrushes all filled the cathedral of green. This is good[COLOR="DarkRed"] thought Tori [COLOR="DarkRed"]They're willing to tolerate their presence for now.

A sharp blue arrow through the woods and swift whistle- a kingfisher- announced that they had arrived at the river. "Half-way there" said Tori breaking his silence "We can fish here, it is allowed. But if Princess of Forden Stella does not want to stop we can continue".

It was a hot day and many butterflies had gathered by the muddy margins to drink. Their brightly coloured wings easily avoiding the clumsy human feet.

2012-11-30, 08:00 AM
"Hmmm... we could get there a bit faster if we follow the nearby river... This way."


"Lead on, my good man!"

Stella proclaimed, urging Tori on as she followed, her retainers in tow. As they made their plunge into the forest proper, the utter silence got to be slightly unnerving. But then, a whistle of birdsong broke through the silence, and their guide pulled out a flute to add to the song. In no time, it was as if all the birds in the forest joined in the chorus, and quite lifted the Princess's heart.


Stella's clear voice warbled in joy, her complaints quite forgotten as she danced formlessly along the path, spinning round and around to take in the sights and sounds.

"How wonderful! Such beauty to the eyes and the ears! Blessed by the True Gods are ye, my good man, that you should live in the midst of such wondrous things!"

The cleric-princess exclaimed in delight, and her proclamation of Tori's blessed fate was not lessened by the sight of the river he had brought the party to.

"We can fish here, it is allowed. But if Princess of Forden Stella does not want to stop we can continue".


"Well, now."

Stella said, fiddling with her hair as she considered her options. Though the prospect of reaching their destination at a belated time still weighed on her mind, the soreness of her feet was starting to return, and she could use a break. And it was as good a time as any, for to leave this river without partaking of its delights would be quite a waste. Mister Torvan, at least, would be glad for the breather, she mused to herself.

Making her decision, she spun around to face the rest of the party, and raised both arms to the sky as she made her proclamation.


"We shall stop here to catch our breaths, and take our lunch! Mister Torvan, would you be a dear, and do a spot of fishing when you are rested? If our good man here is so kind as to show us such a good spot, we should greet our hosts with some humble gifts at least!"

Stella said, pointing to her loyal retainer, the Major Torvan. With that, she turned to Tori.

"Now then, my good man."

Stella said to their guide, and paused momentarily. While his address of her was surely unorthodox and unacceptable in most cases, the Princess was put in a good enough mood earlier to consider that surely, a poor heathen such as himself might not have known the appropriate way to address her.

So the question was, what would be the appropriate term of address? While she would usually demand that he address her as "Your Highness", she was not on this trip in that particular capacity, Stella mused. For that matter, she was here as a missionary of the True Gods, rather than as the Princess of Forden. In that case...

"You may address me as 'Sister'. Such is the title for a daughter of the True Gods."

Stella said to Tori. She offered her hand to Tori like a lady, expecting him to take it like a gentleman.

"Now, my good man, I wish to bathe my feet in these lovely waters. Would you be a dear, and show me a good spot by the riverside?"

Rising Phoenix
2012-11-30, 08:55 AM

"Lead on, my good man!"

Stella proclaimed, urging Tori on as she followed, her retainers in tow. As they made their plunge into the forest proper, the utter silence got to be slightly unnerving. But then, a whistle of birdsong broke through the silence, and their guide pulled out a flute to add to the song. In no time, it was as if all the birds in the forest joined in the chorus, and quite lifted the Princess's heart.


Stella's clear voice warbled in joy, her complaints quite forgotten as she danced formlessly along the path, spinning round and around to take in the sights and sounds.

"How wonderful! Such beauty to the eyes and the ears! Blessed by the True Gods are ye, my good man, that you should live in the midst of such wondrous things!"

The cleric-princess exclaimed in delight, and her proclamation of Tori's blessed fate was not lessened by the sight of the river he had brought the party to.


"Well, now."

Stella said, fiddling with her hair as she considered her options. Though the prospect of reaching their destination at a belated time still weighed on her mind, the soreness of her feet was starting to return, and she could use a break. And it was as good a time as any, for to leave this river without partaking of its delights would be quite a waste. Mister Torvan, at least, would be glad for the breather, she mused to herself.

Making her decision, she spun around to face the rest of the party, and raised both arms to the sky as she made her proclamation.


"We shall stop here to catch our breaths, and take our lunch! Mister Torvan, would you be a dear, and do a spot of fishing when you are rested? If our good man here is so kind as to show us such a good spot, we should greet our hosts with some humble gifts at least!"

Stella said, pointing to her loyal retainer, the Major Torvan. With that, she turned to Tori.

"Now then, my good man."

Stella said to their guide, and paused momentarily. While his address of her was surely unorthodox and unacceptable in most cases, the Princess was put in a good enough mood earlier to consider that surely, a poor heathen such as himself might not have known the appropriate way to address her.

So the question was, what would be the appropriate term of address? While she would usually demand that he address her as "Your Highness", she was not on this trip in that particular capacity, Stella mused. For that matter, she was here as a missionary of the True Gods, rather than as the Princess of Forden. In that case...

"You may address me as 'Sister'. Such is the title for a daughter of the True Gods."

Stella said to Tori. She offered her hand to Tori like a lady, expecting him to take it like a gentleman.

"Now, my good man, I wish to bathe my feet in these lovely waters. Would you be a dear, and show me a good spot by the riverside?"


She's like a child, ignorant of the world yet full of wonder for it. I am not sure how I should teach of it's truth... but perhaps I should begin by teaching her of myself

"I apologize if my words offend you, I have not interacted much in your ways... But I cannot call you 'sister', you are not of my blood neither are you 'moro', hunter sibling. Sister, brother, family words and moro are words we do not share with those who are not that." He takes a moment to think. "If it is acceptable I can call you Stella and you may call me Tori instead of 'good man' for that is the name uttered upon on my first breath."

he shifts his weight a bit uneasily. "But if you want to bathe, this is not good place. There are...hmmm... blood worms... they latch onto you and suck your blood. I can take you to Tuen Madvith, The cliff of swans. It is not far if we go my people's way..." he blushes "...but I will have to carry you on my back..."

2012-11-30, 09:30 AM

"I apologize if my words offend you, I have not interacted much in your ways... But I cannot call you 'sister', you are not of my blood neither are you 'moro', hunter sibling. Sister, brother, family words and moro are words we do not share with those who are not that."

"If it is acceptable I can call you Stella and you may call me Tori instead of 'good man' for that is the name uttered upon on my first breath."

"But if you want to bathe, this is not good place. There are...hmmm... blood worms... they latch onto you and suck your blood. I can take you to Tuen Madvith, The cliff of swans. It is not far if we go my people's way..."

"...but I will have to carry you on my back..."



Stella gasped, a strangled sound coming from her throat on Tori's mention of the 'blood worms'. Her face blanched pale, the sheltered cleric-princess took a step backwards in shock.

"Wha-wha-wha-wha-what manner of horrid critter infests your rivers, you benighted heathen?! H-h-h-how can you stand to live in the midst of such horrors, it is as if such living nightmares came straight from... wait."

Stella paused, and then slapped a fist in her palm.

"Why, of course! Surely, such corrupt abominations cannot be anything other than the spawn of the False Ones. I must beseech the True Gods to hear my plea, and lend their power to cleanse the waters of this darkened land."

Turning away from Tori, Stella continued thinking aloud to herself.

"Yes, of course, I see clearly now why the True Gods have bestowed this calling upon me. This land can be a beautiful land, I have just seen and heard the proof of it. It just needs one of Faith, such as myself, to bring about the cleansing of the darkness from these parts..."

2012-11-30, 10:17 AM

"We shall stop here to catch our breaths, and take our lunch! Mister Torvan, would you be a dear, and do a spot of fishing when you are rested? If our good man here is so kind as to show us such a good spot, we should greet our hosts with some humble gifts at least!"

Stella said, pointing to her loyal retainer, the Major Torvan. With that, she turned to Tori.

"Yes, Princess."

http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Tori/Mug3.png"...but I will have to carry you on my back..."

"Could the princess not ride my horse?"

2012-11-30, 10:33 AM
This whole trip was a bit unusual for Wren. She had sent a letter back home like she had planned to inform her parents that she was leaving the school, but rather than receiving a return letter telling her when her escort would arrive to bring her back...

To my dearest daughter Wren,

It is simply great news to hear that you are finished with your studies! Everyone back here at home simply loved reading your letters, dear. Especially the one about that boy you met at the dance last year. You never wrote about him again, though, whatever happened to him? He sounded like an interesting one!

Your timing could not have been better, Wren. We received a job request from Forden for a talented mercenary to accompany the young Princess Stella of Forden into the Swyn Forest. Now dear, I know it's not your first choice of places to go, especially when you were looking forward to coming home! But the job pays very well, and it's a good chance for you to get to know some of the up and coming people in the world! And I'm sure the last three years at school have made you a bit soft; nothing like field work to get back in shape!

So dearest, we've signed you up as our talented mercenary, and you should meet up with the Princess' party over at the Forden/Swyn border in the city of Arborgard. The meeting date is on the contract that's also in the envelope. And don't be late, dear. The Mark of Steel is never late, and you're one of our finest. Even if a bandit horde gets in the way, or the dead begin to rise from their graves, you better make sure you're there on time, Wren.

With love,
Lily Corell

P.S. Dear, your father said "that daughter of mine is all grown up, so she doesn't need an escort!" so you'll have to walk all by yourself. Don't worry, we hear the roads are pretty safe right now!

P.S.S. Oh, and try not to get snarky with the Princess like you always do when you think someone is being a bit ridiculous, dear. As you'll see in the contract, she's planning to "spread the word of the Light" to the "heathens" in the Forest of Swyn, which I know you'll enjoy so much. But she's your employer, so it's not okay to be rude to her face, even if it is a bit silly.
The boy had turned out to be just another pretty face that actually looked like he could keep up with her for more than a day or two, but turned out to be no different than any other... Wait, this wasn't important right now!

The letter had arrived late, naturally. So she had had to grab what she could carry, stuff it into a travel bag, and rush out of the school that very day. She had to cross half the continent, on foot, and a mountain range to get there on time, and she had to go by herself without an escort? Well, Wren couldn't honestly say it was a surprise, her parents were a bit eccentric at times, especially when it came to their expectations of her, but still. It was an awful trip. She traveled day and night, sleeping only when she had to under bushes or in haylofts, for several weeks. Her feet were painful, sore, and swollen at first, but she certainly worked the "soft" off of her pretty quick.

And yet, she was still late! Wren arrived at Arborgard a day later than planned, no thanks to a bandit fort that had sprung up in the mountains, a mudslide that had blocked the usual route down and forced her to "improvise", or that hurricane that had hit the northern coast, and despite her travel weariness, she had to immediately set forth again as just another member of this Princess' escort.

So when the Princess decided to complain during the trip, well... No one who knew what Wren had to go through to get there would blame her for having very little sympathy. At least she had gotten a proper amount of sleep since meeting up with the girl. They were traveling at a snail's pace compared to how she had moved before, but then, they had a walking suit of armor with them, so that was really no surprise.

Wren's thoughts snapped back to the present as an unknown man stepped out of the trees.


"Yes, I am the one called Tori. I am the one to guide you to the place of meeting. You are welcomed by the people of Kaernas Swyn to this land our home, taeshi..
Taeshi? What the heck was a Taeshi? Wren would keep her thoughts to herself, though. Even she could tell she was in a bit of a sour mood at the moment. Still, she couldn't help but look on in mild amusement as the Princess attempted to interact with this tribesman. They were from such different backgrounds that it was like watching a pampered little dog sniff around an unknown, ungroomed bigger dog. Yip yip yip! And Wren snorted at the mental image of a poodle with Stella's hair...

As they began traveling again, Wren's feet would walk lightly on the forest's soil. She was no stranger to traveling through the woods, and she had received training on how to keep the noise down for ambushes. She wasn't as silent as Tori, certainly, but she also had to carry a lot less weight and probably weighed a lot less than him, so it wasn't hard to keep it down. Unlike the Princess, who seemed to step on every single twig on the path. Whatever had made Stella think that traveling into the deep forest like this was a good idea made Wren sigh inwardly. She was so ill-suited for a trip like this...

And her thoughts were pulled back to reality again as the air suddenly filled with music. Tori's flute blended in with the birdsong all around, and Wren couldn't help but smile a bit. It was a beautiful melody, unlike anything she'd heard back home or at the school. It certainly helped to pull her spirits right back up. It wasn't like her to mope like this so much. Even if the Princess was a pain in the rear, it wasn't her fault she was raised all pampered and spoiled.


A sharp blue arrow through the woods and swift whistle- a kingfisher- announced that they had arrived at the river. "Half-way there" said Tori breaking his silence "We can fish here, it is allowed. But if Princess of Forden Stella does not want to stop we can continue".


"We shall stop here to catch our breaths, and take our lunch! Mister Torvan, would you be a dear, and do a spot of fishing when you are rested? If our good man here is so kind as to show us such a good spot, we should greet our hosts with some humble gifts at least!"

Stella said, pointing to her loyal retainer, the Major Torvan. With that, she turned to Tori.

"Now then, my good man."

"You may address me as 'Sister'. Such is the title for a daughter of the True Gods."

Stella said to Tori. She offered her hand to Tori like a lady, expecting him to take it like a gentleman.

"Now, my good man, I wish to bathe my feet in these lovely waters. Would you be a dear, and show me a good spot by the riverside?"
It was at this that Wren finally burst out laughing. She couldn't help it, it was just... She covered her mouth with her fist for a moment before grinning as she lowered it.


"Your Highness, or Sister I guess since you're preferring that now, you... he's a tribesman, not a courtier...!" She giggled softly. "Offering your hand like that in a place like this..." And she chuckled again, finally containing her mirth.


He shifts his weight a bit uneasily. "But if you want to bathe, this is not good place. There are...hmmm... blood worms... they latch onto you and suck your blood. I can take you to Tuen Madvith, The cliff of swans. It is not far if we go my people's way..." he blushes "...but I will have to carry you on my back..."

"Blood worms... Oh! You mean leeches. We could just-" And she was rudely interrupted by Stella's horrible shrieking...



Stella gasped, a strangled sound coming from her throat on Tori's mention of the 'blood worms'. Her face blanched pale, the sheltered cleric-princess took a step backwards in shock.

"Wha-wha-wha-wha-what manner of horrid critter infests your rivers, you benighted heathen?! H-h-h-how can you stand to live in the midst of such horrors, it is as if such living nightmares came straight from... wait."

Stella paused, and then slapped a fist in her palm.

"Why, of course! Surely, such corrupt abominations cannot be anything other than the spawn of the False Ones. I must beseech the True Gods to hear my plea, and lend their power to cleanse the waters of this darkened land."

Turning away from Tori, Stella continued thinking aloud to herself.

"Yes, of course, I see clearly now why the True Gods have bestowed this calling upon me. This land can be a beautiful land, I have just seen and heard the proof of it. It just needs one of Faith, such as myself, to bring about the cleansing of the darkness from these parts..."

Wren would roll her eyes at this excessively dramatic reaction... "Oh, please calm down! They're just leeches! We have them in our land too, you know, just not in places most Princesses go. Like swamps and marshes. They aren't really that bad. A bit mushy, I suppose. Annnd I don't think bringing 'the Light of the True Gods' to this forest is going to get rid of the leeches. Or any of these mosquitoes, which are far more annoying than leeches, I must say.

Anyways, we could just scoop some water out of the stream if you really want to cool your feet. Though I wouldn't recommend taking your boots off if you want to put them back on again; if you're not used to traveling your feet can get all swollen, and then it's hard to get your boots back on properly." And with that piece of advice, Wren stepped back a bit, sitting down on a suitable rock for the time being to get off her own painful feet. At least they weren't swollen anymore.

Sorry mother, I tried to keep my mouth shut, but I can't help it! Not like me to stay quiet. Well, she's stuck with me at this point anyways.

Rising Phoenix
2012-11-30, 10:57 AM


Stella gasped, a strangled sound coming from her throat on Tori's mention of the 'blood worms'. Her face blanched pale, the sheltered cleric-princess took a step backwards in shock.

"Wha-wha-wha-wha-what manner of horrid critter infests your rivers, you benighted heathen?! H-h-h-how can you stand to live in the midst of such horrors, it is as if such living nightmares came straight from... wait."

Stella paused, and then slapped a fist in her palm.

"Why, of course! Surely, such corrupt abominations cannot be anything other than the spawn of the False Ones. I must beseech the True Gods to hear my plea, and lend their power to cleanse the waters of this darkened land."

Turning away from Tori, Stella continued thinking aloud to herself.

"Yes, of course, I see clearly now why the True Gods have bestowed this calling upon me. This land can be a beautiful land, I have just seen and heard the proof of it. It just needs one of Faith, such as myself, to bring about the cleansing of the darkness from these parts..."


Tori flinched at the sudden shriek. "No! No you misun..." I must not make it sound like its her fault he thought, but was at loss at what to say. Than the answer came from the other pink haired girl in the group. She had been largely silent, though evidently irked at something.


"Blood worms... Oh! You mean leeches. We could just-" And she was rudely interrupted by Stella's horrible shrieking...


Wren would roll her eyes at this excessively dramatic reaction... "Oh, please calm down! They're just leeches! We have them in our land too, you know, just not in places most Princesses go. Like swamps and marshes. They aren't really that bad. A bit mushy, I suppose. Annnd I don't think bringing 'the Light of the True Gods' to this forest is going to get rid of the leeches. Or any of these mosquitoes, which are far more annoying than leeches, I must say.

Anyways, we could just scoop some water out of the stream if you really want to cool your feet. Though I wouldn't recommend taking your boots off if you want to put them back on again; if you're not used to traveling your feet can get all swollen, and then it's hard to get your boots back on properly." And with that piece of advice, Wren stepped back a bit, sitting down on a suitable rock for the time being to get off her own painful feet. At least they weren't swollen anymore.


"Yes, lii...lea...leeches" his tongue struggled with the sudden new word "I used the wrong word, I am sorry. They are not monsters... They cause no harm if you are careful..."

But whatever argument he could place it was either ignored or being swallowed up by the argument between the two pink haired women. He than felt the man's eyes fall on him, the one in the sleeping shell and cautiously turned as he remembered his question.

"Could the princess not ride my horse?"


"It is up through the trees, they make a better path than the rocks below."

2012-11-30, 11:35 AM

"Oh, please calm down! They're just leeches! We have them in our land too, you know, just not in places most Princesses go. Like swamps and marshes. They aren't really that bad. A bit mushy, I suppose. Annnd I don't think bringing 'the Light of the True Gods' to this forest is going to get rid of the leeches. Or any of these mosquitoes, which are far more annoying than leeches, I must say.

Anyways, we could just scoop some water out of the stream if you really want to cool your feet. Though I wouldn't recommend taking your boots off if you want to put them back on again; if you're not used to traveling your feet can get all swollen, and then it's hard to get your boots back on properly."


"Yes, lii...lea...leeches"

"I used the wrong word, I am sorry. They are not monsters... They cause no harm if you are careful..."


"Hu... hueh? Eh?"

Stella stuttered, glancing bewildered at Wren as the latter spoke; she had clean forgotten there was even such a mercenary in her party. Glancing between Wren and Tori, the sheltered Princess gradually came to an understanding of what they were both saying.

"Oh... oh! Leeches, yes, yes, I've heard about those..."

Stella said, recalling some of the nature lessons she had taken from her tutors at Court. Remembering those, and together with Wren's descriptions, Stella shuddered visibly; they didn't seem much better to her than the eldritch horrors Tori's 'blood worms' term had conjured in her mind.

"Okay, okay. No bathing my feet, and that goes for all of you, I do not ever want to see a single one of these... leeches..."

Stella said, wringing her hands and pacing back and forth; the events of the past minute had made her desire to cool her feet in icy waters a fleeting one.

"And... Tori, you say? You will not call me 'Sister', you say? Okay, so... then I do expect my rightful title of 'Princess', like Mister Torvan just addressed me here..."

The cleric-princess continued, waving distractedly at the Major as she continued to pace up and down. She had barely spent any time in the forest, but already it had thrown her quite off her rhythm.

2012-11-30, 01:49 PM

"It is up through the trees, they make a better path than the rocks below."

"Then I shall carry the princess and walk my horse. It is my duty."

2012-11-30, 02:15 PM

"Hu... hueh? Eh?"

Stella stuttered, glancing bewildered at Wren as the latter spoke; she had clean forgotten there was even such a mercenary in her party. Glancing between Wren and Tori, the sheltered Princess gradually came to an understanding of what they were both saying.

"Oh... oh! Leeches, yes, yes, I've heard about those..."

Stella said, recalling some of the nature lessons she had taken from her tutors at Court. Remembering those, and together with Wren's descriptions, Stella shuddered visibly; they didn't seem much better to her than the eldritch horrors Tori's 'blood worms' term had conjured in her mind.

"Okay, okay. No bathing my feet, and that goes for all of you, I do not ever want to see a single one of these... leeches..."

Stella said, wringing her hands and pacing back and forth; the events of the past minute had made her desire to cool her feet in icy waters a fleeting one.

Wren would laugh, watching the Princess' reaction. "Oh, Princess, they aren't that bad! About half a mile from the fort I grew up at, there was a small swamp. One time I collected a jar full of leeches together with a couple of the other kids, and we dumped them in the blankets of this one really grouchy man who had yelled at us the other day. Needless to say he was even grouchier after he crawled in!" And she laughed lightly again, recalling the memory.


"It is up through the trees, they make a better path than the rocks below."

And Wren would turn her attention over to Tori, shaking a finger at him with a grin. "Oh, no no no, no way I'm going to try following you up in the trees, jungle boy. You might be able to jump from tree to tree like some kind of monkey, but I'll lose my hat! And I'd rather not climb up wearing skirts, thank you very much."

2012-11-30, 02:56 PM

"Oh, Princess, they aren't that bad! About half a mile from the fort I grew up at, there was a small swamp. One time I collected a jar full of leeches together with a couple of the other kids, and we dumped them in the blankets of this one really grouchy man who had yelled at us the other day. Needless to say he was even grouchier after he crawled in!"



Stella exclaimed, her voice soaring into the extreme, ear-splitting pitches at her surprise. For an unusually long time, she simply stared at Wren, as if stunned.

"But... this... I..."

The cleric-princess stuttered again, seemingly have trouble processing what the mercenary girl had just told her. Then, finally, Stella put her hands to her mouth, and her whole body began shaking. Tears began to appear from the corners of her eyes, and it looked for all the world like the Princess had suddenly taken ill, until she finally spoke again.

"I-I-I... do not know... whether to be disgusted... or to laugh...!?"

2012-11-30, 04:18 PM

Lucy thought fast, with the emotional distress of the princess, it was a perfect time to metaphorically sweep her off her feet.

My dear, sweet princess. Lucy said with a bow.

Let me have the honor of making your lunch today. Just tell me what you wish to eat.

Rising Phoenix
2012-11-30, 07:03 PM
"Then I shall carry the princess and walk my horse. It is my duty."


"It will take a lot, lot longer on foot no time for that... but it seems your leader has changed her mind" already.

"And... Tori, you say? You will not call me 'Sister', you say? Okay, so... then I do expect my rightful title of 'Princess', like Mister Torvan just addressed me here..."

"...And what does the name 'Princess' mean?" asked the tribesman curiously.

2012-11-30, 08:58 PM
The conflicting codes of decorum grated Ludvig's offended sense of punctuality. Between the barbarian, the willful purple-haired mercenary, and childish outburst of their sovereign-in-waiting; Ludvig was moved to speak.

"The Imperial princess is daughter of Empress Ajae," he announced, "Your rightful and most high sovereign, granted by the True Gods dominion of every place alight by the stars' gaze. It 'means' watch your tongue and manners, swylvesti, before Her Majesty's grace is through."

(swylvesti = 'twill shirt', improvised colloquialism for Swyn natives. Informed by the trail-weary weave common to their sartorial items.)

2012-12-01, 09:47 AM

My dear, sweet princess.

Let me have the honor of making your lunch today. Just tell me what you wish to eat.


"Mmmf... gffff... ah, ah? Lunch? Ah yes, lunch, well..."

Stella responded to Lucy, barely managing to hold the laughter threatening to burst forth from her lungs, and wrenching her attention to the issue of lunch that the swordswoman had just brought up to her. The Princess had found Lucy quite entertaining throughout the trip, given the swordswoman's mastery of courtly manners which put many of the courtiers she knew to shame; no mean feat, that.

Strangely enough for such a long, exhausting trip, the cleric-princess's mind was not actually on food at the moment. Still, if one of her subjects was actually taking the initiative to request that her liege set expectations to be met, who was she to deny that? Glancing around the river again, Stella thought for a while... and then an idea most brilliant leapt to her mind.

"We may have brought our own stores, but hark! Behold, this river doubtless chock-full of vigorous fish; is it not clear that the Lord Aegil has seen fit to provide us with nature's bounty this day, and ask only that we secure our prize with our own hands?"

"Surely, we must not snub His test and goodwill! So I say to you, my good Lucy, go forth and secure us the day's nourishment from this flowing river, and make it ready for us all to partake!"

"The Imperial princess is daughter of Empress Ajae,"

"Your rightful and most high sovereign, granted by the True Gods dominion of every place alight by the stars' gaze. It 'means' watch your tongue and manners, swylvesti, before Her Majesty's grace is through."

Turning to hear Ludvig admonish Tori, Stella glanced from one to the other, as if wondering what to do. Finally, she settled for waving her arm in Ludvig's direction.


"Y-yes, that's right! It is as our good Ludvig says, my good Tori!"

2012-12-01, 09:47 AM
Wren would make herself comfortable on her rock as the group seemed to settle in for a break. She reached into her belt pouch, pulling out a small wrapped hunk of cheese, and drawing her belt knife, began to slice small pieces off to snack on while she watched the Princess' amusing reaction.


Lucy thought fast, with the emotional distress of the princess, it was a perfect time to metaphorically sweep her off her feet.

My dear, sweet princess. Lucy said with a bow.

Let me have the honor of making your lunch today. Just tell me what you wish to eat.


Wren would look quite amused as she turned her gaze to the Princess. "Well, don't go requesting anything like pasta or cake. I could go for some cake right now, to be sure, but unless our lovely swordswoman here is carrying around an oven in her back pocket, I think we'll have to do without. Oh!" And her eyes shot to a small bush near her, and, with a grin, pocketed her cheese, tossing the piece in her hand into her mouth. Wren would shift a bit on the rock, then hop off, landing in the bush. A loud rustle would fill the clearing for a moment as she ducked into the underbrush, then came out with a leaf in her hair and a small lizard in her hand, held by the tail.

Swallowing her cheese, Wren gave the Princess a toothy grin. "Would Her Royal Highness like roasted lizard for lunch? I mean, you can eat it raw if you prefer, but I've never liked the taste myself." And she looked at the lizard in her hand. "Pretty sure this species isn't poisonous." Wren was quite sure, actually, but more amusing to say it that way.

2012-12-01, 10:07 AM

"Would Her Royal Highness like roasted lizard for lunch? I mean, you can eat it raw if you prefer, but I've never liked the taste myself."

"Pretty sure this species isn't poisonous."



Stella broke out into a full-out panicked shriek; this time, loud enough to send quite the flock of birds taking wing. The Princess skedaddled backward in panic surprisingly fast for such a pampered brat, and was only stopped from taking a blind dive into the river altogether by Major Torvan's body.

"Wha-wha-wha-what manner of barbaric practice are you asking me to partake in?! T-t-to consume that loathsome creature as if it were some manner of hors d'oeuvre; why, the very idea!"

2012-12-01, 10:33 AM


"Wha-wha-wha-what manner of barbaric practice are you asking me to partake in?! T-t-to consume that loathsome creature as if it were some manner of hors d'oeuvre; why, the very idea!"


Wren's face would look curious as she held up the lizard in front of her a bit, tilting her head to the side slightly as she looked at it. The leaf in her hair would flutter out to the ground in the process. "Barbaric? Hmm... well, I've never considered starvation to be a civilized practice myself, but maybe things are different for royalty?" And she grinned again as she lowered the lizard to her side, looking at the Princess directly again. "Well, if you really want fish, I suppose I can try to catch some by hand. I left my fishing pole back at the school, unfortunately, but if you don't mind me getting my hands covered in goopy, mushy leeches, I can get you some fish. Might take awhile though. Though they're still going to be slimy and raw unless someone makes a fire. Really Princess, the lizard tastes a bit like chicken when it's cooked, if we're going to make a fire anyways it'd be easier...

"Oh! But I suppose if you really didn't bring anything but those lunchboxes you were so thrilled about when we set out, I could let you have some of my trail bread. You might break your teeth on it unless you suck on it for an hour or so, but it'll keep you from starving until we can find a meaty creature more to your liking."

2012-12-01, 12:24 PM

"We may have brought our own stores, but hark! Behold, this river doubtless chock-full of vigorous fish; is it not clear that the Lord Aegil has seen fit to provide us with nature's bounty this day, and ask only that we secure our prize with our own hands?"[/COLOR]

"Princess. You had already asked me to do the same... I have almost prepared the equipment."

2012-12-01, 03:52 PM
The group's conversation is cut short by a voice from out of the trees. It is a rough, male voice, it's accent similar to Tori's, and yet at once completely different. Through a subtle change in the sound of a syllable here or consonant there, the voice was rendered rough and savage like the snarl of a wild beast. This effect was enhanced further by the evident hatred with which it spoke.

"Well, well... What have we here? It seems to be a pack of taichi dogs yipping at each other, and oho! There appears to be a tamed wolf with them as well. And the Gods have seen fit to deliver them to us. Heheheheh... Come! We let none escape! Ia!"

The voice was answered by several others from the trees crying "Ia! Iaak Ashakah!"

A dozen men moved out of the forest bearing swords, spears, bows, and crudely bound tomes of magic. They had come upon the group with little warning, whether due to their own skill as hunters, or the sounds of their approach being drowned out by the waters of the river and Stella's shrill voice. They approached the group with bloodlust in their eyes.

Prologue - The Swyn Forest
Objective: Defeat Udhan
Deploy in the red box in the corner

Player Stats

Tori of the Fallen Firmament
Lv1 Thief Lord
Leadership (*)
11 Att, 84 (93) Hit, 5 Crit, 18 (27) Avd
20/20 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 5 Skl, 7 Spd, 4 Luck, 3 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3
Lockpick 30/30

Sword: D
Affinity: Anima


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Stella| 0| -| 80
Lucy| 0| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 0| -| 80[/table]

Stella, Imperial Princess of Forden
Lv1 Cleric
88 Staff Accuracy, 9% Staff Double Cast, 19 (28) Avd
18/18 HP, 1 Str, 7 Mag, 7 Skl, 7 Spd, 5 Luck, 2 Def, 7 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Heal Staff 20/20 [4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Staves: C
Affinity: Thunder


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 0| -| 80
Lucy| 0| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 0| -| 80[/table]

Lucy the Dashingswordswoman
Lv1 Myrmidon
12 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 8 Crit, 21 (30) Avd
16/16 HP, 6 Str, 2 Mag, 8 Skl, 9 Spd, 3 Luck, 3 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: D

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 0| -| 80
Stella| 0| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 0| -| 80[/table]

Major Torvan
Lv4 Social Knight
Leadership (*)
15 Att, 82 (91) Hit, 6 Crit, 18 (27) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 6 Mag, 6 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Luck, 7 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 6 Move

Iron Lance 40/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: E, Lance: E

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 0| -| 80
Stella| 0| -| 80
Lucy| 0| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 0| -| 80[/table]

Ludvig Tholan
Lv1 Armored Mage
15 Att, 82 (91) Hit, 6 Crit, 2 (11) Avd
22/22 HP, 4 Str, 10 Mag, 8 Skl, 4 Spd, 2 Luck, 9 Def, 4 Con, 0 PCC, 4 Move

Thunder 30/30 [7 Mt, 60 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 5 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Fire: E, Thunder: E, Wind: E
Affinity: Thunder

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 0| -| 80
Stella| 0| -| 80
Lucy| 0| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80[/table]

Wren Corell
Lv4 Wind Mage
Leadership (*)
12 Att, 88 (97) Hit, 9 Crit, 20 (29) Avd
23/23 HP, 0 Str, 9 Mag, 9 Skl, 10 Spd, 2 Luck, 12 Def, 5 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Breeze 20/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Wind: D
Affinity: Anima

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 0| -| 80
Stella| 0| -| 80
Lucy| 0| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80[/table]

Enemy Stats
Lv3 Shaman
Leadership (*)
23 Att, 82 (85) Hit, 16 Crit, 0 (3) Avd
23/23 HP, 0 Str, 9 Mag, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 4 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Shadow 20/20 [14 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank C]
Vulnerary 3/3

Dark: C

Sword Fighter
Lv1 Sword Fighter
9 Att, 85 (88) Hit, 5 Crit, 6 (9) Avd
20/20 HP, 3 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: E

Spear Fighter
Lv1 Spear Fighter
8 Att, 76 (79) Hit, 3 Crit, 2 (5) Avd (Odd Numbers)
9 Att, 56 (59) Hit, 3 Crit, 0 (3) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 3 Str, 1 Mag, 3 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Lance 20/20 [5 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 8 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Lance: D

Bow Fighter
Lv1 Bowfighter
5 Att, 81 (84) Hit, 3 Crit, 8 (11) Avd
20/20 HP, 3 Str, 1 Mag, 3 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Bow 20/20 [5 Mt, 75 Hit, 2 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]

Bow: E

Lv1 Mage
8 Att, 74 (77) Hit, 2 Crit, 0 (3) Avd (Odd Numbers)
7 Att, 74 (77) Hit, 2 Crit, 4 (7) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 0 Str, 4 Mag, 2 Skl, 3 Spd, 0 Luck, 0 Def, 4 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Fire 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Breeze 20/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] (Even Numbers)

Fire: E, Wind: E, Thunder: E

2012-12-01, 05:02 PM
Major Torvan quickly took a spot at the front. "Princess, stay behind me!"

(I am... saddened to see that I have only the third best tank.)

Torvan looked the others over. He didn't have much to work with.

Wren starts at H11 and moves to E11, killing Soldier on E9. (Note: Wren takes no damage from everyone whose name isn't Udhan)
Torvan starts at G9 and moves to E9, doubling the Mage for 30, takes 4(?) on the counter.
Ludvig starts at G10, moves to G9 and attacks the Merc for 16.
Lucy starts H9 and moves to G8, stabbing the Merc with 11.
Tori starts H10 and moves to H7. (I think the Soldier is an even number, so he won't get hit with a Javelin?)
Stella starts I9 and moves to H9. (I would have her heal Torvan, but she would be in the archer's range)

2012-12-01, 10:24 PM
The group's conversation is cut short by a voice from out of the trees. It is a rough, male voice, it's accent similar to Tori's, and yet at once completely different. Through a subtle change in the sound of a syllable here or consonant there, the voice was rendered rough and savage like the snarl of a wild beast. This effect was enhanced further by the evident hatred with which it spoke.

"Well, well... What have we here? It seems to be a pack of taichi dogs yipping at each other, and oho! There appears to be a tamed wolf with them as well. And the Gods have seen fit to deliver them to us. Heheheheh... Come! We let none escape! Ia!"

The voice was answered by several others from the trees crying "Ia! Iaak Ashakah!"

A dozen men moved out of the forest bearing swords, spears, bows, and crudely bound tomes of magic. They had come upon the group with little warning, whether due to their own skill as hunters, or the sounds of their approach being drowned out by the waters of the river and Stella's shrill voice. They approached the group with bloodlust in their eyes.


The lizard would be tossed aside, quickly forgotten as Wren reached for her tome. "Lunch will have to wait, Princess, we've got company." Her tone had turned serious, as she eyed the trees around them, calling out in response to the voice. "If we're a pack of dogs, what's that make you, mice? Hiding in the dark places of the world, too scared to come out and fight us in the open! Well, I don't blame you! If your voices makes me cringe like this, I can't imagine what your faces will do!" And she smirked slightly. Civilized society such as school was nice, but sometimes, she just missed the chance to yell out choice taunts. It was good to be back.

Wren will proceed to taunt everything~

2012-12-02, 12:03 AM
"Well, well... What have we here? It seems to be a pack of taichi dogs yipping at each other, and oho! There appears to be a tamed wolf with them as well. And the Gods have seen fit to deliver them to us. Heheheheh... Come! We let none escape! Ia!"

Spinning at the unexpected intrusion, Stella took one step back, surprised.


"Wha-what is the meaning of this?!"

Major Torvan quickly took a spot at the front. "Princess, stay behind me!"

Even out of her element as she was, Stella could still recognise the tension that had suddenly crept into everyone's stance, especially in Major Torvan's voice.



The cleric-princess stuttered, moving to put as much distance between herself and the interlopers, putting Major Torvan between herself and them.


"Lunch will have to wait, Princess, we've got company."

"If we're a pack of dogs, what's that make you, mice? Hiding in the dark places of the world, too scared to come out and fight us in the open! Well, I don't blame you! If your voices makes me cringe like this, I can't imagine what your faces will do!"

Taking a moment to recover from the surprise, the Princess of Forden drew herself up, and pointed her staff in the direction of Udhan and his men.


"Halt right there, unwashed rats! State your business with this missionary of the True Gods!"

Stella proclaimed, projecting the most confidence she can to mask the uneasiness she felt at this turn of events.

2012-12-02, 03:53 AM
Ludvig regarded the sylvan horde with a trifling look. The shaman driving them from the back had the wild look of a barrowsman. A powerful and primal fount of Dark magick wearing a stupid human suit.

The hunters were upon them with uncomfortable swiftness. Ludvig murmurs curses of haste which babble into a stream of syllable commands, the last of which form semblance of pronunciation, "hadad, yaw, molk."

The air about Ludvig surges with a wild charge. Arcs of lightning leap between the conjuror's hands and steel armor and into the dark underbrush after the nearest unwilling conductor.

[Ludvig Tholen should have 17 Atk. :smallwink:]

Rising Phoenix
2012-12-02, 07:46 AM
The conflicting codes of decorum grated Ludvig's offended sense of punctuality. Between the barbarian, the willful purple-haired mercenary, and childish outburst of their sovereign-in-waiting; Ludvig was moved to speak.

"The Imperial princess is daughter of Empress Ajae," he announced, "Your rightful and most high sovereign, granted by the True Gods dominion of every place alight by the stars' gaze. It 'means' watch your tongue and manners, swylvesti, before Her Majesty's grace is through."

(swylvesti = 'twill shirt', improvised colloquialism for Swyn natives. Informed by the trail-weary weave common to their sartorial items.)


Tori found himself bearing his teeth in aggression. He quickly closed his lips and softened his face. His behavior wouldn't do, but was he actually implying that this young ignorant girl had power over his people. This a lie and a lie needs to be called But he was amongst strangers and strangers may not take politely to such accusations even if true. He opted to offer some advice to the strangers, perhaps a good act would beget a good act and he wouldn't be betraying the tribes either.

"You are mista-" but stopped when he heard the rustling as the warriors appeared.

"Well, well... What have we here? It seems to be a pack of taichi dogs yipping at each other, and oho! There appears to be a tamed wolf with them as well. And the Gods have seen fit to deliver them to us. Heheheheh... Come! We let none escape! Ia!"

The voice was answered by several others from the trees crying "Ia! Iaak Ashakah!"


[The following is in his native tongue. I m not going to create a whole language. :smalltongue: If you can understand the language you may use the info below]

The young mans alarm was evident and his speech a desperate attempt at discouragement.

"Anian, what are you doing?! Why have you chosen to disrespect the wishes of the great meeting?! Even the Father of the Wrathful Slumber agreed to this course of action! his eyes narrowed with disapproval "Even if his words were a lie, and I do not want to believe that a Parent would lie, you know what these weapons are. Already many of our brothers and sisters lie cold on Her embrace unable to Return because of these sleeping bones... Do you wish to condemn yourself, your clan! to such a fate?!"

(Anian, means shaman/wise person. A title of respect.)

He turns to his Taeshi companions. "Please... do not strike them down with those sleeping weapons..." they have no idea what I am talking about "No, no forget of that. They are fools, but perhaps if we captured them they'd provide us with information? It will also be a show of um... good will... towards the tribes if you spared them!"

The amended plan was a half a lie to save the warriors and the Anian: it would be viewed as an act of kindness by some of the tribes, but not all including the Wrathful Slumber... they would probably execute the surrendered captives immediately. But a death from their weapons would be preferable to True Death.

2012-12-03, 12:23 PM

He turns to his Taeshi companions. "Please... do not strike them down with those sleeping weapons..."

"No, no forget of that. They are fools, but perhaps if we captured them they'd provide us with information? It will also be a show of um... good will... towards the tribes if you spared them!"
Wren would give the guide a somewhat incredulous look. "Spare them? If the rodents don't want to get eaten, maybe they shouldn't play with the cats! Wait, we're supposed to dogs. I'm getting my metaphor mixed up...

"Regardless! If they want to nibble at our ankles, I'll stomp on them with my boot! We don't learn how to hold back in the Mark of Steel, so don't blame me if I make some grown men cry today!"

Rising Phoenix
2012-12-04, 03:25 AM
Wren would give the guide a somewhat incredulous look. "Spare them? If the rodents don't want to get eaten, maybe they shouldn't play with the cats! Wait, we're supposed to dogs. I'm getting my metaphor mixed up...

"Regardless! If they want to nibble at our ankles, I'll stomp on them with my boot! We don't learn how to hold back in the Mark of Steel, so don't blame me if I make some grown men cry today!"


"There are fates worse than death should you end them with that sleeping steel of yours" said Tori in a sad tone.

2012-12-04, 09:37 AM

"There are fates worse than death should you end them with that sleeping steel of yours" said Tori in a sad tone.

"I'm not going to stab them with my belt knife, you know. I'll make the world itself turn against them; no one likes rats!"

2012-12-06, 04:46 PM

[The following is in his native tongue. I m not going to create a whole language. :smalltongue: If you can understand the language you may use the info below]

The young mans alarm was evident and his speech a desperate attempt at discouragement.

"Anian, what are you doing?! Why have you chosen to disrespect the wishes of the great meeting?! Even the Father of the Wrathful Slumber agreed to this course of action! his eyes narrowed with disapproval "Even if his words were a lie, and I do not want to believe that a Parent would lie, you know what these weapons are. Already many of our brothers and sisters lie cold on Her embrace unable to Return because of these sleeping bones... Do you wish to condemn yourself, your clan! to such a fate?!"

(Anian, means shaman/wise person. A title of respect.)Udhan addresses Tori first, his snarling voice carrying his reply in his own native tongue.


[Udhan's dialect is slightly different than Tori's (that's why he says "taichi instead of taeshi, for instance) but you should be able to understand him.]
"You're all fools to believe that they only wish to talk with us. The taichi intend only to bark orders, and would see us renounce the old ways so that their Gods are the only ones revered. Better that the sleeping bones should pierce my heart than shackle my wrist!"

Taking a moment to recover from the surprise, the Princess of Forden drew herself up, and pointed her staff in the direction of Udhan and his men.


"Halt right there, unwashed rats! State your business with this missionary of the True Gods!"

Stella proclaimed, projecting the most confidence she can to mask the uneasiness she felt at this turn of events.Ignoring the others, he then replies to Stella in his growling rasp.


"My business is to see to it that the tongue is cut from every mouthpiece of of your defiler gods. Your life shall end here, and your corpse shall serve as a warning to all who would invade our lands."

2012-12-06, 07:20 PM
Ignoring the others, he then replies to Stella in his growling rasp.


"My business is to see to it that the tongue is cut from every mouthpiece of of your defiler gods. Your life shall end here, and your corpse shall serve as a warning to all who would invade our lands."



Stella blanched, indignation crossing her face. Standing her ground, the cleric-princess raised her staff, and pointed it at Udhan.

"How dare you, that you should threaten my person! Harken to me, Major Torvan! O, my brave men and women, harken! By the word of the Princess of Forden, put an end to this foul murdering heathen!"

2012-12-06, 10:26 PM

"How dare you, that you should threaten my person! Harken to me, Major Torvan! O, my brave men and women, harken! By the word of the Princess of Forden, put an end to this foul murdering heathen!"

"Yes, Milady."

Rising Phoenix
2012-12-07, 10:57 AM
Udhan addresses Tori first, his snarling voice carrying his reply in his own native tongue.


[Udhan's dialect is slightly different than Tori's (that's why he says "taichi instead of taeshi, for instance) but you should be able to understand him.]
"You're all fools to believe that they only wish to talk with us. The taichi intend only to bark orders, and would see us renounce the old ways so that their Gods are the only ones revered. Better that the sleeping bones should pierce my heart than shackle my wrist!"


"I agree that they are blindly ignorant. But your actions are no betters than theirs. Haven't you thought that perhaps, should they see our way they would perhaps change the way they think?"

Ignoring the others, he then replies to Stella in his growling rasp.


"My business is to see to it that the tongue is cut from every mouthpiece of of your defiler gods. Your life shall end here, and your corpse shall serve as a warning to all who would invade our lands."


Tori sighs in disappointment "Anian, your final actions will only bring more misery to the world. Kaerna Swyn have mercy on you, though you may never return to It."

2012-12-07, 02:27 PM

Tori sighs in disappointment "Anian, your final actions will only bring more misery to the world. Kaerna Swyn have mercy on you, though you may never return to It."

"Onion... I wonder if there are any around here..."

2012-12-09, 02:23 PM
Player Phase
Wren attacks SpearFighter3 with Breeze. SpearFighter3 takes 12 damage! SpearFighter3 counterattacks. SpearFighter3 misses! Wren attacks again. Critical Hit! SpearFighter3 takes 25 damage! SpearFighter3 dies. Wren gains 20exp!

http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Tori/Battle.pngTori steals a Fire tome! Tori gains 10exp!

http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Ludwig/Battle3.pngLudvig attacks SwordFighter3 with Thunder. SwordFighter3 takes 16 damage! SwordFighter3 can't counterattack. Ludvig gains 10exp!

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngTorvan attacks SwordFighter3 with an Iron Lance. SwordFighter3 takes 12 damage! SwordFighter3 dies. Torvan gains 20exp!

Enemy Phase
http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Tori/Battle.pngMage2 attacks Tori with Breeze. Mage2 misses! Tori gains 10exp!

http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Tori/Battle.pngBowFighter2 attacks Tori with a Short Bow. BowFighter2 misses! Tori gains 10exp!

http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Tori/Battle.pngSpearFighter4 attacks Tori with a Javelin. Tori takes 4 damage! Tori gains 10exp!


