View Full Version : [DM]: One-Shot adventure for 4x level 7s learning the ropes?

2012-11-30, 11:36 AM
Ok, so I've some new players joining my session I have been running for almost a year now. One of the players is my 8 year old son, who has been playing for 4 sessions (4 months), an old co worker who has played 2 sessions of 3.5 after years of 2nd edition, and her two nephews who have never played d&d but are aware of what it is as their parents play at home.

If it matters, the nephews are 11 and 13.

The party is:

Human Barbarian 2|Fighter 2|Beast Master 1 (I fudged some requirements to make this possible)

Silvanesti Elf Wizard 7|

Centaur Fighter 3| (focused on ranged)

(Dragon Lance) Minotaur Fighter 7| (focused on melee damage)

I was thinking I could custom make a small one show campaign that incorporates a little of all the Core skills, and allows a bit of role playing, but before I jump down that road, I was going to see if I could save some time and ask the playground if there are any modules that are designed to be a one shot adventure, that is not very complex, and I would say 80% combat 20% everything else.

This one shot adventure is only for one day, maybe 7 hours total to maybe 9 hours TOPS.

2012-11-30, 01:13 PM
First of all, congradulations and good luck! I remember when my son started playing D&D with me; he was about 8 himself. His first character was a baby silver dragon named Macheodiche (HE came up with that!).

Anyway, to the missive at hand. In older coppies of Dungeon, there were a serise of Callenges of the Champions, a playground of puzzles and problem-solving perfect for perplexing parties of pugnatious PC's. There are also on-line random dungeon generators that should be easy to find. Put these together and you can create a classic dungeon-crawl with an rather fun problem-solving and treasure-hunting bent with an adjustable Violence-O-Meter (important w/ youngsters). If all else fails, later (3.5) issues of Dungeon have lots of adventures with beginners in mind.

It sounds like your group could go anywher pretty easily, but particularly in wilderness settings (Beast Masters, elves, and centaurs, "Oh, my!") In urban settings, the elf would probably be trying to clean-up all of the social messes that the others cause (hilarity or stress, depending on the players). Underground, they're pretty even. Oh and the high seas (especially with this type of minotaur) is a scenario-laiden way to get from one adventure to another!

Hope this has been helpful. I appologize if I just listed a bunch of stuff of which you've already thought@:smalleek: