View Full Version : [Pathfinder] Kensai Build advice please

2012-12-02, 05:38 PM
hey all! we officially start game this coming thursday, and i am going to play a Bladebound Kensai magus. i have good rolled numbers 18, 16, 16, 14, 13, 12 and i wan the ability to maybe cross into something if i dont go kensai20, such as kensai/ninja/arcane trickster.

im asking for your help on feats to take early, and what my number spread should look like for a straight up kensai20 vs the kensai ?/ninja ?/arcane trickster.

i am looking to be able to be a primary striker in a group that contains a martial artist monk, a priest(ess), and a summoner/artificer. i want to deal good-great damage (but dont know the tricks of the class o do so), and be able to take a beating if i need to.

is the kensai worth 20 levels? what do you all think about the kensai/arcane trickster? is there something WAY better to multiclass the kensai with? tell me! :)

this is my first pathfinder game, thanks for any help you can give me!

Ps: i think we'll be spending a lot of time on ships, but i am not sure yet. something flavored that direction might be nice too- swashbuckler?

2012-12-02, 11:47 PM
A magus doesn't prestige class so well, as casting prestige classes are usually balanced assuming they're advancing a pure caster. PrC's won't advance your black blade or kensai bonuses, either. Pathfinder generally tries to make taking all your levels in one class worthwhile, so go with that.

You're going to need to cast spells for defence - you will be very squishy otherwise. Ablative barrier (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/a/ablative-barrier) for example, or debuff spells.

Edit (was busy elsewhere for a while):

To kill things, you can use spellstrike to add a touch attack spell to your weapon damage. Spell combat is similar but for spells which aren't touch attacks, so it works more like two-weapon fighting.

You can simply use your arcane pool (and/or your black blades') to enhance your weapon and hack away, but remember you are squishy and don't want too many return attacks. Try to take down monsters fast, first hit if possible, so preferably enhance your blade and use spellstrike as well.

2012-12-03, 08:09 PM
with stats like those I suggest a dip into monk, 1-2 levels.

you gain wis to AC as well, giving you int+dex+wis to ac

with mage armor, shield spell, and all those high stats you will be nearly untouchable (and that IS touch ac) and if you go 2 levels in monk, you will also have evasion.

2012-12-03, 08:52 PM
If your DM allows 3.5 material, take the Kung Fu Genius feat with your level of monk, and add your Int to your AC twice over.

2012-12-04, 12:18 PM
with stats like those I suggest a dip into monk, 1-2 levels.

you gain wis to AC as well, giving you int+dex+wis to ac

with mage armor, shield spell, and all those high stats you will be nearly untouchable (and that IS touch ac) and if you go 2 levels in monk, you will also have evasion.

I wouldn't bother with this. It'll hurt your spell progression, and even as a Kensai that's your bread and butter. A Monk's Robe will accomplish the same thing. Nevermind, just re-read Monk's Robe, doesn't give Wis-to-AC. Even so, losing two spellcaster levels for a couple AC isn't worth it in my book.

Your first Arcana should be Wand Wielder. Dual-wield your weapon and either a Wand of True Strike or a Wand of Bladed Dash. Bladed Dash is better than Pounce for you. GET IT.

Always have Arcane Mark prepared. It's basically an extra full-BAB attack on a full attack for a Magus.

With your stats, I wouldn't bother going Dex-based unless it's a flavor thing. Str-based will give you more damage with less feat investment. My stat recommendation would be:

Str 18, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 12

Focus on spells that don't allow saves. That way you don't have to pump your Int very high.

If Traits are allowed, take the Magical Lineage trait, choosing Shocking Grasp, and at 5th level or higher take Intensified Spell. Shocking Grasp is going to be your big damage spell for most of your career.

2012-12-04, 03:18 PM
Thanks for all the good advice! I think i am going to go straight bladebound kensai20, because the lev 19 and capstone abilities seem too good to pass up. I also was looking into the myrmadoch(spelling), as it seems pretty cool-if the opposite of the kensai.

The advice on powers and feats is appreciated a bunch too! I think ima flavor my kensai as a female cross between han solo and capt sparrow, and i think there will be a time when i could get my own ship too, like an airship or something(down the line). My character is unknowingly twins with another character, so we were thinking about teamwork feats as well. He is the martial artist monk, which was why i was considering ninja instead of kensai- something im still thinking about last minute here...

Doko, the only reason i would go higher dex is for ac, you really think str should be my highest? As a half elf i get a plus2 to something, so that could be int or dex i guess

2012-12-04, 03:37 PM
Doko, the only reason i would go higher dex is for ac, you really think str should be my highest? As a half elf i get a plus2 to something, so that could be int or dex i guess

Not so much that I think it's better, but it is certainly easier, especially at low levels. You'll need to invest two feats minimum (Weapon Finesse and Dervish Dance) to make the Dex build work as well, making your damage output at level 1 and 2 very low.

If you're starting at level 3+ however, the Dex build works just fine. Just make sure you're ok with using a Scimitar.

Edit: After thinking about it, I think I was wrong to advise Str. Assuming level 3, the build (before racial bonuses) would be something like this:

Str 12, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 13

FEATS: Weapon Finesse, Dervish Dance, Weapon Focus: Scimitar (Kensai), Skill Focus: ??? (Half-Elf)

Assuming your +2 racial goes into Dex, this will give you +8 to hit and +5 damage with a Scimitar. You'll end up with higher AC and HP than before as well, so it seems well worth it after all.

Your Will save will be low, but the Dual-Minded alternate racial can take care of that.

Overall should be a pretty solid build.