View Full Version : Pathfinder RHOD game. Questions about houserules.

Bayonet Priest
2012-11-30, 09:18 AM
So a friend of mine has managed to rope in an old acquaintance of ours for a D&D campaign which finally brings us up to the magic number of 3 players and a DM, the bare minimum for running a game. I'm not sure exactly when it will begin, hopefully in the next couple weeks if we can get scheduling figured out.

Everybody's figuring out what characters they want to play as and I'm helping my sister with her's. She's playing an Armored Hulk Barbarian somewhat inspired by Fate/Zero's Berzerkalot. Because she doesn't want to reveal her character's face I'm letting the Endurance feat extend to heavy armor so she can keep wearing her full plate 90% of the time.

The real thing I wanted to ask though was about Barbarians and Raging. It seems to me that with Rage granting Constitution and turning off when you go under 0 HP that it is very likely to kill the character outright. A 5th level Barbarian in a Rage with 14 Con only needs to be knocked to -4 to be killed when the bonus 2 HP per level from the Rage get yoinked.

Would it be reasonable to Houserule that instead of Constitution rage grants you temporary HP?

I'm thinking you gain half of the Temp HP that you would have had as normal HP from the Con bonus. So a 5th level Barb would get 5 THP from the rage. This would keep it from becoming more powerful than the RAW version but making it safer at the same time. Maybe a new rage power could bump it up a little.

2012-11-30, 09:57 AM
Are you in Pathfinder? There's no rule in 3.5 that says rage turns off when you go unconcious, though I believe PF introduced such a rule.

Bayonet Priest
2012-11-30, 10:06 AM
Are you in Pathfinder? There's no rule in 3.5 that says rage turns off when you go unconcious, though I believe PF introduced such a rule.

Yeah, that's how it works in Pathfinder. Kind of sucks, I mean Pathfinder lets you go to your Con score in HP so for most people it gets harder to die when you go under but for Barbarians getting knocked down with Rage up is a death sentence. There is a Rage power that reduces this problem by changing a portion of your damage into non-lethal if you go down in a rage but it really isn't enough. THP are a fine mechanic, this seems like a good place to use them.

2012-11-30, 10:07 AM
How did I... how... it's right in the title....

Bayonet Priest
2012-11-30, 01:48 PM
ugh. I talked to one of my players on the phone and apparently he decided to go ahead and roll his ability scores... by himself. Needless to say it came out to be a 32 point buy, Pathfinder point buy. 25 point buy in pathfinder is about equal to 3.5 32 point buy so this was way huge.

Seriously, who rolls there abilities at home and brings them to the game? Cause it's kind of funny, I've never seen someone do that who didn't wind up with more than two abilities 16 or above and nothing below a 10 whereas whenever I roll 4d6 drop lowest I get a couple scores below 10 and am lucky if I get a single 16+.

He didn't seem happy when I told him that it was 20 point buy or roll them in front of me.