Player Stats

Tori of the Fallen Firmament
Lv1:40 Thief Lord
Leadership (*)
11 Att, 84 (93) Hit, 5 Crit, 18 (27) Avd
16/20 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 5 Skl, 7 Spd, 4 Luck, 3 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3
Lockpick 30/30
Fire 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: D
Affinity: Anima


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Stella| 0| -| 80
Lucy| 2| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Wren| 4| -| 80
Ludvig| 0| -| 80[/table]

Stella, Imperial Princess of Forden
Lv1 Cleric
88 Staff Accuracy, 9% Staff Double Cast, 19 (28) Avd
18/18 HP, 1 Str, 7 Mag, 7 Skl, 7 Spd, 5 Luck, 2 Def, 7 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Heal Staff 20/20 [4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Staves: C
Affinity: Thunder


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 0| -| 80
Lucy| 0| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 0| -| 80[/table]

Lucy the Dashingswordswoman
Lv1 Myrmidon
12 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 8 Crit, 21 (30) Avd
16/16 HP, 6 Str, 2 Mag, 8 Skl, 9 Spd, 3 Luck, 3 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: D
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 0| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 2| -| 80[/table]

Major Torvan
Lv4:20 Social Knight
Leadership (*)
15 Att, 82 (91) Hit, 6 Crit, 18 (27) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 6 Mag, 6 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Luck, 7 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 6 Move

Iron Lance 39/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: E, Lance: E (1/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 0| -| 80
Stella| 0| -| 80
Lucy| 0| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 2| -| 80[/table]

Ludvig Tholan
Lv1:10 Armored Mage
17 Att, 78 (87) Hit, 18 Crit, 2 (11) Avd
22/22 HP, 4 Str, 10 Mag, 8 Skl, 4 Spd, 2 Luck, 9 Def, 4 Con, 0 PCC, 4 Move

Thunder 29/30 [7 Mt, 60 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 5 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Fire: E, Thunder: E (1/50), Wind: E
Affinity: Thunder

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 0| -| 80
Stella| 0| -| 80
Lucy| 2| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80[/table]

Wren Corell
Lv4:20 Wind Mage
Leadership (*)
13 Att, 90 (99) Hit, 10 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
25/25 HP, 0 Str, 10 Mag, 10 Skl, 11 Spd, 2 Luck, 8 Def, 5 Con, 4 PCC, 5 Move

Breeze 18/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Wind: D (2/50)
Affinity: Anima

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 4| -| 80
Stella| 0| -| 80
Lucy| 0| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80[/table]

Enemy Stats

*Mage1 disarmed.

Lv3 Shaman
Leadership (*)
23 Att, 82 (85) Hit, 16 Crit, 0 (3) Avd
23/23 HP, 0 Str, 9 Mag, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 4 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Shadow 20/20 [14 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank C]
Vulnerary 3/3

Dark: C

Sword Fighter
Lv1 Sword Fighter
9 Att, 85 (88) Hit, 5 Crit, 6 (9) Avd
20/20 HP, 3 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: E

Spear Fighter
Lv1 Spear Fighter
8 Att, 76 (79) Hit, 3 Crit, 2 (5) Avd (Odd Numbers)
9 Att, 56 (59) Hit, 3 Crit, 0 (3) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 3 Str, 1 Mag, 3 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Lance 20/20 [5 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 8 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Lance: D

Bow Fighter
Lv1 Bowfighter
8 Att, 81 (84) Hit, 3 Crit, 8 (11) Avd
20/20 HP, 3 Str, 1 Mag, 3 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Bow 20/20 [5 Mt, 75 Hit, 2 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]

Bow: E

Lv1 Mage
8 Att, 74 (77) Hit, 2 Crit, 0 (3) Avd (Odd Numbers)
7 Att, 74 (77) Hit, 2 Crit, 4 (7) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 0 Str, 4 Mag, 2 Skl, 3 Spd, 0 Luck, 0 Def, 4 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Fire 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Breeze 20/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] (Even Numbers)

Fire: E, Wind: E, Thunder: E

2012-12-13, 03:25 PM
Maester Tholen grinned with satisfaction at their party's increase. The wild huntsmen focused on the tribal assimilationist traitor to their exclusion. Ludvig bellows through the woods like a furious engine, a spark of energy at his core strikes out wildly through the clearing, dancing over every ungrounded surface bare his way.

2012-12-14, 03:24 PM
Player Phase
Wren attacks SpearFighter4 with Breeze. Critical Hit! SpearFighter4 takes 25 damage! SpearFighter4 dies. Wren gains 20exp!

http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Ludwig/Battle3.pngLudvig attacks BowFighter2 with Thunder. Miss! BowFighter2 counterattacks. No damage! BowFighter2 attacks again. Miss! Ludvig gains 10exp!

Lucy attacks BowFighter2 with an Iron Sword. Miss! BowFighter2 can't counterattack. Lucy attacks again. BowFighter2 takes 11 damage. Lucy gains 10exp!

Stella uses Heal on Tori. Tori is healed for 4. Stella gains 15exp!

http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Tori/Battle.pngTori steals a Breeze tome! Tori gains 10exp!

Enemy Phase

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngSpearFighter1 attacks Torvan with a Short Lance. Miss! Torvan counterattacks. Miss! Torvan attacks again. Miss! (66% hit rolled a 67 and 71). Torvan gains 9exp!

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngBowFighter1 attacks Torvan with a Short Bow. Miss! Torvan gains 9exp!

BowFighter2 attacks Lucy with a Short Bow. Lucy takes 3 damage! Lucy gains 10exp!

SpearFighter2 attacks Lucy with a Javelin. Lucy takes 4 damage! Lucy gains 10exp!

SpearFighter5 appears at B2.

SwordFighter4 appears at A2.

Mage3 appears at B1.

BowFighter3 appears at A1.

Ally Phase
Gruma appears at 13B.

Spear Fighters 1 and 2 appear at 13A and 13C.

"What's this? More of the taichi's pets? Have you come to help your clanking masters or was this merely a happy accident? No matter. None of you will leave this place alive."


Player Stats

Tori of the Fallen Firmament
Lv1:50 Thief Lord
Leadership (*)
11 Att, 84 (93) Hit, 5 Crit, 18 (27) Avd
20/20 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 5 Skl, 7 Spd, 4 Luck, 3 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3
Lockpick 30/30
Fire 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]
Breeze 19/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: D
Affinity: Anima


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Stella| 0| -| 80
Lucy| 2| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Wren| 8| -| 80
Ludvig| 0| -| 80[/table]

Stella, Imperial Princess of Forden
Lv1:15 Cleric
88 Staff Accuracy, 9% Staff Double Cast, 19 (28) Avd
18/18 HP, 1 Str, 7 Mag, 7 Skl, 7 Spd, 5 Luck, 2 Def, 7 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Heal Staff 19/20 [4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Staves: C
Affinity: Thunder


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 0| -| 80
Lucy| 0| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 4| -| 80[/table]

Lucy the Dashingswordswoman
Lv1:30 Myrmidon
12 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 8 Crit, 21 (30) Avd
9/16 HP, 6 Str, 2 Mag, 8 Skl, 9 Spd, 3 Luck, 3 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 39/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: D (2/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 0| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 4| -| 80[/table]

Major Torvan
Lv4:38 Social Knight
Leadership (*)
15 Att, 82 (91) Hit, 6 Crit, 18 (27) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 6 Mag, 6 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Luck, 7 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 6 Move

Iron Lance 39/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: E, Lance: E (3/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 0| -| 80
Stella| 0| -| 80
Lucy| 0| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 4| -| 80[/table]

Ludvig Tholan
Lv1:20 Armored Mage
17 Att, 78 (87) Hit, 18 Crit, 2 (11) Avd
22/22 HP, 4 Str, 10 Mag, 8 Skl, 4 Spd, 2 Luck, 9 Def, 4 Con, 0 PCC, 4 Move

Thunder 28/30 [7 Mt, 60 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 5 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Fire: E, Thunder: E (2/50), Wind: E
Affinity: Thunder

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 0| -| 80
Stella| 4| -| 80
Lucy| 4| -| 80
Torvan| 4| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80[/table]

Wren Corell
Lv4:40 Wind Mage
Leadership (*)
13 Att, 90 (99) Hit, 10 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
25/25 HP, 0 Str, 10 Mag, 10 Skl, 11 Spd, 2 Luck, 8 Def, 5 Con, 4 PCC, 5 Move

Breeze 18/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Wind: D (3/50)
Affinity: Anima

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 8| -| 80
Stella| 0| -| 80
Lucy| 0| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80[/table]

Enemy Stats

*Mages 1 and 2 disarmed.
*BowFighter2 at 9/20 HP

Lv3 Shaman
Leadership (*)
23 Att, 82 (85) Hit, 16 Crit, 0 (3) Avd
23/23 HP, 0 Str, 9 Mag, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 4 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Shadow 20/20 [14 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank C]
Vulnerary 3/3

Dark: C

Sword Fighter
Lv1 Sword Fighter
9 Att, 85 (88) Hit, 5 Crit, 6 (9) Avd
20/20 HP, 3 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: E

Spear Fighter
Lv1 Spear Fighter
8 Att, 76 (79) Hit, 3 Crit, 2 (5) Avd (Odd Numbers)
9 Att, 56 (59) Hit, 3 Crit, 0 (3) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 3 Str, 1 Mag, 3 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Lance 20/20 [5 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 8 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Lance: D

Bow Fighter
Lv1 Bowfighter
8 Att, 81 (84) Hit, 3 Crit, 8 (11) Avd
20/20 HP, 3 Str, 1 Mag, 3 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Bow 20/20 [5 Mt, 75 Hit, 2 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]

Bow: E

Lv1 Mage
8 Att, 74 (77) Hit, 2 Crit, 0 (3) Avd (Odd Numbers)
7 Att, 74 (77) Hit, 2 Crit, 4 (7) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 0 Str, 4 Mag, 2 Skl, 3 Spd, 0 Luck, 0 Def, 4 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Fire 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Breeze 20/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] (Even Numbers)

Fire: E, Wind: E, Thunder: E

Ally Stats
Gruma "the Wise"
Lv1 Spear Fighter
12 Att, 84 Hit, 5 Crit, 16 Avd
18/18 HP, 5 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 6 Spd, 4 Luck, 5 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Lance 40/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Spear Fighter
Lv1 Spear Fighter
10 Att, 76 Hit, 3 Crit, 2 Avd
16/16 HP, 3 Str, 0 Mag, 3 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Lance 40/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

2012-12-14, 11:32 PM

Wren would smile smugly as she got her incantation just right, and a blast of cold wind would slam into the nearby spearman, sending him careening into the air and slamming headfirst into a tree hard enough to knock his helmet ajar. "Well, that's two down over here." Looking over to the side, she'd see more coming in through the trees off in the distance. "What's this? You're bringing even more rats to nibble at our heels? Sure are a lot of rats in this forest. Well no worries. Tori, just leave it to Exterminator Wren to take care of your vermin problem~!"

2012-12-15, 02:10 AM

"Hear my plea Ara, Lady of the Day! Have mercy on the faithless, so they may see the Light!"

Stella chanted, staff raised over her head. Divine light shone from the head of her staff, and dissolved into a rain of glowing dust falling gently upon Tori, knitting together the slight wounds he had received. Job done, Stella lowered her staff, and smirked at the forest tribesman.

"How about that now, my good Tori? Such are the blessings of the True Gods to their faithful! Won't you say..."

A scream from the party's swordswoman interrupted the Princess' spiel, causing her to turn around in alarm.


The cleric-princess exclaimed, running to her and raising her staff again.

"Harken to me Falni, Lady of the Arts! Bless the one who aspires to Your artistry of the blade!"

2012-12-15, 02:28 AM

Now Lucy was a talented swordswomen. She had even defeated an evil banker before. But she was totally unprepared for the effect having such eye-candy nearby would be for her skills.

After her shriek she stumbled from the wounds she had received.

Oh, dear Princess. Only your beautiful face gives me the strength to go on. Lucy hammed up.

Rising Phoenix
2012-12-17, 07:38 AM

Tori gingerly balanced the books he had grabbed from the tribesmen, anything to keep them from fighting.

"Lay down your weapons. You are only making things worse!"

Than his eyes caught movement as another tribesman appeared. But he didn't seem as agressive.

"Did the council send you?" he asked somewhat anxiously.

[OOC: Cannot remember if Tori and Gruma know each other. In any case we can decide now throw through rp]

John Cribati
2012-12-17, 08:08 AM
Gruma rushes into the clearing, yelling louder than he has to in the hopes of notifying the taichi that he is on their side.
Udhan! You must not do this thing! They will have our heads if any harm comes to the princess!


"Did the council send you?" he asked somewhat anxiously.

I came of my own volition. I will not have our tribes destroyed for the warmongering of one.

2012-12-17, 10:48 AM
The Major's face became cross as his horse sidestepped the blows and made his own thrusts miss. "You will not harm the princess!"

2012-12-23, 12:41 AM
Player Phase
http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Ludwig/Battle3.pngLudvig attacks SpearFighter1 with Thunder. Critical Hit! SpearFighter1 takes 33 damage! SpearFighter1 dies. Ludvig gains 30exp!

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngTorvan attacks BowFighter1 with an Iron Lance. Miss! BowFighter1 can't counterattack. Torvan attacks again. Critical Hit! BowFighter1 takes 29 damage! BowFigher1 dies. Torvan gains 20exp!

http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Tori/Battle.pngTori attacks BowFighter2 with an Iron Sword. BowFigher2 takes 10 damage. BowFighter2 dies. Tori gains 30exp!

Stella uses Heal on Lucy. Lucy regains 7 HP. Stella gains 15exp!

Wren attacks SpearFighter2 with a Breeze tome. SpearFighter2 takes 12 damage! SpearFighter2 counterattacks with a Javelin. No damage! Wren attacks again. Miss! Wren gains 9exp!

Lucy attacks SpearFighter2 with an Iron Sword. SpearFighter2 takes 11 damage! SpearFighter2 dies. Lucy gains 30exp!

Enemy Phase
http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngSwordFighter1 attacks Torvan with a Short Sword. No damage! Torvan counterattacks with an Iron Lance. SwordFighter1 takes 14 damage! Torvan attacks again. SwordFighter1 takes 14 damage! SwordFighter1 dies. Torvan gains 20exp!

Mages 1 and 2 escape!


"Cowards! There is nothing but a cage for you to run to!"

Ally Phase


Player Stats

Tori of the Fallen Firmament
Lv1:80 Thief Lord
Leadership (*)
11 Att, 84 (93) Hit, 5 Crit, 18 (27) Avd
20/20 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 5 Skl, 7 Spd, 4 Luck, 3 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 39/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3
Lockpick 30/30
Fire 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]
Breeze 19/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: D (1/50)
Affinity: Anima


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Stella| 0| -| 80
Lucy| 2| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Wren| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 0| -| 80[/table]

Stella, Imperial Princess of Forden
Lv1:30 Cleric
88 Staff Accuracy, 9% Staff Double Cast, 19 (28) Avd
18/18 HP, 1 Str, 7 Mag, 7 Skl, 7 Spd, 5 Luck, 2 Def, 7 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Heal Staff 18/20 [4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Staves: C (2/50)
Affinity: Thunder


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 0| -| 80
Lucy| 0| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Ludvig| 4| -| 80[/table]

Lucy the Dashingswordswoman
Lv1:60 Myrmidon
12 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 8 Crit, 21 (30) Avd
16/16 HP, 6 Str, 2 Mag, 8 Skl, 9 Spd, 3 Luck, 3 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 38/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: D (3/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 0| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Wren| 2| -| 80
Ludvig| 4| -| 80[/table]

Major Torvan
Lv4:78 Social Knight
Leadership (*)
15 Att, 82 (91) Hit, 6 Crit, 18 (27) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 6 Mag, 6 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Luck, 7 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 6 Move

Iron Lance 36/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: E, Lance: E (7/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 0| -| 80
Stella| 0| -| 80
Lucy| 0| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 4| -| 80[/table]

Ludvig Tholan
Lv1:50 Armored Mage
17 Att, 78 (87) Hit, 18 Crit, 2 (11) Avd
22/22 HP, 4 Str, 10 Mag, 8 Skl, 4 Spd, 2 Luck, 9 Def, 4 Con, 0 PCC, 4 Move

Thunder 27/30 [7 Mt, 60 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 5 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Fire: E, Thunder: E (3/50), Wind: E
Affinity: Thunder

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 0| -| 80
Stella| 4| -| 80
Lucy| 4| -| 80
Torvan| 4| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80[/table]

Wren Corell
Lv4:49 Wind Mage
Leadership (*)
13 Att, 90 (99) Hit, 10 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
25/25 HP, 0 Str, 10 Mag, 10 Skl, 11 Spd, 2 Luck, 8 Def, 5 Con, 4 PCC, 5 Move

Breeze 16/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Wind: D (5/50)
Affinity: Anima

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 12| -| 80
Stella| 3| -| 80
Lucy| 2| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80[/table]

Enemy Stats
Lv3 Shaman
Leadership (*)
23 Att, 82 (85) Hit, 16 Crit, 0 (3) Avd
23/23 HP, 0 Str, 9 Mag, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 4 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Shadow 20/20 [14 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank C]
Vulnerary 3/3

Dark: C

Sword Fighter
Lv1 Sword Fighter
9 Att, 85 (88) Hit, 5 Crit, 6 (9) Avd
20/20 HP, 3 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: E

Spear Fighter
Lv1 Spear Fighter
8 Att, 76 (79) Hit, 3 Crit, 2 (5) Avd (Odd Numbers)
9 Att, 56 (59) Hit, 3 Crit, 0 (3) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 3 Str, 1 Mag, 3 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Lance 20/20 [5 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 8 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Lance: D

Bow Fighter
Lv1 Bowfighter
8 Att, 81 (84) Hit, 3 Crit, 8 (11) Avd
20/20 HP, 3 Str, 1 Mag, 3 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Bow 20/20 [5 Mt, 75 Hit, 2 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]

Bow: E

Lv1 Mage
8 Att, 74 (77) Hit, 2 Crit, 0 (3) Avd (Odd Numbers)
7 Att, 74 (77) Hit, 2 Crit, 4 (7) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 0 Str, 4 Mag, 2 Skl, 3 Spd, 0 Luck, 0 Def, 4 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Fire 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Breeze 20/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] (Even Numbers)

Fire: E, Wind: E, Thunder: E

Ally Stats
Gruma "the Wise"
Lv1 Spear Fighter
12 Att, 84 Hit, 5 Crit, 16 Avd
18/18 HP, 5 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 6 Spd, 4 Luck, 5 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Lance 40/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D
Affinity: Light

Spear Fighter
Lv1 Spear Fighter
10 Att, 76 Hit, 3 Crit, 2 Avd
16/16 HP, 3 Str, 0 Mag, 3 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Lance 40/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

Lance: E

2012-12-23, 02:43 PM
The Major charged, twirling his lance dangerously, thrusting and skewering the Bow Fighter before him with a single deadly blow. He pulled his lance from his victim as another charged toward him, only to meet the same grisly fate. The Major's brow furrowed. Battle was nothing new to him, but these men were poorly trained and unfit for sparring.

"You will all die before I see the Princess harmed."

2012-12-23, 07:06 PM
"You will all die before I see the Princess harmed."

"Hold, ser knight!"

The ashy, choking furnace of a man raises his hand in caution. He waves down the knight's advance as he pauses to cough into a mailed fist. An electrified air and waft of burnt hair are all the evidence that remains of the geezer's craft. Aside the armored magus lays the smoldering, unidentifiable corpse of a wild hunter.

"Beware the cowled sorcerer! It is the power that wields him which also drives these desperate men."

2012-12-23, 07:31 PM
"Beware the cowled sorcerer! It is the power that wields him which also drives these desperate men."

The Major nodded darkly. "He will be the last to fall."

2012-12-27, 11:58 AM
Player Phase

Enemy Phase
http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngSpearFighter5 attacks Torvan with a Short Lance. Miss! Torvan counterattacks with an Iron Lance. Miss! Torvan attacks again. Critical Hit! SpearFighter5 takes 27 damage! SpearFighter5 dies. Torvan gains 20exp!

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngMage3 attacks Torvan with Fire. Miss! Torvan gains 9exp!

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngTorvan grows to level 5! +1HP.

Ally Phase


Player Stats

Tori of the Fallen Firmament
Lv1:80 Thief Lord
Leadership (*)
11 Att, 84 (93) Hit, 5 Crit, 18 (27) Avd
20/20 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 5 Skl, 7 Spd, 4 Luck, 3 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 39/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3
Lockpick 30/30
Breeze 19/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: D (1/50)
Affinity: Anima


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Stella| 0| -| 80
Lucy| 2| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Wren| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Stella, Imperial Princess of Forden
Lv1:30 Cleric
88 Staff Accuracy, 9% Staff Double Cast, 19 (28) Avd
18/18 HP, 1 Str, 7 Mag, 7 Skl, 7 Spd, 5 Luck, 2 Def, 7 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Heal Staff 18/20 [4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Staves: C (2/50)
Affinity: Thunder


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 0| -| 80
Lucy| 2| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Ludvig| 8| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Lucy the Dashingswordswoman
Lv1:60 Myrmidon
12 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 8 Crit, 21 (30) Avd
16/16 HP, 6 Str, 2 Mag, 8 Skl, 9 Spd, 3 Luck, 3 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 38/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: D (3/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 2| -| 80
Torvan| 4| -| 80
Wren| 2| -| 80
Ludvig| 4| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Major Torvan
Lv5:07 Social Knight
Leadership (*)
15 Att, 82 (91) Hit, 6 Crit, 18 (27) Avd
21/21 HP, 8 Str, 6 Mag, 6 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Luck, 7 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 6 Move

Iron Lance 35/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: E, Lance: E (9/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 0| -| 80
Stella| 0| -| 80
Lucy| 4| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 4| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Ludvig Tholan
Lv1:50 Armored Mage
17 Att, 78 (87) Hit, 18 Crit, 2 (11) Avd
22/22 HP, 4 Str, 10 Mag, 8 Skl, 4 Spd, 2 Luck, 9 Def, 4 Con, 0 PCC, 4 Move

Thunder 27/30 [7 Mt, 60 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 5 Wt, Rank E]
Fire 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Fire: E, Thunder: E (3/50), Wind: E
Affinity: Thunder

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 3| -| 80
Stella| 4| -| 80
Lucy| 8| -| 80
Torvan| 4| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Wren Corell
Lv4:49 Wind Mage
Leadership (*)
13 Att, 90 (99) Hit, 10 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
25/25 HP, 0 Str, 10 Mag, 10 Skl, 11 Spd, 2 Luck, 8 Def, 5 Con, 4 PCC, 5 Move

Breeze 16/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Wind: D (5/50)
Affinity: Anima

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 12| -| 80
Stella| 3| -| 80
Lucy| 2| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 0| -| 80
Gruma| 2| -| 80[/table]

Gruma "the Wise"
Lv1:00 Spear Fighter
12 Att, 84 (87) Hit, 5 Crit, 16 (19) Avd
18/18 HP, 5 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 6 Spd, 4 Luck, 5 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Lance 40/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 0| -| 80
Stella| 0| -| 80
Lucy| 0| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 0| -| 80
Wren| 2| -| 80[/table]

Enemy Stats
Lv3 Shaman
Leadership (*)
23 Att, 82 (85) Hit, 16 Crit, 0 (3) Avd
23/23 HP, 0 Str, 9 Mag, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 4 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Shadow 20/20 [14 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank C]
Vulnerary 3/3

Dark: C

Sword Fighter
Lv1 Sword Fighter
9 Att, 85 (88) Hit, 5 Crit, 6 (9) Avd
20/20 HP, 3 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: E

Spear Fighter
Lv1 Spear Fighter
8 Att, 76 (79) Hit, 3 Crit, 2 (5) Avd (Odd Numbers)
9 Att, 56 (59) Hit, 3 Crit, 0 (3) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 3 Str, 1 Mag, 3 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Lance 20/20 [5 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 8 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Lance: D

Bow Fighter
Lv1 Bowfighter
8 Att, 81 (84) Hit, 3 Crit, 8 (11) Avd
20/20 HP, 3 Str, 1 Mag, 3 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Bow 20/20 [5 Mt, 75 Hit, 2 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]

Bow: E

Lv1 Mage
8 Att, 74 (77) Hit, 2 Crit, 0 (3) Avd (Odd Numbers)
7 Att, 74 (77) Hit, 2 Crit, 4 (7) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 0 Str, 4 Mag, 2 Skl, 3 Spd, 0 Luck, 0 Def, 4 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Fire 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Breeze 20/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] (Even Numbers)

Fire: E, Wind: E, Thunder: E

Ally Stats
Spear Fighter
Lv1 Spear Fighter
10 Att, 76 Hit, 3 Crit, 2 Avd
16/16 HP, 3 Str, 0 Mag, 3 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Lance 40/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

Lance: E

2012-12-27, 07:58 PM
Ludvig hiked north through the entangling underbrush. Hollers amongst the moss-draped boughs alerted him to the appearance of a third party.


Tori gingerly balanced the books he had grabbed from the tribesmen, anything to keep them from fighting.

Passing the dallying thief, Ludvig picks a tome off his person casually. The towering knight thumbs through the scorched spellbook's pages and nods in commendation to the foreign forester.

"Your aid is much appreciated, please, allow me to carry this tome," Ludvig speaks soft as thunder. Where they pass, he whispers sub rosa, "Fear not, son below the firmament. The dead shall bury the dead. Blessed is the kinslayer, the one who loveth son or daughter more than labor is not worthy of sacrament."

Gruma rushes into the clearing, yelling louder than he has to in the hopes of notifying the taichi that he is on their side.
Udhan! You must not do this thing! They will have our heads if any harm comes to the princess!

The mystic templar nods in assent at the stranger's sudden concern for their Princess. The unmoving coals in Ludvig's eyes betray the hollow emotion of his formality. The incantator's pipes rack with a blackened cough, spurring him to speak.

"Hr-rr-kkh-rkh-ck-Certainly. With Our Majesty's blessing we will weather this heathen wizard."

2012-12-31, 08:21 PM
Player Phase
http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngLudvig attacks SwordFighter2 with Fire. Miss! Ludvig gains 10exp!

Lucy attacks SwordFighter2 with an Iron Sword. SwordFighter2 takes 9 damage! SwordFighter2 counterattacks with a Short Sword. Miss! Lucy attacks again. SwordFighter2 takes 9 damage! Lucy gains 10exp!

Enemy Phase
http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Tori/Battle.pngMage3 attacks Tori with Fire. Miss! Tori gains 10exp!

BowFighter3 attacks Stella with a Short Bow. Miss! Stella gains 30exp!

http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Gruma/BattleL.pngSwordFighter2 attacks Gruma with a Short Sword. Miss! Gruma counterattacks with an Iron Lance. Critical Hit! SwordFighter2 takes 23 damage! SwordFighter2 dies. Gruma gains 30exp!

http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Gruma/BattleL.pngSwordFighter4 attacks Gruma with a Short Sword. Miss! Gruma counterattacks with an Iron Lance. SwordFighter4 takes 11 damage! Gruma gains 10exp!

Ally Phase


Player Stats

Tori of the Fallen Firmament
Lv1:90 Thief Lord
Leadership (*)
11 Att, 84 (93) Hit, 5 Crit, 18 (27) Avd
20/20 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 5 Skl, 7 Spd, 4 Luck, 3 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 39/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3
Lockpick 30/30
Breeze 19/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: D (1/50)
Affinity: Anima


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Stella| 0| -| 80
Lucy| 4| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 6| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Stella, Imperial Princess of Forden
Lv1:60 Cleric
88 Staff Accuracy, 9% Staff Double Cast, 19 (28) Avd
18/18 HP, 1 Str, 7 Mag, 7 Skl, 7 Spd, 5 Luck, 2 Def, 7 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Heal Staff 18/20 [4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Staves: C (2/50)
Affinity: Thunder


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 0| -| 80
Lucy| 4| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Ludvig| 12| -| 80
Gruma| 2| -| 80[/table]

Lucy the Dashingswordswoman
Lv1:60 Myrmidon
12 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 8 Crit, 21 (30) Avd
16/16 HP, 6 Str, 2 Mag, 8 Skl, 9 Spd, 3 Luck, 3 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 38/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: D (3/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 4| -| 80
Stella| 4| -| 80
Torvan| 4| -| 80
Wren| 2| -| 80
Ludvig| 4| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Major Torvan
Lv5:07 Social Knight
Leadership (*)
16 Att, 84 (93) Hit, 7 Crit, 18 (27) Avd
21/21 HP, 9 Str, 6 Mag, 7 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Luck, 7 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 6 Move

Iron Lance 35/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: E, Lance: E (9/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 0| -| 80
Lucy| 4| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 4| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Ludvig Tholan
Lv1:60 Armored Mage
14 Att, 88 (97) Hit, 8 Crit, 2 (11) Avd
22/22 HP, 4 Str, 10 Mag, 8 Skl, 4 Spd, 2 Luck, 9 Def, 4 Con, 0 PCC, 4 Move

Fire 19/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]
Thunder 27/30 [7 Mt, 60 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 5 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Fire: E (1/50), Thunder: E (3/50), Wind: E
Affinity: Thunder

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 6| -| 80
Stella| 8| -| 80
Lucy| 8| -| 80
Torvan| 4| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Wren Corell
Lv4:49 Wind Mage
Leadership (*)
13 Att, 90 (99) Hit, 10 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
25/25 HP, 0 Str, 10 Mag, 10 Skl, 11 Spd, 2 Luck, 8 Def, 5 Con, 4 PCC, 5 Move

Breeze 16/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Wind: D (5/50)
Affinity: Anima

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 12| -| 80
Stella| 3| -| 80
Lucy| 2| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 0| -| 80
Gruma| 4| -| 80[/table]

Gruma "the Wise"
Lv1:00 Spear Fighter
12 Att, 84 (93) Hit, 5 Crit, 16 (25) Avd
18/18 HP, 5 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 6 Spd, 4 Luck, 5 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Lance 40/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 0| -| 80
Stella| 2| -| 80
Lucy| 0| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 0| -| 80
Wren| 4| -| 80[/table]

Enemy Stats
*SwordFighter4 is at 9/20HP

Lv3 Shaman
Leadership (*)
23 Att, 82 (85) Hit, 16 Crit, 0 (3) Avd
23/23 HP, 0 Str, 9 Mag, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 4 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Shadow 20/20 [14 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank C]
Vulnerary 3/3

Dark: C

Sword Fighter
Lv1 Sword Fighter
9 Att, 85 (88) Hit, 5 Crit, 6 (9) Avd
20/20 HP, 3 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: E

Spear Fighter
Lv1 Spear Fighter
8 Att, 76 (79) Hit, 3 Crit, 2 (5) Avd (Odd Numbers)
9 Att, 56 (59) Hit, 3 Crit, 0 (3) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 3 Str, 1 Mag, 3 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Lance 20/20 [5 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 8 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Lance: D

Bow Fighter
Lv1 Bowfighter
8 Att, 81 (84) Hit, 3 Crit, 8 (11) Avd
20/20 HP, 3 Str, 1 Mag, 3 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Bow 20/20 [5 Mt, 75 Hit, 2 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]

Bow: E

Lv1 Mage
8 Att, 74 (77) Hit, 2 Crit, 0 (3) Avd (Odd Numbers)
7 Att, 74 (77) Hit, 2 Crit, 4 (7) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 0 Str, 4 Mag, 2 Skl, 3 Spd, 0 Luck, 0 Def, 4 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Fire 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Breeze 20/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] (Even Numbers)

Fire: E, Wind: E, Thunder: E

Ally Stats
Spear Fighter
Lv1 Spear Fighter
10 Att, 76 Hit, 3 Crit, 2 Avd
16/16 HP, 3 Str, 0 Mag, 3 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Lance 40/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

Lance: E

2013-01-01, 12:11 AM

Oh, dear Princess. Only your beautiful face gives me the strength to go on.


"Oooooh ho ho ho ho!"

Stella chortled a noblewoman's laughter, partially covering her mouth with the back of her palm.

"Why, but of course! Come, my dear Lucy, show me how your mastery of the sword shall protect such beauty as mine! Let your swift blade smite these heathens in my name!"

In the ensuing chaos of the battle, a stray arrow came flying towards Stella.

Enemy Phase

BowFighter3 attacks Stella with a Short Bow. Miss! Stella gains 30exp!



The cleric-princess screamed, crouching down barely in time to avoid the arrow, holding her arms above her head.

"What insolence! Someone, anyone, keep that murderous heathen away from me!"

2013-01-02, 11:58 PM
Player Phase
http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Gruma/BattleL.pngGruma attacks SwordFighter4 with an Iron Lance. SwordFighter4 takes 11 damage! SwordFighter4 dies. Gruma gains 30exp!

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngTorvan attacks Mage3 with an Iron Lance. Miss! Mage3 counterattacks with Fire. Miss! Torvan attacks again. Miss! Torvan gains 8exp!

http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Tori/Battle.pngTori steals a Fire tome from Mage3. Tori gains 10exp!

http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Tori/Battle.pngTori grows to level 2! +1HP, +1Skl, +1Spd, +1Def.

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngLudvig attacks BowFighter3 with Fire. Critical Hit! BowFighter3 takes 27 damage! BowFighter3 dies. Ludvig gains 30exp!

Enemy Phase

Ally Phase


Player Stats

Tori of the Fallen Firmament
Lv2:00 Thief Lord
Leadership (*)
11 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 6 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
21/21 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 6 Skl, 8 Spd, 4 Luck, 4 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 39/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3
Lockpick 30/30
Breeze 19/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Fire 18/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: D (1/50)
Affinity: Anima


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Stella| 0| -| 80
Lucy| 4| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 6| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Stella, Imperial Princess of Forden
Lv1:60 Cleric
88 Staff Accuracy, 9% Staff Double Cast, 19 (28) Avd
18/18 HP, 1 Str, 7 Mag, 7 Skl, 7 Spd, 5 Luck, 2 Def, 7 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Heal Staff 18/20 [4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Staves: C (2/50)
Affinity: Thunder


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 0| -| 80
Lucy| 6| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Ludvig| 16| -| 80
Gruma| 2| -| 80[/table]

Lucy the Dashingswordswoman
Lv1:60 Myrmidon
12 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 8 Crit, 21 (30) Avd
16/16 HP, 6 Str, 2 Mag, 8 Skl, 9 Spd, 3 Luck, 3 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 38/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: D (3/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 4| -| 80
Stella| 6| -| 80
Torvan| 4| -| 80
Wren| 2| -| 80
Ludvig| 4| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Major Torvan
Lv5:15 Social Knight
Leadership (*)
16 Att, 84 (93) Hit, 7 Crit, 18 (27) Avd
21/21 HP, 9 Str, 6 Mag, 7 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Luck, 7 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 6 Move

Iron Lance 35/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: E, Lance: E (11/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 0| -| 80
Lucy| 4| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 4| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Ludvig Tholan
Lv1:90 Armored Mage
14 Att, 88 (97) Hit, 8 Crit, 2 (11) Avd
22/22 HP, 4 Str, 10 Mag, 8 Skl, 4 Spd, 2 Luck, 9 Def, 4 Con, 0 PCC, 4 Move

Fire 18/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]
Thunder 27/30 [7 Mt, 60 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 5 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Fire: E (2/50), Thunder: E (3/50), Wind: E
Affinity: Thunder

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 6| -| 80
Stella| 8| -| 80
Lucy| 8| -| 80
Torvan| 4| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Wren Corell
Lv4:49 Wind Mage
Leadership (*)
13 Att, 90 (99) Hit, 10 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
25/25 HP, 0 Str, 10 Mag, 10 Skl, 11 Spd, 2 Luck, 8 Def, 5 Con, 4 PCC, 5 Move

Breeze 16/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Wind: D (5/50)
Affinity: Anima

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 12| -| 80
Stella| 3| -| 80
Lucy| 2| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 0| -| 80
Gruma| 6| -| 80[/table]

Gruma "the Wise"
Lv1:70 Spear Fighter
12 Att, 84 (93) Hit, 5 Crit, 16 (25) Avd
18/18 HP, 5 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 6 Spd, 4 Luck, 5 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Lance 37/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D (3/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 0| -| 80
Stella| 2| -| 80
Lucy| 0| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 0| -| 80
Wren| 6| -| 80[/table]

Enemy Stats
*Mage3 is disarmed

Lv3 Shaman
Leadership (*)
23 Att, 82 (85) Hit, 16 Crit, 0 (3) Avd
23/23 HP, 0 Str, 9 Mag, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 4 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Shadow 20/20 [14 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank C]
Vulnerary 3/3

Dark: C

Sword Fighter
Lv1 Sword Fighter
9 Att, 85 (88) Hit, 5 Crit, 6 (9) Avd
20/20 HP, 3 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: E

Spear Fighter
Lv1 Spear Fighter
8 Att, 76 (79) Hit, 3 Crit, 2 (5) Avd (Odd Numbers)
9 Att, 56 (59) Hit, 3 Crit, 0 (3) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 3 Str, 1 Mag, 3 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Lance 20/20 [5 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 8 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Lance: D

Bow Fighter
Lv1 Bowfighter
8 Att, 81 (84) Hit, 3 Crit, 8 (11) Avd
20/20 HP, 3 Str, 1 Mag, 3 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Bow 20/20 [5 Mt, 75 Hit, 2 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]

Bow: E

Lv1 Mage
8 Att, 74 (77) Hit, 2 Crit, 0 (3) Avd (Odd Numbers)
7 Att, 74 (77) Hit, 2 Crit, 4 (7) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 0 Str, 4 Mag, 2 Skl, 3 Spd, 0 Luck, 0 Def, 4 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Fire 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Breeze 20/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] (Even Numbers)

Fire: E, Wind: E, Thunder: E

Ally Stats
Spear Fighter
Lv1 Spear Fighter
10 Att, 76 Hit, 3 Crit, 2 Avd
16/16 HP, 3 Str, 0 Mag, 3 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Lance 40/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

Lance: E

Rising Phoenix
2013-01-03, 08:53 AM

The tribesman shifted uneasily under the weight of the spirit books, they sent goose bumps up his arms. Normally these texts lay hidden in the tents of the wise people. Infused with the elements of the world they were only brought out during times of conflict... and then one of the taeshi causally grabs one of the tomes.

"Be careful with th-" says the tribesman alarmed before he realized that the taeshi was qualified in their use, though perhaps not in their spiritual use "Those leaves contain a spirit from Kaerna Swyn, the spirit that is Everything... Improper use may upset... 'things'" the last sentence came out awkward as his mind struggled with the translation.

2013-01-03, 10:05 AM

"Wondrous, Master Tholen!"

Stella exclaimed, seeing the mysterious knight-mystic smite the bowman threatening her not a moment earlier under a storm of fiery wrath.

"Well done, all of you! The righteous wrath of the True Gods guide our hands this day! Hark, my brave men and women! Bring that heathen warlock to heel, dead or alive!"

2013-01-03, 01:34 PM
Torvan eyed the soldiers which charged towards the shaman. He looked toward Gruma, his eye never leaving the dark magic user. "You, with the darkened skin. Tell your friends to back down. That man's magic will tear them asunder."

2013-01-03, 02:58 PM

May my sword be a tool for the true gods to smite the enemies of Princess Stella with.

Lucy called out.

John Cribati
2013-01-03, 05:37 PM
Torvan eyed the soldiers which charged towards the shaman. He looked toward Gruma, his eye never leaving the dark magic user. "You, with the darkened skin. Tell your friends to back down. That man's magic will tear them asunder."

With a nod to the man in armor (and hopefully-unnoticed side-eye to the "darkened skin" comment) Gruma calls to his compatriots: Rhundi! Vrall! That's enough! You can back off!

2013-01-03, 06:43 PM
"Be careful with th-" says the tribesman alarmed before he realized that the taeshi was qualified in their use, though perhaps not in their spiritual use "Those leaves contain a spirit from Kaerna Swyn, the spirit that is Everything... Improper use may upset... 'things'"

Ludvig furrows his heavy brow in condescension. The pyromancer's beady eyes slant into ghastly fissures. A furious churning within the sorceror's chest whines like a steam valve releasing pressure as the coal black in his eyes shrinks into focus.

"Do not presume to lecture me in anima, porter. I have conjured more terrible spirits than this impish trick. Recall, if you may, the sound of Everything in its place."
{Silence. A well-known barrows koan.}

The haughty mage-knight storms into the nearby clearing, eyes chasing the clouds, as if the earth threatened to swallow his artifice.


"Wondrous, Master Tholen!"

Stella exclaimed, seeing the mysterious knight-mystic smite the bowman threatening her not a moment earlier under a storm of fiery wrath.

"Well done, all of you! The righteous wrath of the True Gods guide our hands this day! Hark, my brave men and women! Bring that heathen warlock to heel, dead or alive!"

With a nod to the man in armor (and hopefully-unnoticed side-eye to the "darkened skin" comment) Gruma calls to his compatriots: Rhundi! Vrall! That's enough! You can back off!

The distance call of allies wisp through the reeds and long-grass of the grotto. Peering into the woods, Ludvig mutters in buried tongues the unconscious stream of glyphs comprising the grimoire's contents. Open in the breeze, the spellbook flips through its pages, keeping pace. Deepening clouds bide above, coy to the incantator's interest. The spirits rain no forecast, and Ludvig can feel his grip over their weave wane according to the stygian tides of Dark. A blustery chill follows Rhundi and Vrall; Udhan rises.

2013-01-03, 10:28 PM
With a nod to the man in armor (and hopefully-unnoticed side-eye to the "darkened skin" comment) Gruma calls to his compatriots: Rhundi! Vrall! That's enough! You can back off!

Torvan caught the man's eyeroll, noting sharply, "If you wish to be called by name, then introduce yourself. The only other thing I have to call you is 'man of Swyn,' and that could confuse you with our guide."

John Cribati
2013-01-03, 11:13 PM
Torvan caught the man's eyeroll, noting sharply, "If you wish to be called by name, then introduce yourself. The only other thing I have to call you is 'man of Swyn,' and that could confuse you with our guide."

Gruma glances around at his newfound allies.
There were other ways for you to have singled me out. I have black hair. I'm wielding a spear. I'm not wearing a shirt.

In any case, Gruma is the name that was given to me by my elders. You may choose to include the added appelation of "The Wise."

2013-01-03, 11:43 PM
Gruma glances around at his newfound allies.
There were other ways for you to have singled me out. I have black hair. I'm wielding a spear. I'm not wearing a shirt.

In any case, Gruma is the name that was given to me by my elders. You may choose to include the added appelation of "The Wise."

"That... same description matches the two you just called off." He shook his head. "I do not wish to be difficult, wise sir Gruma. I am Torvan. Major Torvan if you so choose."

2013-01-03, 11:52 PM
"That... same description matches the two you just called off." He shook his head. "I do not wish to be difficult, wise sir Gruma. I am Torvan. Major Torvan if you so choose."

Spying Major Torvan speaking to the new arrival, Stella's curiosity was piqued. With no pressing matter at hand for her to deal with for the moment, the cleric-princess trotted over to her loyal servant.


"Ah Mister Torvan, there you are! May the Lady Fulla bless you with great riches for the loyal service you have rendered this day! Who might this good fellow here be?"

2013-01-03, 11:56 PM
Spying Major Torvan speaking to the new arrival, Stella's curiosity was piqued. With no pressing matter at hand for her to deal with for the moment, the cleric-princess trotted over to her loyal servant.


"Ah Mister Torvan, there you are! May the Lady Fulla bless you with great riches for the loyal service you have rendered this day! Who might this good fellow here be?"

"Ah, yes, Princess. Princess, this is Gruma. The Wise." He paused a moment, then added, "Gruma, this is Stella, Imperial Princess of Forden."

John Cribati
2013-01-04, 12:04 AM
"That... same description matches the two you just called off." He shook his head. "I do not wish to be difficult, wise sir Gruma. I am Torvan. Major Torvan if you so choose."

They also share my complexion, yet I was able to understand that you were referring to me.

Spying Major Torvan speaking to the new arrival, Stella's curiosity was piqued. With no pressing matter at hand for her to deal with for the moment, the cleric-princess trotted over to her loyal servant.


"Ah Mister Torvan, there you are! May the Lady Fulla bless you with great riches for the loyal service you have rendered this day! Who might this good fellow here be?"

Gruma bows and waits to be introduced. Taichi had odd customs when it came to the right to speak. As he hadn't been directly addressed, he decided to err on the side of caution.

"Ah, yes, Princess. Princess, this is Gruma. The Wise." He paused a moment, then added, "Gruma, this is Stella, Imperial Princess of Forden."

It is an honor to meet you Princess. Please allow me to apologize for the behavior of my tribe brother. Udhan is the leader of a renegade taction, his views do not represent those of the rest of my tribe.

2013-01-04, 12:16 AM
They also share my complexion, yet I was able to understand that you were referring to me.

"That is of very little consequence. From what I understand, our languages are rather different. If you are as wise as you say, perhaps you have better understanding of my language than your companions. In fact, as of now, I have yet to hear your friends speak."

2013-01-04, 12:19 AM

Gruma bows and waits to be introduced. Taichi had odd customs when it came to the right to speak. As he hadn't been directly addressed, he decided to err on the side of caution.



Initially beaming widely at Major Torvan's introduction, Stella soon took on a puzzled expression, cocking her head as she glanced at the silent forest man. Did this man not know that, given their difference in status, that he was supposed to defer to her and introduce himself first...?


The Princess suddenly exclaimed, clapping her free hand onto her clerical staff.

Of course he does not know! He is a benighted heathen of the Swyn Forest, just like good Tori after all! No matter, I can certainly make allowances in that regard!

Stella thought to herself, not making her thoughts public. Instead, she raised her free hand to Gruma, in an approximation of a greeting.

"Ya-ho! As the good Major has told you, I am indeed the Princess Stella herself, of the Empire of Forden! I come as a missionary of the True Gods, to bring the Light of the teachings of their Church to your lands! You have my gratitude for your timely assistance in dealing with that murderous warlock this day!"

The cleric-princess said in an excitable tone, pointing directly at Gruma.

"Come, my good Gruma! Tell me about yourself, while we bring matters to an end here!"


It is an honor to meet you Princess. Please allow me to apologize for the behavior of my tribe brother. Udhan is the leader of a renegade taction, his views do not represent those of the rest of my tribe.


"I would hope so! I have rather had enough taste of danger for a lifetime!"

Stella said, sighing theatrically.

"Why does this... Udan, was it? Why does he mean to do such a terrible thing to me, anyway?"

Rising Phoenix
2013-01-04, 04:58 AM
Ludvig furrows his heavy brow in condescension. The pyromancer's beady eyes slant into ghastly fissures. A furious churning within the sorceror's chest whines like a steam valve releasing pressure as the coal black in his eyes shrinks into focus.

"Do not presume to lecture me in anima, porter. I have conjured more terrible spirits than this impish trick. Recall, if you may, the sound of Everything in its place."
{Silence. A well-known barrows koan.}

The haughty mage-knight storms into the nearby clearing, eyes chasing the clouds, as if the earth threatened to swallow his artifice.


Tori says nothing at the rebuke, but looks back pitifully.

You may be able too, but that also probably why you are troubled. Perhaps you do not know your place in the world, but then no one know until they move no more.


It is an honor to meet you Princess. Please allow me to apologize for the behavior of my tribe brother. Udhan is the leader of a renegade taction, his views do not represent those of the rest of my tribe.


"That is good to hear"

[In his native tongue]

"Are we to continue as planned once these ones have been taken care off? Is there a specific punishment to be place on them?"

John Cribati
2013-01-04, 02:53 PM
"That is of very little consequence. From what I understand, our languages are rather different. If you are as wise as you say, perhaps you have better understanding of my language than your companions. In fact, as of now, I have yet to hear your friends speak."

Gruma disguises his exasperated sigh as a deep breath. And they called his people ignorant? We should just let the matter rest, comrade. I was being overly sensitive, is all.

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/stella-1.png"I would hope so! I have rather had enough taste of danger for a lifetime!"

Stella said, sighing theatrically.

"Why does this... Udan, was it? Why does he mean to do such a terrible thing to me, anyway?"

You must understand where Udhan is coming from, for though I do not agree with his methods, I do share his reasoning.

