View Full Version : Make Smoke

2012-12-01, 10:43 AM
So what are some easy ways for my character to make smoke and see through it without using items?

(She has no arms anymore.)

2012-12-01, 10:53 AM
+1 Smoking Armor Spikes. Hits your square. Yes, you can enchant armor spikes.

Warlocks can get Darkness or something as an SLA.

Get new arms grafted onto you, there are at least 3 different ways to do this. Excellent excuse for the Half-Golem template.

Pathfinder has prosthetic limbs, just shell out a few hundred gold for clockwork arms.

Does it say anywhere you need hands to use items?

2012-12-01, 10:58 AM
Some more information about your character would be helpful.
Can you cast spells ?
Do you have Still Spell ?

Skrag Fellhand
2012-12-01, 11:09 AM
Some more information about your character would be helpful.
Like just out of curiousity....What happened to your arms?

2012-12-01, 04:17 PM
Like just out of curiousity....What happened to your arms?He got...disarmed.

2012-12-01, 05:06 PM
I'm not a caster at all, but I have access to all weapon enchantments ever made, so if there's an armor spike enchantment that has a smoke property that would be good, also I remember dragons having the ability to see through smoke somewhere.

Like just out of curiousity....What happened to your arms?

They were blown off by explosives, things were looking grim and we were fighting a zombie infected colossal sea serpent, our cleric was down and things lined up and some stuff needed to get done. I needed to manually ram the explosives into a hole made into the serpent's neck, but to make this work they needed to be detonated with me holding them. I dropped to -9HP and lived.
Great fight.

Anyway, I'm now missing my arms with no way to get them back right now.

Mithril Leaf
2012-12-01, 05:35 PM
Are you good aligned? If so, Defenders of the Faith has some mithril prosthetic arms that give untyped bonuses to strength and dexterity for a few grand.

2012-12-01, 07:08 PM
Arms of the Naga from Savage Species also help with the lack of arms.

The Redwolf
2012-12-01, 07:21 PM
Wouldn't a regeneration spell regrow your limbs for you?

2012-12-01, 07:43 PM
Wouldn't a regeneration spell regrow your limbs for you?Yep! And it's not THAT expensive, all things considered. One scroll and that's it.

2012-12-01, 08:39 PM
Regenerate Cleric 7 / Druid 9 — about 7,000 gp IIRC

2012-12-01, 10:28 PM
its closer to 2000 gp for a seventh level spell with no costly components

2012-12-02, 04:59 AM
7x13x10 for a cleric = 910 gp
9x17x10 for a druid = 1530 gp

OK — its just that I recalled charging a PC 7,000 :smallamused:

2012-12-02, 05:38 AM
its closer to 2000 gp for a seventh level spell with no costly components

The SRD informs us that it's precisely 2275gp, standard. (And yes, it's on the list of divine scrolls already.)

2012-12-02, 05:46 AM
The figures I quoted are from the NPC spellcasting table DMG p107.
I'm not sure if this is in the SRD ?

Ed: Found it here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/equipment/goodsAndServices.htm) — scroll down to near the bottom.

2012-12-02, 06:53 AM
The figures I quoted are from the NPC spellcasting table DMG p107.
I'm not sure if this is in the SRD ?

Ed: Found it here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/equipment/goodsAndServices.htm) — scroll down to near the bottom.

Ah. That's hiring an NPC to cast a spell, not buying a scroll, but it comes to roughly the same thing. (The scroll costs more because there's XP in it and because it's more convenient.)

2012-12-02, 07:22 AM
Ah. That's hiring an NPC to cast a spell, not buying a scroll, but it comes to roughly the same thing. (The scroll costs more because there's XP in it and because it's more convenient.)

Unless you haven't got any arms :smallbiggrin:

2012-12-02, 11:29 AM
1) My character is an ozodrin, she can shapeshift arms but they aren't her natural arms. The arm replacements are nice and I may use one of them, but I am level 7.

