View Full Version : Whats the best character generator for 3.5(price not option)

Skrag Fellhand
2012-12-01, 02:29 PM
I use pc gen is there any thing better in terms of setup,accessibility, and finished overall c sheet?

2012-12-01, 03:00 PM
Heroforge. Go here:

Click on the highest "Heroforge" and the highest "Spellforge"

They are free. Enjoy.

2012-12-01, 07:03 PM
Heroforge. Go here:

Click on the highest "Heroforge" and the highest "Spellforge"

They are free. Enjoy.

Never saw last month's updates before now. Cheers!

Skrag Fellhand
2012-12-02, 12:44 PM
thanx alot...works great...much much quicker....quick question...is there a way to generate a digital sheet on it rather than printing it out...i played around with it a bit last night but i have yet to find a way to do so..

2012-12-02, 04:08 PM
Not sure what you mean with a digital sheet, but you could just make a pdf of the sheets you would normally print (Character Sheet I-III).

Skrag Fellhand
2012-12-02, 05:02 PM
is there a place in it were i can make the pdf sheet?

Skrag Fellhand
2012-12-02, 05:06 PM
ignore above post... i found it thanx guys works great!

2012-12-10, 12:53 AM
nice posts .............