The people of Swyn and the citizens of Forden rarely see eye-to-eye. The differences in customs, language, and religion seem to be the most divisive. For example, these "True Gods" of which you speak. The implication is that the gods that I worship are false. With respect, I take offense to that, just as you would were I to claim your gods the false ones.

There is nothing stopping us from living in peace with one another, as separate territories which happen to share a border, but the trade of our wood to make your staves has led us to interact.

And each time we do, your missionaries come and tell us that our entire way of life is wrong, that by your standards, we are uncivilized and uncouth. And when I walk in Forden lands, I would not be allowed the same freedom to preach what I believe, would I?

In truth, what we seek is respect. I doubt any of the residents of Swyn agree wholeheartedly with your teachings or customs, but rather than discussing our differences, as I am doing now, Udhan wants to fight them out, and that will no doubt end badly for us all.



"That is good to hear"

[In his native tongue]

"Are we to continue as planned once these ones have been taken care off? Is there a specific punishment to be place on them?"


<nativeLanguage>The only suitable punishment the taichi will accept is death. And we must comply, lest they turn on us</nativeLanguage>

2013-01-06, 04:02 PM
Gruma disguises his exasperated sigh as a deep breath. And they called his people ignorant? We should just let the matter rest, comrade. I was being overly sensitive, is all.

The man nodded. "Yes, it is best to put this behind us. Let's start over. I am Major Torvan, of Forden. It is nice to meet you, sir Gruma."

2013-01-07, 12:53 AM
Player Phase

Enemy Phase

With a nod to the man in armor (and hopefully-unnoticed side-eye to the "darkened skin" comment) Gruma calls to his compatriots: Rhundi! Vrall! That's enough! You can back off!
http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090630161552/fireemblem/images/8/81/Zoldam.gif"It's far to late for that I'm afraid."

Udhan attacks SpearFighter1 with Shadow. Critical Hit! SpearFighter1 takes 46 damage! SpearFighter1 dies.

Ally Phase


Player Stats

Tori of the Fallen Firmament
Lv2:00 Thief Lord
Leadership (*)
11 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 6 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
21/21 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 6 Skl, 8 Spd, 4 Luck, 4 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 39/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3
Lockpick 30/30
Breeze 19/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Fire 18/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: D (1/50)
Affinity: Anima


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Stella| 3| -| 80
Lucy| 6| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 6| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Stella, Imperial Princess of Forden
Lv1:60 Cleric
88 Staff Accuracy, 9% Staff Double Cast, 19 (28) Avd
18/18 HP, 1 Str, 7 Mag, 7 Skl, 7 Spd, 5 Luck, 2 Def, 7 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Heal Staff 18/20 [4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Staves: C (2/50)
Affinity: Thunder


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 3| -| 80
Lucy| 6| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Ludvig| 20| -| 80
Gruma| 4| -| 80[/table]

Lucy the Dashingswordswoman
Lv1:60 Myrmidon
12 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 8 Crit, 21 (30) Avd
16/16 HP, 6 Str, 2 Mag, 8 Skl, 9 Spd, 3 Luck, 3 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 38/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: D (3/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 4| -| 80
Stella| 6| -| 80
Torvan| 8| -| 80
Wren| 2| -| 80
Ludvig| 10| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Major Torvan
Lv5:15 Social Knight
Leadership (*)
16 Att, 84 (93) Hit, 7 Crit, 18 (27) Avd
21/21 HP, 9 Str, 6 Mag, 7 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Luck, 7 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 6 Move

Iron Lance 35/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: E, Lance: E (11/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 0| -| 80
Lucy| 8| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 4| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Ludvig Tholan
Lv1:90 Armored Mage
14 Att, 88 (97) Hit, 8 Crit, 2 (11) Avd
22/22 HP, 4 Str, 10 Mag, 8 Skl, 4 Spd, 2 Luck, 9 Def, 4 Con, 0 PCC, 4 Move

Fire 18/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]
Thunder 27/30 [7 Mt, 60 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 5 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Fire: E (2/50), Thunder: E (3/50), Wind: E
Affinity: Thunder

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 6| -| 80
Stella| 20| -| 80
Lucy| 10| -| 80
Torvan| 4| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Wren Corell
Lv4:49 Wind Mage
Leadership (*)
13 Att, 90 (99) Hit, 10 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
25/25 HP, 0 Str, 10 Mag, 10 Skl, 11 Spd, 2 Luck, 8 Def, 5 Con, 4 PCC, 5 Move

Breeze 16/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Wind: D (5/50)
Affinity: Anima

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 12| -| 80
Stella| 3| -| 80
Lucy| 2| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 0| -| 80
Gruma| 6| -| 80[/table]

Gruma "the Wise"
Lv1:70 Spear Fighter
12 Att, 84 (93) Hit, 5 Crit, 16 (25) Avd
18/18 HP, 5 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 6 Spd, 4 Luck, 5 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Lance 37/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D (3/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 0| -| 80
Stella| 4| -| 80
Lucy| 0| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 0| -| 80
Wren| 6| -| 80[/table]

Enemy Stats
Lv3 Shaman
Leadership (*)
23 Att, 82 (85) Hit, 16 Crit, 0 (3) Avd
23/23 HP, 0 Str, 9 Mag, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 4 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Shadow 20/20 [14 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank C]
Vulnerary 3/3

Dark: C

Sword Fighter
Lv1 Sword Fighter
9 Att, 85 (88) Hit, 5 Crit, 6 (9) Avd
20/20 HP, 3 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: E

Spear Fighter
Lv1 Spear Fighter
8 Att, 76 (79) Hit, 3 Crit, 2 (5) Avd (Odd Numbers)
9 Att, 56 (59) Hit, 3 Crit, 0 (3) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 3 Str, 1 Mag, 3 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Lance 20/20 [5 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 8 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Lance: D

Bow Fighter
Lv1 Bowfighter
8 Att, 81 (84) Hit, 3 Crit, 8 (11) Avd
20/20 HP, 3 Str, 1 Mag, 3 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Bow 20/20 [5 Mt, 75 Hit, 2 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]

Bow: E

Lv1 Mage
8 Att, 74 (77) Hit, 2 Crit, 0 (3) Avd (Odd Numbers)
7 Att, 74 (77) Hit, 2 Crit, 4 (7) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 0 Str, 4 Mag, 2 Skl, 3 Spd, 0 Luck, 0 Def, 4 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Fire 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Breeze 20/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] (Even Numbers)

Fire: E, Wind: E, Thunder: E

Ally Stats
Spear Fighter
Lv1 Spear Fighter
10 Att, 76 Hit, 3 Crit, 2 Avd
16/16 HP, 3 Str, 0 Mag, 3 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Lance 40/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

Lance: E

2013-01-07, 11:38 PM
Player Phase

Enemy Phase

"Prepare to meet your vile gods taichi scum."
http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.png Udhan attacks Torvan with Shadow. Torvan takes 17 damage! Torvan gains 8exp!

Ally Phase


Player Stats

Tori of the Fallen Firmament
Lv2:00 Thief Lord
Leadership (*)
11 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 6 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
21/21 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 6 Skl, 8 Spd, 4 Luck, 4 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 39/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3
Lockpick 30/30
Breeze 19/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Fire 18/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: D (1/50)
Affinity: Anima


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Stella| 6| -| 80
Lucy| 8| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 6| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Stella, Imperial Princess of Forden
Lv1:60 Cleric
88 Staff Accuracy, 9% Staff Double Cast, 19 (28) Avd
18/18 HP, 1 Str, 7 Mag, 7 Skl, 7 Spd, 5 Luck, 2 Def, 7 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Heal Staff 18/20 [4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Staves: C (2/50)
Affinity: Thunder


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 6| -| 80
Lucy| 6| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Ludvig| 24| -| 80
Gruma| 6| -| 80[/table]

Lucy the Dashingswordswoman
Lv1:60 Myrmidon
12 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 8 Crit, 21 (30) Avd
16/16 HP, 6 Str, 2 Mag, 8 Skl, 9 Spd, 3 Luck, 3 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 38/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: D (3/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 6| -| 80
Stella| 6| -| 80
Torvan| 12| -| 80
Wren| 2| -| 80
Ludvig| 12| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Major Torvan
Lv5:23 Social Knight
Leadership (*)
16 Att, 84 (93) Hit, 7 Crit, 18 (27) Avd
4/21 HP, 9 Str, 6 Mag, 7 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Luck, 7 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 6 Move

Iron Lance 35/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: E, Lance: E (11/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 0| -| 80
Lucy| 12| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 4| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Ludvig Tholan
Lv1:90 Armored Mage
14 Att, 88 (97) Hit, 8 Crit, 2 (11) Avd
22/22 HP, 4 Str, 10 Mag, 8 Skl, 4 Spd, 2 Luck, 9 Def, 4 Con, 0 PCC, 4 Move

Fire 18/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]
Thunder 27/30 [7 Mt, 60 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 5 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Fire: E (2/50), Thunder: E (3/50), Wind: E
Affinity: Thunder

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 6| -| 80
Stella| 24| -| 80
Lucy| 12| -| 80
Torvan| 4| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Wren Corell
Lv4:49 Wind Mage
Leadership (*)
13 Att, 90 (99) Hit, 10 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
25/25 HP, 0 Str, 10 Mag, 10 Skl, 11 Spd, 2 Luck, 8 Def, 5 Con, 4 PCC, 5 Move

Breeze 16/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Wind: D (5/50)
Affinity: Anima

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 12| -| 80
Stella| 3| -| 80
Lucy| 2| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 0| -| 80
Gruma| 6| -| 80[/table]

Gruma "the Wise"
Lv1:70 Spear Fighter
12 Att, 84 (93) Hit, 5 Crit, 16 (25) Avd
18/18 HP, 5 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 6 Spd, 4 Luck, 5 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Lance 37/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D (3/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 0| -| 80
Stella| 6| -| 80
Lucy| 0| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 0| -| 80
Wren| 6| -| 80[/table]

Enemy Stats
Lv3 Shaman
Leadership (*)
23 Att, 82 (85) Hit, 16 Crit, 0 (3) Avd
23/23 HP, 0 Str, 9 Mag, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 4 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Shadow 20/20 [14 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank C]
Vulnerary 3/3

Dark: C

Sword Fighter
Lv1 Sword Fighter
9 Att, 85 (88) Hit, 5 Crit, 6 (9) Avd
20/20 HP, 3 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: E

Spear Fighter
Lv1 Spear Fighter
8 Att, 76 (79) Hit, 3 Crit, 2 (5) Avd (Odd Numbers)
9 Att, 56 (59) Hit, 3 Crit, 0 (3) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 3 Str, 1 Mag, 3 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Lance 20/20 [5 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 8 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Lance: D

Bow Fighter
Lv1 Bowfighter
8 Att, 81 (84) Hit, 3 Crit, 8 (11) Avd
20/20 HP, 3 Str, 1 Mag, 3 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Bow 20/20 [5 Mt, 75 Hit, 2 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]

Bow: E

Lv1 Mage
8 Att, 74 (77) Hit, 2 Crit, 0 (3) Avd (Odd Numbers)
7 Att, 74 (77) Hit, 2 Crit, 4 (7) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 0 Str, 4 Mag, 2 Skl, 3 Spd, 0 Luck, 0 Def, 4 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Fire 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Breeze 20/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] (Even Numbers)

Fire: E, Wind: E, Thunder: E

Ally Stats
Spear Fighter
Lv1 Spear Fighter
10 Att, 76 Hit, 3 Crit, 2 Avd
16/16 HP, 3 Str, 0 Mag, 3 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Lance 40/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

Lance: E[/QUOTE]

Rising Phoenix
2013-01-08, 12:15 AM
Gruma disguises his exasperated sigh as a deep breath. And they called his people ignorant? We should just let the matter rest, comrade. I was being overly sensitive, is all.

You must understand where Udhan is coming from, for though I do not agree with his methods, I do share his reasoning.

The people of Swyn and the citizens of Forden rarely see eye-to-eye. The differences in customs, language, and religion seem to be the most divisive. For example, these "True Gods" of which you speak. The implication is that the gods that I worship are false. With respect, I take offense to that, just as you would were I to claim your gods the false ones.

There is nothing stopping us from living in peace with one another, as separate territories which happen to share a border, but the trade of our wood to make your staves has led us to interact.

And each time we do, your missionaries come and tell us that our entire way of life is wrong, that by your standards, we are uncivilized and uncouth. And when I walk in Forden lands, I would not be allowed the same freedom to preach what I believe, would I?

In truth, what we seek is respect. I doubt any of the residents of Swyn agree wholeheartedly with your teachings or customs, but rather than discussing our differences, as I am doing now, Udhan wants to fight them out, and that will no doubt end badly for us all.


<nativeLanguage>The only suitable punishment the taichi will accept is death. And we must comply, lest they turn on us</nativeLanguage>


Tori stood a bit dumbfounded, all his efforts to approach the situation delicately had been shattered to pieces like a huge boar slamming instelf onto a boulder. He didn't know what to say so didn't say anything on the matter of religion.

"it is a sad day when our people are forced to fight one another"

And for reasons foreign to us. he wanted to add but didn't.

2013-01-09, 06:19 AM
You must understand where Udhan is coming from, for though I do not agree with his methods, I do share his reasoning.

The people of Swyn and the citizens of Forden rarely see eye-to-eye. The differences in customs, language, and religion seem to be the most divisive. For example, these "True Gods" of which you speak. The implication is that the gods that I worship are false. With respect, I take offense to that, just as you would were I to claim your gods the false ones.

There is nothing stopping us from living in peace with one another, as separate territories which happen to share a border, but the trade of our wood to make your staves has led us to interact.

And each time we do, your missionaries come and tell us that our entire way of life is wrong, that by your standards, we are uncivilized and uncouth. And when I walk in Forden lands, I would not be allowed the same freedom to preach what I believe, would I?

In truth, what we seek is respect. I doubt any of the residents of Swyn agree wholeheartedly with your teachings or customs, but rather than discussing our differences, as I am doing now, Udhan wants to fight them out, and that will no doubt end badly for us all.

For a few long moments, the Princess Stella was struck speechless by the eloquent words of what had seemed at first glance to be as rustic a forest-man as any, even more so than Tori had looked. Not just from the sheer incongruity of the contrast between his speech and his looks, but also from the fact that his words were fairly convincing.

Still, Stella was not about to concede the point, especially not since it seemed that there were still some things he did not know. Taking a deep breath, the cleric-princess closed her eyes, and put a hand to her chest.


"I see, so that is how it is, my good Gruma. The teachings of my compatriots must have indeed not gone down well with your people, as you say. For that, I do express my regret."

Stella said, before opening her eyes and staring directly at Gruma, her eyes shiny from passionate zeal.

"However, I implore your understanding, good Gruma! We who profess faith to the True God are not ignorant of the existence of the Old Ones, not by any means. However, the history of our world is replete with the cruelties and oppression visited on the people by the Old Ones and their subjects, which was ended only with the coming of the Pantheon."

"Do believe me when I say, that we who serve the True Gods with our utmost gratitude for their liberation of the yoke of the Old Ones from our heads, we can not see those who are still subjugated to that yoke, and find it in our hearts to leave them to a doubtless terrible fate! The wrath of your people we may incur for our works, good Gruma, but trust that our intentions are good..."

And Stella could say no more before she was interrupted, with the noise of hostile magics crashing into Major Torvan and doing him great harm. Startled, Stella turned around, and let out a shriek.

"Mister Torvan, no! Hang on, I'm coming...!"

And off dashed the cleric-princess towards the heavily injured knight, quite forgetting Gruma altogether.

Rising Phoenix
2013-01-09, 09:41 AM
For a few long moments, the Princess Stella was struck speechless by the eloquent words of what had seemed at first glance to be as rustic a forest-man as any, even more so than Tori had looked. Not just from the sheer incongruity of the contrast between his speech and his looks, but also from the fact that his words were fairly convincing.

Still, Stella was not about to concede the point, especially not since it seemed that there were still some things he did not know. Taking a deep breath, the cleric-princess closed her eyes, and put a hand to her chest.


"I see, so that is how it is, my good Gruma. The teachings of my compatriots must have indeed not gone down well with your people, as you say. For that, I do express my regret."

Stella said, before opening her eyes and staring directly at Gruma, her eyes shiny from passionate zeal.

"However, I implore your understanding, good Gruma! We who profess faith to the True God are not ignorant of the existence of the Old Ones, not by any means. However, the history of our world is replete with the cruelties and oppression visited on the people by the Old Ones and their subjects, which was ended only with the coming of the Pantheon."

"Do believe me when I say, that we who serve the True Gods with our utmost gratitude for their liberation of the yoke of the Old Ones from our heads, we can not see those who are still subjugated to that yoke, and find it in our hearts to leave them to a doubtless terrible fate! The wrath of your people we may incur for our works, good Gruma, but trust that our intentions are good..."

And Stella could say no more before she was interrupted, with the noise of hostile magics crashing into Major Torvan and doing him great harm. Startled, Stella turned around, and let out a shriek.

"Mister Torvan, no! Hang on, I'm coming...!"

And off dashed the cleric-princess towards the heavily injured knight, quite forgetting Gruma altogether.


Tori did not have the fluency of Gruma, but he understood what this 'princess' said well enough. "If the things you say are true, than your words admit that you do know enough." he takes a breath "If you desire I will show you that not all beyond your spirits is darkness"

[[OOC: I am bit surprised by this sudden depth to Stella, I didn't expect it from her so soon.]]

2013-01-09, 10:19 AM
[[OOC: I am bit surprised by this sudden depth to Stella, I didn't expect it from her so soon.]]

(OOC: Gruma's fault, he just had to poke at the depth of her theological understanding from the get-go. Girl may be a princess, but she did serve a stint of humble service as a cleric; you'd think she would absorb something from the experience, at least.)

2013-01-09, 11:17 AM
The man shook his head as the healing washed over him. He slammed his lance into the man's chest, not taking his eyes off of Gruma. "I'm talking here, shaman. You can wait that long."

2013-01-16, 05:03 PM
Player Phase
http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/7583/spritestellabattle.pnghttp://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngStella uses Heal on Torvan. Torvan regains 17HP. Stella gains 15exp!

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngTorvan attacks Udhan with an Iron Lance. Miss! Udhan counterattacks with Shadow. Miss! Torvan attacks again. Udhan takes 10 damage! Torvan gains 8 exp!

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y71/WingsofTorlni/Wrenbattle.pngWren attacks Udhan with Breeze. Miss! Udhan counterattacks with Shadow. Wren takes 13 damage! Wren attacks again. Udhan takes 4 damage! Wren gains 9 exp!

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngLudvig attacks Udhan with Fire. Miss! Udhan counterattacks with Shadow. Ludvig takes 13 damage. Ludvig gains 10exp!

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngLudvig grows to level 2! +1HP, +1Mag, +1Def.

http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/3525/spritelucybattle.pngLucy attacks Udhan with an Iron Sword. Udhan takes 6 damage. Udhan counterattacks with Shadow. Miss! Lucy attacks again. Critical Hit! Udhan takes 18 damage! Udhan dies. Lucy gains 56exp!

http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/3525/spritelucybattle.pngLucy grows to level 2! +1HP, +1Str, +1Spd, +1Con.

"Gah... Invaders... Defilers... Scum... Curse you. With my last breath I blaspheme your horrid gods."

Udhan's speech devolves into a stream of curses and epithets in his own native tongue as he falls down to his knees. He spits a mixture of blood and saliva at the feet of his killer, before collapsing sideways and falling still.

Player Stats

Tori of the Fallen Firmament
Lv2:00 Thief Lord
Leadership (*)
11 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 6 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
21/21 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 6 Skl, 8 Spd, 4 Luck, 4 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 39/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3
Lockpick 30/30
Breeze 19/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Fire 18/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: D (1/50)
Affinity: Anima


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Stella| 6| -| 80
Lucy| 8| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 6| -| 80
Gruma| 2| -| 80[/table]

Stella, Imperial Princess of Forden
Lv1:75 Cleric
88 Staff Accuracy, 9% Staff Double Cast, 19 (28) Avd
18/18 HP, 1 Str, 7 Mag, 7 Skl, 7 Spd, 5 Luck, 2 Def, 7 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Heal Staff 17/20 [4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Staves: C (3/50)
Affinity: Thunder


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 6| -| 80
Lucy| 6| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Ludvig| 28| -| 80
Gruma| 6| -| 80[/table]

Lucy the Dashingswordswoman
Lv2:16 Myrmidon
13 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 8 Crit, 23 (32) Avd
17/17 HP, 7 Str, 2 Mag, 8 Skl, 10 Spd, 3 Luck, 3 Def, 9 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 36/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: D (5/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 6| -| 80
Stella| 6| -| 80
Torvan| 16| -| 80
Wren| 2| -| 80
Ludvig| 14| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Major Torvan
Lv5:31 Social Knight
Leadership (*)
16 Att, 84 (93) Hit, 7 Crit, 18 (27) Avd
21 HP, 9 Str, 6 Mag, 7 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Luck, 7 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 6 Move

Iron Lance 34/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: E, Lance: E (13/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 2| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 4| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Ludvig Tholan
Lv2:00 Armored Mage
15 Att, 88 (97) Hit, 8 Crit, 2 (11) Avd
23/23 HP, 4 Str, 11 Mag, 8 Skl, 4 Spd, 2 Luck, 10 Def, 4 Con, 0 PCC, 4 Move

Fire 17/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]
Thunder 27/30 [7 Mt, 60 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 5 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Fire: E (3/50), Thunder: E (3/50), Wind: E
Affinity: Thunder

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 6| -| 80
Stella| 28| -| 80
Lucy| 14| -| 80
Torvan| 4| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Wren Corell
Lv4:58 Wind Mage
Leadership (*)
13 Att, 90 (99) Hit, 10 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
25/25 HP, 0 Str, 10 Mag, 10 Skl, 11 Spd, 2 Luck, 8 Def, 5 Con, 4 PCC, 5 Move

Breeze 14/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Wind: D (7/50)
Affinity: Anima

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 12| -| 80
Stella| 3| -| 80
Lucy| 2| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 0| -| 80
Gruma| 6| -| 80[/table]

Gruma "the Wise"
Lv1:70 Spear Fighter
12 Att, 84 (93) Hit, 5 Crit, 16 (25) Avd
18/18 HP, 5 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 6 Spd, 4 Luck, 5 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Lance 37/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D (3/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 6| -| 80
Lucy| 0| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 0| -| 80
Wren| 6| -| 80[/table]

2013-01-16, 05:17 PM
Torvan took Gruma to the side, after a moment's pause. "Is there a proper burial procedure for your friend?" He nodded towards the fallen soldier.

John Cribati
2013-01-16, 07:12 PM
Torvan took Gruma to the side, after a moment's pause. "Is there a proper burial procedure for your friend?" He nodded towards the fallen soldier.

We do not bury traitors. He is to be left for the worms and crows.

2013-01-16, 09:30 PM
We do not bury traitors. He is to be left for the worms and crows.

Torvan shook his head. "I refer to the man he killed."

Rising Phoenix
2013-01-16, 10:40 PM
Torvan shook his head. "I refer to the man he killed."


The young man sighs in sadness. "Fools! Fools!" he curses under his breath and then falls silent in quiet respect.

John Cribati
2013-01-16, 10:52 PM
Torvan shook his head. "I refer to the man he killed."

Oh. Of... course. I apologize for my misunderstanding. Udhan was also... something of a friend to me. Er... Tradition states that the body of a fallen warrior is burned, so the strength of his soul may remain with us in the air we breathe. I will bear him back to my tribe.

2013-01-16, 11:01 PM
Oh. Of... course. I apologize for my misunderstanding. Udhan was also... something of a friend to me. Er... Tradition states that the body of a fallen warrior is burned, so the strength of his soul may remain with us in the air we breathe. I will bear him back to my tribe.

Torvan nodded. "No need for apology. It is best if I know what is meant for them both."

2013-01-17, 12:58 AM

"Hear my plea Fulla, Lady of Great Wealth! Bless your loyal servant with vigour, that he may bring glory to Your name!"

Stella chanted, summoning forth the healing light which settled around Major Torvan, healing his wounds in mere moments. Stepping back, the cleric-princess watched as her retinue along with their newfound allies began to pile onto the enemy warlock.

Although Udhan put up a good fight, and got in some good hits on some of the retinue, he finally went down to superior numbers at the end, with Lucy delivering the exquisite strike that finally felled the warlock. Seeing this, Stella's voice pealed in delight, as she trotted over to the swordswoman.

"Wonderful, my dear Lucy! Splendid, splendid! A performance worth of the Lady Falni herself!"

She exclaimed, her voice ringing out loud enough that everyone else could hear, forgetting about everyone else who had done their part in taking down Udhan, not even realising the morose mood that had fallen over Gruma, Tori and Major Torvan.

2013-01-17, 01:01 AM

"Hear my plea Fulla, Lady of Great Wealth! Bless your loyal servant with vigour, that he may bring glory to Your name!"

Stella chanted, summoning forth the healing light which settled around Major Torvan, healing his wounds in mere moments. Stepping back, the cleric-princess watched as her retinue along with their newfound allies began to pile onto the enemy warlock.

Although Udhan put up a good fight, and got in some good hits on some of the retinue, he finally went down to superior numbers at the end, with Lucy delivering the exquisite strike that finally felled the warlock. Seeing this, Stella's voice pealed in delight, as she trotted over to the swordswoman.

"Wonderful, my dear Lucy! Splendid, splendid! A performance worth of the Lady Falni herself!"

She exclaimed, her voice ringing out loud enough that everyone else could hear, forgetting about everyone else who had done their part in taking down Udhan, not even realising the morose mood that had fallen over Gruma, Tori and Major Torvan.


Oh, my dear shining star. I cannot take credit for felling that damned warlock. Lucy breathed in deep, before clasping a hand on Stella's shoulder

For it was your beauty and grace that inspired my sword to strike so true against those who would harm you, vessel of the true gods.

2013-01-17, 01:34 AM

Oh, my dear shining star. I cannot take credit for felling that damned warlock. Lucy breathed in deep, before clasping a hand on Stella's shoulder

For it was your beauty and grace that inspired my sword to strike so true against those who would harm you, vessel of the true gods.


"Oh, so modest! But yes, I am! Ooooohohohohohoho!"

Stella chortled in a noblewoman's laughter, back of her hand raised to her mouth. She then placed a hand on Lucy's hand, which was on her shoulder.

"Nevertheless, you have done me a great service today, Lucy dearest! I shall not forget this boon, this I swear!"

2013-01-17, 01:37 AM

"Oh, so modest! But yes, I am! Ooooohohohohohoho!"

Stella chortled in a noblewoman's laughter, back of her hand raised to her mouth. She then placed a hand on Lucy's hand, which was on her shoulder.

"Nevertheless, you have done me a great service today, Lucy dearest! I shall not forget this boon, this I swear!"


Lucy gently lifted Stella's hand to her mouth giving it a courtly kiss.

You do not need to remember. Simply serving a princess is the greatest honor to dashing swordsfighters such as myself.

2013-01-19, 04:50 PM
The moiled expression on Ludvig's face flickers between the light and shadow cast by a dancing flame. Without so much as a pyre, Ludvig conjures jets of purifying flame to scour clean the body of the fallen spear-fighter.

"A wise edict. The dead demand their ministrations. I've been one to render them before."

The pile of char where a body once lay smokes with the residual, sticky-sweet smell of flesh. Ludvig gives the bones a last wash. Cracked metal and melted chainmail collapse into the formless ash. Amongst the casualties left scattered by the day, this repose was at least peaceful.

2013-01-23, 02:48 PM

Wren would remain silent for a moment, watching the others as she took the opportunity to catch her breath, putting away her tome and adjusting her hat a bit. She, however, found herself wincing slightly at the Princess' outburst, followed by an eyeroll as she watched the Princess and Lucy fool around. She approached, putting a hand on Stella's shoulder and speaking softly. "Princess, of all people, I'm all for having fun after a hard fight, but... don't you have something else you should be doing right now?" She hinted with her eyes and a slight move of her head, looking over at the ashes of the fallen man who had come along with Gruma.

2013-01-23, 11:32 PM
The pile of char where a body once lay smokes with the residual, sticky-sweet smell of flesh. Ludvig gives the bones a last wash. Cracked metal and melted chainmail collapse into the formless ash. Amongst the casualties left scattered by the day, this repose was at least peaceful.

"Thank you, brother Ludvig." Tarvon placed a hand on Tori's shoulder. "I do not wish to deprieve you of your time of mourning, but it may be best if we continue moving." He looked over at his ward, almost absently. "I understand that the Princess is... something of a disturbance to your realm. If others share the same sentiment as Udhan, we may well be attacked again." He shifted his gaze to Gruma. "If that is the case, would you travel with us, sir Gruma? We would do well to add your knowledge to our group."

John Cribati
2013-01-24, 12:05 AM
"Thank you, brother Ludvig." Tarvon placed a hand on Tori's shoulder. "I do not wish to deprieve you of your time of mourning, but it may be best if we continue moving." He looked over at his ward, almost absently. "I understand that the Princess is... something of a disturbance to your realm. If others share the same sentiment as Udhan, we may well be attacked again." He shifted his gaze to Gruma. "If that is the case, would you travel with us, sir Gruma? We would do well to add your knowledge to our group."

After one final moment standing over the ashes of his comrade, Gruma kneels, along with Vrall. Both inhale a lungful of air and blow as much as the single breath would allow. Wiping away a final tear, Gruma addresses his newfound allies. Yes, Sir Torvan. I will accompany you. We must work together to put an end to this.
<nativeTongue>Vrall, I thank you for your assistance. You need not come with me.</nativeTongue>

2013-01-24, 12:14 AM
After one final moment standing over the ashes of his comrade, Gruma kneels, along with Vrall. Both inhale a lungful of air and blow as much as the single breath would allow. Wiping away a final tear, Gruma addresses his newfound allies. Yes, Sir Torvan. I will accompany you. We must work together to put an end to this.
<nativeTongue>Vrall, I thank you for your assistance. You need not come with me.</nativeTongue>

The Major bowed, as well as one could atop a horse. "Thank you, sir Gruma. It is an honor." He then rode towards the Princess, and placed a stern hand on her shoulder, like a father to a misbehaving child. "Princess. We must carry on."

2013-01-24, 12:24 AM

"Princess, of all people, I'm all for having fun after a hard fight, but... don't you have something else you should be doing right now?"


"...what? What are you... oh."

Stella began, slightly startled by Wren's hand on her shoulder. Having never been so casually touched by another person without her consent before, the cleric-princess turned in the mercenary's direction with half a mind to bite her head off, before trailing off at seeing what the latter had pointed her to. Seeing that, a pensive look came over the face of the Princess of Forden.

"Yes. You're right. Please excuse me."

Stella said to Wren and Lucy, stepping away to walk towards the men of the party. Reaching them, the cleric-princess turned to Ludvig first, bowing slightly with staff in hand.

"Mister Ludvig, you have my appreciation for the services you have rendered here, today.

She said to the incantator, before turning to Gruma and bowing slightly to him too.

"My good Gruma. I have not words enough for the gratitude for the sacrifices that you, and your friends, have made here this day in my defense. The least I can do is offer a dirge to speed their way; would you consent to this?"

2013-01-24, 12:44 AM

So Wren. Lucy started, moving to Wren's side, and putting her arm on Wren's opposite shoulder.

What's a cute girl like you doing in a place like this?

John Cribati
2013-01-24, 01:11 AM
"My good Gruma. I have not words enough for the gratitude for the sacrifices that you, and your friends, have made here this day in my defense. The least I can do is offer a dirge to speed their way; would you consent to this?"

I would appreciate it very much.

2013-01-24, 01:51 AM

So Wren. Lucy started, moving to Wren's side, and putting her arm on Wren's opposite shoulder.

What's a cute girl like you doing in a place like this?

The Major coughed slightly into his fist. "Miss Lucy, come with me to see if there is anything to be eaten in these parts."

2013-01-24, 02:05 AM
I would appreciate it very much.

Bowing deeply as a response to Gruma's acquiescene, Stella turned to the freshly-immolated ashes of Gruma's erstwhile companions, whom had met their end at the hands of the mad warlock Udhan. Kneeling down tentatively, the cleric-princess gazed upon the still-smouldering mound for a while, a pensive look in her eyes. Almost as if she was close to tears.

Then, she squeezed her eyes shut, and covered her face with both hands. She stood up again, and turned her back to Gruma and everyone else. In that hunched-over posture, the Princess actually looked like nothing more than a small child, unsure of what to do.


"I am sorry, my good Gruma. I need a little time to prepare myself. Please understand. I will return shortly"

Stella said, in an uncharacteristically soft voice, almost inaudible in its softness. She then turned and ran in the direction of the river, disappearing amongst the woods.


The river was but a short distance away from the scene of the battle, which meant that Stella came to its banks shortly afterwards. Gazing over the flowing waters, the cleric-princess lowered her head, closed her eyes, and clasped her hands together, as if in prayer.

2013-01-24, 02:06 AM
The Major coughed slightly into his fist. "Miss Lucy, come with me to see if there is anything to be eaten in these parts."


Lucy rolled her eyes at first, and took her hand away from Wren's shoulder with obvious reluctance.

Yes, Major. She sighed.

Then an idea hit her like a star. Who better to know what the Princess liked, then Major Torvan.

Lucy waited for a decent distance to pass before asking.

So, Major. Any ideas on how to woo Princess Stella.

2013-01-24, 02:10 PM

So, Major. Any ideas on how to woo Princess Stella.

Torvan raised an eyebrow, but otherwise gave no response. After a moment, he chuckled slightly. "Perhaps some other time."

2013-01-30, 12:30 AM
Ministrations for the dead and wounded consume enough time to prevent the group from reaching their destination before nightfall. Rather than risk ambush traveling by dark, they make camp for the night. Sentries are posted, though the morning arrives without incident. The following day, they cross the final distance separating them from the Fordic mission. The forest begins to thin, the dense trees gradually giving way to scrubbier vegetation, and sparser woodlands.

As the group marches onward, commotion can be heard, unmistakably coming from the direction toward which they walk. At first, the noise might be mistakable for everyday hustle and bustle, but it quickly becomes apparent that there is something much more sinister afoot. When the mission is finally within sight, it is being set upon by unknown aggressors. However, the attackers are not the disorganized rabble from the day before, nor do they appear to be entirely composed of natives of the Swyn forest. Though they are for the moment too far away to make out features, many of them wear garb originating from Forden, Bierland, and even Awan.

Chapter 1: Foreign Aggressors
Main Objective: Defend the Town Hall for 8 turns or defeat .
Secondary Objective: Protect all four villages.

PCs can deploy on any square from 20-23 and from C-E which they can traverse.


Player Stats

Tori of the Fallen Firmament
Lv2:00 Thief Lord
Leadership (*)
11 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 6 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
21/21 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 6 Skl, 8 Spd, 4 Luck, 4 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 39/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3
Lockpick 30/30
Breeze 19/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Fire 18/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: D (1/50)
Affinity: Anima


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Stella| 6| -| 80
Lucy| 8| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 6| -| 80
Gruma| 2| -| 80[/table]

Stella, Imperial Princess of Forden
Lv1:75 Cleric
88 Staff Accuracy, 9% Staff Double Cast, 19 (28) Avd
18/18 HP, 1 Str, 7 Mag, 7 Skl, 7 Spd, 5 Luck, 2 Def, 7 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Heal Staff 17/20 [4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Staves: C (3/50)
Affinity: Thunder


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 6| -| 80
Lucy| 6| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Ludvig| 28| -| 80
Gruma| 6| -| 80[/table]

Lucy the Dashingswordswoman
Lv2:16 Myrmidon
13 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 8 Crit, 23 (32) Avd
17/17 HP, 7 Str, 2 Mag, 8 Skl, 10 Spd, 3 Luck, 3 Def, 9 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 36/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: D (5/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 6| -| 80
Stella| 6| -| 80
Torvan| 16| -| 80
Wren| 2| -| 80
Ludvig| 14| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Major Torvan
Lv5:31 Social Knight
Leadership (*)
16 Att, 84 (93) Hit, 7 Crit, 18 (27) Avd
21 HP, 9 Str, 6 Mag, 7 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Luck, 7 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 6 Move

Iron Lance 34/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: E, Lance: E (13/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 2| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 4| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Ludvig Tholan
Lv2:00 Armored Mage
15 Att, 88 (97) Hit, 8 Crit, 2 (11) Avd
23/23 HP, 4 Str, 11 Mag, 8 Skl, 4 Spd, 2 Luck, 10 Def, 4 Con, 0 PCC, 4 Move

Fire 17/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]
Thunder 27/30 [7 Mt, 60 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 5 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Fire: E (3/50), Thunder: E (3/50), Wind: E
Affinity: Thunder

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 6| -| 80
Stella| 28| -| 80
Lucy| 14| -| 80
Torvan| 4| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Wren Corell
Lv4:58 Wind Mage
Leadership (*)
13 Att, 90 (99) Hit, 10 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
25/25 HP, 0 Str, 10 Mag, 10 Skl, 11 Spd, 2 Luck, 8 Def, 5 Con, 4 PCC, 5 Move

Breeze 14/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Wind: D (7/50)
Affinity: Anima

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 12| -| 80
Stella| 3| -| 80
Lucy| 2| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 0| -| 80
Gruma| 6| -| 80[/table]

Gruma "the Wise"
Lv1:70 Spear Fighter
12 Att, 84 (93) Hit, 5 Crit, 16 (25) Avd
18/18 HP, 5 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 6 Spd, 4 Luck, 5 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Lance 37/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D (3/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 6| -| 80
Lucy| 0| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 0| -| 80
Wren| 6| -| 80[/table]

Enemy Stats
Lv5 SwordFighter
Leadership (**)
15 Att, 99 (106) Hit, 38 Crit, 19 (25) Avd
23/23 HP, 8 Str, 2 Mag, 8 Skl, 9 Spd, 3 Luck, 5 Def, 6 Con, 2 PCC, 5 Move

Kill Sword 30/30 [7 Mt, 80 Hit, 1 Rng, 30 Crit, 7 Wt, Rank C]

Sword: B

Lv2 Brigand
15 Att, 65 (73) Hit, 0 Crit, 2 (8) Avd
22/22 HP, 6 Str, 2 Mag, 0 Skl, 2 Spd, 0 Luck, 3 Def, 9 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Axe 30/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E]

Axe: D
Steal Skill

Lv 2 Axe Fighter
13 Att, 55 (61) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (6) Avd
21/21 HP, 7 Str, 2 Mag, 5 Skl, 0 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 8 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Hand Axe 20/20 [6 Mt, 45 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]

Axe: D

Lv2 Pegasus Knight
8/10 Att, 80/60 (86/66) Hit, 5 Crit, 12/0 (18/6) Avd
18/18 HP, 4 Str, 3 Mag, 5 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 7 Move

Slim Lance 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]

Lance: D

Sword Fighter
Lv2 Sword Fighter
12 Att, 85 (91) Hit, 5 Crit, 8 (14) Avd
20/20 HP, 6 Str, 3 Mag, 5 Skl, 7 Spd, 0 Luck, 3 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: E

Spear Fighter
Lv2 Spear Fighter
9 Att, 82 (88) Hit, 6 Crit, 6 (12) Avd (Odd Numbers)
10 Att, 62 (68) Hit, 6 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
19/19 HP, 4 Str, 2 Mag, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Lance 20/20 [5 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 8 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Lance: D

Bow Fighter
Lv2 Bowfighter
10 Att, 85 (91) Hit, 5 Crit, 10 (16) Avd
20/20 HP, 5 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Bow 20/20 [5 Mt, 75 Hit, 2 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]

Bow: E

Lv2 Mage
9 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Odd Numbers)
8 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 4 (10) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 0 Str, 5 Mag, 2 Skl, 3 Spd, 0 Luck, 0 Def, 4 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Fire 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Breeze 20/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] (Even Numbers)

Fire: E, Wind: E, Thunder: E

Ally Stats
Lieutenant Moeler
Lv3 Wyvern Rider
Leadership (*)
18/13 Att, 81/66 (84/69) Hit, 8 Crit, 18/20 (21/23) Avd
22/22 HP, 7 Str, 3 Mag, 8 Skl, 8 Spd, 6 Luck, 5 Def, 11 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Long Lance 20/20 [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 13 Wt, Rank E]
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank E]

Lance: C

Lv1 Armor Knight (Lance)
15 Att, 65 (68) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (3) Avd
20/20 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 3 Spd, 0 Luck, 9 Def, 12 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Steel Lance 30/30 [10 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 15 Wt, Rank D]

Lance: D

Rising Phoenix
2013-02-02, 05:40 AM

The man stood apart from the rest. He wished to be alone, to grieve, to think clearly and to choose a course of action. The night was still, pleasantly cool and most importantly quiet. Only a distant owl hooted away at the cold stars above.

The next day was spent mainly in the company of his flute, until his feet could detect vibration and his ears the alarm calls of animals.

"Something is wrong" he cautioned his charges before hearing a painful shout and running towards the source of the sound.

It was chaotic. He recognized his own people, but there were plenty clad in sleeping metal as well and he wasn't sure what was going on... He looked with concern back at the others who were just arriving "The Hunter is upon us*" he said in dreadful tone. "There are both our peoples here and lots of bad commotion...Any idea who your tribes are?" he asked the taeshi

[* As in "a great tragedy is occurring]

2013-02-04, 11:13 AM
Ludvig walks along the dirt path. The presence of organized troops dawns on the elder magician peacefully. Mercenaries out so far only meant their retinue was on trail. The monkish caster walks to the edge of the bridge stretching across the river between the horde and threatened outpost. Downstream, a smaller footbridge separated the forward party of raiders and main host.

"The men in cloth. Bieren hedge wizards," he answers Tori plainly. From the caravan, Ludvig snatches a copy of the apprentices' manuscript for the final school in the anima triumvirate, "Mercenary mages. They likely haven't prepared in more than one school each..."

The elder wizard sniffs condescendingly. Half a century ago he had debarked unto Swyn with a similar company of unwashed invaders. Despite the haziness of his memories, Ludvig's past lives echo hauntingly. The hills roll along like the tongues of a crippled leviathan. Soldiers stick out of the woods like crooked dragons' teeth. What conjuror had sewn them remained unseen.

2013-02-06, 01:43 PM
Player Phase

Enemy Phase
Brigand1 attacks ArmorKnight1 with an Iron Axe. ArmorKnight1 takes 5 damage! ArmorKnight1 counterattacks with a Steel Lance. Miss!

Brigand2 attacks ArmorKnight3 with an Iron Axe. ArmorKnight3 takes 5 damage! ArmorKnight1 counterattacks with a Steel Lance. Miss!

SwordFighter5 enters at R22.

AxeFigher4 enters at R23.

SpearFighter7 enters at Q23.

Ally Phase
Moeler: ""Major Torvan, is that you? Thank the Gods, I thought we were done for. You there!" he gestures to the armored soldier guarding the group of houses nearest the bridge that the group had just crossed. "We can secure your post easily enough now. Move out and help Major Torvan and Princess Stella engage the enemy!"

Main Objective: Defend the Town Hall for 8 turns or defeat Sha. (Now on turn 2/8)
Secondary Objective: Protect all four villages.

Player Stats

Tori of the Fallen Firmament
Lv2:00 Thief Lord
Leadership (*)
11 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 6 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
21/21 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 6 Skl, 8 Spd, 4 Luck, 4 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 39/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3
Lockpick 30/30

Sword: D (1/50)
Affinity: Anima


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Stella| 9| -| 80
Lucy| 8| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 6| -| 80
Gruma| 2| -| 80[/table]

Stella, Imperial Princess of Forden
Lv1:75 Cleric
88 Staff Accuracy, 9% Staff Double Cast, 19 (28) Avd
18/18 HP, 1 Str, 7 Mag, 7 Skl, 7 Spd, 5 Luck, 2 Def, 7 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Heal Staff 17/20 [4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Staves: C (3/50)
Affinity: Thunder


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 9| -| 80
Lucy| 8| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Ludvig| 28| -| 80
Gruma| 6| -| 80[/table]

Lucy the Dashingswordswoman
Lv2:16 Myrmidon
13 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 8 Crit, 23 (32) Avd
17/17 HP, 7 Str, 2 Mag, 8 Skl, 10 Spd, 3 Luck, 3 Def, 9 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 36/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: D (5/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 6| -| 80
Stella| 8| -| 80
Torvan| 16| -| 80
Wren| 4| -| 80
Ludvig| 16| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Major Torvan
Lv5:31 Social Knight
Leadership (*)
16 Att, 84 (93) Hit, 7 Crit, 18 (27) Avd
21 HP, 9 Str, 6 Mag, 7 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Luck, 7 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 6 Move

Iron Lance 34/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: E, Lance: E (13/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 2| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 4| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Ludvig Tholan
Lv2:00 Armored Mage
15 Att, 88 (97) Hit, 8 Crit, 2 (11) Avd
23/23 HP, 4 Str, 11 Mag, 8 Skl, 4 Spd, 2 Luck, 10 Def, 4 Con, 0 PCC, 4 Move

Fire 17/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]
Thunder 27/30 [7 Mt, 60 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 5 Wt, Rank E]
Breeze 19/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Fire 18/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Fire: E (3/50), Thunder: E (3/50), Wind: E
Affinity: Thunder

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 6| -| 80
Stella| 28| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Torvan| 4| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Gruma| 3| -| 80[/table]

Wren Corell
Lv4:58 Wind Mage
Leadership (*)
13 Att, 90 (99) Hit, 10 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
25/25 HP, 0 Str, 10 Mag, 10 Skl, 11 Spd, 2 Luck, 8 Def, 5 Con, 4 PCC, 5 Move

Breeze 14/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Wind: D (7/50)
Affinity: Anima

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 12| -| 80
Stella| 3| -| 80
Lucy| 4| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 0| -| 80
Gruma| 6| -| 80[/table]

Gruma "the Wise"
Lv1:70 Spear Fighter
12 Att, 84 (93) Hit, 5 Crit, 16 (25) Avd
18/18 HP, 5 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 6 Spd, 4 Luck, 5 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Lance 37/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D (3/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 6| -| 80
Lucy| 0| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Wren| 6| -| 80[/table]

Enemy Stats
Lv5 SwordFighter
Leadership (**)
15 Att, 99 (106) Hit, 38 Crit, 19 (25) Avd
23/23 HP, 8 Str, 2 Mag, 8 Skl, 9 Spd, 3 Luck, 5 Def, 6 Con, 2 PCC, 5 Move

Kill Sword 30/30 [7 Mt, 80 Hit, 1 Rng, 30 Crit, 7 Wt, Rank C]

Sword: B

Lv2 Brigand
15 Att, 65 (73) Hit, 0 Crit, 2 (8) Avd
22/22 HP, 6 Str, 2 Mag, 0 Skl, 2 Spd, 0 Luck, 3 Def, 9 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Axe 30/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E]

Axe: D
Steal Skill

Lv 2 Axe Fighter
13 Att, 55 (61) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (6) Avd
21/21 HP, 7 Str, 2 Mag, 5 Skl, 0 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 8 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Hand Axe 20/20 [6 Mt, 45 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]

Axe: D

Lv2 Pegasus Knight
8/10 Att, 80/60 (86/66) Hit, 5 Crit, 12/0 (18/6) Avd
18/18 HP, 4 Str, 3 Mag, 5 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 7 Move

Slim Lance 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]

Lance: D

Sword Fighter
Lv2 Sword Fighter
12 Att, 85 (91) Hit, 5 Crit, 8 (14) Avd
20/20 HP, 6 Str, 3 Mag, 5 Skl, 7 Spd, 0 Luck, 3 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: E

Spear Fighter
Lv2 Spear Fighter
9 Att, 82 (88) Hit, 6 Crit, 6 (12) Avd (Odd Numbers)
10 Att, 62 (68) Hit, 6 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
19/19 HP, 4 Str, 2 Mag, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Lance 20/20 [5 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 8 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Lance: D

Bow Fighter
Lv2 Bowfighter
10 Att, 85 (91) Hit, 5 Crit, 10 (16) Avd
20/20 HP, 5 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Bow 20/20 [5 Mt, 75 Hit, 2 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]

Bow: E

Lv2 Mage
9 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Odd Numbers)
8 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 4 (10) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 0 Str, 5 Mag, 2 Skl, 3 Spd, 0 Luck, 0 Def, 4 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Fire 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Breeze 20/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] (Even Numbers)

Fire: E, Wind: E, Thunder: E

Ally Stats
*ArmorKnight1 at 15/20 HP
*ArmorKnight3 at 15/20 HP

Lieutenant Moeler
Lv3 Wyvern Rider
Leadership (*)
18/13 Att, 81/66 (84/69) Hit, 8 Crit, 18/20 (21/23) Avd
22/22 HP, 7 Str, 3 Mag, 8 Skl, 8 Spd, 6 Luck, 5 Def, 11 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Long Lance 20/20 [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 13 Wt, Rank E]
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank E]

Lance: C

Lv1 Armor Knight (Lance)
15 Att, 65 (68) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (3) Avd
20/20 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 3 Spd, 0 Luck, 9 Def, 12 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Steel Lance 30/30 [10 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 15 Wt, Rank D]
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D

2013-02-06, 02:12 PM
Moeler: ""Major Torvan, is that you? Thank the Gods, I thought we were done for. You there!" he gestures to the armored soldier guarding the group of houses nearest the bridge that the group had just crossed. "We can secure your post easily enough now. Move out and help Major Torvan and Princess Stella engage the enemy!"