2) I have no money for scrolls or replacements, I am in a quarantined zombie outbreak town with no access to luxuries like spellcasters for hire-- our cleric MAY be able to restore limbs but my character despite her wisdom score is very likely not knowledgeable enough to understand this.
I probably have a -20 to appraise considering what random things my character values.

3) If I can have access to rarities such as prosthetic limbs I'd want to hunt for a chunk of dukar hand coral, which once implanted in me would restore any missing limb as a natural healing (priced at about 150g, maybe 1500g if it's uniquely rare in the campaign).

2012-12-02, 12:03 PM
So what are some easy ways for my character to make smoke and see through it without using items?

(She has no arms anymore.)

In Masters of the Wild, there's 0-level spell called fire eyes that lets the creature touched see through smoke, fire, and fog. However... it doesn't let you see through magical fog. (There's a RAW loophole here, though... technically, magical smoke isn't the same thing as magical fog, and the spell description only mentions not working with magical fog.)

To see through fog, you need a Cloud Cloak (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20050311a), but that's a bit expensive.

As far as making smoke/fog... I'd start with a Collar of Perpetual Attendance (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fools/20030401c). An unseen servant can light smokesticks, unstopper liquid smoke, play a horn of fog, among other things (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8235936&postcount=8).

Getting touchsight (http://srd.realmspire.com/psionicPowersQtoW.html#touchsight) would also work against smoke/fog/etc. Ardent dip, maybe?

2012-12-02, 12:42 PM
2) I have no money for scrolls or replacements, I am in a quarantined zombie outbreak town with no access to luxuries like spellcasters for hire-- our cleric MAY be able to restore limbs but my character despite her wisdom score is very likely not knowledgeable enough to understand this.
I probably have a -20 to appraise considering what random things my character values.

It's not exactly a stretch. Heal wounds -> Heal My arms back maybe?

"Hey, you can heal people right? Can you fix my arms?"

2012-12-02, 01:10 PM
Hi Darrin, nice to see you still around.

Fire Eyes! That's perfect, I've just homebrew mashed-up an eye augment to create that effect.

Smouldering Eye: Additional cost 2
Required Level 6: An eye with this augment is able to see through smoke, fire and non-magical fog as if it weren't there, in addition this eye is not adversely affected by smoke or fire that would blind, harm, irritate or cause it pain.

That is certainly how a Shax make smoke, unfortunately my character has an aversion to such circuitous methods. This would be the ideal cinematic effect:

My DM has allowed a poorly written organ augment that creates smoke field 1/min same as obscuring mist, so I'm good to go for my session today. The fire eyes suggestion is great as it provides exact reference points, which really help create homebrew or alt methods at least.

Heal wounds would not cover this, I am missing so much of my body that some of my internal organ flesh was also missing (from a wound starting from the arm and going up), I'm saved more due to how alien my anatomy is really. If I hit -10 with that explosion my head would have been snapped off.

The Redwolf
2012-12-02, 01:27 PM
Heal wounds would not cover this, I am missing so much of my body that some of my internal organ flesh was also missing (from a wound starting from the arm and going up), I'm saved more due to how alien my anatomy is really. If I hit -10 with that explosion my head would have been snapped off.

No, the heal wounds comment was addressing you saying your character wouldn't be able to think of it. If you know the cleric can heal wounds, why not see if he can heal your arms? That's a perfectly reasonable thought process and it's very easy to have, so you should be completely able to ask him for it.

2012-12-02, 02:18 PM
No, the heal wounds comment was addressing you saying your character wouldn't be able to think of it. If you know the cleric can heal wounds, why not see if he can heal your arms? That's a perfectly reasonable thought process and it's very easy to have, so you should be completely able to ask him for it.

That's what I meant. Even a character with below-average intellect should make that connection pretty quickly, especially after trying life without arms.

And at the very least, the Cleric should think of it. Maybe you can mention OOC that a Cleric would know about the Regenerate spell, even if he can't cast it yet.

2012-12-02, 02:38 PM
Are you good aligned? If so, Defenders of the Faith has some mithril prosthetic arms that give untyped bonuses to strength and dexterity for a few grand.

it's the "arm of nyr" and is on page 26. it's not a bad item.

one amusing thing, you only need CWI if you want to build it yourself (not you specifically, OP, since I think not having any arms would preclude that but in general)

yep, you read that right.

making magic arms doesn't require you have the feat craft magic arms and armor

2012-12-03, 12:53 AM
My character doesn't use and intelligence greyscale, she uses an intelligence color-wheel. :smallwink:

Sanity? Logic? These are invented concepts sustained by their opposites as references, she observes these references and finds them interesting, but not essential to her life.

She makes either comedy or bad company with pretty much anyone who's hard set in their ways just by being herself.

She's an innocent punk, goes where she pleases, does what she pleases, **** sanity, **** logic, **** people thinking they know better, **** child-friendly board filters and she does it all without being upset, angry, belligerent, spiteful or any other negative or angsty emotion. She is freedom and learning and strangeness. I've been playing her for a year and she's probably my favorite character yet.

2012-12-03, 02:21 PM
Many effects which create concealment have the fluff of creating smoke or mist. Off the top of my head, there's Winged Warrior feat, Mithrilmist Shirt, and the Fellmist Robe soulmeld. Winged Warrior feat in particular is great, as it's only a Move Action to use and can create total concealment.

2012-12-03, 09:37 PM
I do like the winged warrior feat and will remember that.

I've already used the smoke homebrew in the campaign, I've prepared it as an organ augment for the ozodrin.

Here's an Ice Mist armor I found in addition.
Ice Armor of the Northlands

Ice armor of the northlands wreathes you in a supernatural icy mist that deals cold damage to nearby creatures. A DC 20 Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (history) check provides the following information: Brynja Skjaldvor, the infamous frost giantess, crafted the first ice armor of the northlands for herself, jealously guarding the secret of its creation. With her fearsome warbands in tow she scourged the northlands, conquering settlement after settlement. The bards of the northlands sing forlorn tales of her cruelty, noting her ferociousness in battle and her legendary freezing armor.
This full plate armor is ice-blue and shrouded in frost. The interior is lined with thick fur. When worn, it exudes an extremely cold white mist. Donning the armor activates it.
Ice armor of the northlands is +1 full plate that wreathes you in a supernatural icy mist at all times that deals 2d6 points of cold damage each round to all creatures within 10 feet of you (if Large or larger) or to all creatures within 5 feet of you (if Medium or smaller). The armor deals the same damage to you each round.
Moderate evocation, CL 7th. Craft Magic Arms and Armor, fire shield, 30,650 gp, 2,240 XP, 6 days.
Variants: Fire giants have also realized the potential for this armor, and thus variants that wreathe the wearer in flames and deal fire damage instead of cold damage exist. Characters can resize Large armor to fit a Medium wearer by succeeding at a DC 20 Craft (armorsmithing) check. Weight: 100 lb. (Large) or 50 lb. (Medium). Price: 58,650 gp.
Source:Dragon #345

2012-12-03, 10:35 PM
Stick an uncorked Eversmoking Bottle in your pants. It requires a command word to turn on an off.

PS. Apologies if someone already made this AMAZING recommendation (:smallbiggrin:), I'm in a rush but I thought I'd give my two copper pieces.

