View Full Version : [PF] Experimental gunsmith + alchemist question

the clumsy bard
2012-12-02, 11:57 AM
So I was wondering rules wise, but also if people figured this would work.

Pathfinder there is a archetype for gnomes called experimental gunsmith. They have an innovation for their firearm:

Vial Launcher: The experimental gunsmith adds a special tube onto her firearm that can hold 1 vial of alchemical material, such as alchemist's fire, a tanglefoot bag, or a thunderstone. A special trigger allows her to channel the force of black powder into this tube to launch the vial as a ranged attack with half the range increment of her firearm. The experimental gunsmith can take this action in place of any single ranged attack, and may use the same attack bonus that she can apply to the firearm. If the alchemical substance has a save DC, it becomes 10 + 1/2 her experimental gunsmith level + her Wisdom modifier when she launches the vial from her firearm. This increase only applies to the initial saving throw. If additional saving throws are called for, they are resolved as normal. Reloading the tube is a time-consuming process and requires two full-round actions. If the weapon misfires while loaded with an alchemical substance, it detonates with the experimental gunsmith (and the firearm) as the target.

Now I realise this would allow me to shoot alchemist's fire and tanglefoot bags etc... now if the character was an alchemist (pathfinder) would they be able to fire their bomb using this innovation for their firearm or is it just wishful thinking?

2012-12-02, 12:11 PM
I don't see anything wrong with doing this.
But it's also sort-of covered by the Explosive Missile (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/alchemist/discoveries/paizo---alchemist-discoveries/explosive-missile) Alchemist Discovery:

As a standard action, the alchemist can infuse a single arrow, crossbow bolt, or one-handed firearm bullet with the power of his bomb, load the ammunition, and shoot the ranged weapon. He must be proficient with the weapon in order to accomplish this. When the infused ammunition hits its target, it deals damage normally and detonates as if the alchemist had thrown the bomb at the target. If the explosive missile misses, it does not detonate.

2012-12-03, 11:14 AM
Technically, I don't believe you would be able to fire your bombs from the experimental gunsmith gun. If you take 4 levels of Alchemist you could grab Explosive Missile and create an explosive bullet though. If you're looking into ranged explosives, you may want to consider the Grenadier Archetype (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/alchemist/archetypes/paizo---alchemist-archetypes/grenadier).

This gives you proficiency with a martial weapon, the ability to infuse alchemical items into your ammo or weapon and full progression on your bomb damage. At level 4 you can pick up Explosive Missile, and as a Standard Action you can infuse a piece of ammo with your bomb mixture, load your weapon and fire it. Since bombs hit on touch AC, I believe the explosive ammo would as well (though this isn't clearly stated).

Edit: As a bonus, Explosive Missile lets you load and fire a Heavy Crossbow as a Standard action. If you have a really lenient GM and want to rules lawyer, it would also let you load and fire a Ballista as a standard action.