The Major nodded, then bellowed, "Knights of Forden, remember your training! Hold the enemy at bay! I come with aid!" His spear at the ready, he charged towards the enemy. He would not let them defeat Forden's knights. No, not Forden's knights. His knights. He had trained these men in the way of the spear. He remembered them all. Their faces, their names, their training. The one closest to him was McGrath, an older soldier known for his steady arm. For their sake, he could not fall.

(Torvan moves to F9)

2013-02-08, 11:16 AM
The Day Before...

No one seemed to know where the Princess Stella had gone, but after a while, she reappeared from the direction she had run off to; but now, she was garbed in a simple white dress, having divested herself of most of her layers of clothing until only the simple raiment of a Church acolyte remained.

Her hair and face were moist, as if she had been washing her face in the river just a few paces from them. There was a gravity to her bearing which wasn't there before, and the Princess looked like a proper cleric for what seemed to be the first time since the party formed. Looking in Tori's and Gruma's direction, she beckoned to them.


"My good men Tori, Gruma. By your leave, I will now send your departed friend on his final journey, as is according to the customs of my people."

Having said that, Stella walked over to what remained of the ashes of the deceased Rhundi, and settled herself in a kneeling position before the mound. Then, with her eyes closed, she began to sing.

"Go now to your final sleep,
All hearts must one day cease to beat.
All mortal men must one day fall,
To the cold embrace of Lord Grall.

Yet though the human flesh is gone,
The Immortal Spirit carries on.

Slip away between the distant stars,
Through the kingdoms of the Gods.
May the virtues of your life,
Free you now from worldly strife.

Though the human flesh is gone,
The Immortal Spirit carries on."

In the depths of the forest, her singing voice rang out clear and crisp, like the bubbling waters of a sparkling spring, like clear glass given a voice of its own, even as it sang of the end and of loss. Eventually, the cleric-princess ceased singing, and stood up to once again face herself towards Tori and Gruma.


"May your friend find peace in my humble offering, and may he be speeded to his final destination, wherever it may be."

Stella said. And with that, she concluded the ritual with a slight bow to the men of Swyn.


Present Moment

Since the day before, the Princess Stella had been uncharacteristically subdued, not nearly as talkative as she was usually wont to be. In fact, she seemed positively contemplative, making the rest of the trip in relative silence.

So it was that the cleric-princess took notice of the situation belatedly, looking around a little confused at the sudden rush of activity, as well as the sudden appearance of so many people. Glancing around, she asked no one in particular.


"Wh-what? What's going on?"

2013-02-13, 12:00 PM
Player Phase
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y71/WingsofTorlni/Wrenbattle.pngWren attacks AxeFighter2 with Breeze. AxeFighter2 takes 11 damage! AxeFighter2 counterattacks with a Hand Axe. Miss! Wren attacks again AxeFighter2 takes 11 damage! AxeFighter2 dies. Wren gains 23exp!

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngLudvig attacks Brigand5 with Fire. Brigand5 takes 13 damage. Brigand5 counterattacks with an Iron Axe. Miss! Ludvig gains 9exp!

http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Tori/Battle.pngTori visits the village.

"Ah! Wh-who are you?" The man looks warily at the unfamiliar figure of the Swyn tribesman.

Enemy Phase
Brigand1 attacks ArmorKnight1 with an Iron Axe. Miss! ArmorKnight1 counterattacks with a Steel Lance. Brigand1 takes 12 damage!

Brigand2 attacks ArmorKnight3 with an Iron Axe. ArmorKnight3 takes 5 damage! ArmorKnight1 counterattacks with a Steel Lance. Miss!

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngBrigand4 attacks Ludvig with an Iron Axe. Ludvig takes 3 damage! Ludvig counterattacks with Fire. Brigand4 takes 13 damage! Ludvig gains 9exp!

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y71/WingsofTorlni/Wrenbattle.pngBrigand5 attacks Wren with an Iron Axe. Miss! Wren counterattacks with Breeze. Brigand5 takes 11 damage! Brigand5 dies. Wren gains 43exp!

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y71/WingsofTorlni/Wrenbattle.pngWren grows to level 5! +1Skl, +1Luck

AxeFighter1 attacks ArmorKnight3 with a Hand Axe. ArmorKnight3 takes 3 damage!

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngAxeFighter3 attacks Ludvig with a Hand Axe. Ludvig takes 1 damage! Ludvig counterattacks with Fire. Miss (Roll was a 95)! Ludvig gains 9exp!

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y71/WingsofTorlni/Wrenbattle.pngSwordFighter2 attacks Wren with a Short Sword. Wren takes 2 damage! Wren counterattacks with Breeze. SwordFighter2 takes 10 damage! Wren attacks again. Miss (Roll was a 94)! Wren gains 8exp!

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y71/WingsofTorlni/Wrenbattle.pngSwordFighter3 attacks Wren with a Short Sword. Miss! Wren counterattacks with Breeze. SwordFighter3 takes 10 damage! Wren attacks again. SwordFighter3 takes 10 damage! SwordFighter3 dies. Wren gains 19exp!

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y71/WingsofTorlni/Wrenbattle.pngSwordFighter4 attacks Wren with a Short Sword. Wren takes 2 damage! Wren counterattacks with Breeze. SwordFighter4 takes 10 damage! Wren attacks again. SwordFighter4 takes 10 damage! SwordFighter4 dies. Wren gains 19exp!

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngSpearFighter3 attacks Torvan with a Short lance. Torvan takes 2 damage! Torvan counterattacks with an Iron Lance. Critical Hit! SpearFighter3 takes 30 damage! SpearFighter3 dies. Torvan gains 19exp!

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngBowFighter3 attacks Ludvig with a Short Bow. Miss! Ludvig counterattacks with Fire. BowFighter3 takes 14 damage. BowFighter3 attacks again. Miss! Ludvig gains 9exp!

BowFighter4 enters at E1.

Brigand6 enters at F1.

PegKnight4 enters at R23.

Ally Phase
ArmorKnight3 uses a vulnerary. ArmorKnight3 regains 13HP!

Main Objective: Defend the Town Hall for 8 turns or defeat Sha. (Now on turn 3/8)
Secondary Objective: Protect all four villages.

Player Stats

Tori of the Fallen Firmament
Lv2:00 Thief Lord
Leadership (*)
11 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 6 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
21/21 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 6 Skl, 8 Spd, 4 Luck, 4 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 39/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3
Lockpick 30/30

Sword: D (1/50)
Affinity: Anima


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Stella| 9| -| 80
Lucy| 8| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 6| -| 80
Gruma| 2| -| 80[/table]

Stella, Imperial Princess of Forden
Lv1:75 Cleric
88 Staff Accuracy, 9% Staff Double Cast, 19 (28) Avd
18/18 HP, 1 Str, 7 Mag, 7 Skl, 7 Spd, 5 Luck, 2 Def, 7 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Heal Staff 17/20 [4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Staves: C (3/50)
Affinity: Thunder


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 9| -| 80
Lucy| 10| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Ludvig| 28| -| 80
Gruma| 6| -| 80[/table]

Lucy the Dashingswordswoman
Lv2:16 Myrmidon
13 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 8 Crit, 23 (32) Avd
17/17 HP, 7 Str, 2 Mag, 8 Skl, 10 Spd, 3 Luck, 3 Def, 9 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 36/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: D (5/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 6| -| 80
Stella| 10| -| 80
Torvan| 16| -| 80
Wren| 4| -| 80
Ludvig| 16| -| 80
Gruma| 4| -| 80[/table]

Major Torvan
Lv5:50 Social Knight
Leadership (*)
16 Att, 84 (93) Hit, 7 Crit, 18 (27) Avd
19/21 HP, 9 Str, 6 Mag, 7 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Luck, 7 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 6 Move

Iron Lance 33/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: E, Lance: E (14/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 2| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 4| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Ludvig Tholan
Lv2:36 Armored Mage
15 Att, 88 (97) Hit, 8 Crit, 2 (11) Avd
19/23 HP, 4 Str, 11 Mag, 8 Skl, 4 Spd, 2 Luck, 10 Def, 4 Con, 0 PCC, 4 Move

Fire 13/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]
Thunder 27/30 [7 Mt, 60 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 5 Wt, Rank E]
Breeze 19/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Fire 18/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Fire: E (7/50), Thunder: E (3/50), Wind: E
Affinity: Thunder

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 6| -| 80
Stella| 28| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Torvan| 4| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Gruma| 3| -| 80[/table]

Wren Corell
Lv5:70 Wind Mage
Leadership (*)
13 Att, 93 (102) Hit, 11 Crit, 23 (32) Avd
21/25 HP, 0 Str, 10 Mag, 11 Skl, 11 Spd, 3 Luck, 8 Def, 5 Con, 4 PCC, 5 Move

Breeze 5/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Wind: D (16/50)
Affinity: Anima

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 12| -| 80
Stella| 3| -| 80
Lucy| 4| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 0| -| 80
Gruma| 6| -| 80[/table]

Gruma "the Wise"
Lv1:70 Spear Fighter
12 Att, 84 (93) Hit, 5 Crit, 16 (25) Avd
18/18 HP, 5 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 6 Spd, 4 Luck, 5 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Lance 37/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D (3/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 6| -| 80
Lucy| 0| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Wren| 6| -| 80[/table]

Enemy Stats
*Brigand1 at 10/22 HP
*Brigand4 at 8/22 HP
*SwordFighter2 at 10/20 HP
*BowFighter3 at 6/20 HP

Lv5 SwordFighter
Leadership (**)
15 Att, 99 (106) Hit, 38 Crit, 19 (25) Avd
23/23 HP, 8 Str, 2 Mag, 8 Skl, 9 Spd, 3 Luck, 5 Def, 6 Con, 2 PCC, 5 Move

Kill Sword 30/30 [7 Mt, 80 Hit, 1 Rng, 30 Crit, 7 Wt, Rank C]

Sword: B

Lv2 Brigand
15 Att, 65 (73) Hit, 0 Crit, 2 (8) Avd
22/22 HP, 6 Str, 2 Mag, 0 Skl, 2 Spd, 0 Luck, 3 Def, 9 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Axe 30/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E]

Axe: D
Steal Skill

Lv 2 Axe Fighter
13 Att, 55 (61) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (6) Avd
21/21 HP, 7 Str, 2 Mag, 5 Skl, 0 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 8 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Hand Axe 20/20 [6 Mt, 45 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]

Axe: D

Lv2 Pegasus Knight
8/10 Att, 80/60 (86/66) Hit, 5 Crit, 12/0 (18/6) Avd
18/18 HP, 4 Str, 3 Mag, 5 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 7 Move

Slim Lance 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]

Lance: D

Sword Fighter
Lv2 Sword Fighter
12 Att, 85 (91) Hit, 5 Crit, 8 (14) Avd
20/20 HP, 6 Str, 3 Mag, 5 Skl, 7 Spd, 0 Luck, 3 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: E

Spear Fighter
Lv2 Spear Fighter
9 Att, 82 (88) Hit, 6 Crit, 6 (12) Avd (Odd Numbers)
10 Att, 62 (68) Hit, 6 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
19/19 HP, 4 Str, 2 Mag, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Lance 20/20 [5 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 8 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Lance: D

Bow Fighter
Lv2 Bowfighter
10 Att, 85 (91) Hit, 5 Crit, 10 (16) Avd
20/20 HP, 5 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Bow 20/20 [5 Mt, 75 Hit, 2 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]

Bow: E

Lv2 Mage
9 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Odd Numbers)
8 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 4 (10) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 0 Str, 5 Mag, 2 Skl, 3 Spd, 0 Luck, 0 Def, 4 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Fire 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Breeze 20/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] (Even Numbers)

Fire: E, Wind: E, Thunder: E

Ally Stats
*ArmorKnight1 at 15/20 HP
*ArmorKnight3's Vulnerary at 2/3

Lieutenant Moeler
Lv3 Wyvern Rider
Leadership (*)
18/13 Att, 81/66 (84/69) Hit, 8 Crit, 18/20 (21/23) Avd
22/22 HP, 7 Str, 3 Mag, 8 Skl, 8 Spd, 6 Luck, 5 Def, 11 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Long Lance 20/20 [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 13 Wt, Rank E]
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank E]

Lance: C

Lv1 Armor Knight (Lance)
15 Att, 65 (68) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (3) Avd
20/20 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 3 Spd, 0 Luck, 9 Def, 12 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Steel Lance 30/30 [10 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 15 Wt, Rank D]
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D

2013-02-21, 12:35 AM
The Major twirled his lance darkly, charging into the forest. "Come and face me, cowards!"

(Torvan moves to G6)

2013-03-03, 02:50 PM
Player Phase
http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngLudvig attacks BowFighter3 with Fire. Miss! Ludvig gains 9exp!

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y71/WingsofTorlni/Wrenbattle.pngWren attacks AxeFighter3 with Breeze. AxeFighter3 takes 11 damage! AxeFighter3 counterattacks with a Hand Axe. Wren takes 3 damage! Wren attacks again. Critical Hit! AxeFighter3 takes 24 damage! AxeFighter3 dies! Wren gains 19exp!

Enemy Phase
Brigand1 attacks ArmorKnight1 with an Iron Axe. ArmorKnight1 takes 5 damage! ArmorKnight1 counterattacks with a Steel Lance. Brigand1 takes 12 damage! Brigand1 dies.

Brigand2 attacks ArmorKnight3 with an Iron Axe. ArmorKnight3 takes 5 damage! ArmorKnight3 counterattacks with a Steel Lance. Brigand2 takes 12 damage!

Brigand3 attacks ArmorKnight4 with an Iron Axe. ArmorKnight4 takes 6 damage! ArmorKnight4 counterattacks with a Steel Lance. Brigand3 takes 12 damage!

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngBrigand4 attacks Ludvig with an Iron Axe. Ludvig takes 5 damage! Ludvig counterattacks with Fire. Miss! Ludvig gains 9exp!

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngBrigand6 attacks Torvan with an Iron Axe. Torvan takes 6 damage. Torvan counterattacks with an Iron Lance. Brigand6 takes 13 damage. Torvan attacks again. Brigand6 takes 13 damage. Brigand6 dies. Torvan gains 39exp!

AxeFighter1 attacks ArmorKnight3 with a Hand Axe. ArmorKnight3 takes 3 damage!

SwordFighter1 attacks ArmorKnight1 with a Short Sword. Miss! ArmorKnight1 counterattacks with a Steel Lance. SwordFighter1 takes 12 damage. SwordFighter1 attacks again. ArmorKnight1 takes 2 damage.

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngSwordFighter2 attacks Ludvig with a Short Sword. Ludvig takes 2 damage! Ludvig counterattacks with Fire. SwordFighter2 takes 12 damage! SwordFighter2 dies! Ludvig gains 28exp!

SpearFighter2 attacks ArmorKnight1 with a Javelin. Miss!

SpearFighter4 attacks ArmorKnight3 with a Javelin. Miss!

BowFighter1 attacks ArmorKnight1 with a Short Bow. No Damage! BowFighter1 attacks again. Miss!

BowFighter2 attacks ArmorKnight3 with a Short Bow. No Damage! BowFighter2 attacks again. No Damage!

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngBowFighter3 attacks Ludvig with a Short Bow. No Damage! Ludvig counterattacks with Fire. Critical Hit! BowFighter3 takes 29 damage! BowFighter3 dies. Ludvig gains 28exp!

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngLudvig grows to Level 3! +1HP, +1Mag, +1Skl, +1Spd

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngBowFighter4 attacks Torvan with a Short Bow. Torvan takes 1 damage! Torvan gains 8exp!

http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/3525/spritelucybattle.pngPegKnight1 attacks Lucy with a Javelin. Miss! Lucy gains 9exp!

http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/3525/spritelucybattle.pngPegKnight2 attacks Lucy with a Javelin. Miss! Lucy gains 9exp!

PegKnight3 attacks ArmorKnight4 with a Javelin. ArmorKnight4 takes 1 damage!

Mage4 enters at E1.

Brigand7 enters at R1.

Mage5 enters at R14.

Mage6 enters at R22.

Mage7 enters at R23.

Ally Phase
ArmorKnight1 uses a vulnerary. ArmorKnight3 regains 15HP!

Walter enters at A1.

Main Objective: Defend the Town Hall for 8 turns or defeat Sha. (Now on turn 4/8)
Secondary Objective: Protect all four villages.

Player Stats

Tori of the Fallen Firmament
Lv2:00 Thief Lord
Leadership (*)
11 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 6 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
21/21 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 6 Skl, 8 Spd, 4 Luck, 4 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 39/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3
Lockpick 30/30

Sword: D (1/50)
Affinity: Anima


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Stella| 9| -| 80
Lucy| 8| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 6| -| 80
Gruma| 4| -| 80[/table]

Stella, Imperial Princess of Forden
Lv1:75 Cleric
88 Staff Accuracy, 9% Staff Double Cast, 19 (28) Avd
18/18 HP, 1 Str, 7 Mag, 7 Skl, 7 Spd, 5 Luck, 2 Def, 7 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Heal Staff 17/20 [4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Staves: C (3/50)
Affinity: Thunder


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 9| -| 80
Lucy| 12| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Ludvig| 28| -| 80
Gruma| 8| -| 80[/table]

Lucy the Dashingswordswoman
Lv2:34 Myrmidon
13 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 8 Crit, 23 (32) Avd
17/17 HP, 7 Str, 2 Mag, 8 Skl, 10 Spd, 3 Luck, 3 Def, 9 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 36/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: D (5/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 6| -| 80
Stella| 12| -| 80
Torvan| 16| -| 80
Wren| 4| -| 80
Ludvig| 16| -| 80
Gruma| 4| -| 80[/table]

Major Torvan
Lv5:97 Social Knight
Leadership (*)
16 Att, 84 (93) Hit, 7 Crit, 18 (27) Avd
12/21 HP, 9 Str, 6 Mag, 7 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Luck, 7 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 6 Move

Iron Lance 31/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: E, Lance: E (16/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 2| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 4| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Ludvig Tholan
Lv3:10 Armored Mage
16 Att, 90 (99) Hit, 9 Crit, 4 (11) Avd
12/24 HP, 4 Str, 12 Mag, 9 Skl, 5 Spd, 2 Luck, 10 Def, 4 Con, 0 PCC, 4 Move

Fire 8/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]
Thunder 27/30 [7 Mt, 60 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 5 Wt, Rank E]
Fire 18/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Fire: E (12/50), Thunder: E (3/50), Wind: E
Affinity: Thunder

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 6| -| 80
Stella| 28| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Torvan| 4| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Gruma| 3| -| 80[/table]

Wren Corell
Lv5:89 Wind Mage
Leadership (*)
13 Att, 93 (102) Hit, 11 Crit, 23 (32) Avd
18/25 HP, 0 Str, 10 Mag, 11 Skl, 11 Spd, 3 Luck, 8 Def, 5 Con, 4 PCC, 5 Move

Breeze 3/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Breeze 19/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Wind: D (18/50)
Affinity: Anima

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 12| -| 80
Stella| 3| -| 80
Lucy| 4| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Gruma| 6| -| 80[/table]

Gruma "the Wise"
Lv1:70 Spear Fighter
12 Att, 84 (93) Hit, 5 Crit, 16 (25) Avd
18/18 HP, 5 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 6 Spd, 4 Luck, 5 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Lance 37/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D (3/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 6| -| 80
Lucy| 0| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Wren| 6| -| 80[/table]

Enemy Stats
*SwordFighter1 at 8/20 HP
*Brigand2 at 10/22 HP
*Brigand3 at at 10/22 HP
*Brigand4 at 8/22 HP

Lv5 SwordFighter
Leadership (**)
15 Att, 99 (106) Hit, 38 Crit, 19 (25) Avd
23/23 HP, 8 Str, 2 Mag, 8 Skl, 9 Spd, 3 Luck, 5 Def, 6 Con, 2 PCC, 5 Move

Kill Sword 30/30 [7 Mt, 80 Hit, 1 Rng, 30 Crit, 7 Wt, Rank C]

Sword: B

Lv2 Brigand
15 Att, 65 (73) Hit, 0 Crit, 2 (8) Avd
22/22 HP, 6 Str, 2 Mag, 0 Skl, 2 Spd, 0 Luck, 3 Def, 9 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Axe 30/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E]

Axe: D
Steal Skill

Lv 2 Axe Fighter
13 Att, 55 (61) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (6) Avd
21/21 HP, 7 Str, 2 Mag, 5 Skl, 0 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 8 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Hand Axe 20/20 [6 Mt, 45 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]

Axe: D

Lv2 Pegasus Knight
8/10 Att, 80/60 (86/66) Hit, 5 Crit, 12/0 (18/6) Avd
18/18 HP, 4 Str, 3 Mag, 5 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 7 Move

Slim Lance 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]

Lance: D

Sword Fighter
Lv2 Sword Fighter
12 Att, 85 (91) Hit, 5 Crit, 8 (14) Avd
20/20 HP, 6 Str, 3 Mag, 5 Skl, 7 Spd, 0 Luck, 3 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: E

Spear Fighter
Lv2 Spear Fighter
9 Att, 82 (88) Hit, 6 Crit, 6 (12) Avd (Odd Numbers)
10 Att, 62 (68) Hit, 6 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
19/19 HP, 4 Str, 2 Mag, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Lance 20/20 [5 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 8 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Lance: D

Bow Fighter
Lv2 Bowfighter
10 Att, 85 (91) Hit, 5 Crit, 10 (16) Avd
20/20 HP, 5 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Bow 20/20 [5 Mt, 75 Hit, 2 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]

Bow: E

Lv2 Mage
9 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Odd Numbers)
8 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 4 (10) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 0 Str, 5 Mag, 2 Skl, 3 Spd, 0 Luck, 0 Def, 4 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Fire 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Breeze 20/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] (Even Numbers)

Fire: E, Wind: E, Thunder: E

Ally Stats
*ArmorKnight1's Vulnerary at 2/3
*ArmorKnight3 at 12/20 HP with Vulnerary at 2/3
*ArmorKnight4 at 13/20 HP

Lieutenant Moeler
Lv3 Wyvern Rider
Leadership (*)
18/13 Att, 81/66 (84/69) Hit, 8 Crit, 18/20 (21/23) Avd
22/22 HP, 7 Str, 3 Mag, 8 Skl, 8 Spd, 6 Luck, 5 Def, 11 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Long Lance 20/20 [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 13 Wt, Rank E]
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank E]

Lance: C

Lv1 Armor Knight (Lance)
15 Att, 65 (68) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (3) Avd
20/20 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 3 Spd, 0 Luck, 9 Def, 12 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Steel Lance 30/30 [10 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 15 Wt, Rank D]
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D

Walter Ostrava
Lv2:00 Axe Knight
15 Att, 83 Hit, 7 Crit, 16 Avd
21/21 HP, 6 Str, 1 Mag, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 4 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 3 PCC, 7 Move

Iron Axe 30/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Axe: D
Affinity: Light

2013-03-06, 08:02 PM

Woo! You go girls! Work those lances. Lucy jeered as she avoided the clumsy throws.

2013-03-12, 12:21 AM
"Foul curs! You cannot best me!"

(Torvan moves to J6 and uses a Vulnerary)

2013-03-12, 01:05 AM

"Eeee, eeeeyaaaah!"

Stella squealed in a sudden attack of panic, seeing all the enemies suddenly come swarming towards her location. Though Tori, Gruman and Lucy stood between the Princess and the horde, they were still a little too close for her comfort.

"St-stay away! Keep them away from me!"

2013-03-13, 08:52 AM

"Whoa there Forwin, we can't indulge in this clash just yet," the knight said to his horse as it bucked about, thirsting for the chance to charge in. His senses had not lied to him, the far-off cry of battle indeed let to a cry of need. Having dashed heroically on his steed the knight with all manner of haste, reaching the clash of blade and not some maidens cat up a tree was a relief.

From atop Forwin the knight began to survey the battle; he had been to this missionary maybe only a scant few days back. Now it was under attack by what looked to be bandits of mixed nationalities. His eyebrows furrowed, gaze becoming more determined as he watched the carnage further. The remaining knights where not enough to defend the missionaries, they were going to need some back up. Innocent lives were not going to be lost today.

With a slight kick to Forwin Walter Ostrava, free knight, let out a shout," NOW LET US RIDE FORWIN, TO BATTLE," and charged off into the fray.

2013-03-17, 12:05 PM
Player Phasehttp://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y71/WingsofTorlni/Wrenbattle.pngWren attacks PegKnight2 with Breeze. PegKnight2 takes 10 damage! PegKnight counterattacks with a Javelin. Wren takes 2 damage! Wren attacks again. PegKnight2 takes 10 damage! PegKnight2 dies. Wren gains 19exp!

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y71/WingsofTorlni/Wrenbattle.pngWren grows to Level 6! +1HP, +1Str, +1Mag, +1Def, +1Con, +1Move.

http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Gruma/BattleL.pngGruma attacks PegKnight3 with an Iron Lance. PegKnight3 takes 11 damage! PegKnight3 counterattacks with a Javelin. Gruma takes 5 damage! Gruma attacks again. Critical Hit! PegKnight3 takes 26 damage! PegKnight3 dies. Gruma gains 33exp!

http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Gruma/BattleL.pngGruma grows to Level 2! +1HP, +1Skl, +1Def.

http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/3525/spritelucybattle.pngLucy attacks Brigand3 with an Iron Sword. Brigand3 takes 10 damage! Brigand3 dies. Lucy gains 49exp!

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngLudvig attacks Brigand4 with Fire. Miss! Ludvig gains 9exp!

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngTorvan uses a vulnerary. Torvan recovers 9 HP!

Enemy Phase
http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngBrigand2 attacks Torvan with an Iron Axe. Miss! Torvan counterattacks with an Iron Lance. Miss! Torvan attacks again. Critical Hit! Brigand2 takes 29 damage! Brigand2 dies. Torvan gains 39exp!

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngTorvan grows to Level 6! +1HP, +1Mag, +1Skl, +1Def.

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngBrigand4 attacks Ludvig with an Iron Axe. Miss! Ludvig counterattacks with Fire. Brigand4 takes 14 damage! Brignad4 dies. Ludvig gains 46exp!

AxeFighter1 attacks ArmorKnight3 with a Hand Axe. ArmorKnight3 takes 3 damage!

SwordFighter1 attacks ArmorKnight1 with a Short Sword. Miss! ArmorKnight1 counterattacks with a Steel Lance. Miss! SwordFighter1 attacks again. Miss!

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngSpearFighter1 attacks Torvan with a Short Lance. Miss! Torvan counterattacks with an Iron Lance. SpearFighter1 takes 14 damage! Torvan attacks again. Miss! Torvan gains 8exp!

SpearFighter2 attacks ArmorKnight1 with a Javelin. Miss!

SpearFighter4 attacks ArmorKnight3 with a Javelin. Miss!

http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/3525/spritelucybattle.pngSpearFighter5 attacks Lucy with a Short Lance. Miss! Lucy counterattacks with an Iron Sword. SpearFighter5 takes 11 damage! Lucy attacks again. SpearFighter5 takes 11 damage! Spear Fighter5 dies. Lucy gains 29exp!

http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/3525/spritelucybattle.pngLucy grows to Level 3! +1Mag, +1Skl, +1Luck, +1Con.

BowFighter1 attacks ArmorKnight1 with a Short Bow. No Damage! BowFighter1 attacks again. Miss!

BowFighter2 attacks ArmorKnight3 with a Short Bow. Critical Hit! ArmorKnight3 takes 10 damage! ArmorKnight3 dies.

BowFighter4 attacks ArmorKnight2 with a Short Bow. No Damage! BowFighter4 attacks again. No Damage!

http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/7583/spritestellabattle.pngPegKnight1 attacks Stella with a Javelin. Miss! Stella gains 30exp!

http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/7583/spritestellabattle.pngStella grows to Level 2! +1Mag, +1Skl.

Mage4 attacks ArmorKnight2 with Breeze. ArmorKnight2 takes 8 damage!

Brigand7 enters at E1.

Mage6 enters at R1.

Brigand8 enters at R13.

Mage7 enters at R14.

PegKnight5 enters at R22.

PegKnight6 enters at Q23.

PegKnight7 enters at R23.

Ally Phase
Walter attacks Mage4 with an Iron Axe. Mage4 takes 15 damage! Mage4 counterattacks with Breeze. Walter takes 7 damage! Walter attacks again. Miss!

Moeler: "An archer? Damn. Ty, it looks like you'll have to sit this one out old friend."

Moeler dismounts and draws his Javelin.

ArmorKnight2 uses a vulnerary. ArmorKnight2 recovers 8 HP!

ArmorKnight4 attacks PegKnight1 with a Steel Lance. Miss! PegKnight1 counterattacks with a Javelin. ArmorKnight4 takes 1 damage.

Main Objective: Defend the Town Hall for 8 turns or defeat Sha. (Now on turn 5/8)
Secondary Objective: Protect all four villages.

Player Stats

Tori of the Fallen Firmament
Lv2:00 Thief Lord
Leadership (*)
11 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 6 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
21/21 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 6 Skl, 8 Spd, 4 Luck, 4 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 39/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3
Lockpick 30/30

Sword: D (1/50)
Affinity: Anima


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Stella| 9| -| 80
Lucy| 10| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 6| -| 80
Gruma| 4| -| 80[/table]

Stella, Imperial Princess of Forden
Lv2:05 Cleric
92 Staff Accuracy, 9% Staff Double Cast, 19 (28) Avd
18/18 HP, 1 Str, 8 Mag, 8 Skl, 7 Spd, 5 Luck, 2 Def, 7 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Heal Staff 17/20 [4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Staves: C (3/50)
Affinity: Thunder


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 9| -| 80
Lucy| 12| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Ludvig| 28| -| 80
Gruma| 8| -| 80[/table]

Lucy the Dashingswordswoman
Lv3:12 Myrmidon
13 Att, 89 (98) Hit, 9 Crit, 24 (33) Avd
17/17 HP, 7 Str, 3 Mag, 9 Skl, 10 Spd, 4 Luck, 3 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 33/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: D (8/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 10| -| 80
Stella| 12| -| 80
Torvan| 16| -| 80
Wren| 4| -| 80
Ludvig| 16| -| 80
Gruma| 4| -| 80[/table]

Major Torvan
Lv6:44 Social Knight
Leadership (*)
16 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 8 Crit, 18 (27) Avd
22/22 HP, 9 Str, 7 Mag, 8 Skl, 9 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 6 Move

Iron Lance 29/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 2/3

Sword: E, Lance: E (19/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 2| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 4| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Ludvig Tholan
Lv3:65 Armored Mage
16 Att, 90 (99) Hit, 9 Crit, 4 (11) Avd
12/24 HP, 4 Str, 12 Mag, 9 Skl, 5 Spd, 2 Luck, 10 Def, 4 Con, 0 PCC, 4 Move

Fire 6/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]
Thunder 27/30 [7 Mt, 60 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 5 Wt, Rank E]
Fire 18/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Fire: E (14/50), Thunder: E (3/50), Wind: E
Affinity: Thunder

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 6| -| 80
Stella| 28| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Torvan| 4| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Gruma| 3| -| 80[/table]

Wren Corell
Lv6:08 Wind Mage
Leadership (*)
14 Att, 93 (102) Hit, 11 Crit, 23 (32) Avd
19/26 HP, 1 Str, 11 Mag, 11 Skl, 11 Spd, 3 Luck, 9 Def, 6 Con, 4 PCC, 6 Move

Breeze 3/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Breeze 17/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Wind: D (20/50)
Affinity: Anima

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 12| -| 80
Stella| 3| -| 80
Lucy| 4| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Gruma| 6| -| 80[/table]

Gruma "the Wise"
Lv2:03 Spear Fighter
12 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 6 Crit, 16 (25) Avd
19/19 HP, 5 Str, 1 Mag, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 4 Luck, 6 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Lance 35/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D (5/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 6| -| 80
Lucy| 0| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Wren| 6| -| 80[/table]

Enemy Stats
*SwordFighter1 at 8/20 HP
*SpearFighter1 at 5/19
*Mage4 at 5/20

Lv5 SwordFighter
Leadership (**)
15 Att, 99 (106) Hit, 38 Crit, 19 (25) Avd
23/23 HP, 8 Str, 2 Mag, 8 Skl, 9 Spd, 3 Luck, 5 Def, 6 Con, 2 PCC, 5 Move

Kill Sword 30/30 [7 Mt, 80 Hit, 1 Rng, 30 Crit, 7 Wt, Rank C]

Sword: B

Lv2 Brigand
15 Att, 65 (73) Hit, 0 Crit, 2 (8) Avd
22/22 HP, 6 Str, 2 Mag, 0 Skl, 2 Spd, 0 Luck, 3 Def, 9 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Axe 30/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E]

Axe: D
Steal Skill

Lv 2 Axe Fighter
13 Att, 55 (61) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (6) Avd
21/21 HP, 7 Str, 2 Mag, 5 Skl, 0 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 8 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Hand Axe 20/20 [6 Mt, 45 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]

Axe: D

Lv2 Pegasus Knight
8/10 Att, 80/60 (86/66) Hit, 5 Crit, 12/0 (18/6) Avd
18/18 HP, 4 Str, 3 Mag, 5 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 7 Move

Slim Lance 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]

Lance: D

Sword Fighter
Lv2 Sword Fighter
12 Att, 85 (91) Hit, 5 Crit, 8 (14) Avd
20/20 HP, 6 Str, 3 Mag, 5 Skl, 7 Spd, 0 Luck, 3 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: E

Spear Fighter
Lv2 Spear Fighter
9 Att, 82 (88) Hit, 6 Crit, 6 (12) Avd (Odd Numbers)
10 Att, 62 (68) Hit, 6 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
19/19 HP, 4 Str, 2 Mag, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Lance 20/20 [5 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 8 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Lance: D

Bow Fighter
Lv2 Bowfighter
10 Att, 85 (91) Hit, 5 Crit, 10 (16) Avd
20/20 HP, 5 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Bow 20/20 [5 Mt, 75 Hit, 2 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]

Bow: E

Lv2 Mage
9 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Odd Numbers)
8 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 4 (10) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 0 Str, 5 Mag, 2 Skl, 3 Spd, 0 Luck, 0 Def, 4 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Fire 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Breeze 20/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] (Even Numbers)

Fire: E, Wind: E, Thunder: E

Ally Stats
*ArmorKnight1's Vulnerary at 2/3
*ArmorKnight2's Vulnerary at 2/3
*ArmorKnight4 at 12/20 HP

Lieutenant Moeler
Lv3 Wyvern Rider (Dismounted)
Leadership (*)
18/13 (16/11) Att, 81/66 (80/65) Hit, 8 (6) Crit, 18/20 (17/19) Avd
22/22 HP, 7(5) Str, 3(1) Mag, 8(6) Skl, 8(6) Spd, 6 Luck, 5(3) Def, 11 Con, 1 PCC, 7(4) Move

Long Lance 20/20 [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 13 Wt, Rank E]
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank E] E

Lance: C

Lv1 Armor Knight (Lance)
15 Att, 65 (68) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (3) Avd
20/20 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 3 Spd, 0 Luck, 9 Def, 12 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Steel Lance 30/30 [10 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 15 Wt, Rank D]
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D

Walter Ostrava
Lv2:00 Axe Knight
15 Att, 83 Hit, 7 Crit, 16 Avd
14/21 HP, 6 Str, 1 Mag, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 4 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 3 PCC, 7 Move

Iron Axe 29/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Axe: D
Affinity: Light

2013-03-17, 12:43 PM
http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/7583/spritestellabattle.pngPegKnight1 attacks Stella with a Javelin. Miss! Stella gains 30exp!



Stella screamed in abject terror, crouching down and covering her head with her arms as if that was sufficient protection; perhaps it was, for the cleric-princess was certainly lucky to do so just in time for the enemy's thrown javelin to miss her by inches, whooshing just above her scalp by inches.

"W-what are you all doing?! Protect me, keep it away!!"

2013-03-17, 10:32 PM
A cheap shot taken from behind. The archer took the bow and with a flourish, managed to hit through a defect in the knight's armor, piercing his neck. Killing him instantly.

In life, he was Private Arwin. A keen-eyed man who would stay in the mess hall late and swap stories with those on KP to keep them company. A goodly sort, friends with everyone. And there he was, dead on the ground in front of a village.

Twirling his lance, the Major dropped the man before him, burning with rage. He charged towards the village, lance held high, a dark glint in his eye as he thrust his spear into the lancer before him. "None of you will survive."

(Torvan moves to K9 and stabs the Lance Fighter)

Rising Phoenix
2013-03-17, 10:37 PM

http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Tori/Battle.pngTori visits the village.

"Ah! Wh-who are you?" The man looks warily at the unfamiliar figure of the Swyn tribesman.[/spoiler]


Tori smiles a white grin "I am Tori of the Fallen Firmament" he says in a friendly manner "Are you and your kin safe? It would be best if you did not ventured outside"

2013-03-17, 11:59 PM

You will be done my dear Princess. Kissing Stella's hand, before she lunged at a large guy carrying an axe. Already injured, he fell in one swift stroke from Lucy's sword. The last words he heard before he died being

Sorry, brute. You won't be AXE-ing my princess any questions today.

The large guy's death did nothing to hint to his companion that Lucy the Great was too skilled a foe for him to handle. Evading a awkward thrust easily, she quipped.

You won't be sticking anything in me today. She said with a wink, as she cut down the second guy.

2013-03-19, 05:12 PM
Over the bridge and across an open field, Ludvig lumbers at his leisure. The maester bears his new wounds with a meditative composure. The sweat and heat of fire evocation warmed Ludvig like an old mantle. Rummaging through his pack of goetica, the mage opens a book of tempest and storm.

"These banners are distressing. I've seen deep incursions, but never so unified and frightening as this. A shame these men have traveled so far here to die."

(Ludvig to F17, equip Thunder)

2013-04-11, 11:04 AM
Player Phase

Tori smiles a white grin "I am Tori of the Fallen Firmament" he says in a friendly manner "Are you and your kin safe? It would be best if you did not ventured outside"http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/ViaSolaris/FE%20Misc/Close%20Horizons/young-man2-port.png
"Tori... That was the name they gave for Princess Stella's guide, wasn't it? You're here to help us then? Thank the True Gods. Please, take this. I'm sure that it will come to good use." He shoves a javelin into Tori's hands breathing another thank you and barring the village gate without even giving time for a response. The weapon has clearly not been purified.

Got a Javelin!

http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Tori/Battle.png Tori steals a Slim Lance! Tori gains 10exp!

http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/3525/spritelucybattle.pngLucy attacks PegKnight1 with an Iron Sword. PegKnight1 takes 12 damage! PegKnight1 counterattacks with a Javelin. Lucy takes 5 damage! Lucy attacks again. PegKnight1 takes 12 damage! PegKnight1 dies. Lucy gains 25exp!

http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/7583/spritestellabattle.pnghttp://img5.imageshack.us/img5/3525/spritelucybattle.png Stella uses Heal on Lucy. Lucy regains 5HP. Stella gains 15exp!

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngTorvan attacks SpearFighter4 with an Iron Lance. SpearFighter4 takes 14 damage! SpearFighter4 counterattacks with a Javelin. Torvan takes 2 damage! Torvan attacks again. SpearFighter4 takes 14 damage! SpearFighter4 dies. Torvan gains 16exp!

Enemy Phase
http://i1116.photobucket.com/albums/k572/Umarine199/walteraxe_zpsbe7f118e.pngBrigand7 attacks Waler with an Iron Axe. Miss! Walter counterattacks with an Iron Axe. Brigand9 takes 12 damage! Walter attacks again. Brigand9 takes 12 damage! Brigand9 dies.

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngAxeFighter1 attacks Torvan with a Hand Axe. Miss! Torvan gains 8exp!

SwordFighter1 attacks ArmorKnight1 with a Short Sword. ArmorKnight1 takes 2 damage! ArmorKnight1 counterattacks with a Steel Lance. Miss! SwordFighter1 attacks again. Miss!

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngSpearFighter1 attacks Torvan with a Short Lance. Torvan takes 1 damage! Torvan counterattacks with an Iron Lance. SpearFighter1 takes 14 damage. Torvan gains 16exp!

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngSpearFighter2 attacks Torvan with a Javelin. Miss! Torvan gains 8exp!

BowFighter1 attacks ArmorKnight1 with a Short Bow. No Damage! BowFighter1 attacks again. No Damage!

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngBowFighter2 attacks Torvan with a Short Bow. Miss! Torvan gains 8exp!

Torvan grows to level 7! +1HP, +1Spd, +1Move.

BowFighter4 attacks ArmorKnight2 with a Short Bow. No Damage! BowFighter4 attacks again. No Damage!

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngPegKnight4 attacks Torvan with a Javelin. Torvan takes 2 damage! Torvan gains 8exp!

Mage4 attacks ArmorKnight2 with Breeze. ArmorKnight2 takes 8 damage!

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngMage5 attacks Torvan with Fire. Miss! Torvan gains 8exp!

PegKnight8 enters at R22.

PegKnight9 enters at Q23.

PegKnight1' enters at R23.

Brigand9 enters at E9.

Mage1' enters at I1.

Mage2' enters at R1.

Ally Phase
http://i1116.photobucket.com/albums/k572/Umarine199/walteraxe_zpsbe7f118e.pngWalter attacks Mage4 with an Iron Axe. Mage4 takes 15 damage! Mage4 dies.

Main Objective: Defend the Town Hall for 8 turns or defeat Sha. (Now on turn 6/8)
Secondary Objective: Protect all four villages.

Player Stats

Tori of the Fallen Firmament
Lv2:10 Thief Lord
Leadership (*)
11 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 6 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
21/21 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 6 Skl, 8 Spd, 4 Luck, 4 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 39/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3
Lockpick 30/30
Slim Lance 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]

Sword: D (1/50)
Affinity: Anima


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Stella| 12| -| 80
Lucy| 10| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 6| -| 80
Gruma| 6| -| 80[/table]

Stella, Imperial Princess of Forden
Lv2:20 Cleric
92 Staff Accuracy, 9% Staff Double Cast, 19 (28) Avd
18/18 HP, 1 Str, 8 Mag, 8 Skl, 7 Spd, 5 Luck, 2 Def, 7 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Heal Staff 16/20 [4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Staves: C (4/50)
Affinity: Thunder


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 12| -| 80
Lucy| 14| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Ludvig| 28| -| 80
Gruma| 8| -| 80[/table]

Lucy the Dashingswordswoman
Lv3:37 Myrmidon
13 Att, 89 (98) Hit, 9 Crit, 24 (33) Avd
17/17 HP, 7 Str, 3 Mag, 9 Skl, 10 Spd, 4 Luck, 3 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 31/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: D (10/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 10| -| 80
Stella| 14| -| 80
Torvan| 16| -| 80
Wren| 4| -| 80
Ludvig| 16| -| 80
Gruma| 6| -| 80[/table]

Major Torvan
Lv7:16 Social Knight
Leadership (*)
16 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 8 Crit, 20 (29) Avd
18/23 HP, 9 Str, 7 Mag, 8 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 7 Move

Iron Lance 26/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 2/3

Sword: E, Lance: E (22/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 2| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 4| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Ludvig Tholan
Lv3:65 Armored Mage
16 Att, 90 (99) Hit, 9 Crit, 4 (11) Avd
12/24 HP, 4 Str, 12 Mag, 9 Skl, 5 Spd, 2 Luck, 10 Def, 4 Con, 0 PCC, 4 Move

Thunder 27/30 [7 Mt, 60 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 5 Wt, Rank E]
Fire 6/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]
Fire 18/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Fire: E (14/50), Thunder: E (3/50), Wind: E
Affinity: Thunder

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 6| -| 80
Stella| 28| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Torvan| 4| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Gruma| 3| -| 80[/table]

Wren Corell
Lv6:08 Wind Mage
Leadership (*)
14 Att, 93 (102) Hit, 11 Crit, 23 (32) Avd
19/26 HP, 1 Str, 11 Mag, 11 Skl, 11 Spd, 3 Luck, 9 Def, 6 Con, 4 PCC, 6 Move

Breeze 3/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Breeze 17/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Wind: D (20/50)
Affinity: Anima

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 12| -| 80
Stella| 3| -| 80
Lucy| 4| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Gruma| 6| -| 80[/table]

Gruma "the Wise"
Lv2:03 Spear Fighter
12 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 6 Crit, 16 (25) Avd
19/19 HP, 5 Str, 1 Mag, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 4 Luck, 6 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Lance 35/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D (5/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 8| -| 80
Lucy| 6| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Wren| 6| -| 80[/table]

Enemy Stats
*SwordFighter1 at 8/20 HP

Lv5 SwordFighter
Leadership (**)
15 Att, 99 (106) Hit, 38 Crit, 19 (25) Avd
23/23 HP, 8 Str, 2 Mag, 8 Skl, 9 Spd, 3 Luck, 5 Def, 6 Con, 2 PCC, 5 Move

Kill Sword 30/30 [7 Mt, 80 Hit, 1 Rng, 30 Crit, 7 Wt, Rank C]

Sword: B

Lv2 Brigand
15 Att, 65 (73) Hit, 0 Crit, 2 (8) Avd
22/22 HP, 6 Str, 2 Mag, 0 Skl, 2 Spd, 0 Luck, 3 Def, 9 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Axe 30/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E]

Axe: D
Steal Skill

Lv 2 Axe Fighter
13 Att, 55 (61) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (6) Avd
21/21 HP, 7 Str, 2 Mag, 5 Skl, 0 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 8 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Hand Axe 20/20 [6 Mt, 45 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]

Axe: D

Lv2 Pegasus Knight
8/10 Att, 80/60 (86/66) Hit, 5 Crit, 12/0 (18/6) Avd
18/18 HP, 4 Str, 3 Mag, 5 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 7 Move

Slim Lance 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]

Lance: D

Sword Fighter
Lv2 Sword Fighter
12 Att, 85 (91) Hit, 5 Crit, 8 (14) Avd
20/20 HP, 6 Str, 3 Mag, 5 Skl, 7 Spd, 0 Luck, 3 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: E

Spear Fighter
Lv2 Spear Fighter
9 Att, 82 (88) Hit, 6 Crit, 6 (12) Avd (Odd Numbers)
10 Att, 62 (68) Hit, 6 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
19/19 HP, 4 Str, 2 Mag, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Lance 20/20 [5 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 8 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Lance: D

Bow Fighter
Lv2 Bowfighter
10 Att, 85 (91) Hit, 5 Crit, 10 (16) Avd
20/20 HP, 5 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Bow 20/20 [5 Mt, 75 Hit, 2 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]

Bow: E

Lv2 Mage
9 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Odd Numbers)
8 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 4 (10) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 0 Str, 5 Mag, 2 Skl, 3 Spd, 0 Luck, 0 Def, 4 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Fire 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Breeze 20/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] (Even Numbers)

Fire: E, Wind: E, Thunder: E

Ally Stats
*ArmorKnight1's Vulnerary at 2/3
*ArmorKnight2 at 12/20 HP with Vulnerary at 2/3
*ArmorKnight4 at 12/20 HP

Lieutenant Moeler
Lv3 Wyvern Rider (Dismounted)
Leadership (*)
18/13 (16/11) Att, 81/66 (80/65) Hit, 8 (6) Crit, 18/20 (17/19) Avd
22/22 HP, 7(5) Str, 3(1) Mag, 8(6) Skl, 8(6) Spd, 6 Luck, 5(3) Def, 11 Con, 1 PCC, 7(4) Move

Long Lance 20/20 [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 13 Wt, Rank E]
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank E] E

Lance: C

Lv1 Armor Knight (Lance)
15 Att, 65 (68) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (3) Avd
20/20 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 3 Spd, 0 Luck, 9 Def, 12 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Steel Lance 30/30 [10 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 15 Wt, Rank D]
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D

Walter Ostrava
Lv2:00 Axe Knight
15 Att, 83 Hit, 7 Crit, 16 Avd
14/21 HP, 6 Str, 1 Mag, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 4 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 3 PCC, 7 Move

Iron Axe 26/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Axe: D
Affinity: Light

2013-04-11, 01:47 PM
His horse champing at the bit, Torvan patted its mane, pulling his spear slowly from its target. "In good time, friend. In good time." He rode into the town, shouting, "Batten down the hatches! Forden is here to aid you!"

