View Full Version : {PF} Fell Rider Cavalier help

2012-11-30, 04:18 PM
I just got accepted into a 10th level game with a 25 point buy. My character is a Hobgoblin Order of the Lion Fell Rider (archetype) Cavalier. I fell in love with the concept after reading the archetype and the game info but now that I am in I am a little lost figuring out how best to build him. Off the battlefield he is a perfect guard captain: civil, diplomatic, unswervingly loyal to his ruler. On the battlefield he is an unholy terror who thrives on inspiring fear and specializes in trampling opponents under hoof of his mount who shows mercy only to those who have completely accepted their defeat and surrendered (ie he does not show mercy to fleeing enemies or enemies that are too stupid to announce when they surrender and properly drop their armaments).

So, since my pathfinder experience is somewhat limited I could use a little help in building him. Mostly to help make sure that even though he is highly specialized for mounted combat he isn't worthless without it. And hopefully if possible in those 10 levels to accentuate his ability to strike fear in his enemies. His intimidate check is going to be fantastic.

2012-12-01, 07:35 AM
Anyone... please?

2012-12-01, 10:15 AM
you will want some of the mounted feats and definately the overrun line of feats. Mounted onslaught in particular gives you your capstone by level 5. improved mount will be good to, Imagine all your overruns with a dragon :smallbiggrin:. And I don't know if a lance would work with the amount of overun you will be doing. (does it count as a charge for all of your attacks on capstone?)

similarly do what you can to pump that intimidate. I can't remember the trick that allows you to do stuff on a failed intimidate or a saved intimidate. Hope someone else can fill in the details on that one.

traits can help with the intimidate, as well as covering other basics (like saving throws.) Also find a way to have easy access to reduce person if your going dungeon crawling with him, and then make sure it applies to both you and your mount :smallamused:.

One detail that should be obvious is that you are going to be EXTREMELY feat starved for a bit.

hope this helps!

2012-12-01, 10:40 AM
For intimidate I get half my level to the check from a hobgoblin favored class option and then half my level again to the check while mounted from fell rider so with magic items while mounted my intimidate check will be 1d20+31 before feats or traits. As to an alternate mount, it needs to have a hoove attack to benefit from the free trample feat I get. Currently leaning towards megaloceros but open to suggestion.

2012-12-01, 10:11 PM
10th level game...Fell Rider...Cavalier

MAMMOTH RIDER (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/other-paizo/i-m/mammoth-rider)!

Due to Skill Reqs you'll only be able to squeeze 1 level into a 10 level build, but it's a nice one.
It gives you a larger selection of Mounts, and your Mount becomes Huge and gets further bonuses to STR and CON (and penalty to DEX).