View Full Version : greenbound summoning

2012-12-01, 11:27 AM
What possible explanation can be given to explain the existence of this feat? The Greenbound template has a +8 LA (it's not worth nearly that, but the writers clearly thought it was powerful), and this feat gives it to every animal you summon without penalty. It isn't even buried in a feat chain; it can be taken at 1st level.

What gives?

2012-12-01, 12:11 PM
RAW: It's probably among the 5 most powerful feats in the game.
RAI: My interpretation (as good as yours) is that the feat was supposed to carry a siezable level increase (+3/+4) but that was unintentionally left out. Notice that it's a metamagic feat and it doen't mention the level increase anywhere, while other metamagic feats do (even those with +0 modifier).

2012-12-01, 12:11 PM
IIRC, one of the book's writers later posted that it had been intended as a metamagic feat for something like +2 spell levels, but that the intention was lost somewhere in the editing process.

LA isn't a good judge of the effect; Summons seem to balance more around CR. Even considering that, though, it is too strong, especially early-game.