(Torvan moves to J9 and visits)

2013-04-11, 06:54 PM

Lucy jumped in the air, her legs propelling her high into the sky, for her climatic duel with Princess Stella's assailant.

If you dare to attack Princess Stella, well you're going to PAY-ga-sus for that.

After a furious slash, and stab battle. Lucy came to the ground, wounded but not dead, unlike a certain Pegasus knight.

Upon being healed by the beautiful Stella. Lucy remarked.

That pegasus knight was probably jealous of my wonderful princess's gorgeousness. But no need to fear, my sweet Stella. Your knight Lucy, shall protect you for as long as you need.

2013-05-06, 02:14 PM
Player Phasehttp://img809.imageshack.us/img809/7583/spritestellabattle.pnghttp://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.png Stella uses Heal on Ludvig. Ludvig regains 12HP. Stella gains 15exp!

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngTorvan visits the village.

His horse champing at the bit, Torvan patted its mane, pulling his spear slowly from its target. "In good time, friend. In good time." He rode into the town, shouting, "Batten down the hatches! Forden is here to aid you!"

(Torvan moves to J9 and visits)

As the townspeople rush to bar the gates and secure themselves behind closed doors, a stout man whose apron and soot marked face identify him as a blacksmith rushes toward Torvan bearing a parcel in his arms.

"True Gods bless ye Major. We coulda been overrun. Here, this might help ya out. These curs could use a taste o' good ol' Fordic steel."

He hands the object that he had been carrying, a sword in its scabbard, to the knight before rushing back off into the village.

(Got a Steel Sword)

Enemy Phase

Brigand9 attacks ArmorKnight2 with an Iron Axe. ArmorKnight2 takes 5 damage! ArmorKnight2 counterattacks with a Steel Lance. Brigand9 takes 12 damage.

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngAxeFighter1 attacks Torvan with a Hand Axe. Miss! Torvan gains 8exp!

http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Ludwig/Battle3.pngAxeFighter4 attacks Ludvig with a Hand Axe. Miss! Ludvig counterattacks with Thunder. Miss! Ludvig gains 9exp!

SwordFighter1 attacks ArmorKnight1 with a Short Sword. Miss! ArmorKnight1 counterattacks with a Steel Lance. Miss! SwordFighter1 attacks again. ArmorKnight1 takes 2 damage!

http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/3525/spritelucybattle.pngSwordFighter5 attacks Lucy with a Short Sword. Miss! Lucy counterattacks with an Iron Sword. SwordFighter5 takes 10 damage! Lucy attacks again. Miss! Lucy gains 9exp!

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngSpearFighter2 attacks Torvan with a Javelin. Miss! Torvan gains 8exp!

http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Gruma/BattleL.pngSpearFighter7 attacks Gruma with a Short Lance. Gruma takes 3 damage! Gruma counterattacks with an Iron Lance. SpearFighter7 takes 10 damage! Gruma gains 9exp!

BowFighter1 attacks ArmorKnight1 with a Short Bow. No Damage! BowFighter1 attacks again. Miss!

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngBowFighter2 attacks Torvan with a Short Bow. Torvan takes 1 damage! Torvan gains 8exp!

BowFighter4 attacks ArmorKnight2 with a Short Bow. No Damage! BowFighter4 attacks again. Miss!

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngPegKnight4 attacks Torvan with a Javelin. Miss! Torvan gains 8exp!

Mage5 attacks ArmorKnight1 with Fire. ArmorKnight1 takes 9 damage.

Mage6 attacks ArmorKnight1 with Breeze. Critical Hit! ArmorKnight1 takes 16 damage! ArmorKnight1 dies.

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngMage5 attacks Torvan with Fire. Miss! Torvan gains 8exp!

http://i1116.photobucket.com/albums/k572/Umarine199/walteraxe_zpsbe7f118e.pngMage1' attacks Walter with Fire. Miss!

SpearFighter1' enters at E1.

PegKnight2' enters at R22.

PegKnight3' enters at Q23.

PegKnight4' enters at R23.

Brigand1' enters at R1.

Mage3' enters at I1.

Ally Phase
http://i1116.photobucket.com/albums/k572/Umarine199/walteraxe_zpsbe7f118e.pngWalter attacks Brigand9 with an Iron Axe. Miss! Brigand9 counterattacks with an Iron Axe. Miss! Walter attacks again. Miss!

ArmorKnight2 uses a Vulnerary. ArmorKnight2 regains 13HP.

ArmorKnight4 attacks AxeFighter1 with a Steel Lance. Miss! AxeFighter1 counterattacks with a Hand Axe. Miss!

Main Objective: Defend the Town Hall for 8 turns or defeat Sha. (Now on turn 7/8)
Secondary Objective: Protect all four villages.

Player Stats

Tori of the Fallen Firmament
Lv2:10 Thief Lord
Leadership (*)
11 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 6 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
21/21 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 6 Skl, 8 Spd, 4 Luck, 4 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 39/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3
Lockpick 30/30

Sword: D (1/50)
Affinity: Anima


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Stella| 12| -| 80
Lucy| 12| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 6| -| 80
Gruma| 8| -| 80[/table]

Stella, Imperial Princess of Forden
Lv2:35 Cleric
92 Staff Accuracy, 9% Staff Double Cast, 19 (28) Avd
18/18 HP, 1 Str, 8 Mag, 8 Skl, 7 Spd, 5 Luck, 2 Def, 7 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Heal Staff 15/20 [4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Staves: C (5/50)
Affinity: Thunder


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 12| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Ludvig| 32| -| 80
Gruma| 8| -| 80[/table]

Lucy the Dashingswordswoman
Lv3:46 Myrmidon
13 Att, 89 (98) Hit, 9 Crit, 24 (33) Avd
17/17 HP, 7 Str, 3 Mag, 9 Skl, 10 Spd, 4 Luck, 3 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 30/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: D (12/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 10| -| 80
Stella| 16| -| 80
Torvan| 16| -| 80
Wren| 6| -| 80
Ludvig| 16| -| 80
Gruma| 6| -| 80[/table]

Major Torvan
Lv7:56 Social Knight
Leadership (*)
16 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 8 Crit, 20 (29) Avd
17/23 HP, 9 Str, 7 Mag, 8 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 7 Move

Iron Lance 26/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Steel Sword 30/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 11 Wt, Rank D]
Vulnerary 2/3

Sword: E, Lance: E (22/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 2| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 4| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Ludvig Tholan
Lv3:65 Armored Mage
19 Att, 80 (89) Hit, 19 Crit, 2 (11) Avd
12/24 HP, 4 Str, 12 Mag, 9 Skl, 5 Spd, 2 Luck, 10 Def, 4 Con, 0 PCC, 4 Move

Thunder 26/30 [7 Mt, 60 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 5 Wt, Rank E]
Fire 6/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]
Fire 18/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Fire: E (14/50), Thunder: E (4/50), Wind: E
Affinity: Thunder

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 6| -| 80
Stella| 32| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Torvan| 4| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Gruma| 3| -| 80[/table]

Wren Corell
Lv6:08 Wind Mage
Leadership (*)
14 Att, 93 (102) Hit, 11 Crit, 23 (32) Avd
19/26 HP, 1 Str, 11 Mag, 11 Skl, 11 Spd, 3 Luck, 9 Def, 6 Con, 4 PCC, 6 Move

Breeze 3/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Breeze 17/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Wind: D (20/50)
Affinity: Anima

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 12| -| 80
Stella| 3| -| 80
Lucy| 4| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Gruma| 6| -| 80[/table]

Gruma "the Wise"
Lv2:12 Spear Fighter
12 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 6 Crit, 16 (25) Avd
16/19 HP, 5 Str, 1 Mag, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 4 Luck, 6 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Lance 34/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D (6/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 8| -| 80
Stella| 8| -| 80
Lucy| 6| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Wren| 6| -| 80[/table]

Enemy Stats
*SwordFighter1 at 8/20 HP
*SwordFighter5 at 10/20 HP
*SpearFighter7 at 9/19 HP
*Brigand9 at 10/22 HP

Lv5 SwordFighter
Leadership (**)
15 Att, 99 (106) Hit, 38 Crit, 19 (25) Avd
23/23 HP, 8 Str, 2 Mag, 8 Skl, 9 Spd, 3 Luck, 5 Def, 6 Con, 2 PCC, 5 Move

Kill Sword 30/30 [7 Mt, 80 Hit, 1 Rng, 30 Crit, 7 Wt, Rank C]

Sword: B

Lv2 Brigand
15 Att, 65 (73) Hit, 0 Crit, 2 (8) Avd
22/22 HP, 6 Str, 2 Mag, 0 Skl, 2 Spd, 0 Luck, 3 Def, 9 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Axe 30/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E]

Axe: D
Steal Skill

Lv 2 Axe Fighter
13 Att, 55 (61) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (6) Avd
21/21 HP, 7 Str, 2 Mag, 5 Skl, 0 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 8 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Hand Axe 20/20 [6 Mt, 45 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]

Axe: D

Lv2 Pegasus Knight
8/10 Att, 80/60 (86/66) Hit, 5 Crit, 12/0 (18/6) Avd
18/18 HP, 4 Str, 3 Mag, 5 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 7 Move

Slim Lance 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]

Lance: D

Sword Fighter
Lv2 Sword Fighter
12 Att, 85 (91) Hit, 5 Crit, 8 (14) Avd
20/20 HP, 6 Str, 3 Mag, 5 Skl, 7 Spd, 0 Luck, 3 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: E

Spear Fighter
Lv2 Spear Fighter
9 Att, 82 (88) Hit, 6 Crit, 6 (12) Avd (Odd Numbers)
10 Att, 62 (68) Hit, 6 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
19/19 HP, 4 Str, 2 Mag, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Lance 20/20 [5 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 8 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Lance: D

Bow Fighter
Lv2 Bowfighter
10 Att, 85 (91) Hit, 5 Crit, 10 (16) Avd
20/20 HP, 5 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Bow 20/20 [5 Mt, 75 Hit, 2 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]

Bow: E

Lv2 Mage
9 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Odd Numbers)
8 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 4 (10) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 0 Str, 5 Mag, 2 Skl, 3 Spd, 0 Luck, 0 Def, 4 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Fire 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Breeze 20/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] (Even Numbers)

Fire: E, Wind: E, Thunder: E

Ally Stats
*ArmorKnight2's Vulnerary at 1/3
*ArmorKnight4 at 12/20 HP

Lieutenant Moeler
Lv3 Wyvern Rider (Dismounted)
Leadership (*)
18/13 (16/11) Att, 81/66 (80/65) Hit, 8 (6) Crit, 18/20 (17/19) Avd
22/22 HP, 7(5) Str, 3(1) Mag, 8(6) Skl, 8(6) Spd, 6 Luck, 5(3) Def, 11 Con, 1 PCC, 7(4) Move

Long Lance 20/20 [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 13 Wt, Rank E]
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank E] E

Lance: C

Lv1 Armor Knight (Lance)
15 Att, 65 (68) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (3) Avd
20/20 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 3 Spd, 0 Luck, 9 Def, 12 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Steel Lance 30/30 [10 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 15 Wt, Rank D]
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D

Walter Ostrava
Lv2:00 Axe Knight
15 Att, 83 Hit, 7 Crit, 16 Avd
14/21 HP, 6 Str, 1 Mag, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 4 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 3 PCC, 7 Move

Iron Axe 26/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Axe: D
Affinity: Light

2013-05-06, 03:57 PM

Lucy and Wren had teamed up for the glorious task of escorting Princess Stella to the wounded, was too great for one woman alone. Even as a woman as great as Lucy.

Near the beginning of their wonderful task. Enemies charged from under some tall grass. Tori and Gruma were nearby, and leapt into action to protect Princess Stella, keeping a lightly armored soldier busy, while Lucy engaged the Swordfighter, in an epic duel.

Managing to evade the Swordsmen's first strike. Lucy swiftly went on the offense. With a shout of.

I bet you're wielding two short swords, if you catch my drift.

She made two strong swift strokes with her sword. But the swordsmen had managed to evade one. Was he really so talented?

2013-05-06, 04:47 PM
"True Gods bless ye Major. We coulda been overrun. Here, this might help ya out. These curs could use a taste o' good ol' Fordic steel."

Torvan nodded in thanks, riding back into the fray. "If only I could wield it," he thought, running his lance through the mage before him.

(Since the mage can't reach Torvan from his spot on the map, unless that's an FE5 thing, Torvan moves to K9 and stabs the Mage which should be in his way.)

2013-05-08, 07:57 PM
Player Phase

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngTorvan attacks Mage7 with an Iron Lance. Mage7 takes 16 damage! Mage7 counterattacks with Fire. Torvan takes 2 damage! Torvan attacks again. Mage7 takes 16 damage! Mage7 dies. Torvan gains 13exp!

http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/3525/spritelucybattle.pngLucy attacks AxeFighter4 with an Iron Sword. AxeFighter4 takes 11 damage! AxeFigher4 counterattacks with a Hand Axe. Miss! Lucy attacks again. AxeFighter4 takes 11 damage! AxeFighter4 dies. Lucy gains 26exp!

http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Gruma/BattleL.pngGruma attacks SpearFighter7 with an Iron Lance. SpearFighter7 takes 10 damage! SpearFighter7 dies. Gruma gains 29exp!

http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Tori/Battle.pngTori attacks SwordFighter5 with an Iron Sword. SwordFighter5 takes 8 damage! SwordFighter5 counterattacks with a Short Sword. Tori takes 8 damage! Tori attacks again. Critical Hit! SwordFighter5 takes 19 damage! SwordFighter5 dies. Tori gains 29exp!

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngLudvig attacks PegKnight6 with Thunder. PegKnight6 takes 13 damage! PegKnight6 counterattacks with a Javelin. No Damage! Ludvig gains 9exp!

http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/7583/spritestellabattle.pnghttp://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Tori/Battle.png Stella uses Heal on Tori. Miss! Stella gains 15exp!

Enemy Phase

Brigand7 destroys the village.

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngBrigand8 attacks Torvan with an Iron Axe. Torvan takes 7 damage! Torvan counterattacks with an Iron Lance. Brigand8 takes 13 damage! Torvan attacks again. Miss! Torvan gains 8exp!

Brigand9 attacks ArmorKnight2 with an Iron Axe. ArmorKnight2 takes 5 damage! ArmorKnight2 counterattacks with a Steel Lance. Miss!

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngAxeFighter1 attacks Torvan with a Hand Axe. Torvan takes 5 damage! Torvan gains 8exp!

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngSpearFighter2 attacks Torvan with a Javelin. Miss! Torvan gains 8exp!

http://i1116.photobucket.com/albums/k572/Umarine199/walteraxe_zpsbe7f118e.pngSpearFighter1' attacks Walter with a Short Lance. No Damage! Walter counterattacks with an Iron Axe. SpearFighter1' takes 11 damage.

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngBowFighter2 attacks Torvan with a Short Bow. Miss! Torvan gains 8exp!

BowFighter4 attacks ArmorKnight2 with a Short Bow. No Damage! BowFighter4 attacks again. No Damage!

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngPegKnight4 attacks Torvan with a Javelin. Miss! Torvan gains 8exp!

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngTorvan grows to level 8! +1HP, +1Skl.

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngPegKnight5 attacks Torvan with a Javelin. Miss! Torvan gains 8exp!

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngPegKnight6 attacks Torvan with a Javelin. Torvan takes 2 damage! Torvan gains 8exp!

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngPegKnight7 attacks Torvan with a Javelin. Miss! Torvan gains 8exp!

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngPegKnight8 attacks Ludvig with a Javelin. No Damage! Ludvig counterattacks with Thunder. PegKnight8 takes 13 damage! Ludvig gains 9exp!

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngPegKnight9 attacks Ludvig with a Javelin. Miss! Ludvig counterattacks with Thunder. PegKnight9 takes 13 damage! Ludvig gains 9exp!

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngMage5 attacks Torvan with Fire. Miss! Torvan gains 8exp!

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y71/WingsofTorlni/Wrenbattle.pngMage8 attacks Wren with Breeze. Miss! Wren counterattacks with Breeze. Critical Hit! Mage8 takes 23 damage! Mage8 dies. Wren gains 16exp!

http://i1116.photobucket.com/albums/k572/Umarine199/walteraxe_zpsbe7f118e.pngMage1' attacks Walter with Fire. Miss!

http://i1116.photobucket.com/albums/k572/Umarine199/walteraxe_zpsbe7f118e.pngMage3' attacks Walter with Fire. Miss!

Brigand2' enters at E1.

SwordFighter6 enters at I1.

Brigand3' enters at R1.

Brigand4' enters at R14.

PegKnight2' enters at R22.

PegKnight3' enters at Q23.

PegKnight4' enters at R23.

Brigand1' enters at R1.

Mage3' enters at I1.

Ally Phase
http://i1116.photobucket.com/albums/k572/Umarine199/walteraxe_zpsbe7f118e.pngWalter uses a vulnerary. Walter regains 7HP.

ArmorKnight2 uses a Vulnerary. ArmorKnight2 regains 5HP.

ArmorKnight4 attacks AxeFighter1 with a Steel Lance. AxeFighter1 takes 13 damage! AxeFighter1 counterattacks with a Hand Axe. ArmorKnight4 takes 2 damage!

The screeching of wyverns rings out in the distance.

Moeller: "Praise to Aesir! Lady Rein's forces are returning to reinforce us. Hold just a little more!"

Main Objective: Defend the Town Hall for 8 turns or defeat Sha. (Last Turn!)
Secondary Objective: Protect all four villages. Failed

Player Stats

Tori of the Fallen Firmament
Lv2:39 Thief Lord
Leadership (*)
11 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 6 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
13/21 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 6 Skl, 8 Spd, 4 Luck, 4 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 37/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3
Lockpick 30/30

Sword: D (3/50)
Affinity: Anima


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Stella| 15| -| 80
Lucy| 12| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 6| -| 80
Gruma| 8| -| 80[/table]

Stella, Imperial Princess of Forden
Lv2:50 Cleric
92 Staff Accuracy, 9% Staff Double Cast, 19 (28) Avd
18/18 HP, 1 Str, 8 Mag, 8 Skl, 7 Spd, 5 Luck, 2 Def, 7 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Heal Staff 15/20 [4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Staves: C (5/50)
Affinity: Thunder


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 15| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Ludvig| 32| -| 80
Gruma| 10| -| 80[/table]

Lucy the Dashingswordswoman
Lv3:72 Myrmidon
13 Att, 89 (98) Hit, 9 Crit, 24 (33) Avd
17/17 HP, 7 Str, 3 Mag, 9 Skl, 10 Spd, 4 Luck, 3 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 28/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: D (14/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 10| -| 80
Stella| 16| -| 80
Torvan| 16| -| 80
Wren| 8| -| 80
Ludvig| 16| -| 80
Gruma| 6| -| 80[/table]

Major Torvan
Lv8:41 Social Knight
Leadership (*)
16 Att, 88 (97) Hit, 8 Crit, 20 (29) Avd
1/24 HP, 9 Str, 7 Mag, 9 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 7 Move

Iron Lance 23/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Steel Sword 30/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 11 Wt, Rank D]
Vulnerary 2/3

Sword: E, Lance: E (26/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 2| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 4| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Ludvig Tholan
Lv3:92 Armored Mage
19 Att, 80 (89) Hit, 19 Crit, 2 (11) Avd
24/24 HP, 4 Str, 12 Mag, 9 Skl, 5 Spd, 2 Luck, 10 Def, 4 Con, 0 PCC, 4 Move

Thunder 23/30 [7 Mt, 60 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 5 Wt, Rank E]
Fire 6/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]
Fire 18/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Fire: E (14/50), Thunder: E (7/50), Wind: E
Affinity: Thunder

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 6| -| 80
Stella| 32| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Torvan| 4| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Gruma| 3| -| 80[/table]

Wren Corell
Lv6:24 Wind Mage
Leadership (*)
14 Att, 93 (102) Hit, 11 Crit, 23 (32) Avd
19/26 HP, 1 Str, 11 Mag, 11 Skl, 11 Spd, 3 Luck, 9 Def, 6 Con, 4 PCC, 6 Move

Breeze 3/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Breeze 16/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Wind: D (21/50)
Affinity: Anima

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 12| -| 80
Stella| 3| -| 80
Lucy| 8| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Gruma| 6| -| 80[/table]

Gruma "the Wise"
Lv2:41 Spear Fighter
12 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 6 Crit, 16 (25) Avd
16/19 HP, 5 Str, 1 Mag, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 4 Luck, 6 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Lance 33/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Slim Lance 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D (7/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 8| -| 80
Stella| 8| -| 80
Lucy| 10| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Wren| 6| -| 80[/table]

Enemy Stats
*SwordFighter1 at 8/20 HP
*Brigand9 at 10/22 HP
*AxeFighter1 at 8/13 HP

Lv5 SwordFighter
Leadership (**)
15 Att, 99 (106) Hit, 38 Crit, 19 (25) Avd
23/23 HP, 8 Str, 2 Mag, 8 Skl, 9 Spd, 3 Luck, 5 Def, 6 Con, 2 PCC, 5 Move

Kill Sword 30/30 [7 Mt, 80 Hit, 1 Rng, 30 Crit, 7 Wt, Rank C]

Sword: B

Lv2 Brigand
15 Att, 65 (73) Hit, 0 Crit, 2 (8) Avd
22/22 HP, 6 Str, 2 Mag, 0 Skl, 2 Spd, 0 Luck, 3 Def, 9 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Axe 30/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E]

Axe: D
Steal Skill

Lv 2 Axe Fighter
13 Att, 55 (61) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (6) Avd
21/21 HP, 7 Str, 2 Mag, 5 Skl, 0 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 8 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Hand Axe 20/20 [6 Mt, 45 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]

Axe: D

Lv2 Pegasus Knight
8/10 Att, 80/60 (86/66) Hit, 5 Crit, 12/0 (18/6) Avd
18/18 HP, 4 Str, 3 Mag, 5 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 7 Move

Slim Lance 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]

Lance: D

Sword Fighter
Lv2 Sword Fighter
12 Att, 85 (91) Hit, 5 Crit, 8 (14) Avd
20/20 HP, 6 Str, 3 Mag, 5 Skl, 7 Spd, 0 Luck, 3 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: E

Spear Fighter
Lv2 Spear Fighter
9 Att, 82 (88) Hit, 6 Crit, 6 (12) Avd (Odd Numbers)
10 Att, 62 (68) Hit, 6 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
19/19 HP, 4 Str, 2 Mag, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Lance 20/20 [5 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 8 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Lance: D

Bow Fighter
Lv2 Bowfighter
10 Att, 85 (91) Hit, 5 Crit, 10 (16) Avd
20/20 HP, 5 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Bow 20/20 [5 Mt, 75 Hit, 2 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]

Bow: E

Lv2 Mage
9 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Odd Numbers)
8 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 4 (10) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 0 Str, 5 Mag, 2 Skl, 3 Spd, 0 Luck, 0 Def, 4 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Fire 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Breeze 20/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] (Even Numbers)

Fire: E, Wind: E, Thunder: E

Ally Stats
*ArmorKnight2's Vulnerary at 0/3
*ArmorKnight4 at 12/20 HP

Lieutenant Moeler
Lv3 Wyvern Rider (Dismounted)
Leadership (*)
18/13 (16/11) Att, 81/66 (80/65) Hit, 8 (6) Crit, 18/20 (17/19) Avd
22/22 HP, 7(5) Str, 3(1) Mag, 8(6) Skl, 8(6) Spd, 6 Luck, 5(3) Def, 11 Con, 1 PCC, 7(4) Move

Long Lance 20/20 [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 13 Wt, Rank E]
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank E] E

Lance: C

Lv1 Armor Knight (Lance)
15 Att, 65 (68) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (3) Avd
20/20 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 3 Spd, 0 Luck, 9 Def, 12 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Steel Lance 30/30 [10 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 15 Wt, Rank D]
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D

Walter Ostrava
Lv2:00 Axe Knight
15 Att, 83 Hit, 7 Crit, 16 Avd
21/21 HP, 6 Str, 1 Mag, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 4 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 3 PCC, 7 Move

Iron Axe 25/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Axe: D
Affinity: Light

2013-05-15, 11:13 AM
Player Phasehttp://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngLudvig attacks AxeFighter1 with Fire. AxeFighter1 takes 14 damage! AxeFighter1 dies. Ludvig gains 26exp!

Ludvig grows to level 4! +1HP, +1Mag, +1Spd.

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8914/spritetarvonbattle.pngTorvan uses a vulnerary. Torvan regains 23HP.

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y71/WingsofTorlni/Wrenbattle.pngWren attacks PegKnight9 with Breeze. PegKnight9 takes 11 damage! PegKnight9 dies. Wren gains 16exp!

http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/7583/spritestellabattle.pnghttp://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Tori/Battle.png Stella uses Heal on Tori. Tori regains 8HP. Stella gains 15exp!

Enemy Phase

Brigand8 attacks ArmorKnight4 with an Iron Axe. ArmorKnight4 takes 4 damage! ArmorKnight4 counterattacks with a Steel Lance. Brigand8 takes 12 damage!

Brigand9 attacks ArmorKnight2 with an Iron Axe. ArmorKnight2 takes 5 damage! ArmorKnight2 counterattacks with a Steel Lance. Miss!

http://i1116.photobucket.com/albums/k572/Umarine199/walteraxe_zpsbe7f118e.pngBrigand2' attacks Walter with an Iron Axe. Miss! Walter counterattacks with an Iron Axe. Brigand2' takes 12 damage! Walter attacks again. Brigand2' takes 12 damage! Brigand2' dies.

SpearFighter2 attacks ArmorKnight4 with a Javelin. Miss!

http://i1116.photobucket.com/albums/k572/Umarine199/walteraxe_zpsbe7f118e.pngSpearFighter1' attacks Walter with a Short Lance. Miss! Walter counterattacks with an Iron Axe. SpearFighter1' takes 11 damage! SpearFighter1' dies.

BowFighter1 attacks ArmorKnight4 with a Short Bow. No damage! BowFighter1 attacks again. No damage!

BowFighter2 attacks ArmorKnight4 with a Short Bow. No damage! BowFighter2 attacks again. No damage!

http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Tori/Battle.pngBowFighter4 attacks Tori with a Short Bow. Tori takes 6 damage! Tori gains 9exp!

PegKnight4 attacks ArmorKnight2 with a Javelin. No Damage!

PegKnight5 attacks ArmorKnight4 with a Javelin. Miss!

PegKnight6 attacks ArmorKnight4 with a Javelin. No Damage!

http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/3525/spritelucybattle.pngPegKnight7 attacks Lucy with a Javelin. Lucy takes 7 damage! Lucy gains 9exp!

http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/3525/spritelucybattle.pngPegKnight8 attacks Lucy with a Javelin. Lucy takes 7 damage! Lucy gains 9exp!

PegKnight1' attacks ArmorKnight4 with a Javelin. Miss!

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y71/WingsofTorlni/Wrenbattle.pngPegKnight2' attacks Wren with a Slim Lance. No Damage! Wren counterattacks with Breeze. PegKnight2' takes 11 damage! Wren attacks again. Miss! Wren gains 8exp!

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y71/WingsofTorlni/Wrenbattle.pngPegKnight3' attacks Wren with a Slim Lance. Miss! Wren counterattacks with Breeze. Miss! Wren attacks again. Critical Hit! PegKnight3' takes 25 damage! PegKnight3' dies. Wren gains 16exp!

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y71/WingsofTorlni/Wrenbattle.pngPegKnight4' attacks Wren with a Javelin. No Damage! Wren counterattacks with Breeze. PegKnight4' takes 11 damage! Wren attacks again. Critical Hit! PegKnight4' takes 25 damage! PegKnight4' dies. Wren gains 16exp!

Mage5 attacks ArmorKnight4 with Fire. ArmorKnight4 takes 9 damage! ArmorKnight4 dies.

Mage1' attacks ArmorKnight2 with Fire. ArmorKnight2 takes 9 damage!

Mage2' attacks ArmorKnight2 with Breeze. Miss!

Ally Phase
http://i1116.photobucket.com/albums/k572/Umarine199/walteraxe_zpsbe7f118e.pngWalter attacks Mage1' with an Iron Axe. Mage1' takes 15 damage! Mage1' counterattacks with Fire. Walter takes 8 damage! Walter attacks again. Mage1' takes 15 damage! Mage1' dies.

ArmorKnight2 attacks Brigand9 with a Steel Lance. Brigand9 takes 12 damage! Brigand9 dies.

Moeller attacks BowFighter4 with a Javelin. Miss! BowFighter4 counterattacks with a Short Bow. No Damage![/COLOR]

Just as the Fordic defenses seemed on the verge of being overrun, wyvern knights clad in Fordic grey and blue swept in from the north. Those among the strange aggressors who had advanced furthest towards the mission's town hall scarcely had time to react before being put to the lance. The remaining enemy forces turn and flee before the Fordic onslaught.

Sha: "Bah. You haven't heard the last of me. Next time, I'll see to it that none of you escape with your lives. Retreat for now." He spits in the direction of what remains of the Fordic mission before turning to slip away through the trees.

Map Complete!

@Walter: After the commotion of the battle dies down, a young woman from the village that Walter had helped to defend rushes out towards him.


"Sir Knight! I just wanted to thank you for coming to our aid. We wouldn't have made it without your help. Please, take this as a token of our appreciation."

(Got a Hand Axe)

Player Stats

Tori of the Fallen Firmament
Lv2:48 Thief Lord
Leadership (*)
11 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 6 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
21/21 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 6 Skl, 8 Spd, 4 Luck, 4 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 37/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3
Lockpick 30/30

Sword: D (3/50)
Affinity: Anima


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Stella| 18| -| 80
Lucy| 12| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 6| -| 80
Gruma| 8| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Stella, Imperial Princess of Forden
Lv2:65 Cleric
92 Staff Accuracy, 9% Staff Double Cast, 19 (28) Avd
18/18 HP, 1 Str, 8 Mag, 8 Skl, 7 Spd, 5 Luck, 2 Def, 7 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Heal Staff 14/20 [4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Staves: C (7/50)
Affinity: Thunder


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 18| -| 80
Lucy| 18| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Ludvig| 32| -| 80
Gruma| 12| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Lucy the Dashingswordswoman
Lv3:90 Myrmidon
13 Att, 89 (98) Hit, 9 Crit, 24 (33) Avd
17/17 HP, 7 Str, 3 Mag, 9 Skl, 10 Spd, 4 Luck, 3 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 28/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: D (14/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 10| -| 80
Stella| 18| -| 80
Torvan| 16| -| 80
Wren| 8| -| 80
Ludvig| 16| -| 80
Gruma| 6| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Major Torvan
Lv8:41 Social Knight
Leadership (*)
16 Att, 88 (97) Hit, 8 Crit, 20 (29) Avd
24/24 HP, 9 Str, 7 Mag, 9 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 7 Move

Iron Lance 23/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Steel Sword 30/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 11 Wt, Rank D]
Vulnerary 2/3

Sword: E, Lance: E (26/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 2| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 4| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Ludvig Tholan
Lv4:01 Armored Mage
17 Att, 90 (99) Hit, 9 Crit, 6 (15) Avd
25/25 HP, 4 Str, 13 Mag, 9 Skl, 6 Spd, 2 Luck, 10 Def, 4 Con, 0 PCC, 4 Move

Thunder 23/30 [7 Mt, 60 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 5 Wt, Rank E]
Fire 5/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E] E
Fire 18/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Fire: E (15/50), Thunder: E (7/50), Wind: E
Affinity: Thunder

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 6| -| 80
Stella| 32| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Torvan| 4| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Gruma| 3| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Wren Corell
Lv6:80 Wind Mage
Leadership (*)
14 Att, 93 (102) Hit, 11 Crit, 23 (32) Avd
26/26 HP, 1 Str, 11 Mag, 11 Skl, 11 Spd, 3 Luck, 9 Def, 6 Con, 4 PCC, 6 Move

Breeze 3/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Breeze 9/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Wind: D (28/50)
Affinity: Anima

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 12| -| 80
Stella| 3| -| 80
Lucy| 8| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Gruma| 6| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Gruma "the Wise"
Lv2:41 Spear Fighter
12 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 6 Crit, 16 (25) Avd
19/19 HP, 5 Str, 1 Mag, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 4 Luck, 6 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Lance 33/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Slim Lance 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D (7/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 8| -| 80
Stella| 12| -| 80
Lucy| 10| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Wren| 6| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Walter Ostrava
Lv2:00 Axe Knight
15 Att, 83 Hit, 7 Crit, 16 Avd
21/21 HP, 6 Str, 1 Mag, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 4 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 3 PCC, 7 Move

Iron Axe 20/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E]
Hand Axe 20/20 [6 Mt, 45 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]
Vulnerary 3/3

Axe: D
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 8| -| 80
Stella| 12| -| 80
Lucy| 10| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Wren| 6| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Ally Stats
Lieutenant Moeler
Lv3 Wyvern Rider
Leadership (*)
18/13 Att, 81/66 (84/69) Hit, 8 Crit, 18/20 (21/23) Avd
22/22 HP, 7 Str, 3 Mag, 8 Skl, 8 Spd, 6 Luck, 5 Def, 11 Con, 1 PCC, 7 Move

Long Lance 20/20 [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 13 Wt, Rank E]
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank E] E

Lance: C

Lv1 Armor Knight (Lance)
15 Att, 65 (68) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (3) Avd
20/20 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 3 Spd, 0 Luck, 9 Def, 12 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Steel Lance 30/30 [10 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 15 Wt, Rank D]
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D

2013-05-15, 01:15 PM
"Cowards! Dastards! Stand and fight like men!" The major gritted his teeth, glaring off into the distance. They'd managed to put most of their forces onto the remaining pegasi, and even if he caught them... Well, it wouldn't be wise to try to take on their main force.

He looked over to the knight near him. "Jenkins. Hop on up here. And..." he dropped off for a moment, staring down at the former Private Arwin. "Carry Arwin, if you would."

He rode towards the Lieutenant, noticing someone new as he did so. He dropped Jenkins off, still carrying the body of Private Arwin, nodding towards Moeler. "Lieutenant, have one of your men send word to the capital. Those men..." He stopped, and his face became dark. "I want every one of their heads on a pike as soon as possible."

Giving his orders to the Lieutenant, the major rode back towards the strange rider. "Tell me... you wear Fordic armor, but I don't recognize you, and you don't seem to be one of Moeler's men. Have I really been gone that long, or is there another reason you aren't familiar?"

2013-05-15, 02:34 PM

Ah! Lucy called out, stumbling as the two javelins pierced her flesh.

A true hero, never gives up, A true hero never surrenders. Lucy said more to herself then anyone else.

Then the foes retreated.

Ha! I guess they decided to flee before a true hero took them out!

2013-05-16, 12:35 AM

"What is this!? Running away, cowards the lot of you all are," Walter bellowed at the retreating enemy force. Typical bandit behavior, preying upon the weak only to turn tail at the slightest danger. Lowering his axe Walter scanned the area for any possible stragglers. His attention was diverted when a girl's voice called out.

"Sir Knight! I just wanted to thank you for coming to our aid. We wouldn't have made it without your help. Please, take this as a token of our appreciation."
"Ha! Tis not a problem, Knight of Justice Walter Ostrava, is always looking to aid those in need. Thank you for this gift miss, it will serve me well," he cheerfully replied to the girl. "I'll find those dastardly curs mark my words."

Once the girl had left, Walter let out a long sigh as he slouched back on Forwin. "Well, that was a bit stressful but hey, we made it out okay and helped out that village," Walter muttered to Forwin. He supposed that it was the wind that brought him here or luck he guessed. Fate was strange like that. Shifting a bit on the horse, Walter was about to motion Forwin forward when another voice sounded out.

"Tell me... you wear Fordic armor, but I don't recognize you, and you don't seem to be one of Moeler's men. Have I really been gone that long, or is there another reason you aren't familiar?"
Someone who looked to be an actual knight was approaching him. Quickly straightening himself on Forwin, Walter hastily introduced himself, "Haha! My name is Walter Ostrava, knight errant, I wander the continent to help those in need," he declared, his arms spread out in an exaggerated manner, "As it turns out, that is exactly the reason why I'm here. And you good sir knight, what brings you here?"

2013-05-16, 12:43 AM

"What is this!? Running away, cowards the lot of you all are," Walter bellowed at the retreating enemy force. Typical bandit behavior, preying upon the weak only to turn tail at the slightest danger. Lowering his axe Walter scanned the area for any possible stragglers. His attention was diverted when a girl's voice called out.

"Ha! Tis not a problem, Knight of Justice Walter Ostrava, is always looking to aid those in need. Thank you for this gift miss, it will serve me well," he cheerfully replied to the girl. "I'll find those dastardly curs mark my words."

Once the girl had left, Walter let out a long sigh as he slouched back on Forwin. "Well, that was a bit stressful but hey, we made it out okay and helped out that village," Walter muttered to Forwin. He supposed that it was the wind that brought him here or luck he guessed. Fate was strange like that. Shifting a bit on the horse, Walter was about to motion Forwin forward when another voice sounded out.

Someone who looked to be an actual knight was approaching him. Quickly straightening himself on Forwin, Walter hastily introduced himself, "Haha! My name is Walter Ostrava, knight errant, I wander the continent to help those in need," he declared, his arms spread out in an exaggerated manner, "As it turns out, that is exactly the reason why I'm here. And you good sir knight, what brings you here?"


Ha! Lucy called out with a smile.

Another man that understands what it means to be a hero.

2013-05-16, 01:07 AM

Hearing another new voice Walter turned his head to Lucy, "A hero eh," he started, arms now folded, eyes closed, " It is a shame that people often take heroism these days for foolhardiness. Nice to know there are some that still follow that path."

2013-05-16, 01:12 AM

Greeting, my fellow knight. I'm a dashing swordswomen by the name of Lucy. She said bowing before offering her hand for a handshake.

2013-05-16, 11:02 AM
"Cowards! Dastards! Stand and fight like men!" The major gritted his teeth, glaring off into the distance. They'd managed to put most of their forces onto the remaining pegasi, and even if he caught them... Well, it wouldn't be wise to try to take on their main force.

He looked over to the knight near him. "Jenkins. Hop on up here. And..." he dropped off for a moment, staring down at the former Private Arwin. "Carry Arwin, if you would."

He rode towards the Lieutenant, noticing someone new as he did so. He dropped Jenkins off, still carrying the body of Private Arwin, nodding towards Moeler. "Lieutenant, have one of your men send word to the capital. Those men..." He stopped, and his face became dark. "I want every one of their heads on a pike as soon as possible."Jenkins takes a moment to respond, staring at the scene of the battle with disbelief etched across his face, before straightening himself and regaining his composure.

Jenkins: "Ah... yes, sir."

Cradling Private Arwin in his arms, Jenkins climbed onto the Major's horse. Upon being dropped off, he carries the body into a villeage to be buried behind the church.


Moeller: "Believe me Major Torvan, I share your sentiment, but might it not be prudent to speak with some of the Swyn tribal leaders first? Our situation was precarious enough before all of this." The lieutenant fidgets uncomfortably. "Far be it from me to question a superior officer, but the local population may not take kindly to an escalation of our military presence."

2013-05-16, 12:24 PM

Someone who looked to be an actual knight was approaching him. Quickly straightening himself on Forwin, Walter hastily introduced himself, "Haha! My name is Walter Ostrava, knight errant, I wander the continent to help those in need," he declared, his arms spread out in an exaggerated manner, "As it turns out, that is exactly the reason why I'm here. And you good sir knight, what brings you here?"[/QUOTE]

"I am Major Torvan, personal escort to the princess of Forden."

Moeller: "Believe me Major Torvan, I share your sentiment, but might it not be prudent to speak with some of the Swyn tribal leaders first? Our situation was precarious enough before all of this." The lieutenant fidgets uncomfortably. "Far be it from me to question a superior officer, but the local population may not take kindly to an escalation of our military presence."

The major paused, looking off into the distance. "Yes... yes, you're right. ...Send one of your men to the capital to tell them what has happened." He looked towards the main party. He had paid them little mind during the fight. A quick assessment showed no lasting injury. "Sir Gruma, Sir Tori... I would have counsel with you."

John Cribati
2013-05-19, 07:50 PM
Though not entirely sure when he'd become a Sir (he could hear the capital "S" when Torvan said it), Gruma decided it best not to question it, or do anything to relinquish the newfound respect... if it could be called such... directed at him. He walked at a brisk pace to catch up, as calls of "Taichi lapdog" echoed through his memory.

Rising Phoenix
2013-05-20, 02:20 AM

The tribesman clutched his site were the axe had landed only to have the pain whisked away by the pink haired girl. "Thank you" he said his tone equal parts admiration equal part thanks as he gazed into Stella's eyes.

The major paused, looking off into the distance. "Yes... yes, you're right. ...Send one of your men to the capital to tell them what has happened." He looked towards the main party. He had paid them little mind during the fight. A quick assessment showed no lasting injury. "Sir Gruma, Sir Tori... I would have counsel with you."


"You will have it." replied Tori "But I do not understand what I just witnessed"

2013-05-20, 02:35 AM
The major paused, looking off into the distance. "Yes... yes, you're right. ...Send one of your men to the capital to tell them what has happened."
Moeller: "Yes, sir. As soon as I've heard the report of the fighting in the north, I'll see to it that a message is flown to Wyrmgard as quickly as possible."

(There will be some more IC posting and a new map to fight on in the morning.)

2013-05-20, 02:48 AM

The tribesman clutched his site were the axe had landed only to have the pain whisked away by the pink haired girl. "Thank you" he said his tone equal parts admiration equal part thanks as he gazed into Stella's eyes.

Terrified into silence by the ferocity of the fighting, it was all the traumatised Stella could do to keep going, running away from the enemies coming towards her, and towards those of her retainers that needed her services. Along the way, she somehow lost her voice for imploring the True Gods to heed her pleas, and was reduced to a much softer rendition of these same calls for divine assistance. Thankfully, the True Gods could still hear her regardless, though there was at least one instance where her lack of volume had caused her art to fail prematurely.

Then, at the end of the fighting, she had performed the last of her healing miracles on good ol' Tori of all people, and he just had to gaze at her so gently, with those sparkling green eyes of his. Her nerves already rattled by two consecutive battles in as many days, Stella was quite unprepared for this new assault on her senses, and her face went quite red. Quickly, she turned her back and Tori, and huffed.


"D-d-don't mention it! I-it's just my duty as t-the vessel of the T-True Gods, that's all! T-that's what it i-is, yes! I-I didn't do it f-for you or anyt-thing...!"

John Cribati
2013-05-20, 04:51 AM

"D-d-don't mention it! I-it's just my duty as t-the vessel of the T-True Gods, that's all! T-that's what it i-is, yes! I-I didn't do it f-for you or anyt-thing...!"

Gruma managed to stifle his laughter at Stella’s antics as he passed by. He nudged Tori with an elbow, raising his eyebrows with a grin, saying a single word in their native tongue: Tsundere.

2013-05-20, 11:43 PM
Moeller returns some minutes later, his face pale.

Moeller: "Things are worse than I thought. Lady Rein was taken captive midway through the battle. Scouts were sent to follow after the enemy forces when they retreated, but we've yet to hear back from them."

Before there is even time to respond to this information, the sound of commotion rings out from the west. A group of Swyn tribesmen led by a man clad in a dark robe, with ornaments of metal and bone adorning his arms and his long, greying hair and beard. As he walks, the trinkets rattle and clang together to produce an unsettling, hollow dirge.

The natives' path is barred by Wyvern Riders with lances drawn. A Fordic sergeant barks "Halt! Who goes there?"

"Do not speak to the Father of the Wrathful Slumber, in this way taeshi," snarls one of the Swyn men, before the leader holds up his hand for silence. The chieftain turns his cold, dark eyes on the sergeant, then speaks in a voice which evokes images of deep caverns and creeping horrors. "I will speak with your leaders.".

The Father of the Wrathful Slumber into the mission, though his cadre of warriors stay at the outskirts. "Well, well. You seem to be gathered together already. This has something to do with the ones holed up in that eyesore that your people left to scar our forest with many years ago, yes. This was not in our agreement. You will explain."

(The map is still in progress. It's coming, I promise, and I'm sorry for the delay.)

2013-05-21, 12:07 AM

"You will have it." replied Tori "But I do not understand what I just witnessed"

The Major only shook his head. "I won't pretend to understand it any better than anyone else here."