2012-12-04, 01:19 AM
Here's an Ice Mist armor I found in addition.
Ice Armor of the Northlands

Ice armor of the northlands wreathes you in a supernatural icy mist that deals cold damage to nearby creatures. A DC 20 Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (history) check provides the following information: Brynja Skjaldvor, the infamous frost giantess, crafted the first ice armor of the northlands for herself, jealously guarding the secret of its creation. With her fearsome warbands in tow she scourged the northlands, conquering settlement after settlement. The bards of the northlands sing forlorn tales of her cruelty, noting her ferociousness in battle and her legendary freezing armor.
This full plate armor is ice-blue and shrouded in frost. The interior is lined with thick fur. When worn, it exudes an extremely cold white mist. Donning the armor activates it.
Ice armor of the northlands is +1 full plate that wreathes you in a supernatural icy mist at all times that deals 2d6 points of cold damage each round to all creatures within 10 feet of you (if Large or larger) or to all creatures within 5 feet of you (if Medium or smaller). The armor deals the same damage to you each round.
Moderate evocation, CL 7th. Craft Magic Arms and Armor, fire shield, 30,650 gp, 2,240 XP, 6 days.
Variants: Fire giants have also realized the potential for this armor, and thus variants that wreathe the wearer in flames and deal fire damage instead of cold damage exist. Characters can resize Large armor to fit a Medium wearer by succeeding at a DC 20 Craft (armorsmithing) check. Weight: 100 lb. (Large) or 50 lb. (Medium). Price: 58,650 gp.
Source:Dragon #345

That item is horrendously overpriced, and deals absolutely horrible damage for the level you get it at. The mist it emits is completely fluff, and doesn't even grant concealment. You can't turn the damage off without removing your armor, so good luck having a social life. You'll also leave a trail of frozen (or roasted) insects/birds/cats/commoners in your wake, almost certain to get you in trouble with the police and nature-lovers.

Get the Smoking property on whatever weapon you use, it'll give you concealment, save you both 50k and a bunch of hassle.

2012-12-04, 03:50 AM
Oh I've already got a solution, I simply make the smoke from my body.

The ice armor has both double the range and potency of an energy emanation power, it's also permanent and on a fullplate so it's pricing is actually not that bad.
I'm not saying it's a great item to go shopping for, I'm saying that if you just happened to find one you might be able to make something pretty cool with some mercury arcanodynamic transformers, you don it on a sustained chunk of biostructure and surround the 10'r with mercury transformers, you could probably generate about 40-70ebbs/round depending on how you set it up.
100 ebbs is enough to power a nuclear warhead comparable to Little Boy.

2012-12-04, 07:12 AM
That's what I meant. Even a character with below-average intellect should make that connection pretty quickly, especially after trying life without arms.

Try life without hands as an adventurer, and since he's not a spellcaster, I'm guessing he's either a martial or a skillmonkey, which... well... NEED THEIR HANDS, you know.

And to the OP:

I have absolutely no clue, I just wanted to say how incredibly sad and hard that whole situation sounds. Now if you excuse me, I have to go write an encounter where my PCs must make a colossal serpent explode by holding explosives while they detonate them. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

2012-12-05, 02:03 PM
Try life without hands as an adventurer, and since he's not a spellcaster, I'm guessing he's either a martial or a skillmonkey, which... well... NEED THEIR HANDS, you know.

And to the OP:

I have absolutely no clue, I just wanted to say how incredibly sad and hard that whole situation sounds. Now if you excuse me, I have to go write an encounter where my PCs must make a colossal serpent explode by holding explosives while they detonate them. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

I'm primarily a grappler, but I don't really expect anyone to be sad about it, especially hope. I expect everyone else to feel unsettled about how normal the situation is for her (unsettling people is a class feature).

The real problem is that it was undead due the leaking of the toxin from the wells into the water table next to the river, because of the amount and how the toxin spreads inside living things the ocean is becoming zombified. So if we get bit we get infected, if we fall off the bridge we are essentially dead. I jumped into the river and my DM said the last party she ran in this campaign summoned a dolphin in the ocean and it took 16 points of con dmg. Luckily, I made my swim check to get across.

Oh, did I mention the campaign is about resolving a zombie outbreak and curing the city? A port town who's food supply is aquatic? :smallfrown: