View Full Version : (Pathfinder) First Timer Needs Help With Bard, Varied Attribute Rolls...

2012-12-02, 12:57 PM
So I'm a First Time PF/Table top RPG Player. My group is playing core only since me and 3 people are new to the Table Top RPG style and the two others are new to PF. Other party Members (6 man Party) are Dwarf Fighter, Halfling Rogue, Dwarf Ranger, Gnome Druid, Half-Elf Sorceress.

My 4d6 drop rolls came out as:
7 (2,2,2,3)
15 (6,6,3,2)
7 (2,2,3,2)
16 (6,6,4,2)
17 (6,6,1,5)
10 (5,2,3,2)

I don't know what to do with my 7s because they are so low, and since we are only playing core I can't figure out what to do. Aren't Bards supposed to be pretty balanced?

I read Treantmonk's Bard Guide and he says 7 is fine for Wis but do I dump Int?

Help and Advice Really Needed and Appreciated...

2012-12-02, 01:07 PM
Hmm, depending on what role you want to choose i think i would go with this:

Str 7
Dex 16
Con 10
Int 15
Wis 7
Cha 17

Then focus on skillmonkey\face\buffing and battlefield control caster.

Stay out of melee with your low hp at first, then when you get some decent self buffing spells and weapon finessed rapier, you can get into the rough a bit more. Maybe use a crossbow with your good dex and low str?