Rising Phoenix
2013-05-21, 12:59 AM

"D-d-don't mention it! I-it's just my duty as t-the vessel of the T-True Gods, that's all! T-that's what it i-is, yes! I-I didn't do it f-for you or anyt-thing...!"


"I see no god in front of me. I only see Stella and I am gratef-" the nudge stopped his flow of words.

Gruma managed to stifle his laughter at Stella’s antics as he passed by. He nudged Tori with an elbow, raising his eyebrows with a grin, saying a single word in their native tongue: Tsundere.


To which Tori gave a nod and a cheeky grin.

Moeller returns some minutes later, his face pale.

Moeller: "Things are worse than I thought. Lady Rein was taken captive midway through the battle. Scouts were sent to follow after the enemy forces when they retreated, but we've yet to hear back from them."

Before there is even time to respond to this information, the sound of commotion rings out from the west. A group of Swyn tribesmen led by a man clad in a dark robe, with ornaments of metal and bone adorning his arms and his long, greying hair and beard. As he walks, the trinkets rattle and clang together to produce an unsettling, hollow dirge.

The natives' path is barred by Wyvern Riders with lances drawn. A Fordic sergeant barks "Halt! Who goes there?"

"Do not speak to the Father of the Wrathful Slumber, in this way taeshi," snarls one of the Swyn men, before the leader holds up his hand for silence. The chieftain turns his cold, dark eyes on the sergeant, then speaks in a voice which evokes images of deep caverns and creeping horrors. "I will speak with your leaders.".

The Father of the Wrathful Slumber into the mission, though his cadre of warriors stay at the outskirts. "Well, well. You seem to be gathered together already. This has something to do with the ones holed up in that eyesore that your people left to scar our forest with many years ago, yes. This was not in our agreement. You will explain."

[[Is the wrathful slumber the same deity as Buou the Pale Owl?]]


The mention of the deity quickly wiped out any mischief out of Tori. A light sweat covered his forehead as he remembered the fever dreams, the glowing red, the whispers. But perhaps he had misheard the name of the god? He approached the shaman, bowed his head in respect and waited for developments. There where accusations it seemed, serious ones. And then he remembered and turned to whisper to the General.

The Major only shook his head. "I won't pretend to understand it any better than anyone else here."


"Twenty two leaps of the Great Deer Kieyn ago your people built an abomination of stone and steel deep within the land of trees. The spirits stopped singing there and all things free of corruption stay clear of it. The Father is referring to that. I do not know what has happened there, though the drea... I guess something bad."

2013-05-22, 02:58 PM
Moeller returns some minutes later, his face pale.

Moeller: "Things are worse than I thought. Lady Rein was taken captive midway through the battle. Scouts were sent to follow after the enemy forces when they retreated, but we've yet to hear back from them."

"Lady Rein?"


"Twenty two leaps of the Great Deer Kieyn ago your people built an abomination of stone and steel deep within the land of trees. The spirits stopped singing there and all things free of corruption stay clear of it. The Father is referring to that. I do not know what has happened there, though the drea... I guess something bad."


"Drea...? Have you dreamt of this? What will happen? What has happened?"

The Father of the Wrathful Slumber into the mission, though his cadre of warriors stay at the outskirts. "Well, well. You seem to be gathered together already. This has something to do with the ones holed up in that eyesore that your people left to scar our forest with many years ago, yes. This was not in our agreement. You will explain."

The Major bowed, quickly returning to his former position in case the gesture was offensive. "I cannot tell you what has transpired here, Father. I have always been in charge of internal affairs, rather than the external." He swept a hand towards the battlefield. "I do not know who these men were, for they have fled. But I can promise you that they were no men of Forden. We were attacked, suddenly and without quarter. Several good men were lost, and a village of innocents razed to the ground. If our wyvern knights had not arrived, we may have been killed."

2013-05-23, 10:27 PM
"Lady Rein?"

Moeller: "Lord Nihmroden's daughter, sir. She was stationed here, and led our forces to repel the enemy when they first attacked us from the North."

(OOC she's Kasanip's character)

The Major bowed, quickly returning to his former position in case the gesture was offensive. "I cannot tell you what has transpired here, Father. I have always been in charge of internal affairs, rather than the external." He swept a hand towards the battlefield. "I do not know who these men were, for they have fled. But I can promise you that they were no men of Forden. We were attacked, suddenly and without quarter. Several good men were lost, and a village of innocents razed to the ground. If our wyvern knights had not arrived, we may have been killed."

Father of the Wrathful Slumber: "...very well. But take heed; my patience is limited. Fix this problem and contain the mess to the place that your people have already defiled. Our forest is not your battleground. Perhaps you will find answers or perhaps your gods will share them with you."

Moeller: "I suppose we don't have much choice. Even without the added political pressure, we can't allow them to keep Lady Rein held prisoner. At least now we know where the enemy is. The only place that fits the description near to here is Lord Schmitz' fortress. Our Wyvern Knights can hold the perimeter, but the infantry suffered heavy losses in the last battle. I don't see how we can take the keep in our current state..."

The lieutenant pauses briefly in thought before continuing."Loathe though I am to put the Princess in greater danger, I don't see any other way to avoid a long siege. Major, is your group capable of taking the fort?"


Meanwhile, at the fort...

???: "You failed."

Sha: "There were enemy reinforcements. And we still would have won if you'd bought a bit more time."

???: "I don't want to hear your excuses. You should have been more than capable of crushing Forden's little settlement, but they beat you back. Remember, you can be thrown back into that pit in Baal just as easily as you were plucked out of it."

Sha: "No! Please, give me one more chance. I'll kill them all. I swear it."

???: "Heh. You're in luck. I managed to snatch up a prisoner during the last battle, and as it turns out, she's highborn. I suspect that Fordic wyverns will be flying to her rescue soon enough. I'm going to trust you to take care of them when they arrive. Now that we've got what we need from this place, I need to be moving on, but the Fordic presence here still needs to be removed."

Chapter 2: Taking Root

Deploy anywhere on the squares T-W/8-12.
Objective: Seize Throne.

Player Stats

Tori of the Fallen Firmament
Lv2:48 Thief Lord
Leadership (*)
11 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 6 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
21/21 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 6 Skl, 8 Spd, 4 Luck, 4 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 37/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3
Lockpick 30/30

Sword: D (3/50)
Affinity: Anima


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Stella| 18| -| 80
Lucy| 12| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 6| -| 80
Gruma| 8| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Stella, Imperial Princess of Forden
Lv2:65 Cleric
92 Staff Accuracy, 9% Staff Double Cast, 19 (28) Avd
18/18 HP, 1 Str, 8 Mag, 8 Skl, 7 Spd, 5 Luck, 2 Def, 7 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Heal Staff 14/20 [4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Staves: C (7/50)
Affinity: Thunder


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 18| -| 80
Lucy| 18| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Ludvig| 32| -| 80
Gruma| 12| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Lucy the Dashingswordswoman
Lv3:90 Myrmidon
13 Att, 89 (98) Hit, 9 Crit, 24 (33) Avd
17/17 HP, 7 Str, 3 Mag, 9 Skl, 10 Spd, 4 Luck, 3 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 28/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: D (14/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 10| -| 80
Stella| 18| -| 80
Torvan| 16| -| 80
Wren| 8| -| 80
Ludvig| 16| -| 80
Gruma| 6| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Major Torvan
Lv8:41 Social Knight
Leadership (*)
16 Att, 88 (97) Hit, 8 Crit, 20 (29) Avd
24/24 HP, 9 Str, 7 Mag, 9 Skl, 10 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 7 Move

Iron Lance 23/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Steel Sword 30/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 11 Wt, Rank D]
Vulnerary 2/3

Sword: E, Lance: E (26/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 2| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 4| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Ludvig Tholan
Lv4:01 Armored Mage
17 Att, 90 (99) Hit, 9 Crit, 6 (15) Avd
25/25 HP, 4 Str, 13 Mag, 9 Skl, 6 Spd, 2 Luck, 10 Def, 4 Con, 0 PCC, 4 Move

Thunder 23/30 [7 Mt, 60 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 5 Wt, Rank E]
Fire 5/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E] E
Fire 18/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Fire: E (15/50), Thunder: E (7/50), Wind: E
Affinity: Thunder

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 6| -| 80
Stella| 32| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Torvan| 4| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Gruma| 3| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Wren Corell
Lv6:80 Wind Mage
Leadership (*)
14 Att, 93 (102) Hit, 11 Crit, 23 (32) Avd
26/26 HP, 1 Str, 11 Mag, 11 Skl, 11 Spd, 3 Luck, 9 Def, 6 Con, 4 PCC, 6 Move

Breeze 3/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Breeze 9/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Wind: D (28/50)
Affinity: Anima

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 12| -| 80
Stella| 3| -| 80
Lucy| 8| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Gruma| 6| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Gruma "the Wise"
Lv2:41 Spear Fighter
12 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 6 Crit, 16 (25) Avd
19/19 HP, 5 Str, 1 Mag, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 4 Luck, 6 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Lance 33/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Slim Lance 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D (7/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 8| -| 80
Stella| 12| -| 80
Lucy| 10| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Wren| 6| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Walter Ostrava
Lv2:00 Axe Knight
15 Att, 83 Hit, 7 Crit, 16 Avd
21/21 HP, 6 Str, 1 Mag, 7 Skl, 6 Spd, 4 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 3 PCC, 7 Move

Iron Axe 20/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E]
Hand Axe 20/20 [6 Mt, 45 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]
Vulnerary 3/3

Axe: D
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 8| -| 80
Stella| 12| -| 80
Lucy| 10| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Wren| 6| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Enemy Stats
Lv5 SwordFighter
Leadership (**)
17/16 Att, 99 (106) Hit, 8 Crit, 19 (25) Avd
23/23 HP, 8 Str, 2+5 Mag, 8 Skl, 9 Spd, 3 Luck, 5 Def, 6 Con, 2 PCC, 5 Move

Fire Sword 40/40 [9 Mt, 80 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 30 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank B, Mag +5]

Sword: B

Falgrath Pyrrhos
Lv3:00 Sword Fighter
13 Att, 82 (86) Hit, 4 Crit, 24 (30) Avd
22/22 HP, 7 Str, 2 Mag, 4 Skl, 10 Spd, 4 Luck, 7 Def, 7 Con, 3 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: D

Lv 3 Axe Fighter
17 Att, 75 (81) Hit, 0 Crit, 4 (10) Avd (Odd Numbers)
14 Att, 55 (61) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
23/23 HP, 8 Str, 2 Mag, 5 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 8 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Axe 30/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Hand Axe 20/20 [6 Mt, 45 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Axe: D

Sword Fighter
Lv3 Sword Fighter
12 Att, 85 (91) Hit, 5 Crit, 8 (14) Avd
21/21 HP, 6 Str, 4 Mag, 5 Skl, 7 Spd, 0 Luck, 4 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: E

Spear Fighter
Lv3 Spear Fighter
9 Att, 82 (88) Hit, 6 Crit, 8 (14) Avd (Odd Numbers)
10 Att, 62 (68) Hit, 6 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 4 Str, 2 Mag, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Lance 20/20 [5 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 8 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Lance: D

Bow Fighter
Lv2 Bowfighter
10 Att, 87 (93) Hit, 6 Crit, 10 (16) Avd
21/21 HP, 5 Str, 2 Mag, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Bow 20/20 [5 Mt, 75 Hit, 2 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]

Bow: E

Lv3 Mage
9 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 6 (12) Avd (Odd Numbers)
10 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 0 Str, 6 Mag, 2 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 0 Def, 4 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Breeze 20/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Fire 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E] (Even Numbers)

Fire: E, Wind: E, Thunder: E

SwordArmor (Number is 1 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Sword)
18 Att, 65 (71) Hit, 0 Crit, 4 (10) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Long Sword 30/30 [10 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]

Sword: C

LanceArmor (Number is 2 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Lance)
19 Att, 65 (71) Hit, 0 Crit, 2 (8) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Long Lance 20/20 [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 13 Wt, Rank D]

Lance: C

AxeArmor (Number is 0 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Axe)
21 Att, 60 (66) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (6) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Steel Axe 25/25 [13 Mt, 60 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 15 Wt, Rank D]

Ally Stats
Rein Nihmroden
Lv3:00 Bow Fighter
- Att, - Hit, - Crit, - Avd
18/18 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 11 Skl, 7 Spd, 9 Luck, 3 Def, 10 Con, 3 PCC, 5 Move

Bow: D
Affinity: Fire

2013-05-23, 10:45 PM
Father of the Wrathful Slumber: "...very well. But take heed; my patience is limited. Fix this problem and contain the mess to the place that your people have already defiled. Our forest is not your battleground. Perhaps you will find answers or perhaps your gods will share them with you."

"I will do what I can, Father."

Moeller: The lieutenant pauses briefly in thought before continuing."Loathe though I am to put the Princess in greater danger, I don't see any other way to avoid a long siege. Major, is your group capable of taking the fort?"

"I believe so, Lieutenant." He nodded to the men of Swyn. "Sir Gruma, sir Tori. I hate to pull you into this further than I already have, but we will likely require use of your skills."

After waiting for an answer, the Major's horse began trotting off in the direction of the fortress. "Sir Ostrava, will you be joining us?"

2013-05-23, 11:16 PM
Coming back late from her temper tantrum, Stella only arrived in time to catch the last bits of conversation, after the leader of the natives had already made their move. Nevertheless, she managed to hear what Lieutenant Moeller had said to Sir Torvan, and what she heard finally shook her of her torpor once and for all.


"WHAT?! A distinguished member of our gentry has been kidnapped?!"

Stella nearly shrieked, as she brandished her staff at Moeller and Torvan.

"This insult can not be forgiven! Do not heed overmuch for my safety; Mister-no, Major Torvan, Lieutenant! By the will of the Princess of Forden, retrieve the Lady Nihmroden from her captors!"

Rising Phoenix
2013-05-23, 11:45 PM

"Drea...? Have you dreamt of this? What will happen? What has happened?"


Tori bit his tongue. He shouldn't have let that slip to outsiders. But he decided not to lie.

"I do not wish to speak of such things. They are... what was the word? Yes, 'personal'".

Father of the Wrathful Slumber: "...very well. But take heed; my patience is limited. Fix this problem and contain the mess to the place that your people have already defiled. Our forest is not your battleground. Perhaps you will find answers or perhaps your gods will share them with you."


[[In native tongue]]

"I will try to steer these Taichis on the right path, Father..." the reluctantly he asks "Do the spirits still stir in the heart of the woods Father?"

-----At current map-----

The tribesman walks wearily on the grey stone, not used to its touch. It is smooth and square, and there are few living around save for people clad in sleeping steel.


"The sooner we are done with business here, the safe we will be" he remarks

2013-05-24, 03:03 AM

[[In native tongue]]

"I will try to steer these Taichis on the right path, Father..." the reluctantly he asks "Do the spirits still stir in the heart of the woods Father?"The shaman looks Tori over with an appraising eye before responding.

In native tongue...

Father of the Wrathful Slumber: "Their sleep is restless. The Great Owl beats his wings and wind blows from them. And now the taishi bring their winds howling through the trees as well. And when the winds collide and swirl together, storms brew."

2013-06-03, 03:54 PM

After waiting for an answer, the Major's horse began trotting off in the direction of the fortress. "Sir Ostrava, will you be joining us?"

"But of course," Walter replied nodding his head with a certain grandiose, "these scoundrels will pay for their crimes here." He would have gone off to pursue the aggressors regardless, but with more people the knight would not have to cook up some elaborate scheme to somehow defeat a bandit force of that size.

He observed the brief exchange of words between Tori and the shaman, slightly annoyed that he could not decipher their words. In his travels in Swyn Walter had struggled to cross the language border since the diversity in languages made it impossible to fully communicate with the locals. He gave a disgruntled shrug before getting ready for the trek.

-At Map-

The journey to the fort had been relatively quiet; once the group had reached the old fort he stood slightly at awe of it. The forest had done its work to try and over take the structure of stone, with vines and foliage draped over the smooth stone walls. Yet here the fort still stood perhaps a testament to those who built it. Dismounting from Forwin and readying his axe, Walter awaited the next move.

2013-06-06, 11:01 AM
Player Phase
http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Gruma/BattleL.pngGruma attacks SwordFighter4 with a Javelin. SwordFighter4 takes 8 damage! Gruma gains 9exp!

http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/3525/spritelucybattle.pngLucy attacks SwordFighter4 with an Iron Sword. SwordFighter4 takes 9 damage! SwordFighter4 counterattacks with a Short Sword. Lucy takes 9 damage! Lucy attacks again. Critical Hit! SwordFighter4 takes 22 damage! SwordFighter4 dies. Lucy gains 29exp!

http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/3525/spritelucybattle.pngLucy grows to level 4! +1 Str, +1 Spd, +1 Con.

http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngTorvan attacks SwordFighter5 with an Iron Lance. SwordFighter5 takes 10 damage! SwordFighter5 counterattacks with a Short Sword. Miss! Torvan attacks again. SwordFighter5 takes 10 damage! Torvan gains 7exp!

Enemy Phase
http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngAxeFighter2 attacks Ludvig with a Hand Axe. Ludvig takes 4 damage! Ludvig counterattacks with Fire. AxeFighter2 takes 15 damage! Ludvig gains 9exp!

http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/3525/spritelucybattle.pngAxeFighter7 attacks Lucy with an Iron Axe. Miss! Lucy counterattacks with an Iron Sword. AxeFighter7 takes 11 damage! Lucy attacks again. Critical Hit! AxeFighter7 takes 24 damage! AxeFighter7 dies. Lucy gains 29exp!

http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/3525/spritelucybattle.pngSwordFighter5 attacks Lucy with a Short Sword. Miss! Lucy counterattacks with an Iron Sword. SwordFighter5 takes 9 damage. SwordFighter5 dies. Lucy gains 29exp!

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngSpearFighter5 attacks Ludvig with a Short Lance. Miss! Ludvig counterattacks with Fire. SpearFighter5 takes 15 damage. Ludvig gains 9exp!

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngSpearFighter7 attacks Ludvig with a Short Lance. No Damage! Ludvig counterattacks with Fire. SpearFighter7 takes 15 damage. Ludvig gains 9exp!

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngSpearFighter9 attacks Ludvig with a Short Lance. No Damage! Ludvig counterattacks with Fire. SpearFighter5 takes 15 damage. Ludvig gains 9exp!

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngBowFighter4 attacks Ludvig with a Short Bow. No Damage! Ludvig counterattacks with Fire. BowFighter4 takes 15 damage. Ludvig gains 9exp! A Fire broke.

http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngMage4 attacks Torvan with Fire. Miss! Torvan gains 7exp!

Ally Phase

Objective: Seize Throne.

Player Stats

Tori of the Fallen Firmament
Lv2:48 Thief Lord
Leadership (*)
11 Att, 86 (95) Hit, 6 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
21/21 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 6 Skl, 8 Spd, 4 Luck, 4 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 37/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3
Lockpick 30/30

Sword: D (3/50)
Affinity: Anima


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Stella| 21| -| 80
Lucy| 12| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 6| -| 80
Gruma| 8| -| 80
Walter| 2| -| 80[/table]

Stella, Imperial Princess of Forden
Lv2:65 Cleric
92 Staff Accuracy, 9% Staff Double Cast, 19 (28) Avd
18/18 HP, 1 Str, 8 Mag, 8 Skl, 7 Spd, 5 Luck, 2 Def, 7 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Heal Staff 14/20 [4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Staves: C (7/50)
Affinity: Thunder


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 21| -| 80
Lucy| 18| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Ludvig| 32| -| 80
Gruma| 12| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Lucy the Dashingswordswoman
Lv4:77 Myrmidon
14 Att, 89 (98) Hit, 9 Crit, 26 (35) Avd
8/17 HP, 8 Str, 3 Mag, 9 Skl, 11 Spd, 4 Luck, 3 Def, 11 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 23/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Steel Sword 30/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 11 Wt, Rank D]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: D (19/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 10| -| 80
Stella| 18| -| 80
Torvan| 16| -| 80
Wren| 8| -| 80
Ludvig| 16| -| 80
Gruma| 12| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Major Torvan
Lv8:55 Social Knight (Dismounted)
Leadership (*)
16 (14) Att, 88 (93) Hit, 9 (7) Crit, 20 (25) Avd
24/24 HP, 9 (7) Str, 7 (5) Mag, 9 (7) Skl, 10 (8) Spd, 0 Luck, 8 (6) Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 7 (4) Move

Iron Lance 21/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 2/3

Sword: E, Lance: E (28/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 2| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 4| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Ludvig Tholan
Lv4:46 Armored Mage
17 Att, 90 (99) Hit, 9 Crit, 6 (15) Avd
21/25 HP, 4 Str, 13 Mag, 9 Skl, 6 Spd, 2 Luck, 10 Def, 4 Con, 0 PCC, 4 Move

Thunder 23/30 [7 Mt, 60 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 5 Wt, Rank E]
Fire 18/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Fire: E (20/50), Thunder: E (7/50), Wind: E
Affinity: Thunder

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 6| -| 80
Stella| 32| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Torvan| 4| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Gruma| 3| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Wren Corell
Lv6:80 Wind Mage
Leadership (*)
14 Att, 93 (102) Hit, 11 Crit, 23 (32) Avd
26/26 HP, 1 Str, 11 Mag, 11 Skl, 11 Spd, 3 Luck, 9 Def, 6 Con, 4 PCC, 6 Move

Breeze 3/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Breeze 9/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Wind: D (28/50)
Affinity: Anima

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 12| -| 80
Stella| 3| -| 80
Lucy| 8| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Gruma| 6| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Gruma "the Wise"
Lv2:50 Spear Fighter
11 Att, 66 (75) Hit, 6 Crit, 14 (23) Avd
19/19 HP, 5 Str, 1 Mag, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 4 Luck, 6 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Lance 33/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Slim Lance 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Javelin 19/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D (8/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 8| -| 80
Stella| 12| -| 80
Lucy| 12| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Wren| 6| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Walter Ostrava
Lv2:00 Axe Knight (Dismounted)
15 (13) Att, 83 (88) Hit, 7 (5) Crit, 16 (21) Avd
21/21 HP, 6 (4) Str, 1 (0) Mag, 7 (5) Skl, 6 (4) Spd, 4 Luck, 8 (6) Def, 10 Con, 3 PCC, 7 (4) Move

Iron Axe 20/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E]
Hand Axe 20/20 [6 Mt, 45 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]
Vulnerary 3/3

Axe: D
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 0| -| 80
Lucy| 0| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 0| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80[/table]

Enemy Stats
*AxeFighter2 at 8/23 HP.
*SpearFighter5 at 5/20 HP.
*SpearFighter7 at 5/20 HP.
*SpearFighter9 at 5/20 HP.
*BowFighter4 at 6/21 HP.

Lv5 SwordFighter
Leadership (**)
17/16 Att, 99 (106) Hit, 8 Crit, 19 (25) Avd
23/23 HP, 8 Str, 2+5 Mag, 8 Skl, 9 Spd, 3 Luck, 5 Def, 6 Con, 2 PCC, 5 Move

Fire Sword 40/40 [9 Mt, 80 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 30 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank B, Mag +5]

Sword: B

Falgrath Pyrrhos
Lv3:00 Sword Fighter
13 Att, 82 (86) Hit, 4 Crit, 24 (30) Avd
22/22 HP, 7 Str, 2 Mag, 4 Skl, 10 Spd, 4 Luck, 7 Def, 7 Con, 3 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: D

Lv 3 Axe Fighter
17 Att, 75 (81) Hit, 0 Crit, 4 (10) Avd (Odd Numbers)
14 Att, 55 (61) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
23/23 HP, 8 Str, 2 Mag, 5 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 8 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Axe 30/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Hand Axe 20/20 [6 Mt, 45 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Axe: D

Sword Fighter
Lv3 Sword Fighter
12 Att, 85 (91) Hit, 5 Crit, 8 (14) Avd
21/21 HP, 6 Str, 4 Mag, 5 Skl, 7 Spd, 0 Luck, 4 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: E

Spear Fighter
Lv3 Spear Fighter
9 Att, 82 (88) Hit, 6 Crit, 8 (14) Avd (Odd Numbers)
10 Att, 62 (68) Hit, 6 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 4 Str, 2 Mag, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Lance 20/20 [5 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 8 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Lance: D

Bow Fighter
Lv2 Bowfighter
10 Att, 87 (93) Hit, 6 Crit, 10 (16) Avd
21/21 HP, 5 Str, 2 Mag, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Bow 20/20 [5 Mt, 75 Hit, 2 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]

Bow: E

Lv3 Mage
9 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 6 (12) Avd (Odd Numbers)
10 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 0 Str, 6 Mag, 2 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 0 Def, 4 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Breeze 20/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Fire 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E] (Even Numbers)

Fire: E, Wind: E, Thunder: E

SwordArmor (Number is 1 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Sword)
18 Att, 65 (71) Hit, 0 Crit, 4 (10) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Long Sword 30/30 [10 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]

Sword: C

LanceArmor (Number is 2 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Lance)
19 Att, 65 (71) Hit, 0 Crit, 2 (8) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Long Lance 20/20 [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 13 Wt, Rank D]

Lance: C

AxeArmor (Number is 0 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Axe)
21 Att, 60 (66) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (6) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Steel Axe 25/25 [13 Mt, 60 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 15 Wt, Rank D]

Ally Stats
Rein Nihmroden
Lv3:00 Bow Fighter
- Att, - Hit, - Crit, - Avd
18/18 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 11 Skl, 7 Spd, 9 Luck, 3 Def, 10 Con, 3 PCC, 5 Move

Bow: D
Affinity: Fire

2013-06-12, 02:51 PM
Player Phase
http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Gruma/BattleL.pngGruma attacks SpearFighter7 with a Javelin. SpearFighter7 takes 9 damage! SpearFighter7 dies. Gruma gains 32exp!

http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Tori/Battle.pngTori attacks SpearFighter5 with an Iron Sword. SpearFighter5 takes 9 damage! SpearFighter5 dies. Tori gains 32exp!

http://i1116.photobucket.com/albums/k572/Umarine199/walteraxe_zpsbe7f118e.pngWalter attacks AxeFighter2 with a Hand Axe. AxeFighter2 takes 8 damage! AxeFighter2 dies. Walter gains 32exp!

http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/7583/spritestellabattle.pnghttp://img5.imageshack.us/img5/3525/spritelucybattle.pngStella uses Heal on Lucy. Lucy regains 9 HP. Stella gains 15exp!

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y71/WingsofTorlni/Wrenbattle.pngWren attacks Mage4 with Breeze. Mage4 takes 8 damage! Mage4 counterattacks with Fire. No Damage! Wren attacks again. Critical Hit! Mage4 takes 22 damage! Mage4 dies. Wren gains 19exp!

http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngTorvan attacks LanceArmor8 with an Iron Lance. LanceArmor8 takes 6 damage! LanceArmor8 counterattacks with a Long Lance. Miss! Torvan attacks again. Critical Hit! LanceArmor8 takes 20 damage! LanceArmor8 dies. Torvan gains 12exp!

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngLudvig attacks BowFighter4 with Fire. BowFighter4 takes 15 damage! BowFighter4 dies. Ludvig gains 26exp!

Enemy Phase

http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Tori/Battle.pngSpearFighter9 attacks Tori with a Short Lance. Miss! Tori counterattacks with an Iron Sword. SpearFighter9 takes 9 damage. Tori gains 32exp!

http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Tori/Battle.pngTori grows to level 3! +1HP, +1Str, +1Skl.

Thief1 enters at B6.

Thief2 enters at L8.

Ally Phase

Objective: Seize Throne.

Player Stats

Tori of the Fallen Firmament
Lv3:12 Thief Lord
Leadership (*)
12 Att, 88 (97) Hit, 7 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
22/22 HP, 6 Str, 0 Mag, 7 Skl, 8 Spd, 4 Luck, 4 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 35/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3
Lockpick 30/30

Sword: D (5/50)
Affinity: Anima


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Stella| 21| -| 80
Lucy| 12| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 6| -| 80
Gruma| 10| -| 80
Walter| 2| -| 80[/table]

Stella, Imperial Princess of Forden
Lv2:80 Cleric
92 Staff Accuracy, 9% Staff Double Cast, 19 (28) Avd
18/18 HP, 1 Str, 8 Mag, 8 Skl, 7 Spd, 5 Luck, 2 Def, 7 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Heal Staff 13/20 [4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Staves: C (8/50)
Affinity: Thunder


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 21| -| 80
Lucy| 21| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Ludvig| 32| -| 80
Gruma| 12| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Lucy the Dashingswordswoman
Lv4:77 Myrmidon
17 Att, 87 (96) Hit, 9 Crit, 26 (35) Avd
17/17 HP, 8 Str, 3 Mag, 9 Skl, 11 Spd, 4 Luck, 3 Def, 11 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Steel Sword 30/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 11 Wt, Rank D]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: D (19/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 10| -| 80
Stella| 21| -| 80
Torvan| 16| -| 80
Wren| 8| -| 80
Ludvig| 16| -| 80
Gruma| 12| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Major Torvan
Lv8:67 Social Knight (Dismounted)
Leadership (*)
16 (14) Att, 88 (93) Hit, 9 (7) Crit, 20 (25) Avd
24/24 HP, 9 (7) Str, 7 (5) Mag, 9 (7) Skl, 10 (8) Spd, 0 Luck, 8 (6) Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 7 (4) Move

Iron Lance 19/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Iron Sword 23/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 2/3

Sword: E, Lance: E (30/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 2| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 4| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Ludvig Tholan
Lv4:72 Armored Mage
17 Att, 90 (99) Hit, 9 Crit, 6 (15) Avd
21/25 HP, 4 Str, 13 Mag, 9 Skl, 6 Spd, 2 Luck, 10 Def, 4 Con, 0 PCC, 4 Move

Thunder 23/30 [7 Mt, 60 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 5 Wt, Rank E]
Fire 17/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Fire: E (21/50), Thunder: E (7/50), Wind: E
Affinity: Thunder

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 6| -| 80
Stella| 32| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Torvan| 4| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Gruma| 3| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Wren Corell
Lv6:99 Wind Mage
Leadership (*)
14 Att, 93 (102) Hit, 11 Crit, 23 (32) Avd
26/26 HP, 1 Str, 11 Mag, 11 Skl, 11 Spd, 3 Luck, 9 Def, 6 Con, 4 PCC, 6 Move

Breeze 3/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Breeze 7/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Wind: D (30/50)
Affinity: Anima

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 12| -| 80
Stella| 3| -| 80
Lucy| 8| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Gruma| 6| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Gruma "the Wise"
Lv2:82 Spear Fighter
11 Att, 66 (75) Hit, 6 Crit, 14 (23) Avd
19/19 HP, 5 Str, 1 Mag, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 4 Luck, 6 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Lance 33/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Slim Lance 20/20 [4 Mt, 100 Hit, 1 Rng, 5 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Javelin 18/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D (9/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 10| -| 80
Stella| 12| -| 80
Lucy| 12| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Wren| 6| -| 80
Walter| 4| -| 80[/table]

Walter Ostrava
Lv2:32 Axe Knight (Dismounted)
15 (13) Att, 83 (88) Hit, 7 (5) Crit, 16 (21) Avd
21/21 HP, 6 (4) Str, 1 (0) Mag, 7 (5) Skl, 6 (4) Spd, 4 Luck, 8 (6) Def, 10 Con, 3 PCC, 7 (4) Move

Iron Axe 20/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E]
Hand Axe 19/20 [6 Mt, 45 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]
Vulnerary 3/3

Axe: D
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 0| -| 80
Lucy| 0| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 0| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Gruma| 4| -| 80[/table]

Enemy Stats
Lv5 SwordFighter
Leadership (**)
17/16 Att, 99 (106) Hit, 8 Crit, 19 (25) Avd
23/23 HP, 8 Str, 2+5 Mag, 8 Skl, 9 Spd, 3 Luck, 5 Def, 6 Con, 2 PCC, 5 Move

Fire Sword 40/40 [9 Mt, 80 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 30 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank B, Mag +5]

Sword: B

Falgrath Pyrrhos
Lv3:00 Sword Fighter
13 Att, 82 (86) Hit, 4 Crit, 24 (30) Avd
22/22 HP, 7 Str, 2 Mag, 4 Skl, 10 Spd, 4 Luck, 7 Def, 7 Con, 3 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Door Key 1/1

Sword: D

Lv 3 Axe Fighter
17 Att, 75 (81) Hit, 0 Crit, 4 (10) Avd (Odd Numbers)
14 Att, 55 (61) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
23/23 HP, 8 Str, 2 Mag, 5 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 8 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Axe 30/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Hand Axe 20/20 [6 Mt, 45 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Axe: D

Sword Fighter
Lv3 Sword Fighter
12 Att, 85 (91) Hit, 5 Crit, 8 (14) Avd
21/21 HP, 6 Str, 4 Mag, 5 Skl, 7 Spd, 0 Luck, 4 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: E

Spear Fighter
Lv3 Spear Fighter
9 Att, 82 (88) Hit, 6 Crit, 8 (14) Avd (Odd Numbers)
10 Att, 62 (68) Hit, 6 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 4 Str, 2 Mag, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Lance 20/20 [5 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 8 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Lance: D

Bow Fighter
Lv2 Bowfighter
10 Att, 87 (93) Hit, 6 Crit, 10 (16) Avd
21/21 HP, 5 Str, 2 Mag, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Bow 20/20 [5 Mt, 75 Hit, 2 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]

Bow: E

Lv3 Mage
9 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 6 (12) Avd (Odd Numbers)
10 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 0 Str, 6 Mag, 2 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 0 Def, 4 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Breeze 20/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Fire 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E] (Even Numbers)

Fire: E, Wind: E, Thunder: E

SwordArmor (Number is 1 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Sword)
18 Att, 65 (71) Hit, 0 Crit, 4 (10) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Long Sword 30/30 [10 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]
Door Key 1/1 (If guarding a door)

Sword: C

LanceArmor (Number is 2 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Lance)
19 Att, 65 (71) Hit, 0 Crit, 2 (8) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Long Lance 20/20 [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 13 Wt, Rank D]
Door Key 1/1 (If guarding a door)

Lance: C

AxeArmor (Number is 0 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Axe)
21 Att, 60 (66) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (6) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Steel Axe 25/25 [13 Mt, 60 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 15 Wt, Rank D]
Door Key 1/1 (If guarding a door)

Axe: C

Lv3 Thief
4 Att, 110 (116) Hit, 10 Crit, 16 (22) Avd
18/18 HP, 1 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 8 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 7 Con, 2 PCC, 5 Move

Slim Sword 30/30 [1 Mt, 100 Hit, 1 Rng, 5 Crit, 2 Wt, Rank E]
Chest Key 5/5
Door Key 1/1

Sword: E
Steal Skill

Ally Stats
Rein Nihmroden
Lv3:00 Bow Fighter
- Att, - Hit, - Crit, - Avd
18/18 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 11 Skl, 7 Spd, 9 Luck, 3 Def, 10 Con, 3 PCC, 5 Move

Bow: D
Affinity: Fire

2013-06-13, 12:25 PM
The Major loomed over the body of the fallen knight, glaring intensely at his partner. "Stand in my way, and I will cut you down."

2013-06-14, 02:34 PM
Player Phase
http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/7583/spritestellabattle.pnghttp://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngStella uses Heal on Ludvig. Miss! Stella gains 15exp!

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y71/WingsofTorlni/Wrenbattle.pngWren attacks Thief2 with Breeze. Thief2 takes 13 damage! Wren attacks again. Critical Hit! Thief2 takes 27 damage! Thief2 dies. Wren gains 39exp!

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y71/WingsofTorlni/Wrenbattle.pngWren grows to level 7! +1HP, +1Spd, +1Move.

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngLudvig attacks AxeArmor9 with Thunder. Miss! Ludvig gains 9exp!

http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngTorvan attacks AxeArmor9 with an Iron Sword. AxeArmor9 takes 5 damage. AxeArmor9 counterattacks with a Steel Axe. Miss! Torvan attacks again Critical Hit! AxeArmor9 takes 18 damage! AxeArmor9 dies. Torvan gains 12exp!

Enemy Phase

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y71/WingsofTorlni/Wrenbattle.pngSpearFighter2 attacks Wren with a Javelin. Wren takes 1 damage! Wren counterattacks with Breeze. Miss! Wren attacks again. Critical Hit! SpearFighter2 takes 26 damage! SpearFighter2 dies. Wren gains 16exp!

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y71/WingsofTorlni/Wrenbattle.pngMage 3 attacks Wren with Breeze. Miss! Wren counterattacks with Breeze Mage3 takes 8 damage! Wren attacks again. Critical Hit! Mage3 takes 22 damage! Mage3 dies. Wren gains 16exp!

Ally Phase

Objective: Seize Throne.

Player Stats

Tori of the Fallen Firmament
Lv3:12 Thief Lord
Leadership (*)
12 Att, 88 (97) Hit, 7 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
22/22 HP, 6 Str, 0 Mag, 7 Skl, 8 Spd, 4 Luck, 4 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 35/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3
Lockpick 30/30

Sword: D (5/50)
Affinity: Anima


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Stella| 24| -| 80
Lucy| 12| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 6| -| 80
Gruma| 12| -| 80
Walter| 2| -| 80[/table]

Stella, Imperial Princess of Forden
Lv2:95 Cleric
92 Staff Accuracy, 9% Staff Double Cast, 19 (28) Avd
18/18 HP, 1 Str, 8 Mag, 8 Skl, 7 Spd, 5 Luck, 2 Def, 7 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Heal Staff 13/20 [4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Staves: C (8/50)
Affinity: Thunder


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 24| -| 80
Lucy| 21| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Ludvig| 32| -| 80
Gruma| 12| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Lucy the Dashingswordswoman
Lv4:77 Myrmidon
17 Att, 87 (96) Hit, 9 Crit, 26 (35) Avd
17/17 HP, 8 Str, 3 Mag, 9 Skl, 11 Spd, 4 Luck, 3 Def, 11 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Steel Sword 30/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 11 Wt, Rank D]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: D (19/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 10| -| 80
Stella| 21| -| 80
Torvan| 16| -| 80
Wren| 8| -| 80
Ludvig| 16| -| 80
Gruma| 12| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Major Torvan
Lv8:79 Social Knight (Dismounted)
Leadership (*)
15 (13) Att, 88 (93) Hit, 9 (7) Crit, 20 (25) Avd
24/24 HP, 9 (7) Str, 7 (5) Mag, 9 (7) Skl, 10 (8) Spd, 0 Luck, 8 (6) Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 7 (4) Move

Iron Lance 19/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Iron Sword 21/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E] E
Vulnerary 2/3

Sword: E (2/50), Lance: E (30/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 2| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 6| -| 80
Gruma| 0| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Ludvig Tholan
Lv4:81 Armored Mage
17 Att, 90 (99) Hit, 9 Crit, 6 (15) Avd
21/25 HP, 4 Str, 13 Mag, 9 Skl, 6 Spd, 2 Luck, 10 Def, 4 Con, 0 PCC, 4 Move

Thunder 22/30 [7 Mt, 60 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 5 Wt, Rank E]
Fire 17/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Fire: E (21/50), Thunder: E (8/50), Wind: E
Affinity: Thunder

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 6| -| 80
Stella| 32| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Torvan| 6| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Gruma| 3| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Wren Corell
Lv7:70 Wind Mage
Leadership (*)
14 Att, 93 (102) Hit, 11 Crit, 25 (34) Avd
27/27 HP, 1 Str, 11 Mag, 11 Skl, 12 Spd, 3 Luck, 9 Def, 6 Con, 4 PCC, 7 Move

Breeze 3/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Breeze 1/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Wind: D (36/50)
Affinity: Anima

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 12| -| 80
Stella| 3| -| 80
Lucy| 8| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Gruma| 6| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Gruma "the Wise"
Lv2:82 Spear Fighter
11 Att, 66 (75) Hit, 6 Crit, 14 (23) Avd
19/19 HP, 5 Str, 1 Mag, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 4 Luck, 6 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Lance 33/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Slim Lance 20/20 [4 Mt, 100 Hit, 1 Rng, 5 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Javelin 18/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D (9/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 12| -| 80
Stella| 12| -| 80
Lucy| 12| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Wren| 6| -| 80
Walter| 8| -| 80[/table]

Walter Ostrava
Lv2:32 Axe Knight (Dismounted)
15 (13) Att, 83 (88) Hit, 7 (5) Crit, 16 (21) Avd
21/21 HP, 6 (4) Str, 1 (0) Mag, 7 (5) Skl, 6 (4) Spd, 4 Luck, 8 (6) Def, 10 Con, 3 PCC, 7 (4) Move

Iron Axe 20/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E]
Hand Axe 19/20 [6 Mt, 45 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]
Vulnerary 3/3

Axe: D
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 0| -| 80
Lucy| 0| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 2| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Gruma| 8| -| 80[/table]

Enemy Stats
Lv5 SwordFighter
Leadership (**)
17/16 Att, 99 (106) Hit, 8 Crit, 19 (25) Avd
23/23 HP, 8 Str, 2+5 Mag, 8 Skl, 9 Spd, 3 Luck, 5 Def, 6 Con, 2 PCC, 5 Move

Fire Sword 40/40 [9 Mt, 80 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 30 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank B, Mag +5]

Sword: B

Falgrath Pyrrhos
Lv3:00 Sword Fighter
13 Att, 82 (86) Hit, 4 Crit, 24 (30) Avd
22/22 HP, 7 Str, 2 Mag, 4 Skl, 10 Spd, 4 Luck, 7 Def, 7 Con, 3 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Door Key 1/1

Sword: D

Lv 3 Axe Fighter
17 Att, 75 (81) Hit, 0 Crit, 4 (10) Avd (Odd Numbers)
14 Att, 55 (61) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
23/23 HP, 8 Str, 2 Mag, 5 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 8 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Axe 30/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Hand Axe 20/20 [6 Mt, 45 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Axe: D

Sword Fighter
Lv3 Sword Fighter
12 Att, 85 (91) Hit, 5 Crit, 8 (14) Avd
21/21 HP, 6 Str, 4 Mag, 5 Skl, 7 Spd, 0 Luck, 4 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: E

Spear Fighter
Lv3 Spear Fighter
9 Att, 82 (88) Hit, 6 Crit, 8 (14) Avd (Odd Numbers)
10 Att, 62 (68) Hit, 6 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 4 Str, 2 Mag, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Lance 20/20 [5 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 8 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Lance: D

Bow Fighter
Lv2 Bowfighter
10 Att, 87 (93) Hit, 6 Crit, 10 (16) Avd
21/21 HP, 5 Str, 2 Mag, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Bow 20/20 [5 Mt, 75 Hit, 2 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]

Bow: E

Lv3 Mage
9 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 6 (12) Avd (Odd Numbers)
10 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 0 Str, 6 Mag, 2 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 0 Def, 4 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Breeze 20/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Fire 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E] (Even Numbers)

Fire: E, Wind: E, Thunder: E

SwordArmor (Number is 1 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Sword)
18 Att, 65 (71) Hit, 0 Crit, 4 (10) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Long Sword 30/30 [10 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]
Door Key 1/1 (If guarding a door)

Sword: C

LanceArmor (Number is 2 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Lance)
19 Att, 65 (71) Hit, 0 Crit, 2 (8) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Long Lance 20/20 [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 13 Wt, Rank D]
Door Key 1/1 (If guarding a door)

Lance: C

AxeArmor (Number is 0 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Axe)
21 Att, 60 (66) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (6) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Steel Axe 25/25 [13 Mt, 60 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 15 Wt, Rank D]
Door Key 1/1 (If guarding a door)

Axe: C

Lv3 Thief
4 Att, 110 (116) Hit, 10 Crit, 16 (22) Avd
18/18 HP, 1 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 8 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 7 Con, 2 PCC, 5 Move

Slim Sword 30/30 [1 Mt, 100 Hit, 1 Rng, 5 Crit, 2 Wt, Rank E]
Chest Key 5/5
Door Key 1/1

Sword: E
Steal Skill

Ally Stats
Rein Nihmroden
Lv3:00 Bow Fighter
- Att, - Hit, - Crit, - Avd
18/18 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 11 Skl, 7 Spd, 9 Luck, 3 Def, 10 Con, 3 PCC, 5 Move

Bow: D
Affinity: Fire

2013-06-16, 10:42 AM
Player Phase
http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/7583/spritestellabattle.pnghttp://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngStella uses Heal on Ludvig. Ludvig regains 4 HP. Stella gains 15exp!

http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/7583/spritestellabattle.pngLucy grows to level 3! +1HP, +1Mag, +1Skl, +1Spd.

Enemy Phase

http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngAxeFighter5 attacks Torvan with an Iron Axe. Miss! Torvan counterattacks with an Iron Lance. AxeFighter5 takes 12 damage! Torvan attacks again. AxeFighter5 takes 12 damage! AxeFighter5 dies. Torvan gains 12exp!

http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngSwordFighter2 attacks Torvan with a Short Sword. Torvan takes 6 damage! Torvan counterattacks with an Iron Lance. SwordFighter2 takes 10 damage! Torvan attacks again. SwordFighter2 takes 10 damage! Torvan gains 7exp!

http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngSpearFighter3 attacks Torvan with a Short Lance. Miss! Torvan counterattacks with an Iron Lance. SpearFighter3 takes 12 damage! Torvan attacks again. SpearFighter3 takes 12 damage! SpearFighter3 dies. Torvan gains 12exp!

http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngTorvan grows to level 9! +1HP, +1Mag, +1Skl.

http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngMage2 attacks Torvan with Fire. Torvan takes 4 damage! Torvan gains 7exp!

http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngBowFighter3 attacks Torvan with a Short Bow. Torvan takes 4 damage! Torvan gains 7exp!

Thief 3 enters at B6.

SwordFighter7 enters at K10.

AxeFighter7 enters at L10.

SpearFighter4 enters at K8.

Mage7 enters at L8.

Ally Phase

Objective: Seize Throne.

Player Stats

Tori of the Fallen Firmament
Lv3:12 Thief Lord
Leadership (*)
12 Att, 88 (97) Hit, 7 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
22/22 HP, 6 Str, 0 Mag, 7 Skl, 8 Spd, 4 Luck, 4 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 35/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3
Lockpick 29/30

Sword: D (5/50)
Affinity: Anima


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Stella| 27| -| 80
Lucy| 12| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 6| -| 80
Gruma| 12| -| 80
Walter| 4| -| 80[/table]

Stella, Imperial Princess of Forden
Lv3:10 Cleric
96 Staff Accuracy, 11% Staff Double Cast, 21 (30) Avd
19/19 HP, 1 Str, 9 Mag, 9 Skl, 8 Spd, 5 Luck, 2 Def, 7 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Heal Staff 12/20 [4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Staves: C (9/50)
Affinity: Thunder


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 27| -| 80
Lucy| 22| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Ludvig| 32| -| 80
Gruma| 12| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Lucy the Dashingswordswoman
Lv4:77 Myrmidon
17 Att, 87 (96) Hit, 9 Crit, 26 (35) Avd
17/17 HP, 8 Str, 3 Mag, 9 Skl, 11 Spd, 4 Luck, 3 Def, 11 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Steel Sword 30/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 11 Wt, Rank D]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: D (19/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 10| -| 80
Stella| 22| -| 80
Torvan| 16| -| 80
Wren| 8| -| 80
Ludvig| 16| -| 80
Gruma| 12| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Major Torvan
Lv9:24 Social Knight (Dismounted)
Leadership (*)
15 (13) Att, 90 (95) Hit, 10 (8) Crit, 20 (25) Avd
11/25 HP, 9 (7) Str, 8 (6) Mag, 10 (8) Skl, 10 (8) Spd, 0 Luck, 8 (6) Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 7 (4) Move

Iron Lance 13/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Iron Sword 21/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E] E
Vulnerary 2/3

Sword: E (2/50), Lance: E (36/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 2| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 8| -| 80
Gruma| 4| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Ludvig Tholan
Lv4:81 Armored Mage
20 Att, 80 (89) Hit, 19 Crit, 4 (13) Avd
25/25 HP, 4 Str, 13 Mag, 9 Skl, 6 Spd, 2 Luck, 10 Def, 4 Con, 0 PCC, 4 Move

Thunder 22/30 [7 Mt, 60 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 5 Wt, Rank E] E
Fire 17/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Fire: E (21/50), Thunder: E (8/50), Wind: E
Affinity: Thunder

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 6| -| 80
Stella| 32| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Torvan| 8| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Gruma| 3| -| 80
Walter| 2| -| 80[/table]

Wren Corell
Lv7:70 Wind Mage
Leadership (*)
14 Att, 93 (102) Hit, 11 Crit, 25 (34) Avd
27/27 HP, 1 Str, 11 Mag, 11 Skl, 12 Spd, 3 Luck, 9 Def, 6 Con, 4 PCC, 7 Move

Breeze 3/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Breeze 1/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Wind: D (36/50)
Affinity: Anima

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 12| -| 80
Stella| 3| -| 80
Lucy| 8| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Gruma| 6| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Gruma "the Wise"
Lv2:82 Spear Fighter
11 Att, 66 (75) Hit, 6 Crit, 14 (23) Avd
19/19 HP, 5 Str, 1 Mag, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 4 Luck, 6 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Lance 33/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Slim Lance 20/20 [4 Mt, 100 Hit, 1 Rng, 5 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Javelin 18/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D (9/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 12| -| 80
Stella| 12| -| 80
Lucy| 12| -| 80
Torvan| 4| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Wren| 6| -| 80
Walter| 12| -| 80[/table]

Walter Ostrava
Lv2:32 Axe Knight (Dismounted)
12 (10) Att, 63 (68) Hit, 7 (5) Crit, 12 (17) Avd
21/21 HP, 6 (4) Str, 1 (0) Mag, 7 (5) Skl, 6 (4) Spd, 4 Luck, 8 (6) Def, 10 Con, 3 PCC, 7 (4) Move

Iron Axe 20/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E]
Hand Axe 19/20 [6 Mt, 45 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Axe: D
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 0| -| 80
Lucy| 0| -| 80
Torvan| 4| -| 80
Ludvig| 2| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Gruma| 12| -| 80[/table]

Enemy Stats
*SwordFighter2 at 1/21 HP.

Lv5 SwordFighter
Leadership (**)
17/16 Att, 99 (106) Hit, 8 Crit, 19 (25) Avd
23/23 HP, 8 Str, 2+5 Mag, 8 Skl, 9 Spd, 3 Luck, 5 Def, 6 Con, 2 PCC, 5 Move

Fire Sword 40/40 [9 Mt, 80 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 30 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank B, Mag +5]

Sword: B

Falgrath Pyrrhos
Lv3:00 Sword Fighter
13 Att, 82 (86) Hit, 4 Crit, 24 (30) Avd
22/22 HP, 7 Str, 2 Mag, 4 Skl, 10 Spd, 4 Luck, 7 Def, 7 Con, 3 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Door Key 1/1

Sword: D

Lv 3 Axe Fighter
17 Att, 75 (81) Hit, 0 Crit, 4 (10) Avd (Odd Numbers)
14 Att, 55 (61) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
23/23 HP, 8 Str, 2 Mag, 5 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 8 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Axe 30/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Hand Axe 20/20 [6 Mt, 45 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Axe: D

Sword Fighter
Lv3 Sword Fighter
12 Att, 85 (91) Hit, 5 Crit, 8 (14) Avd
21/21 HP, 6 Str, 4 Mag, 5 Skl, 7 Spd, 0 Luck, 4 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: E

Spear Fighter
Lv3 Spear Fighter
9 Att, 82 (88) Hit, 6 Crit, 8 (14) Avd (Odd Numbers)
10 Att, 62 (68) Hit, 6 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 4 Str, 2 Mag, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Lance 20/20 [5 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 8 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Lance: D

Bow Fighter
Lv2 Bowfighter
10 Att, 87 (93) Hit, 6 Crit, 10 (16) Avd
21/21 HP, 5 Str, 2 Mag, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Bow 20/20 [5 Mt, 75 Hit, 2 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]

Bow: E

Lv3 Mage
9 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 6 (12) Avd (Odd Numbers)
10 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 0 Str, 6 Mag, 2 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 0 Def, 4 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Breeze 20/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Fire 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E] (Even Numbers)

Fire: E, Wind: E, Thunder: E

SwordArmor (Number is 1 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Sword)
18 Att, 65 (71) Hit, 0 Crit, 4 (10) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Long Sword 30/30 [10 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]
Door Key 1/1 (If guarding a door)

Sword: C

LanceArmor (Number is 2 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Lance)
19 Att, 65 (71) Hit, 0 Crit, 2 (8) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Long Lance 20/20 [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 13 Wt, Rank D]
Door Key 1/1 (If guarding a door)

Lance: C

AxeArmor (Number is 0 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Axe)
21 Att, 60 (66) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (6) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Steel Axe 25/25 [13 Mt, 60 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 15 Wt, Rank D]
Door Key 1/1 (If guarding a door)

Axe: C

Lv3 Thief
4 Att, 110 (116) Hit, 10 Crit, 16 (22) Avd
18/18 HP, 1 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 8 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 7 Con, 2 PCC, 5 Move

Slim Sword 30/30 [1 Mt, 100 Hit, 1 Rng, 5 Crit, 2 Wt, Rank E]
Chest Key 5/5
Door Key 1/1

Sword: E
Steal Skill

Ally Stats
Rein Nihmroden
Lv3:00 Bow Fighter
- Att, - Hit, - Crit, - Avd
18/18 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 11 Skl, 7 Spd, 9 Luck, 3 Def, 10 Con, 3 PCC, 5 Move

Bow: D
Affinity: Fire

2013-06-16, 05:21 PM
"Thrice your number cannot slow me down."

2013-06-18, 07:13 PM
Player Phase
http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/3525/spritelucybattle.pngLucy attacks BowFighter3 with a Steel Sword. BowFighter3 takes 16 damage! Lucy attacks again. BowFighter3 takes 16 damage. BowFighter3 dies. Lucy gains 26exp!

http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/3525/spritelucybattle.pngLucy grows to level 5! +1HP, +1Mag, +1Skl.

http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Tori/Battle.pngTori steals a Fire tome! Tori gains 10exp!

http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/7583/spritestellabattle.pnghttp://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngStella uses Heal on Torvan. Torvan regains 14 HP. Stella gains 15exp!

http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Gruma/BattleL.pngGruma attempts to capture SwordFighter2 with a Slim Lance. SwordFighter2 takes 2 damage! SwordFighter2 is captured! Gruma gains 32exp!

http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Gruma/BattleL.pngGruma grows to level 3! +1HP, +1Spd.

http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngTorvan releases SwordFighter2.

Enemy Phase

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngAxeFighter5 attacks Ludvig with an Iron Axe. Ludvig takes 7 damage! Ludvig counterattacks with Thunder. Miss! Ludvig gains 9exp!

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngSwordFighter7 attacks Ludvig with a Short Sword. Ludvig takes 2 damage! Ludvig counterattacks with Thunder. Miss! Ludvig gains 9exp!

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngSpearFighter4 attacks Ludvig with a Javelin. Miss! Ludvig counterattacks with Thunder. SpearFighter4 takes 18 damage! Ludvig gains 9exp!

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngLudvig grows to level 5! +1HP, +1Spd.

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngMage7 attacks Ludvig with Breeze. No Damage! Ludvig counterattacks with Thunder. Critical Hit! Mage7 takes 34 damage! Mage7 dies. Ludvig gains 22exp!

SpearFighter3 enters at K10.

SwordFighter8 enters at L10.

AxeFighter4 enters at K8.

BowFighter4 enters at L8.

Ally Phase

Objective: Seize Throne.

Player Stats

Tori of the Fallen Firmament
Lv3:22 Thief Lord
Leadership (*)
12 Att, 88 (97) Hit, 7 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
22/22 HP, 6 Str, 0 Mag, 7 Skl, 8 Spd, 4 Luck, 4 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 35/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3
Lockpick 29/30

Sword: D (5/50)
Affinity: Anima


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Stella| 27| -| 80
Lucy| 12| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 6| -| 80
Gruma| 14| -| 80
Walter| 4| -| 80[/table]

Stella, Imperial Princess of Forden
Lv3:25 Cleric
96 Staff Accuracy, 11% Staff Double Cast, 21 (30) Avd
19/19 HP, 1 Str, 9 Mag, 9 Skl, 8 Spd, 5 Luck, 2 Def, 7 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Heal Staff 11/20 [4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Staves: C (10/50)
Affinity: Thunder


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 27| -| 80
Lucy| 22| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 6| -| 80
Ludvig| 32| -| 80
Gruma| 14| -| 80
Walter| 2| -| 80[/table]

Lucy the Dashingswordswoman
Lv5:03 Myrmidon
17 Att, 89 (98) Hit, 10 Crit, 26 (35) Avd
18/18 HP, 8 Str, 4 Mag, 10 Skl, 11 Spd, 4 Luck, 3 Def, 11 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Steel Sword 28/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 11 Wt, Rank D]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: D (21/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 10| -| 80
Stella| 22| -| 80
Torvan| 16| -| 80
Wren| 8| -| 80
Ludvig| 16| -| 80
Gruma| 12| -| 80
Walter| 4| -| 80[/table]

Major Torvan
Lv9:24 Social Knight (Dismounted)
Leadership (*)
15 (13) Att, 90 (95) Hit, 10 (8) Crit, 20 (25) Avd
25/25 HP, 9 (7) Str, 8 (6) Mag, 10 (8) Skl, 10 (8) Spd, 0 Luck, 8 (6) Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 7 (4) Move

Iron Lance 13/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Iron Sword 21/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E] E
Short Sword 39/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 2/3

Sword: E (2/50), Lance: E (36/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 2| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 8| -| 80
Gruma| 8| -| 80
Walter| 4| -| 80[/table]

Ludvig Tholan
Lv5:30 Armored Mage
20 Att, 80 (89) Hit, 19 Crit, 4 (13) Avd
17/26 HP, 4 Str, 13 Mag, 9 Skl, 7 Spd, 2 Luck, 10 Def, 4 Con, 0 PCC, 4 Move

Thunder 18/30 [7 Mt, 60 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 5 Wt, Rank E] E
Fire 17/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Fire: E (21/50), Thunder: E (12/50), Wind: E
Affinity: Thunder

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 6| -| 80
Stella| 32| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Torvan| 8| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Gruma| 3| -| 80
Walter| 2| -| 80[/table]

Wren Corell
Lv7:70 Wind Mage
Leadership (*)
14 Att, 93 (102) Hit, 11 Crit, 25 (34) Avd
27/27 HP, 1 Str, 11 Mag, 11 Skl, 12 Spd, 3 Luck, 9 Def, 6 Con, 4 PCC, 7 Move

Breeze 3/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Breeze 1/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Wind: D (36/50)
Affinity: Anima

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 12| -| 80
Stella| 6| -| 80
Lucy| 8| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Gruma| 6| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Gruma "the Wise"
Lv3:14 Spear Fighter
9 Att, 116 (125) Hit, 6 Crit, 18 (27) Avd
20/20 HP, 5 Str, 1 Mag, 6 Skl, 7 Spd, 4 Luck, 6 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Lance 33/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Slim Lance 19/20 [4 Mt, 100 Hit, 1 Rng, 5 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E] E
Javelin 18/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D (10/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 14| -| 80
Stella| 14| -| 80
Lucy| 12| -| 80
Torvan| 8| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Wren| 6| -| 80
Walter| 12| -| 80[/table]

Walter Ostrava
Lv2:32 Axe Knight (Dismounted)
12 (10) Att, 63 (68) Hit, 7 (5) Crit, 12 (17) Avd
21/21 HP, 6 (4) Str, 1 (0) Mag, 7 (5) Skl, 6 (4) Spd, 4 Luck, 8 (6) Def, 10 Con, 3 PCC, 7 (4) Move

Iron Axe 20/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E]
Hand Axe 19/20 [6 Mt, 45 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Axe: D
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 2| -| 80
Lucy| 4| -| 80
Torvan| 8| -| 80
Ludvig| 2| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Gruma| 12| -| 80[/table]

Enemy Stats
*SpearFighter4 at 2/20 HP.
*Mage2 disarmed.

Lv5 SwordFighter
Leadership (**)
17/16 Att, 99 (106) Hit, 8 Crit, 19 (25) Avd
23/23 HP, 8 Str, 2+5 Mag, 8 Skl, 9 Spd, 3 Luck, 5 Def, 6 Con, 2 PCC, 5 Move

Fire Sword 40/40 [9 Mt, 80 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 30 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank B, Mag +5]

Sword: B

Falgrath Pyrrhos
Lv3:00 Sword Fighter
13 Att, 82 (86) Hit, 4 Crit, 24 (30) Avd
22/22 HP, 7 Str, 2 Mag, 4 Skl, 10 Spd, 4 Luck, 7 Def, 7 Con, 3 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Door Key 1/1

Sword: D

Lv 3 Axe Fighter
17 Att, 75 (81) Hit, 0 Crit, 4 (10) Avd (Odd Numbers)
14 Att, 55 (61) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
23/23 HP, 8 Str, 2 Mag, 5 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 8 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Axe 30/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Hand Axe 20/20 [6 Mt, 45 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Axe: D

Sword Fighter
Lv3 Sword Fighter
12 Att, 85 (91) Hit, 5 Crit, 8 (14) Avd
21/21 HP, 6 Str, 4 Mag, 5 Skl, 7 Spd, 0 Luck, 4 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: E

Spear Fighter
Lv3 Spear Fighter
9 Att, 82 (88) Hit, 6 Crit, 8 (14) Avd (Odd Numbers)
10 Att, 62 (68) Hit, 6 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 4 Str, 2 Mag, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Lance 20/20 [5 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 8 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Lance: D

Bow Fighter
Lv2 Bowfighter
10 Att, 87 (93) Hit, 6 Crit, 10 (16) Avd
21/21 HP, 5 Str, 2 Mag, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Bow 20/20 [5 Mt, 75 Hit, 2 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]

Bow: E

Lv3 Mage
9 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 6 (12) Avd (Odd Numbers)
10 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 0 Str, 6 Mag, 2 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 0 Def, 4 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Breeze 20/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Fire 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E] (Even Numbers)

Fire: E, Wind: E, Thunder: E

SwordArmor (Number is 1 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Sword)
18 Att, 65 (71) Hit, 0 Crit, 4 (10) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Long Sword 30/30 [10 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]
Door Key 1/1 (If guarding a door)

Sword: C

LanceArmor (Number is 2 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Lance)
19 Att, 65 (71) Hit, 0 Crit, 2 (8) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Long Lance 20/20 [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 13 Wt, Rank D]
Door Key 1/1 (If guarding a door)

Lance: C

AxeArmor (Number is 0 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Axe)
21 Att, 60 (66) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (6) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Steel Axe 25/25 [13 Mt, 60 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 15 Wt, Rank D]
Door Key 1/1 (If guarding a door)

Axe: C

Lv3 Thief
4 Att, 110 (116) Hit, 10 Crit, 16 (22) Avd
18/18 HP, 1 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 8 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 7 Con, 2 PCC, 5 Move

Slim Sword 30/30 [1 Mt, 100 Hit, 1 Rng, 5 Crit, 2 Wt, Rank E]
Chest Key 5/5
Door Key 1/1

Sword: E
Steal Skill

Ally Stats
Rein Nihmroden
Lv3:00 Bow Fighter
- Att, - Hit, - Crit, - Avd
18/18 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 11 Skl, 7 Spd, 9 Luck, 3 Def, 10 Con, 3 PCC, 5 Move

Bow: D
Affinity: Fire

2013-06-28, 11:31 PM
Player Phase
http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Gruma/BattleL.pngGruma attacks SwordFighter7 with a Javelin. SwordFighter7 takes 7 damage. Gruma gains 9exp!

http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/7583/spritestellabattle.pnghttp://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngStella uses Heal on Ludvig. Ludvig regains 9 HP. Stella gains 15exp!

http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Tori/Battle.pngTori attacks SwordFighter7 with an Iron Sword. SwordFighter7 takes 8 damage! SwordFighter7 counterattacks with a Short Sword. Miss! Tori attacks again. Critical Hit! SwordFighter7 takes 20 damage! SwordFighter7 dies. Tori gains 29exp!

http://i1116.photobucket.com/albums/k572/Umarine199/walteraxe_zpsbe7f118e.pngWalter attacks SpearFighter4 with an Iron Axe. SpearFighter4 takes 11 damage! SpearFighter4 dies. Walter gains 32exp!

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngLudvig attacks SwordFighter8 with Fire. Miss! Ludvig gains 8exp!

http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/3525/spritelucybattle.pngLucy attacks AxeFighter7 with a Steel Sword. AxeFighter7 takes 15 damage! AxeFighter7 counterattacks with an Iron Axe. Miss! Lucy attacks again. AxeFighter7 takes 15 damage. AxeFighter7 dies. Lucy gains 22exp!

Enemy Phase
http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngAxeFighter4 attacks Torvan with a Hand Axe. Torvan takes 8 damage! Torvan gains 7exp!

http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngSwordFighter8 attacks Torvan with a Short Sword. Torvan takes 6 damage! Torvan counterattacks with an Iron Sword. SwordFighter8 takes 9 damage! Torvan attacks again. SwordFighter8 takes 9 damage! Torvan gains 7exp!

http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngSpearFighter3 attacks Torvan with a Short Lance. Torvan takes 3 damage! Torvan counterattacks with an Iron Sword. SpearFighter3 takes 11 damage! Torvan attacks again. SpearFighter3 takes 11 damage! Torvan gains 9exp!

http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngBowFighter4 attacks Torvan with a Short Bow. Torvan takes 4 damage! Torvan gains 7exp!

AxeFighter5 enters at B5.

Mage5 enters at B6.

SpearFighter5 enters at C6.

Ally Phase

Objective: Seize Throne.

Player Stats

Tori of the Fallen Firmament
Lv3:51 Thief Lord
Leadership (*)
12 Att, 88 (97) Hit, 7 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
22/22 HP, 6 Str, 0 Mag, 7 Skl, 8 Spd, 4 Luck, 4 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 33/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3
Lockpick 29/30
Fire 19/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: D (7/50)
Affinity: Anima


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Stella| 30| -| 80
Lucy| 12| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 6| -| 80
Gruma| 16| -| 80
Walter| 6| -| 80[/table]

Stella, Imperial Princess of Forden
Lv3:40 Cleric
96 Staff Accuracy, 11% Staff Double Cast, 21 (30) Avd
19/19 HP, 1 Str, 9 Mag, 9 Skl, 8 Spd, 5 Luck, 2 Def, 7 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Heal Staff 10/20 [4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Staves: C (11/50)
Affinity: Thunder


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 30| -| 80
Lucy| 24| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 9| -| 80
Ludvig| 32| -| 80
Gruma| 14| -| 80
Walter| 2| -| 80[/table]

Lucy the Dashingswordswoman
Lv5:25 Myrmidon
17 Att, 89 (98) Hit, 10 Crit, 26 (35) Avd
18/18 HP, 8 Str, 4 Mag, 10 Skl, 11 Spd, 4 Luck, 3 Def, 11 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Steel Sword 26/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 11 Wt, Rank D]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: D (23/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 10| -| 80
Stella| 24| -| 80
Torvan| 16| -| 80
Wren| 8| -| 80
Ludvig| 16| -| 80
Gruma| 12| -| 80
Walter| 8| -| 80[/table]

Major Torvan
Lv9:54 Social Knight (Dismounted)
Leadership (*)
15 (13) Att, 90 (95) Hit, 10 (8) Crit, 20 (25) Avd
4/25 HP, 9 (7) Str, 8 (6) Mag, 10 (8) Skl, 10 (8) Spd, 0 Luck, 8 (6) Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 7 (4) Move

Iron Lance 13/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Iron Sword 17/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E] E
Short Sword 39/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 2/3

Sword: E (6/50), Lance: E (36/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 2| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 10| -| 80
Gruma| 8| -| 80
Walter| 4| -| 80[/table]

Ludvig Tholan
Lv5:38 Armored Mage
17 Att, 90 (99) Hit, 9 Crit, 8 (17) Avd
26/26 HP, 4 Str, 13 Mag, 9 Skl, 7 Spd, 2 Luck, 10 Def, 4 Con, 0 PCC, 4 Move

Thunder 18/30 [7 Mt, 60 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 5 Wt, Rank E]
Fire 16/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Fire: E (21/50), Thunder: E (12/50), Wind: E
Affinity: Thunder

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 6| -| 80
Stella| 32| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Torvan| 10| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Gruma| 3| -| 80
Walter| 2| -| 80[/table]

Wren Corell
Lv7:70 Wind Mage
Leadership (*)
14 Att, 93 (102) Hit, 11 Crit, 25 (34) Avd
27/27 HP, 1 Str, 11 Mag, 11 Skl, 12 Spd, 3 Luck, 9 Def, 6 Con, 4 PCC, 7 Move

Breeze 3/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Breeze 1/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Wind: D (36/50)
Affinity: Anima

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 12| -| 80
Stella| 9| -| 80
Lucy| 8| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Gruma| 8| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Gruma "the Wise"
Lv3:23 Spear Fighter
11 Att, 66 (74) Hit, 6 Crit, 14 (23) Avd
20/20 HP, 5 Str, 1 Mag, 6 Skl, 7 Spd, 4 Luck, 6 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Lance 33/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Slim Lance 19/20 [4 Mt, 100 Hit, 1 Rng, 5 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Javelin 17/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D (11/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 16| -| 80
Stella| 14| -| 80
Lucy| 12| -| 80
Torvan| 8| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Wren| 8| -| 80
Walter| 12| -| 80[/table]

Walter Ostrava
Lv2:64 Axe Knight (Dismounted)
12 (10) Att, 63 (68) Hit, 7 (5) Crit, 12 (17) Avd
21/21 HP, 6 (4) Str, 1 (0) Mag, 7 (5) Skl, 6 (4) Spd, 4 Luck, 8 (6) Def, 10 Con, 3 PCC, 7 (4) Move

Iron Axe 19/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E]
Hand Axe 19/20 [6 Mt, 45 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Axe: D (2/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 4| -| 80
Stella| 2| -| 80
Lucy| 8| -| 80
Torvan| 8| -| 80
Ludvig| 2| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Gruma| 12| -| 80[/table]

Enemy Stats
*SwordFighter8 at 3/21 HP.
*Mage2 disarmed.

Lv5 SwordFighter
Leadership (**)
17/16 Att, 99 (106) Hit, 8 Crit, 19 (25) Avd
23/23 HP, 8 Str, 2+5 Mag, 8 Skl, 9 Spd, 3 Luck, 5 Def, 6 Con, 2 PCC, 5 Move

Fire Sword 40/40 [9 Mt, 80 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 30 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank B, Mag +5]

Sword: B

Falgrath Pyrrhos
Lv3:00 Sword Fighter
13 Att, 82 (86) Hit, 4 Crit, 24 (30) Avd
22/22 HP, 7 Str, 2 Mag, 4 Skl, 10 Spd, 4 Luck, 7 Def, 7 Con, 3 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Door Key 1/1

Sword: D

Lv 3 Axe Fighter
17 Att, 75 (81) Hit, 0 Crit, 4 (10) Avd (Odd Numbers)
14 Att, 55 (61) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
23/23 HP, 8 Str, 2 Mag, 5 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 8 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Axe 30/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Hand Axe 20/20 [6 Mt, 45 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Axe: D

Sword Fighter
Lv3 Sword Fighter
12 Att, 85 (91) Hit, 5 Crit, 8 (14) Avd
21/21 HP, 6 Str, 4 Mag, 5 Skl, 7 Spd, 0 Luck, 4 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: E

Spear Fighter
Lv3 Spear Fighter
9 Att, 82 (88) Hit, 6 Crit, 8 (14) Avd (Odd Numbers)
10 Att, 62 (68) Hit, 6 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 4 Str, 2 Mag, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Lance 20/20 [5 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 8 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Lance: D

Bow Fighter
Lv2 Bowfighter
10 Att, 87 (93) Hit, 6 Crit, 10 (16) Avd
21/21 HP, 5 Str, 2 Mag, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Bow 20/20 [5 Mt, 75 Hit, 2 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]

Bow: E

Lv3 Mage
9 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 6 (12) Avd (Odd Numbers)
10 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 0 Str, 6 Mag, 2 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 0 Def, 4 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Breeze 20/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Fire 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E] (Even Numbers)

Fire: E, Wind: E, Thunder: E

SwordArmor (Number is 1 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Sword)
18 Att, 65 (71) Hit, 0 Crit, 4 (10) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Long Sword 30/30 [10 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]
Door Key 1/1 (If guarding a door)

Sword: C

LanceArmor (Number is 2 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Lance)
19 Att, 65 (71) Hit, 0 Crit, 2 (8) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Long Lance 20/20 [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 13 Wt, Rank D]
Door Key 1/1 (If guarding a door)

Lance: C

AxeArmor (Number is 0 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Axe)
21 Att, 60 (66) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (6) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Steel Axe 25/25 [13 Mt, 60 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 15 Wt, Rank D]
Door Key 1/1 (If guarding a door)

Axe: C

Lv3 Thief
4 Att, 110 (116) Hit, 10 Crit, 16 (22) Avd
18/18 HP, 1 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 8 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 7 Con, 2 PCC, 5 Move

Slim Sword 30/30 [1 Mt, 100 Hit, 1 Rng, 5 Crit, 2 Wt, Rank E]
Chest Key 5/5
Door Key 1/1

Sword: E
Steal Skill

Ally Stats
Rein Nihmroden
Lv3:00 Bow Fighter
- Att, - Hit, - Crit, - Avd
18/18 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 11 Skl, 7 Spd, 9 Luck, 3 Def, 10 Con, 3 PCC, 5 Move

Bow: D
Affinity: Fire

Rising Phoenix
2013-06-29, 12:21 AM

The tribesman gives of a predatory grin before dashing in to slice the man's throat. His victim gurgles hopelessly while clutching his gashing wound before falling to the ground.

"Those who play with the dreamers should learn to step more carefully". he says dismissively.

2013-06-29, 12:30 AM
Torvan clutched a gash in his side. He coughed a bit, then looked at Stella. "Princess?"

2013-07-02, 10:51 PM

"Coming, coming! Jeez...!"

The cleric-princess complained, trotting back to Major Torvan fresh from patching up yet another of Ludvig's wounds, for what seemed to the spoiled royal to be the umpteenth time that day. Chanting pleas for divine intercession has left her feeling utterly parched, and her soft-soled feet were already sore from the shuttling back and forth she had already had to do, minutes into the battle.

"I do declare, can't you people not go one moment without tearing a gash in yourselves...? Hear me Fulla, Golden Lady of Riches! Grant your loyal servant a wealth of his health!"

2013-07-02, 10:56 PM

Lucy wielded her new sword with ease. Though it was heavier then her old sword, her heroic muscles swung it around with little difficulty.

I'd Axe you why you kidnapped Lady Rein, but I swored to kill you. She said killing the axe fighter, with two swift strokes.

John Cribati
2013-07-02, 11:36 PM

Lucy wielded her new sword with ease. Though it was heavier then her old sword, her heroic muscles swung it around with little difficulty.

I'd Axe you why you kidnapped Lady Rein, but I swored to kill you. She said killing the axe fighter, with two swift strokes.

You really had to stretch for those, didn't you? Usually your material is a bit more coherent.He sighted an enemy in range and hefted his javelin Observe. Hail, yon swordsman. Have you a moment to spear?

2013-07-02, 11:51 PM

I guess you could say, you RAINED, on my parade. Lucy said with a big grin.

2013-07-03, 11:59 AM

"I do declare, can't you people not go one moment without tearing a gash in yourselves...?

The Major stood, a distant expression on his face before he charged toward the next enemy. "Try it sometime."

2013-07-06, 07:29 PM
Player Phase
http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/3525/spritelucybattle.pngLucy attacks AxeFighter4 with a Steel Sword. Critical Hit! AxeFighter4 takes 32 damage! AxeFighter4 dies. Lucy gains 22exp!

http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Gruma/BattleL.pngGruma attacks SwordFighter8 with a Javelin. SwordFighter8 takes 7 damage! SwordFighter8 dies. Gruma gains 28exp!

http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/7583/spritestellabattle.pnghttp://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngStella uses Heal on Torvan. Torvan regains 19 HP. Stella gains 15exp!

http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngTorvan attacks BowFighter4 with a Short Sword. BowFighter4 takes 12 damage! Torvan attacks again. Miss! Torvan gains 7exp!

http://i1116.photobucket.com/albums/k572/Umarine199/walteraxe_zpsbe7f118e.pngWalter attacks BowFighter4 with a Hand Axe. Miss! BowFighter4 counterattacks with a Short Bow. Miss! Walter gains 9exp!

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y71/WingsofTorlni/Wrenbattle.pngWren attacks BowFighter4 with Breeze. BowFighter4 takes 12 damage! BowFighter4 dies. Wren gains 16exp! A Breeze broke!

Enemy Phase
http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngAxeFighter3 attacks Torvan with an Iron Axe. Miss! Torvan counterattacks with a Short Sword. AxeFighter3 takes 11 damage! Torvan attacks again. AxeFighter3 takes 11 damage! AxeFighter3 dies. Torvan gains 9exp!

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngSpearFighter1 attacks Ludvig with a Short Lance. No Damage! Ludvig counterattacks with Fire. SpearFighter1 takes 15 damage! Ludvig gains 8exp!

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngBowFighter2 attacks Ludvig with a Short Bow. No Damage! Ludvig counterattacks with Fire. Miss! Ludvig gains 8exp!

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngThief3 steals a Thunder tome from Ludvig!

AxeFighter7 enters at B5.

BowFighter6 enters at B6.

SwordFighter2 enters at C6.

Ally Phase

Objective: Seize Throne.

Player Stats

Tori of the Fallen Firmament
Lv3:51 Thief Lord
Leadership (*)
12 Att, 88 (97) Hit, 7 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
22/22 HP, 6 Str, 0 Mag, 7 Skl, 8 Spd, 4 Luck, 4 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 33/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3
Lockpick 29/30
Fire 19/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: D (7/50)
Affinity: Anima


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Stella| 30| -| 80
Lucy| 12| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 6| -| 80
Gruma| 16| -| 80
Walter| 6| -| 80[/table]

Stella, Imperial Princess of Forden
Lv3:55 Cleric
96 Staff Accuracy, 11% Staff Double Cast, 21 (30) Avd
19/19 HP, 1 Str, 9 Mag, 9 Skl, 8 Spd, 5 Luck, 2 Def, 7 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Heal Staff 9/20 [4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Staves: C (12/50)
Affinity: Thunder


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 30| -| 80
Lucy| 24| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 32| -| 80
Gruma| 14| -| 80
Walter| 4| -| 80[/table]

Lucy the Dashingswordswoman
Lv5:47 Myrmidon
17 Att, 89 (98) Hit, 10 Crit, 26 (35) Avd
18/18 HP, 8 Str, 4 Mag, 10 Skl, 11 Spd, 4 Luck, 3 Def, 11 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Steel Sword 25/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 11 Wt, Rank D]
Vulnerary 3/3

Sword: D (24/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 10| -| 80
Stella| 24| -| 80
Torvan| 16| -| 80
Wren| 8| -| 80
Ludvig| 16| -| 80
Gruma| 12| -| 80
Walter| 12| -| 80[/table]

Major Torvan
Lv9:68 Social Knight (Dismounted)
Leadership (*)
15 (13) Att, 90 (95) Hit, 10 (8) Crit, 20 (25) Avd
23/25 HP, 9 (7) Str, 8 (6) Mag, 10 (8) Skl, 10 (8) Spd, 0 Luck, 8 (6) Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 7 (4) Move

Iron Lance 13/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Iron Sword 17/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E] E
Short Sword 31/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 2/3

Sword: E (10/50), Lance: E (36/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 2| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 10| -| 80
Gruma| 8| -| 80
Walter| 8| -| 80[/table]

Ludvig Tholan
Lv5:54 Armored Mage
17 Att, 90 (99) Hit, 9 Crit, 8 (17) Avd
26/26 HP, 4 Str, 13 Mag, 9 Skl, 7 Spd, 2 Luck, 10 Def, 4 Con, 0 PCC, 4 Move

Fire 16/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Fire: E (21/50), Thunder: E (12/50), Wind: E
Affinity: Thunder

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 6| -| 80
Stella| 32| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Torvan| 10| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Gruma| 3| -| 80
Walter| 2| -| 80[/table]

Wren Corell
Lv7:86 Wind Mage
Leadership (*)
14 Att, 93 (102) Hit, 11 Crit, 25 (34) Avd
27/27 HP, 1 Str, 11 Mag, 11 Skl, 12 Spd, 3 Luck, 9 Def, 6 Con, 4 PCC, 7 Move

Breeze 3/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Wind: D (37/50)
Affinity: Anima

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 12| -| 80
Stella| 12| -| 80
Lucy| 8| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Gruma| 10| -| 80
Walter| 0| -| 80[/table]

Gruma "the Wise"
Lv3:51 Spear Fighter
11 Att, 66 (74) Hit, 6 Crit, 14 (23) Avd
20/20 HP, 5 Str, 1 Mag, 6 Skl, 7 Spd, 4 Luck, 6 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Lance 33/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Slim Lance 19/20 [4 Mt, 100 Hit, 1 Rng, 5 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Javelin 16/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D (12/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 16| -| 80
Stella| 14| -| 80
Lucy| 12| -| 80
Torvan| 8| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Wren| 10| -| 80
Walter| 16| -| 80[/table]

Walter Ostrava
Lv2:73 Axe Knight (Dismounted)
12 (10) Att, 63 (68) Hit, 7 (5) Crit, 12 (17) Avd
21/21 HP, 6 (4) Str, 1 (0) Mag, 7 (5) Skl, 6 (4) Spd, 4 Luck, 8 (6) Def, 10 Con, 3 PCC, 7 (4) Move

Iron Axe 19/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E]
Hand Axe 19/20 [6 Mt, 45 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Axe: D (3/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 4| -| 80
Stella| 2| -| 80
Lucy| 12| -| 80
Torvan| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 2| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Gruma| 16| -| 80[/table]

Enemy Stats
*SpearFighter3 at 5/20 HP.
*Mage2 disarmed.
*Thief3 has the additional item
Thunder 18/30 [7 Mt, 60 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 5 Wt, Rank E]

Lv5 SwordFighter
Leadership (**)
17/16 Att, 99 (106) Hit, 8 Crit, 19 (25) Avd
23/23 HP, 8 Str, 2+5 Mag, 8 Skl, 9 Spd, 3 Luck, 5 Def, 6 Con, 2 PCC, 5 Move

Fire Sword 40/40 [9 Mt, 80 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 30 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank B, Mag +5]

Sword: B

Falgrath Pyrrhos
Lv3:00 Sword Fighter
13 Att, 82 (86) Hit, 4 Crit, 24 (30) Avd
22/22 HP, 7 Str, 2 Mag, 4 Skl, 10 Spd, 4 Luck, 7 Def, 7 Con, 3 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Door Key 1/1

Sword: D

Lv 3 Axe Fighter
17 Att, 75 (81) Hit, 0 Crit, 4 (10) Avd (Odd Numbers)
14 Att, 55 (61) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
23/23 HP, 8 Str, 2 Mag, 5 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 8 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Axe 30/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Hand Axe 20/20 [6 Mt, 45 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Axe: D

Sword Fighter
Lv3 Sword Fighter
12 Att, 85 (91) Hit, 5 Crit, 8 (14) Avd
21/21 HP, 6 Str, 4 Mag, 5 Skl, 7 Spd, 0 Luck, 4 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: E

Spear Fighter
Lv3 Spear Fighter
9 Att, 82 (88) Hit, 6 Crit, 8 (14) Avd (Odd Numbers)
10 Att, 62 (68) Hit, 6 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 4 Str, 2 Mag, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Lance 20/20 [5 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 8 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Lance: D

Bow Fighter
Lv2 Bowfighter
10 Att, 87 (93) Hit, 6 Crit, 10 (16) Avd
21/21 HP, 5 Str, 2 Mag, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Bow 20/20 [5 Mt, 75 Hit, 2 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]

Bow: E

Lv3 Mage
9 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 6 (12) Avd (Odd Numbers)
10 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 0 Str, 6 Mag, 2 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 0 Def, 4 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Breeze 20/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Fire 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E] (Even Numbers)

Fire: E, Wind: E, Thunder: E

SwordArmor (Number is 1 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Sword)
18 Att, 65 (71) Hit, 0 Crit, 4 (10) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Long Sword 30/30 [10 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]
Door Key 1/1 (If guarding a door)

Sword: C

LanceArmor (Number is 2 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Lance)
19 Att, 65 (71) Hit, 0 Crit, 2 (8) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Long Lance 20/20 [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 13 Wt, Rank D]
Door Key 1/1 (If guarding a door)

Lance: C

AxeArmor (Number is 0 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Axe)
21 Att, 60 (66) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (6) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Steel Axe 25/25 [13 Mt, 60 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 15 Wt, Rank D]
Door Key 1/1 (If guarding a door)

Axe: C

Lv3 Thief
4 Att, 110 (116) Hit, 10 Crit, 16 (22) Avd
18/18 HP, 1 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 8 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 7 Con, 2 PCC, 5 Move

Slim Sword 30/30 [1 Mt, 100 Hit, 1 Rng, 5 Crit, 2 Wt, Rank E]
Chest Key 5/5
Door Key 2/2

Sword: E
Steal Skill

Ally Stats
Rein Nihmroden
Lv3:00 Bow Fighter
- Att, - Hit, - Crit, - Avd
18/18 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 11 Skl, 7 Spd, 9 Luck, 3 Def, 10 Con, 3 PCC, 5 Move

Bow: D
Affinity: Fire

2013-07-17, 06:04 PM
Player Phase
http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Gruma/BattleL.pngGruma attacks Thief3 with a Javelin. Thief3 takes 10 damage! Gruma gains 9exp!

http://i1116.photobucket.com/albums/k572/Umarine199/walteraxe_zpsbe7f118e.pngWalter attacks SpearFighter1 with a Hand Axe. SpearFighter1 takes 8 damage! SpearFighter1 dies. Walter gains 32exp!

http://i1116.photobucket.com/albums/k572/Umarine199/walteraxe_zpsbe7f118e.pngWalter grows to level 3! +1HP, +1Str, +1Skl, +1Spd, +1Def.

http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/7583/spritestellabattle.pnghttp://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngStella uses Heal on Torvan. Torvan regains 2 HP. Stella gains 15exp!

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngLudvig attacks BowFighter2 with Fire. BowFighter2 takes 15 damage! Ludvig gains 8exp!

http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngTorvan attempts to capture Thief3 with an Iron Lance. Thief3 takes 9 damage! Thief3 is captured! Torvan gains 29exp!

http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/3525/spritelucybattle.pngLucy releases Thief3.

Enemy Phase
http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngBowFighter2 attacks Torvan with a Short Bow. Torvan takes 4 damage! Torvan gains 7exp!

Thief1 pilfers a Mend staff!

SwordFighter4 enters at B5.

Mage4 enters at B6.

SpearFighter7 enters at C6.

Ally Phase

Objective: Seize Throne.

Player Stats

Tori of the Fallen Firmament
Lv3:51 Thief Lord
Leadership (*)
12 Att, 88 (97) Hit, 7 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
22/22 HP, 6 Str, 0 Mag, 7 Skl, 8 Spd, 4 Luck, 4 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 33/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3
Lockpick 28/30
Fire 19/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: D (7/50)
Affinity: Anima


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Stella| 30| -| 80
Lucy| 12| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 6| -| 80
Gruma| 16| -| 80
Walter| 6| -| 80[/table]

Stella, Imperial Princess of Forden
Lv3:70 Cleric
96 Staff Accuracy, 11% Staff Double Cast, 21 (30) Avd
19/19 HP, 1 Str, 9 Mag, 9 Skl, 8 Spd, 5 Luck, 2 Def, 7 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Heal Staff 8/20 [4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Staves: C (13/50)
Affinity: Thunder


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 30| -| 80
Lucy| 24| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 15| -| 80
Ludvig| 32| -| 80
Gruma| 14| -| 80
Walter| 4| -| 80[/table]

Lucy the Dashingswordswoman
Lv5:47 Myrmidon
17 Att, 89 (98) Hit, 10 Crit, 26 (35) Avd
18/18 HP, 8 Str, 4 Mag, 10 Skl, 11 Spd, 4 Luck, 3 Def, 11 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Steel Sword 25/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 11 Wt, Rank D]
Vulnerary 3/3
Slim Sword 30/30 [1 Mt, 100 Hit, 1 Rng, 5 Crit, 2 Wt, Rank E]
Chest Key 5/5
Door Key 1/2

Sword: D (24/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 10| -| 80
Stella| 24| -| 80
Torvan| 16| -| 80
Wren| 8| -| 80
Ludvig| 16| -| 80
Gruma| 16| -| 80
Walter| 12| -| 80[/table]

Major Torvan
Lv9:97 Social Knight (Dismounted)
Leadership (*)
16 (14) Att, 90 (95) Hit, 10 (8) Crit, 20 (25) Avd
21/25 HP, 9 (7) Str, 8 (6) Mag, 10 (8) Skl, 10 (8) Spd, 0 Luck, 8 (6) Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 7 (4) Move

Iron Lance 12/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E] E
Iron Sword 17/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Short Sword 31/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 2/3
Thunder 18/30 [7 Mt, 60 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 5 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: E (10/50), Lance: E (37/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 2| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 10| -| 80
Gruma| 12| -| 80
Walter| 12| -| 80[/table]

Ludvig Tholan
Lv5:62 Armored Mage
17 Att, 90 (99) Hit, 9 Crit, 8 (17) Avd
26/26 HP, 4 Str, 13 Mag, 9 Skl, 7 Spd, 2 Luck, 10 Def, 4 Con, 0 PCC, 4 Move

Fire 15/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Fire: E (22/50), Thunder: E (12/50), Wind: E
Affinity: Thunder

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 6| -| 80
Stella| 32| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Torvan| 12| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Gruma| 3| -| 80
Walter| 2| -| 80[/table]

Wren Corell
Lv7:86 Wind Mage
Leadership (*)
14 Att, 93 (102) Hit, 11 Crit, 25 (34) Avd
27/27 HP, 1 Str, 11 Mag, 11 Skl, 12 Spd, 3 Luck, 9 Def, 6 Con, 4 PCC, 7 Move

Breeze 3/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Wind: D (37/50)
Affinity: Anima

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 12| -| 80
Stella| 15| -| 80
Lucy| 8| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Gruma| 10| -| 80
Walter| 2| -| 80[/table]

Gruma "the Wise"
Lv3:60 Spear Fighter
11 Att, 66 (74) Hit, 6 Crit, 14 (23) Avd
20/20 HP, 5 Str, 1 Mag, 6 Skl, 7 Spd, 4 Luck, 6 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Lance 33/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Slim Lance 19/20 [4 Mt, 100 Hit, 1 Rng, 5 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Javelin 15/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D (13/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 16| -| 80
Stella| 14| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Torvan| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Wren| 10| -| 80
Walter| 16| -| 80[/table]

Walter Ostrava
Lv3:05 Axe Knight (Dismounted)
13 (11) Att, 65 (70) Hit, 8 (6) Crit, 14 (19) Avd
22/22 HP, 7 (5) Str, 1 (0) Mag, 8 (6) Skl, 7 (5) Spd, 4 Luck, 9 (7) Def, 10 Con, 3 PCC, 7 (4) Move

Iron Axe 19/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E]
Hand Axe 18/20 [6 Mt, 45 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Axe: D (4/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 4| -| 80
Stella| 2| -| 80
Lucy| 12| -| 80
Torvan| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 2| -| 80
Wren| 2| -| 80
Gruma| 16| -| 80[/table]

Enemy Stats
*BowFighter2 at 6/21 HP.
*Mage2 disarmed.
*Thief1 has the additional item
Mend Staff 15/15 [6 Wt, Rank D]
Chest Key at 4/5, and Door Key broken

Lv5 SwordFighter
Leadership (**)
17/16 Att, 99 (106) Hit, 8 Crit, 19 (25) Avd
23/23 HP, 8 Str, 2+5 Mag, 8 Skl, 9 Spd, 3 Luck, 5 Def, 6 Con, 2 PCC, 5 Move

Fire Sword 40/40 [9 Mt, 80 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 30 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank B, Mag +5]

Sword: B

Falgrath Pyrrhos
Lv3:00 Sword Fighter
13 Att, 82 (86) Hit, 4 Crit, 24 (30) Avd
22/22 HP, 7 Str, 2 Mag, 4 Skl, 10 Spd, 4 Luck, 7 Def, 7 Con, 3 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Door Key 1/1

Sword: D

Lv 3 Axe Fighter
17 Att, 75 (81) Hit, 0 Crit, 4 (10) Avd (Odd Numbers)
14 Att, 55 (61) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
23/23 HP, 8 Str, 2 Mag, 5 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 8 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Axe 30/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Hand Axe 20/20 [6 Mt, 45 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Axe: D

Sword Fighter
Lv3 Sword Fighter
12 Att, 85 (91) Hit, 5 Crit, 8 (14) Avd
21/21 HP, 6 Str, 4 Mag, 5 Skl, 7 Spd, 0 Luck, 4 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: E

Spear Fighter
Lv3 Spear Fighter
9 Att, 82 (88) Hit, 6 Crit, 8 (14) Avd (Odd Numbers)
10 Att, 62 (68) Hit, 6 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 4 Str, 2 Mag, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Lance 20/20 [5 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 8 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Lance: D

Bow Fighter
Lv2 Bowfighter
10 Att, 87 (93) Hit, 6 Crit, 10 (16) Avd
21/21 HP, 5 Str, 2 Mag, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Bow 20/20 [5 Mt, 75 Hit, 2 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]

Bow: E

Lv3 Mage
9 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 6 (12) Avd (Odd Numbers)
10 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 0 Str, 6 Mag, 2 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 0 Def, 4 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Breeze 20/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Fire 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E] (Even Numbers)

Fire: E, Wind: E, Thunder: E

SwordArmor (Number is 1 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Sword)
18 Att, 65 (71) Hit, 0 Crit, 4 (10) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Long Sword 30/30 [10 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]
Door Key 1/1 (If guarding a door)

Sword: C

LanceArmor (Number is 2 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Lance)
19 Att, 65 (71) Hit, 0 Crit, 2 (8) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Long Lance 20/20 [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 13 Wt, Rank D]
Door Key 1/1 (If guarding a door)

Lance: C

AxeArmor (Number is 0 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Axe)
21 Att, 60 (66) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (6) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Steel Axe 25/25 [13 Mt, 60 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 15 Wt, Rank D]
Door Key 1/1 (If guarding a door)

Axe: C

Lv3 Thief
4 Att, 110 (116) Hit, 10 Crit, 16 (22) Avd
18/18 HP, 1 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 8 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 7 Con, 2 PCC, 5 Move

Slim Sword 30/30 [1 Mt, 100 Hit, 1 Rng, 5 Crit, 2 Wt, Rank E]
Chest Key 5/5
Door Key 2/2

Sword: E
Steal Skill

Ally Stats
Rein Nihmroden
Lv3:00 Bow Fighter
- Att, - Hit, - Crit, - Avd
18/18 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 11 Skl, 7 Spd, 9 Luck, 3 Def, 10 Con, 3 PCC, 5 Move

Bow: D
Affinity: Fire

2013-07-27, 01:33 PM

Lucy took the sword and the keys from the thief. She could tell that the thief just had a rough childhood. She saw it in her eyes.

