View Full Version : I need help spending WBL wisely

2012-11-30, 07:07 AM
I'm going to be playing an azurin Worldthought Medic (http://dsp-d20-srd.wikidot.com/worldthought-medic) in a game with high optimization but very little cheese. The game starts at ECL 6, and I can't figure out good things to spend my starting wealth on. I'm functioning as the party's healer and face. The other combat functions are well covered by the other members of my party. All of my feats are spoken for (Noble Born, Shape Soulmeld (Strongheart Vest), Psicrystal Affinity, Shape Soulmeld (Silvertongue Mask), Improved Steal Health and Leadership), I just need help deciding on wise things to spend my money on.

I have ~2,200 gold left to spend, and the party has a crafter that can create the following:
Etched Runes, Magic Arms and Armor, Potions, Scrolls and Wands at market price * 0.575.
Wondrous Items at market price * 0.43125.
XP at 1:5 for gold per the houserule is factored into that pricing.

I'm good on ability score boosts, use my steal health class ability as my primary weapon, and have already invested in magic armor, a circlet with a diplomacy bonus, a face-slot item that provides a martial stance, a periapt of wisdom, a cloak of charisma, a torso-slot item that provides a martial stance, a hands-slot item of cure light wounds on command, and an anklet of translocation.

If anyone can suggest items that would help to empower my character's function in the party, provide her with some diversity, or things that would help her to prevent the need to heal characters at all, that would be great.

Please and thank you. :)

2012-11-30, 08:08 AM
Save it for later? It never hurts to keep some cash on hand for unforseen contingencies.

You could also pick up some of the useful mundane items. Rope pretty much never goes out of style, for example. A mundane backup weapon. A crossbow. Chalk, torches, and waterskins can all be handy. Same with a change of clothes or two and a backpack. A crowbar and some acid. You get the idea. :P

2012-11-30, 09:14 AM
I have money set aside for contingencies and those other things. The 2200 is money I'm comfortable with spending at this point.

2012-11-30, 10:51 AM
Craft some constant-use and at-will items of 0 and 1st level spells and psionic powers? Protection From Evil is amazing, and Shield will protect you from anything that relies on physical attacks or Magic Missiles. Psionic Minor Creation will give you 1 cubic foot of plant matter that lasts for 1 hour at a time, all day long, so long as you concentrate for a minute (and since food and drink can both be garnered from plants, that means you'll never go hungry or thirsty again). Bolt will give you unlimited ammo, and Prestidigitation is the bomb, of course (especially if your DM allows you to split atoms with it). Obscuring Mist for numerous in- and out-of-combat purposes, Unseen Servant for myriad uses, Comprehend Languages to become the party's universal translator, Floating Disk partially replaces a handy haversack rather handily, and Silent Image of course (and if you have to ask what you can do with this one you're not trying nearly hard enough). Ray of Enfeeblement at will is great to unleash at the start of a fight, Enlarge or Reduce Person for all of your size-changing needs, Magic Weapon to replace all those expensive +1 weapons your party might otherwise have to buy, Entangling Ectoplasm which is great at any and all levels of play, and Skate for an easy +15' speed bonus (and an effective increase in carrying capacity if you don't mind dragging things around; great to combine with an Unseen Servant). Control Object is great for any number of reasons (including picking locks and dealing damage at range), Precognition is pretty good for a +2 to just about everything. Bite of the Wolf and Claws of the Beast are good for adding natural attacks to your repertoire, Chameleon is awesome for helping you to hide, and Synesthete basically makes you immune to things like blindness and deafness.

All in all, some great things to have whenever you need, and that's just the stuff in the SRD. Check the Spell Compendium and various splatbooks for more goodness.

Unusual Muse
2012-11-30, 12:28 PM
If you can scrounge up another 50 gp, you could buy three Healing Belts (MIC, 750 gp), and put them on three of your party members.

2012-11-30, 12:51 PM
Craft some constant-use and at-will items of 0 and 1st level spells and psionic powers? Protection From Evil is amazing, and Shield will protect you from anything that relies on physical attacks or Magic Missiles. Psionic Minor Creation will give you 1 cubic foot of plant matter that lasts for 1 hour at a time, all day long, so long as you concentrate for a minute (and since food and drink can both be garnered from plants, that means you'll never go hungry or thirsty again). Bolt will give you unlimited ammo, and Prestidigitation is the bomb, of course (especially if your DM allows you to split atoms with it). Obscuring Mist for numerous in- and out-of-combat purposes, Unseen Servant for myriad uses, Comprehend Languages to become the party's universal translator, Floating Disk partially replaces a handy haversack rather handily, and Silent Image of course (and if you have to ask what you can do with this one you're not trying nearly hard enough). Ray of Enfeeblement at will is great to unleash at the start of a fight, Enlarge or Reduce Person for all of your size-changing needs, Magic Weapon to replace all those expensive +1 weapons your party might otherwise have to buy, Entangling Ectoplasm which is great at any and all levels of play, and Skate for an easy +15' speed bonus (and an effective increase in carrying capacity if you don't mind dragging things around; great to combine with an Unseen Servant). Control Object is great for any number of reasons (including picking locks and dealing damage at range), Precognition is pretty good for a +2 to just about everything. Bite of the Wolf and Claws of the Beast are good for adding natural attacks to your repertoire, Chameleon is awesome for helping you to hide, and Synesthete basically makes you immune to things like blindness and deafness.

All in all, some great things to have whenever you need, and that's just the stuff in the SRD. Check the Spell Compendium and various splatbooks for more goodness.

I will look into all of those, after I sleep (finally getting tired), but the DM has already vetoed some of the options. Alternatively, he might be thrilled about some others.

If you can scrounge up another 50 gp, you could buy three Healing Belts (MIC, 750 gp), and put them on three of your party members.

That's a fantastic idea. I can wear one another give another to my cohort so we can redirect the healing via my worldthought network and cooperative healing features, so that the members of the party don't have to waste their own standard actions on it. And thanks to the crafter, each one only costs about 325 gold.

2012-11-30, 01:04 PM
I'd first account for the usual +numbers stuff (boost saves, wisdom, con, AC), then hit up MIC for the Amulet of Tears, Surge Crystal, Torc of Power Preservation and Mantle of Second Chances, Magic of Eberron for its cheesy Quori Shards (they're fun, but use them sparingly unless you want books thrown) and the DSP srd for mindstones (http://dsp-d20-srd.wikidot.com/mindstones) (which even without another caster's input work well with the DSP psionic classes' Powers Known mechanic). It's also probably worth referring to Ernir's Lists of necessary magic items (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=187851) - especially regarding various immunities and perception modes.

I don't know how I missed the budget the first time. :smallredface: Probably a Torc of Power Preservation and Healing belt then.
.43125*(4000+750)=2049 gp total