And what did heroes do with people who had rough childhoods? Take their tools and give them a lecture on choosing goodness.

Young man, I know you feel like you have to work here, or someone will die, or starve. But think of all the people who would be upset if you died. I bet it would be a lot of people.

2013-07-27, 09:56 PM

"AXE FLING," Walter belted out, heaving the hand axe out towards his target. It soared quick and true striking its target directly in the head. The soldier slumped silently as they succumbed to their wound.

Walter grows to level 3! +1HP, +1Str, +1Skl, +1Spd, +1Def.

"I can feel righteousness coursing through me!"

John Cribati
2013-07-27, 10:16 PM


I question the necessity of calling the attack.

2013-07-27, 10:26 PM
I question the necessity of calling the attack.

2013-07-30, 05:25 PM
Player Phase
http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Tori/Battle.pngTori opens the chest. Got a Wind tome!

http://i1116.photobucket.com/albums/k572/Umarine199/walteraxe_zpsbe7f118e.pngWalter attacks SwordArmor7 with a Hand Axe. SwordArmor7 takes 3 damage! Walter gains 9exp!

http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/7583/spritestellabattle.pnghttp://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngStella uses Heal on Torvan. Torvan regains 4 HP. Stella gains 15exp!

http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Gruma/BattleL.pngGruma attacks SwordFighter7 with a Javelin. Miss! Gruma gains 9exp!

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngLudvig attacks AxeFighter5 with Fire. AxeFighter5 takes 15 damage! Ludvig gains 8exp!

Enemy Phase
http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngMage5 attacks Ludvig with Breeze. No damage! Ludvig counterattacks with Fire. Mage5 takes 11 damage!

http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngBowFighter2 attacks Torvan with a Short Bow. Torvan takes 4 damage! Torvan gains 7exp!

http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngTorvan grows to level 10! +1Str, +1Luck, +1Def.

Thief1 pilfers an Armorslayer!

Mage2 escapes.

Ally Phase

Objective: Seize Throne.

Player Stats

Tori of the Fallen Firmament
Lv3:51 Thief Lord
Leadership (*)
12 Att, 88 (97) Hit, 7 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
22/22 HP, 6 Str, 0 Mag, 7 Skl, 8 Spd, 4 Luck, 4 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 33/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3
Lockpick 27/30
Fire 19/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]
Wind 20/20 [6 Mt, 90 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank D]

Sword: D (7/50)
Affinity: Anima


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Stella| 30| -| 80
Lucy| 12| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 6| -| 80
Gruma| 16| -| 80
Walter| 6| -| 80[/table]

Stella, Imperial Princess of Forden
Lv3:85 Cleric
96 Staff Accuracy, 11% Staff Double Cast, 21 (30) Avd
19/19 HP, 1 Str, 9 Mag, 9 Skl, 8 Spd, 5 Luck, 2 Def, 7 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Heal Staff 7/20 [4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Staves: C (14/50)
Affinity: Thunder


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 30| -| 80
Lucy| 26| -| 80
Torvan| 4| -| 80
Wren| 18| -| 80
Ludvig| 32| -| 80
Gruma| 14| -| 80
Walter| 4| -| 80[/table]

Lucy the Dashingswordswoman
Lv5:47 Myrmidon
17 Att, 89 (98) Hit, 10 Crit, 26 (35) Avd
18/18 HP, 8 Str, 4 Mag, 10 Skl, 11 Spd, 4 Luck, 3 Def, 11 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Steel Sword 25/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 11 Wt, Rank D]
Vulnerary 3/3
Slim Sword 30/30 [1 Mt, 100 Hit, 1 Rng, 5 Crit, 2 Wt, Rank E]
Chest Key 5/5
Door Key 1/2

Sword: D (24/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 10| -| 80
Stella| 26| -| 80
Torvan| 16| -| 80
Wren| 8| -| 80
Ludvig| 16| -| 80
Gruma| 16| -| 80
Walter| 12| -| 80[/table]

Major Torvan
Lv10:04 Social Knight (Dismounted)
Leadership (*)
17 (15) Att, 90 (95) Hit, 10 (8) Crit, 21 (26) Avd
21/25 HP, 10 (8) Str, 8 (6) Mag, 10 (8) Skl, 10 (8) Spd, 1 Luck, 9 (7) Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 7 (4) Move

Iron Lance 12/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E] E
Iron Sword 17/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Short Sword 31/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 2/3
Thunder 18/30 [7 Mt, 60 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 5 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: E (10/50), Lance: E (37/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 4| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 14| -| 80
Gruma| 12| -| 80
Walter| 12| -| 80[/table]

Ludvig Tholan
Lv5:78 Armored Mage
17 Att, 90 (99) Hit, 9 Crit, 8 (17) Avd
26/26 HP, 4 Str, 13 Mag, 9 Skl, 7 Spd, 2 Luck, 10 Def, 4 Con, 0 PCC, 4 Move

Fire 13/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Fire: E (24/50), Thunder: E (12/50), Wind: E
Affinity: Thunder

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 6| -| 80
Stella| 32| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Torvan| 14| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Gruma| 3| -| 80
Walter| 2| -| 80[/table]

Wren Corell
Lv7:86 Wind Mage
Leadership (*)
14 Att, 93 (102) Hit, 11 Crit, 25 (34) Avd
27/27 HP, 1 Str, 11 Mag, 11 Skl, 12 Spd, 3 Luck, 9 Def, 6 Con, 4 PCC, 7 Move

Breeze 3/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Wind: D (37/50)
Affinity: Anima

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 12| -| 80
Stella| 18| -| 80
Lucy| 8| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Gruma| 10| -| 80
Walter| 2| -| 80[/table]

Gruma "the Wise"
Lv3:69 Spear Fighter
11 Att, 66 (74) Hit, 6 Crit, 14 (23) Avd
20/20 HP, 5 Str, 1 Mag, 6 Skl, 7 Spd, 4 Luck, 6 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Lance 33/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Slim Lance 19/20 [4 Mt, 100 Hit, 1 Rng, 5 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Javelin 15/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D (14/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 16| -| 80
Stella| 14| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Torvan| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 3| -| 80
Wren| 10| -| 80
Walter| 16| -| 80[/table]

Walter Ostrava
Lv3:14 Axe Knight (Dismounted)
13 (11) Att, 65 (70) Hit, 8 (6) Crit, 14 (19) Avd
22/22 HP, 7 (5) Str, 1 (0) Mag, 8 (6) Skl, 7 (5) Spd, 4 Luck, 9 (7) Def, 10 Con, 3 PCC, 7 (4) Move

Iron Axe 18/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E]
Hand Axe 18/20 [6 Mt, 45 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Axe: D (5/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 4| -| 80
Stella| 2| -| 80
Lucy| 12| -| 80
Torvan| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 2| -| 80
Wren| 2| -| 80
Gruma| 16| -| 80[/table]

Enemy Stats
*BowFighter2 at 6/21 HP.
*AxeFighter5 at 8/23HP.
*Thief1 has the additional items
Mend Staff 15/15 [6 Wt, Rank D]
Armorslayer 30/30 [12 Mt, 60 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]
Chest Key at 3/5, and Door Key broken

Lv5 SwordFighter
Leadership (**)
17/16 Att, 99 (106) Hit, 8 Crit, 19 (25) Avd
23/23 HP, 8 Str, 2+5 Mag, 8 Skl, 9 Spd, 3 Luck, 5 Def, 6 Con, 2 PCC, 5 Move

Fire Sword 40/40 [9 Mt, 80 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank B, Mag +5]

Sword: B

Falgrath Pyrrhos
Lv3:00 Sword Fighter
13 Att, 82 (86) Hit, 4 Crit, 24 (30) Avd
22/22 HP, 7 Str, 2 Mag, 4 Skl, 10 Spd, 4 Luck, 7 Def, 7 Con, 3 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Door Key 1/1

Sword: D

Lv 3 Axe Fighter
17 Att, 75 (81) Hit, 0 Crit, 4 (10) Avd (Odd Numbers)
14 Att, 55 (61) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
23/23 HP, 8 Str, 2 Mag, 5 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 8 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Axe 30/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Hand Axe 20/20 [6 Mt, 45 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Axe: D

Sword Fighter
Lv3 Sword Fighter
12 Att, 85 (91) Hit, 5 Crit, 8 (14) Avd
21/21 HP, 6 Str, 4 Mag, 5 Skl, 7 Spd, 0 Luck, 4 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: E

Spear Fighter
Lv3 Spear Fighter
9 Att, 82 (88) Hit, 6 Crit, 8 (14) Avd (Odd Numbers)
10 Att, 62 (68) Hit, 6 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 4 Str, 2 Mag, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Lance 20/20 [5 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 8 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Lance: D

Bow Fighter
Lv2 Bowfighter
10 Att, 87 (93) Hit, 6 Crit, 10 (16) Avd
21/21 HP, 5 Str, 2 Mag, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Bow 20/20 [5 Mt, 75 Hit, 2 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]

Bow: E

Lv3 Mage
9 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 6 (12) Avd (Odd Numbers)
10 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 0 Str, 6 Mag, 2 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 0 Def, 4 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Breeze 20/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Fire 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E] (Even Numbers)

Fire: E, Wind: E, Thunder: E

SwordArmor (Number is 1 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Sword)
18 Att, 65 (71) Hit, 0 Crit, 4 (10) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Long Sword 30/30 [10 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]
Door Key 1/1 (If guarding a door)

Sword: C

LanceArmor (Number is 2 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Lance)
19 Att, 65 (71) Hit, 0 Crit, 2 (8) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Long Lance 20/20 [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 13 Wt, Rank D]
Door Key 1/1 (If guarding a door)

Lance: C

AxeArmor (Number is 0 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Axe)
21 Att, 60 (66) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (6) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Steel Axe 25/25 [13 Mt, 60 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 15 Wt, Rank D]
Door Key 1/1 (If guarding a door)

Axe: C

Lv3 Thief
4 Att, 110 (116) Hit, 10 Crit, 16 (22) Avd
18/18 HP, 1 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 8 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 7 Con, 2 PCC, 5 Move

Slim Sword 30/30 [1 Mt, 100 Hit, 1 Rng, 5 Crit, 2 Wt, Rank E]
Chest Key 5/5
Door Key 2/2

Sword: E
Steal Skill

Ally Stats
Rein Nihmroden
Lv3:00 Bow Fighter
- Att, - Hit, - Crit, - Avd
18/18 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 11 Skl, 7 Spd, 9 Luck, 3 Def, 10 Con, 3 PCC, 5 Move

Bow: D
Affinity: Fire

2013-08-22, 12:48 PM
Player Phase
http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Tori/Battle.pngTori opens the chest. Got a Crest of Gautra!

http://i1116.photobucket.com/albums/k572/Umarine199/walteraxe_zpsbe7f118e.pngWalter attacks SpearFighter5 with a Hand Axe. Miss! Walter gains 9exp!

http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/7583/spritestellabattle.pnghttp://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngStella uses Heal on Torvan. Torvan regains 4 HP. Stella gains 15exp!

http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/7583/spritestellabattle.pngStella grows to level 4! +1HP, +1Luck.

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y71/WingsofTorlni/Wrenbattle.pngWren attacks BowFighter6 with Breeze. Miss! BowFighter6 counterattacks with a Short Bow. Wren takes 1 damage! Wren attacks again. Critical Hit! BowFighter6 takes 26 damage! BowFighter6 dies. Wren gains 16exp!

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y71/WingsofTorlni/Wrenbattle.pngWren grows to level 8! +1HP, +1Mag, +1Spd, +1Def.

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngLudvig attacks Mage5 with Fire. Mage5 takes 11 damage! Mage5 dies. Ludvig gains 22exp!

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngLudvig grows to level 6! +1HP, +1Luck, +1Def.

http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Gruma/BattleL.pngGruma attacks BowFighter2 with a Javelin. BowFighter2 takes 10 damage! BowFighter2 dies. Gruma gains 29exp!

Enemy Phase
http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngAxeFighter5 attacks Ludvig with an Iron Axe. Ludvig takes 6 damage! Ludvig counterattacks with Fire. AxeFighter5 takes 15 damage! AxeFighter5 dies. Ludvig gains 19exp!

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngAxeFighter7 attacks Ludvig with an Iron Axe. Ludvig takes 6 damage! Ludvig counterattacks with Fire. Miss! Ludvig gains 8exp!

http://i1116.photobucket.com/albums/k572/Umarine199/walteraxe_zpsbe7f118e.pngMage4 attacks Walter with Fire. Walter takes 10 damage! Walter counterattacks with a Hand Axe. Mage4 takes 11 damage! Walter gains 9exp!

Thief1 pilfers a Pure Water!

SwordFighter7 enters at T5.

SwordFighter 8 enters at T6.

Ally Phase

Objective: Seize Throne.

Player Stats

Tori of the Fallen Firmament
Lv3:51 Thief Lord
Leadership (*)
12 Att, 88 (97) Hit, 7 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
22/22 HP, 6 Str, 0 Mag, 7 Skl, 8 Spd, 4 Luck, 4 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 33/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3
Lockpick 26/30
Wind 20/20 [6 Mt, 90 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank D]
Crest of Gautra [+5% HP, +10% Str, -5% Mag, +5% Skl, +5% Spd, +5% Def, Lance WEXP accelerated]
(Must Drop One Item)

Sword: D (7/50)
Affinity: Anima


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Stella| 30| -| 80
Lucy| 12| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 6| -| 80
Gruma| 16| -| 80
Walter| 6| -| 80[/table]

Stella, Imperial Princess of Forden
Lv4:00 Cleric
96 Staff Accuracy, 11% Staff Double Cast, 22 (31) Avd
20/20 HP, 1 Str, 9 Mag, 9 Skl, 8 Spd, 6 Luck, 2 Def, 7 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Heal Staff 6/20 [4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Staves: C (15/50)
Affinity: Thunder


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 30| -| 80
Lucy| 28| -| 80
Torvan| 4| -| 80
Wren| 18| -| 80
Ludvig| 32| -| 80
Gruma| 16| -| 80
Walter| 6| -| 80[/table]

Lucy the Dashingswordswoman
Lv5:47 Myrmidon
17 Att, 89 (98) Hit, 10 Crit, 26 (35) Avd
18/18 HP, 8 Str, 4 Mag, 10 Skl, 11 Spd, 4 Luck, 3 Def, 11 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Steel Sword 25/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 11 Wt, Rank D]
Vulnerary 3/3
Slim Sword 30/30 [1 Mt, 100 Hit, 1 Rng, 5 Crit, 2 Wt, Rank E]
Chest Key 5/5
Door Key 1/2

Sword: D (24/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 10| -| 80
Stella| 28| -| 80
Torvan| 20| -| 80
Wren| 8| -| 80
Ludvig| 16| -| 80
Gruma| 16| -| 80
Walter| 12| -| 80[/table]

Major Torvan
Lv10:04 Social Knight (Dismounted)
Leadership (*)
17 (15) Att, 90 (95) Hit, 10 (8) Crit, 21 (26) Avd
25/25 HP, 10 (8) Str, 8 (6) Mag, 10 (8) Skl, 10 (8) Spd, 1 Luck, 9 (7) Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 7 (4) Move

Iron Lance 12/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E] E
Iron Sword 17/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Short Sword 31/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 2/3

Sword: E (10/50), Lance: E (37/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 4| -| 80
Lucy| 20| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 14| -| 80
Gruma| 16| -| 80
Walter| 12| -| 80[/table]

Ludvig Tholan
Lv6:27 Armored Mage
17 Att, 91 (100) Hit, 9 Crit, 8 (17) Avd
15/27 HP, 4 Str, 13 Mag, 9 Skl, 7 Spd, 2 Luck, 11 Def, 4 Con, 0 PCC, 4 Move

Fire 10/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]
Thunder 18/30 [7 Mt, 60 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 5 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Fire: E (27/50), Thunder: E (12/50), Wind: E
Affinity: Thunder

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 6| -| 80
Stella| 32| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Torvan| 14| -| 80
Wren| 3| -| 80
Gruma| 4| -| 80
Walter| 4| -| 80[/table]

Wren Corell
Lv8:02 Wind Mage
Leadership (*)
14 Att, 93 (102) Hit, 11 Crit, 25 (34) Avd
27/27 HP, 1 Str, 11 Mag, 11 Skl, 12 Spd, 3 Luck, 9 Def, 6 Con, 4 PCC, 7 Move

Breeze 1/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Wind: D (39/50)
Affinity: Anima

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 12| -| 80
Stella| 18| -| 80
Lucy| 8| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 6| -| 80
Gruma| 10| -| 80
Walter| 2| -| 80[/table]

Gruma "the Wise"
Lv3:98 Spear Fighter
11 Att, 66 (74) Hit, 6 Crit, 14 (23) Avd
20/20 HP, 5 Str, 1 Mag, 6 Skl, 7 Spd, 4 Luck, 6 Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Lance 33/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Slim Lance 19/20 [4 Mt, 100 Hit, 1 Rng, 5 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Javelin 14/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D (15/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 16| -| 80
Stella| 16| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Torvan| 16| -| 80
Ludvig| 4| -| 80
Wren| 10| -| 80
Walter| 16| -| 80[/table]

Walter Ostrava
Lv3:33 Axe Knight (Dismounted)
13 (11) Att, 65 (70) Hit, 8 (6) Crit, 14 (19) Avd
12/22 HP, 7 (5) Str, 1 (0) Mag, 8 (6) Skl, 7 (5) Spd, 4 Luck, 9 (7) Def, 10 Con, 3 PCC, 7 (4) Move

Iron Axe 18/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E]
Hand Axe 17/20 [6 Mt, 45 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Axe: D (7/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 4| -| 80
Stella| 2| -| 80
Lucy| 12| -| 80
Torvan| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 2| -| 80
Wren| 2| -| 80
Gruma| 16| -| 80[/table]

Fire 19/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]

Enemy Stats
*Mage 4 at 9/20 HP.
*Thief1 has the additional items
Mend Staff 15/15 [6 Wt, Rank D]
Armorslayer 30/30 [12 Mt, 60 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]
Pure Water 1/1
Chest Key at 2/5, and Door Key broken

Lv5 SwordFighter
Leadership (**)
17/16 Att, 99 (106) Hit, 8 Crit, 19 (25) Avd
23/23 HP, 8 Str, 2+5 Mag, 8 Skl, 9 Spd, 3 Luck, 5 Def, 6 Con, 2 PCC, 5 Move

Fire Sword 40/40 [9 Mt, 80 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank B, Mag +5]

Sword: B

Falgrath Pyrrhos
Lv3:00 Sword Fighter
13 Att, 82 (86) Hit, 4 Crit, 24 (30) Avd
22/22 HP, 7 Str, 2 Mag, 4 Skl, 10 Spd, 4 Luck, 7 Def, 7 Con, 3 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Door Key 1/1

Sword: D

Lv 3 Axe Fighter
17 Att, 75 (81) Hit, 0 Crit, 4 (10) Avd (Odd Numbers)
14 Att, 55 (61) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
23/23 HP, 8 Str, 2 Mag, 5 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 8 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Axe 30/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Hand Axe 20/20 [6 Mt, 45 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Axe: D

Sword Fighter
Lv3 Sword Fighter
12 Att, 85 (91) Hit, 5 Crit, 8 (14) Avd
21/21 HP, 6 Str, 4 Mag, 5 Skl, 7 Spd, 0 Luck, 4 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: E

Spear Fighter
Lv3 Spear Fighter
9 Att, 82 (88) Hit, 6 Crit, 8 (14) Avd (Odd Numbers)
10 Att, 62 (68) Hit, 6 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 4 Str, 2 Mag, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Lance 20/20 [5 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 8 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Lance: D

Bow Fighter
Lv2 Bowfighter
10 Att, 87 (93) Hit, 6 Crit, 10 (16) Avd
21/21 HP, 5 Str, 2 Mag, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Bow 20/20 [5 Mt, 75 Hit, 2 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]

Bow: E

Lv3 Mage
9 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 6 (12) Avd (Odd Numbers)
10 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 0 Str, 6 Mag, 2 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 0 Def, 4 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Breeze 20/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Fire 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E] (Even Numbers)

Fire: E, Wind: E, Thunder: E

SwordArmor (Number is 1 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Sword)
18 Att, 65 (71) Hit, 0 Crit, 4 (10) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Long Sword 30/30 [10 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]
Door Key 1/1 (If guarding a door)

Sword: C

LanceArmor (Number is 2 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Lance)
19 Att, 65 (71) Hit, 0 Crit, 2 (8) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Long Lance 20/20 [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 13 Wt, Rank D]
Door Key 1/1 (If guarding a door)

Lance: C

AxeArmor (Number is 0 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Axe)
21 Att, 60 (66) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (6) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Steel Axe 25/25 [13 Mt, 60 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 15 Wt, Rank D]
Door Key 1/1 (If guarding a door)

Axe: C

Lv3 Thief
4 Att, 110 (116) Hit, 10 Crit, 16 (22) Avd
18/18 HP, 1 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 8 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 7 Con, 2 PCC, 5 Move

Slim Sword 30/30 [1 Mt, 100 Hit, 1 Rng, 5 Crit, 2 Wt, Rank E]
Chest Key 5/5
Door Key 2/2

Sword: E
Steal Skill

Ally Stats
Rein Nihmroden
Lv3:00 Bow Fighter
- Att, - Hit, - Crit, - Avd
18/18 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 11 Skl, 7 Spd, 9 Luck, 3 Def, 10 Con, 3 PCC, 5 Move

Bow: D
Affinity: Fire

2013-08-27, 01:58 PM
Player Phase
http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Gruma/BattleL.pngGruma attacks AxeFighter7 with a Javelin. AxeFighter7 takes 9 damage! Gruma gains 9exp!

http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Gruma/BattleL.pngGruma grows to level 4! +1HP, +1Str, +1Mag, +1Skl, +1Spd, +1Def, +1Con.

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngLudvig attacks AxeFighter7 with Fire. Miss! AxeFighter7 counterattacks with an Iron Axe. Ludvig takes 6 damage! Ludvig gains 8exp!

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y71/WingsofTorlni/Wrenbattle.pngWren attacks AxeFighter7 with Breeze. AxeFighter7 takes 13 damage! Wren gains 7exp!

A Breeze broke!

http://i1116.photobucket.com/albums/k572/Umarine199/walteraxe_zpsbe7f118e.pngWalter attacks AxeFighter7 with a Hand Axe. AxeFighter7 takes 9 damage! AxeFighter7 dies. Walter gains 29exp!

http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngTorvan attacks Mage4 with an Iron Lance. Mage4 takes 15 damage! Mage4 dies. Torvan gains 7exp!

http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/7583/spritestellabattle.pnghttp://i1116.photobucket.com/albums/k572/Umarine199/walteraxe_zpsbe7f118e.pngStella uses Heal on Walter. Walter regains 10 HP. Stella gains 15exp!

Enemy Phase
http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngAxeFighter1 attacks Torvan with an Iron Axe. Miss! Torvan counterattacks with an Iron Lance. AxeFighter1 takes 13 damage! Tovan attacks again. AxeFighter1 takes 13 damage! AxeFighter1 dies. Torvan gains 7exp!

http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngSwordFighter1 attacks Torvan with a Short Sword. Torvan takes 5 damage! Torvan counterattacks with an Iron Lance. Miss! Tovan attacks again. Critical Hit! SwordFighter1 takes 28 damage! SwordFighter1 dies. Torvan gains 7exp!

http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngSwordFighter2 attacks Torvan with a Short Sword. Miss! Torvan counterattacks with an Iron Lance. Miss! Tovan attacks again. Critical Hit! SwordFighter2 takes 28 damage! SwordFighter2 dies. Torvan gains 7exp!

http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngSwordFighter4 attacks Torvan with a Short Sword. Miss! Torvan counterattacks with an Iron Lance. SwordFighter4 takes 13 damage! Tovan attacks again. SwordFighter1 takes 13 damage! SwordFighter1 dies. Torvan gains 7exp!

http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngSpearFighter5 attacks Torvan with a Short Lance. Torvan takes 2 damage! Torvan counterattacks with an Iron Lance. Miss! Tovan attacks again. Critical Hit! SpearFighter5 takes 28 damage! SwordFighter1 dies. Torvan gains 7exp!

http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngSpearFighter7 attacks Torvan with a Short Lance. Torvan takes 2 damage! Torvan counterattacks with an Iron Lance. SpearFighter7 takes 13 damage! Tovan attacks again. Critical Hit! SpearFighter7 takes 28 damage! SpearFighter7 dies. Torvan gains 7exp!

http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngTorvan can now use D rank Lances!

AxeFighter1 enters at T5.

AxeFighter2 enters at T6.

Ally Phase

Objective: Seize Throne.

Player Stats

Tori of the Fallen Firmament
Lv3:51 Thief Lord
Leadership (*)
12 Att, 88 (97) Hit, 7 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
22/22 HP, 6 Str, 0 Mag, 7 Skl, 8 Spd, 4 Luck, 4 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 33/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3
Lockpick 26/30
Wind 20/20 [6 Mt, 90 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank D]
Crest of Gautra [+5% HP, +10% Str, -5% Mag, +5% Skl, +5% Spd, +5% Def, Lance WEXP accelerated]

Sword: D (7/50)
Affinity: Anima


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Stella| 30| -| 80
Lucy| 12| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 6| -| 80
Gruma| 16| -| 80
Walter| 6| -| 80[/table]

Stella, Imperial Princess of Forden
Lv4:15 Cleric
96 Staff Accuracy, 11% Staff Double Cast, 22 (31) Avd
20/20 HP, 1 Str, 9 Mag, 9 Skl, 8 Spd, 6 Luck, 2 Def, 7 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Heal Staff 4/20 [4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Staves: C (16/50)
Affinity: Thunder


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 30| -| 80
Lucy| 28| -| 80
Torvan| 4| -| 80
Wren| 18| -| 80
Ludvig| 32| -| 80
Gruma| 18| -| 80
Walter| 8| -| 80[/table]

Lucy the Dashingswordswoman
Lv5:47 Myrmidon
17 Att, 89 (98) Hit, 10 Crit, 26 (35) Avd
18/18 HP, 8 Str, 4 Mag, 10 Skl, 11 Spd, 4 Luck, 3 Def, 11 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Steel Sword 25/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 11 Wt, Rank D]
Vulnerary 3/3
Slim Sword 30/30 [1 Mt, 100 Hit, 1 Rng, 5 Crit, 2 Wt, Rank E]
Chest Key 5/5
Door Key 1/2

Sword: D (24/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 10| -| 80
Stella| 28| -| 80
Torvan| 24| -| 80
Wren| 8| -| 80
Ludvig| 18| -| 80
Gruma| 16| -| 80
Walter| 12| -| 80[/table]

Major Torvan
Lv10:53 Social Knight (Dismounted)
Leadership (*)
17 (15) Att, 90 (95) Hit, 10 (8) Crit, 21 (26) Avd
16/25 HP, 10 (8) Str, 8 (6) Mag, 10 (8) Skl, 10 (8) Spd, 1 Luck, 9 (7) Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 7 (4) Move

Iron Lance 2/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E] E
Iron Sword 17/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Short Sword 31/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 2/3

Sword: E (10/50), Lance: D (1/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 4| -| 80
Lucy| 24| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 14| -| 80
Gruma| 16| -| 80
Walter| 12| -| 80[/table]

Ludvig Tholan
Lv6:35 Armored Mage
17 Att, 91 (100) Hit, 9 Crit, 8 (17) Avd
9/27 HP, 4 Str, 13 Mag, 9 Skl, 7 Spd, 2 Luck, 11 Def, 4 Con, 0 PCC, 4 Move

Fire 9/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]
Thunder 18/30 [7 Mt, 60 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 5 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Fire: E (28/50), Thunder: E (12/50), Wind: E
Affinity: Thunder

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 6| -| 80
Stella| 32| -| 80
Lucy| 18| -| 80
Torvan| 14| -| 80
Wren| 9| -| 80
Gruma| 6| -| 80
Walter| 6| -| 80[/table]

Wren Corell
Lv8:09 Wind Mage
Leadership (*)
- Att, - Hit, - Crit, 29 (38) Avd
28/28 HP, 1 Str, 12 Mag, 11 Skl, 13 Spd, 3 Luck, 10 Def, 6 Con, 4 PCC, 7 Move

Vulnerary 3/3

Wind: D (40/50)
Affinity: Anima

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 12| -| 80
Stella| 18| -| 80
Lucy| 8| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 9| -| 80
Gruma| 10| -| 80
Walter| 2| -| 80[/table]

Gruma "the Wise"
Lv4:07 Spear Fighter
12 Att, 68 (76) Hit, 7 Crit, 18 (27) Avd
21/21 HP, 6 Str, 2 Mag, 7 Skl, 8 Spd, 4 Luck, 7 Def, 11 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Lance 33/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Slim Lance 19/20 [4 Mt, 100 Hit, 1 Rng, 5 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Javelin 13/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D (16/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 16| -| 80
Stella| 18| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Torvan| 16| -| 80
Ludvig| 6| -| 80
Wren| 10| -| 80
Walter| 16| -| 80[/table]

Walter Ostrava
Lv3:62 Axe Knight (Dismounted)
13 (11) Att, 65 (70) Hit, 8 (6) Crit, 14 (19) Avd
22/22 HP, 7 (5) Str, 1 (0) Mag, 8 (6) Skl, 7 (5) Spd, 4 Luck, 9 (7) Def, 10 Con, 3 PCC, 7 (4) Move

Iron Axe 18/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E]
Hand Axe 16/20 [6 Mt, 45 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Axe: D (8/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 4| -| 80
Stella| 8| -| 80
Lucy| 12| -| 80
Torvan| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 6| -| 80
Wren| 2| -| 80
Gruma| 16| -| 80[/table]

Fire 19/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]

Enemy Stats
*Thief1 has the additional items
Mend Staff 15/15 [6 Wt, Rank D]
Armorslayer 30/30 [12 Mt, 60 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]
Pure Water 1/1
Chest Key at 2/5, and Door Key broken

Lv5 SwordFighter
Leadership (**)
17/16 Att, 99 (106) Hit, 8 Crit, 19 (25) Avd
23/23 HP, 8 Str, 2+5 Mag, 8 Skl, 9 Spd, 3 Luck, 5 Def, 6 Con, 2 PCC, 5 Move

Fire Sword 40/40 [9 Mt, 80 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank B, Mag +5]

Sword: B

Falgrath Pyrrhos
Lv3:00 Sword Fighter
13 Att, 82 (86) Hit, 4 Crit, 24 (30) Avd
22/22 HP, 7 Str, 2 Mag, 4 Skl, 10 Spd, 4 Luck, 7 Def, 7 Con, 3 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Door Key 1/1

Sword: D

Lv 3 Axe Fighter
17 Att, 75 (81) Hit, 0 Crit, 4 (10) Avd (Odd Numbers)
14 Att, 55 (61) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
23/23 HP, 8 Str, 2 Mag, 5 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 8 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Axe 30/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Hand Axe 20/20 [6 Mt, 45 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Axe: D

Sword Fighter
Lv3 Sword Fighter
12 Att, 85 (91) Hit, 5 Crit, 8 (14) Avd
21/21 HP, 6 Str, 4 Mag, 5 Skl, 7 Spd, 0 Luck, 4 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: E

Spear Fighter
Lv3 Spear Fighter
9 Att, 82 (88) Hit, 6 Crit, 8 (14) Avd (Odd Numbers)
10 Att, 62 (68) Hit, 6 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 4 Str, 2 Mag, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Lance 20/20 [5 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 8 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Lance: D

Bow Fighter
Lv2 Bowfighter
10 Att, 87 (93) Hit, 6 Crit, 10 (16) Avd
21/21 HP, 5 Str, 2 Mag, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Bow 20/20 [5 Mt, 75 Hit, 2 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]

Bow: E

Lv3 Mage
9 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 6 (12) Avd (Odd Numbers)
10 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 0 Str, 6 Mag, 2 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 0 Def, 4 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Breeze 20/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Fire 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E] (Even Numbers)

Fire: E, Wind: E, Thunder: E

SwordArmor (Number is 1 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Sword)
18 Att, 65 (71) Hit, 0 Crit, 4 (10) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Long Sword 30/30 [10 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]
Door Key 1/1 (If guarding a door)

Sword: C

LanceArmor (Number is 2 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Lance)
19 Att, 65 (71) Hit, 0 Crit, 2 (8) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Long Lance 20/20 [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 13 Wt, Rank D]
Door Key 1/1 (If guarding a door)

Lance: C

AxeArmor (Number is 0 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Axe)
21 Att, 60 (66) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (6) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Steel Axe 25/25 [13 Mt, 60 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 15 Wt, Rank D]
Door Key 1/1 (If guarding a door)

Axe: C

Lv3 Thief
4 Att, 110 (116) Hit, 10 Crit, 16 (22) Avd
18/18 HP, 1 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 8 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 7 Con, 2 PCC, 5 Move

Slim Sword 30/30 [1 Mt, 100 Hit, 1 Rng, 5 Crit, 2 Wt, Rank E]
Chest Key 5/5
Door Key 2/2

Sword: E
Steal Skill

Ally Stats
Rein Nihmroden
Lv3:00 Bow Fighter
- Att, - Hit, - Crit, - Avd
18/18 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 11 Skl, 7 Spd, 9 Luck, 3 Def, 10 Con, 3 PCC, 5 Move

Bow: D
Affinity: Fire

John Cribati
2013-08-27, 02:10 PM
http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Gruma/BattleL.pngGruma grows to level 4! +1HP, +1Str, +1Mag, +1Skl, +1Spd, +1Def, +1Con.

I feel as though my gods have bestowed upon me the richest of blessings.

2013-08-27, 04:00 PM
http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngCritical Hit! SwordFighter1 takes 28 damage!

http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngCritical Hit! SwordFighter2 takes 28 damage!

http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngCritical Hit! SpearFighter5 takes 28 damage!

http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngCritical Hit! SpearFighter7 takes 28 damage!

I feel as though my gods have bestowed upon me the richest of blessings.

Torvan watched as the enemies fell before him. "You're not the only one." He cracked his neck, and casually added, "Sir Gruma, if I might borrow your Iron Lance, I can make quick work of the next group."

2013-09-21, 07:12 PM
Player Phase
http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/7583/spritestellabattle.pnghttp://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngStella uses Heal on Torvan. Torvan regains 9 HP. Stella gains 15exp!

Enemy Phase
http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Gruma/BattleL.pngMage1 attacks Gruma with Breeze. Miss! Gruma counterattacks with a Javelin. Miss! Gruma attacks again. Miss! Gruma gains 9exp!

http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngMage7 attacks Torvan with Breeze. Torvan takes 3 damage! Torvan gains 7 exp!

http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc411/Herpestidae/FireEmblem/Gruma/BattleL.pngBowFighter1 attacks Gruma with a Short Bow. Gruma takes 3 damage! Gruma counterattacks with a Javelin. BowFighter1 takes 11 damage! Gruma gains 9exp!

http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/FE/ludvig.pngBowFighter5 attacks Ludvig with a Short Bow. No Damage! Ludvig counterattacks with Fire. Miss! Ludvig gains 8exp!

http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngSwordFighter3 attacks Torvan with a Short Sword. Miss! Torvan counterattacks with an Iron Lance. Miss! Tovan attacks again. Critical Hit! SwordFighter3 takes 26 damage! SwordFighter3 dies. Torvan gains 7exp!

http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngSwordFighter6 attacks Torvan with a Short Sword. Torvan takes 5 damage! Torvan counterattacks with an Iron Lance. SwordFighter6 takes 11 damage! Tovan attacks again. Critical Hit! SwordFighter6 takes 26 damage! SwordFighter6 dies. Torvan gains 7exp!

http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/528/spritetorvandismounted.pngSwordFighter7 attacks Torvan with a Short Sword. Torvan takes 5 damage! Torvan counterattacks with an Iron Lance. Miss! Tovan attacks again. Critical Hit! SwordFighter7 takes 26 damage! SwordFighter7 dies. Torvan gains 7exp!

SpearFighter1 enters at T5.

SpearFighter2 enters at T6.

Ally Phase

Objective: Seize Throne.

Player Stats

Tori of the Fallen Firmament
Lv3:51 Thief Lord
Leadership (*)
12 Att, 88 (97) Hit, 7 Crit, 22 (31) Avd
22/22 HP, 6 Str, 0 Mag, 7 Skl, 8 Spd, 4 Luck, 4 Def, 8 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 33/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3
Lockpick 26/30
Crest of Gautra [+5% HP, +10% Str, -5% Mag, +5% Skl, +5% Spd, +5% Def, Lance WEXP accelerated]

Sword: D (7/50)
Affinity: Anima


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Stella| 30| -| 80
Lucy| 12| -| 80
Torvan| 2| -| 80
Wren| 16| -| 80
Ludvig| 6| -| 80
Gruma| 16| -| 80
Walter| 6| -| 80[/table]

Stella, Imperial Princess of Forden
Lv4:30 Cleric
96 Staff Accuracy, 11% Staff Double Cast, 22 (31) Avd
20/20 HP, 1 Str, 9 Mag, 9 Skl, 8 Spd, 6 Luck, 2 Def, 7 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Heal Staff 3/20 [4 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Staves: C (17/50)
Affinity: Thunder


{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 30| -| 80
Lucy| 30| -| 80
Torvan| 6| -| 80
Wren| 18| -| 80
Ludvig| 36| -| 80
Gruma| 18| -| 80
Walter| 8| -| 80[/table]

Lucy the Dashingswordswoman
Lv5:47 Myrmidon
17 Att, 89 (98) Hit, 10 Crit, 26 (35) Avd
18/18 HP, 8 Str, 4 Mag, 10 Skl, 11 Spd, 4 Luck, 3 Def, 11 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Steel Sword 25/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 11 Wt, Rank D]
Vulnerary 3/3
Slim Sword 30/30 [1 Mt, 100 Hit, 1 Rng, 5 Crit, 2 Wt, Rank E]
Chest Key 5/5
Door Key 1/2

Sword: D (24/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 10| -| 80
Stella| 30| -| 80
Torvan| 24| -| 80
Wren| 8| -| 80
Ludvig| 18| -| 80
Gruma| 20| -| 80
Walter| 16| -| 80[/table]

Major Torvan
Lv10:88 Social Knight (Dismounted)
Leadership (*)
17 (15) Att, 90 (95) Hit, 10 (8) Crit, 21 (26) Avd
12/25 HP, 10 (8) Str, 8 (6) Mag, 10 (8) Skl, 10 (8) Spd, 1 Luck, 9 (7) Def, 10 Con, 5 PCC, 7 (4) Move

Iron Lance 29/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Iron Lance 2/40 [7 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E] E
Iron Sword 17/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Short Sword 31/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 2/3

Sword: E (10/50), Lance: D (7/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 2| -| 80
Stella| 6| -| 80
Lucy| 24| -| 80
Wren| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 14| -| 80
Gruma| 16| -| 80
Walter| 12| -| 80[/table]

Ludvig Tholan
Lv6:35 Armored Mage
17 Att, 91 (100) Hit, 9 Crit, 8 (17) Avd
9/27 HP, 4 Str, 13 Mag, 9 Skl, 7 Spd, 2 Luck, 11 Def, 4 Con, 0 PCC, 4 Move

Fire 8/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]
Thunder 18/30 [7 Mt, 60 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 5 Wt, Rank E]
Vulnerary 3/3

Fire: E (29/50), Thunder: E (12/50), Wind: E
Affinity: Thunder

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 6| -| 80
Stella| 36| -| 80
Lucy| 18| -| 80
Torvan| 14| -| 80
Wren| 9| -| 80
Gruma| 6| -| 80
Walter| 6| -| 80[/table]

Wren Corell
Lv8:09 Wind Mage
Leadership (*)
18 Att, 115 Hit, 21 Crit, 27 (36) Avd
28/28 HP, 1 Str, 12 Mag, 11 Skl, 13 Spd, 3 Luck, 10 Def, 6 Con, 4 PCC, 7 Move

Wind 20/20 [6 Mt, 90 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 10 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank D]
Vulnerary 3/3

Wind: D (40/50)
Affinity: Anima

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 16| -| 80
Stella| 18| -| 80
Lucy| 8| -| 80
Torvan| 0| -| 80
Ludvig| 9| -| 80
Gruma| 10| -| 80
Walter| 2| -| 80[/table]

Gruma "the Wise"
Lv4:25 Spear Fighter
12 Att, 68 (76) Hit, 7 Crit, 18 (27) Avd
21/21 HP, 6 Str, 2 Mag, 7 Skl, 8 Spd, 4 Luck, 7 Def, 11 Con, 5 PCC, 5 Move

Slim Lance 19/20 [4 Mt, 100 Hit, 1 Rng, 5 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Javelin 12/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Lance: D (19/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 16| -| 80
Stella| 18| -| 80
Lucy| 20| -| 80
Torvan| 16| -| 80
Ludvig| 6| -| 80
Wren| 10| -| 80
Walter| 16| -| 80[/table]

Walter Ostrava
Lv3:62 Axe Knight (Dismounted)
13 (11) Att, 65 (70) Hit, 8 (6) Crit, 14 (19) Avd
22/22 HP, 7 (5) Str, 1 (0) Mag, 8 (6) Skl, 7 (5) Spd, 4 Luck, 9 (7) Def, 10 Con, 3 PCC, 7 (4) Move

Iron Axe 18/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E]
Hand Axe 16/20 [6 Mt, 45 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] E
Vulnerary 3/3

Axe: D (8/50)
Affinity: Light

{table]Character| Points| Rank| Next At
Tori| 4| -| 80
Stella| 8| -| 80
Lucy| 16| -| 80
Torvan| 12| -| 80
Ludvig| 6| -| 80
Wren| 2| -| 80
Gruma| 16| -| 80[/table]

Fire 19/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E]

Enemy Stats
*Thief1 has the additional items
Mend Staff 15/15 [6 Wt, Rank D]
Armorslayer 30/30 [12 Mt, 60 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]
Pure Water 1/1
Chest Key at 2/5, and Door Key broken

Lv5 SwordFighter
Leadership (**)
17/16 Att, 99 (106) Hit, 8 Crit, 19 (25) Avd
23/23 HP, 8 Str, 2+5 Mag, 8 Skl, 9 Spd, 3 Luck, 5 Def, 6 Con, 2 PCC, 5 Move

Fire Sword 40/40 [9 Mt, 80 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank B, Mag +5]

Sword: B

Falgrath Pyrrhos
Lv3:00 Sword Fighter
13 Att, 82 (86) Hit, 4 Crit, 24 (30) Avd
22/22 HP, 7 Str, 2 Mag, 4 Skl, 10 Spd, 4 Luck, 7 Def, 7 Con, 3 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]
Door Key 1/1

Sword: D

Lv 3 Axe Fighter
17 Att, 75 (81) Hit, 0 Crit, 4 (10) Avd (Odd Numbers)
14 Att, 55 (61) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
23/23 HP, 8 Str, 2 Mag, 5 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 8 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Iron Axe 30/30 [9 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 10 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Hand Axe 20/20 [6 Mt, 45 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Axe: D

Sword Fighter
Lv3 Sword Fighter
12 Att, 85 (91) Hit, 5 Crit, 8 (14) Avd
21/21 HP, 6 Str, 4 Mag, 5 Skl, 7 Spd, 0 Luck, 4 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Sword 40/40 [6 Mt, 75 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 9 Wt, Rank E]

Sword: E

Spear Fighter
Lv3 Spear Fighter
9 Att, 82 (88) Hit, 6 Crit, 8 (14) Avd (Odd Numbers)
10 Att, 62 (68) Hit, 6 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 4 Str, 2 Mag, 6 Skl, 6 Spd, 0 Luck, 2 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Lance 20/20 [5 Mt, 70 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 8 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Javelin 20/20 [6 Mt, 50 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D] (Even Numbers)

Lance: D

Bow Fighter
Lv2 Bowfighter
10 Att, 87 (93) Hit, 6 Crit, 10 (16) Avd
21/21 HP, 5 Str, 2 Mag, 6 Skl, 5 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 6 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Short Bow 20/20 [5 Mt, 75 Hit, 2 Rng, 0 Crit, 6 Wt, Rank E]

Bow: E

Lv3 Mage
9 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 6 (12) Avd (Odd Numbers)
10 Att, 74 (80) Hit, 2 Crit, 0 (6) Avd (Even Numbers)
20/20 HP, 0 Str, 6 Mag, 2 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 0 Def, 4 Con, 1 PCC, 5 Move

Breeze 20/20 [3 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 1 Wt, Rank E] (Odd Numbers)
Fire 20/20 [4 Mt, 70 Hit, 1-2 Rng, 0 Crit, 4 Wt, Rank E] (Even Numbers)

Fire: E, Wind: E, Thunder: E

SwordArmor (Number is 1 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Sword)
18 Att, 65 (71) Hit, 0 Crit, 4 (10) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Long Sword 30/30 [10 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 12 Wt, Rank D]
Door Key 1/1 (If guarding a door)

Sword: C

LanceArmor (Number is 2 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Lance)
19 Att, 65 (71) Hit, 0 Crit, 2 (8) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Long Lance 20/20 [11 Mt, 65 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 13 Wt, Rank D]
Door Key 1/1 (If guarding a door)

Lance: C

AxeArmor (Number is 0 mod3)
Lv3 Armor Knight (Axe)
21 Att, 60 (66) Hit, 0 Crit, 0 (6) Avd
20/20 HP, 8 Str, 0 Mag, 0 Skl, 4 Spd, 0 Luck, 8 Def, 10 Con, 1 PCC, 4 Move

Steel Axe 25/25 [13 Mt, 60 Hit, 1 Rng, 0 Crit, 15 Wt, Rank D]
Door Key 1/1 (If guarding a door)

Axe: C

Lv3 Thief
4 Att, 110 (116) Hit, 10 Crit, 16 (22) Avd
18/18 HP, 1 Str, 1 Mag, 5 Skl, 8 Spd, 0 Luck, 1 Def, 7 Con, 2 PCC, 5 Move

Slim Sword 30/30 [1 Mt, 100 Hit, 1 Rng, 5 Crit, 2 Wt, Rank E]
Chest Key 5/5
Door Key 2/2

Sword: E
Steal Skill

Ally Stats
Rein Nihmroden
Lv3:00 Bow Fighter
- Att, - Hit, - Crit, - Avd
18/18 HP, 5 Str, 0 Mag, 11 Skl, 7 Spd, 9 Luck, 3 Def, 10 Con, 3 PCC, 5 Move

Bow: D
Affinity: Fire